the VOLUME #61 ISSUE 4
ANNANDALE HIGH SCHOOL 4700 Medford Dr. Annandale, VA 22003 470
Informinng the Atoms siince 1954 4
Mostly Sunny
64 41 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18, 2015
(703) 642-4229
AHS reacts to Paris attack Students reflect on ISIS terror bombings
Chemistry lab fire leads to revisions FCPS changes science fire policies
Close to a week after the tragic attacks on Paris, many students are still trying to cope with the event. Danielle Robinson, a senior, is among those who were impacted. "Friday marked the day of devastation for my family," Robinson said. "I found out at the football game when my dad told me near the gate and I broke down. My family was in Paris and any one of them could have been hurt. It broke my heart as my grandmother told me one of her friends was among the 129 that were brutally murdered. France is where my heart is. I pray that they find peace and not turn their sorrow into anger." While many students have been impacted by the deaths caused by the Paris attacks, other students, including senior Dini Mohamud, are concerned about how the attacks could influence how the international community views Islam. "I feel like [the attacks] add to the theory that Islam promotes terrorism, but ISIS is a terrorist organization that does not represent Islamic values," Mohamud said. Annandale is a diverse community, and has a large number of Muslim students. Mohamud is not the only one who is concerned about the global and local perception of Islam as a result of this attack. Youssef El Boukri, a junior, also shares Mohamud's sentiments. "I am fed up because every time a terrorist attack happens [people] automatically blame Muslims," El
News Editor
The "Peace for Paris" symbol that was released after the ISIS bombing attacks on Paris.
Boukri said. "If you actually read and study the religion, we are totally against violence and always promote peace." Many students have joined the international community in a display of solidarity for the French people. Facebook has released a tool that allows users to change their profile pictures to display France's national colors. Websites such as Google, YouTube and others displayed France's colors or released statements of support for the people of France.
While some users have simply changed their social media accounts in a show of support, others have been quite active in condemning the Islamic State. Over the weekend, the twitter hashtag, "#notinmyname," has been used by Muslims throughout the world to decry the actions of the Islamic State. Others have asked the international community not to allow the Paris attackers to define what Islam stands for. Within Annandale, sophomore Mariam Mohamed is one among the
many condemning the Islamic State. "I feel as if Muslims have once again been shed in a bad light," Mohamed said. "It's really saddening to see such things happen. Terrorism has no religion. Friday s terrorist attacks throughout Paris have left over 129 people dead, and over 200 more injured. The French president Francois Hollande has called the attack an act of war, and according to NPR, has driven France to pursue a more aggressive bombing campaign against the Islamic State in Syria. see PARIS pg. 5
Parents can begin to purchase yearbook ads for their student
New club has students excited about soccer
Senior ads are a part of the yearbook exclusively made for seniors so that they can look back and remember all the good times they had in high school. Parents can buy the ad and write a short message. They are able to add pictures to go along with the message. The pictures can be from the current day or even a baby picture. Most messages are wishing the senior good luck in both college and the future. Some parents like to surprise their children by keeping the ad a secret and do not have the child find out until the yearbook comes out. "Seniors have worked hard for all four years and now it's time to show how proud we are of them," a parent of senior Nataje Fachkoul said.
One of many senior ad layouts.
It's possible to buy an ad and share it with a friend so that the picture and letter are about both you and your friend. Some students choose to do this due to expensive prices. "Yearbook is a self funded class, meaning we do not get the money from the school so most of our money comes from selling those ads and yearbooks so that we have enough money for the Walsworth Company to print all the yearbooks," yearbook staff member Mariam Mohamed said. To buy an ad, contact Ms. Hanneman.
The AHS Soccer Club is a program that encourages the appreciation of soccer through different activities, such as debates, discussions and sometimes even video game tournaments. Every other Wednesday in room 263, the AHS Soccer Club holds their bi-weekly meeting. "Members in the club have the opportunity to participate in discussions about soccer related issues or topics and debate those issues," senior Faisal Hassen said. "They also get to participate in one of the most anticipated activities our members look forward to, the 16man FIFA tournament we hold each month." Hassen founded the club last year in effort to bring students
together to celebrate their love of soccer. "I created the club because I knew there were many students in Annandale who enjoyed the sport, so I thought it would be awesome to have a club at AHS that is dedicated to soccer," Hassen said. "When I first created the club, my hopes were to make this a club that people can be proud to say they're a part of." The popularity of the club has increased due to the numerous group activities that they hold, including indoor soccer tournaments. "Last year we were barely known but this year, I think I'm allowed to say that most of the students at Annandale know that there is a soccer club," Hassen said. "The indoor tournaments are really popular and usually the spots are filled up really quickly." Hassen recently had to resign from his position as president of the club partly due to the arduous work the job requires. "I didn't receive as much aid to run this club that I had expected. see SOCCER pg. 5
Staff Writer In the past few months the long awaited turf field made its big debut for fall sports season. Fall athletes were so excited to use the field and recently they have. When it comes to grass vs turf, questions about injuries are very common.
Learn all about a student's experience in the Phillipines International 12
BY KADIJAH SESAY Staff Writer During the week of Nov. 16-20, AHS will be participating in Virginia College Week. Virginia College Week gives seniors the opportunity to get a fee waiver for colleges that they are applying to. College applications must be submitted during the week of November 16-20 for the fee waiver to be applied. The Career Center will be open so that seniors can get help and assistance with their college application. The hours that the Career Center will be opened will vary by day during that week. On Monday, it will be opened in the afternoon, from Tuesday-Thursday it will be opened all day and on Friday, seniors will have the opportunity to get help
December 15 Allegra Ford AXA Achievement Burger King Scholar Flosum
Coaches get ready to start football practice on the turf field.
see TURF pg. 5
VA College application fees waived
December 10 American Legion Spokeo Connections
Research has shown that there is a higher rate of injuries when playing on turf. Junior Tehya Moss, who played powderpuff last year on the grass field and this year on the new turf says she thinks differently. "I feel the turf prevents injuries because it's softer than the grass even though it is very slippery," Moss said. The turf field comes with its pros and cons. One of pros is that the field looks well taken care of. Sophomore Genesis Lara agrees with this idea.
VA College Week
Be creative!
before and after pride time. "I will be using the opportunity to go during pride time on Friday and get the help I need for my application for James Madison University," senior Danielle Robinson said. The college waiving admission fees are Marymount University, Longwood University, James Madison University, Garrett College, University of VA, Eastern Mennonite U., Stratford University, Norfolk State University and North Carolina A&T State University. Seniors are encouraged to participate in this opportunity to help lessen the costs of applying to colleges. "I'm excited for the college fee waiver. One of the schools that I am applying to is giving the fee waiver and that is a great opportunity for me to save $70," senior Vinicius Rangel said. Seniors are looking forward to this opportunity because it will help them and their parents save money. The money that they are saving can be invested into some other task for college.
Turf field reactions Athletes and coaches share thoughts about new grid iron
In the wake of the chemistry classroom fire on Oct. 30 at W.T. Woodson High School, FCPS has revised its open flame policy in science classrooms county wide. The use of flames is temporarily suspended. Additionally, all high school science teachers in the school system must complete a review science safety course covering lab safety and procedures before open flames can be reinstated into the county's curriculum. "I think that taking out the use of open flames in science classrooms is extreme, well not extreme, but I think that we just need to use caution," AHS Biology teacher Rachel Lazar said. "It's just a matter of following procedures. I'm not sure of any of the particulars, but it's just making sure that everyone is clear on them." The fire's impact was especially prominent because of Woodson's close proximity to the Annandale community and the friendships many students have with other students there. Of the 31 students in the classroom, five were injured from the flames. Two of the students were airlifted to Washington Burn Center, where one was rushed into surgery in critical condition and the other was monitored in stable condition. The three other students were diagnosed with minor burns and taken to Inova Fairfax Hospital, where they were released later that day. The injured teacher was treated at the scene. After a thorough investigation
the fire was ruled accidental, as a direct result of a chemical demonstration showing how fire changes color when reacting with different metals. The experiment, called the "rainbow fire experiment," is under scrutiny as it has been known to cause safety issues in the past. Experts have urged schools and museums to stop the demonstration as a precaution. "The school was upset but Woodson has had things like this happen in the past," Woodson junior Mary Dodd said. "So we knew the drill." The building was evacuated right after the fire began, relocating students and staff to the football field. The Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department was called immediately, reporting to the scene just minutes after the fire began. About half the classroom was damaged by fire, smoke and water, which was repaired for the students' arrival back to school and classes were resumed there. The estimated total for the cost of all the damage was around $7,500. "There was a lot of commotion," Woodson junior Randall Prosperi said. "The whole experience just makes you realize how important safety guidelines are." Three of the fire victims returned to school on Wednesday, Nov. 4. Another was released from the hospital on Sunday, Nov. 1 and the fifth student underwent surgery last week on her arm and is recovering. The two teachers in the room at the time of the incident are on leave and are recovering at home. Woodson, as well of the rest of the community, has rallied around those injured and affected by the fire. Twitter, as well as other social media sites, was filled with prayers see FIRE pg. 5
Senior Yearbook Ads Soccer Club Staff Writer
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