The Animal Foundation Feb 2017 Tails Newsletter

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Two Paws Up for Pets for Life PA G E 3

Your Holiday Giving at Work PA G E 4

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Newsletter A H A P P Y TA I L S S T O R Y:

Gatsby & Bagel

Gatsby and Bagel might not come from the same mom, but they are brothers at heart. They both had the same misfortune early in life, and they have found the best forever home together!

· March 23, 2017 · Join the entire state of Nevada for a single day of giving in support of the charities that support our communities, like The Animal Foundation! — Log on to — to schedule your donation today, and be a part of making a difference in your community!

Gatsby was found wandering the streets and was brought to The Animal Foundation in 2014. Underweight and timid, it was obvious that this young pup had been on his own for a long time. Even though he was afraid, he was so desperate for love that when staff tried to sit on the floor and assess him, all he wanted to do was curl up in their laps and snuggle! His health improved quickly in our care, and soon he was on his way to a new forever home. “Gatsby was still a baby at 9-months-old, very shy and reserved when we first brought him home. Within a couple weeks, though, his tail went from between his legs to up and wagging all the time. Gatsby is king of the house now, and he really is the best friend a dog could possibly be.” — The Arellano Family Life seemed complete, but in May 2016, the Arellano family saw a posting for a special adoption discount and decided to come down to The Animal Foundation. “The day I adopted Bagel, I was actually leaving because I wasn’t able to find who I had in mind to adopt. I decided to go into one random kennel I’d already walked through one more time before I left. I walked in and saw the most beautiful pair of eyes I’d ever seen on a dog. I knew then that I had walked into that kennel for a reason. We were meant to be!” Gatsby and Bagel took to each other right away. Gatsby, always intuitive to his family’s pain, seemed to understand that Bagel was sad and scared. He stuck by his side, and in no time at all, Bagel’s true colors began to shine. Bagel is still a little shy, but every time you look at him his tail starts to wag or he stands on his hind legs like he can’t contain his love. The two little dogs are always playing or snuggled up sleeping together. Together, they make the Arellano family complete. PA G E 1 • T A I L S N E W S L E T T E R • F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 7

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