The Astrological eMagazine April 2020

Page 11


Secrets of The 11th House |Barry Rosen

The 11th house is the most treasured of the houses. It is said that all planets do well herein and fulfill our desires. It is connected to gains from work as it is 2nd from the 10th house. Alas, it is a much more complicated house than most astrologers will admit as it is 6th from the 6th house and can cause health problems and it is connected to groups, associations and our karma with them, which is not always pleasant. In Part 1 of this article, we will discuss the much over-looked connection of the 11th house to groups, society and community and in Part 2, we will discuss what the 11th house reveals about one’s income and the ability to fulfill desires.

PART1: EXPRESSING OUR TALENTS IN THE WORLD #1: The 11th house is the house of friends and associations

Barry Rosen has been practicing Vedic astrology since 1987. He has visited and studied in India on 4 occasions and has spoken numerous times at the American Council of Vedic Astrology Conferences in Sedona, AZ since 1999 and also the British Association of Vedic Astrologers in London since 2006. He has been involved in Vedic culture since 1973 and is a long-time meditation and yoga teacher and a published poet. Professionally, he has applied Vedic astrology to predicting financial markets since 1987 and has published numerous articles in leading journals including the NCGR journal and Trader’s World and the Trader’s Astrological Almanac and specializes in blocks to finance in ones chart. Recently, he has been pioneering research in other areas of Vedic astrology including Vedic astro-locality, the effects your current physical location have on your chart, connecting astrology to hatha yoga for therapeutic purposes and developing transformational healing work to move through karma. He is a neo-Vedic astrologer and uses the outer planets. He is particularly interested in Jaimni astrology and the soul’s journey through the physical world and its karma and purpose and has taken live seminars in London with Sanjay Rath.

The astrological emagazine

The 11th house is the house of friends and associations and it is opposite the 5th house indicating who we like to play and do recreation with. It is the playground where we venture out into society and sometimes a place where we want to change the world. It is connected with the natural 11th sign of the zodiac Aquarius, where social action seeks to move out of the ambitious 10th house and move into the world to effect change for the betterment of society. For those who work with groups, it is not an easy place as our behavior becomes critical and vulnerable to the opinions of others and of how one is seen. Creativity of the 5th house is tested here as we express who we are and have society judge it. As we move toward humanity, we hope our creativity and our dreams will come true to create benevolent changes. That means APril 2020


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