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What Astrology Tells About Future of Coronavirus?


What Astrology Tells About Future of Coronavirus?


| Raman Sup aja ama

Coronavirus has left the people oblivious. The real reason for the outbreak is unknown till date. It has taken the world down on its knees. Coronavirus or COVID-19 has been declared as a pandemic. Look at the series of events that have unfolded.

Early December A fever, which had symptoms like pneumonia was reported in Wuhan. Late December This strange fever’s patient grew and were reported at the hospital within China. Mid – Jan China Announced its first death due to this outbreak named COVID-19. Jan 13 A death outside China was reported in Taiwan. Making it clear that the virus is a global health emergency and needed immediate attention from WHO and cooperation from other parts of globe. Mid- Jan Cases reported in different part of Japan, Taiwan, Thailand showing the same symptoms. Most of the people have travelled to Wuhan, concluding the spread of COVID- 19 in other south-east countries. Jan 26 New cases of COVID-19 confirmed in the US and South Korea. Jan 30 India and Philippines confirmed their first cases of Corona virus. Jan 31 UK, Russia, Spain, Sweden joined the toll, and reported their first cases of people affected by COVID-19. Feb 2 The first case of Philippines was left fatal, declaring the first death outside China. Feb 5 WHO Declared no effective treatment for Corona; Death toll increases to 497 within mainland China.

Feb 7 Dr. Li from China reported this to the Chinese Government about the disease outbreak, concluding this as infectious and fatal. Feb 13 North Korea called quarantine, and the total death toll because of COVID-19 reached 1432. Feb 14 COVID-19 reaches Africa, as the first case from Egypt is reported. Feb 19 Iran, one of the countries in Asian region reported its first death due to COVID-19. Feb 23 Italy taken in shock with a sudden rise from handful cases to 150. Feb 24 Kuwait, Bahrain, Afghanistan reported their first case of COVID-19, wherein 17 deaths were reported by the South Korean government. Feb 27 The spread of Corona in Europe goes stronger as Denmark, Estonia and Netherlands reported their first cases. Mar 2 Middle East expansion takes place as Corona reaches Qatar. Mar 7 COVID-19 spread has covered 90 countries with a total of 1,58,000 people being infected. Mar 15 Italy reports 389 deaths on this day, the highest fatality ever recorded in a day. Mar 16 New York shuts down for business operations. I want you to lookup the planetary positions for the January 1, 2020 - the first day of the new decade. I am sharing these details in the table below for ready reference. Closely observe the positions of the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Ketu.

Grahas Longitude Latitude Zodiac Constellation Sun 255:41:49 0 Dhanus Purvashada Moon 322:31:38 -5.12 Meena Purvabhadra Mars 213:50:12 0.35 Vrischika Anuradha Mercury 10.55388 -1.329 Dhanus Purvashada Jupiter 254:22:13 0.09 Dhanus Purvashada Venus 12.14935 -1.83 Makara Sravana Saturn 264:28:49 0.051 Dhanus Purvashada Rahu 076:38:16 -0.003 Mithuna Aridra Ketu 256:38:16 -0.003 Dhanus Purvashada

Sun, Jupiter, Ketu and Mercury in a conjunction in Dhanus (Sagittarius)

And this is not just a random conjunction. Note the degree and the constellation in which the conjunction is taking place. These four planets are in same constellation of Purvashada. Further, they are situated in the same Pada. It’s a unique event. Whether it is good or bad event needs to be ascertained.

Moon Rahu

Planetary position on

Ven Jan 1, 2020

Mer Ketu Jupt Sun Sat Mar

A deeper study of Sagittarius – a timeline

November 2017 – Saturn’s entry to Sagittarius

Way back in November 2017, Saturn (or Shani), a first rate malefic moved into Sagittarius, the house of Jupiter (or Guru). While Jupiter and Saturn don’t share a great relationship, they have also stayed away from each other. They rarely interfere in each other’s business and thus their hate for each other rarely turns into a fight. However, there are two houses where they end up fighting.

1) The first zodiac is Capricorn where Jupiter turns evil and tries to destroy that sign which belongs to Saturn, 2) And the second one is Sagittarius where Saturn turns evil and spoils the sign of Jupiter. This time of the year, it is Saturn’s turn to ruin the house of Jupiter. November of 2017 saw Saturn move through the house of Jupiter. He is strong and he begins his evil attack. Slowly and steadily, he starts breaking the different parts of the house and causes tensions.

Characteristics of Sagittarius

Sagittarius, the sign under attack, is a very dreaded sign. It is often depicted as animal that is half human and half horse. The upper part of the animal takes the human form and the lower part takes the form of the horse. So, this hybrid animal has two human hands and four legs of a horse. The animal is also seen carrying a bow and arrow, in an attacking position, and denotes a war-like situation. The zodiac, when negatively active can bring in tensions, distress, hatred, anger and aggressiveness. A slow Saturn constantly weakens this sign thereby activating the negative tendency of this sign.

Journey of Jupiter to Sagittarius

On the other hand, Jupiter is two signs away and is fast moving to protect his house. At his current pace, he still has one and half years more to get to his house. But he is determined. He keeps moving.

In January of 2019, Jupiter picks up his pace and starts moving faster. By March of 2019, he enters his house i.e. Sagittarius, desperately trying to save it from Saturn. Saturn notices Jupiter’s movement and becomes cautious. He acts as if nothing is happening. Jupiter is trying to estimate the extent of damage that has been caused. Suddenly a series of unfortunate events take place. In May of 2019, Jupiter become retrograde and slowly moves back to Scorpio to fulfill his unfinished business in Scorpio.

Journey of Ketu to Sagittarius

Meanwhile another heavenly planet Ketu starts approaching Sagittarius. Ketu is a chayagraha or a showdown planet and is the biggest rival of the Jupiter. Its natural motion is to move in a reverse

direction and when in the house of Jupiter, spares no effort to ruin the sign.

• In April of 2019, Ketu moves into Sagittarius, the house of its enemy. Ketu notices that evil Saturn has already started ruining the house. It is excited. It joins Saturn. Together, both Saturn and Ketu join forces and one by one break the different parts of the house. Jupiter notices this. He changes his gears. He stops his retrogression and goes back to normal motion. Jupiter is moving desperately trying to protect his house. He is now in an accelerated motion. • As Ketu enters Sagittarius in the November of 2019, the house is almost collapsing. Jupiter takes stock of things. He gets angry. He is wild. He is fuming. Saturn becomes quiet but Ketu continues to ruin the house. Jupiter moves closer to Ketu. Interestingly, the Sun and Mercury have also reached Sagittarius. The big war between Jupiter and Ketu begin. Unlike other planetary wars, the war between Jupiter and Ketu is the most dreaded.

Here’s why. During the war, the two planets not only hurt each other but they also destroy everything around it – property, lives, wealth etc. The last time when the two planets were in war was in July 2012. The planets entered a war in the sign of Taurus, owned by Venus. We all know about the 1000 plus lives that were lost through terror activities across the world. Bombs, guns and other violent instruments ruled that month. A detailed list can be seen here - https://www.onthisday.com/events/ date/2012/july . An unfortunate month in human history.

2020: The Dreaded War of Jupiter and Ketu

This conjunction and war of Jupiter and Ketu repeats this year, but the context and style is different. Non-living instruments like weapons, bombs and guns are replaced by living organisms. The deadly coronavirus attacks and destroys lives and wealth. Quietly it affects the human immune system. Some humans survive but the weak succumb and die. The fight between Ketu and Jupiter is so strong that epidemic grows to become a pandemic. Lives are lost. As I write this article, it is unfortunate that about 180,000 cases of coronavirus patients out of which 7000 are dead. It is also interesting to analyze the spread of the virus.

The Spread of Wuhan

The first case of the virus started in Wuhan. If we take Ujjaini as the center, Wuhan is to the East of Ujjaini. Sagittarius is East. Also notice the difference between the coordinates of Wuhan and Ujjaini. Wuhan’s coordinate is 30.6N and 114.31E. Ujjaini’s coordinate is 23.18N and 75.8E. Essentially, the longitudinal difference between the two places is about 40 degrees. Look at the difference between the latitudinal values of Ketu and Jupiter. It is about 0.09 degrees which interestingly corresponds to 40.5 degrees east ward and 8 degrees northward of Ujjaini. Isn’t this mind blowing? The nakshatra where the war began was Purvashada which is a Savya in nature i.e. clockwise direction. The spread of the virus was in a clockwise direction. It started in China, spread to the USA and then moved to Europe, Africa and Middle East Asia in that order. Is this also a coincidence? Certainly not.

What happens after March 2020?

This spread of the virus increases till March 15, 2020 after which Jupiter moves to a different sign. The cure for Coronavirus will not be found immediately thanks to Jupiter’s anger. While the spread might curtail, the cure is a long way to go. Evil Jupiter is not going to allow this to happen easily. He continues to be angry. While Jupiter has taken its vengeance with Ketu, the planet is not yet satiated. He next follows Saturn into his own house, Capricorn. Jupiter is moving at a fast pace and he becomes more and more evil. Now, it is his time for Jupiter to ruin the house of Saturn. Jupiter starts destroying the house of Saturn at rapid pace. On April 15, 2020 Saturn and Jupiter are in exact conjunction and the war between them will have reached its peak.

This time, the war will affect the things shown by Saturn.

Saturn denotes a couple of things - bottom section of the society, older men and women, agriculture and vocational skilled people like carpenters, artisans, ironsmith etc. You may wonder how these people will be affected?

Continued on Page 38...

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