“The undeniable ground ... is that we are animals in a world of seasons and rhythms which we have lost. Some wish to seek what was lost. A god or master might say "Animal born into the seasons and the rhythms of light and darkness, you must remain cut off from these seasons and rhythms and be forever out of joint with the universe from which you have been born!" A god or master who said that would be a tyrant and an enemy. An animal disconnected from the earth and washed in alienation who surrendered to that alienation without a fight would be one to be pitied. We don't want to play elf neo bullshit dress up. We want to touch the milieu our blood, our senses, our desires were born from. Smartest thing to do when you have taken a wrong to turn is to try to go back to the turn not taken. In this instance probably beyond our reach in any but the most inadequate of stumbling attempts. So what? What's here and now being drilled into us is surely without life.. Before the math, before the power narrative plays there was animal-ness coupled with the uniquely human qualities of celebration and imagination and wonder being affected by the rhythm of life. Forever driven by the burden of proof and the need to scripturize our blood and our dreams we are drying up inside. The appeal to the peoples and the past is because the usual and expected god is so silent in the face of our need that god is either dead or somewhere unexpected." - Andrew Mandell
Resisting the Domesticators By Andy Lewis The primal battle against domestication is being waged at every moment, even now. Anarchy and wildness flow through our veins, a part of us all as much as the air we breathe and the water we drink. This spirit of wildness is systematically beaten out of us via domestication. Churches, schools, jobs, politicians, cops, these are the institutionalized motor for domestication in our daily lives. The domesticators seek to control, manipulate and ultimately to destroy that spirit which courses through all living beings. But when we join with the wild community of all God’s good creation a kind of miracle takes place. At those moments we awaken with ears to hear and eyes to see like Jacob when he finds that wild creation is the gate of heaven. It is in those moments that the life of quiet desperation dies. The threat of prison can no longer control us as all creation waits patiently and anxiously for us to join in communion. At those moments we may become aware of a great cloud of witnesses gathered around urging us on to liberation.