Tues. Aug. 29, 2017 Vol. 63 Issue #1 Annandale High School’s
THE A BLAST 4700 Medford Dr. Annandale, VA 22003 www.thea-blast.org
“IMPROVING STEADILY” Field hockey prepares for their games SPORTS 10
Informing the Atoms since 1954
Students face scheduling conflicts IB seniors forced to
switch their classes BY JUDE NANAW Sports X-Tra Editor
Mayada Hassan (center), a Stuart senior, protests at the “Reject White Supremacy” in Washington D.C. on Aug. 14 in the wake of Charlottesville rally.
STUDENTS CHALLENGE CONFEDERATE SYMBOLS J.E.B. Stuart changes name to Stuart High School because of the name’s Confederate ties BY ASEAL SAED Co-Editor in Chief “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Donald Trump, has got to go,” senior Mayada Hassan yelled as she marched in front of the White House. She went down to D.C. for the “Reject White Supremacy March” to protest the continuance of Confederate monuments all over the country. The Aug. 14 protest was held in response to the “Unite the Right” rally held in Charlottesville by alt-right supporters in protest of the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue. Hassan attends Stuart High School, which just decided this past summer to remove the J.E.B.. In front of its name, to go in effect in 2019, because J.E.B. Stuart was a Confederate soldier. Students who originally began the protest two years ago alleged that Stuart’s Confederate history does not align with the school’s values. The School Board was highly divided on the name change with dozens of community members voicing their opposition to the name change, citing many reasons including the one million dollar cost and the erasure of history. “I don’t think taking down our history is correct in principle in any capacity,” senior Everett Stenberg said. Just last summer, the Board agreed in a 10-2 vote to explore the possibility of a name change through a commission. However, the commission could not agree on one set path forward, and concluded with several deferring views. According to the The Southern Poverty Law Center, a nonprofit that advocates for equal justice, over 100 schools are named after Lee and other Confederate general/leaders, half of them being in Virginia and Texas. The same report found that at least 109 public schools named after prominent Confederates have large black student populations.
After this summer, the FCPS School Board of Supervisors decided to finally remove J.E.B Stuart’s name from the school. J.E.B. is also one of the most diverse are being taken down all over the counschools in the county with 78 percent of try because of their segregationist and the school population being minorities, slavery ties. and 22 percent of the population regisJust as there is support for the tered as white. Supporters of the name removal of these statues, there is equal change cite that students of color feel and possibly more ferocious opposition uncomfortable to attend a school with to the removal of these monuments. such a controversial name. Advocates for the monuments “J.E.B. Stuart was a confederate defend the monuments, arguing they general and a racist who does not repre- are an important symbol of heritage sent the diversity of school and what we and removing them would be an eraare about” said Hassan. sure of history. Stuart is not the only school in Fair“[The statues] are a good reminder fax County that has been subject to crit- of history” Stenberg said. “They depict icism for its Confederate name, but Rob- people who legitimately showed uncomert E. Lee High school in Springfield is mon valor and courage.” also named after a Confederate general. The clash of ideals were seen Lee is one of the most commemo- most tangibly in Charlottesrate Confederate leaders memorialized ville, VA. all over the country not only in the form In July, the Loyal Knights of school names, but as monuments and of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) statues all over the country. organized a rally to protest the The SPLC found in their study that destruction of the Robert E. Lee over 700 Confederate statues exist on monument. The Loyal Knights public property. cited their reason for protesting In recent years, there have been as stopping “cultural genocide.” calls for the removal of these ConfederThe rally garnered a lot ate statues and memorials because, to of hate and upwards of many, these monuments are symbols of 500 people came in prowhite supremacy within the US. test of the 50 person Memorials of leaders like Jefferson rally. Davis and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson Later, in August,
a rally was formed under the name “Unite the Right” planned to protest the removal of the same statue in Charlottesville. Described as one of the biggest white supremacist events in US history, the event began on the Friday night before the rally where marchers walked through the University of Virginia’s (UVA) campus. With lit torches, reminiscent of Ku Klux Klan fear tactics used in the 1950s and 60s to incite fear, marchers yelled inflammatory chants like “white lives matter” and “Jews will not replace us.” Among those who were protesting were so-called alt-right white nationalists, Ku Klux Klan members, and neoNazis. A small group of UVA students protested the night of the rally. During the rally, many of the white nationalists were wearing Trump paraphernalia; despite the rising tensions in the nation and the numerous politicians and leaders denouncing the rally, Trump took two days to condemn the rally. In several press conferences Trump doubled down on his claim that “both sides” were to blame for the Charlottesville violence. He even went as far as accusing the left-wing anti-fascist or “antifa” protesters of showing up “without a permit” and said they were “very, very con’t on page 4
Confederate general Robert E. Lee is one of the most commemorated Confederate leaders in the country.
Yearbook unveils new theme for the year The Antenna hopes to boost sales by featuring more students throughout the book BY BINQI CHEN Co-Editor in Chief Every year, the yearbook staff pubMARIAM MOHAMED lishes a 300 page book to commemorate Editor in Chief the successes and various activities conducted throughout the year. However, planning for the book begins even before the start of the new school year. Over the summer, the new leadership staff for The Antenna established the new design and layout for the upcoming school year. The theme for this year’s book will be: Face It. There CINDY LE are multiple meanings behind this Editor in Chief theme. “One [meaning] is how students have to constantly face things in their lives, whether it is big or small,” senior Cindy Le said. “The second is that Annandale is such a diverse school and there’s so many different faces you see and they all vary.” The team also plans on changing the way feature pictures of students are taken. ILHAN ABDI “The pictures for the Q & A portions Editor in Chief of the book are usually candid,” senior
Mariam Mohamed said. “Now we are changing it so that students will be facing the camera.” Both Mohamed and Le serve as the Editor-in-Chiefs of The Antenna, along with senior Ilhan Abdi. After the initial construction of the theme, members of the Yearbook team then spend a week at James Madison University to further develop their ideas. The team participated in competitions. Most importantly though, this week long residential camp allows the staff to be exposed to feedback and guidance from professionals. “They gave us pointers and told us what they liked or didn’t like,” Le said. “They gave us pointers and told us what they liked or didn’t like, what would work and what wouldn’t work.” Beyond the annual theme changes, The Antenna will have a new administrative change for the upcoming school year. There will be a new leadership role established amongst the staff. Nia Lewis will be fulfilling the role of Social Media Manager. Lewis created the role in hopes that The Antenna will have a larger
Yearbook students revealed the theme, “Face It,” for the 2018 Antenna Yearbook. They developed the concept at camp at James Madison University. This is a mock cover, and the staff will decide which students will be featured on the cover.
social media presence and overall just more involved and active online. This will certainly assist in the advertising and getting the news about the book out to a wider range of audiences. There is much to anticipate for the new version of The Antenna. The book is now on sale for $65, the prices will increase as the year progresses.
With a new school year comes new schedules. As students get to know their new teachers and courses for the year, it’s inevitable that a number of students will have to deal with one of the unavoidable issues that come with a new year, schedule conflicts. Many students are contacted by their counselors prior to schedule and packet pick up day regarding schedule conflicts. “It tends to be more juniors and seniors [who come in] because they have more electives which gets more complicated,” counselor Mark Vitelli said. “As ninth graders, they don’t really have a lot of choices.” Whether it be a class becoming unavailable due to a lack of students registering for it, courses not being available at certain periods or classes being overloaded with more students signed up than the cap allows, many are forced into a situation where diffi-
“I need to make sure that they are staying in classes they need in order to gradaute.” --MARK VITELLI
counselor cult decisions have to be made. These decisions include having to switch to different classes, dropping an elective and selecting a different one or even taking a course that does not fit into a student’s schedule online. “When I saw my schedule I realized I was missing a W8 class,” senior Heaven Lemma said. “I also didn’t have a class I really wanted which was Psychology that was only offered R3 and W6 which conflicted with my Peer Tutoring class only offered during R3.” When these types of conflicts arise, counselors discuss the problem with students in order work around them. “I ended up dropping IB Biology so that I could be able to get into Psychology during W6,” Lemma said. Another common issue from year to year are classes no longer becoming available due to various reasons including a lack of student enrollment in the course, funding, etc. “One class I was not able to have was IB Computer Science because it was no longer available,” senior Benjamin Lee said. With electives that students sign up for not being available at times, students typically select another elective during their available periods that would fit into their schedule. This is more common with upper classes pursuing more difficult IB courses that are only offered during one period. “Another problem I had was that I didn’t have IB Business on my schedule because it was conflicting with my IB Physics HL class,” Lee said. “I am trying to have both classes on my schedule because they are my favorite classes so my schedule could change a lot.” While some students not always willing to make major changes to their schedules, another option is to take an online course in order to make room for another class or elective during the school day. However, when considering class changes, counselors also look at the student’s path to graduation. “If they [students] are switching classes, I need to make sure that they are staying in classes they need in order to gradaute,” Vitelli said. Counselors will continue to discuss options with students in order to have them enrolled in their most desired classes. Schedule changes may potentially not be addressed until past the first week of school or even later at times.