Issue 7

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Wed. Feb. 14, 2018 Vol. 63 Issue #7

Annandale High School’s


“VICTORY” Varsity basketball wins their senior night.

Informing the Atoms since 1954

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Excitement builds for Just Word Festival Ryan McElveen to be the keynote speaker BY ASEAL SAED Co-Editor in Chief

“We hope to make the AHS community aware of all the issues that are occuring both locally and globally.” --SHIRLEY CHU

Just World Vice President

The festival began as a way to inspire youth activism in the community. The club’s mission is to encourage students to understand the importance of being active in their local and global communities. There will be several clubs and organizations who will be presenting at this year’s event including Girl Up, Green Planet, Annandale Kendo Association, SETA, Pearl Raven and ShelterBox. Through several events including chalk4peace and write4rights, the club has promoted peace and awareness of diversity internationally. The festival is their biggest event that brings all the different aspects that make AHS unique together. The club has been planning the event since December and are excited to share their work with everyone. “We hope to make the AHS community aware of all the issues that are occurring both locally and globally and that we have the power to celebrate these differences,” Vice President Shirley Chu said.

SHUT THE FRONT DOOR BY BNIQI CHEN Co-Editor in Chief As senior Megan Lee rushes from one side of the school to the other, she hears other students shout and yell expletives such as “F off!” or “Hey B!” at each other. She stops walking and shakes her head, before hurrying off to class again. Lee, who went to private school for nine years, is shocked by these outbursts, even after four years at AHS. “I think the extremely small ration between teachers and students is what kept cursing so low at private school. I was never in an area where teacher supervision wasn’t present,” said Lee. “Etiquette was also an extremely valued principle at our school and was practiced as much as every other academic class.” To confirm Lee’s observations, The A-Blast placed four reporters around the school during the class exchange between R1 and R3 on Friday, Feb. 9, Placed in the upstairs language hall, downstairs science hall, jock lobby and cafeteria, they were instructed to mark down each time they heard any sort of obscenity. The reporters found 22 cases of cursing, with words ranging from “damn” to “f” within the eightminute period. This wasn’t a one-time phenomenon and doesn’t only happen when the bell rings. Cursing is heard throughout the day at lunch, club meetings and even in class. Teenagers are taking what was once deemed inappropriate even in

Students prepare to compete during the Black History Bowl asking the question and being a host.” Harris is also the sponsor for the BCAA club. During the Bowl, students compete in four teams, one from each grade with a teacher sponsor. Students answer questions about major African AmeriBY ASEAL SAED can figures who range from artists and Co-Editor in Chief musicians to activists. The trivia will fall under five categories: Scientists, Auto-Tech and Engineering teach- Famous-Firsts, Civil Rights and Music. er Phil Harris’ no-non“It is important that we sense tone is something of host the Black History Bowl a trademark. every year because we are able The Black History to inform students about the Bowl host has employed real efforts that black people it in more than 20 years of have made in American histhe event, doling out kind tory,” BCAA President Cecirebukes and affirmations lia Joseph said. “It is a time for to participants. students to use competition to “That is unfortunately become more informed.” PHIL HARRIS incorrect!” Students have already Auto-Tech and His signature style begun preparing for the event, Engineering continues with this year’s in hopes of winning the $100 Teacher Black History Bowl on prize. Feb. 23 during an extendThe teams often meet ed W4 in the auditorium. together in sessions to study Hosted by the Black Cultural Aware- and practice before the actual event. ness Association (BCAA), the Back HisStudents are given information tory Bowl comes every year during packets to study off of. Each group uses Black History Month to celebrate the different techniques in preparation for impact of African Americans through- the event. out history. Harris hopes that the event will “The bowl creates an awareness serve as a reminder to students of black of history and culture, and the impor- history and excites students. tance of the bowl is to deal with some of “I love hosting the Black History those stereotypes that say that African Bowl and seeing the excitement in kids’ Americans are just interested or able to faces when they get a question right,” do certain things and not others,” Har- Harris said. ris said. “The information is sometimes a refresher to me which is why I like

Teams practice for the annual bowl in hopes of winning $100 prize

are published as headlines across the world and forever preserved as part of his records while in office. The A-Blast, along with professional media outlets, usually refrains from publishing profanity. However, due to the position of government officials and their role in society, it becomes proper and a duty for the press to report them to the public. When authority figures such as the President and parents regularize swearing, they set an example for adolescents to follow. Words become corrosive and lose their original meaning. This blurs the line between teenagers knowing when they are permitted to curse and when it is inappropriate to do so. In some families, parents are more relaxed about swearing. Other families prohibit cursing completely. “I never curse with my parents and only do it within my friend circle,” senior Ingrid Guardado said. “But I know that there are people who freely swear at home because their families simply don’t care anymore. It’s become really normal now for some.” Not only is cursing normalized, but also the casual use of racial slurs. “People who aren’t black should not use the n-word because it is a derogatory term,” senior Samuel Wondwossen said. “Using it is ignoring the country’s history of slavery.” In today’s increasingly technologybased world, the young adults of the 21st century are also influenced by new

Has language devolved in the 21st century? Are we getting more coarse in our speech? private settings and using it in every aspect of their lives. Swear words have taken up the role of fillers in students’ daily vocabulary, becoming more frequent in their everyday conversation. “I think that when you are an adolescent, you’re very aware of the people around you,” School Physcologist Dr. Anne Brosnan said. “There’s a lot of pressure on kids to fit in and to be a part of the bigger group and they can behave and do things that they think is going to make them better liked or better accepted by other kids.” Auto-Tech and Engineering teacher Phil Harris has been at AHS for 19 years and recognizes the shifted dynamic in teenage vocabulary. “I try to do the same thing that I have always done and reprimand them for using that language,” Harris said. “But now it is more frequent in the classroom, hallways, practices and it bothers me because that language is not used to respect elders.” Language itself evolves with the culture, values, beliefs and symbols of society. Teenagers of every generation have altered language to what they value or deem as in or out of style. Knowing the latest slang or hip word

has always been an integral piece of the teenage experience. Teenagers are not only exposed to profanity in popular culture, but also by news and adults. “There are definitely times when I turn on the news and there are just swear words spread across the screen,” senior Betel Eyob said. Even the President has been asked, on numerous occasions, to throw out profanity. In 2005, Donald Trump was recorded saying that because of his status, he can “grab them [women] by the pussy.” More recently, President Trump allegedly referred to immigrants from African nations as “people from shithole countries” during a meeting. After his State of the Union speech, Trump claimed that the Democrats who did not stand for him committed acts of treason. The President did not provide the correct and legal standard for treason, giving this word, a new meaning. “I feel like because how public it is, kids will look up to people of higher position and repeat after them,” Eyob said. The words of the President cannot be censored and hidden away. They

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Mr. Annandale returns Rehearsals begin for the highly anticipated annual event BY SHYEIM CAMPBELL Staff Writer Who has the most muscle? Who is the most talented? Who is the most intelligent at AHS? Mr. Annandale is a pageant where contestants compete against each other to become the final Mr. Annandale. The annual Mr. Annandale contest will be held Feb. 23 at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium, this will reveal who is the best all-around at AHS. Mr. Annandale will include 10 contestants and will cost $5. There is a promo video being shown every announcement showcasing the 10 contestants. Students are probably wondering if this Mr. Annandale is different from the previous ones or how they prepared this event. The difference between this Mr. Annandale and the previous ones is that there will be only 10 contestants instead of 12 due to the lack of participants. “Organizing this event is hard because we depend on the guys to have their music, props, and performances ready,” senior and head of the committee McKenzie Yi. “I’m most excited to see all the Mr. Talent performances because there is always one funny one.”


Preparations for the Just World Festival are well underway as the Just World Interact Club prepares for this year’s theme: unity in diversity. The annual festival is a cultural melting pot as the community enjoys and learns more about local food vendors, businesses and organizations. “This is our annual big event that we have been planning for the past few months,” Just World President Steven Hy said. “We are using the theme ‘unity in diversity’ because we want to celebrate AHS’ diversity.” Students are especially excited for School Board member Ryan McElveen, who will appear as the keynote speaker for the event on Feb. 23. “We invited Ryan this year because he spoke at the festival just two years ago and I heard how popular he was,” Hy said. “We saw how popular he was and so we decided to invite him.”

Senior Lennon Wuhrer and alumni Liam Conroy compete during the Mr. Annandale competition last year. According to senior and Leadership President Rebecca Kindling, there will five judges and the crowd is counted as a judge as well. There are five categories along with five crowns, one for each category and one for the Mr. Annandale. Mr. Elegance will have contestants working their best-dressed look. Boys

would wear their suits and ties and their escorts a formal dress. To earn Mr. Muscle, contestants need to show their muscles to the audience and wow the judges. Mr. Talent is the category where the boys will display a unique talent to the audience. Mr. Spirit has the requirement of wearing white and red to display AHS pride. After making it to the top five, the finalist will then be able to compete in Mr. Intelligence where they will be asked simple questions about your life, your future, or the school. Senior Jack McCrossin will compete in Mr. Annandale because it is his senior year. He has watched the event ever since his freshman year, and he always thought it looked fun. “I’m most excited to see who will actually win the competition this year. I haven’t really planned out what I’ll be doing, but I am sure it will be worth the watch,” McCrossin said. Senior Tyler Rush is another contestant that will be in the Mr. Annandale pageant. “I am really excited to see what the rest of my friends will be doing for their performances,” Rush said. Senior Leslie Moriba is another eager contestant. “I am most excited for Mr. Elegance because I will get to show off my drip with my escort, but I am not really sure what I will be doing for the pageant,” Moriba said.

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