Celebrity drama frequently replaces news coverage as top stories.
Top Soccer Memorial held for former Annandale soccer coach Dave Williams.
Today’s Weather
Scattered Showers High: 50
Low: 35
Today’s Lunch
Soft Beef Taco w/ Shredded Cheese Beef and Bean Burrito Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich Yogurt w/ Pretzel
This Day in History 1876 — Alexander Graham Bell received a patent for the telephone 1939 — Glamour magazine is published for the first time 1965 — The civil rights march through Selma, Alabama is broken up by police
NEWS BRIEFS Smithsonian young amabassadors program
This program is open to graduating seniors with an interest and commmitment to film, design, visual, performing and literary arts as it pertains to Hispanic culture. Only 20 seniors are selected. If chosen, the program can be worth a $2,000 internship and an opportunity to gain valuble work experience. Applications are due by March 22. See Robin Roth in the Career Center for more information.
Volunteers needed for all night grad party
Parents of freshman, sophomores and juniors are desperately needed to help with decorations and food preparation because the parents of seniors will be attending the graduation ceremony prior to the event. On Wednesday, June 13 shortly following the 2007 graduation ceremony, the all night grad celebration will be held. In order for this event to be successful, many volunteers are needed. The celebration will be held at South Run Rec Center from 11 p.m. until 5 a.m. Volunteers can chose the shift the work at various times throughout the night. Assistance is also needed during the day and early evening before the event to help set up. Parents who are able to help with this event, should contact Nicole Bracken at 703-941-7896 or Patrice Vincent at 703354-7042 as soon as possible.
English or Spanish-speaking parent classes offered
A free eight-part class for immigrant parents is now being offered for parents with students at AHS, Holmes Middle School and Poe Middle School. Classes began on Feb. 22 and will be held every Thursday through April 19. During the class, parents will learn to help their children succeed in high school, choose the right classes and prepare for college or a career. Refreshments will be served during the event, and childcare can be be provided upon request. The classes are made possible through a grant from The WashingtonArea Partnership for Immigrants. For more information, contact Vida Sanchez at 703-6424270 or Eileen Kugler at 703-644-3039.
Cheating Survey During this school year, have you copied someone’s homework and turned it in to receive credit of your own?
42% 35%
This survey was distributed on March 2 during B, C and D lunches. Of 500 surveys distributed, 467 were completed and returned for inclusion in this graph.
Studentʼs defend the songs on their iPODS.
The Arena Stage performance of Frankie & Johnny impresses audiences.
Heritage Night approaches Peruvian folk dances, gravity defying martial arts and belly dancing headline annual festival BY JULIE TUMASZ Staff writer Hands shaking, feet shifting, sweat pouring. Regular teachers have been transformed into vicious judges that can decide your fate. The hard weeks of practice comes down to this. Your dance goes by in a blur…and you’re in. But the work for the AHS Heritage Night has just begun. At Heritage Night, the audience will travel to Asia, Africa, North America and South American. “All we’re missing is Antarctica. We could maybe get penguins next year,” said Paul Watlington, the founder and six-year sponsor. “Heritage Night is a blend between contemporary and traditional. We emphasize traditional groups but one of our goals is expose the audience to new things, every year.” This year, the six sponsors, ESOL teachers Evelyn Hsia, Nickolas Liacopoulos, Paul Watlington, French teacher Patricia Heininge, history teacher Kathlyn Berry, and Spanish teacher Bianca Mullins, hope to open with none other than the AHS drum line. “Heritage night” continued on page 5
700 Medford Dr. Annandale, VA 22003
Students rehearse during the dress for Heritage Night. In this yearʼs performance, 20 acts from various cultures around the world will be featured. The show will be held on Thursday, March 15 at 7 p.m. in the auditorium.
Just World festival BY MICHELLE RISSE News Editor To become a “just world,” people must first be educated about the issues that are conflicting other countries today. AHS has been trying to spread this knowledge to the school and the community since 2005. Junior Paul Mathis started the Just World Project Interact Club last year after he returned from a global awareness summit in New York. “The purpose of the Just World Project is to raise awareness about global issues by utilizing media campaigns, school wide activities and other mediums,” said Mathis. “We also want to make an impact on the community by giving back in various ways.” The Just World Festival is being held this year on Friday. The Festival presents an opportunity for students, as well as parents, teachers, and other members of the AHS community, to learn about world issues and experience different cultures from all over the world. “The Just World Festival is an opportunity for students to meet new people, dance to new music, eat delicious food, attend transformative workshops, compete in a poetry slam and understand their role in building a better and more peaceful world,” said IB coordinator Erin Albright. The festival begins at 2 p.m. in the auditorium lobby. Some of the exhibits include, “teaching for a change, a non profit “Just World” continued on page 5
Student groups take action on important global issues IB Diploma candidates HLC visits Capitol sponsor walk for Darfur Hill to discuss issues BY DAVID SHERMAN Co-Editor in Chief
AHS’s IB Diploma Candidates of 2007 will be hosting a charity walk to raise both awareness and money for refugees of Darfur on Saturday. All profits will be donated to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), an organization dedicated to providing Darfur refugees with shelter, food, medical attention and clean water. “What is impressive about this group of students is the effort and enthusiasm they have put into organizing the event,” said special ed teacher and sponsor Meredith Hedrick. “Throughout the process they have impressed me with their superior planning and organizational skills. They leave no detail untouched, and everything they do is to the level of perfection.” The ten seniors involved are Stephanie Alexis, Fatima Elgarch, Brendan Fields, Dana Hardbower, Tina Le,Ananya Negi,Amanda Nguyen, Helen Paterson, Michelle Tran, and Sophia Vivero. “What is most touching is that they are doing this from their hearts,” said Hedrick. “All the
“We’re more than we seem and we’re capable of more than people think. We’re getting ourselves out there,” said sophomore Lucero Andia Claure. “We want to get that across to everyone.” Andia Claure is part of the group that is hoping to become advocates for Hispanics in the AHS community after a trip to Capitol Hill. She will be joining about 19 other students in the Hispanic Leadership Club as well as students in IB Spanish for fluCarey ent speakers. The group is joining the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) for the 2007 National Advocacy Day. This day brings students from all over the country together to discuss issues
“Darfur” continued on page 5
“Hispanic Leadership” continued on page 5
Just World Project President junior Paul Mathis is organizing the event.
Cheating common at AHS Though frequent, AHS falls below national average BY DAVID SHERMAN Co-Editor in Chief According to Bookflash.com, a website dedicated to revolutionizing the publicity and publishing of books, cheating has become a “national epidemic.” A 2000 survey revealed that 80 percent of high school students have admitted to cheating. Sixty-seven percent of those polled reported that they had copied homework, while 98 percent said they had let others copy their work as their own. Ninety-five percent of those who cheated said they had avoided getting caught. And another 34 percent said their parents had never discussed the effects of cheating with them. In a recent survey distributed to students by The A-Blast on March 2 during B, C and D lunches, 35 percent of students polled reported that they had in fact copied someone else’s homework
and turned it in to receive credit of their own this year. Forty-two percent said they had not, while another 23 percent were unsure as to whether or not they had. Thus, there is good news and bad news for AHS. The good news: only 35 percent of students polled reported that they have cheated this year, a number far below the national average as of 2000. The bad news: over one out of every three students admit to cheating; a number that, although far below the national average, is still high. Desperation, lack of time, poor planning and procrastination are all aspects that may force a student to cheat. Students involved in higher-level courses with especially tough workloads face the stress of completing every assignment every day. “My thoughts have been in the past, is that the greater amount of cheating is in the higher [grades], because the kids are so grade conscience,” said guidance counselor and National Honor Society sponsor Cliff Hickman. “To get those grades they sacrifice their integrity and their self-image.” “Cheating” continued on page 5
Company play premieres tomorrow Senior cast member Daniel Lagdameo paints his mask for the company play “Tales of Trickery” which premieres tomorrow. The play consists of three short Indonesian plays. All cast members were responsible for creating their own costumes. For full story, see page 5.
Students admit to cheating “Cheating” continued from page 1 “I think cheating is the same as it always has been,” said Hickman. “Kids do it because they get themselves in a tight spot, and they see other kids do it and get away with it.And once they get away with it, they think they can do it again and again.” Students risk disciplinary actions ranging anywhere from a zero on the grade and a call home to detention or worse. The discipline is mainly at the teacher’s discretion. It is generally understood, however, that the bigger the grade, the harsher the punishment will be. Within the National Honor Society, in which approximately 150 students are involved, the severity of cheating or plagiarizing is much worse. If an NHS student is accused of cheating or plagiarizing, that student must go before the faculty committee, which is made up of history teacher Joe Valentino, math teacher Donna Erickson, science teacher Claudia Lemus, Driver’s Ed teacher Pat Hughes, and English teacher Augustine Twyman. If the committee chooses to do so, the student could then be expelled from the society. Some students, however, are not afraid to cheat. Risking both a zero possible further disciplinary actions, they do whatever they can to get their assignments turned in before its deadline. “I can’t say I’m really proud of it,” said senior Josh Monroe. “But yeah, I’ve cheated before. Who hasn’t? This is high school.” “I’ve never cheated on a big assignment, like a paper or a test or anything,” said senior Gracie McMurry. “But if I think the assignment isn’t worth doing, then yeah I won’t spend much time on it. And when it’s due I’ll do whatever I have to do to get it turned in on time.” The saying, “the risk is greater than the reward” definitely applies to cheating and plagiarism in high school. Not only does cheating prevent the student from learning the required material, it is detrimental in the fact that, in college, they do not hand out zeros or call home they simply show you the door. There are always other options to cheating or plagiarizing. If students are feeling behind in a class, or classes, they are encouraged to see the teacher for additional help. “Don’t procrastinate,” said assistant principal Vincent Rendazo. “Put yourself on your own timetable, and meet your own expectations for that. Basically, plan ahead and see that you get everything you need to get done in a timely fashion.” “If you have self discipline and routine, you’re likely to stay on top of your studies,” said Hickman. “If you slack off in your discipline or don’t have a routine, though, you get behind. And then you become desperate.”
Coming soon: Heritage Night
March 7, 2007
Seniors Emilia Merida Encinas and Julio Salvatierra Eduardo practice their dance routine in the lobby before rehearsal.
“Heritage night” continued from page 1 “The drum line will be even more exciting than when we opened the show with a Chinese Dragon a few years ago,” said Watlington. Heritage Night will take place at 7 p.m. on March 15 in the AHS auditorium. The administration is highly recommending that everyone who wants to purchase a ticket buy his or her ticket early. Tickets will go on sale tomorrow in all lunches. The sponsors are encouraging everyone to bring their families, but strongly discourage bringing little kids, especially babies, to the show. The show has had a late start because of the week of snow days. The first audition for groups was first scheduled for on Feb. 13, but was postponed due to the cancellations. This year, 31 groups tried out but only 22 made it. “We have had a lot of catching up to do. Individual practices were also canceled because the groups couldn’t get to each other’s houses,” said Watlington. The program includes two SouthAmerican bands,AHS Men’s Choral, the Annandale Friendship Society, and even belly dancing. Some returning favorites include senior Eleni Liagouris’s Peruvian Folk Dance and senior Robert Ortiz’s gravity defining Martial Arts. Senior Theresa Pham leads the Golden Sunrise Dancers as they combine Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese heritage all together. “This visually beautiful, cool, tradition piece and others make this show worth your time and money,” said Watlington. The tickets still cost only $5 because the sponsors feel that everyone at the school should be able to go if they want to. The Emcees, seniors Kwaku Osei-Kwarten, Lisa Ottenheimer, Selamawit Ta’a and Wolied Yahia, have a “hard time merging all the talents together because there is so much variety in the Heritage Night,” according to Watlington. The Emcees and the sponsors are going to be dealing with totally different dances, songs and costumes. For example, the Bolivian Folklore’s costumes include feathers and tons of brilliant colors, while theAHS drum line and Men’s Chorale will be in their standard costumes. “The show couldn’t happen without the Emcees, the Sponsors and the other teachers that give their support,” said Watlington. “I don’t want the attention. I like being behind the scenes while the incredibly talented kids have their chance to shine.”
AHS students help the world
“Just World” continued from page 1 organization promoting social and economic justice by offering multicultural resources, and “Habitat for Humanity,” an IB student’s community service experience in Brazil. Seventeen different workshops, all beginning at 3 p.m., will offer unique opportunities for students and teachers to learn about global conflicts or to learn African dancing. “What we Discovered” is an exhibit that highlights IB project winners and what they discovered about local environmental impacts by human activity. Seventeen different workshops, all beginning at 3 p.m., will offer unique opportunities for students and teachers to learn about global conflicts or to learn African dancing. “Some of the [workshops] try to raise awareness through sessions on global issues, while others integrate creativity, world education, artistry, and global awareness,” said Mathis. Workshops will run until 6 p.m. The closing ceremony will follow the conclusion of the workshops. Washington, D.C. professional dance company Farafina Kan will close the Festival with traditional African dancing. They will end the Just World Festival with, what Mathis hopes, an inspiring speech about burying hatred, racism, and injustice. The Just World Festival encompasses the meaning of becoming a “just world:” to end the hatred and harm in the world and bring about justice, equality, peace, and compassion.
“Darfur” continued from page 1 students have submitted their college applications long ago, are in the middle of preparing for their exams, and are not doing this for a resume builder. They are all doing this to help the refugees and inform our citizenship about the crisis.” “I don’t think much attention is paid to Darfur,” said Elgarch. “All the attention seems to be on HIV and AIDs, so I think this project sheds new light on the subject. Also, not a lot of students seem to know about Darfur and what’s going on there, and it’s important that Not a lot of students seem they do.” to know about Darfur and The walk, which will take place at what’s going on there... Lake Accotink Park, will begin at 10 a.m. —FatimaElgarch However, those who senior wish to participate should arrive at 9:30 a.m. to registrar. It costs youth (ten and under) three dollars and adults five dollars to participate. There is a maximum of $20 for families of five or more. For more information, email IBWalksforDarfur@aol.com, or call (703) 642-4292.
Hittin’ the Hill
Senior Wade Akridge and junior Kyle Soble act in masks they made themselves as their part of Tales of Trickery.
Tales of Trickery begins tomorrow BY ALYSSA NAVARRETE Co-Editor in Chief Senior Megan Price is anxious. After missing six days of school to snow, the company play will premiere tomorrow during English classes. Price, the director of the play, has been forced to pull the play together in approximately a month. “It’s going to be interesting,” said sophomore Kyle Soble. “We have music that needs to be cued up correctly with certain parts and we still need to finish sets.” Despite these hindrances, the show must go on. Price is looking forward to finally being able to perform the play. Tales of Trickery is a series of three Indonesian plays. During the first play, The Widow and the Wealthy, a poor woman makes a wish to the gods that she will soon become rich. When the woman gets her wish, her wealthy next-door neighbor soon becomes jealous. The monkey and the Barong, the second play, is about a mischievous monkey and fictional another animal who go in search of a banana tree. When they finally reach the tree, the monkey becomes greedy and tries to keep all of the bananas for himself. “The monkey’s plan doesn’t go exactly as planned,” said
Price. “It should be a pretty good play.” The third and final play, The Buffalo and the Magic Bell, follows a man whose wife has instructed him to go into town and sell their buffalo. Along the way, he encounters three thieves who try to convince him that his buffalo is actually a goat so he will sell it to them for less money. “The audience’s favorite is going to be play number three,” said Soble. “It’s the funniest play and there’s a bunch of random things in it.” With three short plays involved in the performance, the cast of approximately 20 members has their hands full. “The cool thing about this play is there are no leads,” said Price. “So, everyone in the cast gets the chance to play a main role.” In addition, everyone in the cast gets to design their own costumes and masks. The cast members had to research their characters online, and then design their outfits based on their findings. With only one more day until the premiere, the cast is working to finalize everything. “I’m excited to see how it all turns out,” said Price. “The costumes and the scenery should make it really Indonesian.”
“Hispanic Leadership” continued from page 1 important to the Hispanic community, mainly quality education, improving children’s health, economic opportunities, keeping youth out of trouble and maintaining safe communities and comprehensive immigration reform. English teacher Jennifer Carey has worked with the NCLR before and is the sponsor for the trip. “I hope they learn to be leaders in the field of advocacy. They [the group] are learning to be leading voices in the community for Hispanic rights,” said Carey. She is working with IB Spanish teacher Antonio Rivadeneira to take the students to this event. The students will go into Washington, D.C. for two days. The first day is dedicated to briefing the students on the five main topics to be discussed, then teaching them how to discuss the topics with their Congressmen in a constructive manner. The students are from all over the country. Before the official group briefing, there is an hour-long discussion devoted to putting these issues into the frame of the high school mind to help students understand and discuss the topics, assisted by AHS alumnus Oscar Medrano who now works with the NCLR. “I want to get to know Hispanic leaders. I want to know how the Hispanic community is being led. It should be great,” said senior Jhonatan Parra. The group will be able to get together with students all over Virginia before meeting with their senators and representatives in order to create a bigger constituency. This also gives the group a chance to understand what Hispanic students all around the state are experiencing. This is the second year that Carey has taken students to Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill. Senior Crisitian Roldan is one of the students that went with her, and plans to return. “There were only about three of us that went last year. Now there is a lot more,” said Roldan. He is returning because of how the groups discussed “problems that were real to the Hispanic community, especially to students. I’m really concerned about these problems.” According to Roldan, this trip is one of the key points of the year in the Hispanic Leadership Club, and something that he has been looking forward too all year. “It’s always so great working with the [NCLR]. They are the biggest Hispanic organization in the United States and they have a lot of good ideas. They are a good model to follow.”
5 NEWS BRIEFS Choral group to perform at invitational
The women’s ensemble under director Carleen Dixon has been invited to sing at the first Women’s invitational Choral Festival at 4p.m. on March 11 at the National Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C. The program, part of the Washington Women’s Chorus, was founded to encourage young womens interest in singing. The ensemble will be performing “Ave Maria,” “Sehnsucht” and “Arrow and Song.” Tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for seniors and students.
Summer job opening
Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts is holding a job fair at the Filene Center on Wed., March 14 from 1 to 7 p.m., as well as on Sat., March 24 from 1 to 5p.m. Wolf Trap is offering several jobs, including theatre usher, park ranger, maintence worker, stage door aide and theater technician. Also available are places in the youth conservation corps, technical theater internship and theater-in-the-woods. For more information, see Robin Roth in the career center.
Second blood drive begins
The leadership class will be holding its second blood drive of the year on March 20 with the INOVA blood donor services will be in the lecture hall. Sign ups will begin in the cafeteria this week. All permission slips must be turned in by March 13 to Amy Kahn. All applicants must be over 17 years of age and over 110 lbs. For more information about elegability, see www.inova.org/donateblood.
Ethically Speaking Ethics Advice
By Layluma Hotaki
Dear Ethically Speaking, I have been friends with my group since the sixth grade. For a few years now, we have all dabbled with smoking – and I don’t mean cigarettes – on and off. Lately, it’s become a little more frequent in our group. I, however, am trying to stay clean for a while. But every time I hang out with these guys they are under the influence. Now I have been friends with these guys for years, and no way would I ever walk away from them. At the same time, I don’t like being around this kind of activity all the time. And I know, I’ve asked them to cut back – didn’t work. So what do I do now? Sincerely, Mr. Clean Dear Mr. Clean, Let them make their own mistakes. If you choose to live a clean life, do so proudly. They are your group of friends, probably could even be considered brothers, so you can’t detach yourself from them. If they are under the influence all the time, it is probably best to try and stay away from them as much as possible. Hanging out with them will probably tempt you to begin smoking again, and this is not something you want. My suggestion to you is to voice your opinion constantly and let them know what you think and that you think strongly of it. Sincerely, The SEC Dear Ethically Speaking, Ok, I’ve been reading your column all year.And I know you are supposed to dish out good and ethical advice, but I just don’t buy it. I mean, come on, this is high school. The level of peer pressure for any student at any given time to do something they don’t want to is through the roof. So picture this.You are at a party with all of your friends that you have known for years. You are a senior with a well-rounded reputation of being a laid back person at school. Someone offers you a beer. What do you do? Honestly. Leave and your friends will ride you about it like no other. Stay and you are being unethical. So, Ms. Ethically Speaking, what would you do? Honestly. Sincerely, Ethically Questioning Dear Ethically Questioning, I can see why you would question my ethics because I question everyone else’s. In that certain instance, I would kindly say “No, thank you,” and be done with it. I will not lie. I have been faced with peer pressure before, but when I know what I am doing is wrong and I believe I shouldn’t be doing it, I turn down any offer given to me. In this case, if everyone knew me to be laid back, I would turn them down on the offer and take any ridicule thrown at me from my friends with pride, because I would know I did the right thing. Sincerely, The SEC If you have an ethical dilemma and would like advice on how to handle the situation, submit your questions to layluma.hotaki@thea-blast.org. All submissions will be confidential.
March 7, 2007
Celebrate Spring with us!
March 7, 2007
Interesting electives
Students describe their favorite electives, what they offer, and why they chose them. Guitar Ensemble
Advanced PE Teacher: Kathy Ayers What do you do? We stretch and go to the mat room and play dodgeball everyday. Sometimes we play dodgeball for doughnuts. Why did you take it? I like how it is like P.E. Jesse Kruse without all the kids who don’t like P.E. Everyone in advanced P.E. is into it. What is your favorite part? It’s good exercise.And I get to hit kids with dodgeballs. Is there homework? We never get homework.
Teacher: Russell Kee What do you do? We play guitar and we get assignments and lessons. Sometimes we have quizzes on basic things. We also have perCarlos Chamoun formances. Why did you take it? I took it because I like playing guitar. This is the first year I’ve taken guitar at AHS, but I’ve been playing guitar for a while. What is your favorite part? I like music theory and just playing the guitar. Mr. Kee is the best teacher ever. Is there homework? No.
Electronics Teacher: Phil Harris What do you do? We learn about electronics, circuits, and various laws of electronics. we build small robots that can follow a line of the ground. You do lots of hands on learning. Why did you take it? I knew Rory OʼConnor Mr. Harris and he is a good teacher and electronics are interesting because you get to create robots that can do things. What is your favorite part? I like building the robots because it’s hands on. Is there homework? Minimal homework. Sometimes, short worksheets.
Mustafa Es Haq plays guitar during class.
Culinary Arts Teacher: Chef Christine Glonginger What do you do? We follow recipes and prepare food. we act as waiteress for meals. Everyweek we will learn to cook food from different cultures. We set up tables for meals. We cook for Nina Vuong-Johnston different school events. Why did you pick it? I pick it because I love food. I know the teacher really well and I like cooking. What is your favorite part? I like the people in the class. I like doing teamwork together with them. Is there homework? No.
Teacher: Alan Weintraut What do you do? We watch different films and we analyze the cinematography. We watch different films from different directors and see what they have contributed to the filming industry. We make ten second films, single shot films, one minute films, and now we are making a dramatic film. Why did you pick it? It looked interesting and I wanted to learn how Stephen Kim to make movies and see different kinds of movies. There probably isn’t anything related to film in my future, but it’s a good class. It’s veru enlightening. What is your favorite part? So far, I really liked making the ten second film. Is there homework? Most definitely. We have to write planning for our movies and a story board. We have to write movies reviews and reaserch on films. We make our movies by working with groups.
If you could take a new class at AHS what would it be? “We should have a basketball class where we play basketball and watch basketball games”
—Jenna McRae junior “I would like to have an agriculture class where students learn to grow food and plants. This class would be cool because we could grow our own food.”
—Taher Al-suqi junior “Criminal justice because it’s acadmey and I can’t take it because it takes up three periods.”
—Sophia Chafik junior
“I want to have a class where all we do is eat food from different countries and learn about how different foods are made.”
—Chase Briggs senior
Stephen Kim films.
Fashion Marketing Teacher: Jessica Raynor What do you do? We basically talk about fashion and how it is marketed. We have text books and we go through them and Huda Gharbieh answer questions in class. everyone in the class has to participate to put together the fashion show. Why did you pick it? I’m interested and fashion. Fashion is my favorite thing. What is your favorite part? I like watching videos or fashion shows. Is there homework? We don’t usually get homework but sometimes we have to finish up projects that we didn’t have time to finish in class.
Lindsay McCafferty bakes cookies during Culinary Arts class.
Architectural Drawing
Steve Sengmany
IB Film Studies
Teacher: Phil Harris What do you do? We draw figures, design bridges and use AutoCad. Why did you take it? I just find it interesting. What is your favorite part? My favorite part is the drawing of bridges and the floor plans because I don’t like drawing 3-D shapes. Is there homework? We don’t get homework, but we do have in-class projects.
Umu Seslay is dressed for the fashion show.
Weight Training Teacher: Keith Shoulders What do you do? We do ab workouts, pushups, and lift weights. We do too many different workouts to mention. Why did you take it? I wanted to put weight on because I was really small as a freshman.
“A class on law because I want to be a judge when I’m older and its not offered anywhere.” —Timmy Reynolds
junior “We should have a class that teaches students Urdu. It’s my native language and there are also a lot of people that speak it.”
—Aarzoo Usmani senior “Cosmetology because I like make-up and looking pretty. It’s something I might be interested in doing in the future.”
- Katherine Vuong-Johnston senior
Tyson Seslay
Computer Graphics
What is your favorite part? I like getting stronger and the way my body looks. Plus, beach week is coming up and I need to look good. Is there homework? Never.
Eric Cabellos bench presses 225 lbs. during weight training class. Ricky Adams
Auto Tech Teacher: Joe Desio What do you do? We work on cars. People bring their car in and we fix it for them. They pay the school for us to fix it. We are always working with tools. Why did you pick it? I’m interested in cars and I’d like to learn more about them. What is your favorite part? I really like learning about how cars work and how to fix them. I enjoy the hands on learning. Thomas Beckett Is there homework? If we aren’t working in shop, we work on computers. If we don’t finish our daily assignment then we have to finish it at home. Thomas Beckett examines the engine during Auto Tech.
Teacher: Catherine Stark What do you do? You work on the computer. It is like an art class, but on the computer. I perfer this because I don’t have the artistic skills, so the computer makes it better. Why did you take it? It looked interesting and I thought it would be fun. And I didn’t want to take a language. What is your favorite part? My favorite part is that you get to play with computers and make cool stuff. Is there homework? No.
What do you think of the recent proposals that would require a HPV vaccine in young girls? “I think that it is a good idea because they haven’t found a cure for cancer yet so if this lowers your changes you might as well do it.”
—Erin Price sophomore “I don’t think it’s fair because it would be required for all girls. If you want it then it should be availible to you.”
—Isabel Ibrahim sophomore It is a good idea to have a vaccine to prevent cancer. I don’t see why anyone would refuse something that could save their lives.”
—Leon Mavlian junior “I think it’s a good idea because a lot of people are getting [the vaccine], and HPV is something that should be prevented.”
—Thuy Ngo senior
“It should not be required. I feel that the parents should be notified first . No one should be forced or required to get the vaccine.”
—Chris Solivio senior
No Trans Fat in Girl Scout Cookies
The Girl Scouts have gotten rid of most of the trans fats in their cookies. Now there is only half a gram of trans fat in each serving. There is also a new cookie called the Little Brownie, which is sugar-free.
Food of the Issue The most important benefit of carrots is that they improve your eyesight. Carrots contain beta-carotene, which converts to Vitamin A after the carrot is eaten. The Vitamin A forms rhodopsin, which allows the eye to see in dim light. Carrots also reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Cooked carrots are better for you than raw carrots. They have higher antioxidant levels, which is what helps prevent chronic diseases like Alzheimer’s. Make sure you do not overdose on carrots. Too many could turn your skin yellow due to excess amounts of Vitamin A.
March 7, 2007
HPV controversy choosing abstinence, and that the vaccine should not be mandatory. Another problem is that no long-term research has been done on the vaccine, because it is fairly new. Some people are worried about possible side effects that we do not yet know about that will appear in ten or twenty years. Negative side effects have already shown up in D.C., Virginia, and 20 other states. Young girls have reported having severe headaches, BY BECCA GRIMSLEY dizziness, temporary loss of vision and what appear to be seizures after Health Editor getting the vaccine. The American Cancer Society does not think this For senior Erika Rodden, the choice was easy. She could either get is a cause for alarm. the shot that might save her life, or she could hope she was lucky and Some physicians are not sure that Gardasil will even prevent cancer. never get human papillomavirus (HPV). Rodden made the decision to They think it needs to be studied more before reaching a conclusion. get the first in a series of three shots of Gardasil. Clayton Young, an obstetrician/gynecologist, said, “There is no proof Gardasil is a vaccine for the prevention of human papillomavirus Gardasil will stop cervical cancer. They haven’t been studying it long or HPV. The Food and Drug Administration approved it in June 2006. enough to make that claim.” Gardasil is taken in three shots over a period of time. Rodden supports proposals to make Gardasil The cost of this is about $360. Blue Cross Shield mandatory for young girls. covers the vaccine for girls in the recommended “I think the parents who see it as a way of age group. making girls think they don’t have to worry about The kids should be able HPV is the most common sexually transmitted waiting and safe sex are overreacting, and if it disease in the U.S. Over one-third of women in to decide for themselves if bothers them that much they can just opt-out of America have HPV before they are 24. the program,” said Rodden. HPV 16 and 18 are the main causers of cervical they want the vaccine Sophomore Jeni So thinks it would be a waste cancer, which has been a major problem worldwide. of time to vaccinate all girls. 235,000 people die of it each year. “Not everyone is going to need the vaccine,” —KarenMeek Gardasil protects against HPV-16 and HPV-18, said So. junior as well as two other HPV strains that cause genital Virginia’s General Assembly recently created warts. legislation for a mandatory vaccination. Now GovIt is uncertain how long the vaccine would conerner Timothy M. Kaine must decide whether he tinue to protect against HPV. So far, it is thought that it will last for at wants to sign, veto, or amend the legislation. least five years before beginning to lose its effectiveness. Governor Kaine said he wants to allow parents to decide if they want Rodden chose to be vacci- their child to be vaccinated or not. The current legislation already has nated against HPV to decrease her an opt-out provision in it. chances of cervical cancer. Her mom “No, the vaccine should not be mandatory,” said junior Karen Meek. suggested the option to her, and she “The kids should be able to decide for themselves if they want the vacthought it would be a good idea. The cine or not.” procedure for the shot was simple. Merk, the maker of Gardasil, has been lobbying for mandatory vac“It was just like any other shot, I cinations of middle school girls, but it has said that it will stop because got it in my arm,” said Rodden. of criticism. Gardasil has been approved for There is another vaccine in testing right now. Its maker is GlaxoSfemales age 9 to 26. mithKline. The vaccine will also prevent HPV 16 and 18, and it is hoped According to Dr. Robert Edwards, that it will last longer than Gardasil. director of research at Magee-Women’s Gynecologic Cancer Program, “If you could vaccinate women at an early age, it would be a much more economically feasible strategy than Gardasil is the first HPV trying to institute Pap screening in vaccine to be sold on the Third World countries with limited market. The vaccine costs resources.” about $120-150 per injection. Over 18 states have been considering a mandatory vaccination for middle school girls. The governor of Texas issued an executive order that girls entering sixth grade must get vaccinated. This is a controversial issue because some parents believe that the vaccine promotes sexual activity. They think that HPV can be avoided by
A proposed mandatory human papillomavirus vaccine raises questions among parents and teens
Side Effects of the HPV Vaccine • mild soreness at the •fever injection site •dizziness • itching, swelling, and • nausea redness at injection site
Is America too clean? Doctors suggest that constant cleaning and showering prevents the immune system from developing as it should BY LEA NICKERSON Staff Writer Did you know that there are an estimated 250 different types of living inhabitants on your skin? Researchers have only discovered and identified 182 species of bacteria that can live on the human skin. Some of the bacteria live on your skin permanently, while others are there temporarily. Contrary to popular belief, bacteria are not always harmful. In fact, there are many species living on our skin and in our bodies that are a necessity to life, and are actually good for us. “Without good bacteria, the body could not survive,” said Dr. Zhan Gao of New York University School of Medicine. While it is good to wash your hands, there is such a thing as washing them too much. According to Dr. David L. Phillips from Suite101. com, a interactive website where users submit questions,America is too clean for its own good. For example, hospitals have become “breeding grounds” for new types of bacteria. This is because hospitals are so clean that the bacteria mutate in order to survive. “These new strains of germs are so foreign to us that our immune systems have yet to catch up, making hospitals great places to get ill,” said Phillips. Being too clean can harm your health. The immune system can not develop if it is not exposed to bacteria and viruses. This is not to say that people should expose themselves to harmful disease. Scientists have concluded that most bacteria are harmless, and that we need to be exposed to numerous different microbes as we grow to develop the antibodies that make up a strong immune system. Normally, throughout a person’s life he or she will come into contact with types of bacteria that are similar to dangerous bacteria, but different enough that it does not cause harm or sickness. A defense is built up against it. Then, if he or she gets the dangerous bacteria, the immune system is prepared to fight it. “If we are always washing, scrubbing, sterilizing and cleaning our environment, we will never have the pleasure of meeting the harmless cousin,” said Phillips. “We think that many of the normal organisms are protecting the skin. So that’s why I don’t think it’s a great idea to keep washing all the time, because we’re basically washing off one of our defense layers,” said Gao. One of Gao’s examples is the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, which is a known risk factor for stomach ulcers and cancer. However, he has found that it may actually help to prevent gastroesophagael reflux and esophageal cancer. Junior Nicole Richey says that she showers daily and believes that she is not too clean. “I don’t believe that Americans are too clean but I think that some people may be cleaner than others. On average I would say that Americans bathe about 5-6 times a week,” said Richey. According to Ronald Kotulak, a staff writer for The Tribune, scientists believe that people may have become too clean. “We don’t grow up in dirt and dung anymore, and our bodies are failing to develop a balanced immune system early on. We get fewer infections from the bad germs that used to kill a lot of children, but we don’t encounter as many ‘good’ bugs that are supposed to teach our immune system how to grow up,” said Kotulak.
Most adults who are over 30 and people involved in sports shower too often. They usually shower in the morning, another after the gym or practice, maybe even one before bedtime. According to Natural Nutritionist Rudy S. Silva, “if you spend twelve minutes in the shower, that’s too long. Cut your time in the shower to five minutes for your skin’s sake.” Your skin has natural oils that cannot replenish themselves properly if they keep getting washed off. This keeps Vitamin D from being replenished. Vitamin D is important for the prevention of osteoporosis. Similar to the concerns over using antibiotics to the point of causing them to be dysfunctional is the worry that overuse of antibacterial products such as soap, laundry detergent, and antibacterial cutting boards, will kill off good bacteria and weak bacteria, leaving only the strongest and most resistant bacteria behind. “During the school day I take a shower everyday. But during the weekend…not very often,” said environmental systems teacher Neal Jarvis. “I don’t believe that I’m too clean or that Americans are too clean.” By bathing too often, people are only harming themselves. Generally, bathing more then once a day is considered damaging to your skin, and to your immune system. Not only does it simply wash away the good bacteria, it prevents the body from building up defense systems against bad bacteria, causing you to be more susceptible to illnesses. “When people start to stink, they aren’t clean enough. That’s how they should know how often to shower, according to how they smell,” said senior Andreina Daza. According to a European study, children who grow up in dusty environments, such as farms, are less likely to have allergies or hay fever. “Realize that some exposure to germs in life is not bad, it’s actually good,”said pediatric allergist Dr. Sandeep Kapur, in Halifax.
March 7, 2007
Annandale’s Picassos BY LYNDSAY JACOBS Arts Editor
What is the name of your artwork? “Soul Wreckoning,” it is my name for breakdancing. How long did it take to make? Awhile, I had to plan it, sketch it myself, put it together, draw it on the canvas and then paint it. What did you use? Oil paint, canvas and markers to outline the painting. How long have you been taking art? I have taken Art 1, Art 2 and Computer graphics. What was your inspiration? It was a self portrait, I used the computer to plan out my drawing and originally had an actual picture of me on the computer. Where do you see art in your future? Everywhere, I plan on “Soul Wreckoning,” a self portrait of Ortiz, was an going to college for something with assignment for his computer graphics class. computer graphics, but I don’t really know.
How long have you been doing art? Since I was about five years old. What was your inspiration? I read an article about Darfur and it inspired me to make this type of painting. What was the assignment? My teacher just let the class paint whatever we wanted. Do you plan on continuing art in the future? I really like fashion design and I plan on going to art Teshomeʼs abstract art has deep meaning to help represent the school to major in design. Explain your art piece: The painting represents problems in Darfur. the bloodshed in Africa, but especially in Darfur. I try to explain how destruction and civil war starts at the core, which is the crack in the painting. In Darfur’s case, it’s the government that is causing the chaos.
Bellingham freezes time
Name of art piece: I haven’t named any pieces, after I finish all of my work I name it. I think the name is important so I don’t rush it. How did you make it? I used colored pencils. How long did it take to make? It took about two quarters but I worked on it on and off. When did you make it? During first and second quarter at home and in class. What was the assignment? Pick a theme for IB Art and my dad had taken a picture of me when I was a kid and it really jumped out at me to recreate it. What inspired you? Things in the past, how we forget things but a single picture can make you remember things. Do you plan on continuing art in the future? Yes, but just on the side, for something fun to do.
Tran paints old pictures of herself in the past to bring back old memories.
Swiger takes the gold
Name: Betty Teshome Grade: 12 Art Class: Art 1
What is the name of your artwork? “The Blood Shed.” How long did it take to make? About one class period; it wouldn’t have taken so long, but I wanted to show all of the brush strokes, so I painted really slowly. What did you use to make it? Acrylic Paint
Tran repaints old baby photo Name: Michelle Tran Grade: 12 Art Class: IB Art Standard Level
Upcoming Events
Teshome paints for Darfur
Ortiz creates self portrait Name: Robert Ortiz Grade: 12 Art class: Computer Graphics
Name: Tanya Bellingham Grade: 10 Art Class: Photography 1
What is the name of your artwork? “Casper” the name came from the subject, which was my friend’s dog. How long did it take to make it? It took me about a class and a half to complete after I had taken the picture. How did you make it? I took the picture, then I had to develop my film, use an enlarger to make the test strip, then develop the test strip, then picked my best exposure, printed and developed it. What was your inspiration? My friends dog was playing lacrosse outside with us, and I thought it would make a good photo. What was the assignment? I had to take a picture of stop action motion. Do you plain on continuing art in the future? Sorta, not really. I think it would be cool. Spending time outside with friends playing lacrosse, Bellingham Maybe I will do something in collge with it. I captured her friendʼs dog in action. will probably just take photos as a hobby.
“TheArtist’s Vision: Romantic Tradions in Britain” November 19 - March 18, 2007 National Gallery of Art, West Building “Treasures of American History” September 5, 2006 - June 1, 2008 National Air and Space Museum “2006 Nikon Small World Competition” January 15, 2007 - May 1, 2007 National Academy of Sciences “Josephine Baker: Image and Icon” November 28, 2006 - March 18, 2007 Donald W. Reynolds Center forAmericanArt and Portraiture “One Life: Walt Whitman, a Kosmos” January 1, 2006 - March 11, 2007 Donal W. Reynolds Center for American Art and Portraiture “Landscapes in Japanese Art” February 3, 2007 - July 15, 2007 Freer Gallery of Art “Moving Pictures: American Art and Early Film” February 17, 2007 - May 20, 2007 Philips Collection “Twentieth- Century Americans” February 23, 2007 - February 28,2008 National Portrait Gallery “Orchids: Take a Walk on the Wild Side” January 25, 2007 - April 22, 2007 National Museum of Natural History “Red exhibit at the Textile Museum” February 2, 2007 - July 8, 2007 Textile Museum “Tea Bowls in Bloom” February 3, 2007 - July 15, 2007 Freer Gallery of Art “Gifts to the Nation” July 1, 2006 - June 3, 2007 Donald W. Reynolds Center forAmericanArt and Portaiture “The Roving Eye” February 16, 2007 - March 30, 2007 Embassy of Australia
Featured Artist Filippo Juvarra (1678-1736)
The first time is a charm; at least it was for senior Nicole Swiger, who won the Gold Key Award in the Regional Scholastic Arts Competition for her accomplished photography. This was the first ever contest that Nicole Swiger entered one of her photos from her portfolio in, and she came out with the win. Swiger is in the IB Photography class, and was assigned a project in her freshman year Photography I class. The goal was to capture a picture as if you were looking threw a window, called frame within a frame. Her picture from Photography I was brought back up when this contest was brought to her attention. There were no strict requirements for this contest, which gave Swiger a chance to show off her imagination. Swiger took the photo before she knew she was going to enter the contest. “I think taking this picture without the pressure from the contest and let the picture come out more suitable for the contest,” said Swiger. She had been working on the photo during class for many class periods, before she finally decided this was the picture she wanted to enter in the contest. “Being in the photography class at Annandale has helped a lot with the success of my photos. Having the right equipment and good teacher input helped the good turn out of my pictures,” said Swiger. Swiger’s teacher enojoyed watching the photo develope. “I liked watching Nicole work on this photo,” said photography teacher Meredith Buzzell. “She worked hard on this piece and I think that Nicole’s work deserved this award”. Swiger’s winning photograph, named “Dunk Tank,” was in the black and white category for the contest. “I looked at all my photographs, and I think that this specific pictured conveyed
the most variety. Compared to all my other photos I thought this was the top piece.” said Swiger. This past weekend, Swiger took part in another photography contest. “After competing in the first contest, I enjoyed it a lot and was excited to continue,” said Swiger. “I hope that the more contests I enter will make my photos stronger, having the input from fellow artists letting me know what improvements to make helps me execute my pictures better.” After winning the Gold Key award at regionals, Swiger’s picture was then sent to NewYork with the other Gold Key regional winners to be judged for nationals. With the win of her photograph, and the gradual accomplishments, Swiger is not only expressing her creativity, but also hopes this can earn her some scholarship money for college. With her strong interest in photography, she is hoping to pursue this gift for many years to come.
The Basilica di Superga is a church designed by Juvarra located on the top of the Superga hill in Torino, Italy.
Today, March 7, Filippo Juvarra was born in 1678 in Messina, Italy. His family was made up of goldsmiths and engravers. Early on, Juvarra was attracted to architecture, and he designed Messina’s festive settings for the coronation of Philip V of Spain and Sicily. After that, in 1703, he went to study architecture in Rome. After schooling, Juvarra moved to Genoa for a theatrical project. He designed the Basilica di Superga, a church in Turnin, in 1715 for Vittorio Amedeo II. He also designed the Royal Palace in Mafra, Portugal in 1735. Juvarra later died in Madrid in 1736. in 1994, there was an exhibition of his designs in Madrid and Genoa.
Nicole Swiger wins the Gold Key Award in the Regional Scholastic Arts Competition
This photo title “Dunk Tank” was taken before Swiger knew she was entering any type of contest. She decided it was the best type of photo to win an award.
The National Palace of Mafra is located in Portugal. It was designed by Juvarra in 1735.
Compiled by Laura Simpson, Arts Editor
12 2007: Year of the pig
How did you participate in Lent? “I have been going to church more often to confess my sins to the priest and have been controlling myself from eating chocolate.”
March 7 , 2007
Chinese ethnic students celebrate the festivities of Chinese New Year BY WALIHA GANI International Editor
“For Lent, for the self-control part, I am giving up dating girls.”
—Van Pham junior
“Like Jesus, I have been giving up a desire from my world: video games. My favorite part is the Bible study every Wednesday.”
—Bryce Donald senior “I’m trying to not talk bad about anyone else and myself. I’m also going to Church an extra day and not eating desserts.”
—Rose Ann McCourt secretary
World News AFRICA Uganda has deployed troops in Somalia to help the government create security in the region. The Ugandan troops are the first African peacekeepers to be deployed in Somalia, while the majority of countries in the African Union have not been participating. The African Union’s goal is to send 8,000 peacekeepers to Somalia. Despite their attempts, the Islamic courts have already threatened to carry out suicide attacks against the African peacekeepers. Student Response: I don’t think if their efforts are going to work because Uganda is only one country. It’s not strong enough to put down an entire country’s genocide that has been going on for years. I think it’s possible that the Islamic militants are soon going to spread more power in the region. – sophomore Kyle Mills
AMERICAS On Feb. 27, the Canadian parliament refused a legislation that would allow for preventive arrests on suspected terrorists. These laws would permit authorities to detain and arrest suspects for three days without charge. The parliament has also struck down more on controversial anti-terror measures, including the recent Immigration and Refugee ProtectionAct, which provided for detention for suspected terrorists. Student Response: “I think the Canadian parliament made the right decision in turning the legislation down because the laws would have just been butting in. They would need some sort of proof before convicting people of something with that scale. This is something the U.S. should also follow because it violates civil rights.” – sophomore Walter Bottlick
—Daryl Wilson sophomore
Traditions and Big Feasts “Before the first day, my entire family got right down to cleaning every corner of the house. It is said that to not sweep the dust and dirt out of your house by the main entrance because it sweeps away the good fortune of the family,” said sophomore Sean Huyenh. “We had to make sure that all our debts were paid and on the last day, we could not wash our hair or clean the house because that would mean to get rid of good luck,” On the Chinese calender, this year is the year of the pig. Sophomore Amy Luong celebrated said Luong. The celebrations begin with family visits and new clothing to signify a new year. the 15th day of the holiday at Chinatown, New York. Here she watches the dragon dance. “It’s a great time for family reunions. This is just one time of the year all of our family which is said to suppress the spirits of the evil. There is also a custom that for the total has to get together and spend time,” said Huyenh. amount of money given should never be even numbers as odd numbers, are associated Some traditions of Chinese NewYear have very intriguing historic meaning.According with cash given during funerals. to a Chinese legend, there was a man-eating beast named Nian, which came out every 12 “I really like some of the traditions that are followed, especially when it comes to money. months during winter to feed on humans. Therefore, explosions such as fireworks were Since the number four is said to bring bad luck, I already know I am going to get more used to scare to monster away. than $4 in each envelope,” said junior Tammy Pham. Each new year is dedicated to a certain animal. Last year was the year of the dog, “I received a total of $550 this year, so money is something I always remember about and this year is the pig year. This practice goes back to a legend that on Chinese New and look forward to every year,” said Luong. Year, Buddha had asked Lots of scrumptious food is consumed during the Chinese New Year celebrations. 12 animals to meet him Traditional food is prepared for friends and family gatherings. and named a year after “On New Year’s Day we have a huge family meal. We ate a vegetable dish called jai. each one. It is told that he We also have noodles and fish, but my most favorite is the nian gao, a steamed-wheat also said that the people bread,” said Luong. born in each animal’s The lion dance is a common performance during the celebrations. It is a performance year would have some of of a dancer mimicking lion’s movements in a lion costume. The dance is traditionally acthat animal’s personality. companied by beat of the drums and firecrackers, representing good luck. Therefore, those born in Junior Micheal Wu participated in the lion dance during the Chinese NewYear parade the year of the pig tend to in China Town in Washington D.C. this year. be respectful, social, work “Anyone can be in it, so I chose to do it, and it was fun. You just energetically move diligently, and appreciate with the crowd,” said Wu. luxury. The 15th day, the Lantern Festival, which marks the end of the festivities, is the most joyful for most students. Bundles of Cash “First I went to Church, where they had prepared many celebrations for two days. For most students, There was a Vietnamese Idol,” said sophomore Catherine Nguyen. “There were games, the best part about Chi- food, Vietnamese singers. There was also the lion dance performance.” Sophomore Amy Luong, a Vietnamese, and her family play a nese New Year is receiving “I celebrated the Lantern Festival at New York. We watched the parade at China traditional Chinese game together on the ninth day of the 15 money from their elders. Town. We went to the temple and put pretty lanterns up,” said Luong. day festivities of the Chinese New Year. Traditionally, money is “Chinese New Year is a symbolic holiday for me. The traditions, family gatherings, given in red envelopes and festivities are a time of enjoyment,” said Huyenh.
Fasting for Christians Christian students begin their 40-day fast on Ash Wednesday and end on Easter to reflect on the resurrection of Jesus BY VANESSA CERRO International Editor “When you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” –Matthew 6:18 ß
the story behind it. “I fast for 54 days. The first 40 days because Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights. And we fast for 2 more weeks because all of the Christians in Egypt that were going to be killed by the King, but were saved,” said Ibrahim. Participating in fasting for others is not such a big deal. “I’m not very religious, even though I should be,” said sophomore Roque Alvarez. “I’ll try fasting when I’m older and not as busy.” Coming closer to God is the main point for Ibrahim to fast. “For me personally, fasting makes us grow spiritually and grow closer to God. It also does a lot of other things like, cast demons out and make miracles,” said Ibrahim. For Dillon, it’s more about self-control. “I learn a lot of self control from fasting, it’s just a test for my own personal strength to see how committed I am when I set my mind to it,” said Dillon. “It’s also for a religious purpose. To learn suffering, you’re going to learn how much you can do, and how much you’re willing to do.” Around the world, there are four major branches of Christianity: Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, and Anglicans. Additionally, there is an estimate of 18 different major denominational families of Christianity. Not all Christians fast during the time of Lent. Catholics and Orthodoxies fast during this time period because of church traditions. “It’s just not really one of my traditions that I really did growing up,” said junior Tim Hepburn, who identifies himself as a Christian. “Lent is not really a big thing that we celebrated. We celebrated Passover, Christmas, Easter. But we never really said ‘I’m going to give up chocolate or TV,’” said Hepburn. The Bible tells the story of how Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights before he began to bring forth his teachings. Fasting is very common for Christians, but each Christian takes his or her own decision on when to fast, and how. “I fasted, it was kind of a time of fellowship, and we pulled an all nighter,” said Hepburn. “We played games, it was kind of a different experience, but it’s not like I have to fast to get close to God.” For junior Drew Flowers, it’s about becoming closer to his faith, and an obligation he believes as a Catholic he needs to pursue. “I’m giving up sodas and candy because I always eat too much, and it’s a good thing to give up,” said Flowers. But candy and soda is not the only thing he is giving up, he is also following the Catholic tradition to not to eat meat on Fridays for this time period. “We don’t eat meat on Fridays because the church says that Catholics shouldn’t eat meat on Fridays, which is more of a sacrifice,” said Flowers.
For Christians, Lent is a time of atonement, fasting, and giving up worldly desires. The first day of fasting begins on Ash Wednesday. Lent is from Ash Wednesday to Mandy Thursday in Western Christianity. “I feel like it’s more a test of my personal strength and how long I can keep myself going, not how much I can rely on God for,” said senior Diana Dillon. During Lent, Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Lent is also known to be a time of preparation for Holy Week. Christians around the world prepare themselves for Holy Week by fasting or giving up something they enjoy, or desire. Lent is mostly practiced by Catholics and people of Orthodox religion. Fasting is considered in the Christian faith to be one of the ways to come closer to God and to have better self-control. It is also important for Catholics and Orthodox to fast during Lent, so that one can understand the sufferings that Jesus endured while he fasted for 40 days and nights as he was in the wilderness-hungry, and tempted by the devil, but remained faithful to God. In the Christian faith, there are several ways to fast. Many people decide to give up a desire; such as drinking or playing video games, while others decide to not eat from sunrise to sunset. “I gave up listening to the radio for lent, said senior Diana Dillon. It is very habitual because I’ll listen to music in the morning when I wake up, and it pretty much makes me fall asleep at night. It’s something that I have to give up and it’s pretty difficult because it’s something I like doing.” Dillon decided to give up listening to the radio mostly to prove her personal strength. To others, such as senior Mark Francis, fasting is optional in their family. “I started to fast, but I actually forgot,” said Francis. “My mom told me I should do it.” For Francis, it is not about coming closer to God, but about obeying his parents. “I know that it definitely won’t affect my relationship with God, I would only do it because of my parents if they started to really pressure me, but my mom knows I’m not fasting, and she doesn’t really mind now,” said Francis. For many, fasting is a very serious time to become closer to God, and to follow the guidance of their spirits, rather than During the time of Lent, many Catholics, such as Diana Dillon, detheir bodies and desires. For senior Mark Ibrahim, who is part cide to give up something they really enjoy. Dillon visits the church of the Coptic Orthodox church, fasting is very important, as is often to reflect on the sufferings of Jesus and to fight tempation.
“I am Methodist, so my family and I burn palm trees to ash and put them on our forehead. We also give a lot of offerings to the poor. ”
—Kellie Del Signore freshman
The aroma of sweet steamed rice, dumplings and beans disperses from the kitchen to the rest of the house as sophomore Amy Luong awakes on the fifteenth day of one of the most celebrated holidays for Northwestern Asians – Gung Hay Fat Chou (Chinese New Year in Chinese). Chinese New Year, also called Lunar New Year, is a 15 day festival, beginning on the first day of the new year on the Gregorian calendar and ending with the Lantern Festival 14 days later. Many students celebrate and take part in this festival every year. “In my house, we celebrate Chinese New Year just like we did in Vietnam. On the first day, we pray to our ancestors and the gods,” said Luong. The commonly used title of the holiday, Chinese New Year, is a misnomer. Chinese NewYear is celebrated internationally by the multifarious population of ethnic Chinese, including Vietnamese, Koreans, Nepalese, and Mongolians. Chinese NewYear falls on a different date each year because the Gregorian calendar is based on a combination of lunar and solar movements. This year the new year began on Feb. 4 and ended on Feb. 18. The holiday is filled with many traditions and customs, which are still practiced by the traditional families.
March 7, 2007
13 Who Was Dave Williams?
Dave Williams was one of the co-creators of TOPSoccer, (The Outreach Program for Soccer), a national soccer program created to train young people with disabilities. Throughout his career, he touched the lives of thousands of children, not only the mentally disabled, but also taught and mentored soccer players around the country, including the Annandale boys and girls soccer teams. On Sat. Feb. 24, a memorial festival for Dave was held in the main gym. Local TOPSoccer teams from Faquier, Burke, McLean, and Arlington participated in the tournament. Numerous volunteers from the AHS boys and girls soccer teams and the community came out to support the program and remember Dave.
Senior Madeline Mejean is seen here helping one of her buddies. Volunteers taught soccer skills and played games with the kids throughout the event.
Five stations were set up in the main gym. One station was designated for kids in wheelchairs and provided them with the oppurtunity to shoot on goal with their hands.
Dave Williams worked at AHS with both boys and girls soccer teams, mostly with goalkeepers, but he had a profound effect on everyone who played. He died suddenly at his home of a heart attack on April 28, 2006. Most notable about Wililams was the fact that he worked all 32 years at AHS without pay. Every hour he worked coaching and teaching was volunteered time. Williams also volunteered for TOPSoccer and coached girls who layed in the Olympic Development Program (ODP). He is survived by his daughter and his fiance, who he had planned on marrying last summer.
Most of the kids were willing to help one another and had fun playing on teams.
Players either had individual skill time with the volunteers or participated with a team.
Lunch was provided for all players and their parents in the cafeteria after their day of soccer.
Kids run underneath a parent made tunnel in celebration of finishing their day of soccer.
TOPSoccer programs usually last about 6-8 weeks and include indoor and outdoor activities. Players are placed on teams based on ability, not age.
The McLean team huddles together before beginning their soccer games. A number of AHS soccer players who volunteered, including senior Luckey Ames and junior Avery Adcock, can be seen here.
Schedules were posted outside the gym for players and parents to follow.
The kids were led in different stretches by the President of Annandale Boys and Girls Club, Kip Germaine, after a day of exercise and fun.
The day ended with group games that included bowling, duck-duck goose and playing with the parachute.
Lunch was buffet style, and included cold cuts and salads from Giant, chips, cookies, water, and juice boxes.
A plaque was given to Williams始 former fiancee, who traveled from Kentucky, at the event to honor all of Williams始 hard work with TOPSoccer.
The nearest TOPSoccer program is based out of Arlington, although Annandale is working on creating its own program next year. Anyone and everyone is invited to come to a session and see the smiles on the faces of the players and buddies. It始s easy to volunteer to be a buddy. No special training is required to become a volunteer, although some sort of soccer experience is recommended.
Goody bags were given to the players at the end of day, including a trophy, patch and t-shirt.
Kids confined to wheelchairs got their oppurtunity to play by shooting with their hands at the goal.
Senior Luckey Ames helps his buddy sign a plush soccer ball. The ball was given to Williams始 surviving fiance at the end of the memorial with every players signature.
Getting Involved
All kids and volunteers in the TOPSoccer event pose for a picture after working on their soccer skills for two hours in the Annandale gymnasium.
All inquires can be directed to Ariel Schwartz, Buddy Coordinator, or Ilene Schwartz, Acting Manager, by e-mail at footballitis31 @hotmail.com or by phone at 703-527-7472.
Who do you think is going to win the NCAA tournament?
March 7, 2007
The madness is coming As the NCAA Basketball tournament approaches fans prepare for the Big Dance
Maglisceau, a prime example of the tradition ofAHS’s own betting pools. Each partaker fills out his or her own bracket in the The bright lights, the fireworks, the fire blazing bright manner that they believe the tournament will play throughout the night, it’s that time of year again. Kids out. Point systems vary, usually awarding more running around having fun, realizing dreams that have points for picking upsets and the winner’s of games come true. Pepper spray bottles and the stench of alcohol deeper in the tournament. These annual events are so common that creating an aura around the streets. Fourth of July? No, rather the pandemonium and epidemic that has no cure: many would be surprised to learn that betting, even in a NCAA tournament pool, March Madness. This was the scene of the euphoria of University of is illegal in Virginia. Nobody, however, Maryland students after their men’s basketball team won would be surprised if cops themselves the 2002 NCAAbasketball championship.Aeuphoria that succumbed to March Madness and have had built up since the existence of the basketball program, precinct centered betting pools. The tournament then begins its domisince the creation of the tournament in 1939, and had been nation of TV ratings, built up through the first five games and college and NBA of the NCAAtournament. The excitearenas throughout the ment hit the D.C. metropolitan area country the Thursday with a vengeance that had not been after Selection Sunday. seen since the area’s previous success [March Madness] is one of The tournament is unique by Georgetown. March Madness is the best times in the new because of how it is spread not a psychological state that only throughout the nation, so that not affects our area, despite a perfect ex- year for sports. just one major city can participate ample of the magic of March being and fill the stands, as in many other last year’s surprise George Mason, —DrewChadwick championship environments. and how the success in that tournasenior Continuing with the distinctivement was able to unite and popularness of the tournament, the first round ize a commuter school, but rather it of games is often the most bizarre. The is a national celebration. Officially, the madness, for anyone whose hand has field is organized so that the teams who faired the best ever graced the leather exterior of a basketball, will begin during the regular season play those who are the worst March 13th this year. Teams will have been battling with in the field, which is fair. Within each four sections of the one another all season in order to fill one of the 65 spots field, there is a 1 seed and a 16 seed (the lowest), and in in the tournament. As the season slowly winds to an end, the history of the tournament a 1 seed has never lost to some teams will become locks to be selected in the tourna- a 16 seed. The opportunity for a low seeded team, most often a ment and others will most definitely be out of contention, but few teams will remain on the bubble. Inspired by the small school, to play a 1 seed, most often a large popular dreams of going to the tournament and winning it all, these school, is a very original aspect of the tournament. The teams are the first to exhibit any sort of behavior related to March Madness, as every game becomes important in •Only four teams that have been their quest to be selected for the tournament. In the end, the committee that selects the tournament ranked number 1 in the polls before the is only able to truly select half of the field, as half of the tournament have won the tournament: teams that gain entry to the tournament will have done so 1982 North Carolina, 1992 Duke, 1995 by either winning their conference tournament or regular UCLA and 2001 Duke season title. These teams are still subject to the seeding of the committee. The other half, the at-large bids, will have •Only twice (1980 and 2006) to wait until Selection Sunday, March 11, and will have to has the final four not had a No. 1 seed in navigate through CBS’s broadcast of the selection to see if it they were selected. As teams grow madder waiting for the •No team seeded 16 has ever beaten a No. end of the show and the seeding, which only adds to this 1 seed March Madness, the bubble teams wait powerlessly. After the committee has announced the tournament •No team (since 1976) has won the field, which is always subject to critics, one of the greater tournament when they came in to the traditions of March Madness begins. Empty brackets (the tournament with an undefeated record tournament field is laid onto a bracket showing the steps •Largest margin of victory in the that each team will have to take to get to the championship championship game was 30 points: 1990 game which lies in the center of the bracket) will be printed out and become a fan’s ticket to a cash prize. Betting pools UNLV 103 - Duke 73 resurface and regroup from last year, filled with grumpy •The lowest seed to win the tournament was Villanova in 1985 at the 8th seed losers and one often obnoxious returning champion. “I would say Mr. Commons and Mr. Valentino seem to know their basketball,” said AHS English teacher Bill BY JEFFREY DEAN Sports Xtra Editor
“Michigan State because they beat the No. 1 team [Wisconsin] and they are good.”
—Ricky Adams freshman
“Maryland, because I love Maryland and they are growing as a team together.”
—Robin Scott sophomore
championship in college football is decided by a game against the number 1 team and the number 2 team in the country, so there is no real chance for a phenomenal upset. While the 16 seed has never prevailed against a 1 seed, many small schools have beaten a large and superior school, which is the quintessence of March Madness. When a small school, like George Mason, gets on a roll beating big team after big team, it captures the attention of the nation. These Cinderella stories, such as Villanova’s infamous championship victory against juggernaut Georgetown in 1985, give the tournament added appeal. The tournament advances, dominating TV screens Thursday through Sunday, and then water coolers Monday through Wednesday. The numerous down to the last shot finishes leave people cemented on the edge of their seats and helps the field progress through the rounds that have been laced with alliteration over the years (sweet sixteen, elite eight, and final four-see bottom of the rail). The madness diminishes into two schools that duke it out for the title. The key to March Madness is that 18 days before the championship game, everyone is on an even playing field. Your team may lose in the first round, but you can always hitch a ride on another team that will beat a team it’s not supposed to. These moments will give you enough of a taste of the excitement, you will be head over heels in the pandemonium of March Madness, or maybe you will find yourself on-top of a car, building a bonfire on your college campus just as they were in Maryland five years ago, in the biggest March Madness induced moment of your life.
—Teddy Langel senior
“I think that they [Florida] are goind to win because they are returning all of their starters. ”
—Tyson Sesay senior
“Virginia because they have good guards and becuase they execute very well and beat tough teams.”
—Tray Davenport senior
Important dates, key terms and events Sweet Sixteen— The title given to the final 16 teams in the tournament, which will be played in San Antonio, TX, San Jose, CA, St. Louis, MO and East Rutherford, NJ this year
The favorites to be the next national champion
Final Four—The
final four teams in the tournament compete in this event. This year the Final Four is held in Atlanta.
Play-in-game— The one game that the two lowest seeded teams have to play to get into regular tournament play
Additional reporting by Matt Johnson
Wisconsin has survived a tough conference schedule and currently has a record of 26-4. Led by seniorAlando Tucker and four other good scorers, leaving options all over the floor.
UNC is young, but still has a great chance to win it all. Stocked with a great group of freshmen and sophomores, all that the Tar Heels are missing is some big game experience. Ohio State is the product of the NBA’s one year in college rule, and hence Greg Oden’s dominating 7 foot stature. Combined with two young freshmen,the Buckeyes have proven themselves against tough competition.
The reigning National Champions set out to defend their title with the same list of starters that they had last year.Although they have some of the most talented players in the NCAA, they play unselfish basketball.
Elite Eight— The final eight teams in the tournament, which will be played in the same locations as the Sweet Sixteen games
“Virginia Tech because they have senior leadership and a tough defense after beating UNC and Duke.”
Where will your teams be this March? Virginia
Virginia Tech
George Mason
65—The number of teams that are included in the tournament Bubble Teams—Theteams
that are on the border of being invited to the tournament
11— The number of times that UCLA has won the national championship, the most in front of Kentucky’s 7 Selection Sunday—The decisive day (March 11) for many teams on the bubble who aren’t sure whether they made it into the field or not 1939—The first year that the tournament was held NIT— The National Invintational Tournament is the second-tier postseason tournament and is held in New York City.
19-8 Key Players: Sean Singletary, J.R. Reynolds Conference Record: 10-4 (ACC) Key Wins: Gonzaga, Arizona, Duke and Maryland Key Losses: Miami, Appalachin State Outlook: Led by arguably the best backcourt in the nation, and playing in a brand new arena, the UVA basketball team has emerged as an ACC power. Currently tied at the top of the ACC standings, UVA is a shoe-in for the tournament, most likely a 4-7 seed. UVA has a good chance to advance into the third round of the tournament because Reynolds and Singletary are unstoppable when they are in a groove. The only thing that is keeping this team from being a threat to win the national title is a legitamate third scorer. A large post presence is a big need for this team and program that is growing under coach Dave Leitao.
20-8 Key Players: Zabian Dowdell, Deron Washington Conference Record: 10-4 (ACC) Key Wins: North Carolina (twice), Duke, Virginia Key Losses: Western Michigan, Marshall Outlook: A bigger suprise than UVA, Virginia Tech has proven its legitamacy by beating North Carolina, a top 5 team, twice. Virginia Tech has bounced in and out of the top 25 throughout the season. They have proved that they can play on the road by beating Duke in the toughest arena to play in, surrounded by the famour Cameron Crazies. Led by high energy playmaker Deron Washington, Virginia Tech is headed for the NCAA tournament. How high their seed is will be dependant on how they fair in the ACC tournament, with a succesful tournament possibly landing them a No.4 seed.
22-7 Key Players: D.J. Strawberry, Mike Jones Conference Record: 8-6 (ACC) Key Wins: Duke, North Carolina Key Losses: Miami Outlook: A dismal start of the season has been erased as a result of the senior leadership of Mike Jones and D.J. Strawberry. Maryland was a bubble team for the majority of the season, but with this late surge they are all but assured a bid in the tournament, their first in the past two years. This resurgence not only has been a product of the seniors but also new freshmen, including starting gaurd Grevis Vasquez. While Maryland has come up strong lately, there are still many doubts about how far they can go in the tournament.
22-6 Key Players: Jeff Green, Roy Hibbert Conference Record: 12-3 (Big East) Key Wins: @ Vanderbilt, Notre Dame, Pittsburgh, Marquette, West Virginia Key Losses: Old Dominion University Outlook: The strongest team in the D.C. region, the Bulldogs have dominated their tough Big East conference. Led by center Roy Hibbert, who is over 7 feet tall, the Bulldogs have knocked off numerous top 25 teams. Currently ranked No. 12 in both major polls, Georgetown should be about a No. 3 seed in the tournamnet, barring an early exit in the Big East tournament. Jeff Green has outstanding athletic ability and has helped Georgetown return to its glory days. The Bulldogs have also showed a great amount of consistency, not losing to many bad teams.
15-14 Key Players: Folarin Campbell, Will Thomas Conference Record: 9-9 (CAA) Key Wins: N/A Key Losses: UNC-Willmington Outlook: The cinderella story that George Mason wrote last year will not have a sequel. The team lost too many key players on a team that last year was already surrounded by superior talent. The only shot that the Patriots have to get into the NCAA tournament is to win the CAA tournament. The Patriots have only been average in the conference. George Mason’s post season will probably land them in the NIT, where they may not deserve to be, riding their success in the NCAA tournament last year. This year the Patriots will have to watch the games on TV.
March 6, 2007
Youʼre listening
to what?
Music helps us to express ourselves. We can cry with the sad songs and blast those really great ones in our cars. We asked students to put their iPods on shuffle and list the first four songs that came up at random. Everyone is naturally drawn to music that brings out their personality, so what’s yours?
Atoms who matter Most Likely to get into Mischief “Hey, I’m not big on rules. I choose not to obey them.”
Freshman Brittany Irvin
—Sam Clark senior
“Money on my mind” by Lil Wayne “The title pretty much explains it, I’ve got money on my mind. I always want money because I love going shopping and going out, so money is essential to my hobbies.” “Meet me at the crossroads” by Bone Thugs ‘n’ Harmony “The lyrics kind of relate to how I view death. The song discusses how when it is time to die, it’s time. You cannot run or hide from it, you just have to face it. I believe the same and I also believe in meeting people in heaven, which the song also touches base on.” “Daydream” by Lupe Fiasco “I daydream a lot during school, so this song really describes me. Music is everything to me, and so when I’m mad or bored, I listen to music. This song is also in the variety of music that I typically listen to, like hip hop or club music.” “Upgrade You” by Beyonce “This song talks about upgrading your boyfriend. Sometimes I would want to do that or I might want to in the future. I am really picky about who I date, so if he doesn’t have a good personality then I’ll upgrade him.”
Senior Christine Sass “Little House” by The Fray “I decided to download this song because I love “The Fray”. The song is very calming and relaxing so it’s great to listen to after I’ve had a stressful day. I have a lot of work to do for my classes so I listen to this song on busy days.’ “Overjoyed” by Waking Ashland “This song is actually my twin sister’s song. We share a lot of things in our life, including our taste in music.” “Chasing Cars” by Snow Patrol “First of all when I hear this song I think of Grey’s Anatomy, because that is where I first heard the song. This song was playing when Denny died and Izzy, his fiancé, was devastated. It was so emotional because I feel really connected to those characters.” “Dreaming with a broken heart” by John Mayer “I love John Mayer, pretty much basically anything John Mayer connects to my life. Every time I hear John Mayer, it instantly calms me.”
“Trouble just happens. It’s so weird. Who voted for me? I need to confront them!”
—George Odoi junior
“People probably think I am most likely to get into mischief because I have the worst luck in the world and I’m always at the wrong place at the wrong time.”
—Beth Hertel junior
Junior Ismael Ramirez
Sophomore Amelia Lord “Run” by Snowpatrol “The “Last Kiss” had this song in it and I liked it so I downloaded the song. I also liked the movie, it was really good.” “Feel Good Inc.”by The Gorillaz” “My brother likes this song and he didn’t have an iPod so he put it on mine. My brother and I share a lot of the same tastes in music, so I like this song as well.” “Chicago is so two years ago” by Fall Out Boy “I just really like Fall Out Boy and I have most of their songs on my iPod. I am a big fan of rock music and I would love to go to one of their concerts.” “4Ever” by The Veronicas “This song relates to my life because I feel that I need to make the most out of life. I try to take every chance I get. One of the things I want to do before I die, is go overseas, like to Paris. I would just love to go somewhere that has a culture than from U.S. culture.
“Me Negro” by Adolescent’s Orquesta “I first saw this song and thought it sounded good, so I decided to download it. I have also downloaded more songs from this band, so I knew that I was going to like this song.” “Ahora” by Zion y Lennox “This song is about a guy who sees a beautiful dancing with someone else and he gets jealous of him. The song plays in the background when you play FIFAand I love to play FIFA so this song reminds me a lot of that game.” “Paletero Man” by ODM “This song is really funny because it talks about this guy who sells ice cream and the lyrics make me laugh. I love to laugh and have fun so this is a great song that shows my personality.” “Palante” by Don Omar “On my iTunes I searched for songs by Don Omar because I like all of his music. This song came up and I really liked it’s beat. The lyrics of the song talk about situations I’d like to be in, like going to a club or hanging out with my friends.”
“I get into mischief because I sometimes cannot keep my mouth shut. I am a little outspoken and I talk back to my teachers whom I do not agree with.”
—Amanda Krause sophomore
“I have a hard time focusing because I’m severely ADHD. I was probably nominated because I talk back to my teachers. I don’t bend to their authority.”
—Max Augliere sophomore
Junior Bradsby Grabo “Baltimore” by Randy Newman “This song is very good, it’s interesting because It’s about Baltimore and I’ve been there. The song is kind of depressing because it’s about hobos, poverty and that’s how Baltimore was like when I went. “Easy” by The Commodores “Sometimes when things get out of whack I listen to this song because it’s very relaxing. I always try to keep a level head and an open mind, the song lyrics relates to that.” “Down to the River to Pray” by Allison Krause “This song is from the movie “O Brother Where Art Thou” and I love that movie and the soundtrack is very good. I also listen to the soundtrack because I am Christian and it has good messages. “One Step Closer” by Linkin Park “In contrast with “Easy”, this song is great to listen to when I am mad. It also is a good song to listen to before my track meet because it gets me hyped up.”
Freshman Michael Ejigu “Losing my way” by Justin Timberlake “I like this song mainly because of its lyrics. It’s about a guy who dropped out of school, not that I want to drop out of school. My brother actually recommended this song to me and we usually like the same type of music.” “This is Why I’m Hot” by MIMS “I am kind of cocky and the person this song is talking about is also cocky. The lyrics about the boy really relates to me.” “Spaceship” by Kanye West “I have been running distance track since 8th grade, so this song is a great song to get me pumped up for my meets. I really like its upbeat rhythms and lyrics.” “Faces in the Hall” by Gym Class Heroes “This song is about a kid who runs track, so it relates me to. I downloaded this song because I wanted to have a variety of songs to listen to before my sporting events.”
• I attended Penn State • I majored in Political Science • His hobby is running and reading
•I like listening to music that is quiet, soft
historical books
and relaxing, usually classical.
• In my spare time I like to read and
•I have lived in Turkey and Germany, and have traveled to Europe, Canada, and Mexico •In my spare time I like to get to together with my friends and go shopping •My favorite season is summer •My pet peeve are students who do not work
1 Ron Howard 1954 2 Jon Bon Jovi 1962, Dr. Seuss 1904 3 Jessica Biel 1982 6 Shaquille O’Neal 1972 8 Freddie Prinze Jr. 1976
10 Sharon Stone 1958 12 Liza Minelli 1946 14 Albert Einstein 1879 Michael Caine 1933 21 Johann Sebastian Bach 1685 25 Elton John 1947
• I attended the University of Florida • I like to shop for antiques • I love dogs, reading and traveling
Celebrity Birthdays for March
Who am I? • I have taught at AHS for a year and a
for 18 years
—Max Kirkman freshman
Last Issue’s
Who am I? • I have been teaching at AHS
“I get in trouble a lot because I always do and say stupid things. I also often talk while my teachers are talking.”
listen to music
•My favorite kind of food is mexican •I was born in Miami, Florida “a long time ago” compiled by Bud Ireland If you know the answer to “Who am I,” come to the publications lab
• I have traveled through Europe and some cities in the United States
26 Diana Ross 1944 30 Eric Clapton 1945 31 Al Gore 1948
• I like to listen to classic rock • My motto is to believe in yourself • I was born on December 20, 1960, in Winchester, Massachusetts
Stratton Shartel
March 7, 2007
Coach’s spring sports predictions
—Antonio Rivadeneira boys soccer coach “We have so much senior leadershop this year. They are really going to lead us on the field and off.”
—Tom Grant softball coach “Our team will continue to improve with each practice and game and I am confident we will continue our winning ways with our TEAM first commitment.”
Freshman Anthony Slimp lunges for the ball. The varsity boys tennis team will have their first game on March 19 against West Springfield at 4:00 p.m. at home.
Varsity soccer players go through their usual stretching during indoor practices. The team was not able to practice at Poe, so it was forced to play indoors for weeks.
Tennis makes a racket in practice
Boys soccer looks to change their record
With only one senior compared to last year’s seven, the team will have to undergo the difficult task of replacing both the skill The girls and boys tennis teams are and the experience lost due to graduation. looking to start out with a successful Additionally, with only three upperclassseason while fielding a team with many men this spring compared to the ten new faces. In addition to only one return- freshmen and sophomores on the squad, ing senior, Caitlin Callahan, the team will this season may very well serve as a buildwork under the direction of new head coach, ing block to the next few seasons. Expect the last match of the season Claudia Rohaly. Rohaly, who has been involved in both the local and national tennis against powerhouse T.C. Williams to be scene as a player and administrator, will a key contest this season. Should AHS continue its success try to improve upon from last year, that a team that went match may very well 10-4 last season. Acplay a large part in cording to sophomore deciding the regular Erica Anderson, this I really think that we season champion and season will be a “rewill continue to improve seeding for the district building year.” tournament. Last season, the throughout the season. On the boys side, Lady Atoms fared they hope to improve well, but ran into roadblocks in the —TaherAl-Suqi their record and rely form of the T.C. Wiljunior on the talent that they already have to bring liams Titans and them them to victory. Lake Braddock Bru“ The guys are doing really well and ins, both of whom handed the Atoms their only losses by each defeating Annandale are coping with the cold,” said coach Mike twice. With a perfect record against the rest Scott. If their practices are any sign of their of their schedule, it appears that the district championship will go through Alexandria upcoming spring season, both the girls and the boys tennis teams are headed for and Burke this spring. The players still remain optimistic success. “ I really think that we will continue to about their prospects for the upcoming improve throughout the season. We didn’t season thanks to their new coach. “She’s tough and I think she’ll make us lose that many people last year on the boys such a good team,” said Anderson. “She’s side so we should be okay. Samson Belay played tennis for a long time and she’s world will really lead us throughout the season,” renowned. It’ll make us better in the end.” said junior Taher Al-Suqi.
“I’d say we’ll play better then last year,” said Prosch, “as long as we work together as a team we’ll be fine.” Senior Bryan Rubio, said he is looking Inclement weather has postponed outdoor practice for the boys JV and var- forward “to our winning season.” Rubio is sity soccer teams, but they can be found a starting defender and this is his second scrimmaging and going about practice in year on varsity. In the off-season he plays the main gym. No weather will stop the on house league teams. Some key returning players to look season. The JV team, consisting of 24 mem- for are Rubio, Prosch, senior Jay Ahn and bers, has a positive outlook for this season. sophomore Adem Goturk. New members to the varsity team Freshman Edgar Rivas, says the team will include sophomores Parker Koppelman be “pretty good” this year. and Smith Norton. Tryouts were deBoth were on JV last manding of freshmen year. and new or returning According to juJV players hoping Tryouts involved lots of nior Ismael Ramirez, to make the Varsity nearly “everybody” team. conditioning and basically plays on a team in the “[Tryouts involved] off-season to prepare lots of conditioning and showing you can play. for the school season. basically just showing Ramirez plays for you can play,” Rivas —EdgarRivas Little River Soccer said. junior Club. New key players There are no to the team are freshstrategies as of yet man Eric Malzahn and going into the 2007 season except to have sophomore Derek Amoaful. The team together as a whole is “very “lots of shots on the goal and ball possesunited” and a “winning team” said Rivas sion,” said Prosch. The must-see-game of the season, and Malzahn. Members of the JV team agree that according to members of the team, will their must-see-games will be against Lake be against Lake Braddock on April 27 at Braddock at Lake Braddock onApril 27 and Lake Braddock. against T.C. Williams at T.C. Williams High School on May 8. As for the varsity team, consisting of 26 members, senior Scott Prosch has a very positive outlook on the season. BY CAROLINE MERZ Staff Writer
—Cindy Hook girls lacrosse coach “The guys are working harder and harder every day, despite the cold.We all plan on having a great season.”
—Mike Scott boys tennis coach
Must-see games this spring Girls Lacrosse Who: Lake Braddock When: 4/26/07 Time: 7:15 p.m. Where: away Why it is a mustsee: The Atoms have played them in the final round of the district tournament last year and lost by a narrow defeat. They look to finally take the title this season. Softball Who: Robert E. Lee When: 4/17/07 Time: 6:30 p.m. Where: home Why it is a mustsee: The Atoms lost 1-8 last year, but are ready for a re-match. The seniors this year can’t wait to take the win this season.
Girls lacrosse strives for the Patriot District title BY AVERY ADCOCK Sports Editor
Girls Tennis
Who: T.C. Williams When: 4/11/07 Time: 4:00 p.m. Where: home Why it is a mustsee: The Atoms will have to come back from losing all of their previous starters, but T.C. will be their hardest match.
Boys Tennis Who: Lake Braddock When: 3/28/07 Time: 4:00 p.m. Where: Away Why it is a mustsee: The boys haven’t had the best record in the past but they are a much more experienced team this year. Lake Braddock will be their stiffest competetion, but the Atoms have the talent to defeat them. Boys Soccer Who: Lake Braddock When: 4/27/07 Time: 7:00 P.M. Where: Away Why it is a must-see: The Atoms didn’t end with an impressive season last year to say the least. However, from year to year the Lake Braddock game is always a guarenteed fight on both sides.
“It wasn’t that we weren’t good last year, we just had a very hard district. This year we are working harder and have a lot of talent that will reallly help us.”
Junior Mary Bermingham passes with freshman Maggie Bermingham before practice. The Atomʼs first game is on March 21 at 7:15 p.m. against Mount Vernon at Mount Vernon HS.
The girls varsity lacrosse team has a lot to adjust to this season, with one main focus: freshmen. Of the 19 players, six are freshmen. However, every new player coming onto the team has immense talent that the Atoms can surely capitalize on. That is not to say that there is not an abundance of senior leadership. Seniors Krista Silano, Emily Vincent and junior Mary Bermingham will be leading the Atoms towards a district championship this season. “We all really believe that we will have a very successful season. We have a lot of younger talent and if we learn to work together we will be unstoppable,” said junior Mary Bermingham. The only thing standing in the way of the Atoms is the fact that nine players graduated last year, but there are eight returning varsity players. Varsity head coach Cindy Hook believes that the new players are going to bring something new to the team that they have never had. “Our younger players may be new to our team, but they come with good lacrosse experience. Everyone is working hard to improve individually and as a team. Our team will continue to improve with each practice and game, and I am confident that we will continue our winning ways by continuing our TEAM first commitment,” said Hook. One of the difficulties the Atoms have faced is the shortened practice times due to inclement weather. Junior Tiffanie Le, however, believes that the weather has brought the team together. “ We have been forced to really focus in practice and give everything we had for that hour,” said Le.
Softball hopes that snow will not affect play BY AVERY ADCOCK Sports Editor Often an overlooked team, the girls varsity softball team is looking to surprise many this season. With an abundance of senior leadership and undiscovered talent, theAtoms hope to make a strong run at the Patriot District championship. The three senior captains, Pitcher/third baseman Kelsey Grant, second baseman Taylor Hobson, and shortstop Beth Sass are completely focused on refining their skills to beat some of their biggest rivals this season. Senior Kelsey Grant earned first team all-district honors last year, and will surely be a big force this season. Of the twelve players this year, ten are upper classmen. Head coach Tom Grant believes that the upperclassmen will take a leadership role this season. “We have five seniors this year and I really think that they are going to be great leaders on and off the field,” said Grant.
Despite high hopes, many athletes across AHS would agree with senior Tori Clark that adjusting to the inclement weather has been hard. “We all get along very well and it looks like we will go very far ,but it has been hard because we have been stuck in the gym. It isn’t fair that we haven’t been able to go outside and practice. There is only so much that you can do inside.If we don’t get out on the field then I will be worried about our first scrimmage,” said Clark. Even when the sun was shining and most teams went outside for the first time in weeks, varsity softball was still stuck indoors due to soggy field conditions. Their first game on Mar. 14 against Falls Church at Falls Church HS will show both players and coaches what the season may look like for the Atoms. With a winning record last year, the Atoms improved tremendously from the seasons before. “I think our first game is going to be difficult because we haven’t been on the field yet. It should be a fairly good season because we have eight returning varsity players. We
are much better this year than we were last year because we have so much experience. I am new to the team but everyone is really taking me in. We have a new pitcher, Emily Shultis, and she should be very good this year,” said junior Debbie McCoy. SophomoreAmanda Krause believes that the talent on the team will be the driving force for them throughout the season and into the district tournament. “I’m excited about the season. I feel that we are a very experienced team and that this year we are a more knowledgeable team. Senior Beth Sass is a very good player and always leads us. But not only her, everybody has something to contribute this season. We all are really excited about the upcoming season, but are worried about not playing outside yet,” said Krause. One thing is for sure: the girls varsity softball team has a lot of potential if they can just overcome these inital obstacles.
Swinging for the fences
will be getting the most innings,” said Abrigo. Anderson will be the primary closer in most games. The main concern for the Atoms this season will be defense. According to Abrigo, if the team plays smart in the field, they will succeed. “They need to make the routine play,” said Abrigo. “We lost five or six games last season because of it. That’s the difference.” Derrickson agreed on the importance of defense. “We need to stay focused and not be too comfortable in game situations,” said Derrickson. “There is no room for error.” Four new assistant coaches—Marcus Johnson, Daniel Porter, Tim St. Clair, and Chris Bagot—join Abrigo to complete the Atoms coaching staff. “The new coaches are terrific,” said senior Michael Singer. “They each bring a lot of knowledge and experience to the team.” The one thing the Atoms don’t lack is confidence. And that is exactly what a team needs to contend for a championship.
Senior Alfredo Rivas prepares to snag a fly ball during practice. Despite finishing last season with a record of 8-13, the Atoms are optimistic about their chances in the Patriot District.
As you listen to the boys varsity baseball team, one message emerges: confidence. Echoed throughout the coaching staff down to the players is a feeling they can erase last season’s woeful 8-13 record, and improve on their sixth place finish in the Patriot District standings. “I think we will be very good,” said second- year Head Coach Ron Abrigo. “We are hoping to be a top four team in the district and advance in the region.” Such optimism is based mainly on the squad’s large amount of experience. Abrigo will have seven returning starters—seniors Nick Twomey, Ben Hendrickson, Will Wade, Jon Anderson, John Derrickson, and juniors Jeff Dean and Eric Bridge—to build around. “A lot of us have been through it at least one time,” said Anderson. “We are more experienced than most teams in the district. We [seniors] need to step up and show it.” “I need them to be leaders and play consisTHE STARTING NINE tently,” said Abrigo. “Leadership is going to take us far.” The strong point for this year’s team comes Sophomore John Copenhaver with the swing of a bat. Twomey and Wade last year averaged .460 and .440 respectively. In addiJunior Eric Bridge Senior John Derrickson tion, Anderson, Hendrickson and Dean all batted over .340. But the Atoms realize that in order to contend, last year’s success at the plate needs to Senior Nick Twomey Junior Jeff Dean be even more potent this spring. “We have to be hitting at the right time,” said Senior Ben Hendrickson Anderson. “As a team we are hitting when no one is on base, but we need to come through when Senior David Valentin Senior Will Wade they are.” The pitching staff will be led by ace Hendrickson, Wade, and Bridge. “As far as pitching goes, we need Ben [HenSenior John Anderson drickson] and Will [Wade] to play well because they Designed by Adam Kasdorf
Lax attacks
New coach, new attitude
Coach Bill Maglisceau leads an improved boys lacrosse squad
Under new coach Janeen Westphal, Atoms hope to regain past success
BY GREG YOUNG Staff Writer The boys varsity lacrosse team has begun their practices, hoping to build on their performance from last season when they finished 6-6. The team has promoted several players from the JV team, which finished last season at 10-1, in a move that the team hopes will continue to add to the quality of the varsity team. However, despite the move, the team is similar to last year’s squad in that they lack size and will be more dependent on speed to win games. “We have a fast, athletic team this year, which should be a great asset,” said junior middlefielder Zach Flynn. Defensively, the Atoms are led by junior goalie Kevin McCracken, who be starting for his third consecutive season. The team had its first scrimmage against Westfield on March 3. Although the score was not kept at the game, Maglisceau estimated that Annandale lost by five goals. “[The scrimmage] went well. Westfield is a strong team and we hung around with them,” said varsity head coach William Maglisceau, “However, there is always room for improvement.” McCracken “I was pleased with the way that Zach Sells and Galen Dunbar played during the scrimmage,” said Maglisceau. “Our main goal is to win districts for coach Maglisceau,” said senior defensemen Chris Fitz. “He has been around for a long time and he deserves it.” One of the early problems that the team faced was the inclement weather that closed schools from Feb. 14-16. Furthermore, the continuing inclement weather has forced the team to practice indoors for several weeks. “Because of the snow, we have been only able to practice on a real field twice,” said Flynn, “[Because of that] are stick skills aren’t quite there yet. But they will definitely improve as the season progresses.” Also, the team has had to endure a difficult practice schedule. For some time now, the team has been having two practices per day, known as two-a-days. They practice before school, at 5:45 a.m., and after school around 2:30 p.m. “I think the two-a-days have brought the team closer together,” said Fitz. So far, the outlook for the season seems relatively positive. “I really think that we can go deep in the [district] tourney this year,” said Fitz. “Things are going well so far and I hope they can continue.”
BY CLAIRE BUI Staff Writer The lady Atoms varsity soccer team returns with a fresh and revamped roster after a disappointing 3-8-2 season last year. The outlook for the 2007 team is positive with the return of twelve players. The girls are led by new head coach Janeen Westphal, who coached the JV team last year, and is joined by new assistants Kathy Palmer and Gretchen Hamm. With the addition of seven new members, the lady Atoms will be looking to senior leaders Kelly Scrivener, Madeline Mejean, Julianne Simpson, Margaret Crowley, Jenny Jacobs, and junior Avery Adcock. Giventhattherenowisalargeamountofdepthand variety on the team, the ladyAtoms are slowly trying to form a bond and get used to each other’s techniques. “We have six seniors along with a large group of juniors. We also have three sophomores and two freshmen on the varsity roster,” said Westphal. “There is a lot of talent on the team, we just need to learn to work as a group and bring out the best qualities of each player,” said Westphal. “We have a completely new team this year, with players from every grade level,” said Mejean. “One of the major things we need to work on is learning how to play with each other on the field.” The AHS team has high hopes for this season. “I believe the team is stronger this year, with the majority of the team returning and adding the new sophomores and freshmen to the team,” said Westphal. “We should be able to compete more evenly with our district.” “Our goal is to have a winning record,” said Scrivener. “We want to do well in the district and get past the first round in the tournament, which always seems to hold us back.” Nevertheless, the team has acknowledged that they have stiff competition, as the Patriot District is filled with perennial powerhouse schools such as Lake Braddock, the defending state champions, and West Springfield. Both pose the largest threats to AHS. “Lake Braddock always brings out a tough group of girls, and West Springfield has also been hard for us to play against,” said Scrivener. “Every year we get really close but then end up losing in the last minute.
Extra Point Sports Column
By Greg Rosenstein With Spring Training upon us and opening day less than a month away, it’s time to start looking more at America’s pastime, in particular the Washington Nationals. This year’s squad has more new faces than Joan Rivers, and that’s a lot. But it will be exciting to follow a team with so many new and unique storylines and some questions. Here are a few: What does new Manager Manny Acta give to the Nationals this season? Despite being the youngest manager in the Major Leagues at just 37, Acta brings knowledge and success to a Washington organization that has finished in last place the last two years. Prior to taking over for Hall of Famer Frank Robinson, who went 152-172 in his two-year stint with the Nationals, Acta was most recently the third base
Track and Field runs toward success Despite the inclement weather that has plagued the first week of spring sports, the track and field team has been able to begin their season well. Early on, the track was still iced over and the team was forced to practice on the back parking lot, but when the snow and ice melted, it was business as usual. The head coaches for the spring squad are Sean Miller and Phillip Harris. Both Harris and Miller implemented their new goals of hard work and success for the season early on. Sophomore Emily Koppelman noticed that the coaches were “trying to make the team more unified and less focused on individuals.” In addition, the coaches have changed the format of practices by separating the team into groups based on what events they run and changed the workouts to make them more beneficial. “I’m optimistic about the season,” said junior Katie Janssen. “There were four people who went to states during the winter season and a lot of people who were close to making it to states and performed really well at regionals.” Athletes expected to perform well for the team include senior Brandon Williams (whose top event is the 200 meter race) and junior Matt Ashford (who specializes in the two mile run). The spring track and field team has started the season with high intensity in preparation of their most important meets, which include theAllen Johnson Invitational at Lake Braddock on March 21 and the district and regional meets. -Marisa Tordella Staff Writer
Inclement Weather Day #56 and counting...
Neitherofthoseteamsreallylostalotofplayerseither.” Westphal plans to run the players through many training drills to prepare for more experienced squads. “We condition and run and about two miles around the school every day. We start each practice with a warm-up drill, then move on to fitness and ball work. Several of the focuses are on passing and shooting,” said Westphal. “The new coaching staff is putting emphasis on being in shape, and their style of getting us to do that incorporates playing a game, which I think is going to be beneficial to us,” said Mejean. The district tournament is still months away, but right now Westphal and the team are focused on doing well in the Patriot league standings to give themselves the best chance to succeed in the playoffs. The ladyAtoms play their first game against Falls Church at home on March 12.
Sophomore John McErlean craddles the ball during practice last week.
Members of the girls soccer team, sophomore Laura Simpson (left), junior Tanya Bellingham (center), and junior Marisa Tordella (right), work on agility drills.
Junior Leslie Burns works on ball handling during practice. With new head coach Janeen Westphal, the Atoms hope to improve on last seasonʼs 3-8-2 season.
Nationals hope to prove doubters wrong coach for National League East rival New York Mets and was the manager for the Dominican Republic team in the 2006 World Baseball Classic. Acta, hired in the off-season for his youth and enthusiasm, will try to make the most of a young team with many fresh faces but a lack of star power. With Alfonso Soriano gone, are there any players worth watching this season? Yes. While Soriano’s signing with the Chicago Cubs is a major loss for the Nationals, there are multiple players on this roster who will help attract fans to RFK stadium. Third baseman Ryan Zimmerman, although only 22, is the biggest star on Washington because of his hitting ability (batted .287 with 20 home runs and 110 RBIs) and his uncanny ability to make defensive plays. Coming off a near Rookie of the Year Award-type season, it will be interesting to see him respond in his second year with the club. In addition, shortstop Christian Guzman looks as if he will take the field on Opening Day after being out for the entire 2006 season with a shoulder injury. Guzman, one of the Major League’s worst hitters in 2005 with a miserable batting average of .219, will look to gain back the reputation he once earned while an All-Star in Minnesota. Will the Nationals’ pitching staff be any better? With a National League worst 5.03 ERA, Washington
March 7 2007
had arguably the worst pitching staff in all of baseball. So there’s no way they can be any worse, right? Wrong. The ace, John Patterson, has had an injury-plagued five-year career and has never won more than nine games in a season. The rest of the likely rotation is mediocre, with newly acquired pitchers Tim Redding and Jerome Williams (neither of whom has won a game since 2004), Mike O’Connor (3-8, 4.80 ERA in his rookie season), Shawn Hill (1-3, 4.66 ERA) or rookie Matt Chico. So in other words, outside of Patterson, the projected rotation has a total of four victories in two years. Yikes! The one interesting story to watch involving pitchers is budding star closer Chad Cordero. In 2005 Cordero led the Major Leagues with 47 saves on the season and had a stellar ERA of 1.82. But in 2006 he tapered off to only 29 saves and a 3.19 ERA. With a weak starting rotation, it is crucial for middle-relievers and closers such as Cordero to have a huge season to assure success. The Washington Nationals will not be great this season. Okay, they might not even be good. But baseball is baseball. In the National League, there may not be a more fun division to watch than the NL East. Crowd-pleasing young talent coming to RFK each night will include the Mets’Jose Reyes and Carlos Beltran, Florida’s pitcher Dontrelle Willis, and National League MVP Ryan Howard of the Phillies. The home opener is April 2 against the Marlins. I have my ticket. Will you?
Senior Samson Belay makes contact with the tennis ball during a practice match last week.
Baseball coach Ron Abrigo instructs seniors John Derrickson (left) and Alfredo Rivas (right) at practice last week.
ENTERTAINMENT Arena Stage presents...
in the clair de lune
Book Review
By Paul Mathis
throughAct One. He gives off creepy vibes and constantly is just staring. He also admits to staring at her while she works. He’s needy. He’s a “we” guy. “We can do this and What do you get when you combine a dysfunctional that.” But scarier than all, he won’t leave. However, for some reason, Frankie lets him stay middle-aged waitress with a just as dysfunctional short order cook? Apparently you get a one-night stand that although she did put up a good fight in trying to get him to leave. At one point she gets dressed, puts on her turns into a relationship… overnight. Frankie and Johnny, by Terrence McNally, isArena coat and starts to leave, even though she is in her own Stage’s newest play. It has only one set and two char- apartment, but somehow she is cajoled by Johnny back acters throughout the show, yet the simplicity is effec- into her apartment. Eventually the clothes come back off, too. tive and consistent with the play’s theme. But through the back and forth conversation Frankie The opening scene is shocking as you are introduced to a very naked Frankie and Johnny, who are and Johnny start to discover that there are more than just similarities in in a very compromising position. As their background. the night continues however, the Arena Stage Calendar of They were both connection between the two Upcoming Events born in Allentown, lovers becomes even more Pennsylvania, and intimate than the nudity and August Wilsonʼs Gem of the both of their mothphysical openness that begins Ocean Now through March 18. ers left them at a the show. ($47-$56) young age. Frankie is a cynical All of the coinciNew York woman, who tries Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune dental similarities to see the one-night-stand for by Terrence McNally between the two what she thinks it really is. Now through April 8. ($47-$56) of them only drive After promptly asking Johnny into a craJohnny to leave over, and Arena Stageʼs Annual Benefit Camp zier rage of using over, and over again, she the coveted and yet realizes that he is reading Wannabeapolitiki April 23. very scary ‘L’ word. into the situation a little He most definitely more than she is. gets the award He spends hours for declaring love into the night trying to convince her that what they have is quickest, in the course of one night. Soon Johnny is talking marriage and children and “special” and soon strange similarities are found in their backgrounds that Johnny about a life together… and he is trying to convince takes as a sign that they are meant to Frankie that they are meant to be together, and she is falling for it. be together. Frankie and Johnny was a strangely optimistic tale Johnny was every woman’s nightmare and dream wrapped into one of love and hope for two people who had given up on rambunctious and naked man that happiness in life. This middle-aged fairy tale gives light Frankie could not seem to get rid of all to a pair of crude lovers…and the audience. BY JENNY JACOBS Entertainment Editor
Echo Maker fades out
March 7, 2007
Frankie and Johnny
Paul on Prose
Both scientists and philosophers are asking questions as to what really remains of the human “self,” and whether or not humans have free will. This debate is the centerpiece of Richard Power’s National Book Award-winning novel, The Echo Maker. A man, suffering from a disease called Capgras, one day wakes up and does not recognize his sister. As he and his sister begin to question the fabric of emotional and physical reality, they are joined by a famous neuropsychologist, one who has debated whether or not consciousness is truly continuous many times himself. However, Though Powers often presents interesting questions about philosophy and the ever-growing field of neuroscience, The Echo Maker often falls short of explaining itself, or truly discussing the question of the self at all. The result is a novel and a story that wants to pull at the heart-strings, but is too confused with itself to ever really grab the reins. On a cold February night, Mark Schluter rolls off of a highway road in the middle of Nebraska; alone and being crushed by thousands of pounds of truck metal, he suffers severe brain damage. When he finally surfaces from his coma, he has changed drastically: he can no longer identify his sister, even as she stands before him, and he begins to believe that the world around him is “fake,” a copy of the world he once lived in. Karin Schluter, who struggles emotionally to deal with her brother’s Capgras, is soon joined by a famous neuropsychologist, Gerald Weber, who is on the decline of his career. However, it soon becomes clear to Weber, Schluter, and others that Mark is not merely suffering from a common psychological disease; he is stretching the question of the self to lengths that have never before been reached. On top of this, a constant mystery looms over Mark’s accident, as to how he crashed (on a highway in the middle of nowhere with multiple sets of tracks on the road) and who left a mysterious note that reads “I am No One/ but Tonight on North Line Road/ GOD led me to you/ so You could Live/ and bring back someone else.” The Echo Maker focuses mostly on Mark’s continual psychological descent and how it effects the lives of his sister, Weber, and an extremely committed aide, Barbara. As Mark develops new theories as to how he has Echo Maker fallen into his “fake” Richard Powerss world, his sister begins to question the accomplishments of her own life, and what her life, with her brother and their shared past, really amounts to. Weber as well begins to question his life, focusing on what it would means to interpret the world we live in, almost believing that his world, too, is a “fake.” In this way Powers is able to probe that ever-shrinking, but still amorphous distance between neuroscience and philosophy; if every memory, emotion, need in the brain has a physical place, than do humans really have free will? Are we anything but a mix of wires and neurons? Unfortunately, Powers’ words are not this simple. He uses a style of limited third person omniscient, switching back and forth between characters and in the novel and their stories. Thus, most of his questioning comes when he is focusing on Gerald Weber’s life, allowing himself to delve into the thoughts of a man that has lived with psychology his entire life. However, when Powers delves into Weber’s thoughts, often what comes out is simply a mix of thoughts; not a cohesive answer, but rather a mix of seemingly random, often meaningless connections. On top of this, Powers’ writing is often too editorial and unconvincing. His words suffer from an overuse of trite commentaries, and he often focuses too much on telling the reader what is going on instead of allowing his words reveal what is going on, such as when he says “She stands and circles. She waits for him to raise the issue. She extends him that grim respect, wholly unearned. She will assume the woman is nothing, irrelevant, until he tells her otherwise.”
Adventures of Brew By Drew Wildes & Ben Hendrickson
Breach: Espionage performs at its finest The world of espionage can be a dangerous one and The often extremely confusing. With government secrets never safe from foreign spies, the working environment for federal agents can be quite stressful. The Movie Review tension rises among the By Drew Wildes several characters interweaved into the story surrounding the worst breach ever of the federal government. Based on the true story of spy Robert Hanssen, Breach runs like a well-oiled machine towards a surprising and entertaining conclusion. Chris Cooper plays Robert Hanssen, the pornloving super computer genius who has been selling government secrets to the Soviets for 22 years. Once the bureau becomes aware of the breach, new agent Eric O’ Neil is assigned to track down Hanssen and catch him in the act. The problem, Hanssen is inconveniently one of the smartest men to ever work for the United States government. The tension between the two characters becomes exciting to watch as Hanssen constantly suspects O’ Neil of working against him. Ryan Phillippe The constant conflict between Hanssen and O’ Neil creates the internal clash within O’ Neil. He has been put in the middle of one of the most important cases the United States has ever seen and finds himself cornered several times throughout the film. He has trouble trusting the other members in his life including his wife and even himself at times. There comes a point where he is telling so many lies that he “doesn’t even know who he is any more.” Breach O’ Neil’s stress heats to a boil, but then is calmed down by long time agent Kate Burroughs, beautifully played by Laura Linney. He has to do is job but has to betray a man that he respects. The constantly resurfacing motif of trust follows O’ Neil everywhere he goes. Can he trust his wife? Can Hanssen trust him? Can the bureau trust him to catch its smartest member? The answers are never clear as twists and turns follow every scene. The film ultimately becomes a look at human behavior and the question of why we do things. But director Billy Ray (Shattered Glass) made the correct decision in not trying to answer an unanswerable question. Why did Hanssen do it? He didn’t need the money. He had a wife that loved him and kids to greet him everyday he came home from work. The descent of Hanssen ultimately becomes sad as a man with everything loses it all for a reason even he himself cannot explain. Ray takes a passionate look inside human beings and has the power to get great performances out of his actors. The greatest actor in the film becomes Philippee’s eyes. He is faced with mind boggling situations day after day and has to deal with all the different emotions that go along with chasing a spy.
March 7, 2007
The sun sets on The OC
The last episode of once popular The OC aired BY LAYLUMA HOTAKI Entertainment Editor
It was once a popular teen soap opera that aired every week. Millions of teenagers used to tune into The OC on Thursdays because of its interesting (not to mention dramafilled) plot that they could relate to. These teenagers won’t be able to tune in any longer, as the last episode of the drama aired Feb. 22. The show began climbing its way up the ladder in its first season, which aired the winter of 2003-2004. It was considered the top-rated drama among young adults – key word: was. “I remember at the start of the show everyone was talking about it. If you missed one episode, you would definitely hear about it in school the next day,” said sophomore Erika Dyer. “Kids would say ‘Hey, did you watch The OC last night?’” Based in the prosperous Orange County, California (more specifically, Newport Beach), main character Ryan was adopted into the Cohen family after getting into trouble with the law. As the main character, he visibly changes the lives of many people on the show, including best friend Seth, and love interest Marissa. Although the plot embedded the troubles of everyday teenage life - including money, sex, drugs, and alcohol - the continuing momentum and suspense didn’t last. It didn’t
take long for the show to lose half of its viewers. Actually, it only took one season. Government teacher Mary Ann Richardson began watching the show when she and her son borrowed a season DVD from a friend. “I thought parts of it were very descriptive of a high school student’s life,” Richardson said. As a teacher, Richardson knows students that are focused on schoolwork, but outside of school, they go through crises that nobody knows about. “It makes you wonder what kind of crises do students have that we don’t know about,” she said. Most people like Dyer predicted the show would be over soon because the plot “felt dry and you could tell they ran out of ideas,”Dyer said. Senior Kelly Pilkerton felt the same way.
The main cast of The OC, from left to right: Seth, Marissa, Ryan and Summer.
“It’s about time, because, like many other shows, like Smallville and 7th Heaven, by the end of the second season, it’s not as interesting anymore,” Pilkerton said. “I was also really happy when Marissa died because she had other career plans. The OC was just holding her back.” Richardson wasn’t too pleased about it, though. “Since I didn’t discover the show till late, I feel cheated,” said Richardson. “It ends right as the characters make the transition to college. I’m just really sorry it’s cancelled.” This show was the only show Richardson watched on a regular basis, aside from 24 (which she is addicted to). “Not only did I like the show, the music, and the gorgeous outfits, but I loved the graphics. The sunsets were gorgeous. We would be in the middle of a snowstorm, but you felt like you were looking at a California sunset,” Richardson said. “The last episode was really creative,” said senior Rose Bingham. “Instead of just making a dramatic ending, they took the time to show Rose Bingham us how the characters ended up years from now.” Far down the road from the end of the show, lovebirds Seth and Summer are shown at their wedding, Ryan and love interest Taylor are broken up, and Kirsten’s baby is born. They move into the first house they started the family in and it was one big happy ending. That’s the last we’ll see of the California sunset on TV. Not. Any given network will most likely come up with a way to replace The OC with another dramatic series filled with teenage problems.
How well did you know the O.C.?
3: Who is the actress who plays Summer? a) Mischa Barton b) Autumn Reeser c) Amy Davidson d) Rachel Bilson
6: What does the OC stand for? a) Olive Castle b) Orange County c) Opal Cavern d) Ocean Creek
9: How many seasons are there of The OC? a) 2 b) 5 c) 4 d) 3
1: Who sings The OC theme song, ‘California’? a) The Freestylers b) The Foundations c) Phantom Planet d) Britney Spears
4: How does Marissa die? a) Fire b) Cancer c) Murdered d) Car crash
7: What beach of California is it set in? a) Newport Beach b) La Jolla Beach c) Laguna Beach d) Carlsbad Beach
10: What’s the name of the club where they regularly go to? a) Tric b) The Bait Shop c) P3 d) Holiday Inn
5: Who starts the fire? a) Ryan b) Lyndsay c) Sandy d) Seth
8: What is Ryan’s surname? a) Roberts b) Cohen c) Atwood d) Cooper
The fallen stand tall
a sneakily pop-like feel. BY LUCAS HIGGINS Throw in the fact that the members of Staff Writer FOT all are barely old enough to legally It’s rare that the musical world is blessed buy beer, and these guys have the potential with someone talented enough to be a fabu- to become rock gods, especially Erak. The lous instrumentalist and singer/songwriter. childhood friends from small-town Mukilteo, Bob Dylan, Elvis Costello, Jimi Hendrix. Washington, are already garnering a lot of These are some of the biggest names in the respect from Indie-heavyweights, such as history of rock and roll and they all multi- Circa Survive. In January 2005, FOT inked a deal with well-known Equal Vision Records tasked on stage. If you’re someone who has never tried and recorded Doppelganger. Doppelganger is a furious ride with very to play an instrument and sing at the same time, I suggest you try it just to get a true ap- little time to catch your breath. The underpreciation of how off-the-wall difficult it really ground hit “F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X.” has one of the is. I can hardly accurately air-guitar and sing single best riffs I have ever heard a song start out with. Erak makes great use of simultaneously. his mods and utilizes a delay effect Now, after your first-go round, try doing it with speed. In fact, listen to a Fall of Troy on the opening segment and knocks Doppelit out of the park. After two verses, Fall of Troy song, and try doing it at the ganger FOT does something they are prone breakneck rate that FOT frontman/ to do quite often: they rock the F guitarist/singer Thomas Erak does out. Many songs on Doppelganger it. Erak busts out riffs so complicated feature segments in which lyrics they almost qualify as mathcore while are completely abandoned for up singing lyrics that can make you nod to three minutes and Erak just goes off with his guitar. While almost every track is solid, the one other standout on the album is “Act One, Scene One,” in which Erak actually reigns in the guitar-work. At parts, he still cascades and segways into breakdowns, and this is just as effective as always. This is probably the best track for the screamers out there. Despite all of the positives, FOT is plagued by one potentially fatal issue. The songs tend to run together and sound somewhat alike. Aside from that, which is one man’s opinion, FOT is completely nasty. Whether through iTunes or your local record store, do yourself a favor and pick Doppelganger up. They have a decent following, but by no means are huge. The boys of Fall of Troy released their new Yet. Let yourself be able to say you were there album, Doppelganger. at the beginning, instead of jumping on the your head and relate. Beautifully crafted bass bandwagon three years from now. lines and beats backed with catchy screams (well, as catchy as screams can be) make author’s e-mail: lucas.higgins@theaFOT’s Doppelganger a hardcore listen with blast.org
11: What day did Seth invent? a) Hallomukkah b) Chrismukkah c) Easmukkah d) Thanksgivukkah
13: What did Seth name his Boat? a) Summer Paradise b) Summer Love c) Summer Air d) Summer Breeze
Answers to the quiz: 1) c, 2) b, 3) d, 4) d, 5) d, 6) b, 7) a, 8) c, 9) c, 10) b, 11) b, 12) d, 13) d
Too late for this? No.
Download This: 1. Don’t Matter, Akon 2. You, Lloyd 3. Home, Daughtry 4. Like a Boy, Ciara 5. Our Song, Taylor Swift
Horoscopes Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb.18)
You test the extent of your own power. Relationship tricks that once worked well for you now seem like child’s play. You don’t need to be tricky, just be honest.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
When you create something you love, you don’t want it out of your sight. That’s why your current project is so difficult to share.
Aries (March 21-April19)
You receive so many compliments that you’re compelled to re-gift them! Follow the standard rules of re-gifting. Repackage with a nice bow and give them to someone you know.
Taurus (April 20-May18)
Any celeb will tell you there are definite perks to being anonymous. Remind yourself of this when someone introduces you by the wrong name.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Your happy disposition and fun-loving carelessness catches the eye of someone that you never would have expected. Don’t read into it, just enjoy yourself!
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
The law of spiritual detachment applies in obvious ways now. By clinging too readily to the outcome you desire in a relationship, you may be blocking something better from happening.
Norah Jones has released four albums now. The first three were chill, Female piano/guitar soloist Norah almost sad, moving reminders of singers Jones on the cover of her new CD. from years past. Her soft voice lulled we believed in our candidate/but even you to sleep when you wanted it to, and more it’s the one we hate/I needed someit always made you think. So pure, so one I could shake/on election day.” That full of natural talent—but she hit the said, she reminds listeners, “I love the scene at the same time as several other things that you’ve given me/ I cherish female piano/guitar soloist so she never you my dear country/but sometimes I got the hype she deserved. don’t understand/the way we play.” Now, three years after Feels like This sentiment is shared with much Home and five after Come Away with of the country, myself included. The Me she retakes the stage most important verse though is (and the charts!) where other Norah Jones the last one, when she sings, “I singers have been forgotten love the things that you’ve given Not as one-hit-wonders in 2004. me/and most of all that I am free/ Too Late With her newest feat, Not to have a song that I can sing/on Too Late she proves not only election day.” She, unlike many that she is much more then anti-Bush and anti-War singers a soulful soloist, but in fact a recognizes how lucky we are to be powerful lyricist as well. This able to openly disapprove of our album packs the proverbial government. 1,2 punch of great lyrics and powerful In many of the songs she introduces melody. several different instruments to jazz up While Jones often takes criticism the album. In “Sinkin’ Soon” alone, she for being “background” music, I don’t has a guitjo, mandolin, trombone, slit know if that is a bad thing. Her sooth- drum, pots and pans in addition to the ing sounds get that wrap because we everyday instruments usually found in are so used to being assaulted by beat a band. The result is an interesting fusand rhythm. Her beat follows her voice, ing of music, lyrics and culture. instead of the other way around and it’s Jones has produced an album that is a welcome reprieve. In an iPod world entirely worth listening too, which is a full of blaring beats and bands scream- rare accomplishment when many singing to be heard over one another, Jones ers produce a single and then write filler breaks through quietly. songs around them. It’s Not Too Late to In “My Dear Country” she expresses enjoy this album, I recommend it. what so many feel with 2 years left to go under the present administration. She author’s e-mail: emily.sample@theahonestly admits how angry she is “cause blast.org
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Wisdom is not only a gift that helps you get your wish; it’s a gift that helps you know what to wish for. Knowing what to wish for is the key to happiness.
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sept. 22)
Your friends are not only imperfect, they’re a little irritating lately. It would be easy to go down the list of reasons why, but what’s the point? Make the best of it and move on.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Tend carefully to your relationships this week, as the people around you are feeling the wrath of your unhappiness. Make an extra effort to appreciate those around you.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
You fantasize endlessly about closing a deal, but when it comes down to the real thing, you’re even better than you could have imagined. Go celebrate.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Fill in the blank spaces in the grid so that every vertical column, every horizontal row and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9, without repeating any. There is really only one solution to each puzzle. This puzzle is based upon reasoning and logic. It does not require any arithmetic.
2: Who is Marissa’s mother? a) Taylor b) Julie c) Summer d) Kirsten
2: Who is Marissa’s sister? a) Hayley b) Sadie c) Maggie d) Kaitlin
Though you’re usually happier bustling around, you can be absolutely magnificent doing nothing at all - just ask the person who loves you most. You gather strength from rest.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
A pattern repeats, but this time you’re concious of it. You recognize and change the ending. This probably has to do with your personal life and a tendency to promise too much.