The Word - September 2012

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Putting people f irst Age UK open a new one-stop advice centre


DON’T MISS! What’s on and where across the Group

September 2012

Walsall Housing Association anniversary


Introducing... Be Well

Me and my hobby



Accord Group doubles size of healthcare offering through acquisition of Direct Health Communities across the Midlands now have increased access to health care, social services and support in the comfort of their own homes, following the announcement by Accord Group that it has acquired Nottingham-based Direct Health Group.


he deal sees the Group’s workforce increase to 4,500 and a further 2,000 jobs created across the region over the next three years. The deal, which is a natural extension of the Accord Group’s already significant health and social care business, will increase the reach of the care services it offers, enabling it to provide around 3.5 million hours of homebased and residential care each year, allowing more people to lead independent lives. The 2,000 new job opportunities being created over the next three years will be driven by a planned expansion in services and natural vacancies and there will be no job losses as a result of the deal.

Direct Health continues to operate as an independent company under its existing management structure but is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Accord Group. It currently operates 18 branches across the Midlands, North East and North West regions from its head office in Nottingham and is the ninth largest provider in the UK. Accord Group Chief Executive, Dr Chris Handy, said: “This is an exciting announcement for both businesses. Direct Health is one of the UK’s leading providers of care to people in their own homes and it is a business which has always enjoyed solid organic growth. We have seen it build an excellent reputation, both for the quality of its care and for its strength as a business, becoming fullyintegrated into the communities in which it operates.

Our customers tell us they have a strong preference for receiving care in their own homes and in acquiring one of the leading providers in the UK, we are responding to this demand in a direct, logical and positive manner.” Jonathan Vellacott, Chief Executive Officer of Direct Health, said: “Direct Health is a solid and well regarded operator within the domiciliary care sector. I believe that becoming part of the Accord Group will enable us to provide a broader range of services into the communities that we serve. We believe that this solid base will allow us, with Accord’s support, to accelerate Direct Health’s growth; focusing specifically on geographical expansion, a broadening of the care offering into higher acuity services and acquisition of further complex care capability.”

D r. Chris Handy, Accord Group Chief Executive with Jonathan Vellacott, Chief Executive of Direct Health.

Check out page f ive to f ind out about saving with a Credit Union




September 2012



September 2012


Age UK Walsall and Caldmoreaccord open brand new one-stop advice centre


arlier this year, Age UK Walsall relocated to a new town centre location in order to reach more people in the local community.



elcome to the September edition of The Word.

This month sees the Group celebrate the acquisition of Direct Health, local and national award successes and more exciting next steps for the business. To keep you updated we have a special one-page summary of the Group business plan on page four. This article aims to give you information about the direction of the Group and how our values feed in to everything we do by shaping our strategic business objectives. In this edition we also find out about the team at the LoCaL Homes factory, explain how Credit Unions can help you save and showcase some fantastic images from recent community events. If you have any comments about this issue or any ideas please email your suggestions to elainemiddleton@ Happy reading,

Elaine Have you got a story to tell?

The centre, which has been opened in partnership with Caldmoreaccord Housing Association, provides information and advice on everything from pensions to support services. Alongside Age UK Walsall, the centre is also home to other agencies. Staff from Taste for Life, the community meal and support initiative operated as a joint venture with Caldmoreaccord Housing Association, are on hand to offer guidance and information about access meals and local lunch clubs. Information on the Help at Home service, which provides assistance with everyday household tasks such as shopping, cleaning and gardening, is also available at the centre. As part of Age UK Walsall and the Accord Group’s Pathways for

Life service, specialist dementia advisors are housed at the centre too, offering the 3,000 people in Walsall with dementia, their carers and family, specialised support. On Thursday, 21 June the Mayor of Walsall visited the Age UK’s new town centre location as part of an unofficial launch to see how the charity is successfully supporting older people across the borough. Davina Lytton, Chief Officer for Age UK Walsall, said: “We are delighted that the Mayor was able to come and officially open our new centre and to talk to some of the older and vulnerable people who use ours services.

Contact Elaine Middleton, Senior PR and Marketing Officer on 0121 500 2393 or elainemiddleton@ If you’d prefer to receive your newsletter electronically, then please forward your name, department, organisation and work email to elainemiddleton@

Staff from Age UK, Help at Home and Pathways 4 Life come together for the event.

“We opened the centre to make our services and those of Caldmoreaccord even more accessible and we are really happy with the response that we have had so far from local people.” For more information about the new Age UK Walsall shop, call 01922 638 825 or email enquiry@

Mayor of Walsall officially opens the new shop.


ward season is upon us and so far we’ve seen some great successes: • Winner of the ‘Development team of the Year award’ in the Housing Heroes Awards 2012 • Finalist in for the Innovation Award in the WMCCE Constructing Excellence Awards 2012

• Shortlisted for the ‘Social Housing Provider of the Year – Innovative Approach to Green Homes Award’ in the Sustainable Housing Awards 2012 • Winner of a national ‘Green Apple Award’ 2012. If you would like to submit an entry for an award then the Communications team can help you. Contact Claire Morrall, Senior Press and Media Officer, on 0121 500 2340 for more details.



e are very sorry to announce that colleague Jim Walters has sadly passed away. Jim, who was diagnosed with cancer, was a very valued member of the Group.

He was a hard-working and well-respected colleague, who provided a friendly and efficient handyperson service to the residents at Bennett House since joining the team at the beginning of 2009. He will be greatly missed by all the residents as well as by all his friends and colleagues within Accord. Our sincere condolences go to his family at this very sad time.

To maintain our green credentials we will be soon issuing a new set of corporate objectives. These objectives will provide a more focused environmental strategy to complement the latest environmental policy. We hope to share these with you in the December edition of the Word. More good eco-news sees us achieve a clean bill of health with no corrective actions and only

one minor observation from our environmental legal compliance audit which took place in May. We are very proud of this achievement and would like to thank you all for your help and support; we could not have achieved this spectacular result! However, we need you to continue to make a real difference in how we achieve these new targets through our objectives. We hope to raise more awareness of our eco actions through a new e-learning package. This package will sit within the new induction pack which is to be rolled out Group-wide to new and existing employees over the next few months.

Here are some interesting facts from the training module.

Did you know? • One litre of milk is enough to remove the entire oxygen content of one tonne of river water • In one year, each office employee in the UK uses the paper equivalent to 200 copies of the Yellow Pages • One tonne of paper from recycled pulp could save 17 trees • If you recycled one tonne of paper this could save three cubic metres of landfill space.

Milestone anniversary for Walsall housing association


n June, Caldmore Housing Association, which partnered with Accord Housing Association this year to become Caldmoreaccord, celebrated 40 years of providing affordable housing to thousands of people across the borough.

And the winner is...


e want to hear what you’re up to across the Group. The deadline for the next newsletter is 19 October, 2012.


he Group’s green activities get audited at least three times a year and the challenge for us all is to keep on track to meet our targets.

Former Chief Executive and current Group Board member, Barrie Blower planted a tree in a community garden being developed in the area.

Barrie, who was the first employee of Caldmore Housing Association in 1972, served the organisation for 30 years before retiring as Chief Executive in 2002.

Mike Hew, Chief Executive of Caldmoreaccord Housing Association, said:

“Over the last 40 years we have grown substantially as an organisation, going from just two properties in 1972 to 7,200 affordable homes today.”

people for their memories of Caldmore over the last 40 years. The photos and stories will be used to form a colourful collage documenting the history of the housing association, which will go on display in Caldmoreaccord’s Caldmore Green office this month.

Caldmoreaccord also launched an appeal to local

Nominations closing soon! The deadline for all nominations is the 14 September, 2012. Please make sure all of your entries are in by then to ensure your great people are considered for an award. Finalists will be invited to the awards event in November, where the winners will be announced.

g-serving employee Barrie Blower with lon Irene Casserley.

40 years. Colleagues celebrate Barrie Blower planted tree in the community garden.

Celebratory cake cutting.




September 2012

Everyone contributes to the Group achieving these objectives. Value – Committed to Communities

Objective – Regenerating and building sustainable communities – working together with partners to help regenerate areas, build and maintain sustainable communities and enhance and protect the environment.

Make it your business These are exciting and challenging times for both the Group as a social business and for our customers and everyone within the Accord Group has a role to play in creating the big and small opportunities which will help us row and thrive. Therefore it is important that you understand our key objectives. For the Accord Group exciting plans lie ahead. With a large development programme, our new factory which is producing low carbon, timber frame homes, and the recent acquisition of Direct Health, we will continue to grow.

We now have a turnover of more than £100 million and employ over 4,500 staff. The future work of housing associations needs to be innovative in a number of respects. We need to undertake a commercial activities which pay so that we can plough surpluses back into our core purpose of meeting housing need and providing health and social care to the vulnerable. We are well placed to do this as we have our LoCaL Homes factory producing low carbon, timber frame homes and we have a health and social care business which following the recent acquisition of Direct Health, has doubled our turnover in care from £30 million to over £60 million. We have also looked at each of the geographical locations each association covers in order to strengthen our offering to customers. This has resulted in us transferring the engagements of Moseley and District into Accord Housing Association. In addition we have also created a fantastic opportunity taking what is great about Caldmore and what is great about Accord Housing Association to bring the two operational sides together.

Without doubt there is challenging agenda ahead, but with your commitment we can make a positive difference to peoples lives and thank you all for your continued support. Chris Handy Group Chief Executive

We will achieve this through: • Maintain active membership of local stakeholder partnerships to manage sustained locality improvement based on locally agreed measures • Improve the levels of engagement by our residents with preventative measures to improve long-term health • Enable, empower and if necessary co-ordinate a programme of local community events in identified localities • Work with local schools and training establishments to improve skills that lead to improved confidence and potential employability of local people • Expand the Group’s volunteering and apprentice programme to develop pathways to employment • Development of estate based services that enhances the environment, security or safety whilst improving job opportunities to the community it serves • Working with a positive environmental focus across the Group • Develop new co-operative models of service provision. Value – Making a difference

Objective – Meeting individual needs – giving people real choice in assessing the housing and services that they want to help them shape the communities they wish to live in. We will achieve this through:

In pursuit of our vision to revitalise our neighbourhoods and support those who live within them, we have developed three core business themes, which many of you will recall and may be involved with one of the working groups. These are the ‘Big Issues’. Each theme has medium-term goals to be delivered over the next five years along with our immediate targets for improvement to be delivered in 2012-2013. The themes are: • Developing new homes • Accord AddVentures • Delivering success. Each workstream is led by a chief executive and made up by many of you from across the Group. In addition, there are smaller sub-groups which have evolved out of the core

workstreams, which pinpoint key specific outcomes of work we wish to achieve. These make up the deliverables against our four key overarching objectives which are: •C ommitted to Communities: regenerating and building communities •P utting People First: involving residents, tenants and service users •M aking a difference: meeting individual need • Excellence through innovation: providing quality homes and services.

• Training and roll out of appreciative enquiry technique for our front line staff so they can improve the organisation’s knowledge of customer needs • Establish a project to enable tenants to carry out their own repairs (within a defined scheme) and use the savings to build credits that can be used towards shared or co-ownership initiatives • Help to expand and market a range of initiatives such as volunteer placements that provide individuals with an improved chance of gaining employment • Reviewing Allocations Policy in a Group-wide context to give better choice and service to customers • Maximising the use of Information and Communication Technology ( ICT) to enhance the performance of priority functions

through Customer First and improved Website functionality • Develop further our expertise in co-operative management, utilising the strengths of the community to address individual need • Evolve and position ‘Locality4Real’ as the leading micro neighbourhood development model as a way of leveraging civic participation and community led action in our neighbourhoods. Value – Putting people first

Objective – Involving residents, tenants and service users in our work – encouraging people to shape the way their homes and services are managed and to influence the level and quality of services they receive. We will achieve this through: • Ensure that at least 10 per cent of residents are involved in our range of engagement and involvement activities. Introduction of dedicated scrutiny panel. • Ensure the engagement rate for young people in our localities is in line with the proportion of young people in the local population • Develop and launch a new initiative to improve pathways for our residents to ultimately become owner occupiers • Establish a comprehensive Neighbourhood Strategy as a way of gathering intelligence to capitalise on opportunities for growth, services and product development that meets the needs of the communities we serve • Implement an integrated Performance Management Framework for Housing, Health, Well-being and Social Care. Value – Excellence through innovation

Objective – Providing outstanding and affordable homes and delivering excellent services in ways which are appropriate, accessible and accountable to our customers. We will achieve this through: • Upgrade heating and insulation within eight per cent of the existing stock to reduce the impact of fuel poverty • Maintain operational performance at levels better than regional average whilst providing an enhanced range of services • Delivering choice based lettings frameworks in partnership with local authorities and other social landlords and reviewing allocations and tenancy policies in line with Localism Act 2011 • Promote the model of mutual home ownership • Review Anti-Social Behaviour Policy and related processes.



September 2012

An easy and ethical way to money management


he Accord Group is committed to the communities we serve and try to use local resources where we can. Credit unions provide a local, ethical, not-for-profit alternative to banks and offer easy ways to save. We have partnered with three credit unions to support our employees to save and borrow. Walsave, 6 Towns and Citysave are all Credit Unions that offer a range of savings options, from instant access to Christmas and holiday accounts. Each account offers different terms and conditions depending on your circumstances. With all credit union accounts, interest is paid as a dividend on an annual basis. You can save with a credit union via the Payroll department.

If you choose to do this, the allocated amount will go directly to the credit union from your pay. To set this up, first visit the credit union of your choice, become a member, open and account and then complete the form (which can be found on the intranet under documents>forms>payroll forms) and send to the Payroll department based at the West Bromwich office. Once you have set up this instruction, payments will be made on the next available pay date. To cancel a payment to a credit union, please inform payroll and allow one full month’s notice. Credit unions also lend money. All loans are unsecured and subject to the borrower’s ability to repay. Other credit unions are available across the region. All credit unions are regulated and authorised by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) and all savings are fully protected and secure.

For more information please contact:

6 Towns Credit Union T: 0121 588 33 89 E: W:

Walsave T: 01922 653 310 E: W:

Citysave T: 0121 303 4013 E: W: Please inform the credit union that you work for the Accord Group.


Spotlight on... What is your name, title and location?

What three things would you take on a desert island?

I’m Rebecca Dolphin and I work as a Customer First Executive at the West Bromwich office.

My mobile phone, a good book and a life time supply of chocolate

What three words best describe you? Honest, dedicated and patient. How long have you worked for the Group?

When and where are you happiest? I love spending quality time with my children and family, whether it is a day out to the park, watching a film or getting messy whilst baking cakes.

I started as a volunteer in March 2012 and within a few weeks I applied for a paid roll and was successful. Since then I have enjoyed working as part of the Customer First team. What is the best bit about your job? I enjoy the day-to-day challenges that my job brings. It feels as though I am always learning, and with the training and support I receive it allows me to progress in my role.

Rebecca Dolphin.

Introducing…our health and well-being campaign What is the health and well-being campaign? The campaign is called Be Well and runs in a similar way to Fairness. Be Well aims to improve the health and well-being of colleagues and customers through a range of awareness raising, fun and engaging and events, training sessions and briefing notes. Tell me more… The Be Well campaign is made up of five key subject areas, all of which make up the ways to a positive well-being. These are: •B e active – focusing on exercise, fitness and activities •B e connected – looking

at how relationships and interactions other people enrich lives •B e better – learning, improvement and achievement • Be generous – focusing on helping others, giving time or skills and making a difference • Be curious – opening up new possibilities, opportunities and adds excitement to lives. How will this campaign affect staff? In a similar way to the Fairness campaign, the Be Well steering group will not only look at new policies and procedures that can improve and promote positive well-being, but also

Be well

raise awareness of ways which you and your friends and family can lead a healthy lifestyle. This includes access to free health checks, lunch time walks and every-day hints and tips. Look out for more information about the campaign coming soon.

Go greener!

Get the e-newsletter version of The Word.


id you know you can receive an email version of the staff newsletter instead of the paper copy through your door?

Register for the online version by emailing your full name, team or scheme and the email address you’d like the link to be sent to, to Elaine Middleton at Please note for the link to work you need to be able to access the intranet.




September 2012

Meet the team... at the LoCaL Homes factory We are the manufacturing arm of the Accord Group, producing approximately 200 low carbon timber-framed homes each year.

Former homeless man gears up for 75-mile charity bike ride

Jason Powell Factory Manager Jason heads up the factory providing leadership and guidance ensuring the organisational objectives are achieved. Marc Rowley Production Supervisor Marc controls the day to day running of the factory shop floor ensuring quality levels are maintained and deliveries are met. Marc is also responsible for the training and health and safety of the shop floor employees. Neil Sisk Planning and Transport Neil is responsible for the planning of all of the work that comes through the factory. He ensures that all finished plots are delivered to site in-line with the customer’s requirements. Maria Macejkova CAD Technician Maria receives the architect drawings and using computerised software panelises the building. This means that Maria breaks the building down from a traditional build then rebuilds it as a timber frame building, ensuring that it complies with engineering requirements.

Upkar Singh Channa Estimator/Quality Control Upkar is responsible for all new enquiries received by customers. Using the latest estimating software Upkar quickly determines what the total cost of using the LoCaL Homes system will be and replies to the customer in a timely, professional manner. Upkar also manages the ISO9001/14001 systems ensuring we maintain and improve our product quality and environmental credentials. James Nicholls Team Leader James is a time-served carpenter with a huge amount of experience in timber frame erection. James leads the shop floor team passing down his knowledge and supporting the team where required. Sue Griffiths Administrator Sue looks after our reception area, responds to all incoming telephone calls, monitors the factory maintenance contracts, keeps us up-to-date with health and safety guidelines and provides an administration service to the whole team. Jenna, Dan, Martyn, Alan, Raz, Phil, Carl, Dan, Matt and John are all factory workers. They work together to manufacture the panels on the shop floor.

Who are your customers and how are they involved in your work? The LoCaL Homes factory customer base is the Accord Group. We provide panels for Group developments. The first on-site development is Caldmoreaccord’s Pattern Gardens in Darlaston. It is hoped that in the future the factory will produce panels for more customers.

How does your team and its work fit into the Group? Our timber homes add value to the Accord Group by offering low-energy properties for residents. The low-energy aspect means that we decrease our impact on the environment and reduce running costs, such as heating bills, which directly benefits the Group’s residents.

New food bank to launch in Balsall Heath A brand new food bank and advice hub opened its doors in Balsall Heath in July, offering the most vulnerable in the community access to food parcels and support. The Balsall Heath food bank and Help Point was launched following an increased demand

for food parcels at the nearby Sparkhill food bank. Based at the Edward Road Church Community Centre, the hub is managed by a number of local agencies, including Moseley and District Housing Association, the Balsall Heath Forum and Midland Heart housing association. As well as distributing basic food packages to people referred to the service, multiple agencies are on hand to offer advice and assistance on topics such as housing and benefits, health and well-being, debt and personal safety.

Volunteers urged to dig deep for community garden project Budding horticulturalists got digging again at a fifth annual ‘Dig it Day’ in a bid to develop a former disused plot of land in Walsall into a community garden. Caldmoreaccord worked alongside Caldmore Village Festival Group and other organisations to transform the land off Carless Street, after it was leased to them by Walsall Housing Group. Local schools have been working with the housing association to come up with ideas and designs for the new garden since January and a number of ‘Dig it Days’ have been held to renovate the land. The fifth ‘Dig it Day’ took place on the 14 July.

Need an affordable meeting room or conference venue?

Tell us a fun fact about the team

The Innovations Works can help!

We can’t get through the week without munching on several packets of biscuits!

The Innovation Works Centre, based in Booth Street, Darlaston, provides excellent facilities for your conference and hospitality needs, providing a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.

Do you want more people across the Group to know about your team? Or do you want to know more about another team. Let us know by emailing elainemiddleton@ or call 0121 500 2393.

The centre offers flexible meeting solutions across a range of rooms to offer you everything from theatre-style suites that comfortably fits 40 people, to the informal innovation suite, designed specifically to aid creativity and open discussion. To find out prices, availability, or for more information, please contact The Innovation Works @ Rubery Owen on 0121 568 7070 or email


Fairness introduces… Bullying

in brief

A Nuneaton man cycled a gruelling 75 miles in just 24 hours to raise funds for a project that helps local homeless people, after being inspired by his own experience. Chris Bishop took part in the ‘Bucket and Spade ride’ which saw him cycle from Blackpool to Southport in a bid to raise £1,000 for the Boomerang Project, which provides meals to homeless people in Bedworth. The 38-year-old was inspired to take part in the tough feat following his own experiences of homelessness. Chris, a former alcoholic who has spent time in prison, has turned his life around with support from Fry Housing Trust, a charitable organisation which provides housing and support to vulnerable people. He has volunteered with the Boomerang Project for three months and regularly gets involved in the work of Fry Housing Trust, which is based in Sandwell, West Midlands.

Who is in the team?



September 2012

Only £1,700 left to raise for Dogs for the Disabled target


e’re close to hitting our target to raise £7,000 with only £1,700 left to raise for our charity of the year, Dogs for the Disabled.

Congratulations to Graham Robinson, Internal Auditor for the Group, who raised £500 for our Charity of the Year, Dogs for the Disabled by running a staggering 56 miles in a gruelling South


What is bullying? Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behaviour. The behavior is often repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. There are three main types of bullying. Verbal bullying is saying or writing things. Social bullying, sometimes referred to as relational bullying, involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships. Physical bullying involves hurting a person’s body or possessions.


Where does bullying happen? Bullying amongst children can occur during or after school hours – such as in the playground or on the bus. It can also happen within the neighborhood, or on the Internet. Bullying can also take place in the workplace to those of all ages.


African marathon. Well done to Jill Mallen who won a barbeque by guessing the closest finishing time of 11 hours 27 minutes. In other news, we are holding a jewellery sale to raise funds for this important cause. Whether you’re looking for an item for yourself or as a present for someone, there are a range of rings, bracelets and necklaces to suit all tastes. Don’t miss out – visit the intranet to view the jewellery catalogue.

Give your Pennies for Charity!


his month, following suggestions from Staff Voices, we have launched our Pennies for Charity initiative. This scheme allows you to donate directly to the Accord Group’s chosen corporate charity by pledging the odd pennies you get paid in your salary. For example, if you are paid £654.32, the 32p will be directed straight to the charity; therefore, the

maximum you donate each payday is just 99p. Most of the time, it could be less than this, and every penny really does help - if every staff member donated an average of 50p per month, altogether you would raise over £7,000 per year for a worthwhile cause! Not bad for small change that could get lost down the back of your sofa? To register to donate your pennies, please download the form from the intranet or contact Organisational Development team at the West Bromwich office for

a copy, then send the completed form to the Payroll team. You can opt out at any time, by giving Payroll one month’s written notice. Donations made in this way will always be the chosen corporate charity. This is currently Dogs for the Disabled, who train assistance dogs for children and adults with physical disabilities, and for children with autism. For more details about the charity, visit

Me and my hobby


y day Simon Greensmith from the Information Systems (IS) department fires off emails, flying through his work to fix I.T troubles. However, off-duty he swaps computers for the Cadet Force.

Simon is a uniformed instructor in the Air Training Corps (ATC), part of the Air Cadet Organisation that consists of the Air Training Corps and the Combined Cadet Force (RAF). Based at the ATC Squadron in West Bromwich, he is responsible for drill, dress and discipline within the squadron. But his talents don’t stop there as Simon explains: “l also have a secondary skill as a weapon instructor. I teach

the cadets to fire the air cadet weapon systems. I am an ex-air cadet so wanted to put something back and have an unusual hobby to take up my time.” Being part of the ATC means that Simon is kept very busy in his spare time. He takes part in parade on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and attends annual camps at RAF stations and army training areas. “The more interesting activities are at weekends when we taking part in flying, gliding and shooting. However, the best bit of my hobby is the teaching, particularly weapons training. It is really satisfying to see cadets pass exams or be able to practice a skill that you’ve taught them. I love the ‘eureka’ moment, when something particularly difficult you’ve taught them suddenly clicks.” With a hobby that is so varied and satisfying it’s no wonder

Simon would recommend it to others. “I would highly recommend it. There are three levels of adult service available for people from the age of 20. These are civilian instructor, senior noncommissioned officer and officer. Everybody initially joins as a civilian instructor, where you don’t wear a uniform and just help out in any way you can. Visit for more and to find your local Squadron.”

What is bullying at work? Bullying at work is when someone tries to intimidate another worker, often in front of colleagues. It is usually, though not always, done to someone in a less senior position. It is similar to harassment, which is where someone’s behaviour is offensive. For example, making sexual comments, or abusing someone’s race, religion or sexual orientation. Bullying includes: • Being constantly picked on • Humiliated in front of colleagues • Regularly unfairly treated • Physically or verbally abused •B lamed for problems caused by others •A lways given too much to do, so that you regularly fail in your work regularly threatened with the sack •U nfairly passed over for promotion or denied training opportunities.  Bullying can be face-to-face, in writing, over the phone or by fax or email. What can you do if you think you are being bullied? If you think you are being bullied, it is best to talk it over with someone. Sometimes what seems like bullying might not be.

at work. The Accord Group is currently reviewing the bullying and harassment policy with the aim to launch the refreshed policy in autumn. For any immediate concerns please feel free to contact the Human Resources / Organisational Development department based at the West Bromwich office. Get advice Speak to someone about how you might deal with the problem informally. This might be: •A n employee representative like a trade union official •S omeone in the human resources (HR) department •Y our manager or supervisor. The Accord Group also has a 24-hour confidential advice line, where you can talk to impartial qualified counsellors who can assist with work-related or home-related concerns including bullying. The telephone number is 0117 934 2121. What can you do if you think your child is being bullied? The Bullying UK website recommends that parents or guardians should listen without getting angry or upset and ask your child how they want you to take this forward, rather than just taking over so they don’t feel excluded from deciding what to do or end up even more stressed/ worried than they were already. Don’t charge off demanding to see the head teacher, the bully or the bully’s parents. This is usually the very reaction children dread and, according to ChildLine’s counsellors, can cause bullying to get worse.

For example, you might have more work to do because of a change in the way your organisation is run. If you find it difficult to cope, talk to your manager or supervisor, who might be as concerned as you are. Sometimes all it takes is a change in the way you work to give you time to adjust.

Reassure your child it’s not their fault. There’s still a stigma attached to bullying and some children feel they’ve brought it upon themselves.

Employers have a ‘duty of care’ to their employees and this includes dealing with bullying

Information taken from Bullying UK, Direct Gov and Stop Bullying websites.

For more information about Bullying you can visit




September 2012

Take a break Try solving these puzzles Wordsearch

WIN £20! Love to Shop Voucher Please send the word that is NOT in the wordsearch to Elaine Middleton, 178 Birmingham Road, West Bromwich, B70 6QG or email elainemiddleton@ Closing date is Friday, 19 October








































3: Banana














4: Apple



























6: Peach



























7: Raspberry



























9: Passionfruit



























10: Mango














11: Kiwi














Mushroom Risotto




























• 1 tbsp dried porcini mushrooms

1: Orange 2: Pineapple

5: Strawberry

8: Apricot

12: Plum


• 2 tbsp olive oil • 1 onion, chopped • 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

Questions about this issue

WIN £20! Love to Shop Voucher Please send the COMPLETED ANSWER SECTION to Elaine Middleton, 178 Birmingham Road, West Bromwich, B70 6QG or email elainemiddleton@ Closing date is Friday, 19 October

• 225g/8oz chestnut mushrooms, sliced

1. Who is the Chief Executive of Direct Health? 2. Where does Rebecca Dolphin work?

• 150ml/¼ pint dry white wine • 1.2 litres/2 pints hot vegetable stock • 2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

3. How many miles did Graham Robinson run for charity? 4. Name one of the key areas of Be Well. 5. When is the deadline for the Great People Awards nominations? 6. Who is the team leader at the LoCaL Homes factory? 7. How many garlic cloves do you need to make the risotto? 8. Who was the first employee of Caldmore Housing Association? 9. Name one of our four values?

Congratulations to Tim Sullivan and Carol Styles, who both won Love to Shop vouchers in the previous edition.

• 350g/12oz arborio rice

10. What date did the Mayor visit the Age UK shop?

• 25g/1oz butter • Salt and freshly ground black pepper • Freshly grated parmesan to serve. Preparation method 1. S oak the porcini mushrooms in hot water for 10 minutes, then drain well. Heat the oil in a large, heavy based saucepan and add the onion and garlic. Fry over a gentle heat for 2-3 minutes, until softened. Add the chestnut mushrooms and fry for a further 2-3 minutes, until browned. 2. S tir in the rice and coat in the oil. Pour in the wine and simmer, stirring, until the liquid has been absorbed. Add a ladleful of the stock and simmer, stirring again, until the liquid has been absorbed. Continue adding the stock in this way, until all the liquid has been absorbed and the rice is plump and tender. 3. R oughly chop the soaked porcini mushrooms and stir into therisotto,alongwiththeparsley, butter and salt and pepper Recipe taken from BBC.

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