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De inlocuit

To me, architecture is a way of keeping alive every memorie and making new ones. It is a way of expressing my thoughts and the way I see the world, but it also gives me the chance to understand the way others thought and saw the world. I see architecture as a two way road, it gives me memories, feelings, emotions, but it also lets me give back to it my creativity and feelings.

Personal Information Name and surname: Palade Roxana Maria Date and place of birth: 01.08.1996, Arad, Romania Telephone: 0751439616 E-mail: paladeroxana@yahoo.com Languages: romanian(native), enghlish(C2), german(B1) Educational background 2015-present: Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Politechnica University Timisoara 2011-2015: Informatics-Mathematics Highschool-degree, National College Preparandia “D. Tichin deal“ Arad 2007-2011: National College Preparandia “D. Tichindeal“ Arad Work experience 2014- Personal exhibition, Design, Popular school of arts Arad Architectural competitions Nomination- International competition C.A.S.A, 2017 Extracurricular activities Heritage of Timisora- volunteer Oglinda de lemn exhibion-volunteer Mies van der Rohe Award 2017 exhibition- volunteer ArtEncounters 2017- volunteer Workshops 2017- Wooden Churches of Banat, multidisciplinary workshop 2016- Wooden Churches of Banat, interdisciplinary workshop 2010-ECDL workshop Computer skills SketchUp, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, Rhino(beginner), ArchiCAD,Microsoft Office Other skills Leadership, teamwork, comunication














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LAMA SHELTER School project Team: Lucaciu Diana, Palade Roxana Coordinators: Baldea Maja, Oprita Razvan Location: Carpat Zoo Timisoara, RO Year: 2016

The aim of this task was to choose and analyse any animal from Timisoara`s zoo and then to come up with the best solution we could think of so that both the animals and the visitors to have a nice cohabitation. As the title says our subject were the lamas. We had a period of time to gather all the information we needed and to come up with some conclusions about was missing from their shelter at that point in zoo. Our proposal came very natural and the first thing we decided to do was to systematize the land and add a small lake just to give the lamas an eviroment as close to their natural one as possible.

Another thing we decided to do was to add a shelter for the animals. The construction we designed was meant to shelter the three lamas from the Carpat Zoo. We tried to keep it as simple as possible but at the same time we decided to give it more than just one purpose. So the next thing we thought was to include the food holder at the end of the roof slope. We also wanted to establish a stronger connection between the animal and the visitors so we extended the ground plan outside their enclosed area and transformed it into a bench for the visitors.

SEASONAL- INDIVIDUAL HOUSE School project Coordinators: Baldea Maja, Oprita Razvan Location: Modos bridge, Timisoara, RO Year: 2016

Following the analyses we made on the site and the surroundings, we came up with the conclusion that in the given area there are three types of urban tissues: industrial, urban dense and urban airy tissue. The last two form a contrast that is very much accentuated by the railway backfill that makes a very clear separation between the different worlds. The concept started from the slope that makes the acces on the site. I wanted to create a strong limit betwen the site and the industrial area and at the same time to the in consideration the scale of the neighbor and the human scale on the other side.

Taking in consideration the two constructions that were already on the site, the third one has a double role (it is a limit between the public and the private space and it also incorporates the night space). It also takes over the materiality of the brick construction that was already on the site. Like this, the concrete construction where happen all the daily indoor activities is the only one that makes a discordant note. The exterior route is pretty dinamic and it is ment to expand from the point where the acces on the site is. It offers different views of the gardens and all kinds of visual, olfactory, kinestesic sensations.

PERMANENT COMMUNITY DWELLING School project Team: Lucaciu Diana, Palade Roxana Location: Ulpia Traiana street, Timisoara, RO Year: 2016

Community. Family. These were the two words we had in mind from the begining of this project till the end of it. As a result of the analysis we made, we have concluded that this three-family complex must strengthen the idea of ​​proximity and connection between the inhabitants (thing that is not often found in the neighborhood). Starting from the idea of ​​the “tree of life”, we have begun to develop a solution that is designed to create dynamic relationships both outdoors and indoors, offering private, intimate spaces and shared spaces where the three friends, their families, but also close neighbors can relate. By taking some elements from the facades of the neighboring houses we chose to emphasize and not to deny the identity of the area. The positioning of the houses strengthens the idea of a ​​ close community, the access being made from the same common outdoor space. We thought about this space so that in the summertime and not only it to serve as a common terrace for the three families. The farthest area of ​​the street is also the most intimate area where there is a BBQ and outdoor dining area, as well as a play area for children.





TOGETHER RATHER THAN APART International competition C.A.S.A, nomination Team: Lucaciu Diana, Palade Roxana Coordinators: Dina Rodica, Szitar Mirela Location: Episcopiei street, Arad, RO Year: 2017

Every individual is a part of a whole. This whole we refert to, the univers, brings things, people together. Our projects has as a core the idea of bringing people togheter whithin the comunity. After carefully studying all that surrounds our site, we realised we want to retell the story of an element present in the old buildingsthe cursive. Back in the day, the cursive was an element that reduced interaction among the residents to a mere “hello“ and “goodbye“, as it was an elevated platform that allowed one to enter his house. Having in mind the core of the cursive, the idea of a short human interaction, we started to rethink the term and how we can adapt it to our needs.

Therefore, our project presents a porch like structure that adjoins you in your journy through the site. We placed the houses on the perimeter of the site in order to create three main courts, leaving the space between these two for the porch, separating the public and private life. It is a spac that offers alcoves, niches, places to stay, places to bring back the joy of being a child and the most important, place to gather and be a part of the comunity, wheter it be small or large. Regarding the common space to turned to history again. Our common space is composed of three floors, each representanting another function.

The first floor is thought as a workspace for the entire comunity, a wooden toy making workspace, given the fact the first wooden toy factory opened in Romania was in Arad. Thus, in relation with the first floor, the ground floor in an exhibition space, where the toys that were made in the workspace can be presented to the whole comunity.

WOODEN CHURCHES OF BANAT workshop Team Location: Crivina de Sus, Timis, RO Year: 2016, 2017

The wooden church in Crivina de Sus is the oldest church from the Banat region (17th century) that can be found in an area. The porpuse of the workshop is to learn different things about traditional romanian architecture. There were already a series of inter and multi-disciplinary summer workshops.

Because of the bad condition the church has in previous workshops students and teachers created a new system for protecting the church, by covering it with a tensile membrane, which ensures the much needed space and time for research, rehabilitation procedures and works, away from rough weather conditions.

HOBBY Location: everywhere Year: anytime

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