The Astrological eMagazine February 2024 Preview

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Jagadguru Speaks...

Prudence Must Precede Any Activity The purpose of life for every man is the attainment of joy and peace. To achieve this, he makes use of every chance, in every possible way by performing various types of karmas (actions). In the process, his mind starts craving for impossibilities, and compliance to the demands of his craving mind and senses can cause his fall. Hence, like a benign father, our Sastras advise man to exercise a bit of caution and think about the pros and cons while performing karma. Prudence and mind control are necessary for any activity; be it spiritual or otherwise. One who has not conquered his senses will be driven to engage often in bad karmas, even if he does not like it. He eventually gets covered, like a silkworm, with the twists and turns of bad karma with no means of extricating himself -

देह्यज्ञोऽजितषड्वर्गो नेच्छन् कर्माणि कार्यते । कोशकार इवात्मानं कर्मणाऽऽछाद्य मह्य ु ति ।। It is also a known fact that in accordance with the extent of dharma and adharma that a person has engaged in, he or she will proportionately enjoy and suffer in the life hereafter.

येन यावान् यथाऽधर्मो धर्मो वेह समीहितः । स एव तत्फलं भङु ्क ्ते तथा तावदमत्रु वै ।। Hence, before engaging in any karma, it is advisable to ponder over the effects it will produce. Tuning the mind into a sattvic mode and doing the karmas in a spirit of surrender to the Almighty will yield a wise man a clear perception. Thence, his quest for joy and peace will well up to fulfillment by itself. We bless everyone to understand this while performing allotted duties and make life meaningful.







H. Ramadas Rao





Raman Suprajarama





Sachin Kumar

Bangalore Niranjan Babu

31 FEBRUARY 2024



February 2024














In this edition’s cover story by Raman Suprajarama, he discusses how planets in your horoscope can be interpreted as allies or adversaries based on Vedic Astrology principles. He uses the Laghu Parashari scripture as a source for understanding planetary influences on various aspects of life, like career, relationships, finances, and spirituality. He shares a straightforward method for decoding the true nature of these planets and their impact on you – positive or negative.

emphasizes the importance of planetary positions and their influence on human births, delving into the translation of Nadi leaves by Shri R. G. Rao. The article provides insights into the solar system’s planetary movements, describing their effects on Earth and human lives. Additionally, Rao discusses the significance of certain zodiac signs and planets in shaping individuals based on past life karma. The article concludes by highlighting the power of planets in their Moola Trikona Rasis in determining the course of human existence.

Our beloved Chief Editor, Niranjan Babu takes us on a breathtaking journey through time and space, exploring the wonders of Indian Temple Architecture and the profound principles of Vastu. From the meticulous planning of Mohenjodaro and Harappa to the magnificent creations of the Gupta, Pallava, and Chola empires, we witness the expanse of Vastu Shastra or Vedic Architecture, governed by the sacred directional and elemental principles. This insightful article explores ancient construction methods, revealing the remarkable engineering and scientific prowess of our ancestors.

In Sachin Kumar’s article, the concept of “Rina” or debt in Hindu philosophy is explored, focusing on three types: Deva Rina (debt towards God), Rishi Rina (debt towards sages), and Pitri Rina (debt towards ancestors). The article emphasizes the notion that childbirth is a way of repaying Pitri Rina, acknowledging the debt owed to parents and forefathers for cultural and ancestral heritage. To understand progeny and its creation, the article delves into the importance of the natal chart, which consists of 12 houses, 12 signs, and 9 planets. The 5th house, specifically, is highlighted as the primary indicator for childbirth in astrology.

In her article, Senay Devi explores the persecution faced by astrology despite its global acceptance. Noteworthy astronomers like Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton were also astrologers, emphasizing the historical link between astronomy and astrology. Devi discusses the ongoing debate on celestial bodies’ influence, suggesting a connection between astrology and other esoteric sciences. The article delves into ancient sciences’ significance, rejecting modern academia norms, and emphasizes astrology as a working system based on observation, evidence and experimentation.

At the end of the magazine, We present the monthly features encompassing forecasts tailored to your Moon sign, an Ephemeris providing celestial position data, and a comprehensive Calendar for the month of February. We encourage you to share your thoughts and suggestions with us at, as we deeply appreciate and value your input and feedback.

Editorial Board

In an article by H Ramadas Rao, Nadi Astrology is explained as the recording of human lives on palm leaves in ancient Sanskrit or Tamil. Rao

February 2024

The Astrological eMagazine



Lord Datta is said to have many Gurus. Datta Tattva teaches us to learn from every object in this creation - the river, the mountain, the tree and so on. When we encounter painful experiences, Datta is teaching us. He teaches at every blink of the eye. And when we sleep, the Lord surrounds and protects us.

February 2024





Raman Suprajarama

Have you ever wondered if the planets in your horoscope are allies or adversaries? We often face uncertainties about their influence on various aspects of life, from career ambitions and relationships to learning and finances. Will this planet grant me a promotion? Will it jeopardize my marriage? Will it crush my financial savings and investments? Will it fuel my spiritual growth? These are just some of the questions that linger in our minds. So, how do we decode the true nature of these planets?

The next set of houses are allocated as per the Zodiacal Sequence.

House # 1 2 3 4 5 6

Among the Vedic Astrology scriptures lies a gem: Laghu Parashari. This concise yet authoritative text, derived from the famed Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, offers a clear path to understanding planetary influences on your life. Laghu Parashari provides a straightforward method for determining whether a planet is favorable or unfavorable for an individual.

Ra Example 1


Boy’s Horoscope Asc

February 2024

(Ju) (Sa)

Zodiac Sign Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra

Let me take another example. Ma


Su Me Jp

Ra Example 2 Ra

Girl’s Horoscope Mo

Example 2 - A girl born on July 2, 1990, at 7:45 am in Dalby, Queensland, Australia. The moon was Waxing. The ascending zodiac sign at that time was Cancer, establishing it as the first house.


The first and the rest of the houses can be calculated thus.

House # 1 2 3 4 5 6

To help you understand the methodology, I will use two example horoscopes.


House # 7 8 9 10 11 12

We now have the 12 houses and have mapped the respective Zodiac Sign.

But before we embark on this journey, I must emphasize that we are working within the framework of a highly refined astrological system known as Jyothisha. This system differs significantly from the sun sign-based astrology found in newspapers and internet sites, which often relies on vague and unscientific rules for entertainment purposes and lacks true insights. Jyothisha, or Vedic Astrology, on the contrary, is a scientific and evidence-based discipline that can profoundly impact and transform one’s life. In Jyothisha, we meticulously record the date, time, latitude, and longitude of the birthplace. With this data, we mathematically calculate the zodiac sign ascending at the eastern horizon, known as the ascendant. The ascendant marks the first house, and the subsequent 11 houses are delineated in 30-degree segments, dividing the entire zodiac of 360 degrees.

Ma Me Su Ve

Zodiac Sign Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries

Example 1 - A boy born on 29 April 1981 at 20:24 pm in Bangalore, India. The Moon was waning. Consequently, the rising zodiac sign at that moment was Scorpio, marking it as the first house.

Zodiac Sign Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius

House # 7 8 9 10 11 12

Zodiac Sign Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini

Having grasped the process of calculating the houses and respective zodiac signs, the subsequent step involves mapping the corresponding planetary lords for each of these houses. The guidelines are straightforward: Every zodiac sign is inherently linked to a preassigned planetary lord. I am providing the table below for your quick reference. 5




Ancient Civilisations

Glory of Vedic Architecture

The Mohenjodaro and Harappan civilizations, which date back to 3000 B.C., are examples of the exquisite and elaborate planning that went into their construction. Several cities have been found and it is said that the planning was based on a rectangular grid or Mandala oriented to the cardinal directions viz., East, South, West and North. The main construction material was the brick. The house had courtyards with well-designed drainage systems. Timber was used for floors and roofs and the cities had walls on all the four sides.

Vedic architecture was seen in its glory during the reign of the Guptas, Pallavas, Cholas, Pandyas, Chalukyas and most importantly, during the period of the Vijayanagar empire. It was during the reign of these kings that great temples and temple-towns were built. The Vastu Purusha Mandala or grid governed the arrangement of the town, which included a temple, a granary, an armoury, treasury and big halls for public and private audience. The main court designated as Rajabhavana was the place where the king gave audience to the public. One of the outstanding contributions of the Pandyas is the temple-town of Madurai, which has the Meenakshi temple complex as its centre. The Meenakshi shrine itself has a three-storeyed Gopuram.

Another notable centre of ancient architecture and civilisation is Pataliputra situated between the Ganges and the modern Patna in Bihar. It is said that this town was protected by a timber fence of pointed stakes. It was fortified with 64 gates and had 570 towers surrounded by a deep moat. The palace was an extensive collection of buildings standing in a beautiful park that had trees and nice water pools.

The Pallava influence is seen in the temples of Mahabalipuram (near Chennai) and the Siva temple at Kanchi. The imposing Thanjavur Brihadeeswara temple (which was in the news some time back for suspected fire sabotage, in which many were killed) is a good example of the Chola architecture. The 30-foot Sivalinga is said to be sculpted from a single stone. The temple complex of Chidambaram with Nataraja, the lord of nritya or dance is another outstanding contribution of the Cholas. Four imposing towers, each 135 feet high, are seen in all the four cardinal directions spread over the 7 storeys.

February 2024





Senay Devi was born in Istanbul. She completed her education at Dirah Academy International and Kepler College USA. She is still an instructor student of International Vedic Astrology President Guru Gary Gomes and Vedic Astrologer Yucel Sugen, and continues her international studies. Devi whose areas of expertise are West, Chinese, Esoteric and Vedic astrology, established in 2007 and “AstrodehA Consultancy Centre” in 2008. She has done her PhD in “Indian Philosophy”. Devi added one more subject in her areas of expertise by completing with a success 300 hours education program about Ayurvedic Astrology at American Vedic Studies Institute which has founded by president Dr. David Frawley at 1st of December 2016. Senay Devi is one of the founder of Astrodeha Astrology School who has been an astrological Consultant professionally since 2008. She is also head of the Turkish Department and continues her studies in West-Indian and Chinese Astrology. Her published books are: “Basic Astrology”, “Miracle of The Moon Sign”, “Astrology Love Science”, “Astrology, Astronomy and Essentialism in Turkish Civilizations”. E-mail:

Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, “If you can go into the essence of anything, you will eventually come to the deepest truth.”

mathematician of eastern culture such as Ibn Arabi, Jamshid al-Kashi, Qadi Zada al_Rumi, Taqi al-Din were also astrologers. These masters were responsible for many discoveries and developments in astronomy and astrology. They based their work on careful scientific observation, experimentation and precise results. Lack of evidence was never mentioned. Its only crime appears to be that it is an ancient science and is not compatible with the “current accepted materialistic philosophy, and institutionalized conservative scientific ideology.”

Ibn Arabi wrote in Bezels of Wisdom (Fusus al-Hikam), “Man (microsmos) is a miniature of the macrocosmos. Even though human existence is smaller than the world, man holds within him all the truths of the macrocosmos. This is why sages call the world the Greater (Cosmic) Man (Insani Kebir).”   Meher Baba stressed the importance of astrology with these words, “A child is born at the day and time when celestial rays are mathematically synchronized with his personal karma. The horoscope is unchanging. It is a readable portrait of his past and probable future. But the natal chart can only be read with accuracy by those with intuitive wisdom.”

Our world is constantly bombarded with many rays and energies from space. We have no exact knowledge on what effect large celestial bodies in our solar system have on the world and on human beings. Some claim that it is not really a matter of influence but of synchronicity. It can be observed that the results of such influences coordinate with the movement of celestial bodies. These have been argued for hundreds of years, statistics and experiments were conducted. Certain positive results have been obtained. Some have claimed that conclusive evidence was established. The spectrum of light that we perceive coming from celestial bodies make up a very small segment of the wavelengths that come to

Astrology is Persecuted by Conservative Science Even though astrology is accepted throughout the world as a science, its opponents go to great lengths to systematical attack on this ancient knowledge. It is no coincidence that such founders of modern astronomy as Copernicus, Tycho brahe, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton, as well those of renowned astronomers and February 2024




BASIS OF HUMAN BIRTH AS PER NADI ASTROLOGY H. Ramadas Rao H Ramadas Rao was born in 1952 in a traditional Madhva Brahmin family of Kashyapa Maharshi lineage from Surathkal near to Mangalore. Through the blessings of Shri Raghavendra Swami Ji of Mantralaya, he started learning Jyotish with the books written by Dr. B.V. Raman. In 1991, he got a Mantra Diksha from a Shri Vidya Upasaka from Udupi. His interest in Jyothisha increased and he studied Jaimini Jyothisha and later Nadi Jyothisha from Shri R.G. Rao. He regularly writes articles on Nadi Jyothisha on his Facebook page and currently teaching Nadi Jyotish in Surathkal.

Nadi Astrology is nothing but lives of numerous human beings written on Palm leaves either in ancient Sanskrit or ancient Tamil language. Some of the important Nadi leaves are Bhrigu Nadi, Nandi Nadi, Saptarshi Nadi, Agastya Nadi, Surya Nadi, Chandra Nadi, Saptarshi Vakya and many more. To understand the palm leaf writings, one must be an expert in ancient Sanskrit and Tamil. But Shri R. G. Rao has taken pain for about 40 years to translate such Nadi leaves and studied how such readings can be applied to human births using birth charts.

Similarly, Moon/Chandra is also rotating round the Earth, so also to Sun. Now near to Sun/Surya, we have Mercury/Budha, then Venus/Shukra rotating round the Sun. Near to our Earth, Mars/Kuja, then Jupiter/Guru and lastly Saturn/Shani are rotating round the Sun/Surya. Now Moon/Chandra while rotating round Earth as well as Sun/Surya divides the North and South energies. In the North, this energy travels between Mars/Kuja and Jupiter/Guru and then stops at one place. This Northern energy of Moon/Chandra is known as Rahu/Dragon’s Head. Similarly Southern energy of Moon/Chandra travels between Mercury/Budha and Venus/Shukra and stops a place and this energy is known as Ketu. As both are the energy centres of Moon/Chandra, we cannot see them through our naked eye or through telescope but their effects are long lasting on living beings in this earth as they tell us our past life Karmas.

Now all of us know that there are 9 planets including Rahu and Ketu.

Now Shani/Saturn is the last planet in our Solar system, then comes Jupiter/Guru, then Mars/Kuja. Rahu is in between Mars and Guru.So these 3 planets (except Rahu) are called as superior planets (outer disc/Chakra planets). In the inner Chakra/Disc, we have Budha/Mercury, Venus/Shukra (Ketu in between them) and Moon/ Chandra. These planets are known as inferior planets.

In our Solar system Sun/Surya is a powerful planet as all living beings are alive because of Him. He is the King of our Solar system. All 7 planets including our mother earth rotate round Sun. But as we see from Earth, we feel that Sun/Surya is also rotating round the Earth. February 2024

This is called Sun Axis or Surya Patha (पथ). All 9 planets at a difference of 9 Degrees travel on their own axis on both sides of Sun/Surya.But when we see from Earth, all 6 planets revolve around Sun with 19



RAHU CENTRIC THEORY, PART-2, UNDERSTANDING RAHU Dr. Nemani Venkata Raghunatha Rao Dr. Nemani Venkata Raghunatha Rao is from Parvatipuram (Near Vizag), India and lives in San Francisco, USA. He has been practicing Vedic Astrology since 2002. A doctorate in Business Management by profession. His Jyotish Teachers are: H. Ramadas Rao, Pt. Sanjay Rath, Pt. Dakshinamoorthy Ramasamy, Swami Omkar and Madhu Babu Prakhya. He has received Jyotish Visharada from the Council of Vedic Astrology (CVA), USA and he can be reached via email:

In this Part-2 of the Paper, I will continue introducing some key characteristics of Lord Rahu / Planet Rahu. First Nakshatra Ashwini belongs to him (Rahu-Ketu are one). Rahu being a great lover of beauty, wants to be near Venus, so next star Bharani belongs to Venus. Rahu is the Yoni Mukha so he loves 4th house, Moon’s house, very dearly. Thus 4th house is the Yoni Mukha, hence it is but natural that 5th house is connected to 4th. 5th house is the Garbha Sthana.

D stand for Death. Demons, Daityas, Danger, Downfall, Drowning in anything, Dryness of throat (Thirst) or Thirst (greed) for anything which can never be quenched is ruled by Rahu. Durbhagya (bad luck) is Rahu for us. T also stands for Time. Rahu lords over Kala. T stands for Terror, so Terrorists are governed by Rahu. T means Truth. Truth is always naked. It hurts. But like Rahu, it wins ultimately. Satyam Eva Jayate. Rahu loves 4th house which I call as Yoni Dwara. Rahu as Ganapathy, then he is always in the company of Siddhi and Buddhi. Mark, 3rd house the house of valour in a horoscope signifying Siddhi and the 5th house the house of Intellect or Buddhi signifying second consort Buddhi.

Lord Vishnu’s Dwara Palakas are two Demons, Jaya & Vijaya, so here demon Rahu guarding the Garbha Sthana. In fact, Rahu who is hairy and black in color, guards all the openings of our body. Every single small sweat pore is covered with hair, nose, ears, eyes, mouth, private parts are all guarded by Rahu.

Ganesha / Rahu is always put in Gate or main door of the house. This is to ward off evil spirits. Main door to a house is where Rahu stays. In fact, all doors are Rahu’s domain.

I had spoken of Krishna the Vishwa Swaroopa earlier. In the beginning there was nothing except Tamas. This is the Yoga Nidra Swaroopa of Vishnu. Out of that was born Brahma. He has 4 Mukhas, created 4 Vedas, and he lords over 4 yogas. Mark number four here. That is Rahu’s Vedic number. Rahu is Time or Kala. Apart from beginning, Rahu also signifies the end. Let us examine Numerology for Rahu.

Let us examine the taste now. Rahu does not distinguish between this or that taste. He has all the hunger in the world to engulf anything. And yet he appreciates all finer tastes. Rahu by itself is pure, even slight aspect or association of benefic or malefic planets, alter its images. Let me describe few positive and negative roles of Lord Rahu.

Letters M, D and T stand for Rahu with value of 4. Rahu has 4 letters in his name. Ketu has 4 letters in his name.

Rahu’s Positive Aspects:

Rahu lords over Mada, Moha, Matsara, Madhira and Mamsa. Rahu rules Liquor, Anger, Lust, Flesh and Ego. All starting with letter M. M also stands for Maya, Rahu is Mayavi. M stands for Mastaka (Head). Rahu is Head, that is why we have maximum hair overhead.

• • • •

M stands for Mrityu. The End. Maithuna (Sacred act of reproduction) is under Rahu’s domain.

February 2024


Rahu gives us drive and ambition Rahu makes us dream big. Rahu will make us a mover and a shaker. Rahu will make us go to extremes to glean the truth like a scientist. Rahu will give us knowledge par excellence because all perceptions are ruled by him. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


CHILD BIRTH TIMING & ROLE OF SAPTAMSA (D7) Sachin Kumar Sachin Kumar is an Engineer by profession and has keen interest in Astrology learning and Research. Author has completed Jyotish Visharad & Jyotish Praveen from Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS) and currently also pursuing Post Visharad from ICAS.

As per our classical texts and Shastra three types of Rina are mentioned: •

Deva Rina: Debt (Rina) towards God.

Rishi Rina: Debt (Rina) towards our Sages (Rishi), who kept the kindle of knowledge alive since time immemorial

Pitri Rina: We human beings are indebted towards our parents, forefathers and ancestors who have provided us with this lineage and precious treasure of culture, tradition and Sanskara. So it is said that childbirth is a way of paying that Pitri Rina.

Brahat Parashar Hora Shashtra – States that 5th house signifies yantra, learning, intelligence, management, son (Progeny), etc.


Uttar Kalamrita – States that 5th house signifies Children (Progeny), King, Mind, Education, Pregnancy, Intelligence, etc.


Phaldeepika – States that 5th house signifies Intelligence, Knowledge of future, (Progeny), Belly, Vedic Knowledge, etc.

For analysing 5th house related matter with respect to childbirth (PROGENY) following should be analysed to check the promise for the same. These are some of the points which at least should be checked.

For creation of Progeny, human beings need to go into marriage sanskara to create their lineage. For entering into motherhood and fatherhood the question of progeny comes into the mind of human being. So for answering to this question we will proceed as below. When a human takes birth he/she comes with some Purva Karma and other Karma which native must perform now. Universe creates a particular pattern when native enters into this world. This unique pattern in a sense is Birth Chart/Natal Chart of the native.

5th house condition

5th lord condition

Karaka’s (Jupiter) condition

5th from 5th (i.e. 9th house) needs to be checked.

Promise of Child Birth 5th house should promise the childbirth in the horoscope which is primary house for it and also check for 5th from 5th (i.e. 9th). For any promise to deliver the respective house and house lord should be in a good position. Some of the general conditions to check for the above are given below for reference:

Natal Chart is the prime important chart for prediction in human life. All the divisional charts are derived from it, which are microscopic view of a particular aspect of life to which that divisional chart belongs to.

Natal chart mainly consists of 12 houses, 12 signs and 9 planets. In the natal chart 5th house represents several aspects which are mentioned in our classical text. Some of the aspects mentioned are given below: February 2024



5th lord placed in 5th house or aspects it.

Lagna lord placed in 5th house or aspects it.

Karaka (Jupiter) aspects the 5th house or 5th lord and Karaka in its self in a good position.

5th house or lord is with benefics or aspected by benefics.

5th from 5th also in good condition. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

D7 (Saptamsa) Chart •

Mercury the 5th lord of D7 Saptamsa is placed in 8th house with Mars.

5th house is aspected by Moon and Venus the lagna lord of D7 Saptamsa is nicely placed in 5th house making it strong.

2) Transit Analysis •

Saturn (D1): Transit Saturn was aspecting the 9th lord Moon 10th house.

Karaka Jupiter is placed in lagna with Sun and under RKA axis.

Jupiter (D1): Transit Jupiter was asecting 5th lord Jupiter from 3rd hosue.

From the above it is evident that there is possibility of childbirth.

Saturn (D7): Transit Saturn was aspecting 9th lord of D7 Saptamsa.

Jupiter (D7): Transit Jupiter was aspecting the 5th house and transiting 9th house.

1) Dasa Analysis From the above chart we can see that during childbirth father was having Maha Dasa of Jupiter and Antar Dasa of Venus.

So from the above analysis it is very much evident that in both the the charts of parents of the child D1 Birth Chart & D7 Saptamsa is confirming the childbirth and D7 Saptamsa analysis is giving much better and clear idea on timing of event of childbirth. However, we should not forget to analyse the D9 Navamsa chart on the same lines also.

Natal Chart Analaysis •

Here we can see that Maha Dasa lord Jupiter is itself the 5th lord and also aspecting its own house (5th house). So childbirth.

Antar Dasa lord Venus is with 5th lord and aslo aspecting 5th house is eligible for childbirth.

Ayanamsa used is Lahiri (Chitrapaksha)

पत्रु पोत्रआदिकानाम वै चितं नम सप्तमांशके ” (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, Chapter-7 Divisional Consideration, Sloka No-2)

Saptamsa (D7) Chart Analysis •

Antardasa lord Venus is placed in 5th house of D7 Saptamsa making direct connection with 5th house, eligible for childbirth.

Here we can see that Mahadasa lord Jupiter is aspecting 5th house of D7 Saptamsa so very much eligible for childbirth.

February 2024



Professionals will be able to embark on a new journey that will be pleasant and interesting. Patience and attention to detail are key aspects that can help you cross many hurdles. It is important that you adopt a holistic view to the challenges and rework your priorities constantly. Avoid getting involved in activities that are time consuming. Try not to procrastinate important matters. It is best that you find opportunities to improve your skills all the time as this will help you lay a rock-solid foundation for your future. Business activities will pick up good momentum and there can be good ingress of new transactions and opportunities. Financial gains are likely to keep you cheerful. Health will be tolerably good. There can be good progress on the domestic front. You might be able to make new friends and get involved in activities that can help you learn new things. There will be enough time for you to build on your hobbies. You might embark on an intellectual pursuit in one of your favorite subjects. Youngsters will be able to score well in their studies and can even look forward to attaining a scholarship.

Sun till 12th, Mars from 4th, Mercury from 19th, Venus and Ketu are favourable. Professionals will be able to progress well if they can pay attention to detail and keep a tab on avoiding unproductive activities. There can be some challenging decisions to make and should be careful not to act in haste. Take the help of experts on important matters. There can be uncertainty in many matters, and it is important that you are patient in addressing these challenges. It might be a good idea to step back and rework your strategy, especially on matters that are lingering. Business professionals will be able to progress but will have to be careful about gross mistakes that can upset the momentum. Financial matters are likely to keep you cheerful. Health will be good. Domestic matters can be good, but you should also prepare to face some turbulent times. There can be an increase in your comfort, and you should keep a check on this and avoid it leading to a complacent attitude. You might be able to interact with new friends and establish a good rapport with them. Youngsters can do well provided they stay away from diversions and pay full attention to their objectives.

Moola: There can be good progress on the domestic front. You might be able embark on new projects and deliver on the promises. You will be able to improve your skills. Poorvashada: There can be substantial progress both on the domestic and professional front. Those of you working on research projects are likely to fare well. Uttarashada 1: There can be chances for you to spend quality time with loved ones. Professionals will be able to find new avenues for career growth. Intellectual pursuits are likely to keep you occupied.

Visakha 4: A short separation from loved ones is possible. Professionals will be able to deliver on their timelines only if they can stay away from diversions. Anuradha: Some of your innate desires can materialize. The workplace may see some turbulent times and it is important that you stay clear of all the hurdles and stay focused on your core objectives. Jyeshta: You will be able to socialize and make new friends. There can be reasonable progress for professionals. A new assignment can keep you occupied and will require you to put in additional efforts.

Mercury from 19th, Venus and Rahu are favourable. Professionals are likely to face some challenges as you might be engrossed in multiple activities. A lack of focus and deviations can add to your woes. It is important that you rework your strategy and be watchful of the priorities that you make. Seeking help from experts at the right time will help you overcome many challenges. It is best that you avoid getting carried away by false promises and review your work products. Those of you involved in taking major financial decisions should be extremely watchful of possible deceit. Business professionals should be careful and should put in extra efforts to meet the committed timelines. Financial matters should be handled with care. Health will require attention; it is best that you

Sun from 12th, Mercury till 19th, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Ketu are favourable. February 2024



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