Issue 2

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the VOLUME #60 ISSUE 2

ANNANDALE HIGH SCHOOL 4700 Medford Dr. Annandale, VA 22003 470

Informinng the Atoms siince 1954 4


(703) 642-4229

Back to School Night reaches AHS Annual parent night takes place; clubs prepare to recruit students BY OMAR HADDOU Staff Writer As students begin to settle into their classes, parents enjoy a chance to look at their students' schedules and experience a piece of their day to day life. Back to School Night, an event that helps new students and their parents get to know the school and extracurricular system, does just that. This event gives parents a chance to follow their students' schedule and visit each one of their classes. It is also a chance for students to look at clubs and for club sponsors to recruit students. Back to School Night will take

AHS boosts security measures New photo IDs required for all visitors, guests BY ALAN VARGAS News Editor This year, another new security measure has been introduced to AHS, this time involving the visitors of students in the school. Guests to the school who come in during the school day must sign in and produce a photo I.D. "This new technology has been put in place of many high schools across the county," said administrator of safety and security William Tippins. "It's supposed to help monitor who comes in keep the school safer by doing so. It's also supposed to help keep watch for sex offenders around the area." This installment and several others (including door-access technology and hallway cameras), have been put into place as a result of school shootings at Newtown, Connecticut and Virginia Tech. All across Virginia, counties and individual schools have been taking see SECURITY pg. 5

Senior portraits taken BY EMILY LIEN Photographer Students have been getting their school pictures taken since their time in kindergarten. Seniors should be numbed to the typical occurrence of school photos. They know which outfit to wear, how to do their hair and makeup (if applicable), but senior portraits throw them back to the excitement of their first school photo. Seniors are busily talking about when they're taking their portraits, which packages to get and which outfits to wear buzz around. Some early birds took their senior pictures as early as the spring of their junior year, but the majority of seniors are taking their pictures this week. Unlike past picture days, senior portraits aren't taken with your entire English class at the auditorium. Instead, each senior is

place tonight starting at 6 p.m. The event will begin in the main gym with students and parents having the opportunity to walk around and look at different clubs. One of the clubs that will have a table at the event is the Math Honor Society. "The information stations will provide parents wit hthe opportunity to learn all about Math Honor Society and the requirements for it," math teacher Roberto Obando said. Muslim Students Association (MSA) is another club that will have a presentation at Back to School Night. Senior Umar Farooq, President of MSA, is excited to start fresh and find new students ready to join. Each club will have what is known

"The Information stations will provide parents with the opportunity to learn all about Math Honor Society and the requirements for it," Roberto Obando Math Teacher as an Information Station; these will be available from 6 to 7 p.m. This is a table dedicated to that club in the main gym during the first hour

of Back to School Night. These are meant to give parents and students an idea of the different clubs that they will have the opportunity to join. The stations will give a brief overview of the activities available at AHS, and they provide parents a place to ask any questions that they may have about the clubs. The Information Stations are organized by the PTSA. All Information Stations must be put up and staffed by 5:45 p.m. and have to be taken down before 7:30 p.m. There will also be many resources at Back to School Night for parents and students who do not

know what is going on or get lost in the hallways. "The leadership students will be stationed in the hallways to help students and parents," leadership advisor Carmen Bartley said. "It makes leadership more visible to the community." All attendees will also enjoy a performance by the AHS Advanced Choirs and presentations by keynote speakers. After that, parents will visit classrooms according to students' schedules and have a chance to meet with their students' teachers. Schedules will be handed out at the start of the evening.

High schools to start later Superintendent Garza sets October vote


BY BERTA TARQUI Editor in Chief Superintendent Karen Garza has proposed a new start time schedule for FCPS. The changes she proposed will keep the same start time for elementary school students, middle schoolers start at 7:30 a.m. and high schools cannot begin school before 8 a.m. The ongoing debate on whether or not high schoolers should be able to come in later will be answered with a vote by the school board on Oct. 23. The new plan is expected to cost less than the first draft explained to be. New buses will be purchased to transport students, but FCPS already intends to fit new buses into their budget for the 2015-2016 school year. This subject has been debated for several years, and for the past few years studies appeared such as the one the American Academy of Pediatrics' study. According to American Academy of Pediatrics, when teens go through puberty their biological clock can change which results in them sleeping later. With the help of the CNMC, FCPS was able to come up with a loose

NFL prompts discussion over widely controversial Issue


Ray Rice case brings issue of domestic violence to the forefront suspending him indefinitely and terminating his contract with the Ravens. "Rice should definitely be punished for what he did. It's also unlikely that he will ever get a job in the NFL again, because teams don't like to associate ccording to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, with such a person," senior Mubeen Farukh said. roughly 1.5 million people report being victims of domestic However, despite so much media hype, only 15 percent of a sample of AHS violence in the United States each year. students surveyed admitted to actually following the situation closely and About 85 percent of this number is made up of women. knowing what was going on. That adds up to 1.3 million women each year. The reason that the more recent domestic violence occurrence between One in four women will experience Domestic Violence in Rice and his now-wife brought the issue to light is because of the way that the her lifetime. National Football League handled the situation. The scary part is, domestic violence is rarely ever reported. So this Rather than immediately terminating Rice's contract, the NFL suspended number, in reality, is much, much higher. him for two games. This, after physically abusing his significant other, . "It [domestic violence] certainly exists. I mean it exists within families, On top of all that, Goodell claimed to have not seen video of the incident, kids are exposed to it," school Psychologist Anne Brosnan when in reality, the NFL had known about the footage said. "Sometimes kids might not have someone who is for months. Only after it came to the public's attention involved in domestic violence right in their home, but in DOMESTIC VIOLENCE that the NFL had seen the video, did they take initiative their neighborhood or in their community and then a lot against Rice. HOTLINES of the time kids are involved in dating situations where "I think that Roger Goodell should have acted a lot they are exposed to domestic violence." earlier on the situation regardless of whether or not he · National Domestic Violence saw the second video," Farukh said. "Going forward, I Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 The Ray Rice Situation think the NFL needs to define a clear policy on domestic Domestic Violence has always been an issue. The · National Sexual Assault violence, because there are still players with pending recent actions of Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice Hotline: 1-800-656-4673 trials." have brought the issue into the spotlight throughout the The NFL shouldn't be let off the hook though. There · National Teen Dating Abuse country. AHS students have also been talking about the are still two other players, continuing to play, that have Hotline: 1-866-331-9474 events in question. been accused of domestic violence, the Carolina Panthers' In April, surveilllance footage of Rice dragging his Greg Hardy and the San Francisco 49ers' Ray McDonald. · Fairfax County Office for then-girlfriend, Janey Rice out of the doors of a Vegas Neither had been suspended or fined as of press time. Women and Domestic and casino elavator, surfaced. At the time, the NFL suspended Minnesota Vikings star running back Adrian Peterson Sexual Violence Services: Rice for two games. was also deactivated for Sunday's Week 2 game against 703-360-7273 Last week, a second video of Rice hitting his nowthe New England Patriots after being indicted in Texas on wife and her falling to the ground and hitting her head. · Family Violence and Sexual a charge of reckless or negligent injury to his 4-year-old The NFL commissioner, Roger Goddell claimed to Violence Hotline (VA): 1-800child, who was then hospitalized because of Peterson's have not seen the video. Only after the second video 838-8238 actions. This presents another issue entirely that the NFL became public did they take further action against Rice, must tackle.

BY JAROD GOLUB Editor in Chief


see PICTURES pg. 8

Cross country

Life in Color

Runners look forward to rest of season

Age restriction put on popular concert

Sports 16

Superintendent Karen Garza.

Entertainment 18

Five senses of fall Using your senses to experience the season Weekend 20


Big check delivered during Friday's football game against Stuart.

$70,000 donation ABGC donates for turf field BY JAROD GOLUB Editor in chief The Annandale Boys and Girls Club (ABGC) has stepped up and given the largest donation to AHS in recent memory. With the $70,000 check presented Friday during the football game, AHS is closer to having a turf field installed by 2015. Fundraising efforts have been on-going since 2013. Principal Vincent Randazzo and Director of Student Activities Karl Kerns accepted the check on behalf of the school.

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