of a color was written, but its font color was different from the color the word resembled. This required the candidate to quickly name the color mentioned rather than the color in the background. While this suggests that conservatives have a better hold over their sense of self control, the study also tested their ability to perform well under more harsher conditions. This led to them performing worse than their liberal peers, suggesting that their cognitive abilities are at their best only when they are at ease (Insider 2020).
All this together confirmed that liberals and conservatives do not only differ personality wise, but also differ genetically, as stated in the latest issue of the journal Behavioral and Brain Sciences (Mother Jones). Thus, it is evident that our genetic differences are the cause for this political and social division that is so apparent today.
written by Mridula Divakar
edited by Anvitha Mattapalli,
Harvi Karatha, & Aarav Navani layout by Vrinda Gandhi
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Humanity stands on the edge of a cliff made of evidence and theories; facing a massive dark valley of the unseen. What the valley keeps, no one knows. Regardless of how potential proof develops, it is our duty to take the plunge to see what the universe has to offer.
There are roughly twenty billion sun-like stars in the Milky Way galaxy, and figures suggest that one-fifth of them have an earth-sized planet in a habitable zone. There could be one million planets with life in the Milky Way Galaxy itself if only 0.1% of those planets harbored life.