First Animation Film Festival Club members get ready for new event soon BY TOBA SIDDIQUE Staff Writer
AHS will be hosting it's first Animation Film Festival on March 16, from 6-8 p.m. in Clausen Hall. The festival will showcase the artwork and films created by talented AHS students. The Festival is a countywide event that is open to all FCPS students. "It feels great to be hosting the festival because I believe it will not only be an enjoyable experience, but also give me experience in leadership and presentation skills that will be needed later in my life," senior Riley Payung said. Students will be presenting original artwork and animations
which they have created mainly through technology, using computers for flash and 3D programs. AHS animation members have submitted and compiled all of the counties videos in order to be presented as one whole film. There will be around 24 students at the event who have entries for the festival, and the AHS Animation Club hopes to have the participants' parents there as well. The students are anticipating having around 60 people in the audience. "I expect the night to go well, because it is a collaborative effort between many different high schools and beneficial for the students to be exposed to many different people, and possibly even colleges," Payung said. see FILM pg. 5
One of many cars being pumped for gas at a gas station due to low prices.
Cheap gas is a mixed blessing Students and teachers react to the lowered gas prices and their effects BY NICHOLAS MORTENSON Staff Writer
Senior Ashley Cha gets prepped by a nurse from Red Cross to donate blood.
Atoms blood drive Students excited about donating blood during the school day BY PHUONG NGUYEN & TOOBA SIDDIQUE News Editor & Staff Writer The Atoms Red Cross conducted its second blood drive of the school year on March 10. Red Cross creates two blood drives a year and has been encouraging students who meet the donation requirements to donate and make a difference. The last blood drive on Oct. 21, 2015 was a huge success as Red Cross collected over 41 pints of blood which was able to save over 117 lives. The organization plans this time on meeting the same goals
Cartoonist corner Check out the cool student-made cartoon about body image Editorials 3
because the club has gotten donors scheduled for every time slot. This year the organization filled up all 60 sign up slots during lunches which will ultimately collect enough blood to save over 130 lives. Students who did not sign up to donate in advance had the opportunity to give their blood as walk-in donors. During the drive, all donors were see BLOOD pg. 7
LEARN MORE! On your smartphone, scan this code using the application "QR Code" to learn about donating blood and if you're eligible.
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AHS input and views on the recent Virginia primaries BY SUMMAR AYOUB & TEAGAN FOTI Editor in Chief & News Editor The elections for the road to presidency officially began on March 1 in Virginia as residents took to the polls to vote for their favorite potential presidential candidate. Polls were open all day and nearly 1,800,000 people came out to vote, 274,894 of them from Fairfax County alone. At the conclusion of the voting, businessman and reality TV show host Donald Trump and former New York State Senator and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton came out victorious in their respective parties. Trump winning 34.7 percent of republican voters and 17 delegates, and Clinton earning the support of 64.3 percent of democrats and 62 delegates. "I did a lot of research before voting [so that I was informed on the candidates]," senior Yocias Fakade said, "but no one influenced me [on who to vote for]." However in Fairfax County Trump did not top the polls. The unofficial returns from the March primary showed that out of over 133,000 republican voters, just under 53,000 voted for Junior Florida Senator Marco Rubio, making him the top republican in the county. Trump came in second with 33,079 votes followed by Ohio Governor John Kasich and Junior Texas Senator Ted Cruz. As for the Democrats Clinton defeated Sanders 88,147 to 50,930 out of the nearly 142,000 Democratic voters in the County. "I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary because he has a set goal not only for the present but for
the future and how he sees America turning out, which I really like," Fakade said. "He's not just trying to see current matters, he's trying to imagine future problems and find real solution to it." Northern Virginia, and Annandale in particular, is very diverse with a blend of many different cultures and beliefs, which is likely one of the reasons why Trump did not earn the support of the many voters. His concept of building a wall and restricting immigration is not generally popular among our diverse community. "It seems like, right now, with the younger generation Sanders has a lot of pull, I know that my daughter really likes him," Driver's Ed teacher Patrick Hughes said. "Everyone likes the idea of free education and free lunches." The polls were at various schools and centers throughout Fairfax County and the rest of the state. Due to the record setting amount of voters in other states, FCPS voted to close school for the day, as the same voter turnout was expected in Virginia. The closing of FCPS encouraged faculty members and eligible seniors to vote, as well as ensured student safety and prevented a disruptive learning environment. "Nobody influenced me to vote but my government teacher encouraged us to go and vote. However, I was ineligible to vote because of my age," senior Ananda Poudel said. "I would definitely vote for Bernie Sanders [if I could]."
CHECK IT OUT! On your smartphone, scan this code using the application "QR Code" to check out which district voted for which candidate.
Marco Rubio Donald Trump John Kasich Ted Cruz
24% 19% Survey complied by The A-Blast 16% twitter surveying 100 students.
Bernie Sanders
69% 31%
Hillary Clinton
Fairfax County Primary 40.1% Donald Trump 25.1% John Kasich 17.6% Ted Cruz 12.9% Hillary Clinton 63.4% Bernie Sanders 36.6%
Marco Rubio
Virginia Primary 34.7% 31.9%
Donald Trump Marco Rubio Ted Cruz John Kasich
16.9% 9.4%
Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders
64.3% 35.2%
Gas prices have been at historically low levels for a number of months, generally hovering around $1.50 a gallon, and AHS students that drive have been reaping the benefits. One of the students enjoying cheap gas is senior Michael Ryan. "If I don't drive, I don't get to school, I don't get to my academy
class, and I don't go home," Ryan said. "It used to cost my sister $80 to fill up a tank, but it costs me $20. It's great." While cheaper gas makes life easier for students, it can be a godsend for teachers. Teachers bear the full financial burden of their commutes, and while distances and fuel consumption may vary, cheaper gas is always appreciated. For Photography teacher Meredith Stevens, who has a 106 mile commute from Fauquier County, savings on gas for her Mazda 3 see LOW GAS pg. 5
Informinng the Atoms siince 1954 4
Students get ready to show what they can do at the upcoming fair BY KADIJAH SESAY Staff Writer The MYP fair will held today at the end of the day during the extended W4. Sophomore Genesis Lara has been working on her MYP(Middle Years Program) project since the fall. She and along with 300 hundred other students have also been working on their project. Students had the opportunity to
thoroughly plan out their project starting with brainstorming then listing what they would want their project to be about. "My project is about hot Cheetos and I researched how they effect you and your body," Lara said. After thorough research of her project, Lara discovered that eating hot Cheetos in large amounts can cause damage to your stomach lining. "The process of my project was not difficult for me and I am happy with the outcome of my project!" said Lara. The 10th graders will present see MYP FAIR pg. 5
4700 Medford Dr. Annandale, VA 22003 470
Junior Jessica Ferson posing next to her 3-D verison of a house at last year's MYP Fair.
FBLA competes regionally Business students talk about their experience at the regional meet BY KADIJAH SESAY Staff Writer FBLA, Future Business Leaders of America, is a nationwide club where high school students get to compete and learn about real life business situations. FBLA students have excelled in leadership skills, business tactics, and qualities that will help them in the future. They hold meetings after school once a month.
IB Art Show w Check out the cool IB student art work Arts 9
Select students, also, get to compete in regional and state competitions. The competitions range from taking tests on accounting to bank law. I got the opportunity to compete in the completion of dealing with Client Services. It was impromptu so they gave me a situation and I had to handle that situation as if it was realistically happening, senior, FBLA member Amiansu Khamal said. All together, FBLA has 50 different competitions. Each competition is unique and offers students a new experience each time. There are even some
competitions specifically for freshmen, to help them excel in leadership skills early in their high school career. FBLA goes hand in hand with business classes. We hope to throw the things we teach in business into FBLA competitions. There are 50 different competitions and they compete in things ranging from ones that only freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors can individually join. It can be anything from mock job interviews to impromptu speaking. There is also competitions on the computers, customer service competitions and for the most part
Superheroes Read all about the Batman v. Superman brawl Entertainment 19
depending on what the competition is it can be a single person or a group up to 4 IB business teacher Howard Dwyer said. There are three levels of competition, starting with regionals which consists of competitions against local schools in other counties and in Fairfax county. Student who stand out at regionals can then go to states which is held in Reston and consists of competitors from all across Virginia. Winning states will send the competitors to the national competition, which this year will be in Atlanta, Georgia. FBLA is almost real world see FBLA pg. 5