Issue 1

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the VOLUME #61 ISSUE 1

ANNANDALE HIGH SCHOOL 4700 Medford Dr. Annandale, VA 22003 470

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Informinng the Atoms siince 1954 4 Mostly Sunny

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(703) 642-4229

New leadership begins at AHS Tim Thomas moves to Annandale from Westfield HS BY HEZEKIEL YONAS AND DANIEL YENAGETA Editor-in-chief and Entertainment editor


Every school year there are always new faces in the halls of Annandale; this year, there's one at the helmPrincipal Tim Thomas. He's been working in Fairfax County for 23 years, starting from his days as a Spanish teacher at Centreville High School. He also chaired the Undergraduate Awards Committee and co-chaired the Spanish Honor Society there as well. After eight years as a Spanish teacher, Thomas would go on to become the assistant principal at Centreville and Westfield high schools, and eventually principal of Westfield and now Annandale High School. Already a month into the job, Thomas has been able to make some observations about Annandale and how it is different from Westfield. "I recognize the difference in the size of the school for example, and the diversity as well. What I come into at Annandale is a place that is very much of a community-based school with a tremendous amount of adversity," Thomas said. "Those are things that are very exciting to me that are a little bit different than what I'm used to. I don't see those as challenges, I see those as opportunities." Thomas will have to make adjustments because of the difference between Westfield and Annandale. He acknowledges that making radical changes aren't needed straight out the gate, but he intends to build on what we have instead. "My plan is not to turn things upside down and make drastic changes from the beginning. I think one of the things I want to do is create some clear direction, create some clear vision, optimize the interventions that are in Principal Tim Thomas spells out PRIDE during his freshman orientation speech given to welcome the new students. place [and] work closely with the administrative team," will do a good job." Thomas said. "[We are] not only sustaining either a level which learning and teaching are taking place." One of the things that he's noticed is that Annandale There are some changes that are already being put of excellence or tradition that takes place at Annandale, in place in order to enhance the education at Annandale. but really tryna take it to another level. I'm excited about is packed with school spirit. "I recognize that there's a tremendous amount "The bell schedule is different because of the later the opportunity." However, he still has a few modifications that he of energy, excitement, investment, dedication and high school start time. We'll [also] look at some of the commitment already in place by so many folks at intervention programs that are in place, we'll look at would like to enforce. "I will look to gather feedback from the faculty and Annandale High School," Thomas said. "People are here trying to make sure that we are using the intervention staff, from the community and from the students about because they want to be here, and I include myself in a period- W4, not only for interventions but for enrichment as well," Thomas said. "We'll be sure to align that work interior cameras. We had interior cameras at Westfield, part of that as well." Thomas is a very fun-loving person and hes made with division-wide goals, region-wide goals, pyramid and I see value in using interior cameras as a deterrent, not as a "gotcha" or "to try and catch people" mechanism, a good impression on the people who have had the goals and Annandale goals." Among other changes, Thomas is trying to fill up the that's really not what it's all about," Thomas said. "Interior pleasure of meeting him. "I think he's very optimistic and excited to be here. open positions in the staff. cameras, for me, are really about providing additional "Some of the changes that we are looking at making sets of eyes, and discouraging negative, inappropriate When the class of 2016 SGA board and I talked to him, he behavior for everyone. The degree to which we are able was very happy to be there and really wanted to have a are more organizational structure [oriented]. First and to protect the adults and the students in the building presence in the school," senior Kim Mai commented. "He foremost, at this time we're awaiting the approval of the during the school day can also influence the degree to even promised to come to our football games. I believe he hiring of an assistant principal to fill a vacancy that we

have," Thomas said. "Being fully staffed administratively, being fully staffed with the security team, making sure that our instructional staff is fully staffed and also taking a look at the support staff and making sure that we're fully staffed there as well. Right out of the gate, [we are] making sure that we have all of the right people in all of the right places." Principal Thomas has always come off as a very sociable leader. Consistently attending school activities at Westfield High School during his tenure there, and constantly taking selfies with students. "I think what students can anticipate from me personally is a level of accessibility, a level of approachability, a high level of engagement during the school day and after school as well," Thomas continued. One of Thomas' goals is not only making sure students are regularly coming to school, but that they are also attending their classes in order for them to take advantage of the academic opportunities that they are provided with at Annandale. "It is paramount to me that we focus on attendance and kids coming to school regularly, students being aware of and hearing to attendance and tardy policies for example. Among the priorities is to make sure that we have a high level of instructions taking place in classrooms, and that kids get to class on time and stay in class," Thomas said. "At the end of the day, what's most important is the learning opportunities that are provided to students in the classroom, but I also recognize the need to pay close attention to extracurricular activities, athletics, fine and performing arts, CTE programs, family and computer sciences programs that exist here that students take advantage of." Thomas is aware of how important communicating will be because it will help staff members, students and the parents of students stay informed on what's going on at Annandale High School. "We like to use keep in touch messages, for example, to get that information out," Thomas said. "I'm on Twitter, so I can tweet some of that information out as well." Thomas wants to emphasize the idea of Atom Pride. He believes that the motto that was acquired last year is demonstrated very well by the Annandale community. "I think students can expect a continued emphasis on Atom Pride, I think they can expect that the school will have a clear, unified vision, and so the vision statement will serve to really underscore our beliefs, our collected beliefs as a faculty and staff and as students and families as well. The vision statement is separate from Atom Pride because of what Atom Pride is," Thomas said. "If we look at what P.R.I.D.E stands for, participation, respect, integrity, determination and empathy, that really helps to outline what the expectations are for student and adult behavior." Principal Thomas plans on keeping Atom Pride alive by starting to have lessons on Atom Pride being taught in the W4 period. "We look to keep the momentum going with some of the emphasis on Atom Pride, and we look to use W4, not only as a time for students to make connections with their W4 teachers, but also we'll look to use that time to help to reinforce and illustrate things like SR&R, Honor Code, see NEW PRINCIPAL pg. 3

Picture day on the way

Welcoming the class of 2019 Freshman get their first feel of high school

Students get ready for annual school photos during the first week BY MOHAMMED ELHAG AND TEAGAN FOTI News Editors

BY SUMMAR AYOUB As the freshman class of 2019 begins to adapt to the high school environment, the senior class of 2016 gets ready to finish off their last year. The upcoming freshman class contains about 560 students, the sophomore class has 530 students, junior class has 540 students and the senior class contains 545 students. "I am nervous because I've never been in a school this size before," freshman Fares Ayoub said. Although some freshman may be nervous about fresh start at a new school, some freshmen have their siblings to show them around. "I am not that nervous about school because I have my older sister, Teagan, to show me around school," freshman Cameron Foti said. "I feel like having a sibling in school will help me as a freshman understand the rules and what is going to be expected from me," Ayoub said. Annandale welcomed the freshmen by having a leadership flash mob, spirited cheer routine, band performance and pep talk from principal Thomas. Leadership planned their flash mob to show the freshmen that high school is not scary. They danced to songs from the High School Musical



Freshman class sit in the gym for their annual freshman pep rally, watching the band perform.

soundtrack, "Hit The Quan", The Party Rock Anthem and Rolling on the River. This dance took about two days to practice and the outcome was successful. "Sitting there with all my classmates, I felt excited about the new experiences I am going to encounter, with all the new people that I haven't even got the chance to meet yet," Ayoub said. The teachers and administration are excited to welcome the new members of the Atom nation.

Check out this slideshow

Football attiree

Kanye West VMA'ss

Get ready for the upcoming football season with latest trends

West delivers a memorable speech at the VMA's

Lifestyles 8

Entertainment 10

On your smartphone, scan this code using the application "QR Code" to view the frshman orientation slideshow.

Underclassmen pictures are scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, September 16 and 17 during English class periods. Pictures will be taken in the auditorium. If you plan on purchasing pictures, the form, which was distributed in the schedule pick-up folder, should be filled out and brought to the auditorium, with money, during pictures. The picture taken on these days will be used for both student ID cards and the yearbook. Students ID cards will be given out in the same period soon after the picture is taken. This new feature was added last year, students are very excited to get their student identification cards as soon as their picture has been taken. If a student is absent or displeased with their picture, there will be a picture retake day on a later undecided date. All classes will be taking their pictures on this date with the exception of the senior class who have a separate date for senior pictures. Senior portraits will be taken during the second week of school. For senior portraits there are five different packages, Premier for $60, Ultimate for $55, Deluxe for $45, Standard for $30 and Basic for $15. Each student should check their appointment time to see when to take their pictures in the clauses hall. Pictures for all classes, including senior portraits, will On your be organized and taken by smartphone, scan Lifetouch Incorporation. For this code using the more information about pictures application "QR visit their website, Lifetouch. Code" to view the com, and prepare to take Lifetouhch webiste pictures on the second week of to learn more school.

Lifetouch website

Summer Hot Spotss Places to visit before summer vacation comes to an end Weekend 12

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