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Agriculture Online Series Beef Cattle Physiologist Joins AgriLife Research
Beef cattle physiologist joins AgriLife Research Research to focus on reproduction physiology
George Perry, Ph.D., was recently hired as a Texas A&M AgriLife Research cattle physiologist and associate professor in the Texas A&M Department of Animal Science. Perry said he was excited to join AgriLife Research at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center in Overton. He said he looks forward to producing research that will directly impact the beef cattle industry in Texas and the southern U.S.
Decades of cattle physiology research data at the Overton center will speed his transition and help him begin work on his research objectives immediately, he said. “There’s tremendous opportunity here,” he said. “With the existing research herd and historic physiological data, it will give me a jump start on past performance, and I am looking forward to getting the ball rolling.”
Beef cattle reproduction research P erry’s research focuses on reproduction efficiency in beef cattle on both the male and female side in areas like male and female fertility, sperm transport, early breeding and early calf development. Studying reproductive physiology is important in beef cattle herds because weeks and months lost to ineffective natural or artificial breeding can cost producers a calf, and possibly more over several breeding seasons. Perry said his goal is to identify physiological traits in male and female cattle that increase the likelihood animals are bred as early and efficiently as possible.
For instance, producers want to know more about replacement heifers, and the focus is
typically on early conceptions, Perry said. The research herd will allow him to track the physiological impact when heifers reach puberty and give insights into conception rates this season and beyond through multiple generations. Regarding bulls, Perry said he will look at sperm transport and how males contribute to breeding efficiency.
“Whether it’s natural or AI, females’ reproductive systems are designed to sort sperm for the best quality to reach the fertilization spot,” he said. “But we know sperm do more than just bring male DNA into the equation. It can also have an impact on the early stages of embryonic development and survivability.”
Background and experience
Perry was a faculty member and beef reproduction Extension specialist in the animal science department at South Dakota State University for 17 years. His research efforts there focused on factors that influenced reproductive efficiency, pregnancy success and embryo mortality.
Some of his current research has focused on understanding why variations occur between herds, the impact of vaccination on reproductive success, and factors impacting sperm longevity.
Charles Long, Ph.D., director of the AgriLife center in Overton, said Perry’s education and research background and experience made him the right choice for the position. He said Perry’s hire also adds an element of continuity with related research ongoing at the center.
“At the end of the day, we think he is positioned to make positive research impacts on the beef cattle industry in Texas and the southeastern U.S.,” Long said. “We expect his work to influence how breeding programs for tropical breeds like Brahman, and other established breeds, are maintained in a way that maximizes productivity.”
Perry was raised on a small cattle operation in Giddings. He earned his bachelor’s degree in animal science from Texas A&M and his master’s and doctoral degrees in reproductive physiology from the University of Missouri. A large portion of his doctoral research was conducted at the U.S. Department of Agriculture research station in Miles City, Montana.
Perry has been invited to speak at numerous national and international conferences on reproductive efficiency in beef cattle and has published numerous manuscripts on reproductive efficiency through his research program.

George Perry, Ph.D., Texas A&M AgriLife Research physiologist, Overton. (Texas A&M AgriLife Communications photo by Adam Russell)

USDA Offers Disaster Assistance to Texas Farmers and Ranchers Impacted by Hurricane Hanna

Edinburg, TX, Aug. 14, 2020 – Hurricane Hanna’s flooding and high winds impacted agricultural operations in South Texas, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has technical and financial assistance available to help farmers and ranchers recover. As agricultural producers move into recovery mode and assess damages, they should contact their local USDA Service Center to report losses and learn more about program options available to assist in their recovery from crop, land, infrastructure and livestock losses and damages.
“FSA has a variety of disaster assistance programs to support farmers and ranchers through times of adversity,” said Gary Six, state executive director for USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) in Texas. “Once you are able to evaluate impacts on your operation, it is important to contact your local FSA office to timely report all damages and losses and determine how we can assist.”
USDA encourages farmers and ranchers to contact the FSA county office at the local USDA Service Center to learn which documents should be provided to help the local office expedite assistance, such as farm records, receipts and pictures of damages or losses.
Depending on the operation, FSA offers a number of disaster assistance programs to help offset eligible losses, including the Livestock Indemnity Program, Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program, Emergency Conservation Program, Emergency Forest Restoration Program, Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) and Tree Assistance Program.
Additionally, producers located in counties with a primary or contiguous disaster designation may be eligible for low-interest emergency loans to help them recover from production and physical losses.

USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) also offers programs to help in the recovery process. The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) can help producers plan and implement conservation practices on land impacted by natural disasters.
“NRCS can be a very valuable partner to help landowners with their recovery efforts,” said Clint Evans, acting state conservationist for the NRCS in Texas. “Our staff will work one-on-one with landowners to make assessments of the damages and develop approaches that focus on effective recovery of the land.”
Producers with Federal crop insurance coverage should contact their crop insurance agent for assistance. Producers should report crop damage to their agent within 72 hours of damage discovery and follow up in writing within 15 days.
“Crop insurance is there to help producers manage risk because we never know what nature has in store for the future,” said Jim Bellmon, director of RMA’s Regional Office that covers Texas. “The Approved Insurance Providers, loss adjusters and agents are experienced and welltrained in handling these types of events.”
Assistance for Communities
Additional NRCS programs include the Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) program, which provides assistance to local government sponsors with the cost of addressing watershed impairments or hazards such as debris removal and streambank stabilization. Eligible sponsors include cities, counties, towns, conservation districts, or any federally recognized Native American tribe or tribal organization. When a watershed impairment occurs due to a natural disaster event, the district conservationist serves as the local facilitator for EWP activities. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is the lead federal agency for Presidentially declared natural disasters. All NRCS emergency work is coordinated with FEMA or its designee. Sponsors must submit a formal request (via mail or email) to the state conservationist for assistance within 60 days of the natural disaster occurrence or 60 days from the date when access to the sites become available.
For more information, please contact Michael Robison, EWP program manager, at michael. robison@usda.gov or (254) 742-9901.
More Information
Producers and landowners can use the online Disaster Assistance Discovery Tool, answering five questions that will identify USDA programs that will help meet disaster recovery needs.
For more information on all USDA disaster assistance programs, visit farmers.gov/recover or contact your local USDA Service Center, which can be found at farmers.gov/service-center-locator. For assistance with a crop insurance claim, please contact your crop insurance agent.

4113 S. Sugar Rd. Ste. 1 Edinburg, TX 78539 (956) 205-0231

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