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What is Architecture? Architecture is a way of expressing yourself. Trough architecture you can create and destroy, you can blend or you can make a statement. The moment you develop living places, not just spaces, I think you make architecture.
Personal Information Name and surname: LES DAMARIS Date and place of birth: 01.04.2017, Arad Telephone: 0742856307 E-mail: Languages: Romanian (native), English (B2), German (beginner)
Educational background 2004-2012: School of Arts “Regina Maria” Alba Iulia 2012-2016: School of Arts “Regina Maria” Alba Iulia 2016-present: Faculty of Architecture, Politehnica University, Timisoara
Workshops Sebes v4.0 - Sebes 2017 Masterplan for art 2 - Timisoara 2017
Computer skills ArchiCAD(beginner), Adobe InDesign(beginner), Sketch-up
Other skills teamwork, leadership, analyzing data
Hobbies playing guitar skiing
CERTIFICAT (highschool)
ARHIOPOLIS (1st year, 1st semester school project) Team: the whole class/grup, but here i’m presenting only my part. Location: Timisoara Year: 2016
We were given the assignment of building a layout of a city. Just like any city, it would have beneficiaries. Our aim was to build these beneficiaries, in our case architects, a personal space dedicated to study. Every student was assigned a place in the city and an architect (beneficiary). The city was shaped on a given peace of land. Each of us was to settle on this plot of land with 4 space unities laid in a specific configuration. The city was made up of multiple spacial sequences, crossings, directions of movement, points of view. They were all negociated on the basic relation of determination between public space and private space. The aim of each architect concerning his beneficiary was to understand his needs, his ideology, hie motivation, his way of relating to himself, the world, space. That is because the space and interiors we generate would become
his inner world. The outside shape would be his way of relating to the world. The space I created started with the basic shape of a cube because of the minimalist character of my beneficiary. The configuration of the field implyed that I would need to renounce part of the property in the favor of the comunity so I kept the footprint pure by the means of the outside pillars. I used facade modules and also modules of the support system in order to play with the lights and shadows. They would also create the inside mood that was specific to the beneficiary. We were to include two artifacts, one on the inside, one on the outside. We drew lots on the outside one and mine was a fountain. My choice of an inside artifact was a bonsai, the minimalist type of a tree. My choice of the setting of these artifacts was the zen view in order to stress the close connection between the beneficiary and his moods and the outside and inside space.
FAMILY HOUSE (certificat for finishing highschool) Location: Alba Iulia Year: 2016
This building is designed for a family with two children. It has two floors and it has three entrences, a main one and two secundary ones. On the ground floor there is a hierarchy of spaces, the largest one is the living room, on both its sides there are two lit terraces. There is also a garage that has the function of a terrace for the second floor. The building is set on level ground, there are no bumps, its shape is square.
SCHOOL PROJECT (1st year, 2nd semester) Location: Timisoara Year: 2017
We chose an imaginary character for this project and we were to build a house for him. There was close analysis on the phisical and spiritual level and I found myself acting like a director and playwrite of the space. I guided myself by becoming closely familiar with the personality traits of this character.
The personality of my character is straightforeward , without reveling too much, so the house on the outside looks like a prismatic volume set on a “forest� of pillars. These pillars are ment to conceil the entrance, make anyone aproching feel uncomfortable and desire to leave this place. I created this mood since my character is not friendly and tends to push people away. The pilars are made of wood because they speak of his ability to feel.
Despite the simple exterior, ther are lots of subordonation and transition relations.
In addition to the necessary spaces in a house, my character received something special, a library. The light is best in this room because this is where he will be spending most of his time.
Gaps in walls light the space but also gaps in the ceiling. These gaps allow the pillars coming from the ground floor to figuratively continue their journey and growth.
The evolution of light on an interior wall. The roof from the model is removed here for a better understanding.
SEBES V4.0 (workshop) Coordinator: Dragomir Dragan Location: Sebes Year: 2017
Conceptual scheme for the position of the house on site and the way of resolving the facade.
This program intends to bring solutions to the development of the town of Sebes. This year we focused on the bank of the Sebes river and there were three locations that could possibly become riverside atractions. we also worked on a 3D map of the town.
Thank you!