Issue 2

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the Olivia Shawish's Benefit Concert BY HALLEY THADEUS Staff Writer The AHS orchestra will be holding a concert Sunday, Oct. 18 at Mason District Park. The concert will help raise money for Olivia Shawish's surgery. It will be six hours long, and free for anyone to attend. The Annandale Orchestra will be performing, as well as the Fairfax County Orchestra and many other orchestras from all over the district. Because Olivia Shawish plays the cello in The Annandale Orchestra, they plan on hosting a benefit concert to help her family pay for the costs of the surgery. After being hit with a ball in the head in her 8th grade gym class and passing out, junior Olivia Shawish was diagnosed with what she puts in simple terms as a "long-term concussion" or "chronic headaches." Shawish's family's insurance won't cover her surgeries because they consider her surgeries "experimental." With the insurance not covering her surgery, her family does not have the funds to pay for these surgeries as it may cost up to $20,000. With the money, Shawish would be able to get botox injections that would almost


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79 56 WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 29, 2015

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XC coach resigns Carl Klein steps down BY HEZEKIEL YONAS Editor in chief

Students and teachers influenced by his holy presence Editor in Chief When Pope Francis visited Washington D.C. last week, it was evident that he truly is an important figure to Americans. It isn't shocking that his presence is powerful because the U.S. has a relatively large Catholic population, but Pope Francis also has a significant influence on those in the Annandale community. Members of AHS went to see him and celebrate his arrival, such as English teacher Cynthia Sebring. "It was absolutely phenomenal," Sebring said. "It was wonderful to hear him talk. You think of someone as being the head of the whole Catholic church, not the head of a local church or even a district or a county or a state, the whole world.

This guy is in charge of the Catholic Church for the world, and he's one of a long succession of popes for millenniums, literally." The fact that he came here means so much to students at AHS, especially to the Catholics, because he is an important leader in modern day Catholicism. "I think it is a blessing for the U.S. that the Pope came to visit. My family is Catholic and it means a lot to us," junior Joselyn Cabrera said. "I think all of his words touched and changed a lot of hearts. Pope Francis inspires us to do more good." His visit to D.C. means a lot here to the Catholics here at AHS because he is a dominant figure in their religion. "I know many of the Hispanic families are Catholic and this is a

blessing close to home. This is, it's hard to describe, but it's like being around someone like that who represents so much good, I'm sure for them it was exciting just knowing that they were there," Sebring said. "A lot of people went into D.C. just to catch a glimpse, just to get one look, one photo and that's it. For them that was enough. To be able to sit through a whole mass and get his blessing at the end of a mass was just unbelievable, you can't believe it's happening." Some students weren't able to take the journey to D.C., but were still satisfied because they had a chance to see him speak on television. "I loved hearing the Pope and his speeches. He is very loving, humble and what I love most about him is that he is open-minded," junior

Andrea Sanchez said. "I would have liked to have gone and listened to the mass, but sadly I didn't have the opportunity. I did, however, listen to the mass through TV and transmitted an emotional feeling through the screen." Sophomore Maurine Suarez was lucky enough to not only see the Pope in person, but to shake his hand. The experience made her so emotional that she began to tear up. "Every time I see him on TV, him or any pope, I feel like I'm not going to see him. At some point in my life I can go to Vatican City but not be able to meet the Pope," Suarez said. "So it just felt great to meet him and shake his hand." The Pope didn't solely visit D.C. to greet the civilians and give mass, his agenda also included talking to see

pg. 3

Editor in chief

The IB Sceince students will be going to the Smithsonian's UdvarHazy Air and Space Museum located in Dulles, VA on Oct. 7, 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 pm. Students will be working in groups learning about chemistry, Biology, Physics, and Computer technology. The museum is centered around the ideas of space and ariplane science. "The idea is that we want Group 4 to be similar from year to year," Physics teacher, David Tyndall said. "[The students] are still going to get the ideas from biology, chemistry, and computer science. It's just going to be through what's on display at the museum." "The biology cocepts might be how an airplane's flight mimics a bird's flight." The groups of students willbe expected to apply the space science and airplane information they are given in the museum to the four science subjects that the IB program is focused on.

Students from high school newspapers across Fairfax County sat around a conference table anxious to ask superintendent Karen Garza questions about various issues that are relevant in FCPS and the new changes that are being implemented. Questions from the students ranged from the budget shortfall, to the effect of the budget on the athletics program, to the situation with snow days in the future. In regards to the budget shortfall, this wasn't something that appeared from thin air, it was predicted many years ago by the leaders of FCPS. "We've actually known this was coming for many years, if you go back to a couple of years ago when I was on the board, I've talked a lot about the budget challenges we were having then, and the ones ahead. We predicted that this was coming and that we needed a longterm financial solution to the school system, it's not sustainable for us to have to experience cuts year after year," Garza said. "The reason we have these shortfalls is because the increases that we get from the county government are insufficient even to cover required increases on

Career center hosts college visits Students meet with colleges in the Career center BY SUMMAR AYOUB Editor in Chief Colleges and universities will begin visiting the Career center late Septemer. This will give students the time to visit the college counselors and understand more about the certain school. Students are require to sign up on Family Connections and bring the confirmation page with them.


Garza speaks to the students newspaper leaders some FCPS schools about the budget crisis.

the system. So every year the cost of growth, because we add new students, we have to add teachers, typically, that's about $21-25 million every year." Many fear that FCPS will start pinching pennies and taking away funds for the extracurricular activities such as sports. "Since 2008, we've cut almost a half a billion dollars out of our operating costs," Garza said. "We've cut everything we possibly could and made a conservative effort in

Flu Vaccines

Marching band

The pros and cons of the vaccine and why it is important

Student gets second place in competition

Health 7

One of many colleges visiting AHS.



Editor in Chief

Cross country coach Carl Klein resigned from the team after a meeting with activities director Karl Kerns because he believes the team has not received their fair share of money during his tenure as coach. Assistant coach Jordan will be the interim coach until another one is hired. "I have been pushing for fairness and equality for not just our team, but all those teams that may not be the "bigger sports," Klein said. "I have asked to have some support percentage of our fundraising money go to the team plus other concerns and have failed at it. Coach Jordan and I had a meeting with Mr. Kerns and it did not go well." Klein's bold, daring action to resign was him taking a stand against the insufficient funds cross country has been given. "We do fundraisers for the school every fall, every sport has to sell gold cards or red cards. We see RESIGN pg. 3

IB Science POPE students Superintendent speaks about budget visit the Smithsonian Dr. Karen Garza discusses budget cuts with students Air and BY HEZEKIEL YONAS Space Museum BY SUMMAR AYOUB

Today’s Weather

Mostly Sunny



see BENEFIT pg. 3

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Arts 9

these past years to cut in ways that have the least amount of effect on student programs in schools, that's been a conscious effort on our part. Probably the only place that's really effecting at our schools to date is some of our class sizes." Garza discussed about the drama of #closeFCPS and the issues concerning snow days. She said that she vividly remembered the incident on Jan. 6 when schools were kept open because the snow was expected to be "light dusting"

but instead there was an adequate amount of snow which should have resulted in the closing of schools. "I don't think they're inconsistent, I just think that sometimes they make the wrong calls which has an effect on me because I walk to school," senior Gelila Reta said. The event was particularly informal for the students who attended as Garza updated them about the present state and future of FCPS.

After School app Read all about the new phone app that has students talking Entertainment 19

9/30 Cleveland Institute of Art: 9 AM 10/1 Virginia Tech- 1:30 PM 10/2 Rochester Institute of Technology- 10:00 AM University of Richmond- 1:30 PM 10/5 Mount Saint Mary University12:30 PM Morehouse College- 1:30 PM 10/6 University of Maryland College Park- 8:30 AM University of Cincinati- 9:30 AM

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