Issue 7

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4700 Medford Dr. Annandale, VA 22003 470

Informinng the Atoms siince 1954 4


58 47 WEDNESDAY, FEB. 24, 2016

(703) 642-4229

HERITAGE NIGHT Students practice cultural dances for annual event BY TEAGAN FOTI News Editor Students from different parts of the world come together to showcase their unique culture as well as to learn about others at Heritage Night. Heritage Night will be on March 17 in the auditorium and is a chance to experience and learn about other cultures in an interesting and engaging way. This distinctive night is a chance for our diverse student body to show off their cultures and to meet people that they can have a connection with that they wouldn't otherwise be introduced to. "It's a great way to embrace and learn about your culture and meet new people," senior Rida Fatima said. "I can't wait until my group performs. Formal auditions for the performances will be held today, Feb. 24, in the Auditorium. Auditions give the supervisor, Whitney Hardy, a chance to see and comment on the performances before they take the stage in March. "We are looking for groups [at auditions] that know what they are doing and that are entertaining," Hardy said. Groups for Heritage Night are constructed based off of the country or culture that is

being represented and then practices for the performances are planned. Practices are coordinated by each group individually, so they are usually flexible and planned around the schedules of the performers and when most of them can attend. "Practices are really fun," junior Fatmata Kamara said. "I like the fact that we [my group] are all comfortable with each other so it is easy to share different ideas." Heritage Night has been a tradition at AHS for years and never ceases to attract new faces and talents. The newcomers that come to the stage each year are a large portion of what makes Heritage Night such a strong tradition. "I went to it last year and I really liked the performances so I decided to do it this year to embrace my culture and enjoy senior year. It is my last year so why not?" Fatima said. The large ethnic population at Annandale, which is one of the reasons why Heritage Night is such a success, gives students a chance to display their unique and flourishing culture with everyone else. "I chose to participate in Heritage Night because I am Indian and there's such a rich culture that we have to show," senior Aditya Chaturvedi said. Last year's Heritage Night was a huge success, almost completely selling out and so many are looking forward to this years with the same anticipation. "I'm super excited to see the kids that came

Student debate Young Democrats and Republicans hold panels on presidential BY NICHOLAS MORTENSON Staff Writer

out last year for it because last year was the most successful Heritage Night we have had in a long time," Hardy said. "I am also really excited to see all the new groups that I haven't seen yet and to see the kids' creativity and just really looking forward to another good year." People attend and perform in Heritage Night for a plethora of reasons, whether it be to learn something new or to promote their personal culture. "I like the way other cultures are shown, and we get to know more about them and their dances. We also get to see people and their special talents," Chaturvedi said "I joined because I love dancing and I wanna share my culture with others, so that they can feel the same way," Kamara said. For students looking to participate in a performance, excessive talent isn't needed.

As Virginia's primary election nears, both the Young Democrats and Young Republicans clubs at AHS have been pushing hard to get eligible seniors registered to vote and informed about the stances of each presidential candidate. The voter registration deadline for Virginia's March 1st primary has long since passed, but both clubs are still focusing on informing AHS voters. In order to work towards this end, the Young Democrats and Young Republicans are hosting a series of informational panels that focus on each presidential candidate's stance on one key issue. Immigration was the subject of the first panel, but according to senior Amiansu Khanal, president of the Young Republicans, and one of the organizers of the event, future panels will focus on other issues.

Leader of his group, Senior Aditya Chaturvedi practicing for his performance.

It's more about having fun and displaying traditions rather than ability and giving a perfect performance. "I have danced at my uncle's wedding but that is the only experience I have had in three years," Fatima said. "I am a little bit nervous and excited because I don't know how good of a dancer I am, but I am also excited because it gives me a chance to make new friends."

Staff Writer Annandale High school will be hosting the annual Mr. Annandale competition on Friday, February 26 in the auditorium. Upperclassmen boys compete in various categories to win the title of "Mr. Annandale." "It's a fun event held every year," junior leadership member, Edin Mesfin said. "It is a nice way to see what the boys have to offer and it is also really funny." AHS has been hosting the competition for over twenty years. As an entertaining event that allows the school community to learn more about the students of AHS. The event will be hosted by the AHS leadership class. Banners, posters, and packets will be going around the school to advertise the competition. Funny videos are also being created to spark interest in going to the competition.

Upcoming Spirit Week BY TOOBA SIDDIQUE Staff Writer



Leadership is looking for an ideal number of about 10 to 15 seniors and juniors to compete in the competition. Teachers help out by forming a panel of judges and judging the boys in the different categories. One of the faculty judges, Kathleen Mathis, has judged the competition for the past few years and is excited to judge again this year. "I enjoy getting to see former and current students in a totally different light than in the classroom," Mathis said. The six judged categories consist of: Mr. Elegance, Mr. Spirit, Mr. Muscle, Mr. Fan Favorite, Mr. Talent and Mr. Intelligence. Each participant can earn points and win certain categories, but the ultimate "Mr. Annandale"wins by accumulating the greatest amount of points and excelling in all of the different categories with a unique flare. "The previous winners were consistent with every skit and every category," Mesfin said. The competition gives each of the participants a chance to show off their skills as well as their passions. It also gives them a chance to have fun. Junior and senior boys pose for group picture for Mr. Annandale.

see DEMOCRATS pg. 5

Students excited for spring festivities

Who will prevail at Mr. Annandale? Junior and senior boys are ready to win

Today’s Weather

The Atoms will be participating in the third spirit week of the year, and the first in 2016 after the s-winter theme. This spirit week will begin on the 7th of March leading into the Sadie Hawkins dance which will take place in the AHS gym from 8pm11pm on Saturday, March 12th. There will also be a pep rally the Friday of the spirit week, and students will have to represent their class by wearing their different assigned colors. The week starts of with Bahama Mama Monday, into Shark Tale Tuesday, Surfin' USA Wednesday, Yacht Club Thursday, and ending with Friday being the Great Atomic Reef. On Friday, freshmen are to wear red, Sophomore's blue, Juniors see SPIRIT pg. 5

Students get to the next level Big Teams

AHS choir prepares for Snow Days affect students Students and teachers enjoy days off BY KIRK LINDBERG Staff Writer With the recent snow storm, Jonas, rolling through Northern Virginia, Fairfax County Public Schools has started to cancel multiple school days due to snow. With already eight school day cancellations because of snow, students have had to adapt to many changing circumstances. Many students had to deal with the short time period before the end of the second quarter. FCPS did not extend the second quarter at all, unlike Loudoun County who extended its second quarter by two days. The snow days have also caused problems for sports. Many sports practices and games have had to been cancelled or postponed. For girl's varsity basketball, senior night had to be

cancelled because of forecasted snow later in the day that FCPS thought was enough to cancel all after school activities past 6:15 p.m. "I definitely enjoyed the ten days off we had from school. I spent a lot of time relaxing and just watching Netflix. The only problem now is that I only have four days to catch up on missing assignments before the end of the quarter," senior Sarah Deible said. This is also the case with many other students and teachers. Teachers now have to grade more material over a shorter period of time. Some of them have even pushed assignments into the next quarter. "The biggest thing I had to change was that I had an essay that was going to be due this week, but instead of making the essay do this week, I had to make the outline a summative assessment for the second quarter and move the essay back a week that will be on the third quarter," teacher Christopher Bagot said. The snow days have also caused problems for the annual Science Fair. Due to the see SNOW pg. 5



News Editor The 2016 regional science fair will be held at Robinson secondary school on March 11, 12 and 13. Every year select science students make it to regionals and are given an opportunity to show their projects to higher level judges. Many students from AHS, as well as

other surrounding high schools attend to present their projects each year. The first day of regionals consists of registration and project set up, basically preparing for presentations on the second day. The third day of regionals is dedicated to awards and recognizing all of the hard work that the students have put into their projects over the prior six months.



1st prize - Ahmed Mohamed - Bashudha Dhamala 2nd prize - Vivian Dinh - Fares Ayoub, Ethan Zimmerman, Mathis Lotongo - Vinh On - Sarah Hawkins 3rd prize - Nahom Dagnachew, Philip Barlow, Tawhid Hassan - Bobby J. James - Christina Le, Eduardo Hernandez, Galilea SejasMachado - Eva Bottcher, Emma Kliewer, Tiana Nguyen 1st Honorable Mention - Kimberly Vaides, Michelle Dang Araceli Cabrera

1st prize - Aditya Chaturvedi - Sohail Chopra

Climate changee

Artsy students

Learn about the horrible things happening to the ozone

See the unique artistic pieces students have created

In-Depth 10&11

Art 12

Physics & Engineering 1st prize - Ahmed Mohammed - Dong H. Kim

2nd prize - Rebecca Kindling, Lennon Wuhrer, Ethan Yu - Jihun Kim, Kevin Hoang, Sergio Villarroel

2nd prize - Tristan Dock, Betel Eyob - Andrew Peters

3rd prize - Carson Binkley, Gabrielle Whote - Kora Coker - Ian McClelland, Annelise Schader, Chioma Okoh

3rd prize - Aldwin Pagulayan - Rebecca Soulen

1st Honorable Mention - Maisha Maliha

1st Honorable Mention - Christopher Han

College Checklist Check out what you need to know before visiting colleges Weekend 20

Help AHS win scholarship money BY CAMILA SURUCO Staff Writer An app called Big Teams, which was founded in 2002, is now giving away money to local high schools for scholarships. Recently, AHS has been moved into 10th place for the scholarship giveaway. In order to win this scholarship, you will first need to download the Big Teams, which is accessible on the app store. After downloading the app, make sure to follow Annandale High School which will help move us past other local schools such as Falls Church, South County, WT Woodson and see TEAMS pg. 5

GET INVOLVED On your smartphone, scan this code using the application "QR Code" to download the application and help your school win money.

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