Issue 10

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the VOLUME #61 ISSUE 10

ANNANDALE HIGH SCHOOL 4700 Medford Dr. Annandale, VA 22003 470

Informinng the Atoms siince 1954 4

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56 50 TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2016

(703) 642-4229

New Budget


Budget increase means more money for teachers and BY TEAGAN FOTI Co-Editor in Chief FCPS has adopted a new budget for the 2017 fiscal year. The budget was proposed in January 2016 and was very ambitious, however, it received widespread support from the board of supervisors. Key features of the budget include, but are not limited to, pouring $40 million into increasing employee pay so that it is closer to a liveable wage, lowering the cap on elementary school class sizes and reducing the amount of further cuts that need to be made to the already hindered school system. The new budget is the greatest investment to the schools in over a decade and shows the commitment and dedication that is being put into restoring Fairfax County schools. "We have great teachers in

AHS choir prepares for winter concert

our schools and so the fact that they are paid less than teachers in other counties is upsetting," sophomore Jessica Roop said. "I'm glad that the new budget has lots of money dedicated to making sure that our teachers are paid well because they dedicate so much time and money into helping us learn in a fun and interactive environment." The revised budget is due to the support and input of FCPS parents and community advocates who offered their opinions and advice for the improvement of the county's monetary crisis. "In general, it sounds good,"Math teacher Jennifer Ullman said. "It feels like they finally listened to what people had to say and what they wanted and took that into consideration, which I don't think happens all the time." Increases in state funding and the desire for a new, more diverse revenue base, has enabled the county to make changes to the budget without charging more for sports, advanced level classes and parking passes.

see BUDGET pg. 5

Caps of Love Clothes donated caps to help make plastic BY CORY PRINGLE Staff Writer Instead of collecting quarters like the previous years, the Leadership class decided to switch it up and introduce a new fundraiser called Caps of Love. Caps of Love is a fundraiser where anyone can be a collector and the object is to collect as many plastic bottle caps as possible. The more caps your W4 class acquired the higher chance you got to attend battle of the classes. "We got the idea from a student delegate at a Student Advisory Council (SAC) meeting. The idea was to collect caps in order to use the plastic to make wheelchairs for people under the age of 21" junior Executive Board Member, Tara ElAchi said. The cap drive began April 18th and ended on the 28th. The

fundraiser was very successful, Leadership was able to raise over 2,000 bottle caps to donate to a great cause. "We made posters to bring awareness to the cause" senior leadership student, Symone Jenkins said. The caps, once collected, are either melted, recycled, or sold to other companies for profit. If the bottle caps are sent to be melted then they will be molded into brand new wheelchairs to be distributed to handicap children in need. Boxes are shipped in from all over the world to the organization and are used to help those in need. Caps of Love is not a annual event but the charity its run through is a year round organization. If you have caps that you would like to donate you can, Caps of Love has regularly scheduled drop offs, where you can donate your caps and help to make a positive impact on someone else's life.

Junior Dagim Tigabu wins annual Atoms 5k Summerfest cancelled BY SADIE MODICA TEAGAN FOTI


Co-Editors in Chief Over 100 atoms and their supporters took their marks Sunday morning at the annual AHS booster sponsored event: the Atoms 5k. The race, which takes place in the neighborhoods surrounding AHS, is organized every year to provide athletic scholarships to student athletes at Annandale. "We award four $1,000 scholarships and then this year, one of our sponsors that we got, Big Teams, we ended up getting another $1,000 from them so we have five scholarships this year, so there will

be five student athletes who get scholarships for college," Boosters Vice President Milan Peich said. Peich spent the race directing the runners through the course, and shouting words of encouragement. "This is my first year organizing. I've helped for the past 5 years but the race has been going on since the 1990's," Peich said. To win the scholarship, all students need to do is fill out the form on the Annandale Atoms website by May 1 and then the winners will be chosen based on a generated point system. The first person to cross the finish line was Dagim Tigabu, junior and long-distance runner with the Annandale Track and Cross Country

teams. "I got a 17:40 [this year] and last year I came in around 18:50," Tigabu said. Tigabu was closely followed by his twin brother Mahatim, and Risky Alvardo. This is the third year Tigabu has competed in the race, and the second year he has won it. "I did a couple of mile runs, like 8 to 9 miles, last week [to prepare for the race]," Tigabu said. He felt positive about his time, saying that "hopefully [he'll] come back next year and run again." Finishing soon after was Coach Ivy Jordan. Jordan ran the race alongside at least 10 or 12 runners from her distance track group. The race is not only an opportunity for

the Annandale community to come together for a cause, it serves as a warmup for the cross country season. "It's great to see where they are all at. Some of them have never done cross country this so it is a great way for them to kind of understand how long of a race it is and what they have to look forward to. So yeah, it's perfect" Jordan said. Overall, Jordan was pleased with the runners' performances. "They all did very, very well for having to run a 5k after running track, which are all shorter events, considering that, they did very well" Jordan said. She was proud of her own see 5K pg. 5

New year, new start date FCPS gets 'go ahead' to start school before labor day in 2017 BY TEAGAN FOTI Co-Editor in Chief In 2017 FCPS will join DC and Maryland schools districts as they send their students back to school before labor day. FCPS school board member,


Ryan McElveen announced on April 28, via twitter, that the school board made the decision to start classes for the 2017-2018 school year the week prior to labor day as opposed to the Tuesday following it. The decision was almost unanimous with the final vote being 9-1 in favor of changing the start date. The change in schedule means that the entirety of the school year will shift up a week, school will start on August 28, 2017 and

conclude a week earlier than normal, although the exact date has not been announced yet. "I don't like [the new schedule] because for me labor day was the official end of summer and you ended it on a three day weekend and came back on a four day workweek" said business teacher Howard Dwyer, "which was nice because you'd see each class twice and then you're back into the swing of things." The theory behind opening


Look at some atoms' romantic promposals Photo 8

school early is that it will give students an extra week before winter break for instructional learning and it will hopefully give student and staff more flexibility when it comes to applying for college and meeting application deadlines. "I understand why they [are going to start school after labor day] and it does make sense, but just personally I just feel like it was always nice to start after labor day" see KINGS DOMINION pg. 5

New leadership event scrapped due to scheduling conflicts BY SADIE MODICA TEAGAN FOTI


Co-Editors in Chief The widely anticipated summerfest that the AHS leadership class has been planning for the past few weeks was abruptly cancelled due to lack of field space and the busy end of year school schedule. "There is not a good day when field space is available" said leadership sponsor Carmen Bartley. The event was new to Annandale and was planned for June 10 from 3:30-7:30 p.m. It was supposed to create the vibe of a music festival so that students could relax and have fun before the antics of finals week began. Some of the events that were going to be offered to students who attended were therapy dogs, obstacle course, live music, food trucks, talent show, moon bounces. Students were encouraged to attend one of two rounds of auditions for any kind of performance they liked. They signed up to dance or sing at the event. Among the many students trying out were acapella group Empyrean Heights.

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"I thought it was definitely going to be a lot of fun" junior and member of Empyrean Heights Ben Betts said, "I was looking forward to it. I've always liked performing with Empyrean Heights and it's more fun with more people [watching the show]" Betts said. Those who were planning on trying to perform were disappointed to learn that the event was cancelled. "It's disappointing because it sounded like the event was going to be cool, and it's always fun to perform," Betts said."It seemed like a cool new idea that had a lot of potential and could have turned out really well." Additionally, the students who wanted to attend the event were sad that they lost the chance for a relaxing festival. "I was really excited for Summerfest. I love watching AHS students perform and it was supposed to be a fun day," junior Jessica Ferson said. "It would have been a fun new tradition, and I hope it happens next year." Leadership has discussed alternatives, but nothing is certain as of yet. "We are thinking about doing another flick on the field to kinda kick summer off but nothing is set in stone yet" Leadership class president Marem Atef said.

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