Tues. April 10 , 2018 Vol. 63 Issue #9
Annandale High School’s
THE A BLAST Families thanked for their service BY ASEAL SAED Co-Editor in Chief Twelve students will be recognized for their families’ active military service today during Pride Time in the front office. April is the month of the Military Child which serves to acknowledge their families. “When we were presented with information about how [military students’] situation can be unique,” school psychologist Anne Brosnan said. “They can include moving frequently, being uprooted a lot and also that their parents might be deployed, done from long periods of time can put stress on a family, we decided to take some extra steps to recognize those students to connect them with each other.” April is designated as the Month of the Military Child, which recognizes the important role military children play in the armed forces community. This year, Brosnan, along with others, has taken steps to bring those students together. “The military is a unique situation where there is a lot of pride and strength from being in a military family,” Brosnan said. “Kids who grow up in military families have the resiliency and willingness to overcome challenges and it also puts stress on children as well.” During the ceremony, principal Tim Thomas will present them with certificates. The United Service Organization (USO) has also provided the ceremony gifts to give the students. November was the month of the Military Family and during that time she had a couple students put together a bulletin in front of the gym to recognize their families. Brosnan wanted to bring the students together as a way to foster increased community among military students who share certain similarities. “What I would hope is for the students to create a club for students who are military and in that way they could get together,” Brosnan said. “We have a lot of teachers and staff who are veterans and who were in military as well so that would be a way for students could connect to people in the building.”
Senior Elliot Alwes participates in martial arts. SPORTS X-TRA 16
Informing the Atoms since 1954
4700 Medford Dr. Annandale, VA 22003 www.thea-blast.org
Military students recognized
IS YOUR PHONE WATCHING YOU? BY BINQI CHEN Co-Editor in Chief Like many students, senior Benjamin Lee takes advantage of the school’s free WiFi network instead of using his cellular data throughout the day. From R1 to lunch and all the way until dismissal, his phone lights up with various notifications and texts. As he responds each message, Lee wonders if anybody else in the school system is able to see his private conversations. How much mobile data and activity can school officials, government and marketers actually see? Due to the increase usage of smartphones around the world and the sharing of personal information through online activity, the protection of personal information online has been especially relevant in recent years. FCPS uses a program called WebSense in its networking system to determine which websites and applications to block. The types of sites blocked is determined in regards to the school board policy. “I know they [the school] WPA2 security which basically incorporates window certificates to connect to the WiFi, which is how students connect to the network,” AHS Technology Support Specialist Brent Litherland said. The school network does not actually collect or pull data from students’ daily use. The only time student data is analyzed if there is suspicious or malicious activity. “For instance, if an issue came up where they got a user’s device was infected or is causing a lot of network bandwidth then the school officials will look into the data,” Litherland said. “Not unless it is redflagged. Either they are looking at
Students question how much mobile data is watched by administration and staff In criminal cases, the ACLU cites inappropriate content or torrenting and stuff like that. If they bring a red the Fourth Amendment of the Constiflag to our attention then we’ll obvious- tution to protect the rights of citizens in regards to technology. Courts and ly be looking into that.” If a student violates the Accept- police need to obtain a warrant and able Use Policy (AUP), then FCPS probable cause before accessing the has the right to investigate all devic- device. However, this changes while on es and activities on the FCPS network, school property. While school officials admit they including all Bring Your Own Devices do not regularly collect student data (BYOD) devices. According to the Students Rights unless they find something suspicious, and Responsibilities Handbook’s it is now an open secret that the govSearch and Seizure policy, if school ernment surveils its citizens. The National Security Agency coladministration has a reason to believe a student is dangerous, they may lects billions of records a day to track search his or her electronic device the location of mobile phone users around the world. Most recently, the while on school property. In bullying circumstances, consent Department of Homeland Security would be first obtained before the stu- acknowledged that they listen in on phone calls by pretending to be a cell dent’s phone is opened. “With their permission, I’ll take tower, forcing nearby devices to conpictures of them [the messages] if I’m nect before the signal goes to an actual tower. going to work the Facebook also case if it rises to “I decided to admitted that the level where download a it was targetit might be a ed by hackers crime,” School VPN a few who were able to Resource Offiyears back to take advantage cer Adam Curget around of search tools on cio said. “A lot the website, givof times it may some of the ing them access not actually be blocked sites to the identities a crime because that the school system has and information bullying itself of over 87 milis not a crime set.” lion of its users, depends on what -BENJAMIN LEE including 71 milthe messages are, senior lion Americans. how they’re sent These hackers and what their were a part of Cambridge Analytica, content is.”
which is a political consultancy hired by Donald Trump and other Republicans. Although data breaching to such an extent may seem like something that rarely occurs, experts urge students to be careful of what they are sharing. Mobile devices are constantly tracking every movement the user is doing. Pop-up advertisements that target specifically to the user’s personal taste are a result a system analyzing most recent data and the overall interest of the phone owner. Like using computers, this is done through the sharing of online cookies, a small piece of code that allows ad networks to share information on consumers view or buy, with other companies. There are also false ads and apps such as Total Trivia, Portal Quest and Sniper 3D Assassin that lure users into accidentally downloading a virus onto their phones. There are quick ways to protect personal information such as disabling the camera and microphone function in certain apps, shutting off location services on phones, using private social media accounts, using cellular data rather than an unknown public WiFi network and regularly update apps. The seriousness of data breaching and mobile security has drawn in mixed opinions. “I feel that data breach for someone that does not have a high position of power in society is not important at all,” senior Augusto Gonzalez said. “There is no incentive for a hacker or someone that’s working in the field of cybersecurity to take their information. The information they would find would not benefit them in any way shape or form.” Another method is downloading a VPN, which is a Virtual Private Network. A VPN consists of discrete CONT. Page 5
Leadership prepares for Peach Fuzz Green Atoms
celebrate Earth Day
Students begin assembling their teams BY ASEAL SAED Co-Editor in Chief Students and staff begin preparing for the annual Peach Fuzz volleyball game which is coming up on April 25. The game, planned and organized by the leadership classes, is played by male students with female coaches who play against a team of staff members. “We do [Peach Fuzz] to get students more involved the week of the Pep Rally,” Leadership president Rebecca Kindling said. “It is the equivalent to Powderpuff, but instead of football, it is volleyball.” The event consists of two games with teams consisting of all males. The first is juniors against seniors and the winner of that game plays against a team of teachers. Although Peach Fuzz is played by all boys, girls have the opportunity to participate by coaching. Coaches are usually female volleyball players. “I love the sport of volleyball and being able to help the boys better comprehend the sport and have fun,” senior Jessica Roop said. “The guys’ game is fun to watch because their games are more intense.”
will become fuller and fuller to represent student’s taking a more active role in the environment. “By doing these activities, we are Following Earth Day, the Green promoting awareness of various topAtoms will be kicking off a series of ics concerning our environment,” Green events from April 23 to April 27 in Atoms President Janlynn Ngo said. what they call Earth Week. “There is so much about the world that During the week, the Green Atoms we aren’t aware of, so these activities asked several clubs to create posters will close the gap.” to be displayed In addition to in the cafeteria. these two awareEach poster will “We are ness opportunihave a different promotties, the Green theme around Atoms will also Earth conserva- ing awarebe hosting a tion. For example, ness of varitrivia game on one poster may be April 25 after about air pollution ous topics of school. Different and will give infor- the environclubs will commation as to the pete where they cause, impact and ment.” will be tested actions students -JANLYNN NGO on the environcan do to solve the Green Atoms President ment. There will problem. be a prize for the “We definitely want to raise awaregroup that wins. ness about the environment, but it is “I would like students to be aware also about creating a call to action for about the environment around them. I students,” Brosnan said. “Students will think people can get lost in the bigger learn to start to be more aware about picture, but I would like students be what they can do to protect environmore connected as they step out of their ment. homes,” Brosnan said. “‘The amazing The Cafeteria will also have a thing is that Virginia is an incredibly Promise tree where students will write rich environment with natural resourca pledge on a leaf to help the Earth and es and if people became more connected will put it on the tree. As students add with the natural world.” the tree throughout the week, the tree BY ASEAL SAED Co-Editor in Chief
Class of 2017 seniors won the Peach Fuzz tournament last year and the class of 2018 seniors hope to follow in the tradition. In between the two games, students have the opportunity to enter and win raffle prizes. Tickets will be sold at the price of $1. Classes who make it into the pep rally for Battle of the Classes will be able to make it into the Peach Fuzz game for free. Peach Fuzz also gives students a chance to meet and play with students that they may not otherwise talk to. Usually, each of the teams meet and practice to prepare for the game day where competition can be tough. However, practices are only encouraged, not
required. “We will definitely have practice after school to teach the basics,” Roop said. “But we just want to let the guys have fun.” The highly anticipated event is known for creating high excitement for the players and students. “I am excited to watch the seniors take the dub over the juniors and play the teachers,” Roop said. “We have height so there should be a lot of crazy hits.”