Space Place Life 2014

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MANIFESTO The Academy of Urbanism brings together a group of thinkers and practitioners involved in the social, cultural, economic, political and physical development of our villages, towns and cities. The Academy was formed in February 2006 to extend urban discourse beyond built environment professionals and to create an autonomous, politically independent and self-funded learned voice. We aim to advance the understanding and practice of urbanism by promoting a culture of scholarship through evidence-based inquiry, providing an inclusive forum for dialogue across all disciplines, sharing knowledge with the community and our peers and nurturing, recognising and rewarding excellence in achievement. Principles Urban settlements must perform at their fullest potential to advance the quality of human habitation and ensure the survival and recovery of the natural environment, at both a global and local scale. The practice of good urbanism can establish a high quality of living, nurture a healthy and creative way of life, support economic, social, political and cultural activity and deliver robust, distinctive and attractive physical environments.

1. Successful urbanism is the result of a collective vision, realised through creative and enduring relationships between the community, government, developers and professionals involved in its design, delivery, governance and maintenance. 2. The culture or cultures of the people and the ecology of the place must be expressed at a human scale and through both physical and social structures. 3. The identity, diversity and full potential of the community must be supported spiritually, physically and visually to sustain a sense of collective ownership, belonging and civic pride. 4. Vibrant streets and spaces, defined by their surrounding buildings and with their own distinct character, should form a coherent interconnected network of places that support social interaction and display a hierarchy of private, commercial and civil functions. 5. There must be a permeable street network with pedestrian priority that gives maximum freedom of movement and a good choice of means of transport.

6. Essential activities must be within walking distance and there should be a concentration of activity around meeting places. 7. Places must provide a diversity of functions, tenure, facilities and services; have a mix of building designs and types; and include a variety of appropriately scaled districts and neighbourhoods. 8. The social, cultural and economic needs of all inhabitants must be capable of being met without detriment to the quality of the lives of others. 9. Security should be achieved by organising the urban environment in ways that encourage people to act in a civil and responsible manner. 10. The pedestrian environment should be closely associated with active frontages at street level and there should be an appropriate intensity of use in all areas at all times. 11. The design of spaces and buildings should be influenced by their context and seek to enhance local character and heritage whilst simultaneously responding to current-day needs, changes in society and cultural diversity. 12. The public realm and civil institutions must be supported and protected by sound and inclusive

processes that respond to the local community and changing economic and social conditions.

13. Decision-making for the ongoing development and management of the urban fabric must engage stakeholders and the local community through public participation. 14. Diverse, accessible, affordable and active villages, towns and cities will encourage successful commercial activity, promote prosperity and support the well being of their inhabitants. 15. New and existing places must respect, enhance and respond to their local topography, geology and climate and connect to the natural environment within and around them. 16. Urban parks and other landscaped areas should provide space for recreation, encourage biodiversity and help support a balanced environment. 17. New urban forms should be capable of adaptation over time to meet changing needs and to promote the continued use of existing resources, including the built environment. 18. The built environment must seek to minimise the use of carbon-based products, energy and non-renewable resources.

This year’s finalists, which we celebrate in the eighth edition of our Space Place Life booklet, provide us with wonderful examples of urbanism which people have worked hard to nurture over many years. They provide us with inspirational stories of places that are saved, turned around, rediscovered and rejuvenated. Great places don’t just happen; they are planned, shaped and supported by human endeavor, sometimes painstakingly so. Our assessments of these wonderful places show that places that are truly liveable every day, have facets well beyond the ordinary. They are shaped by careful thought, passionate curation and enlightened management, all purposefully repositioning places to perform better for their users. The Places are all ambitious and different, seeking to distinguish themselves, sometimes by taking creative risks. The Streets provide strong local anchors, serving visitors as well as their local community, by adapting to changing circumstances and evolving into new entities, even by breaking some of the so-called rules. The Neighbourhoods show how physical place, however good, is not enough. There also needs to be a positive sense of community, with opportunities for people to do things together and build positive relationships. The Towns are dynamic and progressive, possessing a ‘can-do’ mentality that drives their own internal revitalisation across areas, groups and partnerships. The careful custodianship of their historic legacy is an integral part of their story for addressing modernity.

The Cities provide us with differently scaled examples of transformation, embracing cultural, economic and community elements, in different geographic and climatic contexts. Each has a story of heroic turnaround of which we thirst to learn more. Enjoy all of these wonderful places. Visit them, study them, celebrate them. Most importantly let us learn, and take encouragement from their achievement. It is their admirable pursuit of improvement through planning, design and management that singles these places out. Many thanks to all the assessment teams for their insight; to Artist in Residence David Rudlin for the drawings; to our graphics team of John Thompson & Partners, Paul Davis + Partners, Gillespies, and Rosie Haslem of Space Syntax for the figure ground plans; and of course to Poet in Residence Ian McMillan for his verse and support. But most of all, thanks to these wonderful fifteen finalists across all categories, and congratulations on your achievement. If you would like to get more involved with The Academy of Urbanism, please come to our Congress and growing range of events.

Prof Kevin Murray, Chairman The Academy of Urbanism


a figure ground

a memorable image

and a poem


City of crossings, meetings and Time’s intersections Where History welcomes the present and shapes How the future will be; how the wide world’s perceptions Of what Istanbul can become are merely slight scrapes On the surface, just wavering lights on the Bosphorus sea. It’s been a Capital of Culture, it’s a World Heritage Site, It’s city-as-magnet where in Summer at three In the morning it’s pounding with music and all the tight Streets are full of humanity, thronged with what’s possible. Bridges are the key, bridges real and imaginary, From Europe to Asia, from the thinkable to the do-able, From new ways of thinking to the art of the necessary. Here is a city you can eat and drink and never be full; Here there is plenty. Here is Istanbul.



Some places lie down and die when history strands them And industry rusts and the sky clears of smoke. Malmö learns from these problems, Malmö understands them Malmö’s not the punchline to an unfunny joke About places being lost in a vision of the past That doesn’t take account of change. Malmö’s embraced it, Taken into account that things change so fast That you have to change with them. Malmö has faced it And taken learning and knowledge as the key to a door That opens the future under broad Northern skies. It’s turned like that Torso that lifts from the floor And the whole place is filled with delight and surprise. The future is learning, and Malmö has learned That the future’s not given: it has to be earned.

No day’s like any other day in Marseille! One day is not enough to see the city; It’s shifting and it’s changing in a Marseille way It’s a place that’s just the rugged side of pretty! Take plenty of time here to absorb Marseille One word is not enough to define it Gaze upon its wonders as you sail around the bay Then attempt to just encompass and refine it; Calling it a ‘melting pot’ doesn’t help Marseille It’s more subtle and complex and vital: Music, history, languages: different ways to say What the story is if Marseille is the title. It’s a city where life is always lived beyond the full; It’s the other side of boring and a world away from dull!



Stretch out in Buxton and you touch the sky, Walk uphill in Buxton and you hear the sound Of history dancing and learning to fly And holding you close to the Derbyshire ground. A stroll to the Opera House: an aria in itself, A three-act-drama involving shopping and cake In a town standing proud along a rocky shelf. If you’ve a cultural, artistic, or literal thirst to slake Then this is the town on the North’s solid roof This is the town where it can snow in June This is the town that is never aloof This is the town that is always in tune. An evening dress and pair of thick socks on: That’s how you should dress for the nuance of Buxton!


CORK Let’s raise our voices in praise of Cork In praise of a town that takes pride of place To a Cork-based level. Listen to the talk on St Patrick’s Street, how talk fills the space between shopping, eating and walking the walk. Let’s raise our voices in praise of here: In praise of a delicacy poised on a fork In the Opera House’s shadow, in praise of sipped beer. Let’s raise our voices in praise of Cork; Of the shining waters of the River Lee. In praise of a town that’s more than just talk; Its products can raise you, believe you me Put a spring in your step. Now walk the Cork walk!

HASTINGS & ST LEONARDS Hastings and St. Leonards: the air, the sky, the sea. Get a lungful of renewal as the tide moves out and in. Hastings and St. Leonards, I hope that you’ll agree Make reinvention heard above the droning, boring din Of those that think all places should be welded to the past, Well these are places sharper than an arrow in an eye, Here’s a great revival that is really made to last. Here’s the fishing and the art beneath a gorgeous Sussex sky And maybe that’s the secret of what makes this coast unique: The different ways that people make their living side by side, Sail the boar or sculpt it, paint the landscape for a week, Lay your table for your diners with skill and wit and pride. These towns are one story rewritten and rewritten: Hastings and St Leonards. One taste and you’ll be smitten!


GRAND CANAL QUARTER A canal is built from water, water and engineering And this part of the city’s built on light and glass; Stand still for a moment: that’s applause you’re hearing From the late-night theatre as the night clouds pass And the moon strikes a chord and makes a reflection In the windows of an office that reflect the shine Of a kind of art and commerce intersection That treads a very fine, very fulfilling line. If cities are to prosper in these thin times we’re in Then this is the mixture they need to achieve: Places to work, places to play, and a kind of thin Space between the two that helps you to believe That a place like Dublin’s fine canal quarter Has made a renaissance of engineering and water.



Let’s all raise a glass to the great Sir Titus Salt! Saltaire was his dream and it’s a dream that has come true. We’d toast him in Ribena, of course, not a glass of malt: He was as teetotal as the Saltaire sky is blue. But his spirit still pervades the place as you step off the train And wander down to marvel at Salt’s Mill That’s a monument to marvel at, even if the rain Is following you down the street and down the gentle hill. UNESCO knew the power of old Salt’s forward thinking And made it Yorkshire’s first World Heritage Site And now it proves it’s worth it as we all sit here drinking In the history and the future as the sky turns bright. This is where canal and road and rail and vision meet And Titus Salt’s rare spirit strolls down every Saltaire street.


When you get to Glasgow, head straight out to the West, In the Botanic Gardens the light streams through the glass. And you may have seen some West Ends but this one is the best Down Byres Road and Ashton Lane the West End people pass And the music of the West End plays its rhythm in your ear, A rhythm built on learning, built on thinking, built through time. If you want food or drink or conversation find it here; The West End’s a location where past and future rhyme. The West End is a novel with a quickly moving plot, The West End is a film where each location lifts your heart; It sometimes feels there’s nothing that the West End hasn’t got: It’s got sleeping places, strolling places, spaces full of art. So grasp the West End tightly, please don’t sit on the shelf: Help the West End make an exhibition of itself!



A world in miniature; a universe in a grain of sand. You can look from one end and see the other end. You couldn’t call it majestic. It isn’t very grand And yet I think it’s monumental. A nuanced blend Of shops and popups and café’s you can pop in, Slip out of carrying coffee that makes everything clear And somehow this street quietens the city’s din And concentrates the careworn mind to the sheer Pleasure of simply walking down a welcoming street That asks you to pause, take your time, have a look And follow a different, independent, subtle beat. Buy a shirt. Buy a croissant. Meet your mate. Buy a book. I went there with my son and he turned to me and said ‘This is the perfect street. I’ll always live here in my head.’


Some streets are just streets but North Street is more. It’s a philosophy and a way to organise a space; There’s always new delights behind a North Street door. If you walk in with a frown you’ll soon get a smiley face From the sheer variety and independence of it all: If there’s a box on this street they’ll think outside it, If there’s an idea on the street they’ll pin it to a wall And discuss it. If excitement’s a skateboard they’ll ride it. So why can’t all streets everywhere be a bit like this? Why can’t North Street be a map just of how we should be? The talking, the meeting, the shopping, the bliss Of life renewed and restored over beer or strong tea? North Street makes you dwell on fundamental things Because North Street dances, and North Street sings.

I couldn’t have written this poem a few years since; I couldn’t have read it out. There’s no way you’d have heard it The noise of the traffic was enough to make you wince And if you think about Shared Space then this weren’t it. And I’m writing in a language that’s local and demotic To describe a transformation from red stop lights To a place that’s welcoming and truly democratic From a stuck traffic jam to a Transport of Delights Because this is a truly local answer to a problem that Scarred a lovely village and cut it clean in two So if you wanted to cross to the barber’s from your flat It would be quicker if he posted the scissors to you! Now the traffic slows, the people walk; space is truly shared, Poynton’s been completely changed. My poem can be heard.




Cathedral Square defines the city from everywhere; From the train, from the road, from simply walking by. I’d like to fly above it and see it from the air, See the flow of people from the Cambridgeshire sky. I’d like to sail above it and see it from the past, See the Corn Exchange in all its ugly glory Ripped away courageously; such eyesores shouldn’t last Because they only slow you down when progress is the story. This is the city’s living, breathing, dancing core The square that catches your eye and delights your ear. This square’s the city’s window and its open door. This square makes you say I am alive and I am here! From every angle this place makes you wish that you were there And the circle of history is encompassed in a square.


Let’s face it: everybody likes custard. Good for the heart And good for the soul. And here’s a cultural centre in Brum That’s built on custard. Or the memory of it. Here’s art And commerce and places to meet or just sit on your bum And drink coffee and talk. You can see films here, Gaze at things, make things and get fitted for a corset If you want. Let’s face it: reinvention’s not just an idea; You have to act on it, make it happen, but don’t force it Or it falls flat on its back. Think of custard, if you wish: How you have to keep stirring it to make it really tasty, And the longer you take with it the better the dish, That’s why The Custard Factory works; nothing’s too hasty Here. There’s just excellence, and quality. A sense of renewal. In Birmingham’s crown this custard’s the jewel.

ST. NICHOLAS MARKET BRISTOL Get your coat, grab your hat and a pile of Bristol pounds And run down to the market where the world’s at play Drink in the smiling smells and taste all the sharp-toned sounds And browse and buy and walk and chat a lovely day away. If you want slow food, take your time and take some more And take your chance to simply stand and look And linger longer at a stall than anyone’s lingered before then halfway through your lingering, stop and read a book. Sometimes places seem the same, anonymous, identikit: St Nicholas market breaks the mould and shatters it to shards With independent places full of life and verve and wit, Home made bread, home made pies, home made greetings cards. This market is a place to renew your heart and soul And emerge with lots of bags and a feeling that you’re whole!



Sponsors Alan Baxter Associates Barratt London Barton Willmore City of Bradford Metropolitan Distict Council Crest Nicholson plc Grosvenor Meyer Bergman The Muir Group Savills Westfield Winckworth Sherwood

Directors Prof Kevin Murray (Chairman), John Thompson (Honorary President), Pam Alexander OBE, Prof Chris Balch, Steven Bee, Andrew Burrell, Tony Reddy, David Rudlin, Tim Stonor, Janet Sutherland, John Worthington, Bob Young.

Supporters in kind Baker Tilly BDP Charles Russell Solicitors Design Council Cabe Gillespies Intelligus Jas Atwal Associates John Thompson & Partners Kevin Murray Associates Paul Davis + Partners Prentis & Co Space Syntax URBED With special thanks to Rosie Haslem for assistance with this publication.

Academicians Arthur Acheson, Robert Adam, Marcus Adams, Lisa Addiscott, Lynda Addison OBE, Kyle Alexander OBE, Peter Alexander-Fitzgerald, Malcolm Allan, Joanna Allen, Ben Allgood, Andrew Almond, Dr Helen Amerika, Ewan Anderson, Nigel Anderson, Ian Angus, Debbie Aplin, Judith Armitt, George Arvanitis, Stephen Ashworth, Alastair Atkinson, Jasvir Atwal, Jeff Austin, Samer Bagaeen, Alastair Baird, David Balcombe, Jonathan Barker, Yolande Barnes, Alistair Barr, Prof Hugh Barton, John Baulch, Alan Baxter CBE, Ian Beaumont, Matthew Bedward, Simon Bee, Andrew Beharrell, Michael Bennett, Neil Bennett, Robert Bennett, Janet Benton, Duncan Berntsen, John Best, John Betty, Richard Bickers, David F.L. Bishop, Daniel Black, Alastair Blyth, Martin Boddy, Kristiaan Borret, Henk Bouwman, Mark Bradbury, Rosemary Bradley, Chris Brett, Eddie Bridgeman, Guy Briggs, Jane Briginshaw, Ross Brodie, Annabel Brown, Patricia Brown, Samantha Bryans, Mark Burgess, Jonathan Burroughs, Richard Burton, John Bury, Peter Butenschøn, Prof Georgia Butina Watson, Peter Butler, Peter Butter, Bruce Calton, Fiona Campbell, Charles Campion, Steve Canadine, Tony Carey, Simon Carne, James Carr, Sam Cassels, Lynne Ceeney, Sue Chadwick, Tim Challans, Marion Chalmers, Joanna Chambers, Sarah Chaplin, Dominic Edward Chapman, James Chapman, Peter Chapman, Richard Charge, Giles Charlton, Stephen Chatfield, Alain Chiaradia, Nick Childs, Tom Clarke, John Henry Cleary, Clare Coats, Joktan Cohen, Dr Jim Coleman, Robert Coles, Jason Collard, Garry Colligan, Paul Collins, Martin Colreavy, Max Comfort, Brian Condon, Charlotte Cook, Karen Cooksley, Prof Rachel Cooper OBE, Dr João Cortesão, Will Cousins, Rob Cowan, David Cowans, Toby Crayden, Emily Crompton, Chris Crook, Linda Curr, Hal Currey, Ned Cussen, Justine Daly, Jane Dann, Alex Davey, Philip Davies, Nick Davis, Paul Davis, Mark Davy, Eric Dawson, Peter de Bois, Neil de Prez, Sophia de Sousa, Ian Deans, Toby Denham, Guy Denton, Nick Dermott, Hank Dittmar, Andrew Dixon, Lord John Doune, John Drever, Paul Drew, Eugene Dreyer, Peter Drummond, Brian Dunlop, Rosamund Dunn, Paul Dunne, Paul Durnien, Prof Mark Dyer, John Dyke, David Edwards, Elad Eisenstein, Luke Engleback, Dan Epstein, Gavin Erasmus, Karen Escott, Roger Estop, Prof Brian Evans, Prof Graeme Evans, Roger Evans, Nick Ewbank, Dr Nicholas Falk, Ross Faragher, Kerri Farnsworth, Max Farrell, Sir Terry Farrell, Ian Fenn, Jaimie Ferguson, Frances Fernandes, Andrew Fisher, Diana Fitzsimons, David Fletcher, Prof Carlotta Fontana, Sue Foster OBE, Bernie Foulkes, Jane Fowles, Simon Foxell, Alan Francis, Peter Frankum, Jerome Frost, Daisy Froud, Catherine Gallagher, Nora Galley, Jeremy Gardiner,

Carole Garfield, Lindsay Garratt, Tim Garratt, Will Garrett, Angus Gavin, John Geeson, Lia Ghilardi, Andy Gibbins, Prof Mike Gibson, Bruce Gilbreth, Ian Gilzean, Christopher Glaister, Stephen Gleave, Dick Gleeson, Guy Goodman, Keith Gowenlock, Charles Graham, Gerry Grams, Gary Grant, Michele Grant, Mark Greaves, Jonathan Greenfield, Ali Grehan, Catherine Greig, James Gross, Simon Guest, Pippa Gueterbock, Richard Guise, Patrick Gulliver, Tim Hancock, Derek Harding, John Harris, Rob Harris, Liane Hartley, Geoff Haslam, Philip Hayden, Helen Hayes, Michael Hayes CBE, Peter Heath, Michael Hegarty, David Height, Wayne Hemingway MBE, Simon Henley, James Hennessey, David Hennings, Mark Hensman, Paul Hildreth, Jason Hill, Stephen Hinsley, Ian Hoad, Marco Hobbensiefken, Tom Holbrook, Eric Holding, Peter Hollis, Stephen Hollowood, Alec Howard, Stephen Howlett, Jun Huang, Anthony Hudson, Jonathan Hughes, Richard Hulbert, Michael Hurlow, Prof Maxwell Hutchinson, John Hyland, Delton Jackson, Philip Jackson, Sarah Jackson, Dr Noel James, Dr Ying Jin, Cathy Johnston, Gwilym Jones, Howard Jones, Peter Jones, Stephen Jordan, Youssef Kadiri, Dr Kari Kankaala, Dr Kayvan Karimi, Andy Karski, Dr Harald Kegler, John Kelpie, Jonathan Kendall, Angus Kennedy, David Kennedy, John Kennedy, Justin Kenworthy, Mary Kerrigan, Ros Kerslake, Anne Kiernan, Janice Kirkpatrick, Mark Knight, Angela Koch, Chris Lamb, Charles Landry, Derek Latham, Diarmaid Lawlor, Adrian Lee, Marcus Lee, John Letherland, Harry Lewis, Michael Lewis, Stephen Lewis, Kevin Leyden, Michael Liverman, Joe Lobko, David Lock, Fred London, John Lord, Vivien Lovell, Mark Lucas, David Lumb, Maja Luna Jorgensen, Nikolas Lyzba, Barra Mac Ruairi, Robin Machell, Keiji Makino, Geoff Makstutis, Louise Mansfield, Riccardo Marini, Andreas Markides, Peter Marsh, Dr Kat Martindale, Mike Martyn, Phil Mason, Peter Massey, Andrew Matthews, Bob May, Dr Alice Maynard, James McAdam, Steve McAdam, Richard McCarthy, Prof Michael McGarry, Kevin McGeough, Aideen McGinley, Martin McKay, Craig McLaren, Mette McLarney, Mary McLaughlin, Craig McWilliam, Ian Mellor, David Miles, Stephan Miles-Brown, Gerry Millar, Robert Millar, Stephanie Mills, Shane Mitchell, Kris Mitra, Prof Ruth Morrow, Paul Morsley, John Muir, Ronnie Muir, Eugene Mullan, Dr Helen Mulligan, David Murphy, Dr Claudia Murray, Deborah Murray, Prof Gordon Murray, Hugh Murray, Peter Murray, Stephen Neal, Peter Nears, Marko Neskovic, Francis Newton, Lora Nicolaou, Dr Olli Niemi, Ross Nimmo, Taryn Nixon, Malcolm Noble, John Nordon, Richard Nunes, Craig O’Brien, Calbhac O’Carroll, Dr Dellé Odeleye, Simon Ogden, Killian O’Higgins, Chris Oldershaw, Wally Olins CBE, Tiago Oliveira, Breffni O’Malley, Trevor Osborne, Paul Ostergaard, Chris Pagdin, Dr Susan Parham, John Parmiter, Liz Peace, Richard Pearce, Adam Peavoy, Ross Peedle,

Alison Peters, Hugh Petter, John Phillipps, Jon Phipps, James Pike, Steve Platt, Ben Plowden, Demetri Porphyrios, Dr Sergio Porta, Prof David Porter, Robert Powell, Sunand Prasad, John Prevc, Dr Darren Price, David Prichard, Paul Prichard, John Pringle, Stephen Proctor, Steve Quartermain, Helen Quigley, Brian Quinn, Shane Quinn, Mark Raisbeck, Peter Ralph, Leonie Ramondt, Clive Rand, Mike Rawlinson, Richard Reid, Amanda Reynolds, Christopher Rhodes, Patrick Richard, Lindsey Richards, Antony Rifkin, Prof Marion Roberts, Prof Peter Roberts OBE, Dickon Robinson, Dr Rick Robinson, Sandy Robinson, Bryan Roe, Lord Richard Rogers, Angela Rolfe, Alexandra Rook, Pedro Roos, Anna Rose, Graham Ross, Jon Rowland, Sarah Royle-Johnson, Robert Rummey, Gerard Ryan, Dr Andrew Ryder, Stephen Sadler, Robert Sakula, Huseyin Salih, Judith Salomon, Rhodri Samuel, Clare San Martin, Peter Sandover, Hilary Satchwell, George Saumarez Smith, Biljana Savic, Bridget Sawyers, Alberto Scarpa, Dominic Scott, Sharon Scott, Bob Sellwood, Symon Sentain, Toby Shannon, Dr Tim Sharpe, Cath Shaw, Richard Shaw, Barry Shaw MBE, Keith Shearer, Anthony Shoults, Ron Sidell, Paul Simkins, Dr Richard Simmons, Andrew Simpson, Anette Simpson, Tim Simpson, Alan Simson, Ann Skippers, John Slater, Malcolm Smith, Paul Smith, Prof Austin Smyth, Carole Souter CBE, Adrian Spawforth, Andy Spracklen, Tim Stansfeld, Alan Stewart, Susan Stirling, Alan Stones, Rosslyn Stuart, Peter Studdert, Nicholas Sweet, Stephen Talboys, David Tannahill, Ian Tant, David Taylor, Nick Taylor, Rebecca Taylor, Sandy Taylor, Ivan Tennant, Alison Tero, Alan Thompson, Chris Thompson, David Thompson, Robert Thompson, Dale Thomson, Lesley Thomson, John Thorp, Greg Tillotson, Michael Timpson, Andrew Tindsley, Damian Tissier, Canon Andrea Titterington, Ian Tod, Peter Tooher, Robert Townshend, Rob Tranmer, Stephen Tucker, Neil Tully, Jeffrey Tumlin, Lisa Turley, John Turner, Jonathan Turner, Stuart Turner, Julia Unwin, Dr Debabardhan Upadhyaya, Giulia Vallone, Urban van Aar, Honoré van Rijswijk, Atam Verdi, Jonathan Vining, Andy von Bradsky, Brita von Schoenaich, Prof Lorna Walker, Thomas Walker, Ian Wall, Ann Wallis, Russell Wallis, David Walters, Ralph Ward, Dr Gerry Wardell, Paul Warner, Elanor Warwick, David Waterhouse, Nick Wates, Camilla Ween, Oliver Weindling, Dr Michael Wells, Jan-Willem Wesselink, David West, Rosemary Westbrook, Allison Westray-Chapman, Pam Wharfe, Duncan Whatmore, Lindsey Whitelaw, Peter Williams, Patricia Willoughby, Marcus Wilshere, James Wilson, Godfrey Winterson, Saffron Woodcraft, Geoff Woodling, David Woods, Nick Woolley, Nick Wright, Ian Wroot, Tony Wyatt, Louise Wyman, Wei Yang, Gary Young, Paul Zara, John Zetter. Honorary Academicians Prof Wulf Daseking, Jan Gehl, Christer Larsson. In Residence Ian McMillan (Poet), David Rudlin (Artist).

The Academy of Urbanism 70 Cowcross Street London EC1M 6EJ United Kingdom  +44 (0)20 7251 8777

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