Issue 10

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the VOLUME #60 ISSUE 10

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Citizenship promised by Clinton Students excited about new immigration proposal BY MARIA SUAREZ Circulation Manager Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has announced that she plans to take President Barack Obama's executive immigration policy a step further if elected. Clinton"s objective is to create a pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants. Even though Clinton will face opposition from those that consider the action undemocratic, she is ready to fight. During a campaign stop in Nevada, Clinton stated, "If Congress continues to refuse to act, as president I will do everything possible under the law to go even further." According to U.S. News, AHS

Transgender legislation sparks controversy BY TEAGAN FOTI News Editor After an 11-1 vote held in May, the Fairfax County School Board elected to support and include sexual orientation and gender identity in its upcoming policies. This change followed the United States Supreme Court decision to legalize same-sex marriage in Virginia. Although there was a majority vote in support of the policy, some were opposed, stating that confusion among gender identity is really just an act of self hatred and the board is just trying to slip the policy through. Ryan McElveen, a board member who supports the new change in policy, said the goal is to "support everyone in our community." The new policy aims to make Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) students feel more accepted and less oppressed while at school as well as to protect them from remarks made toward them. "This policy will help to provide a safeguard against harassment and discrimination at school," GayStraight alliance sponsor and ESOL teacher Bethany Slingerland said. The policy is intended to be inclusive of everyone, regardless of sexual identity and orientation. It will ban discrimination aimed toward LGBT see TRANSGENDER pg. 5

consists of a student body of more than 2,000 with a minority rate of 76 percent. Diversity is very much existent and conveyed throughout our hallways. Students come from more than 92 countries speaking more than 45 languages. Clinton's plan of action would not only increase culture throughout our school, but help families that have suffered and struggled in their countries. "It's especially important as a student here at AHS," senior Kevin Arevalo said, "especially if you're a junior or senior, because you can't get financial aid. This would open up a lot of opportunities." While more than half of undocumented immigrants come from Spanish-speaking countries,

BY ALAN VARGAS Special to The A-Blast Juniors continue their transition into their last year as senior portraits roll around. They were sent postcards randomly, indicating that they arrive at AHS at a given time and date to take their senior portraits. Juniors are given the option to stay with their first date, or reschedule for a later date, most likely at the beginning of their senior year. The day that students are scheduled for their pictures are May 28, 2015. The times will vary depending on the student's last name. The portraits will start at 3 p.m. and will end around 8:30 p.m. Although this is very quick and surprising, the juniors are thrilled to take thier first steps as seniors. This makes for an exciting start for some juniors. "I'm pretty excited and I don't really expect much to happen," junior Gabriella Guzman said.

"If we're one of the most diverse high schools in the county, I feel like [Clinton's plan] will be great for our school. If other schools become diverse, it would be amazing," Autumn Yang junior

who are living in the United States undocumented, might need to qualify for higher paying jobs, receive an excellent education and remove themselves from unfair societal conformity. "I think it's a great thing for the United States and the Annandale community in general because I feel like there are a lot of people here that are affected by this," Arevalo said. "I think it's great that Clinton's expanding a system that helped solve those problems." Many students know someone that are or come from immigrant parents, so Atoms support what's best for their community and the people they care about. see IMMIGRATION pg. 5

Atoms raced to the finish line last weekend to raise money for college scholarships Yonatan Ayele comes in first, while Mahiteme Tigabu finishes second.



ith a time of 18 minutes and 30 seconds, senior Yonatan Ayele was the first to cross the finish line at the Atoms 5K on Sunday. In a race in which participants sprint, jog, or even walk to the finish line, placing first is an incredible accomplishment. "In the beginning I tried to keep up with the top group," senior Yonatan Ayele said, "they started out pretty fast so I just tried to stay with them. I knew if I dropped from the top pack then it would be over." Ayele has been on the Annandale cross country team and track and field team since his freshman year. Because of his involvement with

these teams, Ayele didn't need much training to be successful in the race. "[For preparation] I didn't do anything specific, except run cross country," Ayele said, "I knew this was coming, so I just wanted to see how I'd do without any 5k training." Although Ayele was victorious in the race, he wasn't sure that he would win coming into this race. Neither does he post the fastest times, nor did he have a clear advantage over his fellow cross country mates. "I was not looking to win. In the whole top pack that I was in, anybody could have won," Ayele said, "In track they are all faster, so I was just looking to keep up with them." Not only was Ayele successful in the race by finishing first, but he was also able to conquer all of the goals he set for himself prior to the race. He planned to compare his time in

BY CHELSEA ALFONSO Special to the A-Blast After competing against schools like Thomas Jefferson High school which is known for focusing on Science and Technology, AHS Technology Student Association (TSA) improved from not placing in the top ten last year to being ninth in the state out of 75 schools. Senior Rasel Abutaa, president of TSA, came in eighth overall for individual events. "This is the best we have ever done, this is the highest level we have ever performed," adviser

the race to the times he received his freshman year in order to determine how he has either progressed or regressed during the span of his high school career. "[My expectations were] to just break 20 minutes which was around my time in freshman year," Ayele said, "I was looking to do it again because it's a good mark to know that you don't suck." Finishing first isn't the main reason people participate in the event. Many people compete in an attempt to improve their own personal times, to enjoy a nice run with fellow peers, or to just get good exercise in. The population of participants in the race was increased because Braddock Elementary School and North Springfield Elementary School see ATOMS 5K pg. 5

Phil Harris said. "We did outstanding, to even being considered in the same conversation as TJ (Thomas Jefferson High School), but we should've beat Lake Braddock." After competing at States in Hampton, VA from May 1st to the 3rd, they have started to prepare for the Nationals competition. "Webmaster was really competitive at the state level because of the various frameworks used. I believe that I won because of the simplicity of our website," senior Ammar Al-Khafah said. "The research and documentation was very detailed. The national competition is extremely

Prom venues

IB candidate talks about his experience

Easily find the perfect Prom venue Lifestyles 14

Cellphones banned New policy affects students and teachers BY JEANINE BARAKAT Curculation Manager During SOL testing students are not allowed to bring their phones into the testing location. If phones are found, they will be confiscated and the student will fail the exam and will not be able to retake it. Students are advised to leave their phones in their lockers or classrooms. If their cellphone is found on them, it will be confiscated and the teacher will have the right to look through the students phone, in order to determine if the student was cheating. Although advised not to bring their cellphones, in past years if students did bring their cellphones teachers would collect them and return them to the students after students completed their tests. "The Virginia Department of Education has determined that there has been extensive cheating with cellphones during testing," assessment coach Laura Walters said. "VDOE created a new policy that says you can't have them [cellphones] in the location, even if they're turned off," Walters said. "If they are found with the student in the location during a test, the state has given authority to take the phone and search it for evidence of cheating." SOL testing will begin on Monday, May 18, starting with the reading exam. The examinatiosn will continue through all of May and end in June.


ATOMS 5K TOP 12 · 1st place: Yonatan Ayele · 2nd place: Mahiteme Tigabu · 3rd place: Dagim Tigabu · 4th place: Risky Alvarado · 5th place: Mubeen Farukh · 6th place: Michael Farrell

FBLA Banquet

· 7th place: Omar Ghuramah · 8th place: Ivy Roe · 9th place: Roger Friedman

FBLA celebrates the end of the year

· 10th place: Edgar Alvarado · 11th place: Zach Skyes · 12th place: Armondo Reyes

TSA places ninth in states

IB Candidate Academics 6

United States, such as being exposed to corrupted jobs and living in fear of deportation. "Kids may have been born here legally and their parents may have come here illegally, so they're faced with having to be separated," history teacher Kathlyn Berry said. "It's a terrible thing. Just here in our own school we have kids that are born citizens, but their parents may have come illegally. It's a situation that has to be addressed. I don't know how, but we have to fix it." According to U.S. News, 46 percent of AHS's student body consists of individuals that are economically deprived and eligible for free or reduced lunch. Clinton's plan of action could be just what those families,


Editors in Chief

Juniors take senior portraits

hundreds of thousands of them come from countries such as the Philippines, Korea, China and India. AHS students and staff can deeply sympathize with issues that undocumented immigrants face in the

competitive and we need to take ourwebsite to the next level." Students are able to choose what projects they want to compete in based on their skills and what they are interested in. "Fashion Design at the national level is extremely competitive. This year's theme is Colonial America and me and my team member Angela, are each creating a dress. I'm really excited to see how they turn out." senior Amber Hines said. see TSA COMPETITION pg. 5

Avengers 2 Read all about the new Avengers movie Entertainment 18

BY HEZEKIEL YONAS Editor in chief The Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is holding a banquet May 13 in the Bistro at 2:30 p.m. The banquet is a celebration of what the club has been able to achieve this year. "It's just celebrating another successful year of FBLA. It will also be honoring the FBLA members who are competing in Chicago for the national competition," business teacher Howard Dwyer said. The business club will also make provisions that will affect the members of next year. These changes include finding new FBLA leaders to succeed the current ones. see FBLA BANQUET pg. 5

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