Challenges as a person with bipolar disorder: 1. It is difficult to accept a diagnosis 2. Really hope to be in Phase 'mania' continuously 3. Using substances Tips for Living with Bipolar Disorder: Get involved in your treatment Progress monitor Take medication consistently Keep stress to a minimum Connect with a support group Know your limits Watch what you put in your body
Originally, dieting was created as a way to become healthy by losing a couple of pounds. However, with today’s impossible beauty standards, dieting has become very commonand even an obsession- for many. Since the early 1900s, dieting has become more prevalent, and most methods are not as healthy as you’d think. When you surf the internet for dieting methods, it can be hard to differentiate between unhealthy and healthy diets. The key to a healthy diet is sustainability: you should be able to follow through for a long time. To maintain your goal weight, you have to
Overcoming Close Relatives Affected by Bipolar: The most important thing is to avoid asking or commenting on sensitive matters. Because it is very difficult for people with bipolar disorder to control their emotions, always support them and offer to help. written by Alda Nasywa
edited by
Harini Akurathi, Laya Vijay, & Taruni Manam
layout by Vrinda Gandhi
somewhat continue your diet even after you achieve your desired weight, which is why researching the longterm effects are so important. For example, despite the keto diet being a very popular and widely used weight loss strategy, there is little to no research that this type of eating habit is even effective or safe in the long term. Many unhealthy diets can leave people with negative side effects like headaches, menstrual problems, hormonal changes and more. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a “perfect diet” with no side effects coupled with lots of weight