Informiing the Atoms siince 1954 4
Chance of Rain
58 54 TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017
BY SADIE MODICA Co-Editor in Chief
Seniors reign at Battle of the Classes Color clash themed pep rally brings tough competition BY TEAGAN FOTI
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Students Prepare for Heritage Night
Heritage Night is an annual opportunity for AHS's diverse student body to gather and celebrate its many cultures and backgrounds. This year's Heritage Night will be on Friday, April 28 in the auditorium at 7:00 p.m.. Tickets will be sold at lunches and at the door for $5. Senior Fatmata Kamara will be hosting the event along with Salima Khan, Mikael Mechal, Salima Khan, and more. "I've been doing [Heritage Night] since my sophomore year," Kamara said. "This year, Salima and I decided to host a fashion show right before for the very first time with people wearing their cultural attire." Kamara will be not only hosting, but also dancing and modeling in the fashion show. Kamara said she got the idea for a cultural fashion show from other schools who had added it to their own Heritage Night. At Heritage Night, groups of students show off their culture in some way. Activities include playing a cultural instrument, singing a cultural song, doing a cultural dance, and this year there will also be a stand up routine. This year, eight groups will be performing. The countries represented include Sudan, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, El Salvador, Bolivia, Vietnam, and more. "You can see everything from traditional Somali dances to more modern Hip-Hop style dances from our other kids," Whitney Hardy, Heritage Night coordinator and History/ Psychology teacher said. Hardy sees Heritage night as a chance to get to know peers in a different way. "We only really see each other in games or in classes, so to see this different side of people is really cool," Hardy said. Heritage Night is the perfect representation of AHS and the values the community holds. "I think Heritage Night defines AHS as a whole, even though not every single country is represented, but it shows how well we can work together to show our community of different cultures, and how diverse we are," Kamara said.
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Trafficking on the rise in suburbs BY TEAGAN FOTI Co-Editor in Chief A sixteen-year-old girl has dinner with her parents before sneaking out of her house in the suburbs to go to the dimmer part of town where she will engage in forced sex and drug use with men much older than she. Her "night" won't end until 4 a.m. when she will creep back up to her room to sleep before her alarm sounds for school. On the other side of town, another girl waits alone for the school bus. A man approaches and tells her she looks nice. She blushes and a relationships blooms. She, too, is then sold into sex being paid in drugs or money for a fraction of what she is worth. This is sex trafficking; the modern form of slavery. Although it is often associated with physical abduction, and still can be, sex trafficking has evolved to children sneaking out at night and being flattered into thinking that what they are doing is normal. The scenarios described above were discovered through news reports of court testimonies and happened to high school aged girls who live within 10 miles of Annandale High School in the past six years. The epidemic of human trafficking, especially young girls for sex, is growing while the warning signs seem to be diminishing. "The girls will usually lie about where they are going and say they are going to a friends house or to practice after school and end up being trafficked," said Anna Hanson, case manager and assistant to the director of human services at the northern Virginia (NoVA) Human Trafficking Initiative (HTI) said. "Some warning signs would be if someone seems anxious or scared or not as personable as they typically are. Or
especially if they start lying about where the are going or posting different things on social media." Virginia ranks fifth amongst the states for the number of total trafficking cases and 44 percent of all trafficking involves a juvenile being sold for commercial sex. Half of the reported cases of sex trafficking in the state of Virginia occur in NoVA; out of 465 calls to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, 232 were from NoVA.
"Trafficking doesn't care how old you are or if you're a guy or a girl" Anna Hanson Case manager and assistant to the director of human services at NoVA HTI "Girls often try to find their worth in guys and think it's cool to have a boyfriend and then it just spirals out of control," Hanson said. "Most people in northern Virginia are very wealthy and there is a type of esteem related to that and a lot of girls are looking for love maybe because their parents aren't around or because they are trying to prove themselves." Annandale, located in the heart of Northern Virginia (Nova), is no exception to sex trafficking. In 2012 Susan Lee Gross, the owner of an Annandale massage parlor, called Peach Therapy, pled guilty to sex trafficking. She was reported "transporting women from other states to perform sexual services for patrons of her Annandale-based massage parlor." Peach Therapy was located on Backlick Road and served as a prostitution ring in a busy office park.
4700 Medford Dr. Annandale, VA 22003 470
Gross advertised on sites such as craigslist.com and backpage.com and decorated her welcoming storefront with two cameras mounted above the paper covered windows that sandwiched the door. Once in court Gross admitted to her wrong doings and was sentenced to 30 months in prison but she still just one of thousands of pimps and traffickers located across NoVA and the District. "Trafficking doesn't care how old you are or if you're a guy or a girl, it doesn't care how much money you make. Your trafficker will be aware of those things and will use those things against you," Hanson said. "[Traffickers] do their research; they know what buttons to push." A survey conducted from 2013 to 2015 was able to identify 290 victims of this modern day slavery and recover 115 victims. Gangs such as Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) have be charged with human trafficking and the growing gang has helped to put NoVA in the top ten areas for teen trafficking in the Nation, with the average victim age being between 12 and 17 years old. In 2012, a 16-year-old girl was raped at Springfield Mall by members of a barbaric gang known as the "Underground Gangster Crips" (UGC) who use sex as a form of gang initiation, threatening the teenage girls with violence if they attempted to leave the prostitution ring. But that crime just scratches the surface. The five gang members who were arrested in the incident all attended Lee High School or Bryant Alternative School. The Crips were also known to abduct girls from bus stops and take them door-to-door in Arlington where men would pay for intercourse with them. "These gang members are alleged to have lured see TRAFFICKING pg. 5
Co-Editor in Chief
Teacher of the year nominee Orchestra teacher Angela Ammerman recognized as number one teacher in FCPS
The gym floor was flooded with students as they all gripped and ripped at the large, twisted rope attempting to pull it to their side. Shoes went flying and students fell the the ground all in an attempt to have bragging rights as the strongest class. The annual Battle of the Classes (BOTC) competition was held on April 21 in the downstairs gym. All the classes came decked out in their respective colors and the competition was a fierce as ever. The senior class earned the coveted title of champion with a slim 200 pt margin over the juniors. Sophomores earned the third place title and freshman followed close behind in fourth. "Winning was awesome because it was our last ever high school pep rally," senior Madie Walsh said. "Everyone in the crowd was super hyped during the events and I think that helped us to win." The class teams were decided prior to the competition as students were given the opportunity to sign-up during lunches for each of the activities. Each team had 12 participants who competed in events such as tug of war, class sing along, trivia, a septantine relay race and a fast paced penny pick up game called rainbow fiasco. "Every year we have some form of fundraising in an effort to get students excited and hyped for BOTC but also so that we can decode which W4's get to attend because the whole school can't fit in the main gym at once," BOTC committee leader Lennon Wuhrer said. "This year instead of having students purchase snowmen or flames for their class door for $.25 we decided to give back and collect soda tabs. We collected over 10,000 tabs, which is amazing." All of the soda tabs that were collected will be sent to Shriners hospital and will be recycled into wheelchairs for children.
BY JESSIE SALISBURY News Editor You can always see her smiling when you walk into her class, always ready to tackle her lessons, cracking jokes and having fun, as well as teaching her students to be the best they can be with every instrument they play. Angela Ammerman, Annandale High School's orchestra director, has worked extremely hard throughout the year and is loved by many students. All of her dedication to the school will not go un recognized this year, as she was recently announced to be the 2017 Washington Post Teacher of the Year Nominee. Out of the total of 22 high schools, 3 secondary schools, 24 middle schools, and 196 elementary schools Ammerman was recognized as the number one teacher in Fairfax county. Ammerman has been recognized for her innovative
Ammerman shows students a technique on the violin during one of her classes.
and successful teaching methods, as well as her passion and dedication to music education and every single student that she instructs. "It feels so wonderful to have been selected as the FCPS 2017 Washington Post Teacher of the Year Nominee," Ammerman said. "I love teaching in this county so much and to be recognized in this way is such a great honor," Ammeran found out that she had been nominated when she received a call from the Fairfax County
Awards office. "I did not expect it at all! I was just thrilled for another opportunity to show off the great things we are doing at Annandale High School and in the Annandale Orchestra program," Ammerman said. Ammerman's students were just as thrilled as she was when they found out. They were told the news when they returned from spring break and were extremely happy for her. When Ammerman walked into her classroom the day after spring break she was see AMMERMAN pg. 5
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