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VA Governor vetoes Beloved bill BY SUMMAR AYOUB & TEAGAN FOTI Editor in Chief & News Editor Governor Terry McAuliffe vetoed a bill earlier last week that would have given parents the opportunity to opt their children out of reading books in school that expose them to sexually explicit material or contain other context that they don't approve of. The bill, which was nicknamed "the Beloved Bill", was started by a Lake Braddock mother, Laura Murphy, after she became alarmed when her son, a senior in high school, was reading the book Beloved in his AP English class. Murphy didn't approve of the nature of some of the scenes in the book and found it disturbing that her son was expected to read the book for a school assignment. "Beloved is about one of the most horrific experiences in American history : slavery. It does have moments that make the reader uncomfortable, as it should," English teacher Catherine Gibson said. "Although the text is heavy on poetic and metaphorical language, it manages to give a haunting, graphic and authentic account of the slave experience. This is why the Pulitzer Prize winning novel is both one of the most frequently banned and read novels within high schools." The Virginia Board of Education is supposedly in the works of revising their learning and reading requirements to accommodate more parents and
their concerns about their children being exposed to inappropriate and sexual literature. The bill had support from the conservative Family Foundation of Virginia, but wasn't backed up by The National Council of Teachers of English and the National Coalition Against Censorship. Had McAuliffe passed the law, Virginia would have been the first state to give parents the ability to monitor what their kids read in school. This would also have resulted in a possible curriculum and end of year exam change. "[I believe that students should be able to opt out of reading Beloved because] the text has a lot of uncomfortable and disturbing scenes that were sexual and violent," senior Annie Pham said. "It was also against my religion because of all the supernatural elements." Reading books such as Beloved in advanced English classes, such as IB and AP classes, prepares students for their end of the year assessments. By letting certain students be exempt from reading the text, they may not be as prepared for those exams. "I believe in an IB classroom that it is a near impossible task to assign an alternate text and have students be prepared for their assessments. In IB classes, students are given the list of texts a year in advance. If a student or parent deems the reading material inappropriate, it seems a better alternative to take a class that is not IB, such as a general education or honors level class," Gibson said. "In a general education class, the standards, expectations and assessments are not as centered around the specific texts being taught, so it is easier and not as detrimental to the student to offer an alternate text." Many teachers also fear that if students are opted out from reading certain text then they
Theatre without Borders acts out Shrew BY LINA AL-TAII Staff Writer The next Theatre Without Borders play, William Shakespeare's Taming of The Shrew, will be debuting Thursday, April 14. Theatre Without Borders is a program which has been hosting plays at AHS for years. The Theatre Without Borders program has adapted the play with Shakespeare's original language,
but has introduced an alternative ending which has a more modern approach to gender relations. The play was casted in December and the students have been working on the play ever since. Theatre Without Borders has a large following and lots of community support. Their plays typically draw anywhere from 200 to 300 people. In the community, families of students come watch and many alumni come back and participate. Most of the people who audition are in the class and rehearse during school. So many students have see THEATRE pg. 5
William Shakespeare play performed by ESOL students
Chorus students perform Over three days, Broadway Desserts impresses audience BY GRACE HOGYE COURTESY OF TABITHA BARNES
Staff Writer The auditorium was filled with beautiful voices and sweet treats on April 7 through April 9 as the AHS Choral Department presented Broadway Desserts. The production included performances of various songs from different broadway plays. The plays ranged from Phantom of the Opera to Lion King, and the songs provided a range of styles and
Senior Tabitha Barnes performing her musical number at choral event.
won't grasp concepts and ideas as well as the other students. "I feel that a student does not get the same level of education or experience by reading an alternate book out in the hall while the rest of the class engages in the study of the same text," Gibson said. So far Fairfax County has no banned books, however complaints are often made regarding some of the material covered in English classes. To Kill A Mockingbird is one of the books that is also often disputed because of its use of the 'N' word. All books that are read by students are chosen from a specific list of approved authors or books and have valid rationale behind why students are exposed and expected to read them. "Every piece of literature that I teach in IB and English 11 are valid pieces that promote critical thinking. Sometimes we tackle difficult material; that's how we grow as learners and individuals. The parts of 'banned' literature that are regarded as 'inappropriate' are often taken out of context and not looked at critically," English teacher Sasha Duran said. "There's always a point to including difficult or 'inappropriate' elements in a larger work, and if the work is taught properly, then there's no reason to remove it from the curriculum or censor it for people who think they have a problem with it." Murphy was very disappointed that McAuliffe decided to veto the bill after it had gotten a lot of support from many other lawmakers and she continues to avidly believe that parents deserve to have a say in what their kids are exposed to in school. The bill will likely be reintroduced to the legislative system if the Virginia School Board doesn't change it's educational requirements.
emotion. Broadway Desserts is unique in the fact that it is presented in the style of a cabaret. The auditorium was transformed into a restaurant with nicely decorated tables where the audience could sit and enjoy the show while eating the complimentary desserts that were served by the singers. The amazing set, costumes, choreography and overall presentation required a lot of preparation. The time and effort of many students, teachers and volunteers was needed in order to put together the fantastic event. "We have been preparing for see BROADWAY pg. 5
Students and teachers honor the LBGT community BY SHARON SANCHEZ Staff Writer The Day of Silence is an event held on April 15 all throughout the day where you don't say a word, in hopes to raise anti-bullying, namecalling and harassment awareness for the LGBT community. The main goal of this is to address the bullying the LGBT members receive and for people to be more accepting of others, despite their sexual orientation or self identity/self expression. According to the DOS official website, it was created and first started in 1996 by a university
student in Virginia in response to a class assignment on non-violent protest. Students can take a pledge online or sign up and take a pledge in Mrs. Korones' classroom located in 270B. Students who participate will be given a rainbow pin, Day of Silence button and an explanation sheet that will say the following: "Please understand my reasons for not speaking today. I am participating in the day of silence (DOS), a national youth movement bringing attention to the silence faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender people and their allies. My deliberate silence echoes that silence, which is caused by anti-LGBT bullying, namecalling and harassment. I believe that ending the silence is the first step to building awareness and making a see SILENCE pg. 5
Terry McAuliffe rejects measure that would have given parents the right to control what their kids read in school
Leif Jomaud and Ben Petruzzielo perform at Battle of the Bands two years
Battle of the bands Teachers get ready to play students BY TEAGAN FOTI News Editor Ever wonder who can make the best free throw, Joe Turner or Jashon Reams? Or who can block the best shot, Michael Mazzarella or Abdulahi Abdalla? Come to the annual student v. faculty basketball game on April 13 at 3:15 p.m. in the main gym to see which team comes out on top. For the past two years the students have come out victorious, but the faculty team is determined to make a comeback and take down
Spring fever Look at all the candid student spring photos Photo 8
the students. "Of course you can expect faculty members to win this year. [The] students have nobody," boys varsity basketball coach Matthew Behne said. Tickets for the game will be sold during all lunches from April 11 through April 13. Tickets are $2 presale and $3 at the door. Prizes and other gifts will be given out during half-time as a way to keep the crowd involved and excited about the game. The basketball game is easily one of the students favorite traditions at the school and with the competitive teams and extensive practice both teams have done the game this year is sure to be a good see BASKETBALL pg. 5
Annual basketball game has faculty and students in it to win
Musical student groups compete at the annual AHS contest
Students huddle together during a time-out at the game two years ago.
Student Artistss Check out the rising student rappers Entertainment 19
A wide variety of music acts will be showcased at AHSBB 2016 Battle of the Bands, the performances will range from acapella choirs to rock bands and jazz combos. The competition will be held on Friday, May 13; anyone who signs up is able to perform in the show. Signing up is easy, all one must do is shoot an email to AHSbattleofthebands@outlook.com and sign up. On top of looking for acts to perform in the show, the AHSBB is also
Natitude Check out how students show their Nationals pride Weekend 20
looking for someone to design a logo for the upcoming event. Anyone interested in designing the logo must make it with any two colors and a black background. The logo must be put in .jpg format and sent to the BOTB e-mail stated early. With students from all over the school preparing to perform, the excitement builds as the event nears closer. "The Generational Jazz Combo see BANDS pg. 5
FIND OUT MORE On your smartphone, scan this code using the application "QR Code" to learn more about how to sign up and attend the competition.