The Ali Ledger Issue 5 (Back to school edition)

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The Ali Ledger In this issue

1. Member recruiting ideas 2. Dues Increase. 3. Fall Rally 4. Youth Opportunities Fund 5. Students Change Hunger 6. Eliminate Flyer 7. Yuda Bands 8.Fall Regional Training Conferences 9.Save the Date 10.Contact Information Arthur L. Johnson John F. Kennedy Memorial


J.P Stevens




Member Recruiting Ideas Target freshmen! See if you can attend freshman orientation and advertise Key Club. Announce major achievements: people like to become a part of successful things. Give your school morning announcer some recent stats about projects your club has been involved with.

Use social media to your advantage! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and even MySpace are examples of social media sites you can use to broadcast your club.

Be Sociable and Informative! Have events that advertise Key Club. Try working with your LTG to be involved in divisional projects.

If you’re allowed, put posters around your school about upcoming meetings and events.

Dues Increase For 2013-2014 Service Year

$5.50 District Dues

For 2014-2015 Service Year


For 2013-2014 Service Year

International Dues

$6.50 For 2014-2015 Service Year


YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES FUND Service is the foundation of Key Club International and Key Clubs have successfully been changing the world through service since its beginning. Every year clubs brainstorm ways they can change their homes, schools and communities. Clubs often come up with great ideas but their club lacks the funds to get it started. However, do not lose hope! The Youth Opportunities Fund is here for Key Clubs to utilize. This fund is created by the purchasing of G. Harold Martin Fellowships. The fund allows Key Clubs to serve the world by providing grants for service opportunities. In order to receive this grant, your club must find a problem in the community that you all want to fix. You have to organize how you will do it and how the funds will be used. Your club is then ready to fill out the application! Grants range from $100-$2000.

For example, the North Crowley Key Club in Fort Worth Texas was able to have a very successful project with their $450 YOF grant. As they were searching ways to change the world through service they realized a problem in their local elementary schools. The lack of funds going towards art there left kids with few opportunities to be creative. What did they do? They started planning and received their grant. They used their grant to buy art supplies which they used at Barnes & Noble’s Saturday morning story times every week. They would lead the kids in craft that related to the story. With their art supplies, the club was also able to host a citywide arts and crafts art fair. Members also donated supplies to an urban elementary school with no art budget and sent craft donations to children living in Appalachia. The club continues to their weekly craft at Barnes & Noble. This club was very successful in changing the values of art in their community!

The application can be found at YOF_Application_14.sflb.ashx and must be received by October 15th. The address where you should send the application to is: Kiwanis International Attn: YOF Application/Nicole Harris 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268-3196, USA You can also send the application by fax to 1-317-879-0204. If you would like to learn more about YOF please contact your lieutenant governor, email or visit

Key Club International endorses certain charities that they recommend clubs to fundraise and perform service projects for. However, while it is good to fundraise and serve the charities we endorse, it is also good to spread the love and help outside organizations. This year at international convention, many different charities were there explaining what they do to better the world. One particularly eye catching one was Yuda Bands. Yuda Bands works towards giving children from third world countries a chance for an education that they otherwise would not have had. And when you give a child an opportunity for education, you give them the possibility to change the world. What are Yuda Bands? Yuda Bands are beautiful handcrafted bracelets. Your club would sign up to sell the bracelets and then the money from the sales goes back to giving these children’s education.

How can your club have a Yuda Bands project? Once the project has been approved by your school, your club can fill out the application. When the application has been approved by Yuda Bands, your club would pick the students you would like to sponsor. Once this is done, you can begin the project! A typical Yuda Bands project is two weeks of advertising and two weeks of selling. Your club can assign students to sell them or you can sell them after school, during lunch, or whatever your school will allow. Be mindful they sell like hotcakes! Once the project is done, you will receive a certificate that you gave the children you sponsored an education. Overall, Yuda Bands works towards Kiwanis goal of bettering the lives of the children of the world in a different way. If you would like to learn more about Yuda Bands, please visit or contact your lieutenant governor.

Save the Date

Regional Training Conferences *Central—September 13 at Vorhees High School *Southern– September 14 at Egg Harbor Township High School *Northern—September 20 at Parssipany Hills High School


Fall Rally *October 12 at Six Flags Great Adventure

Contact Information District Governor Samantha Levisay Email: njgovernorle

rer District Treasu ack Daniel McCorm ccormack@gmai rm re u as re jt n Email:

er District Webmast Srikar Gudipati Email: njwebmaste

District Secretary Jacqueline Dragon Email: njdsecretarydrag

District Editor Patrick Quinn com atquinn@gmail. Email: njeditorp

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