Tues. March 13, 2018 Vol. 63 Issue #7
Annandale High School’s
“TURF WARS” Athletes weigh pros and cons of artificial fields. HEALTH 7
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Students use laptops for SOL testing
TestNav availability gives students access to testing software
Senior Priscilla Park and sophomore Sadaf Khan are two of the many students who are calling for stricter restrictions on the ability for people to access guns. BY ASEAL SAED Co-Editor in Chief In the wake of a mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman High School that left 17 people dead, Americans were bombarded once again with images of violence, tears, and condolences. 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz arrived at the Florida high school in an Uber, equipped with an assault rifle, magazines, and smoke grenades which then set off the fire alarm. As students were filing out of their classes, Cruz began using his AR-15, a semiautomatic weapon made for military use, to shoot at students and into classrooms. The Parkland shooting is considered to be the deadliest school shooting since the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, which took the lives of 20 children and six adults. A myriad of voices have risen up to try to bring an end to gun violence, but Americans have varying opinions regarding the solution. At AHS, located only nine miles away from the National Rifle Association (NRA) headquarters, students have a variety of possible solutions. Some students believe that the solution to the mass shootings is
After recent school shooting in Florida, Americans strive for ways to better protect students implementing increased restrictions on gun access. “There should definitely be serious restrictions on guns in America to prevent accidents, and those who feel like owning guns should be educated about the risks and the laws concerning gun possession as to clear any confusion in the future,” senior Priscilla Park said. An emergence of teen activism has risen in response to the tragic events as well. Students like Park will be joining thousands of students in a nationwide school walkout on March 14 at 10 a.m. The walk-out was created by an organization called EMPOWER in hopes of inspiring lawmakers to increase gun restrictions some of which include banning assault rifles, and require universal background checks. “I am marching because I don’t think enough people, especially my friends and family, realize how severe and out of control the shootings have been recently,” Park said. “If me marching can bring awareness so that
they too can join in the fight for gun control, that can prevent more lives being lost.” School Board Chair Jane Strauss warned that inviting speakers to protest political beliefs is not allowed during the school day, but will not bar students from advocating for their beliefs. Students, and people all over the country will gather at the National Mall on March 24 to protest stricter gun restrictions. The Florida teenagers who survived the shooting at their school have called on the nation’s leaders to immediately work to enact stricter gun control laws to prevent another shooting from occurring in the United States. The Parkland shooter legally obtained an AR-15, one of at least ten guns he purchased after turning 18. Florida, where the recent shooting occurred, does not require fingerprints, a special permit, or a waiting period to buy a gun which has been a point of
Trump official visits AHS Class of 1985 alumna talks to students about nuclear energy usage
Senior Advisor of the Office of Nuclear Energy Suzanne Jaworowski (right) speaks to IB Science students about the advances and innovation in nuclear energy. graphs, the Office of Nuclear Energy developed a slideshow titled “The History & Future of the Atoms” which highlighted aspects of nuclear science such as the beginnings of nuclear energy, the use of nuclear energy in the United States today, the first self-sustaining chain reaction and the processing of nuclear energy into electricity. She also encouraged students to pursue a career in nuclear energy and provided fliers for the audience outlining some possible professions. After her presentation, Jaworowski responded to the questions that the
audience had for her. Some were focused on the content of her presentation, while others were about her previous jobs in the coal industry and how that background impacts her work today. “The speaker was very informative, but she didn’t say anything that we hadn’t learned in class,” senior Benjamin Lee said. “I did research on the topic beforehand from the Department of Energy website and found the exact information that she had in her slideshow.”
The new one-to-one laptop program has been integrated into and out of classroom settings. Students have been seen carrying around the laptops everywhere they go. As the standardized testing season approaches, these assigned laptops have found a new purpose. Throughout the past week, juniors took their writing SOLs in various classrooms and computer labs throughout the school. Instead of solely using the desktop computers, many used their laptops instead. “It was an opportunity to do a trial run for the SOL testing that will happen in May.,” AHS Technology Specialist Jennifer Cory said. “By having students complete the SOLs in the computer labs, there was a backup computer available in case there were issues” Since there will be no extra set of desktop computers for students testing in the main gym in May, this trial run would provide the school with an image of the issues that should be anticipated for in May. This new way of testing is another benefit of personal school laptops. However, before being actually used in a testing situation, each laptop needs to be checked for compatibility with the TestNav software program that the state uses for SOLs.
Superintendent visits AHS Superintendent Scott Brabrand talks to senior Mariam Mohamed during his visit to AHS on March 9. He talked to students, visited classrooms, and walked the halls in hopes to better connect to county schools. Learn about Brabrand’s visit in this video:
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Students hold fundraiser Just World partners up with Foxfire Grill Throughout the day, the club was able to spread their message to members of the local community beyond the students within AHS. As the annual Just World Festi“Everyone was really nice and really val approaches on Friday, Mar. 16, the generous in their donations as well. PeoInteract Club is still looking for differ- ple were also interested in our club and ent ways to raise money for the event. what we had to offer,” Vice-President The club almost $1000 with Fox- Shirley Chu said. “Overall it was a realfire Grill in Alexandria to promote both ly nice time and there were a lot of famtheir organization and the activities ilies that went to the fundraiser so we offered through it. interacted with them.” The club leadIn school, the ership was present Club has also at the restaurant “Everyone been conducting from 4 to 10 p.m. finishing prepand talked with was realarations for the customers about ly nice and Just World Fesboth the mission tival. The theme and importance of really generfor the annubeing involved and ous in their al festival is aware of the prob“Unity in Diverdonations.” lems that impact sity.” The event the global commu-SHIRLEY CHU will feature nity. senior numerous clubs “Firefox Grill and businesses agreed to give 20% such as Girl Up, of the proceeds made to Just World for Green Planet, Annandale Kendo Assothe festival,” President Steven Hy said. ciation, Seta, pearl Raven and Shelter“Through the fundraiser, we also man- box. The keynote speaker for this year’s aged to gain another $100 in donations event will be FCPS School Board memby talking about the purpose of our ber Ryan McElveen. club and what we wanted.” “I’m expecting a successful festival The fundraiser has been planned and where people are happy,” Hy said. for months and the officers consistent- “I hope there’s a lot of attendance and ly advertised for both existing mem- that the businesses and other clubs that bers and all other interested people to come are also happy.” participate. BY BINQI CHEN Co-Editor in Chief
BY BINQI CHEN Co-Editor in Chief Over a hundred students gathered inside the Watson auditorium during Pride Time on Friday, March 10 for a presentation by the Department of Energy. The presentation was given by the current Senior Advisor of the Office of Nuclear energy Suzanne Jaworowski. Jaworowski is also an AHS alumnus, graduating alongside the class of 1985. After being introduced by Principal Tim Thomas, Jaworowski briefly outlined the purpose of her presentation, which was to discuss the application of future energy systems and innovations in nuclear energy. “The reason I wanted to come and do this is a couple of things,” Jaworowski said. “One is because very little is known about nuclear technology in our country today and it’s a very critical and important and relevant asset that we have.” Jaworowski began her presentation by talking about her career after high school. She attended Radford University and majored in marketing. Afterward, she moved on to discuss the history of nuclear energy. Accompanied with videos and
contention amongst the public. Gun laws vary significantly from state to state. Eight states, including California and Rhode Island, impose waiting periods to purchase a gun. In states with less regulation, purchases are speedy. Some states have stricter regulation for certain types of guns, such as assault rifles, but in states with less gun regulation, semi-automatic guns can be treated similarly to any other firearm purchases. In Florida, machine guns and heavy ammunition guns can be obtained legally for 18 year olds, including Cruz, creating a slue of debates about the severity of gun restrictions. No other developed country in the world has the same rate of gun violence as America. The U.S. has nearly six times the gun homicide rate as Canada. “[I use guns for] hunting. I was trained at a very young age how to use a gun properly and also for home protection,” history teacher Jonathan York said. “The second amendment means that people have the right to own guns, but the government also has the right to regulate it as well. That is what a lot of people forget,
BY BINQI CHEN Co-Editor in Chief