the VOLUME #60 ISSUE 6
ANNANDALE HIGH SCHOOL 4700 Medford Dr. Annandale, VA 22003 470
Informinng the Atoms siince 1954 4
(703) 642-4229
Weather decisions frustrate Delays and cancellations not always necessary BY JAROD GOLUB Co-Editor in Chief In the past two weeks, Fairfax County Public Schools have been closed twice and delayed three times. The delays on Jan. 7 and 9 as well as the closing on Jan. 8 were because of student safety. However, along with these closings and delays, there were also days where school was closed that students and teachers thought it should not have been and days where school wasn't closed when it should have been.
Most recently, school was canceled on Jan. 14 due to expected freezing rain. However, no precipitation occurred that day, leading to a wasted day of school. "I definitely felt like school should not have
been canceled," junior Jeffrey Montano said. "But it was nice. I'm not complaining. I was living the life." However, the unnecessary snow day was not all fun and games.
"It was nice and all, I had a lot of fun," junior Phillip Delcore said. "But it put me behind in a lot of my Red Day classes." Missing classes can have a huge effect on the course and the speed with which the instructor has to go over the material. "It's been hard for my [Red Day] classes to catch up," English teacher Julia Hanneman said. "They've already missed two class periods." FCPS could be forced to make more important and difficult decisions in the upcoming week due to an increased chance of winter weather and declining temperatures. Students and teachers can look forward to accumulating snow from Thursday Jan. 22 into Saturday Jan. 24. The problem is, FCPS has seen some criticism for their decisions recently, as can be seen by the debacle of Jan. 6, when FCPS did not cancel school despite moderate snowfall and severely iced roads. This caused many students to struggle with getting to school on time. see WEATHER pg. 5
Cashing in: student entrepreneurs Co-Editor in Chief t all started with me wanting to make money," senior Rasel Abutaa said. Abutaa noticed that when he brought in a box of donuts, students were willing to buy one off of him. When he decided it would be profitable to start a donut business he, like most, started off small. He bought 7-11 donuts that were on a two for one deal and sold them for a dollar each which means he was able to double his daily investment. However, he was not able to make a large profit for long since the deal expired. "It became uneconomic," Abutaa said. Instead of stopping his new business, he decided to shop around for other deals that would make enough revenue to continue his venture. He began to purchase the donuts from Harris Teeter. However, he was not able to make as much money as before but it would still make enough money that he would be satisfied by the end of the day. Abutaa was not always known as the person who would carry a few boxes of donuts every morning. "My interest in business began during the last couple of months in my junior year when I realized I wanted to make more money," Abutaa said. While only starting his business in the past couple of years, his family has a business of their own. "My parents own their own restaurant in Falls Church, and my mother got her MBA three years ago to learn more about running the restaurant," Abutaa said. His parents were able to start their business just a few years after coming to the U.S. While his parents share the same interest, Abutaa was not affected by their background and experience. "I didn't really get influenced by it at all to be honest, it just happened that I liked business and they have one," Abutaa said. Many go into business without having a degree or formal education, but have experience. In Abutaa s case, he was able
BUSINESS STATISTICS · In 2010, 505,473 establishments were created, one of the lowest amounts since 1994 · 2,456,522 jobs were created because of new born establishments in 2010
· By the second year of a new born establishment, only 70 percent survived · Around 24 percent survive 17 years · Facts compiled by the Bureau of Labor to take business classes here in AHS to learn how the economy works and the different approaches he can take to be a successful entrepreneur. "I took Economics and Personal Finance last year, and that prompted me to enroll in IB Business this year to increase my knowledge and learn new things," Abutaa said. "I was also able to ask my business teacher for advice regarding the sales and what would sell best." While he wanted to get into this business in hopes for a regular flow of money, he soon enjoyed the work he was doing and the opportunities that came with it. He was also able to expand his venture once he started getting regular customers. "I enjoyed trying to please the customers and implementing new deals and loyalty cards to see what worked best. It became an activity that I did for the fun as well as the money," Abutaa
said. Abutaa created new deals at some points and tried out other tactics to see what would bring in more consumers. "The soda was a sort of experiment, and while they sold well independently, they never sold out (the donuts always did). I realized that instead of holding donuts in one hand and soda in the other, holding donuts in both hands would lead to higher profits," Abutaa said. "I wanted to make money in an easy way, and nothing was easier than waking up 30 minutes early and going to school. Selling the donuts wasn't difficult at all," Abutaa said. "So I didn't really count that as work. People handed me money and got a donut." While Abutaa continues to have great interest in business and entrepreneurship and plans to study it while he is in college,
AHS teacher survives crash, issues warning Family and consumer science teacher Robin Griffin was only driving one mile from her home. She drove through a green light as usual, but instead this time, a minivan came speeding towards her. Griffin saw the other driver going towards her door, expecting the driver to realize they had to stop, but they did not. "I didn't think she was really going to hit me. It was kind of like bumper cars, when you're like 'oh no this is going to hurt' She t-boned me," Griffin said. It was the first day back from winter break, and Griffin's car was unexpectedly hit and flipped by a minivan. "I was like okay that was really scary, but I'm okay. Next thing I know, my car flips, so I'm going upside down and I put my hands over my face. It was so scary, I thought I was going to die. I was so relieved that my daughter wasn't in the car," Griffin said. After getting out of the accident safe and alive, it was time to think of the financial impact. "My car was totaled and I just got a new car. But it's a really long and hard process. It's been a ton of paperwork and a ton of my time," Griffin said. "Even though it wasn't my fault, you still have to go through a lot of work and steps to get everything back. I'm happy that I'm not hurt, or not really hurt, I have some injuries. But it's a real pain."
When Griffin's car flipped upside down, and she finally stopped. All of her side and back windows are destroyed except for the front window. She noticed that there was glass everywhere. Griffin owns a car with different kinds of safety features so there were side bags installed and activated that helped protect her from the shards of glass. "I also had my seat belt on, so I was hanging upside down like a little bat in a cave, and that prevented me from getting hurt. I always wear my seat belt and I'm just so thankful." The other driver was not paying attention according to Griffin. She saw her drinking coffee while driving. After experiencing a serious accident first hand, Griffin had some advice she wanted to offer to students. "So I just want to remind everybody to first and foremost, wear your seat belt, because I really think I would be dead without it. And secondly, always pay attention, there was nothing that I could do but she certainly should have seen me, I have a white car so I'm pretty easy to see," Griffin said. Although being involved in a life threatening car accident, she only suffered minor injuries, such as neck pain. Many students are getting ready to begin driving on the road, so please practice safe driving and always stay alert while driving.
Staff Writer
BY MAREM ATEF Staff Writer Each year, the AHS Its Academic team competes against schools across the county in a quiz bowl show for high school students. The episodes of "It's Academic" are aired on NBC. This year, the team will compete on Feb. 7 and the episode will air on March 28. "We are playing Osbourn Park High School and South County Secondary School, 'It's Academic sponsor Caylen Beight said. Students participating in the club are very eager to compete in the events to come. In their efforts to prepare, they have scheduled to compete against other schools in the area. "There is a scholastic bowl at Robinson Secondary School that some of us are going to and that's just between different high schools and then Feb. 7 were going into the NBC studio in D.C. and we are recording a competition there," junior Rebecca Soulen said. The club has been preparing throughout the year by consistently participating in mock competitions. "Earlier in the year we have scrimmages against other schools and we play against them in a mock situation similar to that of the real competition," Beight said. "We see IT'S ACADEMIC pg. 5
Science fair begins preparation Students make last adjustments on projects BY JEANINE BARAKAT Staff Writer
It's Academic prepares to tape
Griffin's car right after a minivan hit her, totalling her car; it was flipped completely.
Third quarter is fast approaching and students are scrambling to turn in their work and achieve satisfying grades. While second quarter comes to an end, students involved in the science fair are preparing and finalizing their projects. Freshmen, sophomores and a few juniors have spent months preparing themselves to present their projects for the big unveiling at the science fair which will be held on Thursday, Feb. 5. As students prepare, science fair coordinators are beginning to search for judges, who will be judging over 200 projects. At the beginning of the year, students involved with the science fair decided on their topic and what kind of experiment they would want to do. After deciding on their experiment, they went to work. Students were given the next couple of months to perfect their experiments, do extensive research and collect data for the upcoming fair. "Students started working on the science fair in September, and went through assignments all year long to find their problem, do research, set up their procedure, and complete the experiment. It's a lot of work, which is finally presented at the science fair on their backboards," science fair coordinator Liz Tufts said. Science fairs are held in schools all around the country as a see SCIENCE FAIR pg. 5
Empyrean Heights
Game of chairs
Arts examines the structure of musical groups at AHS Arts
Meet the members of the a Capella group
People 13
Movie review: Selma
Discusses the historical importance of the film Entertainment 19