15 minute read

Secrets of The 11th House


Secrets of The 11th House


|Ba y Ro en

The 11th house is the most treasured of the houses. It is said that all planets do well herein and fulfill our desires. It is connected to gains from work as it is 2nd from the 10th house. Alas, it is a much more complicated house than most astrologers will admit as it is 6th from the 6th house and can cause health problems and it is connected to groups, associations and our karma with them, which is not always pleasant. In Part 1 of this article, we will discuss the much over-looked connection of the 11th house to groups, society and community and in Part 2, we will discuss what the 11th house reveals about one’s income and the ability to fulfill desires.

Barry Rosen has been practicing Vedic astrology since 1987. He has visited and studied in India on 4 occasions and has spoken numerous times at the American Council of Vedic Astrology Conferences in Sedona, AZ since 1999 and also the British Association of Vedic Astrologers in London since 2006. He has been involved in Vedic culture since 1973 and is a long-time meditation and yoga teacher and a published poet. Professionally, he has applied Vedic astrology to predicting financial markets since 1987 and has published numerous articles in leading journals including the NCGR journal and Trader’s World and the Trader’s Astrological Almanac and specializes in blocks to finance in ones chart. Recently, he has been pioneering research in other areas of Vedic astrology including Vedic astro-locality, the effects your current physical location have on your chart, connecting astrology to hatha yoga for therapeutic purposes and developing transformational healing work to move through karma. He is a neo-Vedic astrologer and uses the outer planets. He is particularly interested in Jaimni astrology and the soul’s journey through the physical world and its karma and purpose and has taken live seminars in London with Sanjay Rath.



#1: The 11 th

house is the house of friends and associations

The 11 th house is the house of friends and associations and it is opposite the 5 th house indicating who we like to play and do recreation with.

It is the playground where we venture out into society and sometimes a place where we want to change the world. It is connected with the natural 11 th sign of the zodiac Aquarius, where social action seeks to move out of the ambitious 10 th house and move into the world to effect change for the betterment of society. For those who work with groups, it is not an easy place as our behavior becomes critical and vulnerable to the opinions of others and of how one is seen. Creativity of the 5 th house is tested here as we express who we are and have society judge it. As we move toward humanity, we hope our creativity and our dreams will come true to create benevolent changes. That means

the 11th house is connected to community and how we bond together with others to create something bigger and support the collective.

#2: The 11 th

house is about our highest ambitions for the world, including wanting to make a difference in society

It reflects our ability to take the talents, status and ambitions of the 10 th house and move it out into our community and effect change. If we have some success in our life, we naturally want to help those around us. The great philanthropists like Andrew Carnegie and Alfred Nobel did this. At some point, we have to realize that if we have a lot of money and we do not share it with others, then we are missing the point.

The 11 th house forces us

into the world to express our gifts for the benefit of mankind. My spiritual teacher was fond of saying that if we are given money in our life, it is meant to be shared with your community and the world, not for hoarding.

11th house is connected to community and how we bond together with others to create something bigger and support the collective.

#3: The 11 th

house is the placement of dreams and fulfillment of desires

If it is connected to Jupiter or Pisces, a strong Sun or with Leo, it can be filled with great hope, optimism, faith, ambition, and triumph. Transits through the 11 th house bring fulfillment of desires and joy - this is why it is so cherished.

#4: The 11 th

house is not a picnic


The 11 th house is not a picnic place, as many astrologers might describe it as it is connected to the natural complex 11 th zodiacal sign of Aquarius which in Vedic astrology is co-owned by Rahu and Saturn and in Western astrology has a connection to Uranus. Rahu by nature creates deep desires which are often illusive like chasing a carrot on a stick and Saturn brings deep karmic surprises Aquarius anywhere in the chart is often connected to deep karmic suffering.

#5: The 11 th

house can bring

challenges and health issues

There is a hidden quality to the 11 th house because it is 6 th from the 6 th in that it can bring challenges and health issues. These may arise out of complex seething anger and failed interactions with groups. When the group disapproves, we can be cast into a deep funk like an oddball Rahu character judged by the Saturnian community crowd and hence there are some underlying time-bombs hidden in the 11 th house in our ability to express our talents in society. If judged poorly we can be sent down a black hole. Social rejection can bring deep suffering of our creativity from the 5 th house sitting opposite the 11 th house. I remember Saturn going through my 11 th house a few years back and doing some pioneering humanitarian outreach in my community only to have the snipers and vultures come in and tear my achievement down out of jealousy. There are hidden perils in this house.

The 11 th house is not

always the picnic that is often painted to be.

#6: There can be “Weltsmertz” here or suffering for the pain of the world.

We may seek to benefit and help society as we become more sensitive here, but local politics may drag us down to earth and create suffering in the end that may breakout into illness. I remember that I became very sick after years of politics in my spiritual organization. The 11 th house is not always the picnic that is often painted to be.

We may suffer in this house, but such anguish increases our sensitivity to the distresses of others. Experiences here inspire us to dream of a better world. We are put to the test in the 11 th house whether we can take our ambitions of the 10 th house and realize our dreams for a better society or be cast out and rejected. We are deeply tested here in whether we can change socially or be taken down by competitive political wolves who are more interested in their selfglorification than really helping society.

Major transits of the more mature outer planets through our 11 th house like Jupiter or

Saturn or the outer planets Neptune, Uranus or Rahu may trigger a longer stint at changing society and getting into the political ring or making a social difference. Jupiter will support community growth and progressive change, but Saturn will create a long arduous journey of hard work and battling to create a better world. Neptune will give us utopian visions and ideals that may not be possible - Uranus and Rahu will give more a revolutionary tendency and grassroots outreach to inspire us to create a new society against one that is not working. In a sense, one of the secrets of the 11 th house and its natural connection to Rahu through Aquarius is to change the stale and worn-out elements of society. In a sense, it is an outlaw toward conservatism which is often so much a part of Saturn and Capricorn.

Neptune wants an ideal society but as we know, Utopia means “no-place” and so our hopes and dreams for a better future become a huge battle against the conservative forces that resist change. Jupiter’s liberal values may also be too unreal if Jupiter is afflicted or the 11 th house afflicted. The 11 th house is an important place to move into society and our community to express our talents. It may be a difficult fight but it is part of our purpose on the planet.

We can learn so much by looking at nature and ant and bee colonies and the wonderful way they work together for the whole. The 11 th house draws us into moving outside of ourselves and doing something bigger for the planet. Do we heed the call or are we taken down by the political forces surrounded us.

If your 11 th house is strong then you have a good chance to make a difference and it is one worth doing. Given the Rahu selfcentered, greedy and corrupt world that has been developing over the past 30-40 years, we have our work cut out for us - but go out and make a difference. Take on the call of the 11 th house to create a better world.

Planets impacting the 11 th


Charts are unique. The Sign owning the 11 th house, planets in the 11 th house, planets aspecting the 11 th house and the exchange of house and yogas will impact and color the interpretation of this house. Here is an overview about our connection to groups and community and politics via the 11 th house.

The effects of planets in or associated with the eleventh house:

SUN IN THE 11 TH HOUSE: There is an inherent conflict between the ego of the Sun and its personal ambitions and the needs of the collective in the 11 th house. Put Sun together with Rahu and you get politicians who crave personal power over societal needs.

MOON in the 11 th HOUSE: The moon by nature is public and orientated toward service in the 11 th house, but if afflicted its heart connection to changing communities can easily lead to emotional wounds from doing service and community work. MARS IN THE 11 TH HOUSE: Mars may be too ambitious and competitive in this house and put its ego ahead of societal needs. Personal goals may be in conflict with collective ones but passion and enthusiasm my triumph in creating change if supported by Jupiter.

MERCURY IN THE 11 TH HOUSE: Mercury if strong in Virgo, Gemini, Libra or Taurus can bring its intelligence to create positive change in society and be a great spokesman for about change. Connected to Mars, Aries or Scorpio and it will be too argumentative and may suffer problems in groups. Placed in Pisces it will may be overly idealistic and not practical enough to bring about change.

JUPI TER IN THE 11 TH HOUSE: Connect Jupiter to Pisces or Sagittarius and the 11 th house and there may be too much idealism, hope and a lack of practicality to bring change and this can lead to disappointment.

VENUS IN THE 11 TH HOUSE: If Venus is strong and connected to Pisces, Libra, Taurus, Gemini or Aquarius it can excel at relationship skills to bring about transformation graced with a wonderful sense of devotion and may reach out to help women and children with great poise and charm.

SATURN IN THE 11 TH HOUSE: Hard work, suffering and perseverance will bring change eventually if Saturn has dignity connected to Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces or Sagittarius. If afflicted there may be a lack of confidence to create the change and illicit a

why bother attitude in Aries. Still, a practical and determined effort will lead to success in service and that is why Saturn and politics and service are so connected.

RAHU IN THE 11 TH HOUSE: If there is dignity in Aquarius, Taurus, Gemini or Virgo then there can be a lot of charisma and ambition and success in bringing society and community change. If afflicted and connected to Scorpio or Sagittarius or Capricorn, there may be too much radicalism and revolutionary energy to make a difference.

KETU IN THE 11 TH HOUSE: Ketu is the recluse and the wandering saint and often dislikes groups or bolstering its standing in the community. This placement may lead to withdraw from society. Still if there is dignity in Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo or Pisces, there can be a strong charitable and humanitarian desire to move and help society leading to philanthropy.


As the 11 th house is 2 nd from the 10 th house it represents gains from work. The sign owning the 11 th house and planets associated with the 11 th house i.e. aspects, yogas, exchanges of houses or planets in the house, will have an impact on income tendencies and the dashas, periods running, and planetary transits may time that effect. Moreover, one often has to rotate the chart around the dasha lord to get the perspective for that period. Remedial astrology also can help with cures to increase cash flow and understanding blind spots around finances.

Sometimes in our attempt to fulfill our desires, we run over others as might be the case with Rahu or Mars dominant in the chart and that may lead to generating difficult karma in the future life. The key for the present is to earn income with integrity and honesty while avoiding anything shady particularly if you are in a Rahu period.

The 11 th house can also be connected to punishment if we indulge in inauspicious deeds. For moveable signs such as Cancer, Aries, Libra and Capricorn, the 11 th house lord is Badhaka and can bring difficult past life karma around groups, friends and income.

Planets can be favorable or unfavorable based on their unique level of dignity. Planets in their own signs, exalted or tenanting friend’s signs will produce better results than planets that are debilitated or in enemy signs.

The 11 th house can

also be connected to punishment if we indulge in inauspicious deeds.

SUN: As favorable in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Scorpio; aspected by Jupiter and or Sun – experience of maximum gains with minimum efforts; high status and wealth - one of the best placements. Networking with highly placed and prominent persons.

Afflicted by Saturn, Rahu, Ketu; or connected to Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius - Lack of ambition, poor cash flow; poor networking.

MOON: Favorable: Associated with Taurus, Pisces, Leo; connected to Jupiter, and/or Venus - good cash flow, easy success, inventive; supportive to friends.

Unfavorable in association in Scorpio, Aquarius, Capricorn, afflicted by Mars, Saturn, Rahu and/or Ketu - uneven cash flow; wildly imaginative in the wrong way; poor networking.

MARS: Ideal in Aries, Capricorn, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo; aspected by Jupiter -enthusiastic realization of desire; quick gains of wealth; charming, good links to influential friends, good cash flow; ability to fulfill one’s desire through action.

When challenged in Cancer, Aquarius, Libra, Taurus, or aspected by Saturn, Mercury or Venus - financial complications and expenditures; bad advice from friends; erratic cash flow; impatient; could be involved in frauds or hoaxes.

MERCURY: Favorable in Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Taurus, Capricorn and/or connected to Venus, Jupiter and/or Rahu - clever with opportunities and profits; capitalizes on business opportunities; networking with intellectual people; protected with alliances with powerful people; smart and with good cash flow; good in business.

Unfavorable in Pisces, Aries, Scorpio, Aquarius; afflicted by Mars; too combust by the Sun (within 3 degrees); afflicted by Saturn and Ketu - poor financial management, weak cash flow, deceitful networks; listening to bad advisors.

JUPI TER: Ideal in Cancer, Sagittarius, Pisces, Aries, Scorpio and Leo in positive connection with Mercury - healthy cash flow, good ability to develop opportunities; perceives positive outcome; good luck with influential people.

Unfavorable in Capricorn, Aquarius, Gemini, Virgo, Taurus, Libra or afflicted by Saturn or Rahu - troubles with overexpansion and developing too rapidly; slow reaction to followup; lazy; unsupportive friends; lack of money management.

VENUS: Flow of Affluence – favorable in Pisces, Taurus, Libra, Gemini, Cancer; aspected by Mercury, Saturn, connected to the Moon; connected to Rahu: Good profits and cash flow; money through artistic enterprises or through women; connected socially; finances get better with experience.

Unfavorable in Virgo, Scorpio, Aries, Aquarius, Leo; afflicted

by Saturn, Ketu, combust the Sun within 8 degrees - Spends too much on pleasure; poor with money; troubles with women; jealous of others success; friends and networks create financial problems.

SATURN: Favorable in Libra, Taurus, Capricorn, Aquarius, connected to Jupiter, Mercury, Venus - pursues opportunities in a structured and responsible manner; profits from traditional or established business; mature circle of networking and influence; political savvy.

Unfavorable placements include Aries, Scorpio, Cancer, Leo; afflicted by Rahu, Ketu, Moon, Combust by the Sun within 15 degrees; afflicted by Mars obstructions in financial gains by older friends or siblings; setbacks from partners speculations as it is opposite the 5 th house.

RAHU: Ideal in Virgo, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Capricorn; in association with Jupiter, Mercury or Venus: shrewd with cash flow and financial management; benefits from foreign friends and investments, luck with chemicals and pharmaceuticals; creative; develops remarkable strategies; charismatic; innovative; gains through bio-tech and technology.

Unfavorable in Cancer, Aries, Scorpio, Pisces, Sagittarius; afflicted by Saturn, Mars, Moon wherein cleverness may dissolve into unethical business acumen; crooked - would take money rather than earn it; deceptive networks and associated with people living on the edge.

KETU: Multiple opportunities and profits and in ideal association with Leo, Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aries, Cancer and/or when in sambandana with Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Moon – wherein one may experience gaining of wealth through reorganizations and chaotic situations; makes money in irregular bursts; attracts a spiritual network.

Unfavorable in Taurus, Libra, Aquarius, Capricorn; when aspected by Saturn or Venus; neutral and slightly negative with Mercury and Mercury related signs. Loses money through the variable and risky, pioneering enterprises; cash flow is up and down; makes money in mysterious and devious ways.

The Signs owning the 11th house will also cover the nature of how income flows into our life. •

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