Informing the Atoms since 1954
Students demonstrate how poker isnʼt just for those over the age of 18.
Keep FDR on the dime.
NEWS BRIEFS School board member Kory to be present at PTSA meeting
Tonight at 7 p.m. in the library, the PTSA will be hosting Fairfax County School Board Member Kaye Kory to talk about the Atomversary and will be acting as a representative for the Fairfax County district to award AHS with an honor. Chair of the Atomversary, Cindy Hook, will also be present at the meeting in order to answer questions about the June Atomversary events. Kaye Kory
Last week for yearbook sales
The Antenna yearbook will be closing all yearbook sales on Jan. 5, the first day back from the winter break, for the remainder of the 2003-2004 school year. The sales will be ending early this year since the book will be in full color, orders must be placed ahead of time. No yearbooks will be sold at the end of the year.
BY JOHN REISS Entertainment Editor Two fights broke out Thursday afternoon involving four AHS students, but both of the fights were isolated events. The first took place at the First Presbyterian Church behind the school at approximately 2:05 p.m., sending one student to the hospital who suffered a concussion and broken jaw after being struck with a golf club. At about 2:30 p.m. a student was stabbed in the neck in a gang-related incident in the
parking lot of Heritage Mall. The student was treated for minor injuries after being taken to INOVA Fairfax Hospital, and was released later that day. These two incidents are not far behind a recent increase of gang activity, but most students aren’t worried. “I feel safe,” said junior Jonathan Silvera. “I think the school’s taken a lot of measures to make sure students are safe.” According to eyewitness accounts, the first incident at the church stemmed from a two-week-old, out-of-school dispute allegedly involving drugs and stolen property. The dispute escalated through an argument in school during the day of the fight between two senior males. Student Resource Officer Paul Pickett reports that a student, approximately 6’0”, left school grounds before dismissal and joined two college students at the end of the school day. The smaller student wielded a bat and approached the larger as he was walking towards his car to leave school, but dropped it and entered into a fistfight. While the two fought, a friend of the larger student (who had brought a
Following the stabbing an AHS junior, blood was left on the side of the Heritage Mall parking lot.
“Violence” continued on pg. 6
After the events of December 11, production crews from Fox, ABC, NBC and CBS surrounded Heritage Mall. Leebon Homad was one of the many students interviewed by news crews about the event.
Homework above national average
The Annandale Atomic Dance Fushion placed first in the jazz and hip hop categories at the Prince William County Dance Competition on Dec. 13. They competed against over ten local schools. This is the best the dance team has placed in any competition. Their next competition will be on Jan. 31.
Malvo Penalty
Lee Boyd Malvo, the 18-year-old accused of being part of the sniper shootings last year, is now on trial for one of the shootings in the area. If he is convicted he could face the death penalty. Do you think that Lee Boyd Malvo should receive the death penalty?
528 students were surveyed during R1 flex on Dec. 12, 2003.
After losing a number of runners, this years seniors are leading the pack.
After-school fights result in stabbing and injury
Dance team wins competition
Student violence erupts
December SATs rescheduled
Students scheduled for the Dec. 6 SAT have be reassigned to take the standardized test this Saturday morning at the regular time. The test was canceled because of inclement weather. Students should report to their same assigned testing site. Test takers who are registered for the test and are unable to make the new date should either call (609) 771-7600 or visit http://www.collegeboard.com/ sat/hml/center_closings_alert.html and contact the College Board.
Go undercover with Resource Officer Paul Pickett
In a still frame from the short film Art of the Saber, stars Cary Ho (left) and Calvin Ho (right) fight each other. The Ho brothers produced the movie in December 2002, however it was illegally taken and submitted by Mateen Khan in the 2003 AHS Film Festival.
Alumnus plagiarized film festival entry BY JUNAID SHAMS News Editor 2003 AHS graduate and The Jury Prize winner, Abdul Mateen Khan, has been discovered to have plagiarized his movie, “The Quest,” which was entered by Khan at the June 2003 AHS Film Festival. “Without a doubt it’s a plagiarized movie. I am certain, and 100% positive that this movie is plagiarized despite Mateen’s denial,” said Alan Weintraut, Film Study teacher.
Originally named “Art of the Saber,” the Star Wars action movie was created by the Ho Brothers, residents of Columbia, MD, in 2001. The movie was then posted on the Star Wars Fans website, Theforce.net, in December 2002. At the 2003 Film Festival, a student of Hayfield and friend of senior Carter Wilson recognized the movie. “My friend turns around and tells me that he’s seen this movie before,” said Wilson. Surprised from his friend’s comments, Wilson went to the website
to confirm, and then told Weintraut in October of his suspicions. “I was shocked when I found out,” said senior Carter Wilson. “If it wasn’t for Mateen, my movie would have won something.” Not wanting to put Khan on the defensive of making him feel guilty, Weintraut showed him the movie when Khan came back to visit Weintraut in late October. “He actually came to talk to “Alumnus” continued on pg.6
The Brown Center of Education at the Brookings Institute recently did a study which revealed that the national average time students in elementary and high school spend doing homework was only 19 minutes. The study also contended that only one third of high school students do more than one hour of homework per night. This study was done in response to a widespread notion that students have been overloaded with work and are spending too much time doing homework. Although many students complain about the amount of work that they are receiving, there is a mixed response as to how useful homework really is. “I know that by doing my work is going to help me on the tests,” said senior Janet Partlow. Teachers stress the importance of homework as a tool to fortify concepts taught in class. “Homework is important especially in a block schedule where you have large gaps between classes. We need homework in order to digest what is going on in class,” said IB and regular French teacher Patricia Heininge. However, some students see homework as a waste of time and make a habit of not doing it. “Homework is stupid because it doesn’t teach you anything. It’s just extra work,” said Christina Velz. Realizing that students have lives outside of “Homework” continued on pg. 5
In Issue 4 of The A-Blast last year, we asked the same question in a survey.
The survey was distributed to 200 students during A, B and C lunches on Nov. 8, 2002.
Domenech set to Music department performs holiday shows retire in March BY JULIE WOLF Staff Writer
BY CAROLINE FRIEDMAN Managing Editor Superintendent Daniel Domenech announced his retirement from the position he held for six years Wed. Dec. 3. Domenech will be moving to New York to be closer to his family, as well as taking a new job as senior vice president at McGraw-Hill, a textbook publisher. Domenech’s resignation is effective March 5. Domenech was born in Oriente, Cuba, and immigrated to the United States when he was nine. He was an advocate for minority achievement, and when he came to Fairfax Country Public Schools in 1998 he started a program called Project Excel. Project Excel took 20 of the lowest achieving elementary schools in the county and gave them funding for full day kindergarten, as well as extending the school day by half an hour, removing the half day on Monday that most County elementary schools have and it gave finding so that the “Domenech” continued on pg. 5
4700 Medford Dr. Annandale, VA 22003
Band Director Jack Elgin led the band at St. Johnʼs United Methodist Church on Dec. 11. The Symphonic, Red and Gold bands performed pieces to welcome the winter holiday spirit.
With the holiday break a mere three days away, the school’s musical groups are all having their winter concerts. The band, orchestra, and chorus are all performing holiday pieces to get the audience excited for the holiday season. The winter band concert was held on Thurs., Dec. 11 at St. John’s United Methodist Church. The Symphonic, Red, and Gold bands all performed the pieces they have been preparing since the beginning of the year. The Symphonic Band played the entire Nutcracker Suite, a 25-minute piece that is split up into eight segments. The Symphonic band also played two other selections, “Green sleeves” and “Sleigh Ride.” “It went really well, even though “Concerts” continued on pg. 5