The Vine, Leicestershire April 2016

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April / May 2016






What Can Ashby De La Zouch Offer You? WHAT’S ON | CHARITY NEWS | CLUBS | PUZZLES | GARDENING 1


April / May 2016 - Issue 19



April / May 2016 - Issue 19



April / May 2016 - Issue 19



April / May 2016 - Issue 19

Welcome... The Vine! April / May ‘16 edition

Grace Dieu Priory.............19

Great Food & Drink Festival..26

Welcome to the Spring issue of The Vine Magazine. Synonymous with new beginnings, we hope you’ll find some interesting articles and items in this month’s edition, to perhaps tempt you into doing something new in your life, for starters, how about hosting a child from the Chernobyl area of Belarus during August: a local charity is appealing for families to host children from an area which is still badly contaminated with radiation; turn to page 12 for further information. For super visits and interesting day’s out we’ve got a very interesting article (on page 19) on Grace Dieu Priory. Entrance to the Priory is free, and set in a beautiful locale, if you’ve a spare few hours it’s well worth a visit. Additionally - over the May Day Bank Holiday weekend - The Great Food & Drink Festival will be taking place at Prestwold Hall… with details and a competition to win tickets all up for grabs, jump to page 26 for more information. This issue’s location feature (pages 28-35) is on Ashby where we happily spotlight the town’s lovely museum as well as its up and coming Arts Festival; with a host of great local and independent shops and services to take your fancy too, we think it’s a lovely place to spend a day. Talking “out and about” Coalville Ramblers offer walkers and fans of the outdoors a great, social way to get fit or stay in shape, and all around and about the beautiful local countryside. If you’d like to see what the club can offer you, turn to page 40 for more details. …or perhaps you’re retired or even semi-tired? If so have you heard of the University of the Third Age (U3A) – a movement which provides lifeenhancing and life-changing opportunities for this group of persons: the Whitwick & District U3A have over 40 fabulous interest groups just waiting for your perusal – take a look, further reading available on page 40. Finally, the Rural Community Council is appealing for entries into its 2016 Achievement Awards. If you think that your Community Project or Community Buildings might qualify, then find out more by reading our article on page 17.

The Editor and Team CONTACT US: | 01530 249048

Fabulous Ashby.........28 - 35

To submit editorial please email: ADVERTISING: For anyone wishing to advertise in The Vine, Leicestershire please contact the editor for pricing, deadlines and offers!

Our Disclaimer: Reasonable care is taken to ensure that The Vine, Leicestershire and website are as accurate as possible, as of the time of publication, but no liability can be taken by The Vine, Leicestershire for any errors, opinions or omissions contained herein.9


April / May 2016 - Issue 19


Urgent Appeal For Volunteer Families Friends of Chernobyl’s Children (West Leics) are urgently seeking a volunteer host family who could offer a secure, loving home for an 8yr old girl from Belarus next summer. The girl lives with her family in a remote village that remains badly contaminated with radiation and the charity desperately need to find her a suitable placement so that she can join their recuperative care programme this summer. The charity also needs to find volunteer hosts for two English speaking interpreters who will be accompanying the children on the charity’s programme as well as additional volunteer families who would be willing to host a vulnerable young child in their home. All host families need to live within 30 mins commuting distance of the charity’s day centre in Markfield and should ideally have their own transport. On weekdays, hosts will be required to drop off their child/interpreter in Markfield between 8.30am and 9.00am and pick them up again at approx. 4.30pm. The children spend evenings and weekends with their host families. All family members aged 18 and over will be required to have an enhanced DBS check and provide two referees. There are no age restrictions but hosts need to be fit, able to manage a needy young child and willing to provide them with a loving and stable home for 4 weeks. Group Coordinator John Buckby explained “We had a great response to our appeal before Christmas, but we still need more families to come forward. Although the children will not be arriving until 30th July 2016, there are lots of formalities that have to be completed before they are able to travel and time is against us. We need to sign up potential hosts as soon as possible if we are to stand any chance of offering a place to this needy young girl and other children on our waiting list. Hosting can be a hugely rewarding experience and I would love to hear from anyone who is interested in working in partnership with the charity to provide a life-changing recuperative holiday for a child on our programme.” For more information visit or contact John Buckby on 01455 285799 e-mail | | 01455 285799

Rotary Support For Local Good Causes President of the Rotary Club of the Soar Valley Richard Hilliar announced last nonth donations to local charities in excess of £4,600. Much of the money was the result of the Club’s Christmas Santa appeal and at the time of that collection the Club donated the first night’s donations to help the flood relief efforts by Rotary clubs in the North West & Yorkshire. In addition the Club has raised over £1,800 for LOROS and made grants to the Guides, Rotary Stars and the Air Ambulance. Amongst the good causes to benefit were charities Rainbows, ProstAid, Shelterbox and “Wishes for Kids” and President Richard said “We are pleased to be making this initial tranche of grants to local charities. My chosen charity this year is the Air Ambulance and the Rotary club is planning a special fundraising event for this excellent cause later in the year”. Photo: Soar Valley Rotary President Richard handing over cheques to Roy Bennett of the local ProstAid group and Ivan Brookes a Rainbows Ambassador. The Rotary Club of the Soar Valley meets each Monday evening at The Red Lion, Rothley at 7.30pm. We welcome enquiries about membership. We welcome enquiries from potential new members, anyone interested is welcome to attend one of our meetings and see what Rotary is all about. Just e-mail: or find out more via our website www. Rotary clubs are open to men and women of all ages including business, professional or community leaders, who want to use their experience for the benefit of others. 12

April / May 2016 - Issue 19

Woman Founds Bustling Local Non-Profit In Memory Of Mum Like many women, Coalville resident Clair only realised how much of her mum’s knowledge she would one day miss after her mum passed away. “I never asked her to teach me because we were always so busy” she reflected. Rather than go on wishing she had her mum’s skills, she decided to take action. “When my mum died she was in the process of setting up a group to teach people to sew and on the morning of her first session she sadly passed away.” “I made a bucket list whilst on holiday, mainly based on the fact that I didn’t have my mum anymore and I wished I had learnt some of the skills from her before she died. One of these was… to set up a craft club - for me to honour her.” Clair wasn’t sure how to go about getting her group off the ground, but her friend, Anstey resident Hazel, was there to support her, and she found that there was much more help available than she thought. “Whilst working in my full-time job I met an amazing woman, Major Catherine Roe from the Salvation Army, and one day I told her what I’d always wanted to do and there it started! She just said - use this building, start as soon as possible! PANIC!!!” “[So], using Facebook to get People interested and with the help of my wonderful friend we set up Crafternooners for kids.” Today, the group meets every month. “We have children as young as four who come and make, create, reuse and recycle. We have taught children to use a sewing machine, to finger knit, do card crafts and hand sew. We have created a noisy bustling group where families can be together and learn something new.” Clair credit’s her success to Hazel and the group’s volunteers. “Without them it never would have happened.” Find out more about Crafternooners on their Facebook Page: Voluntary Action Leicsetereshire’s (VAL) Marketing and Communications Manager Emma Taylor pointed out the role that the local Voluntary and Community Sector plays in the lives of thousands of local women. “There are 89 non-profit groups across Leicester City and the county that focus on supporting women and many more that help women thrive by giving them access to universal services, like social clubs and childcare. These groups range in type from churches and mosques to businesses that invest their profits in the community to charities.” You can read lots of stories that women have shared so far at:

Leicester Lions Bluebell Day On Sunday 8th May 2016 Leicester Lions invite you to walk among the Bluebells in the grounds of Heyday Hays, 240 Markfield Lane, Markfield LE67 9PS. Open from 11am - 3pm. Wander through more than 14 acres of beautiful woodland along well marked trails amongst the Bluebells. Bring the children, grandchildren, the whole family! Afterwards, sit and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and a cake, or buy some plants, books or home made produce. There is plenty of free car parking, admission is only £2 for adults and £1 for children, under 5’s free. All proceeds to Parkinsons UK.

CRAFT MARKET AT SHEPSHED Saturday 9th April 2016 A huge array of crafts are to be displayed in St Botolph’s Church , Shepshed, on Saturday 9th April from 10.00am until 3.00pm. St Botolph’s has been re-ordered and provides not only a very pleasant, inspiring place of worship, but also a venue with space for other uses. This is the first time a craft market has been held there. Beautifully crafted items will be displayed in a beautiful setting. Stall holders will be there from a wide area with a tremendous variety of goods on view. Original art in several different media, handmade jewellery, garden ornaments, wood-turning, glassware, cakes, and needlecrafts, to name but a few! You can even bring your jewellery to be cleaned for a small fee, please do so. Refreshments will be served all day, with drinks and lunches available. Car parking is free and entrance to the Market is just £1, with proceeds for the work of the Church in Shepshed. St Botolph’s is a busy, lively Church deserving maximum support.



April / May 2016 - Issue 19


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Celebrate World Autism Awareness Day Together with the Leicestershire Autistic Society, Glebe House are holding a Community Fun Day to mark World Autism Awareness Day on Sunday 3rd April at STEPS, Shepshed from 10am - 1pm. Celebrate with your family with a range of fun activities and raffle prizes. Costs £5 entry (refundable on the day). Contact Glebe House for more information to book your place at or call 01509 218096.

Autism Awareness Information Event Autism affects how a person communicates with, and relates to, other people. Come and join our information event about this disability that often goes unnoticed and help demonstrate your support in raising awareness. Includes an Autism Training Workshop. Wednesday 13th April – Glebe House, Woodgate Chambers, 70 Woodgate, Loughborough LE11 2TZ Free for parents and carers and LAS members. £10 Businesses and Professionals. Email for more information or 01509 218096.

SO WHAT IS AUTISM ? Often called ‘the invisible disability’, autism is a condition that affects how a person communicates with, and relates to, other people. It’s a disability that often goes unnoticed. Because people with the condition do not ‘look’ disabled, parents of children with autism have often said that other people simply think their child is naughty; while adults find that they are misunderstood when that’s truly not the case. Whilst all people with autism share certain difficulties, their condition will affect them in different ways. Some people with autism are able to live relatively independent lives but others may have accompanying learning disabilities and need a lifetime of specialist support. World Autism Awareness Week, Saturday 2 April to Friday 8 April, aims to raise awareness about the condition, making a difference to autistic people around the UK and making invisible people visible once more. To mark the occasion, Loughborough charity Glebe House in partnership with Leicestershire Autistic Society is holding the above two events with the aim of raising funds, opening discussion across the community and, of course, sharing some success stories. Glebe House is an independent charity that for over 30 years has been providing a comprehensive range of support services to adults and children with learning disabilities and autism. The charity offers adult day services in three bases throughout the year, supporting people in their everyday activities and helping them to be a part of the communities in which they live. Peter Warlow, Chief Executive Glebe House said: “During this week, as always, our focus will be on the wellbeing of those we support, with emphasis on person-centred planning, treating people with respect, maintaining their independence, protecting their dignity at all times and ensuring they find equality and social inclusion in their community.” For more information about Glebe House Services and details on our events please contact 01509 218096 or email

Rothley Park Captains Raise Over £10,000 For LOROS Rothley Park Golf Club recently presented LOROS Hospice with a cheque for £10,500. The impressive total was raised by last year’s Captains, Angela Fox and Tom Mulligan, at a variety of golfing and social events at the club. Both Angela and Tom have experience of loved ones being cared for by LOROS: ‘We chose LOROS as it is a local charity and we know how reliant the hospice is for support from the local community. Both Tom and I, as well as many club members, have experience of loved ones being cared for by LOROS so it was an easy choice for us to make to support the charity. We would like to thank our members for their generosity in supporting our 2015 Captains’ Charity events.’ Adrian Walker, LOROS Fundraising Manager, said: ‘It was a real pleasure to be the Rothley Park Captains’ chosen charity for 2015. It’s clear that both Tom and Angela worked extremely hard during their year as captains and we are very appreciative of their support.’

Rothley Park Golf Club will be holding its LOROS Annual Golf Day on 29th April 2016. 16

April / May 2016 - Issue 19

Is your Community Project worth an Award? Supporting People & Sustaining Communities! The RCC in their role of supporting celebrating and promoting communities in Leicestershire & Rutland invite entries for the 2016 Achievement Awards. We are looking for Community Projects and Community Buildings which show that your community is a good place for everybody to live and which exhibit a high degree of volunteer involvement. We are particularly interested in projects which: • Are making a long term difference to your community • Make the best use of local community assets • Support vulnerable and disadvantaged people of all ages Projects should be current and must not have been entered before, unless enhancement has been carried out. • The Achievement Awards are open to any community with a population of 15 000 or less. Closing date is Friday 6th May 2016. Judging will take place between June 13th and 24th. Full details and entry forms can be downloaded from our website: , contact Pat Crane on 01455 823537 or by email:

Leicester Rotary Club Charity Golf Day

The Rotary Club of Leicester are delighted to announce their CENTENARY AM-AM GOLF TOURNAMENT which is being held at The Leicestershire Golf Club on Wednesday 15th June 2016. They are calling on local golfers and businesses to support this fun day of golf in support of their CENTENARY APPEAL for A NEW VISITOR CENTRE FOR BRADGATE PARK. The Club wished to mark their 100th anniversary by helping to provide something that can be enjoyed by millions of people in Leicester, Leicestershire and beyond for many years into the future. Consequently to celebrate its Centenary in 2016, the Rotary Club of Leicester is driving an appeal to raise £150,000 to create a new visitor centre for the Bradgate Park and Swithland Wood Country Park, Leicestershire. The Rotary Club of Leicester is one of the oldest and largest Rotary Clubs in the United Kingdom, with over 70 members, drawn from men and women living in, or whose business serves, the City of Leicester. The Rotary Club has a long association with Bradgate Park and the surrounding area, having bought the 125 acre Swithland Wood for preservation and opened it to the public as a nature reserve and country park in 1925. Later the Swithland Wood and Bradgate Park charities were merged to create the present Bradgate Park and Swithland Wood charitable trust. The patron of their appeal, Sir David Attenborough, is due to open the new visitor centre on Thursday 22nd September 2016 and the winning golf team will be invited to attend that special occasion as guests of the club. The format of the competition will be 18 holes Stableford off 90% of handicap in teams of four, with the best two scores to count. Teams may be Gentlemen, Ladies or Mixed, with handicap limits of 28 for men and 36 for Ladies. Before or after play you may enter our putting competition enjoying two attempts free of charge and enjoy the running buffet which is included in the entry fee of £260 per team. You can find more our about the Rotary Club of Leicester’s Centenary Golf Day via the appeal’s facebook page or by e-mailing:

CHARITY WHIST DRIVES Thursday 7th April 2016, 7:30pm The next in the series of Charity Whist Drives organised by Derek Farr will be held at 7.30pm on Thursday 7th April. It will be held in the Rothley Centre, 12 Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley. Admission £2.00. All players welcome.



April / May 2016 - Issue 19

GRACE DIEU PRIORY A visit to Grace Dieu Priory can be special at any time of the year but especially so in the spring when you walk through Grace Dieu woods to get there and all the spring flowers are in bloom. Entrance to the Priory which is a ruin, is free and it is open dawn till dusk 365 days of the year. The Priory is administered by a volunteer group “The Friends of Grace Dieu Priory” and new members are always welcome. Most of the funding comes from Primary school educational visits which are funded by Natural England and we always have dates available for schools who have not visited before or for repeat visits. We also arrange organised walks around the Priory. This year is the 10th Anniversary of the opening of the Priory to the public and there is to be a special summer event to mark the occasion, we are also holding a relaunch event for the “Friends” when we hope to attract new members to the group. Contact details and more information can be found on our web site

An Introduction to Grace Dieu Priory Roesia de Verdun founded Grace Dieu Priory as an Augustinian religious house for nun’s c.1239-41; she was a wealthy widow who owned large amounts of land including Belton Parish. The Priory lasted for nearly 300 years – until it was dissolved by Henry VIII in October 1538. After the dissolution it passed to John Beaumont, whose descendants held it until the early 1690’s. Sir Ambrose Phillipps of Garendon Abbey then purchased the estate. By 1730 the buildings were ruinous, with only two sections still roofed. In the 19th century the site was transformed into the romantic ruin of William Wordsworth and other poets and artists. The 20th century saw further ravages, by nature and man. However in 1996 a charitable Trust Company was formed with the objective of carrying out conservation work to save the Priory for future generations and make it available for people to visit and enjoy. To approach the Priory one leaves the Bulls Head Car Park, passing beneath the embankment of the Charnwood Forest Railway (the Blue Bell Line), which opened on 16th April 1883 running between Loughborough and Coalville and finally closed in 1963. Turning left onto the Sustrans Trail (National Cycle Track) and following this path through Gracedieu Estate woods, under the stone faced Viaduct until joining the access path to the Priory. This path is actually part of the Charnwood Forest Canal which had an even shorter life It opened in 1794, and when the main reservoir at Blackbrook burst its bank in 1799 this was never re-instated and by 1804 it was all derelict. The Sustrans trail continues into a charming meadow where there is a prehistoric standing stone and a statue of a nun (rusty Mary) gazing across the water towards the ruins, also a set of Stepping stones as an alternative access to the Priory. Grace Dieu Woods contain lime pits dating back to the inception of the Priory; these are very deep and dangerous and should not be explored without a competent guide. The woods also contain plants of special scientific interest.

Schools & Day Nurseries Invited To Create A Scarecrow Heather Scarecrow Festival is inviting local Schools and Day Nurseries to create a Scarecrow for a competition that was specially created so that children from outside the village of Heather could take part in this popular event. For the second year running, Wildgoose Education Ltd, who supply quality and innovative education resources to support and inspire teaching and learning, have generously offered the following prizes: • 1st Prize £150 Wildgoose resources voucher • 2nd Prize £75 Wildgoose resources voucher • 3rd prize £50 Wildgoose resources voucher The fantastic range of resources available can be viewed at This year’s Heather Scarecrow Festival will take place from Sunday 31st July until Sunday 7th August. Holly Johnson, one of the festival organisers said, ‘Creating a Scarecrow is a great activity for Art Clubs, Gardening Clubs or After School Clubs, and from the feedback we received from Staff and PTA members who participated in previous festivals, children love attending the Scarecrow Festival with their families during the school holiday and hunting for their very own creation.’ The Scarecrow Festival Team is in the process of sending out application forms and details to schools and nurseries within a 5 to 10 radius of Heather. If your School doesn’t receive one of these, contact the team at heatherscarecrow@ and they will be more than happy to send you one.



April / May 2016 - Issue 19


NATIONAL TRUST LEICESTER ASSOCIATION With the opening of Stoneywell Cottage last year many visitors have said “it is nice to have a National Trust property in Leicestershire”. If fact there have been two NT properties in the county for many years. Ulverscroft Nature Reserve was given to the Trust in 1945 and is now leased to the Leicestershire & Rutland Wild Life Trust. Secondly, Staunton Harold Church was acquired by the Trust in 1954. Staunton Harold is one of the very few churches to be built during the English Civil War in 1653. It was built as a total act of defiance by Sir Robert Shirley who was strongly opposed to Cromwell’s Puritan regime and identified with the High Church Anglicanism of the martyred Charles I. The incensed Cromwell demanded money, which was not paid, then locked Sir Robert in the Tower of London where he died of a fever aged 27. The church is built in the revived Gothic style to symbolise continuity with the old Church and most of the original woodwork still survives. There are double rows of oak box pews and fine oak panelling lines the walls and faces the columns of the nave. In addition a magnificent Jacobean screen supports the organ loft. The organ itself, which predates the church, is one of the oldest English-built organs still in its original condition. The Staunton Harold estate is not owned by the National Trust but does house craft shops in the stable yard and a Garden Centre in the old walled garden. Staunton Harold Church is open in the afternoon at weekends from 26th March to 30th October and also from Wednesday to Sunday, 1st June to 31st August, admission free. The NT Leicester Association has its AGM on Tuesday 12th April which is followed by an illustrated talk “Made in Leicester” by Brian Johnson. The meeting will be held at The Braunstone West Social Centre, St Mary’s Avenue, Braunstone at 7.30pm and admission is free. Following the AGM the Association commences its summer programme of outings, visits, a coach holiday and social activities. For details of the NT Leicester Association and its Talks Service for other organisations please call 0116 2229133.

AlanTyler, Publicity Officer

The Latimer Players Present...

‘Curtain Up!

The Latimer Players are pleased to raise the curtain on their first production of the year with the aptly named play ‘Curtain Up!’, a comedy by Paul Quilter. In his will, Michael has left equal shares of a derelict theatre to his trophy wife, his embittered ex-wife, his unmarried daughter, his punk secretary and his slightly dotty mother. A recipe for disaster? The play opens with them discussing what to do with the theatre and it is decided that they will try to work together as a team to rebuilt it to its former glory and have a gala opening night. What they need is a Hollywood star to make the opening a success. Will they all get on, will they succeed, can they raise the money required and who will be the mega star on opening night? Production dates are 28th, 29th and 30th April in The Memorial Hall, Anstey Lane, Thurcaston. Tickets can be purchased from: Christine Deavin by email: or tel: 0116 2376855. Tickets are priced at £7 each.


A Grand Celebration 25 Years of Harmony Sunday 17th April 2016 4.30pm Grand Central Chorus, 5 times UK Barbershop Champions, are hosting a major show to celebrate their 25th Anniversary on Sunday 17th April 2016 at Derby Theatre. This spectacular event will showcase the very best of UK Barbershop and follows on from their sell-out show in Derby last April. It will also be a first opportunity to see this outstanding men’s harmony chorus perform the songs they will be singing at the 2016 UK Championships – as well as many others from their current repertoire. Guests include: Tagline – 2015 UK Quartet Champions, Hannah and the Hurricanes – 2015 UK Mixed Quartet Champions and YesterYear – as seen on Gareth Malone’s “Naked Choir” on BBC2. Tickets are £15 (under 12’s £10) and are available from the Theatre Box Office 01332 593939, online from the theatre’s website or from any chorus member. April / May 2016 - Issue 19

The Great Central Railway APRIL 2016 The month starts with a three day mid week Easter Bunny event, followed by Shed Tours, then at Quorn a Bus Rally and running day and to finish the month Peppa Pig and George pay another visit. Dining trains are now in full swing with some extras.

EASTER BUNNY AND BUGSY BUNNY Tuesday 5th - Thursday 7th April It’s the second week of fun for all the family this Easter with Easter Bunny and Bugsy Bunny travelling on the trains giving out sweets to all the boys and girls. There is also face painting, a fun fair at Rothley, and Easter Egg Hunt-find the lost property! Visit all the stations and ride all day for £30 for a family of five.

SHED TOURS Saturday 9th -Sunday 10th April Loughborough Shed will be open to the public starting at 10.30 and every half hour except at lunch time an hour gap. Theses tours are conducted by members involved with the restoration of SR West Country Class No 34039 Boscastle. All visitors must have a valid ticket. Donations will be gratefully received towards the restoration, an Illustrated Shed Guidebook is also available from your Guide at £3. This tour is not suitable to the very young or pushchairs. Tour times can be checked on the GCR web site prior to the weekend.

main line connections. Stalls selling bus and railway related items will be in the yard at Quorn.

PEPPA PIG & BROTHER GEORGE Saturday 30th April - Monday 2nd May These popular characters return for the May Day Bank Holiday weekend for an exciting day out for all the family. You can meet them on Loughborough Station so bring your camera and have your picture taken with them. There is plenty of entertainment at all the stations including a funfair, miniature railway, bouncy castle and face painting.

DINING TRAINS There is the regular dining trains to choose from with two Murder Mystery’s on the 8th and 22nd.

PREVIEW OF EVENTS IN MAY Peppa Pig and Brother George start the month with the last two days of the Bank Holiday Weekend, a Real Ale Train on Saturday evening the 14th, a Classic and Vintage Car weekend on the 14th and 15th, Railways at Work on the 21st and 22nd, Bank Holiday Steam Special on Bank Holiday Monday the 30th, Midweek Running on Tuesday the 31st. Dining trains include the regular ones plus a Murder Mystery on the 6th, and a Pullman Fine Dining with Live Jazz on Friday evening the 27th.

BUS RALLY Saturday 23rd A joint venture between GCR and Leicester Transport Heritage Trust at Quorn and Woodhouse Station for one day. There will be buses and commercial vehicles on display, also free buses will be running to Loughborough Central so passengers can go one way on the bus and return on the train (Normal fares apply) and Midland for For all the latest information visit the website at: or phone Loughborough on 01509 632323.

Dave Allen, Duty Station Master, Rothley. Photo: Visiting for the Winter Gala, SR U Class 2-6-0 No 31806 at Leicester North with a train from Loughborough, from the Swanage Railway and owned by Mr John Bunch. Saturday of the Winter Gala was the second busiest since the visit of A1 Class 4-6-2 No 60163 Tornado in 2008.



April / May 2016 - Issue 19


Prestwold Hall Welcomes

The Great Food and Drink Festival The Great Food and Drink Festival will be heading to Prestwold Hall over the May Day Bank Holiday (30th April – 2nd May). The event which had over 10,000 people attend both Nottingham Castle and Newstead Abbey in 2015 in Nottinghamshire and have now taken the shows into Leicestershire and Derbyshire.

Celebrity Chef, Jean-Christophe Novelli, is just one of the chefs taking

part in cooking demos over the weekend. Novelli will do three cooking demonstrations on the Saturday (30th) of the event and will be joined by two more celebrity chefs, Aldo Zilli (1st) and Marcus Bean (2nd). There will be a vast variety of food, drink, crafts and entertainment on for all ages to enjoy at the incredibly beautiful grounds of Prestwold Hall for the festival. With a range of live music thrown in on each day which is performed by fantastic local talent, there certainly is something for everyone. With a multitude of rides, soft play area, Punch and Judy shows and a whole lot more, even the little ones will have a fantastic day out! With over a hundred stalls set to be at Prestwold Hall, you will not be disappointed in the variation, diversity and tastes that you’ll be able to acquire. There will be stalls from Mister V, Nachos Amigos, I Love Ostrich and a lot more including a range of artisan crafts. So if you’d like to know more about The Great Food and Drink Festival go to where you’ll be able to see more on the chefs, exhibitors and live music acts!

Competition We are offering readers the chance to win 1 of 5 Family passes that will give the lucky winners access to one of the 3 days at the event.

Question: Who is the other half of Punch in the puppet show at the event? Email your answer to: along with your name. Competition winners will be announced 2 weeks before the event. Tickets will be left on the gate for collections. (Tickets allow entry for 2 adults and 4 children) They cannot be exchanged for money.

SOAR VALLEY MOUNTSORREL BOWLING CLUB After a very eventful 2015 during which the club were awarded £42,000 funding from Sports England, which enabled work to take place that transformed the bowling green’s surrounds, and enabled the installation of a new automatic irrigation system the club is in a first class position to provide excellent facilities for its members and new members for the new bowling season which opens on April 9th. We are especially keen to encourage non bowlers both male and female to take up the sport, and to help achieve this the Club is offering a free year’s membership to all ages. So why not come along and join us, we would be delighted to see you, and don’t worry about equipment or dress as we are very relaxed about new comers and can supply equipment to help. We would also welcome any established bowlers who wish to join, and can offer both casual and competitive bowls throughout the summer. Our Men’s Section prides itself by entering more club teams than any other locally to play in the Loughborough and District bowls League, giving all our members the opportunity to play on a regular basis. Our Ladies Section also offers regular bowling throughout the season, and would make any new member very welcome. Interested? Then please have a look at our new club website where you will find further information about us, or please give Stewart a call on 0116 2363628, or Shirley on 0116 2364246, we would be delighted to hear from you. Soar Valley Mountsorrel Bowling Club, Loughborough Road, Rothley LE7 7NL.


April / May 2016 - Issue 19


Ashby de la Zouch Ashby has plenty to offer you, both with its wonderful charm and its wealth of shops, businesses, entertainment and history! The market town is nestled within the glorious National Forest and has come a long way since it’s ancient Anglo-Danish origins. It’s 12th Century Castle still stands (although not as proudly as in its heyday) and offers you a worthy visit, it’s as impressive below as it is above ground, with exploration of the War-time underground passages as popular as the climb of the tower and the spectacular views it offers. Ashby’s award-winning museum is located on North Street (read more on page 31) where you can also find the town’s library and Tourist Information Centre. The town boasts a fabulous Farmers Market with great quality local produce that runs on the third Saturday of each month from 9am - 1:30pm. Here you’ll find the finest foods from the region as well as a few specialist stalls for good measure. Pop along to Manor House School on South Street to tempt your taste-buds. The town, steeped in it’s fascinating history, is a lovely place to stroll around and take in what’s on offer. Ashby not only has a great selection of the usual shops that you will find along a local high street but it also has some wonderful hidden gems as you wonder around the streets. If you’re looking to improve your home Ashby has a great choice of bathroom, kitchen and interior specialists to cater to your every need and help you get your house into the perfect shape. There is entertainment and events galore in and around Ashby, some of our favourite regular events are the Funhouse Comedy Club at The Lyric Rooms on Lower Church Street and The Venture Theatre hosting both great plays and the awesome Venture Jazz Club on North Street. There are some fabulous annual events held in the town too such as the ‘Fake Festival’ (4th June) - a great opportunity for families and the local community to enjoy a fun packed music day out together. The Ashby Show (10th July) is a hugely popular, traditional one-day agricultural show that attracts an average attendance of 16,000!! The Ashby Arts Festival & Food Gusto Ashby are also ‘not to miss’ events - read more on page 34. With Ashby de la Zouch having so much to offer, we strongly recommend you take a day out to explore the town, have a taste of what the local community can offer you and enjoy supporting the local businesses, retailers, eateries, industries and attractions that make Ashby so great! Photos with thanks to Margaret Jones.


April / May 2016 - Issue 19



April / May 2016 - Issue 19

Ashby Museum

North Street, Ashby de la Zouch, LE65 1HU

Ashby Museum is one of the wonderful Gems in Ashby. It is a volunteer run independent local history museum which tells the story of Ashby de la Zouch, with a huge amount of research, over 3,000 historical photographs and films documenting the history of the local area from ancient times to the present day. Some of the many ways in which Ashby Museum engages with the local community are through talks and evening classes. They provide entertaining term time and holiday activities for children along with a fabulous kids club held once a month. They also provide fascinating guided walks, special events, help with family history research and there is a great shop supplying many local books and booklets. After a great response from locals responding to the museums request for new volunteers, those recently recruited are proving to be a valuable addition to the team, but there is always room for more, so if you have a couple of hours a fortnight to spare please do get in touch with the museum - tel: 01530 560090 or email: The team is currently compiling this year’s edition of Past and Present, which will be on sale in June. Look out for further details in the next Vine Magazine. The next set of events at the museum will be ‘The Archaeology of Leicestershire in 6 Projects’. These will take place on Tuesdays at 2pm from April 12th to May 17th. The series of 6 lectures will explore how key archaeological projects have thrown huge light on the archaeology of Leicester and Leicestershire. Peter Liddle MBE former County Archaeologist for Leicestershire, who will be taking the lectures, has over 45 years experience in Leicestershire Archaeology and has worked on, or been closely involved with many of these projects. The dates are below: April 12th: The Medbourne Survey | April 19th: Burrough Hill | April 26th: The Hallaton Treasure May 3rd: Highcross Shopping Centre, Leicester | May 10th: Leicester Abbey | May 17th: Bradgate Park Price: £30 for the series or £6 per lecture. Venue: Ashby Museum, North Street, Ashby de la Zouch, LE65 1HU. To book your place email, phone 0116 2214508 / 07758 194353 or the Museum on 01530 560090.

Friends of Ashby Museum

The Friends of Ashby Museum are holding an afternoon talk on Wednesday 18th May at the museum. The speaker is Keith Gilliver, who will be talking about the Burton and Ashby Light Railways. This includes the story of Car 14 which has been restored on its return from Detroit. Tea/coffee and biscuits included for £3. All profits used to support the work of the museum. Please book a place by calling the museum. A date for your diary: we will be holding the Ian Clews Memorial Quiz at Packington Village Hall on Friday 21st October 2016. There will be the usual fish and chip supper.



April / May 2016 - Issue 19


Ashby Arts Festival Friday 27th to Monday 30th May 2016 The charming and historic market town of Ashby de la Zouch will again play host to its diverse and dynamic Arts Festival. Now in its 11th year the festival is known for its signature Giant Outdoor Gallery which sees dozens of huge 8 by 4 foot artworks, painted by local artists, displayed on buildings around the centre of town. During the festival you can visit the Open Art and Photography Exhibitions, wander round the Craft Fair, attend a wide range of music, theatre, film and storytelling performances or even join one of the many workshops for young and old. You are sure to find plenty of interest over this lively Bank Holiday weekend of events.

A Real Family Event... Not only will there be plenty of workshops, exhibitions, competitions, films, and much more for the adults but plenty for the youngsters too. The kids can be kept entertained with the ‘Children’s Creativity Competitions’ including wordsearches, drawing, creative writing (application forms from website). There will also be a ‘Play in a day’, ‘teatime tales’ and ‘Ashby by the Sea’ to keep them entertained!

Ashby Food Gusto Festival (Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th May) Two days of the Region’s best food & drink producers, focusing on producers, great food with provenance, locals wines, beers and artisan producers. Along with plenty of entertainment for both children and adults throughout both days. On the Saturday the Rotary Club will be hosting a Teddy Bears Picnic. On the Sunday the focus will be on the heritage of Ashby and the Mosaic Challenge. Photo top: Larry South | Artwork above left: ‘Reflections on Ashby Jubilee Party’ by artist Martin Vaughan | Photos right: With thanks to Margaret Jones.


April / May 2016 - Issue 19



April / May 2016 - Issue 19

T CHARNWOOD MUSIC FOR ALL – ORGAN CONCER February’s organist was a new-comer to The Charnwood Arms, Bardon. Janet Dowsett came with lots of interesting credentials; for 35 years she has been a well-known player on the organ circuit; an examiner for the London School of Music’s music exams; and she sells organ music, CDs and other memorabilia on ebay!! She made a big impression on the ‘Bardon dress code’ by wearing a beautiful sequined scarlet dress in the first half and an elegant caramel and vanilla tiered dress after the interval. On top of this, she was a really impressive organist and pianist, keeping us fully occupied during two hours of entertainment. The minutes flew by as the audience wrestled with challenges around the names of pieces of music, and linked together tunes with West End and other Show connections. A ‘Birds’ medley covered red, red robins, mocking birds, ugly ducklings, nightingales and chickens. (I will leave you to fill in the gaps.) Listening to her Yamaha EL900 organ, we enjoyed music from Mary Poppins - ‘Feed the Birds’; Spoonful of Sugar’; ‘Let’s Go Fly a Kite’, all accompanied by street organ sounds, whistles, drums and flying fingers! The music from ‘Alfie’ brought back memories of the late Cilla Black, poignant, sorrowful music, beautifully played with piano, trumpet and strings. This was quickly followed by ‘Hot Toddy’ with trombones, brass, lots of foot-tapping, and thoughts of Ted Heath and the big-band era. We were then asked to find the link between a series of film themes which we had to recognise. Some people managed better than others and realised that ‘Steve MacQueen’ featured in all three, ‘The Magnificent Seven’; ‘The Thomas Crowne Affair’ and ‘The Great Escape’. Most challenging of all was music from long ago, when we listened to the radio on dark winter’s nights and hummed the tunes for days afterwards. The theme tunes from Dick Barton, Paul Temple, Housewives’ Choice, Family Favourites, and In Town Tonight challenged our brains. For me ‘The Devil’s Gallop’ with its amazingly realistic steam train effects was mind-blowing and best of all! What a wonderful performance from Janet Dowsett!! If you love playing or listening to organ music come and join us in the warm, comfortable surroundings of the Charnwood Suite on the dates below. There is a bar, hot drinks and meals are available in the pub next door at very reasonable prices. Entry costs £6.50. Further details are available from Chris Powell on 01530 274270. Next concerts: Wednesday 13th April - Ian House | Wednesday 11th May - Tony Whittaker

Four Paws at Ferrers Gallery 25th March saw the launch of the highly anticipated, not to mention highly requested, cats and dog inspired “Four Paws” exhibition at Ferrers Gallery; in which the middle floor will be brimming with handcrafted work paying homage to our favourite four legged friends. From wet felting to anodised aluminium jewellery, ceramics to collograph prints; canines and felines alike are immortalised by some of Britain’s most talented designer/makers and will be looking for their “Forever Homes”. Ceramicist Garry Jones, a Ferrers Gallery favourite, has lent his humour to create characterful cats and dogs that will no doubt raise a chuckle or two, and master of metal Duncan Thurlby has furnished the gallery with more dogs and a cat to join the metal dog that so loyally guards the front door of the gallery. Louise Brown’s party hat wearing dogs formed in ceramics sits next to Tom McDowell’s characterful jewellery as well as pendants created in honour of Katie Stone’s pets, Daisy and Noodle! Catherine Kleeli and Lucy Gell’s wonderful printmaking is shown alongside smoke fired ceramic hounds by Virginia Dowe-Edwards and Elf Designs wet felted and vintage fabric formed wall hangings! It is an exhibition not to be missed. Throughout the Four Paws exhibition there will also be a number of demonstrations; 16th April: Jo Harratt of Elf Designs demonstrating welt felt dogs 23rd April: Lucy Gell demonstrating cat and dog mono prints. The exhibition runs until 8th May, entry to the exhibition is free. Ferrers Gallery is situated on the Staunton Harold Estate in the Ferrers Centre for Art and Craft, and is open Tuesday - Sunday 11am - 5pm. Ferrers Gallery, Staunton Harold, Ashby de la Zouch. Leicestershire. LE65 2FB | (01332) 863337 | |



April / May 2016 - Issue 19


Shepshed W.I. Meeting

Loughborough RSPB Local Group TALK: Friday 8th April 2016

Loughborough RSPB Local Group present a talk entitled Birds of Prey in the UK by Geoff Knott. Jeff has worked on birds of prey for the RSPB the last 8 years, barring a year’s loan deal to WWT to work on wetlands. In the talk, Birds of Prey in the UK On a Wing and a Prayer, he will try to cover the history of birds of prey in the UK, what their changing fortunes tell us about our changing attitudes to nature and how our attempts to save them have shaped modern conservation. Before the talk we will hold our Annual General Meeting - hence the slightly earlier start. The talk will be held in the Lecture Theatre at the Brockington Building Loughborough University at 7.30pm. Price: £3 Group Members, £3.50 Non members, LU Students with SU card gratis.

WALK: Thursday 14th April 2016 Loughborough RSPB Local Group will have a Wildlife Walk at Attenborough Nature Reserve from 10am until 12 noon. Meet at the car park - off the A6005 between Long Eaton and Beeston. Signs to Nature Reserve (past sewage works). SK516339. Nearest Post Code NG9 6DY.

TRIP: Sunday 17th April 2016 Loughborough RSPB Local Group invite you to join them on a coach trip to Snettisham RSPB Reserve in Norfolk. Depart from Loughborough University at 8.00 am, fare £20 plus admission to the reserves. Booking is essential for this trip.

WALK: Friday 13th May 2016 Loughborough RSPB Local Group have a Wildlife Walk at the river at Barrow on Soar at 10am until 12 noon. From Loughborough on A6 take first exit towards Barrow. After roundabout turn left at Flesh Hovel Lane and park by allotments. Postcode - LE12 8FP. SK565174.

TALK: Friday 13th May 2016 Loughborough RSPB Local Group present a talk entitled Birds of Sherwood Forest by Andy Lowe. Andy has been a bird ringer since 1974 and a Conservation Officer with Notts Wildlife Trust for 12 years. His talk will cover aspects of GPS logging of Nightjars and Cuckoos - for example the nightjar study since 2000, has trapped over 1000 birds and found nearly 800 nests He will also explain some aspects of bird ringing. The talk will be held in the Lecture Theatre at the Brockington Building Loughborough University at 7.45pm. Price: £3 Group Members, £3.50 Non members, LU Students with SU card gratis.

COACH TRIP: Sunday 15th May 2016 Loughborough RSPB Local Group invite you to join them on a coach trip to Paxton Pits Nature Reserve in Cambridgeshire. Depart from Loughborough University at 8.00 am, fare £20 plus admission to the reserves. Booking is essential for this trip. Full details of all of the events including finding the venue, booking the trips etc can be found on the group’s website: 40

Thursday 7th April & Thursday 5th May Shepshed WI meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7.30pm at Christchurch Methodist Hall, Field Street, Shepshed. An active group with not only monthly speakers but other events such as Supper Club, Silver Screen, Darts and Skittles groups taking place. April meeting is ‘Name Dropping’ and May is Resolution, Quiz and Sales Table month. Visitors and new members most welcome. For information please contact Linda Gomez (Secretary) on 07593996441

Whitwick & District U3A Whitwick and District U3A will hold its monthly General Meeting on Friday 15th April. As we begin to enjoy more daylight and warmer temperatures, the companionship offered by the U3A can be fully appreciated. There are over forty assorted Interest Groups to attract and engage people no longer in full time employment. The speaker at April’s General Meeting will be Ruth Coward. Ruth will be sharing the story of her father growing up in Loughborough in the 1930s and 1940s. Her title is “Ark at Our Peter” and will include old photographs and memorabilia. Ruth and her father worked together on his life story following his diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. It promises to be a fascinating and poignant insight into local history. To meet new friends and participate in varied activities, come along to St. David’s Church Hall, Broomleys, Coalville LE67 4RL at 1.45 for a 2pm start. The U3A is a non-political and nonreligious organisation; everyone is welcome. To find out more about our friendly and thriving group, go to where there are comprehensive details about Whitwick and District U3A.

Coalville Ramblers We have a full programme throughout the year, with walks each Wednesday and alternate Saturdays and Sundays. In addition there are shorter walks on one Thursday a month, usually finishing at a pub for lunch, and during the summer months we have a short evening walk on Thursdays. We have a one-day coach trip in May, with a choice of walks, and in September we have a long weekend further afield, again with a choice of walks. Although walking as a group gives an opportunity to socialise, we have occasional social evenings, and on Friday lunchtimes a number of regulars get together in the local Wetherspoons Pub to “put the world to rights”. Find out more at: April / May 2016 - Issue 19

The Coleorton & New Lount Volunteer Group Saturday 7th May & Saturday 21st May 2016 The Coleorton & New Lount Volunteer Group are holding two fundraising plant sales during May. The plant sales, on Saturday the 7th and 21st May are part of the group’s fundraising events as well as helping the group to achieve one of our objectives of working with local communities. They would like to see as many people attending these two events as possible and would very much appreciate any donations of plants, etc that they will be able to sell. The group is always looking for new volunteers. So if you have an interest in conserving our local environment do contact them via email:

Local Clubs Ashby Dramatic Society The society’s next production will be...

Arms and the Man

A comedy by George Bernard Shaw. There will be shows from Thursday 21st - Saturday 23rd April and Wednesday 27th - Saturday 30th April 2016. Tickets are available from Ashby Tourist Information Centre (North Street, Ashby de la Zouch, tel: 01530 411767) and the Venture Theatre’s website below. We welcome new members. If you would like to join, come down to a club night on Mondays from 8.30pm (not Bank Holidays). Learn more about different roles in the theatre on the website. Venture Theatre, North Street, Ashby, LE65 1HU | Tel: 01530 560649 |

Swannington WI Details of the Plant Sales are: Saturday 7th May at Coleorton Wood Pitt Lane (off the Moor) LE67 8FS Saturday 21st May 2016 at New Lount Nature Reserve, Newbold Coleorton, LE67 8JH From 10.30am - 1.00pm on both dates. Stock up on plants and garden ornaments at reasonable prices. Tea and coffee will be available. For more information please contact 01530 815045 or email: Everyone is welcome, plant and ornament donations will be gratefully received.

About the group... The Coleorton and New Lount Volunteer Group was formed back in October 2010 to assist with the management of two local nature reserves:- Coleorton Wood and New Lount Nature Reserve. The group has been very successful in helping to manage the range of habitats that exist across the two sites and has seen positive improvements to the natural history of these two local facilities. They meet four times a month; two work sessions at each site; two of which are on Tuesdays and two on Saturdays. The work sessions are from 10am to 2pm with a refreshment break around 12.30pm. The work is mainly manual outdoor work predominantly using hand tools, although we do have powered tools and a number of volunteers trained to use them. The group is supported by both, Leicestershire County Council, Parks Department (who own New Lount Nature Reserve) and Coleorton Parish Council (who own Coleorton Wood).

We are a small but very busy WI, meeting at 7.30pm on the first Monday of each month in Swannington Village Institute, Main Street, Swannington LE67 8QL. In addition to the monthly meetings, we also enjoy lots of other activities - we have a book club; two walking groups - the Strollers and the Striders (no explanation needed there!); a craft club and a theatre group. We also tend a small bee friendly garden in the centre of Swannington which we created for the community and having raised money to donate a bee hive, in order to help more people train as bee keepers, we are also able to enjoy eating honey produced by our own bees! In fact there is something for everyone, just click on the appropriate pages on the website to take a look and find out more about us and what we do.

The Beaumont Trust

The Beaumont Relief in Need Charity was established many years ago (in the 18th century) to help women in Coleorton in genuine need, irrespective of age or social status. We recognise that over the years the nature of such needs might have changed so we are open to suggestions and applications. Things can be tough on people on low incomes (whether they are in work or not) and unforeseen events make it worse. Needs can be varied, as can the ways we might be able to help. We know there is a need, especially for those (not just ladies) living alone, for company to combat loneliness, and we have arranged regular “Coffee and Chat” drop-in gatherings at The Kings Arms. These have proved quite popular with nearly 40 local people and friends at the coffee morning in March. Please keep an eye on the Coleorton website News and Events page for dates ( If you think we could help you, or anyone you know in the village, please contact in the first instance the Trust’s secretary, in the knowledge that this would be in strict confidence: Georgina Raffle, tel:01530 222954, email



April / May 2016 - Issue 19

No: 18

Quick Crossword ACROSS 1 Rescue (4) 3 Scorpio, for example (4,4) 9 Eluding (anag.) (7) 10 Outmoded (5) 11 Once more (5) 12 Bound (4,2) 14 Young cat (6) 16 Depth of six feet (6) 19 Wager (6) 21 Extra-large (5) 24 Attach (5) 25 Opera composer (7) 26 Merriment (8) 27 Inflamed swelling on eyelid (4)

DOWN 1 Asian country (3,5) 2 Russian liquor (5) 4 A score (6) 5 “Barnaby ___�, Dickens novel (5) 6 Really (2,5) 7 Naked (4) 8 Fair-haired (6) 13 Coiled fossil (8) 15 Weepy (7)

17 Tweak (6) 18 Lebanese capital (6) 20 Pugilist (5) 22 Damp (5) 23 Impetuous (4)

If you would like to submit a crossword or Sudoku for us to print in The Vine then please do email it to: or send it via snail mail to: PO Box 10199, Hinckley, Leicestershire LE10 9EW

Look out for the crossword solution in the June / July 2016 issue!

Crossword No: 17 Solution

Sudoku For You!


What’s On... Ashby de la Zouch Civic Society Tuesday 5th April, 1.45pm

Visit to Beaumanor Hall (not our usual 2nd Tuesday) Join us for a guided tour of the hall and grounds and refreshments. Beaumanor Hall is the family home of the Herrick family and was a little known WW2 listening Y station working alongside Bletchley. Come to our Monthly Meetings. Visitors always welcome. Fascinating Speakers, News on local planning. 2nd Tuesday each month. 27a Legion House, South Street, Ashby de la Zouch, LE65 1BQ. Refreshments available. Lift and disabled toilet. Free parking at Legion House or public car park opposite. Visitors welcome £2. Annual Subscription £10 / £12. Contact Susanne 01530 415 654.

Friends of the Charnwood Forest Monday 25th April 2016 at 7.30pm

“Fracking: Our New Neighbour”

Talk by David Bridge David Bridge qualified as a geologist in 1968 and has spent his entire life in the field. He spent many years with the British Geological Survey, at home and abroad. He retired in 2007. Fracking, the extraction of natural gas from deep in the ground, by various means is a highly topical subject. It is widespread in the United States and is making a major contribution to energy supplies there. The British Government is very supportive of projects here. A licence for prospecting North of Loughborough has already been granted. The subject has provoked major controversy. Our speaker will give the facts and explain doubts by various groups. Members are free. Guests are welcome, £3 at the door. Refreshments included. Meetings are held at Woodhouse Eaves Village Hall and start at 7:30pm, finishing about 9pm followed by refreshments. Members are free. Guests are welcome, £3 at the door. Refreshments included. Further information: Peter Bertram 01162 100 572 or Advance notice. There will be a visit to Ulverscroft Woods and Herbert’s Meadow led by Neil Pilcher of Leicester & Rutland Wildlife Trust on June 8th. Details to follow in the June Vine magazine. Friends of Charnwood Forest is a society aiming to protect the natural beauty and amenities of Charnwood Forest. Membership is open to all. More details on the website.


Plant Hunters’ Fair Saturday 7th May 2016, 10am - 4pm Plant Treats for Garden Lovers at Donington Le Heath Manor Spring is in the air and it’s time to get out in the garden and get planning and planting for the year ahead and where better to get inspiration than at Donington Le Heath Manor’s Spring Plant Hunters’ Fair on Saturday 7th May. It’s a great place to find something different to get your gardening season off to a great start. The plants are lovingly grown by small specialist nurseries and these enthusiastic plants people are on hand to give honest, straightforward advice on choosing and growing the right plants for your garden. For true ‘plantaholics’ there are always those little treasures to discover that can’t be obtained elsewhere. Entry to the plant fair and gardens is just £1.00 with the entrance fee going to the Friends of the Manor who use all funds raised directly for the benefit of the Manor House and garden. Full details of nurseries attending at Plant Hunters’ Fair at Donington Le Heath Manor House, Manor Road, Donington Le Heath, Coalville, LE67 2FW Tel: 01530 831259. Entry to Gardens & Plant Fair only £1.00 (Fund Raising Event for the Friends of the Manor).

Shepshed Singers Concert Saturday 7th May 2016, 7.30pm ‘Now is the Month of Maying’ - in one evening, a whole year’s worth of madrigals, part songs and jazz arrangements,beginning and ending in the merry month of May. Conducted by Nicholas Scott- Burt. Tickets cost £10 (U16s free) to include wine or a soft drink in the interval. Tickets are available by email from: tickets@, in person at The Paper Shop in Barrow, from members of the choir and on the door. Holy Trinity Church, Barrow upon Soar.

Newbold Heritage Group Exhibition ‘Now and Then’ Saturday 30th April, 11am - 4pm Newbold Heritage Group is presenting an exhibition depicting life in the past and how things have changed in and around Newbold over the years. The aim of our group is to preserve the past, make the information widely more available and to promote community spirit. The group meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm at The Cross Keys in Newbold. All welcome. Website Newbold School. Admission £2 with free refreshments.

Ashby Farmers Market Saturday 16th April & Saturday 21st May 2016 Ashby Farmers Market is held at Manor House School, South Street, Ashby LE65 1BR from 9am - 2pm on the 3rd Saturday of every month. Over 25 Producers bringing the finest foods from across the region. For further information about the Farmers Market telephone 01530 261660. April / May 2016 - Issue 19

North West Group of the Leicestershire and Rutland WildlifeTrust We are a friendly local group which meets monthly for talks, visits, conservation work and social events. All talks are in the church hall of Ashby Methodist Chapel, Burton Road, Ashby and begin at 7:30pm, entry is £2 each To find out more about our group please ring David Maltby on 01530 222934 or Margaret Mabey on 01530 412410. Our work parties are on Fridays from September to April at a variety of local reserves. Please ring David Maltby for details. Our upcoming meetings are as follows:

Friday 22nd April: Nigel Slater explains the mystery of bird migration He returns to bring us up to date with the latest news and shows how modern technology is reshaping our understanding of migration.

Saturday 23rd April: Visit to Stoneywell Gardens. Carl Hawke of the National Trust helps us discover the typical habitat and fauna of Charnwood Forest in the garden of this latest N.T. acquisition. Booking is essential and can be achieved by ringing David Maltby on 01530 222934. Meet in car park on Whitcrofts Lane at 2pm. G.R.485119

Saturday 14th May: Kelham Bridge Reserve visit with Baz Forgham See and hear recently arrived spring migrants-sedge and reed warblers etc, perhaps even bittern in this well established marsh and wetland reserve. Meet 9am at entrance gate on A447 between Ravenstone and Ibstock grid ref 407120 near Sence Valley Forest Park.

The Hot Potato Syncopators Friday 22nd April, 2016 Barrow has its second Centre Stage production of the year on Friday 22nd April. It’s got the intriguing and tongue twisting title “The Hot Potato Syncopators”. The show starts at 7pm in Humphrey Perkins Community Centre, Cotes Road, LE12 8JU, Barrow. Tickets bought in advance cost £8, concessions £7, children £4 and family £22 but if you rely on tickets bought at the door it will cost you £9, £8, £5 and £24. They can be obtained by PayPal on the website or from The Paper Shop, Barrow or by contacting the Box Office on 07718153117 or This is a fast paced, action packed, high energy show featuring music from the 20s, 30s and 40s. Three eccentric gentlemen present a modern old-time new Vaudeville show with delightful comedy, surreal moments, comic clowning and sublime music from the days of real tunes with real words and real music performed in the most unusual and eccentric fashion! (Vaudeville means a variety show that mixes comedy and music) Ripping ukulele, spiffing musical saw, sweet harmonious voices, thumping tea chest bass, bell hooters, pop-guns, whistles and ridiculous dance: all played in black and white! This is what the audiences said: “most wonderful and hilarious thing I’ve seen in a long time. Definitely want more of that!” and “Bloomin’ amazing! Fantastic show, hilariously funny, superb musicians. Very, very entertaining.

Bradgate Drama Society’s Spring Mystery Thursday 5th, Friday 6th and Saturday 7th May 2016 For this year’s Spring production Bradgate Drama Society is presenting a classic ‘whodunnuit’, Aldous Huxley’s ‘The Gioconda Smile’. In 1940’s suburbia, Emily, the invalid wife of rich art dealer Henry Hutton, dies in mysterious circumstances. Did she die at Henry’s hand to make room for a younger woman? Was the Nurse the culprit or was someone else involved in her demise? Follow the twists and turns of the plot through to its final denouement as the suspect sits in the condemned cell. This play is a rare excursion into drama for Aldous Huxley, a writer mainly remembered for his novels including Brave New World and Eyeless in Gaza. The Bradgate Drama Society production features an exciting mix of new and established actors to bring the play to life and maintain the tension to the very end. Performances will be on Thursday 5th, Friday 6th and Saturday 7th. May at 7.30pm in Newtown Linford Village Hall. Tickets are £7, available from Toby Manning (01530 245298 or


Gardening In The Vine... Do you have blank fences or walls you want to cover or brighten up? Let’s look at how clematises can do this for you. Clematis have always been a favourite. A couple of the best evergreen clematis are Clematis Armandii Apple Blossom and Clematis cartmanii Avalanche. Both have shiny, leathery leaves all year round and flower in late Spring. An easy to grow early clematis is Clematis macropetala Lagoon series flowering in April and May. Other early flowering clematis that are very vigorous are Clematis montana varieties which will cover a large area such as a garage wall or an dead tree stump. Moving towards summer there are a myriad of choices, here’s some of my favourites. Comtesse de Bouchard with lovely pink flowers, Elsa Spath with purple flowers and a dark cerise line down the centre of each petal and Clematis tangutica Bill Mackensie. The latter being quite vigorous so will cover a large fence panel. After flowering it has fluffy seedheads which stay on throughout the winter.

Things to do in the garden this month...

• Keep weeds under control. • Continue to sow annual seeds in the greenhouse or on a sunny windowsill. • Sow new lawns, turf or repair bare patches. Give the lawns a high nitrogen spring feed. Apply lawn weedkillers if needed. • Prune fig trees, divide bamboos and waterlilies in ponds. • Tie in rose climbers as close to horizontal as possible. • Plant any new shrubs, perennials or grasses as the soil should have warmed up. • Mulch existing roses and shrubs with manure or compost to improve soil structure. • Put supports in place for taller perennials so they can grow through them. • Dead head spring flowering bedding such as pansies. • Delay pruning early flowering shrubs such, as forsythia and ribes, until after they have finished flowering then prune otherwise you’ll lose their flowers. • Dead head daffodils but do not cut down yet. • Think about any landscaping that you would like to do but don’t leave it too long as designers and landscapers are booked up for several months in advance.

Plants of the month

Plants of the Month that are looking their best at the moment are Magnolia varieties, Dicentra varieties, and Erysimum varieties such as Bowles Mauve and Apricot Twist (right). Joanne Kennedy established Garden Blueprints in 2006 having qualified via Pershore College. Since then she has helped hundreds of clients with their design, redesign and planting requirements.. | 01530 832 670 | 07739 153 516

Leicestershire & Rutland Gardens Trust “Piet Oudolf - Garden Maker” lecture by Noel Kingsbury Noel Kingsbury will speak on “Piet Oudolf - Garden Maker” at the Leicestershire & Rutland Gardens Trust “Lecture and afternoon tea (sandwiches, scones and cake)” on April 24th, 2.00pm at Hoby Village Hall, (LE14 3DT). Ticket price is £14.00; phone Elizabeth on 0116 2705711 or visit for more information. Piet Oudolf is an influential Dutch garden designer, nurseryman and author. He is a leading figure of the “New Perennial” movement, using bold drifts of herbaceous perennials and grasses which are chosen at least as much for their structure as for their flower colour. Scampston Hall in Yorkshire is an excellent example of his design work. Noel Kingsbury is internationally known as a writer - about plants, gardens and the environment. He lectures and is also available as a garden/planting designer and horticultural consultant. Best-known for his promotion of what is broadly called an ecological or naturalistic approach to planting design, he has written some 20 books on various aspects of plants and gardens, three of them in collaboration with Piet Oudolf. Noel also contributes articles to magazines and newspapers. He has been actively involved in the promotion of quality public planting for many years now, having worked as a design consultant on several projects with Bristol City Council, as well as on private gardens. Research is a key part of his approach and a few years ago he undertook PhD research with the Landscape Department at the University of Sheffield, into the ecology and behaviour of ornamental perennials. The Leicestershire and Rutland Gardens Trust is a voluntary organisation and a registered charity. The Trust brings together people from all walks of life who are devoted to protecting our landscape, parks and gardens giving their members the opportunity to learn more about garden heritage and how to protect it for future generations.


April / May 2016 - Issue 19

North Leicester MGs At The MG & Triumph Spares Day Cars owned by two members of the North Leicester MG Club (NLMGC) were recently on display at a major classic car event, the MG and Triumph Spares Day. The show is held at Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire annually, in February. This year, nearly thirty car club stands were in attendance, split fairly evenly in their allegiance to either the MG or Triumph marques. Over two hundred trade stands were also present, catering for the needs of owners of cars produced by these two iconic British sports car manufacturers. Amongst the MG club stands was one dedicated to the Jubilee and Limited Edition (J.U.L.E) variants of the MG Midget, MGB and MGC models built between 1962 and 1980. One of the cars on their stand was the 1980 MGB LE (Limited Edition) Roadster owned by Colin Readwin, the chairman of NLMGC. Colin has only owned the car for a couple of months, so he was pleasantly surprised when it was selected for inclusion in the J.U.L.E. display. Representing the Charnwood-based club on the MGs on Track (MGoT) stand was the MGA of John Dignan. MGoT organises non-competitive track days at motor racing circuits, specifically for owners of road-going MGs. Although John’s MGA is well over 50 years old, his membership of MGoT reflects his enthusiasm for using it as a working sports car. Besides using the MGA on track days, John is a regular participant in rallying events. The MGA has competed in many rallies and achieved two outright wins - the La Carrera D’Espagna rally in Spain and the Prix des Alps in France. He also owns an MGB which won class and team prizes in the International Rally of Tests last November. The North Leicester MG Club meets on the third Wednesday of each month at the Lingdale Golf Club near Woodhouse Eaves, and draws most of its membership from all parts of north Leicestershire. Several members also hail from the southern parts of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. For information about the club and its annual classic car run, The Charnwood Caper, visit the club website: Photos: John Dignan’s MGA (RIGHT) and Colin Readwin’s MGB Roadster (LEFT).

FRIENDS OF BELGRAVE CEMETERY Visitors to Belgrave Cemetery are being offered the chance to find out more about this Victorian cemetery. The Friends of Belgrave Cemetery are holding their annual Open Day on Sunday 8th May, and will be offering visitors two guided walks. Join the 10:30 walk to learn more about the Symbols and Meanings of Memorials or take part in the 1:30 walk to find out about the yew trees and their place in the history of the cemetery. We will also be laying a floral tribute to mark the anniversary of the first burial in the cemetery, of a baby, 135 years ago. Tea, coffee and cake will be available, and Members will be on hand to help locate family headstones.

ABOUT THE GROUP Formed over ten years ago, in the wake of vandalism and graffiti damage to family headstones in the cemetery, the Friends of Belgrave Cemetery now focus their efforts on increasing public awareness of this Victorian gem. The Friends motto is ‘Protecting the past and caring for the future’. More information can be obtained from the Friends Chairman: Dorothy Marshall on 0116 267 2018 or email: Friends of Belgrave Cemetery website:

Wysall Art Fair


Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May

Tuesday 12th April 2016, 7:30pm

• Original Paintings for Sale: Watercolours, Oils, Pastels, Acrylics • Craft Items • Live Music • Homemade Cakes and Refreshments. ADMISSION FREE! 11am - 4pm.

Kent: Wildlife Of The Garden Of England By Jack Perks Kent rarely features in local talks but this is a county with a rich heritage of wildlife as well as history. With its coastline, cliffs, rivers, woodlands and nature reserves we will enjoy a visit to the south east of England and its natural history. Jack has featured in Spring Watch 2015 and Countryfile with his particular interest in underwater photography in local rivers and streams. The Rothley Centre, Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley. Members free. Visitors £2 Children free. Free on-site parking and easy access. Further information Marion Vincent 0116 2375156.

Wysall Village Hall (NG12 5QS). Sponsored by Wysall & Thorpe-in-theGlebe Parish Council



April / May 2016 - Issue 19



It’s FREE to add your community event to our events diary email: Please send details in by 8th May 2016 for the June / July issue.

Ashby Big Tidy Up

Century Theatre Kids Cinema

Ashby is holding a community litter tidy up on Saturday 9th April 2016 2pm until 4pm to give some of the streets and public spaces a much needed spring clean. Refreshments will be served afterwards to all those involved. This will be fun and a good way to meet new people along with making you feel good by getting involved in a worthwhile initiative. Starting at various locations in Ashby De La Zouch - litter picking back to Hood Park Leisure Centre LE65 1HS Visit the website for more details and to register: w w w. e ve nt b r i te . co . u k /e /a s h b ys - b i g - t i d y- u p - 2 0 1 6 registration-10283693805

The Good Dinosaur (PG) - Wednesday 6th April. A

Saturday 09 April 2016

Family Bushcraft Day Saturday 02 April 2016 A great mini adventure for the whole family. Build a good shelter, make an adjustable pot hanger, create a fire using simple materials as well as with friction along with looking at what can be eaten in the woods. | £45 per adult £25 for children 6 years and over. 9:30am - 4pm | Spring Wood, Staunton Harold, Leicestershire, DE73 8BJ

Wednesday 06 & Friday 08 April 2016

hilariously heartwarming adventure about the power of confronting and overcoming your fears and discovering who you are meant to be. The Good Dinosaur asks the question: What if the asteroid that forever changed life on Earth missed the planet completely, and giant dinosaurs never became extinct? In this epic journey into the world of dinosaurs, an apatosaurus named Arlo makes an unlikely human friend, Spot. Alvin And The Chipmunks: Road Chip (U) - Friday 8th April. Through a series of misunderstandings, Alvin, Simon and Theodore come to believe that Dave is going to propose to his new girlfriend in Miami...and dump them. Century Theatre at Snibston, Ashby Road, Coalville, Leicestershire, LE67 3LN | Tel: 01530 278444

Coalville Car Club

The club meets every Wednesday at The New Inn, Peggs Green from 9pm. New members and visitors welcome. For more details contact Chris Faulkner email: chris. | tel: 0116 277 0563 | or go to their Facebook page ‘Coalville Car Club’.

Every Wednesday | Sweet Harmony Ladies Choir Meets at 7.00 pm in Swannington Village Hall on Wednesdays. New members are always welcome. For further details, please contact Cynthia Moseley, on 01530-834539

Every Thursday | Coalville Male Voice Choir Coalville Male Voice Choir are 28 strong, very friendly, and meet every Thursday evening from 7.00pm to 9.00pm at the Hall Lane Methodist Church, Hall Lane, Whitwick. New Members are very welcome. For further details please contact Paul Bellamy 01455 291086 or 07702 895803.

Every Second Thursday | Folk on the Green ‘Folk On The Green’ will be meeting every 2nd Thursday of the month in the licensed bar lounge from 8pm until late! Admission is free and everyone is welcome | For more details telephone: 01530 222337 | email: thringstonehouse@ | | Thringstone House, The Green, Thringstone, LE67 8NR

Tuesday 05 April | My Pet Monster and Me Sophie Bucket lives on a farm with her Dad. She spends all of her time day-dreaming, but most of her time alone. If only she had a little friend to share her adventures. Then one day, Sophie finds an egg. She keeps it warm and out pops a cuddly, toothy, burpy baby MONSTER! And so, the fun begins. Suitable age: 3 - 7 years. Running time: 55 mins. 11am. Loughborough Town Hall, Market Place, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3EB | Tel: 01509 231914

Tuesday 05 April | Newbold Heritage Group The Newbold Heritage Group meets at 7:30 pm on the first Tuesday of most months at the Cross Keys pub, Worthington Lane, Newbold. Everyone is welcome. Please join us to take part / look at the information we have or to contribute. Find us on Facebook: Newbold Heritage Group | Website:

Wednesday 06 April | Coleorton W.I. Meeting Coleorton WI meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm at the Beaumont Social Centre, Nottingham Road, Peggs Green. They are an active group and welcome visitors and new members. Each month they have a speaker or demonstration on various topics. This month Susan Pulsford talks about her life as a policewoman in North Yorkshire in the 60s. For information please contact Geraldine Bedford (Secretary) 01530 222323

Wednesday 06 February | Ashby Film Night: “The Lady in the Van” (12a) A man forms an unexpected bond with a transient woman living in her car thats parked on his drive, starring Maggie Smith. Doors open at 7.00 pm. Films start at 7.30pm at The Lyric Rooms, Ashby de la Zouch, LE65 1AB. Tickets £5 from Ashby Tourist Information Centre 01530 411767 or pay on the door ( subject to availability)


April / May 2016 - Issue 19

EVENTS DIARY Wednesday 06 April | Charity Bridge Drive The Loughborough Lions Club have organised a charity bridge drive to be held at The Rothley Centre, Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley at 1:30pm. Afternoon tea will be provided and the cost will be £6 per person. To book a table please contact Jackie on 0116 230 3317 or email:

Thursday 07 April & Thursday 05 May | Ashby Funhouse Comedy Club Fun House Comedy Club bring you a fantastic night of laughter with acts such as Joe Lycett, Paddy Lennox, Tom Price, Tom Glover with Compere Spiky Mike. Food available 7.30pm to 8pm. Ashby Lyric Rooms, Lower Church Street, Ashby. LE65 1AB | Tel 01530 415039 | Doors open 7.30pm Starts 8.15pm | Tickets: £10 advance |

Tuesday 12 April | Classic Cars at The Furnace - Moira On the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 6pm at Moira Furnace, DE12 6AT. Food, Drink and Boat Rides available on the night. Contact Graham 07423 051598 or the Furnace 01283 224667.

Tuesday 12 - Saturday 16th April | Jesus Christ Superstar A global phenomenon that has wowed audiences for over 40 years, Jesus Christ Superstar is a 1970 rock opera with music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Tim Rice. Loughborough Town Hall, Market Place, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3EB | Email: Box Office: 01509 231914

Friday 15 April | Palace Line Dance with Honky Tonk Cliff A great social night out with no partner required! Dancing from 7.45pm. Doors & bar open at 7.00pm. Tickets: In advance £5.00 from The Palace Tel: 01530 262400 or Halls Tel: 01530 260460 or £6.00 on the door. The Palace Community Centre, High Street, Ibstock, Leicestershire LE67 6LH | Email:

Saturday 16 April & Saturday 21 May | Ashby de la Zouch Farmers Market Ashby Farmers Market at Manor House School, South Street, Ashby LE65 1BR. 9am - 1:30pm on the 3rd Saturday of every month. For further information on the Farmers Market telephone 01530 261660.

Sunday 17 April | Silver Screenings “42nd Street” (U) - Coalville Enjoy the dementia-friendly showing of 42nd Street which is suitable for the whole family and join us for our pre-show social where you can indulge in a FREE tea or coffee with fun and reminiscence! The Century Theatre, Snibston, Coalville LE67 3LN. Social starts 2pm, film starts 3pm. Adults £5, Groups of 10 + £4, Child £3.50. Book online or telephone 01530 278444.

Thursday 21 April | Ghost Walk Around Bradgate Park It is the ghost of Lady Jane Grey which is perhaps the most well-known at the park. Legend has it that on Christmas Eve a ghostly coach leaves the ruins and travels to nearby All Saints Church. As Lady Grey climbs out of the coach, she and the coach vanish! Others report ghostly disembodied voices, sounds of military drums and other eerie unexplained sounds. Apparitions have been witnessed and photographed on many occasions. There are many reported cases of phenomena and Bradgate Park has become notorious to locals and mentioned in many paranormal publications. The evening will commence with a presentation by Haunted Heritage. | 7pm - 10pm | £13 - booking essential via website | Guests must be aged 16 years or over.

Thursday 21 - Saturday 30 April | “Arms and the Man” - Ashby Venture Theatre Arms and the Man by George Bernard Shaw. A humorous play that aims to show the futility of war and deals comedically with the hypocrisies of human nature. Ashby Venture Theatre North Street, Ashby LE65 1HU | Tickets £8 Wednesday and Thursday nights and £9 Friday and Saturday nights from Ashby Tourist Information Centre telephone 01530 411767 |

Saturday 23 April | St. George’s Festival Celebrate St. George’s Day on Orton Square and at venues around the Cultural Quarter, St. George’s area and Leicester Market. Highlights include a special appearance by ‘the greatest secret agent’ Danger Mouse, music, dance, live performances and the chance to meet Odysseia, the friendly dinosaur. New to the programme for 2016 are Leicester Print Workshop and Two Queens art gallery which will both be running activities and open visits and will also be included on the ever popular dragon hunt. To find out more visit: Orton Square, Cultural Quarter and Leicester Market.

Friday 23 April | ‘Family friendly’ St George’s Day Disco Party! Party starts at 6.30pm until 9.30pm. FREE ADMISSION FOR CHILDREN UNDER 16 (Must be accompanied by an adult). Adults: £2.00 on the door. A fun packed evening with party games and prizes. Prizes for the best fancy dressed children and adults (Fancy dress optional, but encouraged!). The Palace Community Centre, High Street, Ibstock, Leicestershire LE67 6LH | Email:



April / May 2016 - Issue 19



CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES Caroline James.............................. 53 Crown Jewellers............................. 14

EDUCATION Grace Dieu Manor School................ 7 Magical Maths Club........................ 55 Richard Hill School Charity............. 18

FLORISTS & GIFTS Holywell Petals............................... 28 Shellbrook Toys.............................. 31

FOOD, DRINK & VENUES A Holmes Butchers......................... 48 Ashby Farmers Market................... 31 Bombay Bistro................................ 48 Chapter One Cafe............................ 4 The Flying Horse............................ 20 The Great Food & Drink Festival.... 27 The Manor House........................... 25 Quorn Country Hotel...................... 15 Smithards Bakery........................... 28 Vintage Afternoon Tea Parties........ 55 Woodcock Farm Shop...................... 3

GARDEN Bentley’s Garden Buildings............ 49 Bradgate Estate Management.......... 6 Garden Blueprints.......................... 14 Get Composting............................. 39 Harrison Landscaping.................... 24 L B Grounds Maintenance................ 2 LB Landscaping.............................. 52 Outdoor Solutions........................... 14 Total Tree Services......................... 18

HAIR & BEAUTY Mobile Hairdressing by Zoe............ 55 Natural Beauty................................ 55

HEALTH Charnwood Dental Care................... 5 Charnwood Hearing Centre............ 36 Charnwood Physiotherapy............. 36 Coalville Mobility Centre................. 20 Denture Convenience..................... 55 Halls Optometrists.......................... 21 Hypnotherapy................................. 36 Physique Fitness Gym................... 42

HOME Absolute Window Solutions.............. 2 Ancient & Modern........................... 28 Ashby Decorators Centre............... 30 Ashby Tile & Bathrooms................. 33 Broughtons....................................... 3 Buy Direct 4 U................................ 52 Byrites Electricals........................... 55 Carpet Cuts.................................... 56 Charnwood Oaks........................... .38 Coalville Decorators Centre........... 38 Coalville Furniture Superstore........ 38 CV Lane......................................... 21 Daniel Chapman............................. 14 DeVol...................................... 10 + 11 DP Furnishings............................... 14 The Flooring & Bed Company........ 34 G&D Property Services.................... 6 Glenfield Electrical.......................... 14 Glenwood Interiors........................... 7 Gloss Interiors.................................. 32 Graham Botterill - Soft Furnishings.... 14 Holme Tree Kitchens...................... 32 Ideas Interiors................................. 29 Kee Construction.............................. 4 Kingswood Kitchens....................... 30

HOME continued... The Light House............................... 6 Listers Interiors............................... 14 Loft Storage Solutions...................... 7 Logburners Ltd................................. 3 Martin Allen Flooring....................... 24 Oakham Rugs.................................. 3 RJ Rowley...................................... 21 Rosebuds & Ribbons...................... 14 RSJ Roofing................................... 18 UK Gas Services.............................. 8

LEISURE Bardi Concert - Bradgate Park....... 24 Just Bikes....................................... 31 Bradgate Park Summer Fair........... 20 Villair Travel............................................... 34 Wuthering Heights Open Air Theatre.... 42

MOTORS Cropston Garage............................ 36

PETS Anstey Cattery................................ 55 Retreat Boarding Kennels.............. 55 The Veterinary Surgery.................. 55

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Advanced Insurance Services........ 32 CP Accountants................................ 4 Dodds Solicitors LLP........................ 4 Handelsbanken................................ 8 Lee Cooper Funeral Directors........ 48 NFU Mutual.................................... 34 Prusinski Solicitors......................... 42 Roy Green - Sales & Lettings......... 38

Please remember to tell our advertisers that you saw them in The Vine magazine If you would like to submit editorial or advertise in The Vine, Leicestershire then please telephone: 01530 249048 or email: Alternatively you can visit the website to find out more: 54

April / May 2016 - Issue 19



April / May 2016 - Issue 19

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