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Greater South Texas Conference For Women In
The Texas/Mexico Border Coalition in partnership with USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will host the Greater South Texas Women in Agriculture free virtual series. This will take place on Sept. 16 and 17 from 1 to 4 p.m. The two-day series provides a platform for women landowners to learn about the resources available to help them manage and sustain their agricultural business. The event is an opportunity to learn, network and share, and includes topics such as conservation, finance, animal health, marketing, personal health, stewardship, ranching and wildlife management.
Speakers and presentations from state and federal agencies include USDA-NRCS, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Farm Service Agency, National Center for Appropriate Technology, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and the United States Customs and Border Patrol.
For a complete list of presenters, demonstrations, sponsors and the opportunity to register for the online event, please visit Texas/Mexico Border Coalition website at www.tm-bc.org , email TMBC@tm-bc.org or call 956.481.3256. There is no charge for this event, and everyone is welcome to attend. People requiring accommodations, including sign language interpreters, should contact Susan Lopez at least one week before the date of the event at the number or email above.
We are excited to bring you the 2020 Texas Fruit Conference virtually on Zoom this year!
When: September 21st and 22nd
Registration: http://agriliferegister.tamu.edu/fruit (Note that the Texas Fruit Conference is listed on AgriLife Register under Webinars tab) Registration Deadline: September 19th Fees: Day 1-Intro to Fruit Workshop $50; Day 2-Texas’ Fruit Future, Virtual Fruit Tree Nursery Field Trip, and Panel Discussion (3 sessions)-$35. Combined Package Price(Both Days) -$70
Educational Program Schedule: Monday, Sept. 21
1:00 pm—Texas Commercial Fruit Production and Marketing Options, Monte Nesbitt 1:20 pm—Perennial Orchard Site Selection, Jim Kamas 1:45 pm—Orchard Irrigation Basics, Larry Stein 2:10 pm—Orchard Site Preparation, Stephen Janak 2:45 pm—Spacing & Planting, Monte Nesbitt 3:05 pm—Protected Culture Strategies, Jacy Lewis 3:30 pm—Orchard Establishment Practices, Larry Stein 4:15 pm—Training and Pruning, Jim Kamas 4:35 pm—Food Safety Laws, Juan Anciso
Tuesday, Sept. 22
Session 1: Texas’ Fruit Future-Exploring new growing practices, new crops and new marketing opportunities 9:00 am—Low Maintenance/High Value Fruit Crops, Jim Kamas 9:30 am—Sustaining & Expanding Strawberry Production Across Texas, Russ Wallace 10:00 am—Golden Kiwifruit Challenges & Opportunities, Tim Hartmann 10:30 am—Muscadine Grapes, Anyone? Justin Scheiner 11:00 am—Texas’ Peach Dreams, Monte Nesbitt
Session 2: A Virtual Field Trip to Fruit Tree Nurseries in Texas: Gain insight into how fruit trees are commercially propagated in Texas 1:30 pm, Womack Nursery, De Leon, Texas 2:15 pm, Texas Pecan Nursery, Chandler, Texas
Session 3: Hard Questions—Good Answers—Live panel discussion with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Fruit Team; Opportunities for participants to present questions and get our best expert opinions . 3:30 to 5:00 pm; Participants—Monte Nesbitt, Jim Kamas, Larry Stein, Justin Scheiner, Tim Hartmann, Jacy Lewis, Stephen Janak