2 minute read
Hurricane Laura A Letter From The Editor
A Letter from the Editor Matthew 7:24 “Everyone therefore who hears these words of mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man, who built his house on a rock.”
Do you remember the story/song of the wise man who built his house upon the rock, and the wise man built his house upon the sand and the rains came tumbling down?
Obviously, the man was not wise to build his house upon the sand.. because when the rain came down what do you think happened to his house? The house came down. Same goes with our life.
What kind of foundation have you set for your life?
I know when I was younger, my foundation was not the same as the foundation I am sitting on now. Ten years ago the foundation my life was sitting on was unstable, uncertain and had zero faith. Therefore, it did not have much support to remain standing.
I was in a place where God was not number one. The only person who was number one was myself, and that’s not a way to live. As I grew older, I realized that life was not a battle zone of survival, but it was about helping one another, learning lessons, and becoming the best possible version of myself. I learned I cannot do everything, and it is OK to ask for help. I also realized the most important part of having a solid foundation is putting God first and following His plan.
I learned that without a solid foundation, I would have trouble creating anything of value.
Do you feel like your foundation of life isn’t sturdy? I found that when my foundation was not rock solid it was because I was doing something not meant for me, and it was a time of growth. As we build “houses” on our foundations we lay them one brick at a time. I want to make sure those bricks I am placing in my life are strong.
I am using metaphors here: The people whom I surround myself with and allow into my life, are like bricks. They teach me things, they lift me up, they bring happiness into my life and, most importantly, I know they are not going anywhere.
Even with my business, when I first started I wanted to make sure I had a solid foundation with no cracks. I wanted to prove I knew what I was doing and it was a rock solid idea. The first part of laying that foundation was making sure it was what God wanted me to do. Putting my faith into Him and myself, because I knew along the way I was going to face storms that would either try to destroy my foundation or cause cracks, which, over time, would make my foundation crumble.
If you are going through a storm, just know the foundation you lay is up to you. Are you rock solid in knowing God has you grounded or will you be swayed by pride and the ways of the world?
Surround yourself with positive people, people you trust, have faith in yourself and God. The world isn’t living your life for you and neither is anyone else. You are living it for God and for yourself.