Issue 6

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the VOLUME #61 ISSUE 6

New year, new dance

Mostly Sunny

39 24 THURSDAY, JAN. 21, 2016

(703) 642-4229

Editor in Chief Fairfax County School Board has recently changed its policy that disallowed schools from changing their name unless the vicinity was altered for a different purpose. The new addition to the policy states, "The School Board may also consider a change in the name of a school or facility where some other compelling need exists." This ruling is beneficial to Fairfax County schools, such as Robert E. Lee High School and J.E.B. Stuart High School, who don't believe Confederate leaders accurately depict the overall beliefs of their respective schools. Both of these high schools are ethnically diverse and are misrepresented by these individuals who fought for the Confederate Army in attempt to protect the racist ideology of the South. This is why students at J.E.B. Stuart, such as seniors Anna Rowan, Marley Finley, Cassie Marcotty, Abby Conde and Lidia Amanuel, have revolted against the name of the school in effort to change it. "Our history teacher posed the idea and we teamed up with a couple of girls in my grade to see what we could do to move forward with it," Amanuel said. "We hope to change the name of our school to better reflect the positive learning environment and accepting atmosphere we enter every morning." Changing our school name will make it possible for Fairfax County to discontinue its tolerance of institutionalized racism and end the message of oppression and resulting desensitization to racism that the symbols currently representing my school carry. AHS is a very diverse school as well, so students should be paying attention to what's happening to these schools within our county. What if Annandale was named after Eli Whitney, inventor of the cotton gin? Although he was not a famous military leader like Lee and Stuart, Whitney's cotton gin is a symbol of the South's dependence of slavery and roots of racism. "Along with the name J.E.B. Stuart comes a history of inequality, racism and oppression. This history cannot be undone nor forgotten," Amanuel said. "School names are more than words on a building; they are identifiers of the students and employees within them. In this case, the name of my school inaccurately represents who we are as individuals

After close to 15 years, No Child Left Behind is no more.

Students from all grades prepare their projects


Staff Writer The annual Science Fair will be taking place at the cafeteria on Jan. 20 at 3 pm immediately after school. The fair gives students in grades 9-12 an opportunity to show off their science experiments that they have been working on since September. The project is time consuming, but every year many unique and new projects are displayed at the fair, causing students and staff members to look forward to the fair. "I am very excited, my project is going really well," senior Jamiah Harrison said. New this year will be projects from IB Science students. "This year will be [the best]! It's the first year where IB students participate and so I look forward to seeing their projects and seeing what they have to offer," Biology teacher, Jenna Koltz said. There was one problem going into the fair this year; the lack of judges. "We have many students in [the] Science Fair and only 25 judges," Koltz said. "We are at, from our last count, 45 judges which is better than 25." However, some students would rather not have judges critique their projects. "I am a little worried about judges looking at our projects but I think my project is creative so I'm sure they would like it," Harrison said. When it comes to being a judge for the Science Fair, they don't have to have any science experience or knowledge, they just have to follow

Koroma, are fans of the movement made by students at these schools because it discourages the views of the Confederate South. "I think changing the names wouldn't be a bad idea. Those confederate leaders represent a bad part of history pertaining to slaves and racial discrimination," Koroma said. "Today that is slowly but currently being relived. We shouldn't be influencing people by keeping the name of confederate leaders." J.E.B. Stuart alumni, Bruce Cohen and Julianne Moore, an Oscar-award winning director and actress, have initiated a campaign in order to promote the petition against their alma mater's name. The petition has been very successful and hopefully it will eventually lead to a new name for these two high schools. "School names are meant to be honorable, representing ideals to which students can aspire. I love my school and am excited to receive an incredible education," Amanuel said. "However, my values are challenged as I am forced to celebrate the Confederacy to express my love for my school." In conclusion, changing the names of these schools would prove to be a step in the right direction, and a step further away from institutionalized racism.

New education reform arrives

Science Fair arrives BY KARUNGU THUKU

Schools like W. T. Woodson, J.E.B. Stuart and Robert E. Lee consider changing their school name.

and as a community." Fairfax County was relatively slow in regards to desegregating schools, including AHS. So these two schools were named after Confederate leaders in order to show that their prejudice beliefs were still very relevant. But that was before many of the members at these schools were even born. Racist beliefs have now become a social taboo, and students of all religions and ethnicities have learned to live with each other. That's why students at these schools wish to rename themselves after leaders whose actions and motives don't conflict with their own; students at Stuart hope to change their name to Thurgood Marshall High School because they feel as if the first African-American Supreme Court judge represents them better than a slaveholder. "Some of those names came about because the schools like J.E.B. Stuart were founded during the Civil Rights Movement. So by naming them after Confederate leaders, they were sending a message about that movement and that they were not supporting it," history teacher Joel Jepson said. "So I think it's time that people at least have more say in the naming of the schools. Times have changed, why not?" Students at AHS, including BCAA president, senior Hassa

Staff Writer After more than a decade, the "No Child Left Behind" Act, ratified in 2001, is being updated. The new and improved "Every Student Succeeds" Act promises to reduce the federal government's role in public education, and place more responsibility into the hands of local and state governments. To quote a statement released by the White House, the new legislation "rejects the overuse of standardized tests and one-size-fits-all mandates on schools." While day-to-day operations President Barack Obama signs the "Every Student Succeeds" Act into law. curriculum. of schools across the nation will remain the outlined by the No Child Left Behind act. No Child Left Behind was signed in to law According to a teacher interviewed by the same, the role and scope of Standardized to address America's growing achievement NPR, the No Child Left Behind act was essentesting is being overhauled. gap between students of different socioeco- tially a "sledgehammer," one that punished Standard(ized) Fare At this point, it is reasonable to assume nomic statuses. According to the Washington schools that could not achieve certain pass that most Annandale students have been Post, many schools were simply failing to rates in reading and mathematics, without taking standardized tests for their entire teach their more impoverished students. The paying any attention to the school's special educational career. The spring months of law introduced yearly standardized testing, circumstances. An impoverished inner city every school year have long been character- and threatened harsh federal intervention school would be held to the same standards ized by long review sessions and seemingly against schools that failed to meet "adequate as a public school located in a wealthy suburb, endless busywork. Though some students yearly progress," essentially a target pass/ and schools that were already suffering only may have found this work to be tedious and fail rate. Funding could be cut, staff members deteriorated further under federal oversight. useless, it served an important role in keep- could be fired, or the school could be forced to In many cases, No Child Left Behind puning Annandale safe from government action completely restructure its administration and ished the low-income students and schools it

sought to protect. According to NPR, former president George W. Bush promised that No Child Left Behind would be directed towards "methods that actually work." Despite the former president's assurances back in 2001, the impact No Child Left Behind has had a mixed impact. Globally, the USA's education system ranks 14th in the world according to a 2014 Pearson study, one rank below Russia. While possessing the 14th best education system in the world is no small accomplishment, the United States could also be doing much better. Countries with smaller economies and populations, such as Finland (fifth) and Ireland (ninth) are doing considerably better, despite having less resources. While it may be tempting to simply blame the USA's ranking on an overuse of standardized testing, it is worth noting that South Korea and Japan, two countries infamous for their heavy use of standardized testing, occupy the two highest ranks on Pearson's list, with South Korea's education system being the best in the world by Pearson's metrics. The problem is not just standardized testing. Leaving Behind No Child Left Behind As of Dec. 10, 2015, No Child Left Behind is no longer in effect. It has been replaced by the Every Student Succeeds Act. According to the National Education

Annual talent contest for upperclassman boys begins Mr. Annandale is held on Feb. 27 for junior and senior boys. BY SERENE GHUL & GRACE HOGYE Staff Writers Leadership will be hosting the annual Mr. Annandale competition on Friday, February 26 in the auditorium. Upperclassmen boys compete in various categories to win the title of "Mr. Annandale." "It's a fun event held every year," leadership member, senior Eden Mesfin said. "It is a nice way to see what the boys have to offer and it is also really funny." AHS has been hosting the competition for over 20 years. The entertaining event allows the school

community to learn more about the students of AHS. The event will be hosted by the AHS leadership class. Banners, posters and packets will be going around the school to advertise the competition. Funny videos are also being created to spark interest in going to the competition. Leadership is looking for an ideal number of about 10 to 15 seniors and juniors to compete in the competition. Teachers help out by forming a panel of judges and judging the boys in the different categories. One of the faculty judges, Kathleen Mathis, has judged the competition for the past few years and is excited to judge again this year. "I enjoy getting to see former and current students in a totally different light than in the classroom," Mathis said.

The six judged categories consist of: Mr. Elegance, Mr. Spirit, Mr. Muscle, Mr. Fan Favorite, Mr. Talent and Mr. Intelligence. Each participant can earn points and win certain categories, but the ultimate "Mr. Annandale" wins by accumulating the greatest amount of points and excelling in all of the different categories with a unique flare. "The previous winners were consistent with every skit and every category," Mesfin said. The competition gives each of the participants a chance to show off their skills as well as their passions. It also gives them a chance to have fun. Although there is only one "Mr. Annandale", who receives a crown, sash and bragging rights, multiple titles are given out, one for each category. It is a fun activity to attend and tickets are sold Former Mr. Annandale, Robert for only $3 two weeks before the event. Lamb poses after his win.

Protein power Student athletes use supplements to gain muscle Health 7

2016 Fashion n Get informed about the upcoming 2016 trends and styles Lifestyles 14


Tina Dang asks Chris Le to Sadie Hawkins.




Staff Writer The spring dance is right around the corner and Leadership has decided for it to be a Sadie Hawkins dance. Leadership is changing it up because in prior years we had dances such as Color Craze and Project A. Color Craze was the spring dance for the last two years. It was more of a rave than a formal dance and most people just went with and danced with friends. Students wore clothing with bright colors. This year, a Sadie Hawkins dance will be taking in place of it due to popular request. Many other schools in FCPS have done this in the past and Woodson High School is joining us in following the new trend for this year. A Sadie Hawkins dance is where girls ask boys to go to the dance, instead of the norm, where boys ask girls. The dance will be on Saturday, Mar. 12, 2016 from 8 pm to 11 pm. It starts at that time so more students will be able to attend and have sufficient time to get ready. The dance will be formal and the theme will be Under the Sea. "The gym and jock lobby will all be decorated in blue and there will be various sea decorations," leadership teacher Carmen Bartley said. Make sure to save the date, and ladies, start looking for a special someone to ask before he gets taken.

Editorials 2

Today’s Weather

New policy allows for school communities to change Confederate names


Read all about why you should not skip breakfast

Informinng the Atoms siince 1954 4

High school names may change

Sadie Hawkins has students excited for the spring


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