The Astrological eMagazine, August 2024

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attainment of joy every chance, in types of karmas craving for demands of his advise man to the pros and cons mind control are otherwise.

will be driven to not like it. He with the twists and extricating himselfwith the extent of engaged in, he or she life hereafter.

Hence, before engaging in any karma , it is advisable to ponder over the effects it will produce. Tuning the mind into a sattvic mode and doing the karmas in a spirit of surrender to the Almighty will yield a wise man a clear perception. Thence, his quest for joy and peace will well up to fulfillment by itself.

We bless everyone to understand this while performing allotted duties and make life meaningful.

Jagadguru Speaks...

Prudence Must Precede Any Activity

The purpose of life for every man is the attainment of joy and peace. To achieve this, he makes use of every chance, in every possible way by performing various types of karmas (actions). In the process, his mind starts craving for impossibilities, and compliance to the demands of his craving mind and senses can cause his fall.

Hence, like a benign father, our Sastras advise man to exercise a bit of caution and think about the pros and cons while performing karma. Prudence and mind control are necessary for any activity; be it spiritual or otherwise.

One who has not conquered his senses will be driven to engage often in bad karmas, even if he does not like it. He eventually gets covered, like a silkworm, with the twists and turns of bad karma with no means of extricating himself

It is also a known fact that in accordance with the extent of dharma and adharma that a person has engaged in, he or she will proportionately enjoy and suffer in the life hereafter.

Hence, before engaging in any karma, it is advisable to ponder over the effects it will produce. Tuning the mind into a sattvic mode and doing the karmas in a spirit of surrender to the Almighty will yield a wise man a clear perception. Thence, his quest for joy and peace will well up to fulfillment by itself.

We bless everyone to understand this while performing allotted duties and make life meaningful.


Dear Readers,

The cover story of Dr. B. V. Raman Jayanti issue, written by Dr. N S Murthy, explores the intersection of Vedic Astrology and Medicine to detect brain disorders. In 2023, researchers at the University of Michigan developed a method for producing labgrown human brain organoids without animal cells, enabling the potential for personalized treatment of neurodegenerative diseases like ALS and Alzheimer’s by reprogramming with cells from patients. While modern medicine has advanced, Vedic Astrology offers insights into health issues that stump conventional diagnostics. it can unravel potential health concerns which, when combined with modern medical advancements, can lead to a more comprehensive picture of a patient’s well-being and pave the way for earlier interventions and more effective treatment strategies. A detailed analysis of a horoscope demonstrates how astrological principles can complement medical diagnosis, particularly in complex brain ailments.

Wally Krause’s article examines the recent guilty verdict of Donald Trump through the lens of Vedic Astrology, drawing connections to predictions made in The Astrological eMagazine in October 2022. The article reveals striking alignments between planetary positions and Trump’s fate, illuminating themes of legal turmoil, impulsive behaviour, and potential downfall. Notably, Uranus’ entry into Trump’s natal 10th house foretells unexpected events impacting his business and reputation, while astrological progressions hint at persistent challenges and potential legal repercussions. The article concludes by pondering the implications of these astrological influences on Donald Trump’s future political aspirations.

In the Vedic Astrology 101 series, Dr. Archna Murthy explores diverse predictive methods in Vedic astrology, specifically Phalita Jyothisha in Vedic Astrology. Divided into three branches—Siddhānta for calculations, Hora for predictions, and Samhita for broader events—it focuses on Hora, where astrologers analyze horoscopes using three main systems: Parāśara, Yavana, and Jaimini. The Parāśara system teaches the planetary placements and aspects, Yavana system showcases the importance of houses and their rulers,

and Jaimini system uses a distinct set of principles and markers for making predictions. Each of these systems offers valuable insights, and astrologers often combine elements from different schools to create a comprehensive analysis.

In the spirit of our ancient rishis (sages) who tirelessly sought truth through observation and contemplation, modern science thrives on drista, or verifiable evidence. Subjective theories, born from keen observation of nature’s phenomena, are rigorously tested through experimentation. Only when these experiments yield consistent results can a theory be considered truly vaijnanika, or scientific. Just as the falling apple offered objective proof to guide the great Newton in formulating his laws of motion, so too must any scientific explanation be grounded in verifiable observations. The article by Abhinav Kashyap invites readers to explore Astrology through a scientific lens, challenging preconceived notions and opening new avenues of understanding.

Uncover the secrets of Purva Bhadrapada, a powerful nakshatra in Vedic astrology, with Ajay Kumar Srivastava’s insightful guide. Spanning from 20° Aquarius to 3° 20′ Pisces, this constellation embodies spiritual rebirth and transformation. Governed by Jupiter’s might and wise energies, Purva Bhadrapada symbolizes both creative and destructive forces, driving radical change and societal evolution. Its deity, Aja Ekpada (Rudra), represents fierce purification and renewal, akin to the symbolic role of a funeral cot in Hindu tradition. Discover the distinctive traits and personalities of individuals born under this auspicious nakshatra in this comprehensive primer.

We present the monthly features encompassing forecasts tailored to your Moon sign, an Ephemeris providing celestial position data, and a comprehensive Calendar for the month of August. We encourage you to share your thoughts and suggestions with us at, as we deeply appreciate and value your input and feedback.

Editorial Board

The Astrological eMagazine


On the occasion of what would have been my father’s 112th birthday, I offer my humble obeisances. Though he transitioned from this world in 1998, his memory remains ever cherished.

The Astrological Magazine, passed down through my family like a precious heirloom, has witnessed a century of astrological discourse. My Grandfather Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao’s pioneering spirit in 1895 laid the foundation, while Dr. B. V. Raman, my father, meticulously steered it for over six decades, shaping it into the respected global publication it is today. Now, with my son Raman Suprajarama by my side, we continue to adapt and evolve, ensuring its relevance for future generations of astrology enthusiasts. Immediately after finishing my Science degree, I decided to work with father under his guidance. We had our building at Bengaluru, in Seshadripuram.

Following in my father’s footsteps, I’ve dedicated myself to upholding the magazine’s high standards. With the invaluable support of my son Raman Suprajarama, who brings a fresh perspective and technological expertise, we strive to bridge the gap between tradition and modern advancements in astrology. Together, we aim to ensure The Astrological Magazine remains a vibrant platform for astrological knowledge for years to come.

During my school days, spare time became a classroom for learning the magazine’s inner workings. My father would have me sit with the typist, absorbing the rhythm of the keys, and with the clerical staff, mastering the art of filing. His personal library, a vast treasure trove, beckoned me to explore the world of astrology through its books. Our family-run magazine boasted a traditional

letterpress printing operation at the back of our house. Here, amidst the whirring of printing machines and the rhythmic thump of the binding press, I witnessed the intricate process of handset type. Each individual letter, meticulously engraved on a small metal block, was assembled by hand following typed manuscripts. Intrigued by this meticulous craft, I would often sneak away during free moments, attempting to grasp the art of typesetting myself.

After completing my science degree, I joined my father full-time at our family business. We lived on the ground floor, with the magazine’s office occupying the first floor. Whenever father had a spare moment, I’d head to his office room to discuss the magazine’s operations and receive his guidance. Most of our time together, however, was spent delving into the finer points of editing. He’d meticulously dissect articles, analyzing both the technical aspects of astrology and the intricacies of the English language.

Father was a prolific writer. Beyond his editorial duties for The Astrological Magazine, he authored an impressive forty books on various facets of astrology, published in English, Indian languages, and foreign languages alike. I cherish the privilege of having explored his vast library, especially the many books he inscribed and gifted to me – “Niranna,” as he and mother affectionately called me Spending so much time with my revered father in the office was a dream come true. We delved into the nuances of magazine editing, explored the art of writing articles, and discussed the intricacies of managing the office routine. One particular chapter in his book on Muhurtha, or Electional Astrology, piqued my interest – the section on Muhurtha for house building. Captivated by this concept, I expressed my desire to learn more about Vastu, the Jyothisha science of building architecture. My father, ever supportive, directed me to his extensive collection of Vastu books at the back of his room. “Go through them seriously,” he instructed, “and master their contents”.

My reverential obeisances to my father Jyothisha Pitamaha – Adhunika Varahamihira Dr. B. V. Raman on his 112th Jayanti.

Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu



Prof.Dr.N.S.Murthy with doctorates in Vasthu, Medical Astrology and Alternative Medicine, has received innumerable awards such as VasthuBrahmarishi, Jyotisha Jyanacharya, Jyotisha Maha Mohapadhyaya, Man of the Year 2009, VasthuDiggaja, Great Astrologer of Asia 2008, Jyotisha Vidya Vachaspathi, Man of the Year 2007, Jyotisha Shastra Bruhaspathi, Vasthu Jnana Vishwakarma, Jyotisha Padmashree, Vasthu Gnana Brahma, Jyotisha Visharada, Vasthu Shilpa Praveena, Jyotisha Jupiter, Vasthu Nidhi, Jyotisha Kalamani, Vasthu Alankara, Jyotisha Samrat.


Vedic Astrology and Medicine are closely intertwined, fundamentally used to diagnose diseases, believed to result from Karma and to serve as a form of healing through remedial astrology. In ancient times, physicians were expected to know Vedic Astrology to accurately diagnose diseases based on planetary influences. While modern medicine has undoubtedly revolutionised healthcare, there’s a lingering truth: some aspects of illness evade the sharpest X-ray or the most precise stethoscope. This is where Vedic astrology steps in, offering a lens to diagnose and potentially even predict health concerns. As Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, famously said, “A physician cannot safely administer medicine if he is unacquainted with Astrology.”

This article provides a detailed and advanced analysis of a horoscope using the principles of Medical Astrology. Using the horoscope as a roadmap, we’ll explore how the position of celestial bodies can shed light on the root cause of brain afflictions.

The brain, a complex and vital organ, governs thought, memory, emotions, and every bodily function. Along with the spinal cord, it forms the central nervous system. Brain ailments can include neurological conditions, disorders, and injuries. Neurological conditions encompass stroke, migraine, dementia,

epilepsy, and complications from preterm birth, among others. Disorders include Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, brain cancer, various seizure disorders, and mental disorders. Injuries cover brain aneurysms, acquired brain injuries, concussions, and traumatic brain injuries.

Case Study: Diagnosing Brain Ailments in a Female Patient

This case study examines a female patient suffering from a brain-related ailment. The analysis considers various astrological aspects crucial for diagnosing brain ailments. At the end of the analysis, recommended remedial measures (pariharas) are provided. The birth details are withheld for privacy.



Wally Krause has been involved in astrology for over 35 years and has concentrated on difficult charts, medical issues, complicated behaviour problems, mundane astrology and character identification for new born. She has lived in Germany, Italy, South Africa and USA. Her 480-page hardcover book entitled “Understanding the Power of Astrology” “An inside into the Motivation of the Mind” was written in 2008 and published in 2013 by GYAN PUBLISHING HOUSE in India. It is available on Amazon in several countries or directly from the publisher.

We recently heard the verdict against Donald Trump. GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY. Was it unexpected? Not at all. Karma had consequences for him.

Let’s look back at my article “The Connection between a Country and its Leader” wherein I compared the United States Chart with that of Trump. This Article was published in The Astrological eMagazine in its October 2022 issue on page 24. I will revisit my article on page 26 (7). A forecast was made:

7. By 2024 this aspect will be only 1 degree apart. Unwise optimism brings difficulties and upset with business. The taking of unwise risk results in setbacks and losses. It provides for incaution when impulses are not controlled. Friction will occur when things go awry. Inharmonic results are gained from lack of consideration of others.

Mars is in house 12 (N) and house 2 (P) against the US Jupiter (N) in house 8. It fosters crime, involvement in secret plots, having secret enemies, a loss of wealth and possible incarceration.

Mars vs. Jupiter leads to misguided and excessive ambitions for personal glory, leadership and status. It promotes an “I am always right attitude”. There is danger of hypocrisy and unjust ulterior motives in business dealings, professional and legal affairs.

The leader becomes hasty, impatient, reckless and careless. There is a tendency to plunge into activities without adequate examination and knowledge of what is involved in order to succeed. No plan how to bring this idea into the future has been prepared. Dangerous and unnecessary risks are taken without consideration for the consequences. The leader becomes aggressive in crusading for his political ideology to the point of annoying and exasperating others. Profit dealings involve questionable activities.

Pluto (T) 24g house 8 opposes US Mercury 24 a house 2. An antagonistic line of thought creates misunderstandings with others. Awkward circumstances will arise due to mental coercion. The ego uses sarcastic and domineering speech as a means to assert power over others. Business and personal relationships will be disturbed. The mind is forced to abandon old ideas and will change any point of view. Arguments will lead nowhere. Acts done in secret will be exposed. This day represents a bad time for legal affairs. The mind is suspicious and smoldering conflicts may lead to involvement in legal matters. The speech is harsh, bitter, insulting and direct. The ego gratification is so great that words are used to bully others. Secret acts or involvements with underworld figures may lead to disgrace and disruption of freedom.




Dr. S. Archna Murthy

Dr. S. Archna Murthy is a seasoned Astrology Consultant with a rich academic and professional background. She holds a PhD and an M.A in Astrology, an M.A Bridge in Astrology (Sanskrit), an M.B.A from Singapore, and the Kovida certification in Sanskrit. With 18 years of corporate experience, Dr. Murthy combines her extensive knowledge and practical insights to provide expert astrological consultations. She also actively promotes astrology through her YouTube channel, ‘@astrosciencewithArchnaMurthy,’ where she has shared 94 informative videos. Follow her on Facebook at https://www facebook com/JyotishShaastram

This monthly series serves as a structured exploration into the core principles of Vedic Astrology. In the previous edition of The Astrological eMagazine (July 2024), we investigated the application of astrology in deciphering the destiny of nations.

This article delves into the diverse methodologies employed in predictive astrology, also known as Phalita Jyothisha.

Predictive Techniques in Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology is divided into three branches:

• Siddhānta - This branch deals with the mathematical and astronomical calculations used in constructing astrological charts.

• Hora - This is the predictive branch, also known as Phalita Jyothisha and where astrologers analyse horoscopes to forecast future events.

• Samhita - This branch focuses on broader events like weather patterns, societal trends, and historical analysis.

Note: To gain a deeper understanding of Vedic Astrology’s foundational divisions, you can refer to my article Introduction to Vedic Astrology published in the April 2023 issue of The Astrological eMagazine

Understanding Predictive Methods (Phalita Jyotish)

In Hora, also known as Predictive Astrology, astrologers use various techniques to make predictions based on an individual’s horoscope. These methods can be


Siddhartha (Arithmetic)


Phala (Predictive)

Horoscope / Janma Patram Pranabha Karma


Right decision at the right time

Books (Bruhajatakam, Jatakaparijathaha Hora....., Bruhat Pa.....

Astrology Divisions or Branches



Abhinav Kashyap is a Civil Engineering graduate. He is interested in many fields of Science including Mechanical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Biophysics, Biology, Neuroscience, Mathematics, Physics, Quantum Physics, lastly “Astronomy and Astrophysics”. He considers himself as an Astrophile--a person who loves “Astronomy and Astrophysics” or Space in general and likes to refer himself as “Science Geek who loves Astrology”. He has authored 2 books related to Astrology and Astronomy (Astrophysics) namely “A Scientific Inquiry of Astrology”, and “Astronomical causes of Earthquakes”.

India’s rich scientific heritage has always sought to reconcile the divine with the demonstrable. Our ancient seers, through meticulous observation and deep contemplation, developed Jyotish, the venerable science of light. Jyotish charted the celestial movements of the grahas (planets) not just for astronomical purposes, but to discern their subtle influence on our earthly existence.

Texts like the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, while couched in the language of deities, laid the foundation for understanding the grahas’ impact on terrestrial events. This knowledge, passed down through generations, guided agriculture, auspicious rituals, and even the fortunes of kingdoms.

Modern science, with its emphasis on the empirical, offers a new lens through which to examine these ancient wisdoms. We turn our attention to the work of Dr. Percy Seymour, an astrophysicist who proposes a mechanism for how planetary movements might influence the Sun’s magnetic field. This concept, while couched in Western scientific terminology, bears a curious resemblance to the ancient idea of graha drishti (planetary aspects).

What is Science?

It is a collection of all knowledge which has objective evidence where subjective theories are made by observing the phenomenon that is occurring in nature.

There are experiments that are conducted to test the validity of the so-called theory to see whether it works as claimed.

So, to call anything or any phenomenon as “Scientific” it should have objective evidence where a valid subjective theory is to be formulated in order to explain that phenomenon. For example, Isaac Newton discovered that objects always tend to get attracted towards earth due to gravity when an Apple fell upon his head and thus he was able to propose a Newton’s law of motion based upon this observation which is objective evidence.

Is there Any Objective Evidence for Astrology? Is Astrology Scientific?

In March 1951, an American Radio Engineer John H Nelson discovered that there was a correlation between different planetary positions with respect to propagation of radio waves. John Nelson concluded that the planetary positions orchestrated Sun spots and due to which there was a distortion in propagation of Radio waves. John Nelson was also an amateur Astronomer.

John Nelson’s discovery was a subject of interest in Astronomical circles. Astrologers took keen interest in his discovery, as it gave objective evidence for Astrology and planetary influences.

The discovery of Radio Engineer John Nelson seemed to suggest that alignments of planets with respect



Among the twentyseven nakshatras, Purva Bhadrapada (PBP) stands out for its sheer intensity. Imagine it – a celestial zone situated at 20° Aquarius –3° 20′ Pisces. Now, the word “Bhadra” itself translates to “one who brings welfare and luck.” Pada signifies “feet,” and Purva means “former” or “before.” Put it all together, and Purva Bhadrapada literally translates to “the first lucky step” or “one who brings luck before.” Fascinating, isn’t it?

Ajay Srivastava, the founder of, holds a Bachelor of Science from Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University and a Master’s Programme in International Business from PSG Institute of Management. He brings over two decades of experience in the capital market, having served as a Lead Analyst, Investment Banker, Consultant, and Advisor.

Srivastava is passionate about astrology and has completed a five-year Jyotirvisharada course from Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in Mumbai. He is the author of several books, including “Psychology and Investment,” “Vedic Astrology: The Light of Wisdom,” “Midlife Crisis: An Astrological Approach,” “Jupiter: The Planet of Fortune,” “The Joy of Creation and Success,” “The Light of Nakshatras,” and “Sun: The Supreme Creator.”

The person who takes the first step on the path of spirituality is extremely fortunate and the name of the nakshatra indicates this. But hold on – before taking that crucial “first lucky step,” there’s a crucial lesson to be learned: the impermanence of the material world. It’s like a necessary fire test. You see, worldly attractions hold a powerful sway, a kind of gravitational pull. Often, it takes a significant experience, a metaphorical burning, to truly awaken one to this impermanence. This burning could be a personal loss, a brush with mortality, or a profound

realization that jolts you out of complacency. Only then does the transformative urge to take that first step towards spirituality truly ignite. That’s why Purva Bhadrapada is so deeply connected with fire and the concept of burning. Purva Bhadrapada is akin to the sudden flash of lightning in the night sky amidst the rumble of the thunderclouds. A powerful awakening.

The energy for all three Jupiter nakshatra works for creation, so what is the difference between these energies?

• Punarvasu indicates creation through repetition.

• Vishakha indicates creation through transformation.

• Purva Bhadrapada indicates creation after destruction.

All three Jupiter-ruled nakshatras indicate getting wisdom which one learns from one’s own experience.

Deity: The deity of the constellation is known as Aja

Sun from 15th, Mercury from 24th, Venus and Rahu are favourable.

Professionals will have to be cautious as there can be multiple challenges that can test your prowess and skills. There can be new responsibilities that will require your undivided attention. It is important that you pay attention to the quality of your work products. There can be limited support forthcoming from associates, and you might have to rework your strategy. Your patience is likely to be tested on important matters and it is important that you keep yourself composed and be effectively prepared to achieve the milestones. Business professionals can find new opportunities but will have to be persistent with their efforts. Financial gains will be limited. Health will be good. Domestic matters will settle down from any past conflicts and there can be good tidings. There can be overall progress for you and your loved ones. There can be a change of place and you might be able to enjoy more domestic comforts. Despite all the good tidings, it is important that you choose your friends wisely as there can be chances and deceit and heartbreak. Youngsters are likely to lose track of their objectives unless they stick to a well-crafted plan and take the help of mentors.

Mrigasira 3,4: Financial trouble is likely. Keep a watch on your temperament. Professionals should be careful not to overstep and should be pragmatic in their approach to solving problems and meeting timelines.

Aridra: Professionals can progress but will have to always give their best to succeed. You will have to face some hardship if you are not consistent with your approach. There can be losses if you are not watchful.

Punarvasu 1,2,3: There can be improvement on the domestic front. Professionals will be able to meet their commitments but should be careful about the quality of their work products

Professionals will be able to progress only if they can stay focused on their core objectives. It is best that you keep yourself equipped to handle new challenges by upgrading your skills. Obstacles and delays are likely to test your patience. There will be chances for you to meet with renowned personalities in your professional circle and you should use this opportunity to learn and adopt some of the best practices. There can be some conflicts with associates, and it is important that you use a calm approach to resolve them. Business activities can pick up momentum and there can be chances for you to expand your scope of business. Financial management will be essential. Health will be normal, barring a few minor ailments for which it is best that you take preventive care. There can be good tidings on the home front. Some of your desires are likely to materialize. There can be chances for you to pursue some of your intellectual pursuits. It is best that you keep away from unscrupulous elements that can disrupt your peace. Students will be able to do well and can excel in their studies if they can put in sustained efforts.

Punarvasu 4: Professionals will have to put in substantial efforts to succeed. Constant up gradation of skills will be essential to get along with your peers and meet expectations.

Pushya: Financial management will be essential. Professionals should be watchful of pitfalls that can be avoided with caution. Take the help of your mentor on important matters.

Aslesha: Professionals will have to be watchful not to get involved in disputes and quarrels at the workplace. It might be important to keep in mind that your predicament can malign your reputation.

Mars till 24th, Mercury till 24th, Jupiter, Venus and Ketu are favourable.

Mars and Venus are favourable.

Professionals will be able to do well if they can be cautious and well prepared to handle challenges. A constant involvement in minute details will help you get a complete grip of the situation on hand. It is a good idea not to take things for granted and it is best to review your work often. There can be situations where you will have to keep away from distractions that can be unproductive. There can be limited support forthcoming from associates. Avoid taking any decisions in haste. Take the help of experts on important matters. Business professionals should be patient and put in sustained efforts. Financial progress will be limited, and it is important that you curtail unwanted expenses. Health will need attention; it is important that you take

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