Issue 2

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the GOOD GRUB Find out which foods are healthy, and those that are not.

NEWS BRIEFS Homecoming Court and Senior nominees announced





Local lanes draw in students and produce avid bowlers

After upsetting third-ranked Centreville, AHS rises to a 2-1 record

Homecoming festivities begin as the royal court is announcemed and spirit week on its way BY JUNAID SHAMS AND MIKE WEIST News Editor and Staff Writer


Senior dues to be paid this week

Seniors Lamin Mansaray and Chelsea Duffy walk down the alley in the cafeteria yesterday. Mansary and Duffy are nominees for Homecoming King and Queen.


AHS community members are encouraged to set up an account with Safeway, Giant and Harris Teeter grocery stores. When members use their cards, money will be donated to AHS. In order to set up a Safeway account sign up at www.safeway.con under Community/Escrip. and use the code: Annandale 6642581. For a Giant A+ Bonus Bucks account visit a local Giant or go to and use the code: Annandale 01821. Harris Teeter Together In education accounts may be registered at any Harris Teeter store or online at The identification number for AHS is 4555 and five percent of the purchase will go to the school. Another way to give money to AHS is by shopping online through or These web sites allow the shopper to purchase items from stores such as Office Depot, LL Bean, JCPenney, Sports Authority, Coldwater Creek, Tiger Direct and Dell. When visiting the web sites register with AHS.

“I was shocked at first,” said senior Johnny Eklund after finding out that he had been nominated for Homecoming king. “But for me, it’s an honor to be part of something special.” The same feeling was shared with 15 other students as they were introduced as part of the 2003 Homecoming Court during all lunches yesterday, Mon. Sept. 29. Today during R3 flex, all students will vote for their choice for Homecoming King and Queen. With the theme of “Atom Flashback,” preparations have already begun for a special ATOMversary Homecoming and spirit week. Spirit week, which begins next Monday, ends with the annual Homecoming dance on Sat, Oct. 11. AHS will continue to participate with the same spirit days this year as have been done in past years including: Pajama Day, Hawaiian Day, Crazy Hair and Hat Day, “Dress to impress” Day, and Friday each under class grade is given a color to wear and seniors wear Togas. To advertise the spirit week this year, walking billboards will walk around the halls to advertise each spirit day. SGA Sponsor and marketing teacher Jennifer Hendrickson spon-

sors spirit week and is hoping to have participation at a maximum to show school spirit. On Fri, Oct. 10 during R5 flex, the annual fall pep rally will be held. The schedule will be adjusted so that R5 flex will take place during the last period of the day. The Homecoming king will be crowned at this event. “I hope I win, but I’m not going to make a big deal about it if I don’t,” said Eklund. Homecoming parade, which starts at 4 p.m. on Pomponio Place, will lead up to the Homecoming football game and the half-time show. The Atoms will take on the Hayfield Hawks at 7 p.m. AHS’s 50 th Homecoming Queen will be crowned by the first Homecoming Queen, Laurina Monaco Poff, during the half-time show. The homecoming game will be the kick-off event in a yearlong celebration of the school’s 50 th anniversary, which includes a multi-decade Prom Extravaganza planned for June 6. The homecoming game will be a grand reunion for all of the school’s alumni and homecoming queens from every decade. To celebrate the event, students will create floats representing the different decades of the school’s life for the homecoming parade. Homecoming week will end with the dance, which will be held on Sat., Oct. 11 from 8 p.m. until 11 p.m. Tickets will be on sale during Red day lunches starting the week of Sept. 29, and will be sold daily during lunch the week of Oct. 6, Tickets cost $11 for a single purchase and $20 for couple. However, no tickets will be sold at the door. Other homecoming events will include the Powder Puff Game, held on October 7 at 5 p.m., and the bonfire at 7 p.m.

With gale-force winds and torrential downpour, Hurricane Isabel came bellowing through the metropolitan area Thurs., Sept. 18. By midday Friday, Isabel had passed, but not without pounding the


Annandale community and other outlying areas. The strong winds and rain left 1.8 million of the 2.2 million Dominion Power Customers without electricity and many of those without water, which for many, lasted through Monday afternoon. With no electricity and water systems down, Fairfax County and all other metro area schools were forced to shut down on Thursday and Friday. For AHS and three other FCPS schools, a lack of power caused cancellations on Monday, four days after the area had bid farewell to Isabel. Both students and teachers were affected by the devastation brought by Isabel. From disrupted lesson plans to damaged houses, Isabel’s destruction was felt hard at AHS. One subtle affect realized only when students returned from their hiatus is that the curriculum of many teachers has been affected, now that the school has to do without three school days. “I’ve had to double up on homework assignments with kids, and I’ve had to delete some of

A mother and her two sons walk down the normally busy Ravensworth Rd., but a large section was cut off due to a fallen branch that remain for four days

Local murders strike fear in students Donate to AHS through grocery shopping

With the completion of their new CD Dashboard Confessional comes to D.C.

Hurricane Isabel leaves damage in wake

Speakers of Other Languages Parent/Guardian Night

On Weds., Oct. 1 from 6:30 - 9 p.m. the Guidance Department along with the PTSA will be holding a night for all parent and guardians who speak Arabic, Korean, Spanish, Urdu and Vietnamese in Clausen Hall. The night will include discussions about high school success strategies, steps to graduation and post-graduation options, and other guidance services. Refreshments will be served.



HC preparations underway

The homecoming court winners for the 2003-2004 school year were announced yesterday during lunches. The winners include: Freshman class: Kwaku Osei and Haveen Sindi Sophomore class: Sam Rabinovitz and Natalie Gilbert Junior class: Larry Asante and Ana Rosa Alvarez Senior class Homecoming Queen nominees: Safaa Alhanasn, Yodit Gebreyes, Chelsea Duffy, Angela Briggs and Chanda Kim. Senior class Homecoming King nominees: Kojo Asamoa, Oheneba Boeteng, Cory Daise, Johnny Eklund, and Lamin Mansary.

During English classes on Wednesday and Thursday, $48 in seniors dues are to be paid. The dues will cover the purchase of cap & gown, diploma cover, and costs for the commencement ceremony at D.A.R. Constitution Hall on June 15. On these days students may also order graduation announcements (look in cafeteria for showcase of sample announcements). Students who are in need of a payment plan for senior dues should see Mary Wolfe in the Student Administrative Office.



BY STACY MARIN AND LEKHA MENON staff writers Three weeks after the murder of 40 year-old Maria Mercedes Morales-Vanegas, AHS students and faculty are becoming more aware of the violence in the neighborhood. Around 11 p.m. on Sept. 8, Morales-Vanegas was shot while getting out of her car in the 7800th block of Patriot Drive, off of Heritage Drive, just blocks from the AHS campus. Arnoldo Aleman, 41, described as an acquaintance on the victim, shot Morales-Vanegas several times in the upper body with a handgun, police reports say. This was a case of domestic violence concerning the marital status of both involved, said Student Resource Officer Paul Pickett. No students were involved, and Morales-Vanegas had no relationship to anyone at AHS. Aleman was arrested the following Wednesday morning in his Arlington County home and is now in police custody. As of now, Aleman is charged with homicide. His sentence will be determined at his pending trial. This was the third murder that has taken place in the Annandale area over the past year. One was AHS alumna Fanta Moses. The other was a woman who was shot near the 7-11 on Heritage Drive, Pickett said. Because of several incidents of violence around the area, school security has risen. Although these acts were not directly related to AHS, the administration is taking extra precautions to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for AHS students. Teachers and administrators are becoming much stricter about knowing where students are at all times. This is one of the main reasons behind the enforced unexcused tardies and absences policies, said Security Administrator KW Williams. “How “Neighborhood shooting” continued on pg. 5

“Isabel” continued on pg. 5



700 Medford Dr. Annandale, VA 22003

Due to the hurricane a large tree branch fell and blocked traffic on Four Year Run in front of AHS. The branch took one hour to clear out of the street.

Students adjust to crowding BY JUNAID SHAMS News Editors The 10:54 bell rings, and senior Andrew Lee hustles out of his W6 IB Spanish class towards the lunchroom. Down the stairs, through the math hall, Lee navigates through the crowds and finally arrives at the cafeteria. At last, Lee is met with a sight his empty stomach loathes. The lines for lunch are, once again, wrapping around the snack machines and are pushing towards the back door. For Lee and almost all other students, this experience is not uncommon. With enrollment swelling to almost 2,500 students, administrators are struggling to keep the lunches less crowded. Another problem created by the wealth of students is a lack of parking spaces. With one of the largest senior classes in AHS history, the school had taken away 45 of these coveted and expensive spaces for additional staff parking. According to administrator Jon Frederickson, the school expects about 100 more people in each lunch this year. To combat the growing student population, the school has put more administrators in the lines at lunch. “Although it makes the lines seem longer, they are mov-




Students crowd into the busy lunch lines during a Red day. Students may have to wait for up to 15 minutes in order to purchase their meals during a 30-minute lunch break because of the overcrowded lunch periods.

ing quicker,” said Frederickson. “The first week was terrible, but it’s getting much better with students using their accounts,” said Frederickson. He attributes the slow lines to kids using cash, with waits extending to up to 25 minutes. This leaves students with only five minutes to eat their lunch before the lunch period ends. “I

think they are magnificent when they have to wait in line,” said Frederickson, who sympathizes with the student’s lack of time. Some schools outside of Fairfax County, such as T.C. Williams in Alexandria, alleviate this problem by allowing students off to eat lunch off campus. However, “Crowding” continued on pg. 4

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