the VOLUME #60 ISSUE 1
ANNANDALE HIGH SCHOOL 4700 Medford Dr. Annandale, VA 22003 470
Informinng the Atoms siince 1954 4
(703) 642-4229
Changes to school policies BY JAROD GOLUB Editor in Chief AHS has returned to having Collaborations in the mornings along with other changes such as Atom Time changing into a Flex period and headphones are banned during school hours. Collaboration is a time during the day used for teachers to talk to other members of their department. Last year, Collaboration was held at 1:30 p.m. on every White Thursday. "This year, the planning block will be every White Tuesday instead of Thursdays," Principal Vincent Randazzo said. In previous years, the schedule for Collaboration has been slightly
different. The period dedicated to planning amongst departments was held every White Thursday at 7:00 am. It had been this way for eight years. The program is not reverting back to its original form completely. There will still be some minor changes. After experimenting with the new time slot, the faculty has decided to move Collaboration back to the mornings. "The biggest reason we are changing it back to the morning is because we did a survey of the teachers and our teachers felt that it was better for them to collaborate in the morning. So we went back to that system," Randazzo said.
"The goal of Atom Time, when it was started four years ago, was to install a format that could act as an intervention, remediation and enrichment program during the school day." Vincent Randazzo Principal
"We wanted to try it because we wanted to combine Atom Time with Collaboration to see how that would work and it was just a little more complicated than we'd expected," Randazzo said. This experimental form of Collaboration did have some benefits, however. For one, this format took away less time that could be spent teaching. It gave students a maximum amount of time in the classroom. Another aspect associated with the old Collaboration schedule is the freshman transition program. This is the mandatory program provided for the freshman class during the Collaboration period. During the block of time, the freshmen listen to
their counselors give lectures on how to survive their first year of college. Sophomores, juniors and seniors come after the freshman transition program ends. "I love having collaboration in the mornings since I get to sleep in; having collaboration in the after wasn't as beneficial," senior Julia Nguyen said. This school year, Atom Time is also being eliminated from the schedule. In place of Atom Time, FLEX is being reinstated. This new system will consist of students going to a different class during each W4 period. see COLLABORATION pg. 3
New teachers arrive
Yearbooks design with a theme and this year will center it on a wide range of students not just one group.
Yearbook changes this year Videos found through smartphones among the new features BY RICKY LAM AND HAWA EHSAN Special to The A-Blast
Additions to several departments BY BERTA TARQUI AND ALAN VARGAS
Editor in Chief and News Editor With the departure of teachers, new teachers have taken their place. Band teacher Joseph Witoski and english teacher Sasha Duran are among one of the new teachers to begin teaching this year. Many seniors are used to the pattern of having a new teacher every few months. "I mean, it's our third director in four years, so we [the band] are just getting used to adapting to new band teachers," senior Kevin Wilson said. It's hard for some students to say their farewells to their favorite teachers. "I was really upset because it was my first year in marching band, and I got to know him and he seemed see TEACHER pg. 3
Collaboration moves back to mornings and headphones banned
The Antenna Yearbook has already began making changes to their yearly publication. Changes will include a whole new layout, features such as senior quotes and will utilize smartphones to extend the yearbook experience. The yearbook will only sell 400 copies for 60 dollarsand is being sold right now in person and online. The co-editor in chiefs of the Antenna Yearbook were tired of focusing on how diverse the school is every year. Instead, the new theme revolves around the many perspectives that exist within the school. The main goal was to provide more coverage so that more people could be featured in the book. The idea was to get out of focus from what everyone knows or feels, and focus on the outside perspective, providing a unique approach to AHS. Everyone's point of view matters, so "Out of It" was created. Along with the new theme, the yearbook needed to break out see YEARBOOK pg. 3
Freshmen AHS hopes to create a positive thinking environment orientation held
a person have good character. This idea of having pride in one's school began at the elementary and Editor in Chief middle school levels. It is now beginning to appear in high schools across the HS has created a new program that will help create a upliftcounty. ing school environment called Atom Pride. This plan will "It's moving its way up into the high schools and our Principal, encourage six character traits a person should display while Mr. Randazzo, has embraced it and wants it to be part of our school," in school and outside of it. As a part of this, buttons will also Carayiannis said. be give out to students who display one of the six traits; Carayiannis has already begun to implement Atom Pride into his usual participation, respect, integrity, determination and empathy. SR&R videos that are shown every year to students at the beginning of Each year, this school tries to implement a theme for the school school. year, past slogans such as "make good choices" and "character counts" "I usually pick a theme every year such as 'make that can be heard during morning announcements, good choices', 'character counts' and this year's theme during assemblies and yearly SR&R video shown every WAYS TO SHOW is Atom Pride," Carayannis said. "There are these six September. SCHOOL PRIDE character traits which are all good and positive that we Superintendent Karen Garza supports The Positive 路 Attend school events such want to build in our students, so I'm implementing it Behavior Intervention Program (PBIS) which helped as prom and other school [Atom Pride] into the SR&R [video]." orchestrate this newfound pride for being a part of dances to support the The school does not intend to push Atom Pride AHS. sponsor on students, but rather encourage it through small Teachers and staff do not want to push the idea of 路 Be active an active hand everyday routine. Atom Pride directly towards students, but instead want in school; volunteer "I am taking what I normally do and trying to to incorporate different aspects that make up Atom whenever you have the implement a little bit of the Atom Pride and PBIS Pride into ordinary school days. time. program to show kids that this is what it's about," Instead of teachers only teaching the planned 路 Wear your Atom Pride Carayannis said. material, they may add how something may show one button if your teacher Freshmen can be the first to be seen showing of the six character traits chosen this year. gives you one for showing Atom Pride as they wear their class shirts. This year, "We want each staff member to take a look at what one of the six character the shirts have the Atom Pride symbol showing they can do in the classroom," Assistant Principal traits the positive characteristics the school hopes for all Jamie Carayiannis said. students to display. Many may remember the first week of school being devoted to school pride and discussing the several see ATOM PRIDE pg. 3 ways a person could display character and what makes
Take the Next Poll On your smartphone, scan this code using the application "QR Code" to take the next poll.
What are you most excited about coming back to school?
Israel vs. Palestine Learn more about their lengthy struggle International 11
Ice bucket challenge
Summer to fall
The meaning behind the organization In-Depth 6-7
Instead of longing for summer try these seasonal activities Weekend 12
Class of 2018 preview staff and building BY BERTA TARQUI AND ALAN VARGAS Editor in Chief and News Editor With maps closely at hand, the Class of 2018 roamed the halls trying to figure out if they were even in the right building or whether they were following the right schedule. This was only a taste of what was to come. Freshman orientation was held on Aug. 28 throughout the school. Students were greeted by several Atoms enthusiasts such as cheerleaders, band members and teachers. AHS Atoms work through several programs with teachers to help welcome freshman with the best of their abilities. After the brief meeting at 7:30 a.m., freshmen were told to follow their Red Day schedule and then go through their White Day schedule. When students arrived, most were unaware of how the program see FRESHMEN pg. 3
Sept. 3, 2014
Ridiculous racial profiling Outraged citizens of Ferguson protest Michael Brown's unjust death BY SARAH METZEL AND PHUONG NGUYEN Gun shots pierce the night air as you hear the screams of protesters echoing through the streets of your suburban neighborhood. Clouds of tear gas billow up from the crowd below your bedroom window. Afraid to leave your home, you huddle close to your family and fear that the worst is yet to come. Many would think that this description depicts a scene from the race riots in the civil rights movement of the 1960s. However, over half a century later, police brutality has returned full force and is reminiscent of a more segregated era. The nation's painful past has risen from its grave and is now haunting the streets of the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Missouri. At noon on Aug. 9, Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson encountered unarmed African-American youth Michael Brown and a friend as they were walking down the street. Wilson fired shots at the two men, and within minutes Brown's death would become a twenty-first century symbol of the issue of racial profiling and reignite protests against police brutality. In light of the case, the Ferguson Police Department is accused by residents and demonstrators of trying to assassinate Brown's character. In a press conference following the incident, Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson recognized that Brown was a suspect in a robbery case. However, the real reason he was stopped was because he was blocking traffic as he walked down the middle of the street. Not only is this an unjust action of the Ferguson Police Department, but it highlights the unfair prejudices towards African-American victims that still linger in the minds of many of America's law enforcement officers. During investigation of the Trayvon Martin case,
Editorials Editor
stems from ignorance. It could be argued that stereotypes rule our perception of the people who appear to be different from ourselves. Many Americans let those stereotypes get the best of them, and allowed themselves to pass judgment on others when it really was not their place to do so. Not to mention it is embarrassing that a nation that elected an African-American president can still have a major problem with fatalities resulting from racial profiling by law enforcement. President Barack Obama has only briefly mentioned Ferguson to the public and has failed to address the racial side of Browns case. Admittedly, race is not the biggest part of this issue. However, President Obama, who has dealt with race related issues before, would want to take a stand on the issue of racial profiling and talk about how in this day and age it is ridiculous for Americans to have to deal with racial stereotyping and how no parent should be afraid for their child because they were born a certain skin color. Perhaps he would even advocate for a more thorough investigation of police departments who have had problems with this issue in the past. For example, creating a database of cases dealing with police killings and brutality will help law enforcement track down irresponsible and dangerous police officers. Also, cameras on squad cars and as a part of the uniform could help prevent officers from acting in the moment. Video footage could also be reviewed in court cases to make sure that there was actual probable cause and a reason why an officer had to act the way they did. All police departments should be taking preventative measures to make sure there is justice for all, including police officers, because it is not always one side' s fault. Everyone deserves equal and fair justice. Without reprisal from the people, police brutality will continue to occur and the disease of racism will never be remedied. The peoples reaction and protests to the tragedy in Ferguson is a sign that society is moving towards unity and away from the outdated segregationist systems of the mid twentieth century. Only now is the American public beginning to emerge from the of haze prejudice and misunderstanding that has clouded their view of other cultures for centuries.
Attorney General Eric Holder listens to citizens' remarks on the ongoing unrest in Ferguson, Missouri.
pictures of Martin surfaced online, showing the slain teen pointing his middle finger, smoking and dressing like a gangster. The media often portrayed Martin in a negative light to try to excuse the actions of his killer. Even the way some news outlets break the stories of murders of African American teens make sure they list the faults the victim had, such as previous crimes. For example, white suspects could potentially be depicted as devoted Mormons, brilliant and straight-A students. On the other hand, black suspects are portrayed as gang members and narcotic abusers. The way the media frequently presents an innocent victim who happens to be a minority is as if they want the audience to feel less sympathetic, fearful and even to blame victims for their own deaths. In addition, it is hard to believe that the peacefulness of life in Ferguson was affected by the inhumane splitsecond decision made by one irresponsible police officer. Officers are sworn under the law to protect and serve the people, not to kill and use their victims as scapegoats It's sickening how racist and stereotypical our
society is today. Why does the color of ones skin have to determine their character and intentions? In a diverse and multicultural school such as AHS, it is unthinkable that some humans incorrectly perceive other humans without dignity, all because of the color of their skin. We've all seen or heard about someone getting arrested in our community, thankfully most of these arrests have some type of probable cause. If the tragedy in Ferguson had happened in our neighborhood, many people would be out there protesting beside the family and friends of the deceased. Since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, incidents of racial profiling, hate crimes, and general discrimination against minorities has increased dramatically. In the early 2000s, when America should have been presenting a united front to the world, we were divided within ourselves. We were warring domestically within our nation, while we were also fighting a war overseas. The hate and discrimination that 9/11 generated
Viral dumb dares lead to teen injuries Internet challenges pose a threat to the safety of teenage attention seekers BY PHUONG NGUYEN AND SACHA CAMERON Editorials Editor and Special to the A-Blast Social Media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Vine have become forums for discussion, new trends, photo sharing and clicking the "like" button. A new craze in dangerous Internet challenges has prompted numerous safety concerns for teens risking injury for a few more likes and retweets. New Internet challenges are being invented by attention seeking teens on a regular basis. One of the most dangerous challenges currently on the web is the fire challenge. Believe it or not, the challenge involves a person covering their bodies with alcohol or other flammable liquids, igniting it and then attempting to extinguish the flames as quickly as possible. Videos of participants are recorded and shared on sites such as Facebook and YouTube. Participating in this challenge has led to deadly consequences. One teen in New York failed to put out the fire and died from his injuries. First off, what kind of person in
Rubbing salt and ice together causes dangerous ice burns on skin as demonstrated by sophomore Tara El-Achi.
their right mind would want to set themselves on fire for attention? Teens need to understand that what they're doing is plain and utter stupidity. In this day and age, it is not a surprise that peer pressure and the desire for "Insta-fame," entices teens to submit to foolishness.
Fortunately, many AHS students have recognized the dangers and have expressed their disapproval of what others are doing online. "Well I'd have to say that a dangerous injury for something as idiotic as an online challenge is truly repulsive," junior Casey Nguyen said. "Getting burned really hurts. I
hope if when they get burned, it will help them realize that their ways are dangerous and should never be done again." Teens need to keep in mind that there are people that will not be impressed with their gross disregard for their own lives. Nowadays, there seems to be a thin line between
fun and danger. It's important to remember that nobody is invincible and that something done for amusement could affect someone for the rest of their life. "If [people] have the time to do stupid things like setting themselves on fire, then they should put forth the time into studying or something productive," Nguyen said. However, not every AHS student has realized how unsafe many presumably simple Internet challenges can be. Sophomore Tara El-Achi recently tried the salt and ice challenge after seeing videos circulating on Vine. She regrets ever taking part in the challenge. Rubbing salt and ice on skin causes the skin to freeze similar to frostbite. "I wanted to see if it would actually hurt or burn but now I regret it because it was stupid and left a mark. Some people do it for attention and others do it for the thrill of trying," El-Achi said. As of now, it looks like no internet challenge is safe, not even the popular ALS ice bucket challenge Videos on Facebook and YouTube capture participants getting buckets full of ice water dumped on their heads and coolers thrown in their faces. In addition, many people are
MANAGING EDITOR Chelsea Alfonso EDITORIALS EDITORS Phuong Nguyen Sarah Metzel COPY EDITOR Linus Bumbaca IN-DEPTH EDITORS Alexandra Zernik Cayley Byrne SPORTS EDITORS: Marife Baragano Sabrina Hawa SPORTS XTRA EDITOR: Daniel Yenetega
ART EDITOR: Bailey Oliver
ACADEMICS EDITORS: Kailyn Garay Alaina Garay
LIFESTYLES EDITORS: Soulisa Pathammavong Marilyn Rivas
AD MANAGER: Akrem Idris
PHOTOGRAPHY EDITORS: Kiara Patino Julie Swenton
STAFF WRITERS: Sheila Aguirre Faisal Hassan Ricque' Lynch Thida Pathammavong Nebeyu Solomon Maria Suarez Raphael Yu Timothy Gray Tipyan Abdelrahman Marem Atef Ahmad Ayub Jeanine Barakat Haben Cheffna Omar Haddou Emily Lien Mery Berhene Hussein Salem Arzoo Marzi PHOTOGRAPHER: Andrew Nunez ADVISER: Alan Weintraut
On your smartphone, scan this code using the application QR Code to read about the top 5 most dangerous online challenges.
Back to School Dos and Don'ts
Staff EDITORS IN CHIEF Jarod Golub Berta Tarqui
taking the challenge to extreme proportions in hopes for attention that it completely defeats the purpose of charity and awareness. An 18 year old male in Scotland drowned after jumping into a deep quarry as part of an elaborate stunt linked to the bucket challenge. How did pouring ice water over one's head suddenly turn into a deadly stunt? People need to stop playing with their lives for someone else's entertainment. Although Internet challenges are meant to be harmless laughs, it is important be informed of the risks and simply say no to dumb dares.
Make a good impression on the first day. Look confident and approachable.
Annandale High School Vol. 60 No.1 4700 Medford Dr. Annandale, VA 22003 703.642.4229 Sept. 3, 2014 Adviser: Alan Weintraut ajweintraut@fcps.edu
The A-Blast is an award-winning newspaper that strives to inform, educate and entertain the student body and community. Published every three weeks, The A-Blast will not print any material that is obscene or libelous; or that which substantially disrupts the school day, or invades an individual's right to privacy. The A-Blast is an independent, open forum for discussion that is printed at the Springfield Plant of The Washington Post. Signed letters to the editor of 250 words or less may be emailed to theablast14@gmail.com or submitted to room 262 or mailed to the school. The A-Blast reserves the right to refuse advertisements. All submissions become property of The A-Blast, Copyright, 2014.
Don't buy all of your supplies before school. Wait to see what teachers recommend for each class. Try to make one new friend. Talk to old friends, but also reach out to someone who looks alone. Don't stress out! It's a new year and you are starting with a clean slate. Have a great day!
Sept. 3, 2014
Yearbook is "Out of It"
Collaboration will return This will change from the more easygoing format of Atom Time where students were allowed to go wherever they thought they needed to go unless they were directed. "The goal of Atom Time, when it was started four years ago, was to install a format that could act as an intervention, remediation and enrichment program during the school day," Randazzo said. After a while, the administration was not seeing the results that they were expecting and the program became difficult to administer. "After three years, we didn't see the gains that we were hoping to see. Coupled with all of the work and complication that went into it, we felt it was time to go back to the FLEX system," Randazzo said. "We knew it was pretty efficient, our teachers got to see their kids more often and then
COLLABORATION DATES Sept. 23 Sept. 30 Oct. 21 Nov. 18 Dec. 2 Dec. 16 Jan. 13
Jan. 20 Feb. 24 Mar.10 Mar. 17 April 14 April 21
Agendas have Collaboration dates and more information
SCHEDULE Collaboration: 7:20 a.m. to 8:20 a.m. W2: 8:27 a.m. to 10:21 a.m. W6: 10:28 a.m. to 12:27 p.m. W8: 12:34 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
we were going to look at how can we do a system where we still have targeted remediation, intervention and enrichment plans during the school day." The administration hopes to reach the same goals of remediation and enrichment through the FLEX program as they did with Atom Time. "The same goals apply to the FLEX program as well as the entire school. We're going to start focusing on a common thread of literacy through every discipline," Randazzo said. "And the goals are to work on our culture of teaching and learning, especially the learning part, so students can learn and hopefully that will produce the results we're looking for." The last major change that is going to be seen throughout AHS is in the PED policy. This year, the school will be using a three zone system that dictates whether or not a student can use their PED. There will still be three zones; the green zone, you can use your PED in the cafeteria, before school and after school. The yellow zone, you can use your PED in a classroom and in the library as long as you have teacher permission," Randazzo said. "Finally, the red zone, when you're taking tests, in hallways and in bathrooms, you can't use your devices." The administration has elected to change this policy due to a lack of responsible use from students. "Our teachers were having trouble starting classes because students were not taking their headphones off and things like that, so classroom instruction was being interrupted. We really try to encourage responsible use of these devices." Randazzo said. If a student is found to be disobeying the new policy, administrators will
of its standards. With that, many new features are being introduced that aid in modernizing the book. The biggest feature added is the inclusion of videos. By using the Aurasma app found via the App Store or Google Play, students are able to point their phone/tablet cameras at photos and witness videos of certain events or interviews appear before them. This allows the book to provide more coverage as well as utilize technology like never before. This also extends to signatures with Yearbook Shout, where students record videos for their friends and stick QR codes into their book. The new yearbook is also incorporating new forms of writing unlike past editions. Copies now flow like stories where it focuses on one specific event, where a wide variety of perspectives are presented. Gone are the generic "we are a family" responses for more personal, and interesting thoughts and stories. Many seniors wondered why senior quotes were never in previous editions of the yearbook. In order to prevent another incident from happening that involved something inappropriate being featured in the book, a modified version of senior quotes will be included in this year's book. Students will be able to reflect on their four years of high school by sharing memories or give college advice to their peers. Not every reflection will be physically featured in the book. The usage of Yearbook 3D will aid in featuring as many people as possible. In addition, continuing once again this year are the highly requested Senior Superlatives that will be voted by the senior class later in the year. BERTA TARQUI
Zones posted in front of the cafeteria and popular areas to remind students.
follow SR&R conduct in the course of taking disciplinary action. The PED policy as well as the other changes will be reviewed in the SR&R video that will be shown during W4 on Wednesday, Sept. 3.
Head phone Policy On your smartphone, scan this code using the application "QR Code" to read more about the new policy change with earbuds.
Program for positivity
Freshmen welcomed to AHS
CONT. "FRESHMEN" was going to be run but were excited about the classes they were about to visit. "[I am most excited about] gym because I like sports." freshmen Augusto Gonzalez said. Upon arriving at the school, many students found familiar faces as they were being directed to the auditorium or gym for a brief meeting before their orientation began. Some students struggled to find their way around the school as most were foreign to the high school setting. "It's a big school like when I walked in the doors, everything was red," freshmen Andrea Avendano said. However, teachers and cheerleaders stood in common hallways to help guide lost students to their classrooms for the short introduction to the class. Maps were also strategically placed throughout the school to help those who could not find personal guides. I kind of just went off what happened freshmen year and what I am really supposed to do is like to make sure everyone gets to where they need to be and even though the freshmen are hesitant about asking questions," senior Astrid Ligonde said. "It's my job to get in there and make sure they know where
The pep rally is a tradition every freshmen orientation. Students receive their class t-shirts for a picture.
they're going, even if they think they know where they are going because they could be wrong." Teachers spoke about what the students should expect throughout the year in the rigorous courses offered at AHS. They also touched upon the subject of what they should expect in the social community within the school, solely for the new students' benefit. "Same as I always do. I introduce myself, say hello, and
welcome them and then I read a script and we have a little minute to share names, chat and see if they any other questions." biology teacher Nicole Denicola said. After each period was finished, freshmen were then directed to the auditorium once again and were given a farewell address with the band playing the AHS theme song. Freshmen were also provided with a shirt with their class design and then stood for their freshmen picture.
Download the Aurasma app from the App Store or Google Play and follow 'ayearbook.' Swipe down on the home page and point the camera at the spread to unlock a new promotional video.
During the pep rally, freshmen were seated on the bleachers and watched band perform a song and cheerleaders . Towards the end of the pep rally, the administration was nominated to do the ALS ice bucket challenge. Freshmen witnessed their own principal, Mr. Randazzo, nominate others and get ice dumped on him alongside his staff members. Finally, the freshmen posed for their first class picture.
"We're trying to build it into what we do every day and who we are as a school and how we treat each other and how we behave, it's all part of the big deal." Carayiannis said. Students at AHS are already embracing the new program. "I plan to show it [Atom Pride] by wearing AHS spirit wear and participating as a member of the marching band; [we] call it the marching atoms not marching band." senior Thomas White said. Others are beginning to participate with school traditions that help make the school look better. "I've shown school spirit already when painting the chimney and courtyard, doing the senior ice bucket challenge and helping out at schedule pick up and freshmen orientation," senior Annika Hackfeld. But I think more importantly I plan to participate in school events that exemplify school spirit and unity, and try to be a good example to the rest of the school by working hard and welcoming everyone to AHS." School pride is making its way to the music departments as well. "We have a huge focus on pride in oneself in marching band this year. I've already had an injured foot this season but I push through it because of my school spirit and how I feel about AHS, and I want that feeling of pride to spread to the rest of the school too," senior Sabrina Rivera said. As teenagers, it is important to create a positive environment, especially with all the dangerous events going on around the world. Students at this age can fall susceptible to depression and stress. This program will help create an uplifting environment to look forward to.
Teachers begin their careers staff members Witowski, having previously taught at a middle school and high school in Ohio for five years and then at the University of Akron, has a lot of experience to bring to AHS. Since there are very similar aspects to every band, the new band director discusses his general plan for the year. "There's a fantastic tradition here with the band, so I want to just try and keep the tradition alive and help the students maximize their potential, and I think we're already on our way to doing that." I was [previously] a long-term sub at Robinson, so I've had some time with that and other schools," Duran said. Like Witowski, Duran has her own views on AHS. "It's pretty great, at least with the teachers. They seem like a strong community and everyone's been really nice so far." Like the rest of the AHS community, Duran has her own plans and hopes for the year. "[I'm] going with the flow definitely this year, trying to keep up with the English nine team. Just staying above water. I'm [also] hoping for a better football season this year."
CONT. "TEACHER" be one of the best teachers at AHS." said junior Jacqueline Rivas-Salinas. "I think half the band kids got emotional about it. I mean he's really patient with every student and he helps them. Even if we make mistakes, he encourages us." Many of them have fond memories but others are excited about meeting the new teachers that begin this year. This year, band will receive another new teacher. Witowski started off his teaching career at AHS with marching band, beginning mid-August, continuing throughout the end of the summer. "He [Witowski] seems like he has a lot of experience in all sorts marching bands and music ensembles." senior Kevin Wilson said." He seems like he's gonna be a really good fit for this program. We've seen how he teaches on the field, but I'm kind of interested to see how he teaches in the band room." He has only spent a limited time within AHS so far. "You can tell the people really cared about band and the arts," Witoski said. "The students are hard working, engaged and excited about at least band and my activity. It's a very good impression."
2014 Instructional staff team for Marching Atoms band together and show off their musical pride with their shirts.
The Volleyball team will face Lee HS on Thursday, Sept. 4 in the main gym from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Varsity Football will play Falls Church HS on Friday, Sept. 5 at Falls Church HS from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
JV/Varsity Field Hockey will play a game against Falls Church HS on Wednesday, Sept. 9 on the Field Hockey field.
On Friday, Sept. 12, the Varsity Football team will play against J.E.B. Stuart HS in Bolding Stadium from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
On Friday, Sept. 5, there will be an extended FLEX for seniors to participate in the senior program.
On Tuesday, Sept. 9 there will be a Band Boosters Meeting from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the band room.
Seniors remember to take your senior portraits on your scheduled times.
On Tuesday, Sept. 16, SOL Summer retakes will commence and will continue until Sept. 20.
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT Remember to fill out your W4 forms to help your parents attend Back to School Night on Wednesday, Sept. 17.
ANNANDALE YOUTH ENGAGEMENT COMMUNITY PLANNING GROUP Annandale youth group plan to meet on Tuesday, Sept. 23 in room 266.
4 PEOPLE Student travels to Egypt for vacation Sept. 3, 2014
Junior Ahmed Mohamed visits Egypt for the third consecutive summer People Editor Many don't get to experience the luxuries of dirt bike riding, scuba diving and traveling inside of a submarine right here in the U.S let alone halfway around the world in the country of Egypt. For junior Ahmed Mohamed, traveling to Egypt has been an annual routine for the past three years. Mohamed left Egypt at the age of seven when his dad received a job offer as a physical therapist in the U.S. His family took advantage of the opportunity and made the big move to the United States. Since the move, his family has made three consecutive trips in the past three years. Many of Mohamed's friends and family reside in Egypt. Mohamed's family have been going the past few summers in order to stay connected with the family that he left behind. In order to get to Egypt, his flight had to first land in Frankfurt, Germany. After the first flight he was able to make the journey to Cairo, Egypt. The flight overall was 12 hours, excluding the time in between the two flights. Although the flight was exhausting, it was worth it because in the end he was able to experience an amazing vacation. This summer, his trip only lasted for a month because he wanted to take an SAT summer course and wanted the extra time to complete his summer assignments. Mohamed describes his trip as "a new experience". His favorite part was visiting Sharm El-Sheikh,a famous tourist city located in South Sinai and on the border of the Red Sea. "The view there was amazing and I loved just walking around the city itself, "Mohamed said. "One of the things I'll remember the most about my trip this year was the time we stayed at the hotel resort with all of my family members in Sharm El-Sheikh because it was such a humbling experience to just be able to be with my whole family in such a beautiful place." A lot of Mohamed's trip primarily took place in the capital of Egypt and Mohamed's birthplace, Cairo. "Most of the time I stayed in Cairo because that is where all of my aunts and cousins live," Mohamed said. Ramadan, which is observed the ninth month of the Muslim year is where strict fasting is observed from sunrise to sunset, happened to be in the same month
that the trip took place. "I had to fast during Ramadan this year, which happened to be in July this year. At the beginning, fasting is always difficult but after the first few days your body gets used to it," Mohamed said. A typical day in Mohamed's vacation consisted of going down the street to get some basic Egyptian foods for breakfast like falafels, eggs and beans. The whole family gathers around for breakfast and would then go to work. His day would later pick up after sunset once everything had cooled down and his family members returned from work. "I would be too exahusted from the heat so I would spend most of the afternoon sleeping. Around sunset time, everybody comes home from work and me and my grandpa regulalrly go to the mosque at night. The mosque is fairly close to our house," Mohamed said. After the mosque service, he was then free to enjoy the rest of the night hanging out and just relaxing. "Afterwards, me and my cousins go out together and go for a walk. Sometimes we end up playing soccer and other times we just drink soda in the streets. Every teenager is always out at night so it feels kind of festive," Mohamed said. However after a long day of fasting Mohamed was able to enjoy many Egyptian cuisines. "I ate basic Egyptian foods like falafels, dates, and koshari which is a mix of macaroni, rice, onion and a special hot sauce," Mohamed said. Junior Ahmed Mohamed poses in front of an Egyptian sceneary in South Sinai. Having lived in both the United States and Egypt he is able to see the difference between the European no better feeling or rejoice than seeing your family considering the fact that this is a third world country members," Mohamed said. and people are always working their hardest," Mohamed and the American culture. Mohamed loves what the Egyptian culture is built on said. "A big difference between the two cultures is that Coming back was difficult for him because he had there are never kids playing out together here but in and the values that the culture holds. "I love how everyone in the Egyptian culture is close built a routine in Egypt that he was used to. Egypt, all the kids gather and always play street soccer. "I had to get used to not waking up early and buying In terms of similarities, all of the family members get and connected. You can basically walk in the streets and together during the holidays and pass out gifts, money see people that you know so well. Everyone's comfortable falafels to set up breakfast for my grandparents," and just happiness in general. Although Christmas is with each other so it's really easy to start a conversation Mohamed said. He plans on continuing his annual trips to Egypt in celebrated by the Christians there, a similar holiday with a friend," Mohammed said. The environment in Egypt differs in terms of weather, the future. called Eid is celebrated by the Muslim population," daily routines and economic struggles. "I will always be traveling to Egypt in the future, with Mohamed said. "The atmosphere, other than being super hot, is or without my family. It has a special place inside of my Mohamed plans on traveling to Egypt again next always full of people getting up early for work, and the heart not only because, it's my home country but also summer for the fourth time. "I plan on going next summer because there's young going out across the street to get breakfast for because I want the people there to live healthy happy their siblings. There's just always a sense of activeness lives," Mohammed said.
· Egypt recieves on average an inch of rainfall per year.
· The official name for Egypt is the Arab Republic of Egypt.
· The current President of Egypt is Abdel Fattah el-Sisi since 2014.
· Cairo is home to Africa's only subway.
· Egypt is the third largest African country.
· Egypt has the largest and oldest christian community in the middle east.
· Egypt's economy is largely made up of tourism and agriculture.
· The most popular sport in Egypt is football (soccer). · Arabic is the official language of Egypt.
Egypt is located in North Africa and is bordered by many countries like Sudan and Libiya.
· Egypt has the largest Arabic population in the world. · Egypt's national symbol is the golden eagle.
The Egyptian flag is made up of many colors, red, white and black and a golden eagle of Saladin on the white section. The colors all symoblize something important with the Egyptian goverment. Black represents the oprresion the Egyptian people went through. Red symbolizes the blood that was shed because of the oppression and white symbolzes a pure and successful future for Egypt.
Mohamed enjoys some local tourist attractions near his hotel resort.
Mohamed got the opportunity to go ATV riding with some family members during his vacation in Egypt.
Mohamed shares more pictures from his vacation in Egypt
One of the many attractions Mohamed visited during his vaction in Egypt.
What's your favorite thing about going back to your home country?
"My favorite part about going to Bolivia is that it's very different there and the culture is inspiring to help others." NICOLLE URIA
" My favorite part about going to Vietnam is visiting family, new experiences and getting to see the world." CINDY LE freshman
"My favorite part about going to Colombia is seeing family and eating the food."
"My favorite thing about visiting Bolivia is the food and the scenery is beautiful over there ."
"My favorite thing about visiting Ethiopia, is being able to see life in a whole different perspective and seeing family ."
"My favorite thing about going back to Bolivia is the weather is pretty cool and the food is awesome."
"My favorite part about going to Nicaragua is getting to eat the food and visiting the beaches."
"My favorite part about going to Sierra Leon is going somewhere different and the beaches are MELVIN CASTELLON great." senior ABU KAMARA senior
Sept. 3, 2014
Try healthy meals for breakfast Avocado toast with eggs BY NANCY EVORA Health Editor
How to prepare it 1- Toast your bread slides and cook your egg. 2- Mash half an avocado until you get a mass and put it in a bowl .( if you prefer, you can add the lemon juice) 3- Add the avocado mass on to the toasted bread and then add the eggs as well.
Ingredients you will need 1 Ripe avocado 1 Teaspoon lemon juice salt 2 Eggs, already cooked 2 Pieces of bread (your choice), toasted Black beans (optional) Sliced tomato (optional) Cheese (optional)
4- If want you can add some grains of salt or pepper. Now you are ready to eat your breakfast.
Courtesy of cookinglight.com
Start your morning with a honeyed yogurt and berries Ingredients you will need: 2 Cups vanilla low-fat yogurt 2 Tablespoons honey 2 Cups fresh raspberries 1 Cup quartered small strawberries 1 Cup fresh blackberries 1/3 cup sugar 2 Tablespoons of fresh lemon juice 2 Frozen whole-grain waffles, toasted 4 Teaspoons toasted wheat germ
the berries, the honey and the juice (keep them for 5 minutes in the juice) 3- Put one waffle on a plate and add on the fruit mixture, add a cup of yogurt mixture and the teaspoon wheat germ 4- Now you are ready to serve and eat your quick meal
Courtesy of cookinglight.com
1- Put the yogurt into a bowl and add the honey then blend it. 2- An another bowl, combine
How to prepare it
What is your favorite breakfast when you come to school?
" My favorite breakfast on the mornings is the mini pancakes from school."
"I like to eat an egg and cheese sandwich."
"I usually like to eat for breakfast a smoothie or a DINI MOHAMUD pancake and orange Junior juice."
"My favorite breakfast is waffles."
"I like to eat on the mornings oatmeals."
Special ed teacher
Healthy snacks you should eat Fat-Free Sugar-Free Instant Pudding This snack is fat sugar and sugar free. the pudding only contains 35 calories and it is easy to make. You can eat it during the lunch period instead of pizza that contains more calories than the pudding.
"I like to eat honey nut cherrios for breakfast." DANIEL KIM senior
"I like to have fresh "The only thing that fruit and a cup of tea it matters [for me] is in the morning before coffee." school." JULIA HANNEMAN IB english teacher MONGNHI NGUYEN Junior
Unhealthy snacks to avoid Nachos with chesse Each plate of nachos with cheese contain up to 300 calories. The extra cheese is not good for you cholesterol and heart, also the cheese is not 100 percent real. The amount of salt added is not good for your body.
Fiber one bars snacks You can find the bars in many different natural flavor such as blueberry , oats chocolate, cinammon and strawberry. Each bars only contains 90 calories and are rich in whole grain. You can keep them on your locker and backpack.
South beach fiber bar This snack contains only 100 clalories per bar. You can find them in different flavors such as chocolate, peanut butter and whole grain. Each of the bars contains extra fiber and do not contain any artificial flavor. SOURCE: WEBMD SITE
Starbucks Chocolate malt Frappucino with Whipped cream This drinks contains 610 empty calories and 90 carbs which do not help your body at all but to gain a fat belly.
French fries Each plate of fries contains 342 calories and 40 carbs. Too many calories are not good for your health. Also, all the amount of salt and oil affect your cardiovascular system. SOURCE: ASKMEN.COM
8 ENTERTAINMENT Superheroes take on the small screen Sept. 3, 2014
Shows starring heroes like the Flash and Batman take over the TV guide this Fall BY NUHAMI MANDEFRO Entertainment Editor Decades before any of us were born, superheroes were categorized as a love for only the unpopular. "I've liked classic superheroes like Superman and the Hulk since I was a kid," English teacher Brian Aldenderfer said. Since the early millenium, superhero movies such as Captain America, The Green Lantern, and the Spiderman and Batman series have grossed millions of dollars and attention. The obsession with superheroes began to expand its fan base to the new generation and to other social groups. Today, superheroes have come a long way as they come back with numerous live action sitcoms this fall. Other series, like Constantine and iZombie, are bringing non-A-list superheroes to our living rooms. Shows starring the eminent characters, like Flash and Batman, are coming and are already sparking up good reviews. CW's new TV show, The Flash, premieres on Oct. 7. The show focuses on the DC superhero, The Flash, who has the ability to run at super speed. He is played by Grant Gustin from the popular show Glee. Just last year, seniors Umar Farooq and Todd Le created AHS's first comic book club. The club has already compiled a group of 30 members and meet together once or twice a month to discuss the complexities of the strips and heroes. Comic club coordinators Le and Farooq both plan on watching the upcoming superhero shows and have strong opinions on them. "I'm pretty psyched about the new shows coming out because it helps generate a larger fan base who include people that don't really read comics. However, I am also disappointed in DC's efforts to create
What is your favorite superhero?
This survey was conducted online with over 100 respondents. About 48% percent of AHS students like Batman over the others. About 31% of students favored Superman and 21% of students like Iron Man. The fact that the three most voted superheroes have had successful movies made, shows how much the new versions impact today.
a stronger base," Farooq said. "Even though they are coming out with all these shows, you have to understand that TV shows have limited budgets. That being said a show about superheroes is hard to pull off with low budgets." "I'm ecstatic for the upcoming show on Flash. I think they did a great job with the casting," Le said. "I love Grant Gustin as Barry Allen and I think he'll be able to portray the nerdy police scientist well. I love Candice Patton as Iris West even more. Iris is so important to Barry's story and it's really good to see a woman of color portraying her on the show." FOX is showing the TV show Gotham, premiering on Sept. 22, which is about Batman's city before Batman. Bruce Wayne is a child, and all of the Batman villains are also very young. Ben McKenzie is the main character, James Gordon, who is a young detective in Gotham City. Rumors have been leaked that the show is unable to use or say the word Batman due to production rights. This explains the title of the show and other elements within the series. "I plan on watching the show, though I have mixed feelings about it," Le said. "The origin stories in Gotham have been done multiple times, so the show could bring something fresh to the backstory of Gotham and its plethora of complex characters, or it could just be something that's been done already. They plan to focus on the human element of Gotham and I hope they are able to tell really rich stories about our favorite Gotham city resident." With a general look, the new craze of superheroes seems to be making a comeback like a fashion style would. "Marvel has done such a good job with their movie lineups because they are able to do all these movies with large budgets and they become successful," Farooq said. "If DC is able to get some results from the Batman v. Superman movie then it will be able to pave way for an even better age of comic book fans." "The fact that superheroes fight for the good of humanity and create a positive outlook for others is what I love best about them," Aldenderfer said.
Quick biographies on our favorite superheroes
X-Men: Professor X's school of mutants, where once they have reached a certain age they can join the X-Men and defend the world from other super villains. The X-Men series is the largest live-action superhero movie series, and will have their newest movie, X-Men: Apocalypse, premiering in 2016.
Wolverine: Like all mutants in the X-Men world, Wolverine, or Logan Howlett, was born with his powers that include a super fast healing ability and retractable bone claws. He was fused with adamantium, making his claws and bones indestructible. He was later found by Professor X and joined the X-Men. Nemesis: Sabretooth
Cyclops: Born with the ability to shoot lasers out of his eyes, but not the ability to turn them off, Cyclops, or Scott Summers, has to always wear special glasses to contain the beams. Joined the X-Men at a young age and is currently one of the most respected members of the team. Nemesis: Unknown
Beast: Hank McCoy is always blue and covered with fur and claws, like a beast. He looks a lot like a werewolf, and possess super strength and many other super physical abilities. One of the founding members of the X-Men, and close friend to Professor X, he has been on the team since the beginning. Nemesis: Unknown
Professor X: The founder of the X-Men, and his school to train future X-Men, Charles Xavier is the strongest telepath in the world and one of the smartest men alive. Born with his power, he made it his mission to gather all other mutants like himself together. Nemesis: Magneto
Jean Grey: Married to Scott Summers (Cyclops), Jean has the power of of telekinesis. She is actually one the strongest mutants alive, but if she releases her power she will kill herself and all those around her. Has been part of the X-Men for awhile and is a respected member. Nemesis: Unknown
The Avengers: Organized by SHIELD, the Avengers was the idea to have a group of superheroes to help defend the world from very strong threats. The new Avengers movie, Avengers: Age of Ultron, will be premiering in theaters May 2015.
Iron Man: Tony Stark is a large, and rich, weapons manufacturer that was kidnapped and forced to build weapons. He then secretly made a super suit and escaped. He now fights with the Avengers with his Iron Man suit. Nemesis: The Mandarin
Black Widow: Also known as Natalia Romanova, Black Widow was formerly one of the best agents in Russia. She then started working with SHIELD in the US. She is now a member of the Avengers and one of the best agents in SHIELD. She possesses no powers, but she is a very skilled fighter and tactician. Nemesis: Unknown
The Hulk: Bruce Banner was in an accident that involved him getting a massive amount of radiation which made him the Hulk. When his blood pressure rises, he turns into a raging green monster called the Hulk. Nemesis: The Leader
Hawkeye: Clint Barton was trained to be a master archer while in the circus, then later met Black Widow and decided to leave the circus and follow her. He fell in love with her and then decided to join SHIELD. He also does not have powers but is considered the most skilled archer in the world. Nemesis: Crossfire
Captain America: The first Avenger, born in WW2, Steve Rogers became a supersoldier for an experiment. He can live longer than most, so he ended up joining the Avengers. He is super-human, so he can run faster, jump higher, and is stronger than all other humans. His main weapon is an indestructible shield. Nemesis: Red Skull
Thor: Originally born on the planet Asgard, in a different dimension, Thor is son of the god Odin. It is debatable that he is the strongest Avenger. He possesses all of the powers of a god, which include super strength and many other enhanced physical abilities. His weapon is his hammer, which only he can wield. Nemesis: Loki
Justice League: Consists of many strong superheroes from the DC Universe, was formed by the members themselves. Some originate from different planets, but have all vowed to protect Earth and many other planets from evil.
Superman: Clark Kent, whose planet was destroyed, is the last of his kind. Because he is an alien, he possesses super strength, the ability to fly, heat vision and ice breath. He is known as the leader of the Justice League. Nemesis: Lex Luthor
Batman: Bruce Wayne is a billionaire whose parents were killed at a young age by a criminal. After that he took on the second identity of Batman. Batman can be very independent, and is a very skilled fighter abd billionaire. Nemesis: The Joker
Havoc on classic superheroes returns Superhero shows and games are everywhere today Entertainment Editor Can't get enough superheroes? Want to watch more shows and get to know the heroes better? Look no more! In the past couple years, superhero shows, games and movies have exploded in the entertainment world. Even apps were made to play superhero games on the go. "I love watching the shows on Netflix and I like playing the video games even more," sophomore Saud Shah said. On Netflix, there are tons of options for superhero shows. After watching the live action shows that are very popular, there are many more options to watch such as Young Justice, Batman Beyond, Wolverine and the X-Men, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited and the The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes. "My favorite superhero cartoon on Netflix is probably the classic Justice League show," Shah said. Since these are all cartoons, they lack some of the suspense that live action shows and movies provide, but they are still worth the watch. The various Justice League shows focus on the adventures of DC's most famous heroes such as Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash and Hawkgirl. They don't provide a backstory for any of the heroes or how the team is formed, but instead immediately jump into the adventures of the Justice League.
The cover of the new Batman video game, Batman: Arkham Origins. It is the third game in the series, and the newest game, Batman: Arkham Knight, releases in 2015.
It is interesting to see how all of the characters are different, and how different episodes focus on specific heroes and their lives. Some episodes will focus on a problem that Wonder Woman has with someone, and some episodes will not even include Wonder Woman. Batman Beyond, which was ranked 40th by IGN on their Top 100 Animated Shows
list, is a show about the later life of the superhero Batman. In this show, teenager Terry McGinnis is actually Batman and Bruce Wayne is his mentor. It is the only show to ever depict Batman as a teenager, and will most likely stay the only show to ever do that. The show not only focuses on Batman's struggle against his enemies, but also the personal relations, emotions and disturbing elements of Bruce Wayne's past. Those elements make the show considered darker than most cartoon shows because of the darker side of Batman it shows. "I like the Justice League show because it doesn t have many funny scenes and it tries to focus on the action," Shah said. If that isn t enough, there are also many video games to check out. The game Injustice: Gods Among Us is a DC Comics game that consists of the heroes all fighting each other to see who the victor is. This game is available on the Xbox and also on any smartphone, as it is also an app. The LEGO franchise has also started to make LEGO superhero games such as LEGO Marvel Superheroes and LEGO Batman 2: DC Superheroes. By far the most popular superhero video game however, has to go to the Batman games. Batman: Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, Arkham Origins and the soon to come out Arkham Knight have proved to be great video games. "I love the Batman video games, they are by far some of the most fun games I have played," Shah said.
Green Lantern: John Stewart was chosen by the Guardians, who select someone from every world to protect their respective world. Their powers come from their Lantern Ring, which enables them to create literally anything they want to if they have the willpower to make it. Nemesis: Sinestro
The Flash: Also known as Barry Allen, the Flash is the fastest man alive. After suffering from being hit by lightning while being around a lot of chemicals, Barry gained the ability to run at super speed. Realizing he can use this power for good and to fight crime, he became a memeber of the Justice League. Nemesis: Reverese Flash (Professor Zoom)
Wonder Woman: Uses the secret name of Diana Prince when not in her suit, is a very powerful superhero from the planet Themyscira. She has powers very similar to Superman's, but she also uses weapons unlike Superman. Nemesis: Cheetah
Aquaman: King of the underwater city Atlantis, Aquaman possesses super strength and the ability to control water, command sea creatures, gains health from the water and breathe underwater. His weapon of choice is a trident, much like the Greek god Poseidon. Nemesis: Black Manta
Hawkgirl: Like many superheroes, has multiple identities. The persona of Hawkgirl gets reborn many times, and has many people under that name. She is a strong member of the Justice League, and has wings that enable her to fly. Her weapon is a large mace. Nemesis: Hath-Set
On your smartphone, scan this code using the application QR Code to read about the Social Studies
Sept. 3, 2014
Christopher Columbus mural in the Barcardi factory.
Students share pictures from their summer vacations around the world.
San Juans sunset from Yoseph's resort.
Yoseph's view of the San Juan coast from her hotel balcony. Yoseph spent a lot of time here relaxing.
Puerto Rico Senior, Beza Yoseph Senior Beza Yoseph holding a Cockatoo on the beach in San Juan, Puerto Rico. "It was such an amazing experience, I can't wait to go back,"Yoseph said.
Robinson captures the view of Sacre Coeur.
St. Tropez, a very popular beach in the south of France.
Robinson visits the Arc De Triomphe.
Wine vineyard in the city of Epernay.
The Chateau De Vaux Le Vicomte, a historical chateau built in the 17th century by many talented architects.
Junior Danielle Robinson posing under the famed Eiffel Tower on the Champ de Mars in Paris. "I loved seeing the different cutlure in every place I went. The art and history was amazing," said Robinson.
France Junior, Danielle Robinson
Elephants playing and rolling in the dirt on Lefbom's safari.
While in Kenya Lefbom went on a safari through the plains. She spent time enjoying the scenery and wildife, and captured this photo of a sunset.
Kenya Sophomore, Lucie Lefbom Sophomore Lucie Lefbom visits Kenyas orphanage. "I really liked connecting with the kids, especially ones my age because I could relate to them," Lefbom said.
Lefbom got this photo of a cheetah catching its prey while on the safari.
Freshman Serene Ghul visits Jordan where she went riding a banana boats with her friends in the Red Sea. "Jordan is a beautiful country with many places to explore, I truly got to experience that on my trip," Ghul said.
Ghul enjoying herself while riding a camel in Aqaba.
Jordanian flags with palm trees in the capital.
Jordan Freshman, Serene Ghul
This is the capital located in Amman, Jordan. Amman is the center of their culture, politics and government.
10 SPORTS Football has high hopes this season
Sept. 3, 2014
Meet Matthew Bianchi, assistant football coach
Full Name: Matthew Bianchi Position on the Team: Assistant Coach/Defense If applicable what coaching job are you coming from? WT Woodson Favorite NFL Team: NY Jets What are you goals for the team this year? To develop a cohesive unit. The Atoms defeated the Colonials 49-0 on Aug. 22
to go in the season. If the boys work as hard as they have been we have a chance to do amazingly in the district. The first official game of the season is against the Falls Church Jaguars on Sept. 5 at 7:30 pm. Come out and support the boys.
How will you be a role model for the players you coach? I try to work as hard as I can. I
Sports Editor With all the fall sports starting up again, the AHS Varsity Volleyball team has begun their season already; training harder than ever preparing to have their best season yet. "We are playing with a lot more dedication and chemistry," Varsity Coach Nikolay Petrov said. "The players support and help one another and put a lot more effort in practice." On Aug. 9th and 10th, they held their annual AHS car wash in order to raise money for their team. The car washes were held at the Hess gas station right off of Little River Turnpike. The girls stood on the corner advertising the car wash with homemade posters while dressed in their volleyball attire. "I think that the car washes are a great way to raise
Cross Country eager for upcoming meets
Full Name: Kaitlyn Cook What is your overall goal for this season?: To bond more as a team and put in 110% effort during all practices and games. I would also like to win more games than last year, but as long as 110% is being put in during practices as well as pushing ourselves. How does your team compare to the previous season?: I think we have better team chemistry and we are more driven this year. How is the team working to improvement? Putting in a lot of effort during practices as well as pushing ourselves during conditioning, it has already shown on the court during our first few scrimmages. As a team what are your strengths?: We work well together and listen to each other. Everyone has everyone else's back and we all love each other.
Sports X-tra Editor
The Varsity Golf team is starting up their season again and are determined to improve. The Varsity Golf coach, Brian Aldenderfer, is making sure that the team gets as much practice as they can. "Our coach is great. He's great at giving us chipping and putting tips and things to help improve our swings," junior Kirk Lindberg said. "He works really hard to get us out on as many courses as possible so we can get a lot of practice and experience. We recently went on a golf trip to Cacapon, West Virginia for two days and got to play as much golf as we wanted, which was great practice." Despite the fact that some varsity golfers graduated, the team is still confident in their ability to compete against other schools. "I feel that we have been pretty successful in competing with the other schools in our district, even with the loss of some high skilled senior golfers from last year," Lindberg said. The team will face challenges this year but the players will overcome them. "Golf in general is a sport that faces many challenges like hitting with precision even on a bad lie, Lindberg said. I am glad that our coach lets us practice as much as we can and gives us great tips because it really helps us improve."
Cross country runners at a meet.
9/20/14 Oatland Invite in Leesburg @ 8:00 a.m.
9/19/14 Oakton High School (A) @ 7:30 p.m.
9/27/14 Six Flags Safari Invite at Six Flags Jackson, NJ @8:00 a.m.
9/26/14 Lake Braddock Secondary (H) @ 7:30 p.m.
10/1/14 AHS vs WSHS, LBSS & SCHS at Occquan Park @ 5:00 p.m.
10/2/14 T.C Williams High School (A) @ 3:45 p.m.
10/11/14 Glory Days Invite at Bull Run Park @5:00 p.m.
10/10/14 Robert E. Lee High School (H) @ 7:30 p.m.
Chantilly High School (A) @ 7:30 p.m.
9/10/14 Falls Church High School (H) @ 7:30 p.m. 9/15/14 TC Williams High School (A) @ 7:30 p.m. (Pink Night) 9/18/14 West Potomac High School (A) @ 7:30 p.m. 9/23/14 Lake Braddock Secondary (H) @ 7:30 p.m. 9/30/14 Oakton High School (A) @ 7:30 p.m. 10/2/14
Lee High School (H) @ 7:30 p.m. (Senior Night)
Marshall High School (H) @ 7:00 p.m.
9/16/14 Centerville High School (H) @ 7:00 p.m. 9/23/14 Madison County High School (H) @ 7:00 p.m. 9/30/14 Herndon High School (H) @ 7:00 p.m. 10/2/14 Robinson Secondary School (A) @ 7:00 p.m.
10/17/14 W.T Woodson High School (A) @ 7:30 p.m.
10/7/14 WT Woodson High School (A) @ 7:00 p.m.
10/24/14 West Springfield High School (H) @ 7:30 p.m. (Homecoming)
Washington-Lee High School (A) @7:30 p.m.
Robert E. Lee High School (H) @ 7:00 p.m.
9/11/14 Wakefield High School (A) @ 7:00 p.m.
@ 5:00 p.m.
Falls Church High School (A) @ 7:30 p.m.
9/12/14 J.E.B Stuart High School (H) @ 7:30 p.m.
The team went to West Virginia.
9/17/14 AHS vs WSHS, LBSS & SCHS at Franconia Park @ 5:00 p.m.
Cook will lead the team against its next opponent, Lee HS, tomorrow night.
Sports X-tra Editor
10/15/14 Patriot Invite at Burke Lake
Is there one promise you can make to the school about the upcoming season? We'll show up ready to rock.
Golf team ready to compete
Monroe Park Invite at Burke Lake @ 8:00 a.m.
You expect that your players will give their all for you on the field, how will you give back to them and Annandale High School? By given my all to Annandale High School, to be loyal to the players, coaching staff and school.
money," sophomore Yuki Zheng said. "It's a good way to help the team and we have fun doing it." Car washes are one of the many ways the volleyball team raises money for a cause. Such as their Dig Pink night which is held in October and is a way to raise money for breast cancer. Recently, the girls have kicked off the season having two scrimmages against Hayfield Secondary School and Thomas Jefferson. "We played really well together at our first scrimmage," team captain Kaitlyn Cook said. "We had a lot of chemistry and we improved with every set. The scores got closer and closer until finally we took the last set and won the game. However, we underestimated TJ. They had a lot of good players that got us when we were down and once we starting losing to them we never recovered." The team will face Robert E. Lee at home on Sept. 4 at 7 p.m.
The fall sports season is beginning and Boys Cross Country coach David O Hara is looking forward to seeing the team improve this season not only as athletes, but as teammates. My main goal for the team is to have them have a stronger bond between each other and to have them support one another, O'Hara said. The goal for varsity is to make it to regionals. Many of the top runners from last year are still with the cross country program. One of our strengths is that we are returning four of our top seven varsity runners, Aviad Gebrehiwot, Risky Alvarado, Robert Lamb and Yonaton Ayele. Girls Cross Country is also striving to improve this season. We need to have more speed than we had last year, Girls Cross Country coach Phil Harris said. One of our strengths is our numbers and we have more people committed this year. People are dedicated and are not missing practices. My goal is to get the kids to perform at the best level they can.
What coaches do you draw you knowledge of football from?/ Any personal inspiration? All the coaches that I have worked with have given me a great deal of knowledge. From Coach Scott, and the whole Staff and watching Coach
Who outside of sports do you draw inspiration from? My kids, my parents, people who have persevered, and John Paul Jones.
expect the players to give it all 100% of the time. Hopefully I can lead by doing.
Carryians, and Coach Adams I have learned a great deal...I have also been fortunate enough to work with some of the best people you can imagine. Joe Dischun, Gordon Lieb, and Mike Skinner.
to improve on. "Of course we have things to improve on, all teams have something that needs to be fixed a bit. With the help of the coaches, I'm positive that we can make it far this year." Starting the new year everyone has ambitions of how far they want
What is the most important parts of football to you? (ex. fundamentals, teamwork,etc.) Team work, hustle, toughness.
Volleyball starts off the season
Starting off the season with the 49-0 win against Thomas Jefferson High School, the Atoms are anticipating a change in this year's football season. "It was a good first scrimmage," junior Temesgan Awoke said. "Our offense was moving the ball a lot and our defense was aggressive and stopped TJ from putting up any points on the board." With new assistant coaches joining the team this year, the new faces are hoping to bring a different aspect to the game. We are excited that we have new coaches that will be able to help us even more," leading quarterback junior Tucker Mack said. "It helps the team if there are more than one pair of eyes that can help us fix our mistakes." I'm honestly excited starting the year of as head QB, it's an honor to help lead this team and I'm proud to be apart of it," Mack said. But like every other team in the world there are always things
10/9/17 Mount Vernon High School (H) @ 7:00 p.m.
10/31/14 West Potomac High School (H) @ 7:30 p.m. (Senior Night)
10/15/14 TC Williams High School (A) @7:00 p.m.
South County High School (A) @ 7:30 p.m.
8/20/14 Patriot Conference Preview at Springfield GC 9/3/14 Quad Golf Match vs. Lake Braddock, T.C Williams, and West Springfield High School 9/11/14 Golf Tri-Match vs. West Springfield and Lee High School 9/29/14 Patriot Conference Golf Tournament at Twin Lakes-Oaks Course Compiled by Marife Baragano, Sabrina Hawa and Daniel Yenegeta
Sept. 3, 2014
Children of the World Ferguson: The story behind Michael Brown's death and how it happened BY SUMMAR AYOUB
International Editor
Two citizens protesting for justice after the death of Michael Brown.
Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson shot and killed Michael Brown on Saturday, Aug. 9, outside of an apartment complex. Brown was an unarmed 18 year old African American. According to police, Brown had been stopped for jaywalking, not a robbery. Brown was killed while he was in the process of surrendering to the police. The police have confirmed the only guns found on the crime scene were from Offcier Wilson's gun. Wilson shot the first bullet from his cop car, which was about 35 feet away from Brown. "I definitely do not think it should have happened because he was at the wrong place at the wrong time," Sesay said. There was an independent preliminary autopsy done on Brown's body, which revealed that Wilson had shot Brown six times from the front, one bullet hit the top of Browns head, while the other two bullets struck Brown on the head. Officer Wilson has been working witht the police force for almost six years, and there has never been an act of disciplinary action on his record. Due to his actions of the Brown shooting, he was been put on paid administrative leave.
One of Brown's friends, Dorian Johnson, had eye witnessed his death. He had been with Brown minutes before he had been shot. He explains it as him and Brown were walking in the middle of the street when Wilson intercepted them, and told them to walk on the sidewalk.
"I felt as if a proper investigation should have been done before the situation led to where it did." Kadijah Sesay junior
As Wilson was trying to get out of his car, he opened his door and it hit Brown and Johnson, then hit Wilson. When the door hit Wilson it upset Wilson, which made Wilson grab Brown by the neck, which made Brown try and resist. While Brown tried to get away Wilson pulled out his gun and shot Brown.
At this moment, Johnson and Brown got up and started to run away. While they were running away Brown realized he had been shot, he turned around and put his hands up. That was the moment when Officer Wilson had continued shooting and shot Brown six times. AHS is a school with many students with many diferent races. the students here at Annandale are informed about the situation. "I think racism still exists," Sesay said. Although this situation had happened outside of the state, people in the area still feel very strong about what is going on. This is a very strong topic that affects people in different ways. "I cannot really say who's side I am on because no one really knows the whole story," Sesay said. The Ferguson case is still under investigation and may take many months until the first trial happens. "My parents told me to be careful when it comes to talking back to the police, because of the Ferguson issue that is happening now, its getting harder to stay safe in public," Sesay said.
What are your thoughts on Ferguson?
"I really dont have an opinion,but if I did have one I would lean toward the police."
"I don't think he should've shot him because it's wrong."
"People are using it as an excuse to have hatred against all cops."
"They shouldn't have shot him." DRE WRIGHT senior
"I'm staying neutral about it, the police have a lot of stuff to work on when it comes to shooting without a cause." THIA CARAYIANNIS senior
"Anytime anybody dies it's a tragedy. They bypass that to talk about police brutality. There is a racial divide in the city."
"Ferguson should've never happened." PHILLIP HARRIS Technology Education Teacher
MATTHEW BEHNE basketball coach
Gaza: The people of Palestine and the war occuring between Gaza and Israel BY SUMMAR AYOUB International Editor
Gaza is a part of Palestine located on the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea that borders Egypt on the south and Israel on the north and south. Gaza has been ruled, destroyed and repopulated by different empires. It was a Canaanite settlement, then it was under the ancient Egyptians rule for many years. Then it was settled by the Philistines. Many other empires have ruled Gaza, such as the Roman and Byzantine empires. The arrival of Arab-Muslims brought drastic change to the region. Gaza was a small town when the Ottoman Empire ruled Palestine. It expanded at the beginning of the twentieth century under the British mandate and the population increased rapidly as a result of the ArabIsraeli war and the migration of Palestinian refugees from Palestine. After the war, Gaza was ruled by Egypt from 1948 until 1967, when Egypt lost the war against Israel. Then, the Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula were all part of Israel for a period of time. The land was eventually given back in 1978, with the signing of the Camp David Accords.
In 2005, Israel unilaterally pulled out of Gaza and moved its settlers. In 2007, Hamas won the factional war with the Palestinian authority and has been the authority ever since. Israel has blockaded Gaza since the 2008 assault on the city, killing over 1300 people and demolishing over 4000 buildings. "It's a violating human rights by killing innocent civilian and infants," junior Jeanine Barakat said. Another brutal aggression happened in 2012 when Israel bombarded Gaza from sea, air and land killing 2000 Palestinians, the majority of them civilians, destroying the cities infrastructures. This summer Israel attacked Gaza and despite the brutal aggression, the Palestinian resistance didn't waiver. It is not the first time Israel had attacked the imprisoned people of Gaza who cannot flee anywhere. Egypt has closed Rafag crossing since the new military cue took place last year by Sisi (Egytian Leader). The people of Gaza are imprisoned since Israel too closed all it's crossing. Israeli generals and military leaders are talking about long wars that they've been reparing for. The prime minister of Israel, Binyamin Netanyahu, justifies the death of so
many civilians claiming that Hamas fighters are using their citizens as "human shields." As a matter of fact, when a Palestinian family signaled from a roof to Israeli pilots. The representatives of the "humanitarian and democratic westerner civilization", the pilots have showed no mercy and bombed the building to the ground killing the whole family. "This is a crime against humanity and it's a massacre against innocent Palestinian people," Barakat said. Now after almost two months, the war is over and both sides are claiming victory. Israel has the fourth strongest army in the world. Can't claim victory or talk about great achievements, since they were fighting a small group like Hamas with primitive selfmade weapons, where Israel possesses the most advanced weapons from the west and the USA. "There will be no peace in Palestine until Israel is out," Barakat said. The final results of the war was killing over 2000 Palestinians, injuring over 10000 people, which is over 80 percent civilians and destroying over 7000 buildings on the Israeli side. 160 soldiers were killed and four civilians, and millions lived in the shelters and left their homes.
Palestine from the 1900's to present 1982: Israel returned Sinai to Egypt and signs a peace treaty , making Egypt to officially recognize Israel as a state.
1947: The UN successfully passes a plan to seperate Western Palestine into two states.
FACTS ABOUT PALESTINE AND ISRAEL: -Israel has violated more UN resolutions than any other country. -Palestinians have the right under international law to resist occupation, ethnic cleansing, colonization, aggression, and annexation. -Palestine was a haven for Jewish refugees before the creation of Israel. -Both sides have committed potential war crimes and must be held accountable accordingly. -One quarter of Israeli citizens are not Jewish. -Gaza City is among the most densely populated places in the world. -Egypt controls the only above-ground crossing into Gaza that isn't Israeli. Source: Huffington Post
2003: The UN, and Russia release a road map, which outlines a clear timetble toward a Palestinian state.
2000: The Israeli Army withdraws from Lebanon.
2014: Israel s territory has expanded in the past 65 years, it is now independent.
Present 1967: Israel captrues the Sinai Pennisula from Egypt, which starts the six-day war.
1995: Israel and Palestine sign the Declaration of Principles, which makes both nations have recognition as governing bodies.
2005: The Israeli army leaves the Gaza strip and four settlements in the West Bank.
2005: Israel's defense forces leave the Gaza Strip.
Source: NY Times
Sept. 3, 2014
Five things We love about the Fall As Summer comes to a close, start getting prepared for all the things you love about Fall Summer
When it gets hot and humid out, there is nothing better than getting some nice, cold ice cream to cool you down. Ice cream is the perfect option to satisfy your needs for sweets: whether you were on the boardwalk at the beach, going out with some friends, or even eating a tub by yourself, nothing is more satisfying than a few scoops of your favorite treat.
Now that summer is over and the temperature is beginning to drop, the new desired treat is a nice warm cup of coffee or hot chocolate to warm you up on a cold fall day. There is nothing like a hot drink to get your day started and keep you awake during the school day. Even if a hot drink is not your drink of choice, try a hot tea, or even an iced coffee.
Ice Cream
During cold fall nights, you can enjoy the crisp air outside while staying warm near a homemade fire. A bonfire is a great way to enjoy the outdoor beauties of fall with your friends. You can even enjoy a nice toasted marshmallow covered with chocolate and smushed between two sugary graham crackers. If you re ever in need of something to do during the fall season, suggest a bonfire to your friends and go spend a night outside enjoying a tasty treat and the beautiful outdoors.
One of the best ways to celebrate summer with your friends and family is having a nice barbecue in your backyard. Nothing is better than a grilled hot dog or a juicy cheeseburger as you are enjoying the summer sun. An even better way to enjoy a barbecue is in the comfort of nature. You can grill out with your friends and family, while you run around and join in on fun activities outdoors. Barbecues are a must-do activity during the summertime.
A nice day trip to one of Virginia s best water parks is a must-do during the summer months. Water parks provide fun for the whole day with huge water slides, a lazy river, sand volleyball courts, water games, any treat you could possibly want and of course the hot sun. With activities to last you hours upon hours, it is always a good time to get out of the house and enjoy one of summer s best outdoor attractions.
Although the temperature is nowhere near what it is in the summer months, there is nothing stopping amusement parks. During the early months of the school year before your work adds up, get a group together and spend a Saturday or Sunday enjoying all the fun rides the parks have to offer. When October approaches, head down again and enjoy all the haunted houses and scary mazes that the amusement parks put on for Halloween.
Water Park
Amusement Park
Kicking your friends butts in a fierce water gun fight is the cherry on top of the cake. With the hot sun blazing down on your skin, it is always nice to get drenched in an epic water gun battle. Whether you are running around in your back yard or swimming after each other in the pool, water guns fights are a monumental summer activity. Never miss a chance to show your friends who is the boss when it comes to competitive water games.
As the temperature falls month by month, take your water gun fight indoors to a dry and warm environment. Laser tag is a great replacement for your summertime water battles. It is even more fun when you get a huge group of your friends and head over to Shadowland, Ultra Zone or Laser Quest and engage in a huge laser tag game. You can spend hours in the laser tag arena showing all your competitors your amazing skills.
Laser Tag
Water gun fights
Baseball is America s past time, but it is also one of the DMV s favorite summer activity. With the Washington Nationals leading their division in the MLB, baseball games have become an even bigger hot spot for fans. It is always so relaxing sitting in a stadium seat with your friends, eating some amazing food and watching an amazing game. Rain or shine, Nats games are the place to be during the summer.
Nats Game
Now that baseball season is coming to a close , it is time to switch sports and get ready for some football! Spend your Friday nights on the shiny metal bleachers cheering on your favorite team through thick and thin. Show up to the game showing your team spirit and lose your mind in the midst of a crazy game. The weather being cold is no excuse to not go out and show your pride and spirit for your favorite team!
Football Games