Tue. Dec. 12, 2017 Vol. 63 Issue #5
Annandale High School’s
THE A BLAST Informing the Atoms since 1954
4700 Medford Dr. Annandale, VA 22003 www.thea-blast.org
Green Atoms invite etymologist to speak about insects BY BINQI CHEN Co-Editor in Chief As a continuing part of their Wild Annandale Speaker’s series, the Green Atoms will be hosting entomologist Ashley Kennedy. Kennedy is currently pursuing a doctorate’s degree at the University of Delaware. Kennedy will be explaining the importance of insects in the environment. She is also a trained specialist in insect taxonomy and identification. Kennedy is currently also doing research to learn more about the interaction between birds and insects. She will be offering insight about how the insects provide nutrition for birds, as well as the general symbiotic relationship between the two animals. She will be talking about the insects in the Northern Virginia area and ways students can help them. The club members will also be gaining insight on how insects are a vital source of food to most birds. They
“The idea behind the Wild Annandale Speaker’s series is to help kids in the club and also kids in the school learn more their environment.” --ANNE BROSNAN
Green Atoms Sponsor
will also learn about the role during birds’ breeding time. Kennedy will help to promote the idea of conservation of placed where different birds nest and raise their young. “The idea behind the WIld Annandale Speaker’s series is to help kids in the club and also kids in the school learn more their environment,” club sponsor and school psychologist Anne Brosnan said. This meeting is important and applicable to the Green Atoms as they are restoring the courtyards around the school, beyond their weekly recycling. The courtyards around the school will serve as an ecosystem to many organisms, including insects. The overall goal is to help students care for their surrounding environment. Brosnan also hopes to show students interested in pursuing a science or environmental career show a possible job path. Brosnan has been inviting people from different industries to speak in the series. The event is open to all AHS students. Many science teachers are also offering extra credit for attending students. Kennedy will be speaking in the library on Wednesday December 13 after school from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m.
School Board to vote on calendar Students will learn of upcoming date changes BYASEAL SAED Co-Editor in Chief The School Board will vote on the upcoming year’s calendar on Thursday Dec. 14. Students will learn of any changes for the upcoming school year. It is most likely that there will be no changes to the calendar, however, on Monday, there will be closed discussions to discuss any changes. The first day will remain in August, but any changes to teacher work days for next year will be decided in this upcoming School Board vote on Dec. 14.
Anissa Cheikh commits to Virginia Military Institute SPORTS X-TRA 15
THE SEASON OF GIVING Clubs offer service opportunities to students during the holiday season BY ASEAL SAED Co-Editor in Chief Clausen Hall was transformed into Santa’s workshop as Key Club students busily worked to create blankets for INOVA Children’s Hospital. Students were put in five groups, and each group was assigned to cut pieces of fleece and line them with additional strips for design. The room, decorated with holiday decorations and lights, created a warm atmosphere for students to work as Home Alone played in the background for students to enjoy. In two hours, the group made six large blankets to donate to the Children’s Hospital. “I wanted to host a fun holiday event that would give people an easy opportunity to get community service hours,” Key Club President Shirley Chu said. After the blankets were made, they were taken to the hospital for donation. The event, free for all students to join, offered two hours of service for students who participated. Key Club gives several service opportunities for students throughout the year and partners with several community service organizations. “Making all the blankets was actually a lot of fun. We got a lot of work done while also having fun with friends,” senior Afomia Assefa said. “Watching the Christmas movie while making blankets put me in the mood to work.” This is one of several service opportunities available for students during the holiday season. As part of the season of giving, several clubs and organizations within the school have worked hard to establish service opportunities for
students. Leadership has created several opportunities for students to give during the season. Earlier this month, Leadership led a clothing drive for the Parent Resource Center (PRC.) Throughout November, Leadership collected over 50 articles of clothing for the Center. The PRC works with underprivileged students and provides services for them. Students who may not have access to school supplies, food, and any other necessary resources often go to the center. The center accepts donations throughout the year to help students. Students can donate gently worn clothing and unopened hygiene products (shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, soap, toothpaste, laundry detergent) directly to the center. Leadership decided to pair up with the center as a way to be more helpful to the community. “Leadership likes to help our community within the school and the Resource Center actually reaches out to students,” Leadership advisor Jessica Arias said. Leadership hopes to continue to work with the center in the future. Another club using this season to give service is Hispanic Leadership Club. The club plans on helping with a Toy Drive at the Mary Center on Dec. 22 . “We wanted to incorporate elements of service with the club,” Vice President Valeria Salinas said. “We hope that this shows how Hispanic Leadership takes on a more active role in the club.” Hispanic Leadership Club was brought back this year to take on a more active role for Hispanic students to unite. They hope that the club will take on more service roles in the community. CONT. PAGE 4
Students explore Young People Coming options Together hosts holiday party class Elective Fair approaches in January BY BINQI CHEN Co-Editor in Chief Surrounded by lights and holiday-themed music, the Young People Coming Together Club held its annual holiday party. The event took place Wednesday Dec. 6 after school in Clausen Hall. Hosted by the special education department, the party brought together students with special needs at AHS along with other students without special events. “We try to have two events per month,” Work Awareness and Transition teacher Lawrence Cooper said. “We are trying to bridge the gap between special education and generation education.” Cooper teaches Work Awareness and Transition, which is a course offered by FCPS at both the middle school and high school level. It aims to educate students with disabilities and emphasizes personal awareness, career exploration, and work expectations. This is an essential class in the special education curriculum. During the holiday celebration, decorations were hung and music was played. The kids, with smiles on their faces and hands held with one another, enjoyed their time being together. Half of the entire special education department was also present. Senior class President
“The goal of the elective fair is for students to have a better understanding of the classes they plan on taking,” ValenStudents will have the cia said. opportunity to explore class Some students wish for more options during the Elective time with teachers to underFair on Jan. 10. The fair helps stand the meaning of the classstudents get a better under- es fully. standing of their options, and “I wish we got more time with prepare for course selections. the teachers so we could learn Seniors will be excused more about the classes,” Idris from attending, and instead said. “With more time, I could will have a class meetlearn more about the ing. teacher.” During the elective Overall, the elecfair students choose tive fair is usually four elective classsuccessful and benes they are interesteficial by helping ed in signing up for, students figure out and a fifth backup which classes they class. There are four will be signing up VALENCIA sessions, and during for in the upcoming Counselor each session teachers months. “We want stuexplain their elective Business classes class and tell students dents to make usually have a large an educated about the course expecturnout for each sesdecision once tations. This helps stusion because ecodents to know if they students come nomics and personal down here and are choosing the right finance is mandatory register for class ahead of time. to graduate. classes with “Last year’s elective In business, stuus.” fair was definitely helpdents learn that ful. Both of the classes the most important I am in right now actuthing is that they pay ally are because of the themselves back so fair,” sophomore Hakim Idris to build an emergency fund or said. always have money there when Many teachers have dif- they need it instead of having to ferent ways of showing their always take out a loan. class to the students and to “We want students to make show the course plan. Some an educated decision once stuteachers prepare a handout dents come down here and regbeforehand, others set up a ister for classes with us,” Luis PowerPoint presentation. Valencia. BY ASEAL SAED Co-Editor in Chief
Featured speaker
McKenzie Yi helped the other kids decorate cookies. “Then we started a dance party! It was super fun dancing with them and making them laugh,” Yi said. Yi has also volunteered with Young People Coming Together for last year’s Prom. Even though at AHS, the after school club is called Young People Coming Together, it is more widely known as Best Buddies in other schools around the county. Despite the name difference, the goal is ultimately still the same. Not only has Young People Coming Together hosted Christmas parties, but one of its most popular events is the
Students from Young People Coming Together Club dance during the annual Christmas pasty held on Dec. 6 after school in Clausen Hall.
Special Education Prom held in the Spring. The department has also fundraised for Autism Awareness as well as giving students the chance to learn how to play the guitar with the music department. “It is a way to have special education students interact with those without disabilities,” Lawrence said. Both groups of students were able to learn from and befriend each other. “I think the best part of doing best buddies is just spending time with them,” Yi said. “It is super fun just dancing and singing with them. Just being there is a fun experience.”