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Superintendent forums held Firm wants public opinion for Garza's replacement BY TEAGAN FOTI Co-Editor in Chief The firm that was hired by Fairfax County to select the new superintendent is holding sessions for community members to come and voice their opinions on what they would like to see in a new leader. The forums are being held all throughout January at various schools and centers throughout the county. "I think that it's really cool that sessions are being held to hear what the people want in a new superintendent," junior Grace Hatch said. "It makes the people feel like their voice is heard." There are various forums today at Herndon Council Chambers at 11 a.m., Burke Center Library at 1 p.m., Stuart High School at 7 p.m. and Chantilly High School at 7 p.m. Anyone is welcome to come and offer input on what
see FORUMS pg. 4
Election sparks discussion over derogatory language and its lasting impact BY TEAGAN FOTI AND SADIE MODICA Co-Editors in Chief What if every word you've ever said was written on your body? Wouldn't you be a lot more careful of what you say? Or if all the messages that you've ever sent and words you've ever posted to your wall were written in your bedroom? Wouldn't you be a lot more conscious of your language? Words are not as temporary as they may seem. Although it takes less than a second to murmur something to the girl that passes you in the hallway, words are more impactful than teens often realize. The desensitivity of generation Z to sexist words is a growing concern as language has deteriorated in depth and increased in width over the last decade. Consequently, students are prone to use words that are cruel and derogatory without thinking twice. The problem is words such as "slut" and "hoe" are used jokingly between friends but are also used in an alternate connotation to describe others who aren't necessarily so mutually friendly. They are also used by and to describe both genders. This versatility is what foolishly leads some to see the words as harmless, unaware of the true power the words possess.
The internet has been a pivotal part of the slut shaming epidemic. A 2014 harassment survey conducted by Pew Research Center revealed that 60% of internet users have witnessed a person being called an offensive name and 19% have seen someone be sexually harassed online. "Being judged because of how I look is the only form of bullying I've ever experienced," senior Tehya Moss said. "I've definitely been called a hoe by other girls and guys, I took it personally at first but it doesn't bother me as much anymore; I've heard it too much." Slut shaming is a growing epidemic enhanced heavily by the digital age and the perceptions portrayed heavily in the media. The way teens view themselves
confidence. "I don't think that it's a self fulfilling prophecy, I don't think that if kids are called [a slut] growing up that they will become a slut," Pshycology teacher Whitney Hardy said. While some are quietly offended by the words and statements, others go as far as to organize and participate in "slut walks" where women publicly stand up for their sexuality. Slut shaming supports the notion that if women don't stay "pure" they deserve social ostracization. This judgement from both males and females can be detrimental.
"Many have argued that 2016 was the year of the woman, but as I see it it was a time when women took a giant step backwards..."
The Issue This lack of vocabulary has transformed onto a bigger stage through social media, especially President -Elect Donald Trump's Twitter account. He has added fuel to the fire by igniting his campaign trail with comments like "grab her by the pussy" and "bimbo" while playing it off as "locker room talk." Trump, the man in center spotlight is using sexist and crude words to describe women, so why can't anyone else? That's where the issue arises. Trump being elected legitimizes the careless words and comments he has used to malign his enemies and garner support from Americans. Humans learn by example so when they see others do something, they generally follow suit. This can lead to great innovation, but in the current case could lead to the deterioration of women's rights; a movement that has been working tirelessly for nearly 200 years and still hasn't gained full equality.
Julia Sheehy Senior is traditionally through their bathroom mirror, but in the current generation it is more through the Snapchat or Instagram camera lens, where others are able to comment. This makes it uncharacteristically easy to comment on the looks or the promiscuous nature of photos, consequently destroying self esteem. Many studies have shown that slut shaming can have a direct physiological impact on children growing up. Not in the sense that they will become what they are called, but more in the sense that it takes a toll on
Slut Shaming Defined According to Oxford Dictionary, "slut shaming" is "the action or fact of stigmatizing a woman for engaging in behaviour judged to be promiscuous or sexually provocative," but it can also be someone who expresses themselves in what is perceived to be an unorthodox way.
Landmark Mall begins construction Long awaited renovation prepares to start BY SUAD MOHAMED Staff Writer The stuffy, enclosed mall many students know as Landmark will close at the end of this month to begin long awaited renovations. Located on Duke St. in Alexandria, the current plan is demolish the scarce hallways and turn them into an open, multi-use community space. Redevelopment had been approved by the Alexandria City Council in June of 2013, but it was delayed by financial issues. The property of the Macy's and its parking lot was sold to the Howard Hughes Corporation (HHC), the owner of the mall, and the few remaining stores still operating in the desolate mall have reportedly been told to move out by the end of this month. The Suntrust Bank and Sears will remain open during future renovations. The HHC created a new website to inform people of what they plan to do with the mall. They plan on redeveloping the property and building new apartment buildings, a plaza center with new restaurants and stores, a 10 screen movie theater, and a green space where community events can be held. see LANDMARK pg. 4
see WORDS pg. 5
Guest speaker Bobby Petrocelli talks to seniors Bobby Petrocelli, a motivational speaker, will be speaking to seniors on Tuesday during Pride Time. Petrocelli is a Certified Speaking Professional, and he is known for his inspiring story and words. "I couldn't pass up this opportunity for our seniors to hear an inspirational message especially as they approach the second half of the year which for many if not all, is a critical time," Principal Tim Thomas said in an email to staff.
How to make college affordable Federal assistance and scholarships available for seniors BY SADIE MODICA Co-Editor in Chief As Career Center Specialist Robin Roth aptly put it, "college is expensive." Colleges want their students to be able to afford them, while making the most possible money in the process. Sometimes, the price can appear too steep and as a result, students decide not to apply to the more expensive schools. However, there are many options out there to ease the burden on one's family for each school. Here at Annandale, where over half of students are on free and reduced lunch, there is a surprising amount of opportunity for a reasonable college price. Money for college can come from the college itself, or from outside sources. The first step, in order to get financial aid, is to fill out the FAFSA form. FAFSA does two important things: it alerts schools of one's socioeconomic status, increasing the likelihood of scholarships from the school, and it
qualifies the student for federal aid, utilizing factors like the parent's assets and income "The earlier you do it, the more likely you are of getting some of that federal money," Roth said. There are a few ways the specific college can support an enrolled student. Grants are sums of money allotted to students to make the tuition more affordable. Grants come with no obligations for the student, as long as they keep their grades up. Work-Study is another way colleges can help their students pay tuition costs. Work-Study is a college program allowing students to work part-time for the school, and the salary goes towards their tuition. Loans can come from the college, or from the government. Loans have to be paid back, and the more time that passes the more the student or parent has to pay. The price has a certain percentage increase each year the loan isn't paid back, which is called interest. For this reason, many people's college debt follows them well into adulthood. To avoid this, students should accept fewer loans and look for other sources of money
to help with college. Scholarships should be the largest source of money to help with the price of college. They can come from the college, organizations affiliated with the college or even organizations with no affiliation. There are thousands of scholarships out there for students to look into. Websites like Chegg and Fastweb match students with limitless scholarship application opportunities. Scholarship applications can be as simple as entering an email or as complex as sending in official transcripts and financial information. Most scholarships are looking for specific attributes in applicants. There are also more comprehensive and selective programs, like Posse and QuestBridge, which take a lot of factors into account and offer up to full ride opportunities to their scholars at prestigious schools. It's important to remember during the college process that U.S. colleges are businesses. Ultimately, they want to make money. They will, however, adjust the price if they want you to attend.
College Stressess
The Grammyss
Student Abroad d
Read about junior Khanh Nguyen's college fears
See who students think should take home the awards
Learn about junior Aseal Saed's month in Sudan
Academics 6
Entertainment 18
International 12