the VOLUME #60 ISSUE 8
BY BERTA TARQUI Co-Editor in Chief The Career and Job Fair will take place during the extended W4 period on Wed., March 25. The Career and Job Fair is an annual event for students to take advantage of having several opportunities to meet possible employers. Companies such as AMC Theaters, a popular movie theater, and Goodwill, a thrift store, will be setting up booths for students to have easy access to. Many students have applied for or currently hold a job. However, some have trouble finding a starting point. Many seniors at this point, with college on their minds, do not know what kind of career they want to reach for after high school. "I am kind of interested in jobs that are related to veterinary because you get to do it and get to enjoy it," senior Kiet Do said. One way for students to gain insight into different careers is by going to the Career and Job Fair held annually at AHS. see CAREER pg. 5
Senior qualifies for states BY JAROD GOLUB Co-Editor in Chief For the first time in 20 years, AHS is sending a student to the state championship for Speech and Debate. Senior Andrew Hendrickson is going to the state competition on Saturday, March 28 from 8 a.m. till 5 p.m. at Clover Hill High School. "You're no good, no good at all!" This is the sentence that started Hendrickson's journey to the state competition. English teacher Lynn Beal who mentors Hendrickson had much to say about his talented attributes. "It didn't surprise me that he made it to states. Andrew is an amazing student. He does not have me this year as a student, and I have yet to see his piece," Beal said. She added that him competing was completely blind to her. Hendrickson will be critiqued by 60 students that are all involved in the Speech Communication class. They want to offer him feedback, but see STATES pg. 5
Informinng the Atoms siince 1954 4
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Admin. changes schedule Flex becomes Pride Time, Collaboration eliminated BY JAROD GOLUB Co-Editor in Chief Collaboration and Flex have been eliminated from the AHS schedule for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year. The decision to change Flex to Pride Time comes right on the heels of the switch from Atom Time to Flex. This is the second change that has happened to the block of time after W4 in as many years. "[Flex] was not very popular with
anybody. We were getting a huge amount of feedback from teachers, parents, kids, and administrators that they wanted Atom Time back," Assistant Principal Jamie Carayiannis said. There were many problems associated with both Atom Time and Flex. "There were a lot of problems because there were a ton of kids that weren't going where they were supposed to go and it was very hard to keep them accountable for that," Carayannis said. "The amounts of students that I have seen in any given classroom are very large, as it is the teachers' W4 along with all the requested students, which limits the availability of the teacher for one-on-one work time," senior Aya Eltahir said. "While that can't directly be dealt with, it just shows how unbalanced the
"[Flex] was not very popular with anybody. We were getting a huge amount of feedback from teachers, parents, kids, and administrators." Jamie Carayannis Assistant Principal spread of students is." In the past week, students have expressed mixed views on Pride Time. "It all seems to be counter intuitive. The students know what they need help in, and having random teachers requesting you is unprecedented," Eltahir said. Along with the students, AHS teachers have also expressed mixed feelings about the new schedule. "[Pride Time] is positive because
I can have one-on-one time with my students who desperately need help," Arabic teacher Ola Layaly said. "However, because students don't know where they are spending their pride time until the last minute, my students use the excuse that they don't have their materials because they didn't know they were reporting to me." Administration is hopeful that Pride Time will continue to change into a beneficial block of time for all students, and are anticipating it to be the continued schedule for next year as well. "The least our school can do is to provide these kids an hour and 15 minutes every other day during the school day to give them a chance to use our library, technology, get caught up in their homework and get some help. I don't think it's that unreasonable," Carayannis said. I
think it's a great idea and it's just a matter of making it work perfectly. It's not going to be perfect right now because we just put it together." Along with the introduction of Pride Time, AHS is also eliminating the Collaboration time block from the rest of the school year. This change comes in lieu of a number of FCPS snow days. In order for AHS to meet the teaching requirements for the county and state, AHS must build more time into the rest of the year. Students have had a slightly better reaction to the elimination of Collaboration than Pride Time. "I don't really mind it," Eltahir said. "It seems fair because of all the missed school and the impending exams, but I do understand the importance of Collaboration to those that benefit greatly from sleep."
College decisions released Students begin receiving acceptances BY BERTA TARQUI Co-editor in Chief Senior Luz Centellas has known that she wanted to be a pilot since she watched the movie Catch Me If You Can, which has Leonardo Dicaprio starring as a pilot. The fact that her sister majored in aerospace engineering also helped her with her decision after being undecided for most of her life. She applied to Embry-Riddle University which is located in Florida and Purdue University in Indiana, both of which she has been accepted to. Senior Emmanuel Kwakye-Dompreh also has the similar career in mind and has been accepted into the same university. "[I was] extremely relieved. Embry-Riddle is my dream school, so I was happy that they accepted me and that I could stop worrying about 'what if's'. They are known for producing successful pilots and now I can realistically hope to be one of them," Centellas said. To enter the field of aeronautics, Centellas must take certain classes and attend a school with a program to set her on the right path to becoming a pilot. Centellas is just one of many seniors who have received college acceptance letters in recent weeks. After sending in applications in January for Regular Decision, seniors have never been so excited to receive mail. However, these acceptances, also
mean more decisions for students to make, such as which school to choose and what to major in. "Depending on where I go, I want to want to double major in aeronautical engineering and nautical science," Centellas said. May 1 is college decision day, the day that seniors are need to have declared their school by. At AHS, the seniors celebrate this by wearing college apparel from the school that they have decided to attend. Some students have been accepted to highly prestigious schools because of their hard work, and commitment to keep up their studies. Senior Tho Tran was accept to Massachusetts Institute of
"All the emotions, happiness, gratitude, excitement and shock, all rushed to me so quickly. It was a rare, surreal and probably most memorable moment."
Career Fair held at AHS
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Tho Tran senior Technology(MIT), the country's leading university for science and technology. MIT has a very low acceptance rate compared to schools across the U.S. "After I saw my acceptance, I screamed," Tran said. "But I think it first came out like a quiet squeal. All the emotions, happiness, gratitude, excitement and shock, all rushed to me so quickly. It was a rare, surreal and probably most memorable moment."
Senior Emmanuel Kwakye-Domphre poses with one of his acceptance letters from Embry-Riddle University.
She has been hoping to get into MIT for a while, and believes the aspects of the school make it a top choice for her. "MIT has been my dream school since the end of my freshman year. MIT student body is another reason why I want to go to MIT. I know some people who go to MIT or have gotten accepted to MIT," Tran said. "They are simply brilliant yet humble, authentic, and down to earth. And they seem to truly enjoy what they do."
However, some students have already made their deposit and are making plans to attend specific schools far before the May 1 deadline. One reason for this is if the school offered the student a scholarship, wither merit, financial or sport. Senior Jenny McCann is one AHS student who has committed to colleges to play sports. "I committed to play field hockey at The College of William and Mary last August," McCann said. "William
and Mary is a great fit for me academically and I love the campus. Plus, my mom, who played volleyball at William and Mary, is ecstatic that I chose her alma mater." McCann is anticipating the experience of playing field hockey for her future school and she is looking forward to meeting new coaches and teammates along the way. see DECISIONS pg. 5
Student raises funds for Operation Smile Spring Spirit Week
House of Cards Day: 50%
Down the Rabbit Hole: 25%
Tricked Out in Green: 20%
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum: 5%
Senior Trami Ly is one of the one in every 700 babies who are born with a cleft palate or lip. Ly has had the operation to fix her lip and mouth, however the problems that come with having cleft palate or lip can affect the developmental process in young children such as speech impediments and eating problems. Now that Ly has overcome this challenge, she wants to give back to the babies who do not have the same opportunity she had. Children throughout the world are diagnosed with cleft lips and palates, a common birth defect in which the lip or mouth of a newborn is split. In several cases, the defect results in a noticeable split on the mouth. This project is very personal to Ly because she also used to have cleft lip so she understands what those children are going through and wants to help them. "I was one of those children who needed medical assistance because of my cleft lip and palate. Being a child and having this condition was hard
Which Spirit Day are you most exited for?
Pictured above are some of the items that have been collected for donation by Ly's fundraising.
for me," Ly said. Since the school doesn't allow clubs to collect money from students instead they're asked for donations. Students have been asked to donate certain items that Operation Smile is in need of and
Spring sports
Spring break
Sports looks at the upcoming spring season
Weekend talks to students about what they are doing over Spring Break
Sports 16
Weekend 20
are going to send them to their headquarters. "Operation Smile is an international children's medical charity that helps children diagnosed with see SMILE pg. 5
History of Racism An examination of racial histories at AHS during the Civil Rights era International 12
Today marks the beginning of the annual spring Spirit Week, this year, leading up to the spring dance, Project A. Every Spirit Week, there are similar themes used throughout the week. For this Spirit Week, each day has an Alice in Wonderland theme connected to it, leading up to Project A on Friday, March 20. This year, the line-up consists of Tricked Out in Green, in support of St. Patrick's Day. Everyone has to wear green or be in risk of getting see SPIRITpg. 5