The Appraiser's Tabloid (A.Y. 2016-2017)

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The Official College Student Publication of the College of Business, Economics, and Management

USWAG BANWANG DARAGA. As proposed in the House Bill No. 66 of 17th Congress, Daraga will soon to become as one of the cities in the country which would bring greater opportunities to its constituents. (Photo by Abigail Ubalde)

A glimpse to municipality

Cityhood to boost employment in Daraga

The transformation of Municipality of Daraga into city as proposed in House Bill No. 66 of 17th Congress will bring greater employment opportunities to its constituents. “Daraga is categorized as highly-urbanized, malapit na sa pagiging siyudad,” Municipal Executive Assistant Alex Comia said during

by: Alvi M. Loreno and Ma. Princess M. Rico an interview with The Appraiser. 240 million. “More businessmen target to finish by 2017. This will Currently, the municipality re- will be attracted to invest, maram- even provide more income opporceives an annual Internal Revenue ing magbubukas na bangko at iba tunities for Daraga especially in Allotment (IRA) of 90 million pe- pang investors at magba-branch tourism, finance, and other relatsos from the national government out pa yan,” he stressed. He fur- ed services. which is used to fund the projects ther added that Daragueño gradThe road widening among the of the municipality. uates can stay in Daraga instead of barangays is part of the prepagoing to other places for jobs. Once the bill for the cityhood is ration for the diversion roads to duly signed and approved, the IRA The advantages that will be lessen the vehicle congestions in will increase from 90 million to brought by the cityhood will fos- some part of the municipality. ter improvement for Bicol InterProjects aligned to road connational Airport which is located structions will facilitate the esat Alobo, Daraga, Albay and is

Road Construction completed

tablishment of “farm to market roads” for convenient accessibility of the farmers from distant barangays. Improvements in basic social services and facilities particularly in sports for the youth will be given priority in the establishment of the city. Comia said that there is a plan to transfer the Municipal

Cityhood|to Page 5|

2 facilities soon to rise In line with the university’s vision which is to become a world class university, the College of Business, Economics, and Management (CBEM) prioritized the infrastructure projects for the benefits of the students as well as the administration personnel. This includes the construction of pathway near the Economics build-

This realignment will affect the other BSBA courses as to some of the subjects which were present in BS Management but not in BSBA will be incorporated causing an increase in the

number of units offered by each program. Meanwhile, those students who were currently enrolled in the program will not be affected by this realignment because it will be implemented after they graduated as built on the student’s handbook. According to Professor Emily Agonos, BS Management Program Adviser, their main concern is the accreditation level of the program that if it will be realigned to the BSBA programs, the accreditation level of the BS Management program which is Level III will be also adopted specially

BS Mg’t |to Page 3|


ROAD CONSTRUCTION To facilitate the movement of vehicles around the campus and for better accessibility among students and faculty, a road pathway was

2 facilities|to Page 12|

CBEM houses Econ dep’t eyes to be an institute ABM studes

BS Mg’t to realign in BSBA programs by: John Paul D. Arranzado Due to the absence of Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Curricular Memorandum which supports the offered programs by any universities or colleges, the Bachelor of Science in Management (BSM) will no longer be offered as one of the program courses; instead, it will be realigned to other existing Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) programs.

ing, the establishment of students’ kiosk and the new administration building. These infrastructures will enhance the facilities and better accessibility of the whole campus and the full satisfaction of its clientele which is the student. It will also give credit to the college in achieving a higher accreditation level.

by John Paul Arranzado and Maureen Delos Angeles

by: Ian M. Llaneta While other institutes are now established in Bicol University, Dr. Ricardo G. Belgica, Economics Department chairperson, said that the department also aims to be an institute even before.

“That has been a plan ever since,” Belgica said. “Kasi the way I look at it, if Bicol University would really like to be a worldclass university, it should make a

by: Ephraim Joseph M. Marollano and Ian M. Llaneta

name in the following disciplines: Engineering, Sciences, Technology and Economics,” he explained. He further stated that it is time for BU to create a name in crafting government policies particularly in the locality that would have something to do with the development. He stressed out that the entry to any development concern is always economics.

Econ dep’t|to Page 3|

Online Clearance commences

After Bicol University (BU) admitted its first batch of Senior High School students this academic year, the College of Business, Economics and Management (CBEM) accommodated 118 Accountancy, Business , and Management (ABM) in its campus. The ABM is one of the three academic strands offered by BU Senior High School Department

CBEM houses|to Page 15 |

CBEM-CBO’s plea for unsettled program fees by: Erika Mae S. Miraflor and Charmane Joy B. Macasinag With the implementation of the on- student. line student’s clearance on the differ“Hindi nagbayad yung ibang stuent campuses, College of Business, dents kaya marami kaming collectEconomics and Management- Colibles. Kami na yung naghahabol sa mga lege Based Organizations (CBEMestudyante at umaasang magbabayad CBO) raised their concerns on why sila. Nagkulang yung funds naming program fees were not included on para sa mga events kaya officers yung the list of accountabilities of each gumagastos,” Diane Ranoco, Junior

INQUIRY | 4 Albay: War on Drugs


Bukas na posibilidad sa saradong Peñafrancia dumpsite


Ask the Prof featuring Dr. Fay Lea Patria M. Lauraya

FEATURE | 7 Salot mang ituring

People Management Association of the Philippines (JPMAP) president BU-Chapter said. In addition to, the President of Business Management Association of the Philippines (BMAP) Christian Alec Borja also said that there were

CBEM-CBO’s|to Page 15|

NEWS | 13

CBEMian represents Phil in Asian Youth Camp

ENTERTAINMENT | 14 Millenial Elegies : A song for the dying (inside) generation



VOLUME XXII ISSUE 4 JUNE - OCTOBER 2016 ISSUE . Member College Editors Guild of the Philippines

CBEM studes attend Prior Art Seminar-Workshop US prof joins CBEM faculty by: Ma. Princess M. Rico with reports from Operations Management Club Twenty College of Business, Economics and Management (CBEM) students took part on the two-day seminar-workshop on Prior Art Searching for Students last August 9-10, 2016 at Bicol University Higher Education Regional Research Conference (BUHRRC) Amphitheater, Legazpi City.

tivity of the BUHERRC to help students who are having their theses and feasibility studies protect their products and ideas. It was participated by representatives from three courses; BS Management, BSBA Marketing and BSBA Operations Management whose studies focus mainly on product and devices.

The Seminar-Workshop is an ac-

It was composed of four plenary

sessions which are: Overview of the Intellectual Property System; Patent Search, Types, and Search Tools; Patent Search Strategies, International Patent Classification, Search String and Result; and Technology Disclosure which included presenting outputs and one-on-one talks.

CBEM studes|to Page 15|

PMAP, CBEM spearheads reg’l confab on Business Mg’t Research by: Alvi M. Loreno and Nonilon S. Duque The People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) in partnership with Bicol University College of Business, Economics and Management (BUCBEM) spearheaded this year’s Regional Conference on Business Management Research held on the 9th day of September 2016 with its theme “Helping Regional Economy thru Business and Management Research” at the Bicol University College of Arts and Letters Amphitheater. Heads and representatives from the academes and business organizations, graduates and undergraduate students all over the Bicol region came over to witness how business research acts as key player in the society. The key note speaker of the event was the Jesse N. Rebustillo, PMAP President, Dr. Arnulfo M. Mascariñas, BU President; Gilbert N. Alberto, President of Metro Naga Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Bobby Gigante from the Department of Tourism were the plenary speakers. Their talks emphasized the continuous growth of the economy, and encouraging everyone to study the greater potentials of the

Highway to h*** With his direct statements and not to mention a foul mouth, and promise to have a corruption-free government, he may not have sugarcoated his campaign speeches, but indeed, he successfully captured the votes of many Filipino people. However, probably by now, millions of those 16 million Filipinos who voted for Rodrigo Duterte to be the Philippines’ 16th President are reexamining the decision they made last May 9, 2016. Duterte’swar on drugs has landed on the headlines of international newspapers and magazines, garnering international criticisms. For many people the war on drugs may have seemed to be a determining factor for an effective and vigorous president, seeing an immediate call of duty from a president. But more than this, the president’s anticrime campaign is more importantly putting the economic stability of the country in jeopardy.

LEADERS ON STAND. CBEM Dean, Dr. Eddie S. See, PMAP Bicol Chapter President, Dr. Melinda De Guzman, PMAP National President Jesse Rebutillo, and BU President, Dr. Arnulfo Mascariñas together at 2016 Regional Conference on Business and Management Research held last September 9, 2016 at BUCAL Amphitheater. (Photo by Justine Verano)

Bicol region. In the second half of the conference different researches were showcased. The presenters are from the different colleges of BU, and was evaluated by the panel of evaluators who were some are the faculty members of CBEM. The paper presentation was divid-

JPIA holds short film tilt

President Duterte, who admitted that he is not a fan of the US,assessed over the possibility of the US President Barack Obama raising human rights issues in the Philippine government’s war on drugs, and had started to carry out his powers and imply that the Philippines do not need help from them.

by: Ian M. Llaneta

tography, Best Film Editing, Best Director for Theresa Mae M. Granatin and Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a Lead Role for Niel John T. Moya.

The Philippine Peso exhibits this concern, after dropping to the weakest level after seven years. Investors pulled roughly $310 million dollars from the stock market over the course of a month. The Philippines’ benchmark PSEi stock index has fallen nearly 2% so far this month, although it surged more than 10% in the past year. “It’s political risk that’s impacting investor sentiment,” said Krystal Tan, Asia economist at Capital Economics. Mr. Duterte “is just very unpredictable. The fear that he will suddenly change his mind is more heightened now,” she added.

Maybe foreign investors haven’t enrolled in a school who offers “creative imagination” subject. As far as economic politics is concerned, the late Jesse Robredo can be exemplified. During his term as Mayor, Naga City was among the most business-friendly and livable cities in the Philippines, with poverty and unemployment rate significantly lower than average. Did Robredo have to do with death squad and a foul mouth? Not at all. He applied governance by consensus. Duterte fans and admirers constantly talked about “the need to enforce discipline”. But if this discipline means following a dogmatic scheme on Duterte’s anti-drug and anti-crime campaign, then the discipline must be modified; must be based on a consensus. The Philippines cannot afford winning against drugs but compromising human rights and the economy. Those 16 million people who voted for Duterte have supported him in his campaign and advocacy. Maybe some have switched sides. But for those who haven’t showed any support and those who have changed minds, obviously Duterte’s way, the “highway”, so far isn’t the best way. ●

by: Julius Martin L. Atos The 34-year old American professor and volunteer member of the Peace Corp organization Whitney Campassi will be one of the faculty members of College of Business, Economics and Management (CBEM) under the Department of Management for 2 academic years.

Katie Sander at Bicol University College of Education (BUCE), Kossi at BU Polangui Campus teaching Math, and her husband Chris Campassi is working with the Expanded Student Grantin-Aid Program for Poverty Alleviation (ESGP-PA) scholars at the Office of the Student Affairs and Services (OSAS), formerly "I was chosen to serve as an known as Office of Student Sereducation volunteer at the tertia- vices (OSS). ry level and the commitment to They arrived in the Philipservice is 27 months,” she said. pines last July 3 and spent the Peace Corp is a US govern- first 10 weeks in Bataan to train ment agency that sends Amer- for the upcoming 2-year service. ican volunteers to developing "I have 8 weeks of Tagalog nations to promote world peace and friendship by helping in- training during my first 10 weeks terested countries to meet their in the Philippines. I am beginneeds for trained men and wom- ning to read short Tagalog stories en, and help better promote an and hope to take a class on BU understanding of America to the campus to increase my language people served. This focuses on 3 and communication skills,” she areas in the Philippines: Educa- said. tion (EDU), Children Youth and When questioned about her Families (CYF), and Coastal Readjustments with the environsource Management (CRM). It ment and culture of the Filipinos started in 1961 by President John especially Albayanos she said, F. Kennedy. "The Philippines is very ‘mainit’ Her other colleagues like and I have had to get use to alAnna Romano were assigned at ways sweating. I have adapted by Bicol University College of Arts also having a hankie and umbreland Letters (BUCAL) to teach la! The culture is very hospitaWorld and English Literature, US prof|to Page 13|

JIM gives back to community by: Maureen E. Delos Angeles The Junior Institute of Management (JIM) organized a half-day Outreach Program at The Sisters of Charity of Mary and Jesus, a children’s orphanage located at San Roque, Legazpi City last September 10, 2016.

This event was in lined with the organization’s extension service which is to share their blessings and happiness to less fortunate children. Headed by their Operations

PMAP|to Page 15| and Control Manager Ma.Floreen

“Economic relations between the U.S., who and the Philippines are “unlikely” to suffer a result of President Rodrigo Duterte’s comments against the country’s longtime ally, lender and development partner” as mentioned in Philstar.

Indeed, for a president who has a tremendous level of inconsistency in his statements, a “creative imagination” for decoding purposes is warranted. Creative imagination is not necessary for those who truly support the president. It can only be applied to media, and those who often misinterpret his statements. However, this creative imagination is not universal.

ed into 3 Thematic Areas: Thematic 1: ICT and Business Education; Thematic Area 2: Public Administration and Disaster Risk Reduction; and Thematic Area 3: Entrepreneurial Development and Industry-Based Researches. Shenna T. Botalon, a Master in Management major in Human Resource Management student, uttered her view on the activity. “The event was timing with my preparation for IMRAD (Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussions) and with our faculty research. I was able to gain ideas on how to present the

Photo Courtesy: Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants

ACCOUNT OF THE EDITOR For a decade of existence as student publication, The Appraiser aims nothing but to give the students, particularly the CBEMians, relevant information which is worth appraising for. This semester we present this Issue as the realization of our goal to give you newsworthy stories that are not just limited in the corners of our campus but also extending to its community. We may not be the specialists of this field nonetheless moved by our passion to serve the studentry. The responsible used of writing gives power on every letter we used to finish an article. This is our instrument of defending the truth, our way to give genuine service. Our existence in this organization, as Vanguards of Truth, is for the welfare of the studentry and of the community. We assure you that this publication is and will never be a mouthpiece of egocentricity. The members commit that it will never be upon any control of interest. Any act to prevent the essence of the publication is being condemned by the Editorial Board and Staff. CBEMians, we support the advocacy for freer campus journalism. We are encouraging you to be with us. Take on the wheel of being campus journalist and serve with authenticity. We’d started it and we’ll continue our quest to probe. We will make sure to give you stories which are relevant and is justifiable to be told.

ALVI M. LORENO Editor-in-Chief

Dubbed as Acquainting Students on Corporate Assembly, Recreation and Sociability (ASCARS), this year’s acquaintance activity of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (JPIA) highlighted the filmmaking and acting skills of its members through a short film competition called La Prima del Filme.

The aforementioned contest served as one of the major part of this year’s acquaintance party held at The Concourse Convention Center on July 23, 2016. Meanwhile, “Connecting,” the short film entry of the the BS MA IV ruled the film fest after bagging the Best Picture Award including other distinctions namely Best Cinema-

MFSO conducts 1st self-defense training by: John Paul D. Arranzado In preparation for the On-theJob Training (OJT) Program, the Microfinance Student Organization (MFSO) conducted the first ever Self- Defense Seminar and Workshop last September 17, 2016 at the College of Science Building 1 (CSB 1). This seminar and workshop was participated by 3rd year and 4th year Microfinance students who will undergo their OJT Practicum next semester. The seminar includes the basic self-defense skills that a student should learn in order to protect themselves against harm. They did different demonstrations or actual scenarios of the basic self-defense

skills presented by the speaker to facilitate practical knowledge among the participants. Meanwhile, the organizer pointed out that they will do series of seminars about self-defense to ensure that the students will never forget all the skills and knowledge taught by the speaker during the said activity. It will also be a way to evaluate if the student learned anything and be able to apply these skills during their OJT. According to Nericris O. Villaflor, President of MFSO, they organized the event so that Microfinance students will be prepared

MFSO |to Page 13|

“Sobrang unexpected. Hindi ko akalain na out of 12 awards, saamin ang 5 at yung mga major pa,” Granatin said. According to her, the film was about connecting to God. Other winners namely “#Running Man’s Challenge” by BSA II-B got the Social Media Fan Favorite and Best Twisted Plot Awards, “In His Shoes” by BSA IV-A grabbed the Best Trailer Award and Outstanding Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role for Rizza Mae D. Lecetivio, “Sonder” by BSA IV-B won

JPIA|to Page 15| BS Mg’t |from Page 1|

that the BSBA programs are just working in achieving the Level I Accreditation. She also added that right now they are reviewing the program so that it can adapt to the BSBA courses suitably. ●


Econ dep’t|from Page 1|

Meanwhile, it can be noted that right now, the Department of Economics is offering one undergraduate program and one graduate program namely AB Economics and Masters in Economics respectively. “To be an institute, it should really expand its focus,” Belgica said. According to him, given the different colleges in the university, they can penetrate every college by offering: Political Economics, Agricultural Economics, Health Economics, Engineering Economics and other related programs. Belgica clarified that as of now they are still on the aspiration stage. No formal discussion has been done yet. But if ever the institute will be established, the department can now chart its own direction more independently rather than just being

Bolonia and Mark Angelo Kallos, they conducted different parlor games for the enjoyment of the children. They also gave presents like toys and provided lunch for the children. According to the organizer, the event was remarkable because they’ve shared their time and resources to these wonderful children in the orphanage. They also added that they will continue to conduct this kind of event every semester. ●

part of the college. He also added that it could enable the university to expand its programs. Regarding to its disadvantages, Belgica said “I don’t consider it as a disadvantage but rather a challenge. The challenge is to how the university would really allocate its resources.” “It would be a very opportune time that it would come out in The Appraiser to tickle the imagination of the current university leadership,” he ended. Looking back to its history, AB Economics was one of the pioneer programs of Bicol University and the oldest course in CBEM. It was once part of the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) before the late college was divided into two colleges, presently known as CBEM and CSSP.●

YES organizes lecture forum

by: Kathryn Ann M. Camba Members equip with business ideas As stated in their privileges and requirements for successful entre- ing a business in the future. benefits for the members, the preneur in the future. According to the organizer, the Young Entrepreneurs Society The resource speaker of the lecture forum are very remarkable (YES) conducted their first ever said event was Ms. Aubrey Mae since it is their first time to conlecture forum with the theme Atos, a graduate of Bachelor of duct this kind of activity. Also, “Discovering and Meeting MarScience in Entrepreneurship here they were very glad that almost ket Needs “ last September 17, in CBEM batch 2015. In her talk, whole of the population of En2016 at the Entrepreneurship she shared her secrets and experitrepreneur students attended the Hall (E-Hall). ences during her practicum and event and ended with full of learnThe event series aimed to equip when she had her own business in ings and whole lot of experience the students with learnings on the present. She also stressed out for everyone. ● how to start a business and the about the starter pack in establish-


A Glance from the past

Looking back to the promises and platforms By Ma. Princess M. Rico and Nonilon S. Duque

HOT SEAT. The Appraiser conducts interview last October 14, 2016, with CBEMCSC with regards to the status of their platforms and advocacies during the campaign period. (Photo by Kathryn Ann)

Roughly, more than a hundred days after 17 students of the College of Business, Economics and Management had assumed posts as College Student Council (CSC) officers, updated with The Appraiser the status of their platforms and legacies they have crusaded during the campaign period. Probably one thing that ordinary students would look forward to the elected officials is the promises they made during the campaign period. Now that this year’s first semester has officially ended, students seek updates on their pledges and keep keen eyes on whether these pledges would really be attained or not. It can be noted that one of the most frequently raised questions by students to both political parties

during election is whether their platforms are feasible and achievable. Moreover, one of the recurrent lines from running candidates is the assurance that the promises would be achieved once holding a council post. The current CBEM CSC officers have reassured that their platforms are making progress although some are yet to be implemented on the second semester of the academic year. THE PLATFORMS, LEGACIES This year’s council officers came up with platforms and legacies ranging from student training and development to streamlining organizational processes and systems. Some of these are still bound to

Footsteps through Greener Economy

happen this second semester in line with certain events of the college.

Platforms and legacies among the elected representatives include leadership and training workshops; improvement of school pride; empowerment of College-Based Organizations (CBO), Department Organizations and Year-Level Organization; Freedom Bulletin and You Deserve It! while platforms and legacies of the executive officers were “CBEM 911” by Reyniel Belo, PIO; Optimization of IGP by Tyron Guevarra, Business Manager; “CBEM ALTA” by Peter Joseph Miraflor, Auditor; Structured financial database of CSC fee by Angelica Acerado, Treasurer; standardized document presentation and custodian of council files by Kris Dan Laganson, secretary; enhanced logistics approach and external linkages and Diyalogo with the Dean by Roby Borja, Vice President; and unified CBEM and continuous support to Policy-making, Partnerships, Programs, Projects and Expertise (4P’s) by the current CSC President, Homer Lacostales. Among the platforms yet to be implemented on the second semester include Wendy Manalo’s arts and culture appreciation which she said was due to the reason that CBEMalaya will be conducted on December this year; Community Projects and Environmental Awareness Projects by Andrew Sayson and Neil Ballaran which were projects aligned with the CBEM Christmas celebration and Ace Morata’s Safety, Mental and Health Awareness which would include sex education and family planning.

By: Alvi M. Loreno

The constant changes in weather conditions, which referred to as climate change, causes destructions in two aspects: first, it could end lives; second, it destroys properties and businesses which are the sources of survival. From the history, Bicol region had already recorded several destructions from calamities coming from the different forms: floods, typhoons, and landslides. These had pursued development of disaster awareness programs among the different sectors. Environmentalists and government are not anymore the sole advocates of mitigating disasters. Businesses are now on the footprints of this advocacy, building green economic development while maximizing profit. Just in the past 3 years, a project dubbed as “ProGED” (Promotion of Green Economic Development Project) was established by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, a federally-owned firm in Germany, and Philippine Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) with its objective of helping micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to maximize the natural resources, with the overall goal of enhancing their competi-

Asked on why tackle topics on sex education and family planning, Morata said “Yung iba [course] may family planning na subject pero yung iba like kaming Microfinance students, walang family planning na subject.” He also said that the CSC would tie up with the Senior’s Club for the implementation of the project and would focus on bringing the awareness campaign to 4th year students. “Syempre 4th year kasi pag-graduate na nasa corporate world na, so wala kaming orientation [about family planning] pagdating sa work.”

Borja’s “Diyalogo with the Dean” was supposed to be implemented

this year. However, he told the postponement of the undertaking was due to the examination schedule of both graduating and non-graduating students. He assured that the Diyalogo will be effected twice this second semester once after the opening and another after the end of the 2nd semester. RECISION, ISSUES AND MODIFICATION One of the representatives Joshua Pelingo said that his platform, Freedom Bulletin, is far from implementation. He said that the reason for this was because the

Looking back |to Page 12|

Voluntary Membership in Organizations A Look Closer

Let us take a look at what happened after the voluntary membership on student organizations have been implemented earlier this Academic Year 2016-2017. It is to be noted that the protocol was written in the Student Handbook, stating that membership in student organizations are not mandated although its practice has been overlooked into for the past years. But now, the proper implementation has been made sure for the alignment of the system.

ified, most of the students are already aware of the voluntary membershiphappening in CBEM but even so, they still choose to be with the organization aligned with their courses or the organizations that they have been since they were in first year.Mostly, the reason behind this is that they want their attended seminars and activities to be in line with their respective courses. The students have mostly learned about their organizations through the General Assemblies that the student organizations hold as an avenue for the students to be able to take part in the agreement of the organizational fees.

Upon enrolment, the CBEMians are given the freedom to choose which organization they would want to be part of. But the question is whether this protocol is being put into practice by the Though the CBEMians sees students and especially the stu- the allocation of fund to the acdent organizations. tivities as sufficient, the students would still want to ask the stuRESULTS AND IMPLICATION dent organizations for more activities to be able to help in the As what the “Investigative Re- formation of their skills during port” by The Appraiser has ver- their college life. ●

Albay: War on Drugs

By: Alvi M. Loreno and Nonilon S. Duque

tiveness. GREEN PRACTICES In Albay, almost all MSMEs are under the program of ProGED, according to DTI Provincial Officer for Greening the Tourism Butch Castro. He had cited the use of solar energy by the establishments which are an alternative source especially during blackouts. The electricity from the solar replaces the radiation from the generators. Rain water collection is another way which is used to clean the business premise and serve as flushed-water for comfort rooms. Using also of LED lights give lower consumption of electricity. Further, for hotels and supermarkets it is being urged to buy from the local farmers instead from far markets to avoid

The architecture of one’s establishment can be enviro-friendly advocate without costly investments. Windows and other light sources in the building are being considered to catch the rays from the sun which gives lighter ambiance in the rooms. Further, the natural flow of the air is an advantage as it replaces the expensive sources of air. Commercial buildings are now adopting the urban gardening where they put potted-plants, organic or non-organic, to lessen the

Footsteps |to Page 13|

By: Erika Mae S. Miraflor

Lawaan building of the College of Social Science and Philosophy (CSSP). He also added that the main purpose of this water source is to supply and maintain the cleanliness of the toilet areas but is not advisable for drinking.

In an interview with the college’s Associate Dean and Planning Officer Prof. Sonnie A. Ramos he identified that the college primary source of water was the deep well located near the former economics building and

Recently water tanks were constructed to recover from the water shortage which had been experienced the previous months. However, these sources of water are declared as contaminated of E-Coli

or Escherichia coli according to Prof. Gertrudes O. Peña, Physical Plan Coordinator of CBEM which was based from several examinations conducted on the college’s water supply. E-Coli is a type of fecal coliform bacteria commonly found in the intestines of animals and humans which can cause potent toxins resulting to severe illness, infection, diarrhea and abdominal cramps.

CBEM water |to Page 15|

Bukas na Posibilidad sa Saradong Peñafrancia Dumpsite ni Ian M. Llaneta Marahil kung ika’y taga-Daraga o di naman kaya’y madalas mag-commute rutang pa-Sorsogon, malamang ay pamilyar sa iyo ang isang basurahan sa gilid ng kalsada ng barangay Peñafrancia. Kamakailan kasi agaw pansin ang karatula sa harapan nitong nagsasabing "Close for Safe Closure and Rehabilitation," Ito ay patunay na ititigil na ang operasyon sa dumpsite na nasa nasabing barangay.

Sa kasalukuyan, pansamantalang sarado ang dumpsite. Plano itong irelocate ngunit wala pang konkretong balita kung saan at kung kailan. POSIBLENG BENIPISYO Matatanaw bilang isang malaking benipisyo ang posibleng paglipat sa basurahan. Ilan sa mga kasalukuyang problema ng kumunidad ang maaari nitong masolusyunan. Mga problemang matagal nang nakabuntot sa nasabing barangay. Isa na dito ang mabahong amoy na dulot ng basurahan. Ito ay sakit sa ulo lalo na ng mga residenteng nakatira malapit dito. Madalas

Cityhood|from Page 1|

Hall away from the mainland. A 5-hectare land will be brought to build a new and modernized Municipal Hall. He explained that the current office is depreciating, “piut (narrow), non-friendly for the Persons with Disability (PWD) and watak-watak ang mga opisina.”

Albay |from Page 4|

said by Provincial Police Inspector Arthur Gomez.

POINT OUT. PSSUPT Antonino Cirujares Jr. explains the statistics of drug related incidents in Albay during an interview with The Appraiser last October 6, 2016 at Camp Ola, Albay. (Photo by Alvi Loreno)

As part of the administration’s means of eliminating drug abuse, the Philippine National Police (PNP) headed by Chief Ronald De La Rosa launched the “Oplan TOKHANG” which came from the Cebuano term “toktok-hangyo” which means, “to knock and plead.” Authorities have started the anti-drug campaign earlier this year and have already included TV stations, call centers, malls and high-end subdivisions.

is based on the data provided by the Dangerous Drugs Board.

The PNP said that authorities are aiming to round up at least 1.8 million drug dependents nationwide. Dela Rosa told in a senate committee inquiry that the figure


To date, more than half a million have already surrendered to the police under the anti-drug campaign. With Senator Leila De Lima questioning the PNP as to how they carry out the operation without search warrant, Dela Rosa defended Oplan TOKHANG, saying that police authorities are following operational guidelines. “Dalawang butas yan yung isang barrel is TOKHANG pag di ka nadala, doon ka sa isang barrel,”

Albay |to Page 5|

Sadyang malaking tulong ang naibibigay ng dumpsite sa mga nangangalakal dito. Ayon sa isang mangangalakal, umaabot sa P700 hanggang P900 ang kinikita nila bawat linggo. Buong araw silang nangangalungkal ng basura at ibinebenta ng lingguhan ang mga ito sa junkshop na hindi kalayuan sa dumpsite. "Wala naman kaming magagawa," daing ng isang nakapanayam naming residente. Sakaling ipagbawal na ang pangangalakal, plano na lang ng residenteng ito na maghandicraft.

BACKGROUND Mahigit 50 taon nang nanatili ang dumpsite sa isang pribadong lupa sa barangay Peñafrancia. Ayon sa isang residente dito, nagsimula raw ito bilang isang malalim na bangin na kapansin-pansing gabundok na ang taas sa ngayon. Dito kasi itinatapon maging ang mga basura mula sa sentro ng Daraga. Nasa tabi lang din ito ng kalsada kaya't hindi maiiwasang makita at maamoy ito ng mga dumaraan dito.

Two Barrels is the anti-drug campaign which Oplan TOKHANG and High Value Profile (HVP) fall under. The former, policemen are visiting houses to encourage the drug users and pushers to surrender. HVP will be the next action which uses bypass operations and search warrants for those who didn’t stop to engage themselves in illegal drug and will be penalized under RA 9165. Gomez describes the project as “Una dadaanin natin sa santong dasalan, ‘pag di ka nadala doon ka sa santong paspasan”. ALBAY RECORDS Albay Police Provincial Officers visited almost 20,000 houses and recorded at least 12,000 drug affections as of October, 167 of it are barangay captains, officials and councilors. Based on statistics gathered, ages ranging from 19 to 48 were related to drug incidents. PSSUPT Antonino Cirujares Jr.


hanap-buhay sa maraming residente ng kumunidad at maging sa kalapit nitong barangay. Mangyari mang matuloy ang planong relokasyon, tiyak na mawawalan ng hanap-buhay ang mga residenteng dito na nakadepende.

Malaking tanong tuloy ngayon kung paano tutugon ang apektadong kumunidad sa malaking hakbang na ito ng mga namamahala.

A new community will also be established nearby the new municipal hall, which aims to provide another public market for the local vendors. Furthermore, the present hall will be available for leasing as part of Income Generating Project

emission of carbon from the long transportation and shipment. “Instead na sa Bagiuo pa kumuha dito na lang sa local. It lessens the carbon footprint at nakakatulong ka pa sa local farmers,” he said.

CBEM water proves to be contaminated Water is used, particularly in campus, for cleaning the college’s comfort rooms and other utilities in areas such as the canteens. It is also a source for healthy living. Thus, it must be secured to have safe source.



PERWISYO’T BENEPISYO. Sa pagpapasara ng Peñafrancia Dumpsite sa Daraga, kaginhawaan ang hatid nito sa mga residente sa paligid ng naturang basurahan. Gayunpaman, maraming mangangalakal naman na ito na ang kinabubuhay ang mawawalan ng pagkakakitaan. (Alvi Loreno)

daw itong nangangamoy sa tuwing umuulan at sa tuwing hindi ito nalilinisan. Ang iba'y sanay na sa amoy nito ngunit iba pa ring makalanghap ng mabango at sariwang hangin. Maliban sa mga residente, apektado rin ng hindi kaaya-ayang amoy ang mga commuters na dumadaan dito araw-araw. Nasa tabi lang din kasi ito ng kalsada. Ayon sa isang commuter, pabor siya sa paglipat ng basuran upang tuluyan nang mawala ang nalalanghap nilang mabahong amoy. Dagdag pa sa maaaring matugunan ay ang problema sa langaw. Kwento ng isang residente dito, noon ay umabot pa sila sa puntong kinakailangan pa nilang magkulambo sa tuwing sila'y kakain. Ngayon ay mayroong pa ring mga langaw ngunit hindi na ganoon

katindi tulad ng dati. Bilang tahanan ng basurahan sa napakahabang panahon, hangarin din naman ng barangay Peñafrancia na baguhin ang imahe nito sa mga tao na posibleng mangyari sakaling tuluyan nang maalis ang dumpaite sa barangay. Hindi maitatangging "minus factor" itong maituturing sa imahe ng barangay ayon sa kapitan. Ito rin ang opinyon ng ilang mga residente tungkol dito. Ayon sa kanila,

gusto na nilang mawala ang negatibong impresyon ng iba sa kanilang barangay na kapag sinabing mabahong barangay, Peñafrancia kaagad ang nababanggit. Maaaring isiping na kasabay sa pag-alis ng dumpsite ang pag-alis sa imaheng matagal nang nakakabit sa pangalan ng barangay. POSIBLENG PERWISYO Kung tutuusin, bagamat nagdulot ito ng ilang problema, hindi biro ang naibibigay nitong

Police authorities are expecting the numbers to rise as they are getting more and more information everyday on people engaged in drug trade. NEXT TARGET It can be noted that there are recorded cases of drug engagement in some of the public and national high schools in Albay. The PNP believed that it’s not far impossible that the proliferation of drug related cases among students. A minor will be in the authority of Department of Social and Welfare Development (DSWD) after they surrendered. Cirujares said that even a minor is subject for operation (HVP) once it did not cooperate with the authorities. The PNP is also looking forward to conduct drug awareness seminars and symposia in schools

Albay |to Page 12|

Bukas na |to Page 15|

Negosyo sa limang-libo ni Alvi M. Loreno

50 ang mapupunta sa savings. Ito ang binabayaran tuwing lingo ng bawat membro. Ayon naman kay Mary Joy Ranada hindi naman umano sapilitan ang paghulog “Kung igwa ka, magtao ka, kung wara di man pipirit, basta makabayad ka (Kung meron ka, magbigay ka, kung wala, di naman pinipilit, basta makabayad ka),” paliwanag nito.

The tax payment when Daraga turns into city will surely increase nevertheless Comia said that there’s nothing to worry about it. This will be felt after 5 years from the establishment of the city, when its constituents had already adjusted.

said that “Buong Albay may 20 na katao na ang namatay gawa ng illegal drugs operations. Ito naman talaga ay encountered walang extrajudicial killings diyan .“

MATERIAL RECOVERY FACILITY Habang nanatiling sarado ang dumpsite, inilunsad ng barangay ang Material Recovery Facility (MRF) . Ito ay bilang pagtugon na rin sa mandato ng local govern-

Pantawid Kahirapan

(IGP) of the municipality.

“Medyo matagal pa, kasi may mga nauna pang bill,” his response when asked of the target accomplishment of the cityhood. Nonetheless, Daraga is now ready for its transformation as he stressed. ●

Bukod sa hanap-buhay, may mga tirahan ding maaaring mapaalis sa pagsasara ng basurahan. Ito ang mga kabahayan sa paligid ng dumpsite. Matagal na umano silang pinaalis dito dahil sa panganib ngunit mas pinili nilang manatili dahil nandito raw ang kanilang ikinabubuhay.

A CHAT FOR GRANT. John Paul Arranzado, the news editor of The Appraiser as he interview Salvacion Lopera Vallejo, one of the beneficiaries of SEA-K Program last October 7, 2016 at Brgy. Malobago, Anislag, Albay. (Photo by Wendy Mei Manalo)

Matapos mailunsad ang programang Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program or 4Ps marami ang kumwestiyun sa kapasidad ng mga membro nito kung kaya nga ba na gamitin ang natatanggap na pera sa tamang paraan. Ilan nama’y nagbibigay suwestiyon pa na imbis na pera ang ibigay ay bigyang na lamang ang mga ito ng isang livelihood project. Katuwang ng Department of Social and Welfare Development (DSWD) ang samahang PinoyME, isang local na ahensya, na bigyan nang panibagong programa ang mga kasapi ng 4Ps para tulungan silang maging mga negosyante sa simpleng paraan. Ito ang Self Employment Assessment- Kaunlaran (SEA-K). Ang programang ito ay isa lamang sa tatlong paraan ng gobyerno para maitaas ang mga kababayang nasa laylayan. Tanging kaibahan nga lang ng SEA-K ay nakatuon ito sa pagbibigay impormasyon at tulong upang makapagtayo ng negosyo ang mga benepisiyaryo nito. Karamihan sa residente mula sa Baranggay Malobago ay siyang parte at benepisyaryo ng SEA-K. Isa

ang baranggay na ito sa labis na naapektuhan sa pananalasa ng Bagyong Reming taung 2006. Sa kasalukuyan karamihan ng mga residente nito ay nanatili na sa kanilang bagong tahanan sa Anislag Relocation Site Phase 2. Kitang-kita ang pag-unlad ng bagong komunidad na ito mula sa mga tindahan, bigasan, karinderya at iba mga negosyo na may kinalaman sa pagtitinda. Halos kalahati nito ay produkto ng programa ng SEA-K. Sa ilalim ng proyektong ito nakakatanggap ang isang pamilya ng 5,000 piso. Ito ay pautang na walang tubo /interes at kolateral. Ngunit bago ito mapasakamay ng benepisyaryo, isang Project Proposal muna ang kailangang ipresenta nito para masiguro na nasa linya ang patutunguhan ng pera. Sa punto na pumasa na ito, doon na maaring makuha ang 5,000 na magiging kapital ng kanilang iprinesentang negosyo. Bawat lingo ay kinakailangan na maghulog ng 165 hanggang sa mabayaran ang 5,000. Isang-daan ay laan para sa kapital, limang piso para sa kontribusyon sa pamasahe ng magdedeposito sa bangko, sampung piso naman para sa miscellaneous at

Para higit na maging epektibo ang layunin ng programa, isang grupo o community-managed credit facility ang binuo sa baranggay kung saan ay mayroong nasa 28 na katao. Isang Presidente ang pinipili na siyang tumitingin sa kanyang mga kasamahan. Tungkulin nitong bantayan kung nagagamit nga ba ayon sa pinagkasunduan ang pinahiram na pera. Kaliwang kamay naman niya ang Treasurer o Ingat-Yaman ng grupo na siyang nangonglekta sa mga hi nuhulog na pera ng mga membro at inihuhulog sa isang rural bank. Karamihan sa mga benepisyaryo nito sa Malobago ay nagpapasalamat dahil sa naidulot nitong tulong sa kanilang pamumuhay lalo na sa araw-araw. “Nagkaisip kaming magkanegosyo,natabangan kami sa pinansiyal kasi wara man baga pangpuhunan (Nakapag-isip kaming magnegosyo, natulungan kami sa pinansiyal kasi wala naman kaming pampuhunan), ” ayon sa isang myembro. Karamahin ay mga asawang babae ang namamahala sa mga negosyo nila. Malaki ang naitulong nito dahil nabigyang pagkakataon ang mga kababaihan na kumita habang hindi umaalis sa kanilang tahanan at naaalagaan pa ang kanilang pamilya. Ang ilan naman ay ito na ang naging dahilan para mapag-aral nila ang kanilang mga anak. Gayunpaman, mayroong din na iilan na di nagpatuloy sa negosyo dahil sa pagkalugi dulot ng mga utang at paggamit ng pera sa personal na pangangailangan. Ilan sa mga ito ay mga hindi nakadalo sa trainings at seminars na ginagawa ng DSWD para mapamahalaan nang maayos

Negosyo|to Page 15|





ni Alvi M. Loreno

Ang ilan sa inyo ay kaya na ngang ulit-ulitin ang mga letra mula sa kanilang bibig. O dili kaya’y lagyan pa ng higit na mga salita para gawing nakakatakot ang mga istorya. Ang layunin lang namin ay dagdagan pa ang iyong kwentong nalalaman. Malay niyo ito’y may idulot na naiiba sa iyong pagkatao at sa pananaw mo sa bida ng kompisosyon na ito. “Hindi kami salot sa lipunan. Tao din kami na may panaho’t pagkakataong magbago”. Pangarap mo bang maging si Superman na kayang gawin ang lahat ng bagay, lumipad at may super powers? Posible yan. Wala na nga raw ngayon na di magagawa sa ating mundong ginagalawan. Kung ikaw naman ay estudyante at hirap mag-aral lalo na sa gabi, may solusyon ang iyong problema. Lahat ng ‘yan ay may kasagutan kapag sa iyong sigarilyo’y may drogang laman. Maramdaman mo man ang lahat ng iyan, handa ka bang tawaging “salot”, talikuran ng iyong mga kaibigan at tuluyang iwan ng iyong pamilya? Mamili ka, ang mga imahinasyon na dala ng droga o ang mga realidad na nasa tabi mo pa ang mga mahal mo sa buhay?

Illustration by Anthony Banzuela

ASK THE PROF Featuring

Dr. Fay Lea Patria M. Lauraya Have you been scrolling your 1st year notebooks and found a quotation saying “Don’t quit until Graduation Day”? You’ll probably remember one name why this phrase occupies space on your note, one name - Fay Lea Patria Lauraya. As she stepped down from Presidency she’s now back at the home of CBEM to continue her mission to hone student’s upright future. The Appraiser was honored to meet the woman from President back to her dream of teaching. The Appraiser: How long have you been teaching? Dr. Lauraya: Since 1984, June 11 up to date. Before, I was teaching Management then I joined the Entrepreneurship Department and now I am back to the Department of Entrepreneurship. I was a faculty. I became department head to dean, became Vice President to President and back to the department (Entrepreneurship). Nahinto lang ako magturo kasi Presidency is very heavy responsibility. The Appraiser: How was it returning in teaching after the Presidency? Dr. Lauraya: I would say that, I realized how I missed teaching so much. Going back to teaching is like throwing my back to the water, the turtle being thrown back to the water. It’s very inspiring experience, and since Bicol University students are the best students so I believed that I am very lucky to be back. The Appraiser: Is it really your dream to teach? Dr. Lauraya: Yes. In fact when I apply for Presidency the reason why I did, I simply wanted to become the best Professor. The learning and earning experience of administration as President made me a better professor. Now I will not be teaching about theory but the practice of administration. So based from my experience I became a better Professor and better lecturer in public policy, leadership and good governance because of the experience. The Appraiser: What do you miss after your Presidency? Dr. Lauraya: I miss the driver the most, and riding on the BU vehicle because that’s the only rest. The only rest President experiences. The journey of an appointment to another, energy has to be consumed on the job, and then you ride the vehicle, just take a short nap and then you are fully engage again when you reached your destinations. I miss talking with students on Freshmen Orientations, in the Foundation Day, just talking to the community on the direction and programs that I we’re doing. Even if I am back to teaching it’s a different thing. Iba naman yung pagtuturo because, pagtuturo is different engagement. Yung talking to community was like drawing inspirations from the aforementioned and also getting the feel of how constituents relates to your program and teachings. The Appraiser: What can you say ma’am to the statement of

By Alvi Loreno many students “kaya kong manahimik at makinig lang ki ma’am Lauraya for straight 3 hours”?

Dr. Lauraya: Really they say that? Siguro it’s a personal gift that the Lord has given me and I used that gift to better communicate the intense of my leadership,the reason why programs are put in place. And siguro feel din kasi ng mga estudyante because my Presidency, I always say that “the students are the greatest strength of the university”. So siguro feel din talaga nila na ang pinagtutuunan ko ng pansin ay paano sila mapapaligaya.

workplace. Therefore, when there is no boss on the look-out the student might not be longer performing because it has been used and conditioned. So the important thing is the classroom should simulate, that should be able to nurture different competencies that one student needs to exhibit once they’re already in the workplace.

Kasi kung takot ka, you will be looking for boss na primi kang tiga bantayan. You’re always like to be watched-over. Here must develop BU students which in the beginning are already the best to become even better and outstanding not just The Appraiser: How about ma’am for as students but as citizens and leaders. Di those students who kept the quotations I always say in my messages that “BU you had given saying “Don’t quit until he students are ba admits the cream of Bicolano youth, thereGraduation Day”? you’re not expected to become ordithe greatest strength fore nary workers when you graduate but you Dr. Lauraya: It has work for me therefore are expected to become leaders and to beit should work for them. It is still true that of the university.” come leaders is not to do something great, when you say “don’t quit until Graduation but to do small things with compassion day” it is just a micro example of what the and love. How will you able to do that? by attitude once you face the bigger challenge being nurtured by our Faculty members in life, that here (college) your immediate goal is Graduation and don’t quit until you reach that goal. who are also doing teaching because they love students. Once you go out now to the bigger world, you see a bigger, a The Appraiser: If you are going to choose what do you prefer, different kind of challenge. The process is the same the strug- teaching or leading? gle will be there although it’s in different context. If you put up that attitude that “If I can make it here (BU), I’ll make it Dr. Lauraya: I would not change the path I took because as they say “Presidency is destiny”. I never planned my career to anywhere and I won’t quit until I reach my goal.” become a President but the Lord has provided me opportuI think that’s the greatest gift that a university-leader can be- nities. The Lord had already made sure that my life journey stow upon their students- the positive attitude towards life. was nurtured as a leader. The Appraiser: How do you discipline your students? I am always a leader (since grade school) and at that time I Dr. Lauraya: First, they don’t need much discipline because never realized why I was so. So I asked my classmates “why they are seniors and secondly, I don’t give long lectures. The do you vote for me?” and they would say that they looked approach I do is outcome-based. Every meeting there is an upon me as a leader. So siguro there is something about me activity and there is an outcome. The students learn, the that people perceive as a leader. As I said I never planned teacher simply provides guidance on what particular theory how my career will go but what I planned was going for highand after a theory will be applied on the specific situations on er education. So in other words, I was prepared when the the entrepreneurial life of students. So I think the curriculum opportunity came because I already pursued and equipped of Entrepreneurship has been so designed such that it’s more myself with necessary requirements but never did I prepare experiential learning. How do I discipline my students? for that particular leadership role. So If would have changed the path, I would not change anything. by making lessons into their mistakes.


The Appraiser: Do you give second chance to those who are about to fail? Dr. Lauraya: Yes, ang lesson lang naman natin diyan is everybody deserves second chance and so a teacher must be able to gauge the context of the students, and be able to adjust the assessment of the performance based on the context. The Appraiser: Do you believe that terrorizing students is the best way to discipline them? Dr. Lauraya: No. I don’t believe in terrorizing the students. It’s because the students should be the center of learning therefore if you terrorize students, the mind, ordinarily, a student comply based on fear might bring that kind of attitude to his

When I became President it was a period also where I realized that I was able to connect the dots, looking back, why opportunities are given my way because it leads to the Presidency is destiny.

Debuho ni Charmane Joy Macasinag

Hindi lang mga kaklase ang uudyok sayo na gamitin ang pinagbabawal na gamot na ito maging mga kawani sa gobyerno, mga artista at kahit saanmang industriya. Laganap nga talaga ito.

Matapos ang rehabilitasyon na umaabot ng sampung buwan o hanggang isang taon, handa nang masilayan nilang muli ang mundo sa labas ng mga pader na ito. Isang indibidwal na may matatag na pundasyon na kanilang sandata laban sa droga. Ang sandatang ito ay walang iba kundi ang kanilang bagong hubog na katauhan na hindi adik, bayolente at may topak, kundi isang indibidwal na may takot sa Diyos, at may positibong pagtingin sa hinaharap.

“Nagsimula akong gumamit ng shabu ng 21 years old ako. Nang makapag-asawa ako , walong taon akong nagging clean and sober pero naging user ulit sa loob ng limang taon”. “Isinuko ko ang aking sarili dahil ayokong malaman ng anak ko na ang father niya is drug user at ayokong tuluyang mawala sa akin ang pamilya ko”.

“B akit di kami bigyan ng pagka-

kataon na magbago at hindi patayin? “

Ang paggamit ng droga ay mahirap nga raw talikuran subalit kakayin mo hangga’t gusto mo. Isa ang labinpitong taung gulang na Malinao Treatment and Rehabilitation Center na tumutulong sa pagbabago ng isang drug dependent. Higit na nabibigyan nang pansin at pang-unawa ng mga ganitong insitusyon ang pagbabago nila dahil sa “controlled-environment” na mayroon sa lugar na ito. Di lang ang pagiging adik ang iwawaksi nito maging ang mga negatibong ugali. Ang lugar na ito ay hindi pugad ng mga taong may mga sira sa ulo. Ito ay kanlungan ng mga kalalakihang nais nang putulin ang

Ang mga tumataas pang mga pagpatay sangkot man o biktima sa droga ay larawan ng isang nakaka-awang lipunan. “May panahon o chance kaming magbago bakit di kami bigyan ng pagkakataon at hindi patayin. Dahil kahit gaano man kasama ang isang tao may puso din yun. Pag nakikita ko ang kapwa ko residente (kasamahan sa rehab center) nandun yung pagkatao na marunong din sila magmahal at may kakayahang magbago para sa mga pamilya nila”. Sa kasalukuyan isa na si “Bert” sa mga opisyales na namamahala sa bahay (isang lugar sa rehab center) at nagiging magandang ehemplo sa kanyang mga kasamahan. Ma-

Bagsak! Oo, bumagsak nga. Nasanay nga kasi na sa tuwing hawak na ang grado ay magaan sa loob dahil alam mo sa iyong sarili na papasa ka. Ngunit iba na ngayon, nasa kolehiyo ka na. Parte na sa buhay ng isang estudyante, lalong lalo na sa kolehiyo, ang kasiyahan, kabiguan, kalungkutan, wheel of emotions nga raw o roller coaster. Masaya kapag naiinlab, pumapasa, nananalo, at kahit bagsak ay nakukuha pa rin natin maging masaya, Pilipino nga naman. Mahirap man tanggapin, ay hindi sa lahat ng oras ay papasa ka dapat kayanin mo dahil alam mong marami ang umaasa sa’yo, marami ang naniniwala na ikaw ang makakatulong para maiangat ang pamumuhay. Debuho ni Anthony Banzuela

The Appraiser: What can you say about the new vision of the university? Dr. Lauraya: I think it’s a timely vision. It’s the next level. It’s a continuity of where we want our University to be. The Bicol University I left behind was already considered as one of the best in the country. Therefore, it’s a natural ascendency for the University to go to the next level, which is the global stage.

koneksyon sa pinagbabawal na gamot.

Bakit ka Nandito? ni Ephraim Joseph M. Marollano

Hindi madali maging estudyante lalo na s a kursong kinuha ko. Yun bang halos mamatay ka na dahil sa mga exams na hindi maitatangging mah i r a p . Ilang tasa ng kape ang nalaklak, ilang oras ng tulog ang isinakripisyo, ilang balde na ng luha ang ibinuhos, ilang sakit na idi- nulot sa puso isama na ang utak. Ikaw na lang m i s m o ang makapagsasabi kung ano ang ibinigay mo para sa iyong pangarap. Sino nga ba kasi ang nagkulang? Binigay mo ba ang lahat? Hindi kasi maiwasan na sa huli ay laging may nasisisi. Ito ba ang iyong propesor na kung makapagbigay ng mga requirements ay di na maubos-ubos, mga exam na pagkahirap-hirap, recitation na nakakautal, reporting na sasalo sa

“Ginamit ko ang drugs noon para maging epektibo ang aking pag-aaral at nakikita ko rin yun sa mga kaklase ko. Tinatawid ko noon ang dagat para lang makabili ng shabu sa mababang halaga gamit ang pera na dapat ay pambayad sa aking tuition fee”.

hirap man sa umpisa ng laban ngunit para sa mithiing maiharap ka muli ng iyong pamilya sa madla, handa mong isuko ang sarili at baunin ang pagbabago di lamang sa ilang taon pero hanggang sa dulo ng iyong pananatili rito sa mundo. “Para sa akin malaking impluwensya ang drugs. Nagkaroon ako ng problema, nawala ang tunay na mga kaibigan, pamilya ko napahiwalay sa akin…” Ikaw handa ka rin bang maranasan ito kapalit ng mga panandaliang handog ng bawal na gamot? Panahon at pagkakataong magbago yan ang kailangan ng mga taong biktima rin ng ilegal na droga. Husgahan man sila ng lipunan mayroon pa ring mga taong naniniwala at tutulong para sila’y tuluyang makabangon mula sa pagkalugmok gawa ng droga. Hindi ang mga tulad nila ang salot sa lipunan kundi ang droga na ginagawang instrumento ng kasamaan. Kahirapan ay kailanman ay hindi isang katwiran para kumagat sa ganitong negosyo. Nararapat lang na sugpuin ang ilegal na droga at sa yugto na ito sa ating lipunan sana’y laging isaalang –alang ang pagkakataong magbago. Ang laban na ito ay laban ng bawat Pilipino. Sa mga tulad nila isang pangarap ang nais nilang masilayan sa kanilang paglabas, sana ay sugpuin ang tunay na salot at hindi ang maghagsik ng panibagong delubyo.

katamaran ng propesor? O hindi naman kaya, dahil sa sarali mo na lang ding kapabayaan? May sarali tayong mga dahilan kung bakit may mga pagkakataon na nagkukulang tayo. Marami nga lang ang mapanghusga sa mundo. Yun bang kahit di ka naman kilala ay kung makapagkomento sayo ay parang matalik mong kaibigan. Kahit ano man ang sabihin ng ibang tao ay dapat alam mo sa sarili mo ang totoo. Huwag mong hayaan na ang lahat na natatanggap mong mga grado ay siya na ring magdidikta kung ano o sino ka. Hindi lamang nakasalalay dito ang buhay mo. Maaaring nagkamali ka lang sa kursong napasukan mo dahil hindi mo naman talaga ito gusto, ito’y pangarap ng magulang mo sayo, nakisama ka lang sa kaibigan mo o sa crush mo o di kaya’y sadyang wala ka lang mapili. Ako, naniniwala na ang bawat tao ay may taglay na iba’t ibang galing at katalinuhan. Kailangan mo lang ito mahanap. Minsan ay aabutin ka ng ilang taon para mahanap mo kung ano talaga ang para sa’yo. Sa pagdaan ng mga araw ay patuloy mong kinikilala kung sino ka. Hindi ako naniniwala na tanging kasiyahan lamang ang magdadala sa atin sa katagumpayan. Ang tagumpay ay may mas malalim pang depinisyon. Ang tagumpay ay makakamtam mo lamang kapag nalaman mo na ang dahilan kung bakit ka nabuhay dito sa mundo, purpose in life nga sa ingles. Sa ngayon, estudyante ka. Bakit ka nandito? Alam mo na ba ang dahilan ng buhay mo? Para kanino ka gumigising? Para saan ang lahat ng paghihirap mo?



If women can do a job that is supposedly men’s then who’d say that men can’t do a job that is supposedly women’s? These gentlemen proved that indeed men can also do a job that is womanly in nature. Civil Wash Laundry Services originated from a feasibility study by their fellow owner Hope Edcelle Yve G. Nipas. This business is made out of logical and camaraderie thinking. They first checked the currently growing industries and saw that laundry services are fast growing business thus they chose it. In regards to their business name, it came from the movie Civil War. But don’t get the wrong idea they did not just choose this name aimlessly, they chose it because they want their business to be like that of Civil War’s plot: all about friendship and love for the people. For their internal organization to have a stronger bond and friendship and for their services to show love for their customers. Civil Wash offers wash-dry-fold services with or without pressing and hanger for regular clothes, curtains and bed sheets and comforter. The owners of this laundry shop desire for their business to be big, big enough to branch-out. They aim for its sustainability and continuity even after they graduated. And it seems, they got used to do this task, laundering that they still want to continue it and make it their source of income in the future. But of course, even men face challenges in putting up their business and one of this is finding location, the typical problem in most businesses. In terms of their operation, their capacity is still low that they can’t accommodate tons of customers. And because of this low capacity, they tend to lessen their promotional activity but they anticipate that once their new equipment come, their capacity will boost. These gentlemen shared some tips on how to handle business, especially for those who want to put a laundry shop. First, find an accessible and convenient location for both customers and workers. Second, anticipate occurrence of problems and plan beforehand. And lastly, have a business policy, for this will lead the business to the direction it must be going. “Dapat lahat sa loob ng business nyo, alam kung san kayo pupunta para sabay-sabay kayong makakarating dun.” Civil Wash Laundry Services is located at Florante Street, Brgy. Sagmin, Old Albay, Legazpi City.



Being young is the greatest asset one could ever have; full of dreams and aspirations, tons of energy, plenty of time and overloading imagination. These are the perks of being young and some people made good use of it by joining the manpower as self-employed.

Bicol University College of Business, Economics and Management Department of Entrepreneurship made sure that their students will not waste the perks of being young by giving them a chance to build their own business as their requirement for graduation, their practicum. Now let’s have a look on some of these young businesses that will give birth to future business men and women.

Have you ever felt that strong desire to travel? Have you ever felt that strong desire to eat sweets? Or have you ever felt both of them at the same time? These are the cravings that a certain café wants to suffice in both of their products and services. Sweet Wanderlust is the chosen name by DTI out of three proposed ones as the business name for the café put up by seven 4th year classmates for their business practicum. It offers various dessert and pastries as well as ala-cart menus such as burger, pasta, Pic-A and milkshake. They also offers dessert buffet during Mondays and Fridays. Sweet Wanderlust not just offers desserts and pastries but they also showcase an all around the world concept on their walls that gives you the desire to travel while eating a cupcake. The aim of this café is to offer services to people and suffice their guilty pleasure of enjoying desserts and for the owners to experience the reality of putting up and running a business, and they really did experience these reality by facing numerous challenges in the way of their business. Looking for a perfect-fit location for their café is the top most challenge for them. They struggled looking for the best one and fortunately, the one didn’t get away. Capital is always and will always be one of the changes and it took the owners almost 120,000 pesos to materialize their business but through their perseverance and resourcefulness they got by. And since this is their first time running a business they got flustered and panicked at first but they learned the ropes of handling their business. And when asked the tips they can partake for those who are planning to put up a business like theirs, they answered “you should ready everything, the idea, the location down to the finest details. You should rely on the suggestions from the customers, you should pay attention to your promotional activities and lastly, you should know to work as a team because at the end of the day, it is you and your co-workers.” Sweet Wanderlust Corner is located at Brgy. 5, Vinzon St., Sagmin, Albay, Legazpi City.


Her strong pass i on for fashion drives her to finally put her interests into reality. This girl put up the courage to pursue her interest using her gained knowledge from her course, BS Management and now have her very own business, The Ragline. Sofia Virgie Serrano, is the sole owner of The Ragline, a fashion business that deals with any type of clothes. She actually started it as an online business during her high school times but it didn’t boom that much. And now that she’s a college student with enough knowledge on how to properly manage a business, she gave it a shot again and even put a physical store. At first she just wants her business to be her source of extra income for her own needs and wants but now that she can see her business growing, she feels great satisfaction that her efforts incorporated with her interests are doing well through her management. Being a sole owner of her business is not easy, sometimes she failed to meet-up with her clients due to her school schedules and sometimes her products are not so trendy in the market that investors stop coming back but these challenges didn’t stop her and even if the odds are not in her favor, she find ways on how to continue her business. Seeing as she is a one-man army in her business, she shared some tips on how to actually manage a business like hers. First, be dedicated. Second, love what you do and lastly, pure perseverance. “If you want the best out of it, you should work for it” she says. The Ragline is located at Penthouse, Embarcadero, Legazpi City.



I t ’s bright this meaningnamed the same impact as this plant.

Did you know the plant named forget-me-not? a small plant that has blue flowers but instead of ful flower, a certain café that way wished to have the same

Sentebale is an African word means forget-me-not, is the chosen name for the café put up by these entrepreneur students. It has a modern vintage concept and a very relaxing ambiance. It offers different mix of coffee, drinks, frappe, desserts, appetizer, finger food, salad, sandwich and pasta. To be one of the top cafes that offer good quality of service and affordable products is their number one objective. They want to be recognized as capable business people despite their age and lack of experience through this business. The challenges they’ve encountered are divided mainly into two: their teamwork and their operation. For the team’s teamwork, they adjusted to each and everyone’s attitude to create a harmonious business team. For their operation, they experienced product spoilages but they overcome these by continuously working hard and building stronger bonds of their team. And of course, satisfying the demands of the customer will always be a challenge to any business, after all businesses are there to satisfy these demands. Trusting your partners, focusing on your goals, having a strong determination and having a God-centered character, are their tips for those who want to run a business like theirs. And when you truly and happily work hard, you’ll get what you justly deserve, in their case it’s a café that lives to its name. Sentebale is located at De La Sierra Apartment, Peñaranda St., Legazpi City.


In the fairytale Hanzel and Gretel, there’s a house that was made of candies and sweets that lured them in and now a house on its name wants to lure customers in by means of their sweet prod-

Penthouse Sweets Dessert Buffet is a DTI registered café owned by four students from the tie-up of different blocks. It is actually a product of a feasibility study by one of the owners, Christine Merchan. The idea of having a dessert buffet for this café came from the thoughts of all those highly expensive pastries that even a slice cost too much. And so now they offer from breakfast meals up to dinner meals, drinks and coffee, and of course sweets and pastries buffet, safely measured by their nutritionist. The aim of this business is to showcase healthy desserts for every age. Their products are carefully measured to assured that the satisfaction of the customers will always be attained. They also have a stand-by nurse for emergencies. Their concern for their consumers is very much evident, they just don’t want to earn profit, they want to promote healthiness for their clienteles as well. Starting a business on your own is hard itself, how much more if you’re supposedly to be in a group and things happened and now you’re on own. This is the biggest challenge faced by the head of Penthouse group. She experienced emotional problems that affects the way she handles her works but since her tied-up with her now members, her emotional turmoil gone flat. Another is location, other people will criticize her for choosing that place for business but for her it’s not about the location, it’s all about the nature of one’s business. The tips she imparts for those who want to establish business are, first be determined and goal objective. No matter how hard it is you should push through it all to achieve what you truly want. Second, trust yourself, even if the whole world is against you, do not turn yourself back to yourself. “Kung ano yung gusto mo, tuloy lang, wag ka magpapa-apekto sa iba. Kasi minsan, sarili mo na lang yung kakampi mo. Kaya tuloy lang.” Penthouse Sweets Dessert Buffet is located at Embarcadero, Legazpi City.

Ever wondered what will happen if suddenly the pre-historic era merges with the technological one? Well, this café ran by seven students who came from different blocks can very much show you the outcome of this amalgamate. Cave is actually a converted product of a feasibility study already defended by their fellow entrepreneur student, Dannylin Cervantes. And on the contrary of its name, Cave is a modern typical café with a little bit touch of pre-historic arts on walls. They offer solo and set of meals, desserts, freak shakes and drinks. The owners of this café wish for their entrepreneurial skills to be applied in an actual environment where they can actually serve and satisfy people through their business. And to widen the horizon of young entrepreneurs thus the name C.A.V.E. stands for Creating Advance Version of Entrepreneurs. Cave owners also face the highest hurdle of putting up a business which is to find the right location nevertheless they got to start their business earliest so they’re able to jump quickly over this barrier. After the highest hurdle, here comes now the common obstacle, the capital. It took Cave 70,000 pesos to be able to actualize. And lastly since they are the first to start their business, occurrence of perfect competition happened and this just spice things up. As closing, they partake tips on how to handle a business. First, the owners should have passion on what they are doing. Second, a strong dedication for the continuance of business and lastly, sacrifice. “ Sobrang sacrifice nya for your time, family, friend, outside world. Kasi pag may business ka na, it’s between you, money and your business” is what they told us. Cave is located at no. 1035, Rizal Street, Sagpon, Albay, Legazpi City


10 OPINION Pigura ng El Presidente Pagbabago. Laging yan ang naisin at asam sa tuwing napapalitan ang umuupo sa trono ng palasyo. Sa pagkakaluklok nga sa ating bagong pangulo muling naghangad ang bayan ng isang pagbabago sa loob nang maikling panahon. Di ko maisantabing isipin kung ano ang paraan na handa niyang isugal para sa pangakong ito. At ito na nga hindi pa man tumatagal sa posisyon ay marami nang kumakalas mula sa labin-anim na botante nito. Ang kanyang pagpapatakbo sa pamahalaan ay isang gawi na naiiba sa mga nagdaang presidente. Isang lider na walang alintana na nagpapakawala nang matatalas na salita. Bagay na siyang umani ng atensyun di lang sa ating bayan kundi maging sa iba’t ibang panig ng mundo. Ang kanyang giyera laban sa ilegal na droga ay kaakibat ng mga espikulasyon ng mga karumaldumal na mga pagpapatay. Ito ay magiging bahagi ng kasaysayan sa kanyang administrasyon. Iba sa labin-limang dumaang pamamahala.



Sa mga taong parte nang pagkakaluklok niya sa posisyon at ngayo’y nasa punto ng pagsisisi, di ba dapat kayo ang nasa likod ng ating Pangulo? Umpisa pa lamang ng kanyang kandidatura ramdam na ang bakas ng ganitong uri ng pamamalakad. Isang gobyernong nais pabilisin ang batas sa kamay ng ating sandatahan. Pagbabadya nang higit na nakapiring na hudikatura kung saan ang sana’y pagsugpo ng krimen ay magsasanga sa mga kewstunableng mga pagpatay. Nakakatakot sumugal sa ganitong uri ng pamamalakad. Ngayon ito’y ganap na sa ating pamayanan. Pamamalakad na wala umanong anino ng korapsyon ay may bahid pa rin ng pagnanakaw mula sa mga tumataas na paglabag sa karapatang pantao. Di ba’y kapag inalis mo ang karapatan at limitahan ang kapangyarihang maghayag ay para mo na ring ninakaw ang isang bagay na higit pa ang katumbas sa salapi? Kung ating babalikan naman ang sinundan nitong administrasyon,ito

ay liderato na ang misyon ay puksain ang korapsyon para iangat ang mga nasa laylayan. Hindi man maramdaman ng iilan subalit umangat ang ekonomiya sa ating bansa. Isang mahinahon na Pangulo ngunit mabagal ang aksyon mula sa mga nagpapatupad ng batas at usad pagong pa rin na hustisya. Matatag na samahang internasyunal ang nagawa nito na nagbukas ng maraming oportunidad lalo na sa ating ekonomiya. Ngunit sa lahat ng ito, sa diplomasyang ipinakita, nariyan pa rin ang kontra administrasyon.


rin ang taong bayan ngayon kontra administrasyon pa rin. Isang lider na agresibo na ang batas ay pinabibilis sa sandatahan at hayagang pagbabanta ng pagkalas sa matagal ng samahan sa mga dayuhan. Kitang-kita ang agwat sa dalawang administrayon na ito. Ano nga bang klaseng lider ang kailangan ng ating bansa para makamtam ang minimithing pagbabago? Balikan


ang usapang eleksyon. Bago mo iboto ang isang lider dapat mong tanungin din ang sarili, sang-ayon ba ako sa pamamaraan ng aking kandidato para sa pagbabagong nais maramdaman? Dahil kahit ilan pang Presidente ang dumaan dala ang iba’t ibang sistema ng pamamalakad, lagi na walang tama at sapat, lagi lang magsasalungat ang mga pananaw.

t sa yugtong ito na hindi na uso ang manahimik at pagnanakaw ng karapatan, ikaw ay laging may kapangyarihan na ipaglaban ang tama’t nararapat.”

Ating paghahambingin ang dalawang klase na pamamahala na ito, kahit bulag ay kayang makita ang napakasalungat nilang pamamalakd. Nandito na nga tayo sa bagong yugto, gayunpaman ay samu’t samong batikos pa rin ang kinahahantungan ng kasalukuyan. Iba na ito sa nagdaang administrasyon na siya ring pinuputakte ng batikos, at ito pa

Ang mapayapa’t masaganang bansa, yan ang pagbabago na nais maramdaman ng bawat Pilipino. Ngunit dahil sa iba’t ibang persep-

syon kung paano ito makakamit, laging magkakaroon ng argumento. Ito ay isang simpleng lohika, pero ito ang laging naiinda. Ang pagkakaiba-iba natin sa pananaw at pamamaraan ay mahirap makakamit ng isang nagkakaisang bayan. Gayunpaman, sa pagpili sa pagitan ng dahas at diplomasya, ako’y naniniwala na diplomasya pa rin ang higit na makatarungan. Isang lider na kayang simulan sa kanyang sarili ang pagababago na nais niyang sundan ng kanyang nasasakupan. Pangulo na may pagpapahalaga sa karapatan ng bawat indibidwal at handang gawin ang limitasyon ng kanyang kapangyarihan. Higit sa lahat mayroong respeto sa paniniwala at opinyon ng iba. Isang lider na kailanma’y di na muling uukit ng isang mapanghamak na Batas MIlitar sa ating kasaysayan. Wala man na tayong takas sa lideratong ito tiwala akong higit na makapangyarihan ang boses ni Juan. At sa yugtong ito na hindi na uso ang manahimik at pagnanakaw ng karapatan, ikaw ay laging may kapangyarihan na ipaglaban ang tama’t nararapat. ●

A Rose for the Phillipnes Instant noodles, instant coffee, instant messages, instant success, instant celebrityand even instant underwear! Everyone loves instant! I mean, who wouldn’t right? In this busy world, time, as the cliché goes, is gold. It is so precious that everyone wants to do a lot in a nanosecond to conserve it and these instant things gave us this pleasure of being able to do lots in a short period of time. Instant gratification is what this pleasure is called. And we, Filipinos, who are living in this third world country always longed for this. For us, we need to be able to do a lot to survive. We need to make every second worth it. Some of us even need to work at different jobs at different times in a day to earn enough. We want to solve everything as soon as possible to move forward. And now, the Philippines is displaying, how much we, Filipinos love this instant gratification.

bullets in their heads as their early Christmas gifts with greeting cards saying “I am a drug pusher, don’t follow me” or “I am a drug user. Don’t be like me” and others. These people are thrashing the society, they ruined not only their lives but other peoples’ too. They are the country’s “numerounongsakitsaulo”then and now. But before, there’s no such thing as extrajudicial killings even if there are users and pushers of drugs so why now? It is because our current president,



the so-called “netizens” or the people in the internet are also debating over each other’s opinions with comments and endlessly defending that theirs is the right one.

Extrajudicial killings, giving punishments without legal proceedings, is the trend here now in our country. Thousands of people already received

President Rodrigo Duterte is very affix on his war against drugs. He is so keen on it that he even said that he will reward those law enforcers who killed a drug pusher. A great motivator in life is instant money. So see, our president is a Filipino through and through. He wants to instantly get rid of these people so the Philippines can change in a short span of time. And

An instance is when a young woman who posted she was campaigning against Duterte was deluged with threats and harassment. The social media attacks coming from the other side, or the side which supports Duterte were vicious and personal. One phrase against a famous somebody and you will be facing a lot of virtual daggers aiming at you. One phrase which is against someone else’s religion and you will get preachers, and even one

ne of the obstacles in communication is that we do not listen to understand, we listen to reply.”

But there are those who raised their voices, raised their arguments and even raised their middle fingers through their posts in social media. While the government is in chaos,

One of the obstacles in communication is that we do not listen to understand, we listen to reply. What we believe is the only thing that is right and if anyone tries to tell us something contrary to what we know is true, well, that will be annoying. So we put in picture of what we believe to convey to them but then the other person wouldn’t just let their side lose in that argument so they voice out too and let the battle of keyboards begin! Just imagine a courtroom filled with all these spectators with their own stands, and so justice would just be a needle.

Nonetheless, there is nothing bad with it and saying opinions through these social networking sites is considered freedom. But we should always remember that we are responsible for every action we do especially in public. Words cuts deeper than knives, they say, but then imagine how deep the cut will be with words expressed in through social media where millions of eyes don’t sleep. Social media is a powerful tool which, if misused, can have an effect on the beliefs of the people which in turn, can affect the society.

has their own different way of seeing things. It may be because of their culture, beliefs, and some other things that they have gone through. What may be wrong to you is a right thing for them and it could be that what is the best in your opinion is really a bad idea for them. Perception, as they call it, varies with everyone else. So here I am, simply unveiling my perceptions too. A girl is just saying her opinions about saying your opinions. ●

Ayon sa isang pagsasaliksik, kapag ang mga kabataan ay napagod na sa kanilang pag-aaral, sa pagrerebyu halimbawa sa kanilang pagsusulit, dalawa ang maaring gawin nila. Una, ay ang magpahinga o matulog para may lakas sila upang ipagpatuloy ang kanilang pag-aaral. Sa kabilang banda, maari silang magpatuloy sa paggawa o di kaya’y sumangguni sa kanilang mga “kaibigan” at “kaagapay” sa lahat ng posibleng oras at pagkakataon, na kilala sa katawagang “teknolohiya” . Sa kasaysayan ng edukasyon ay di maitatangging malaki ang naiambag ng teknolohiya para mas maging madali, mabilis, at mabisa ang pag-aaral. Kung kaya naman, maraming estudyante ang tumatangkilik sa mga bagay na maibibigay nito. Hindi lamang kaalaman pati na rin sa paglilibang at ang naidulot ng teknolohiya. Sa paglipas ng panahon, ang mga

kabataan ay mas napapalapit pa sa teknolohiya. Kung anong gusto gawin ay siya namang susundin tulad na lamang ng pagkuha mga litrato ng kung ano-ano, kung ano ang nararamdan at kung ano ang maisip ay siya naman ding ipapaskil sa kanilang mga social media accounts. Walang mali sa paggamit ng social media kung ang layunin mo naman ay maayos. Ngunit paano naman kung ang pakay mo ay tama naman pero para bang may mali pa rin?

Sa iyong pag-scroll pababa ay minsan mo na bang nadaanan ang katagang “100,000 likes and comment, get this free?” Wala pa rin naman ding masama kung may gusto kang bagay na pinapangarap mo ay gagawin mo rin ang lahat. Ang kailangan mo lamang ay tulong ng iyong mga kaibigan at maging mga kaibigan mo ring di mo kakilala. Mahirap gawin pero dahil gusto mo


bang isaalalay sa tulad nito ang pagkakaroon ng kasintahan? Ang pakikipagrelasyon ay hindi dapat ginagawang laro, yun bang idinadaan sa mga tulad nito, ito ay dapat pinaghihirapan. Hindi dapat idinadaan sa madalian, kung kelan ka makaisip ay diretso lang, ito ay lumalago sa paglipas ng panahon. Hindi rin ito basta basta kung sino ang mapusuan ay siya na agad, siya ay dapat ipinapanalangin kung para ba talaga sa’yo.

ay mga pangarap na hindi dapat iaasa sa kaibigan dahil kailangan mong pagsumikapan at paghirapan. “

Naglipana na sa facebook ang katagang “Pa-like po. Pa-comment po. Pa-share po.” Hindi naman din ata masama kung gagawin mo ito kung para sa isang magandang hangarin. Halimbawa na rito ay kung sa tuwing nagkakaroon ng patimpalak tulad na lamang ng mga pagandanan o pagwapuhan man ay nauuso

ay paglalaanan mo ng oras. Paano naman kung ganito ang nadaanan mo, “100,000 likes and comments, girlfriend/ boyfriend ko na siya?” Teka, para bang may mali na. Sa mga tulad nito ay para bang napapakamot na sa ulo. Tama nga

Ang pag-ibig ang pinakadakilang bagay na ginawa ng Diyos para sa tao, kaya dapat lamang na pangalagaan at pag-isipan ito at hindi nahahagilap sa isang pindot sa computer mo.

May mga pagkakataon namang sa mga paaralan ay may mga tulad din namang ganitong pangyayari. Nakakita ka na ba ng katagang “100,000 likes and comment to pass the subject?” Minsan nga’y may mga larawan lamang at nagsasabing “pag hindi mo shinare, babagsak ka!” Ang mga kabataan

Having your normal transaction with a store and paying everything you bought in the counter and then the next thing you know is you’re already searching for coins or loose bills or receiving a candy in return as a change from a sales person. But the most annoying and frustrating part is that either you go out to the store without change or without the product you wanted to buy. Experiencing this kind of situation in a store makes me think who should make an adjustment and possible solutions regarding the shortage of change, like loose bills and coins, is it the customer or the establishment? Last July 21,2016 after the Aquino administration failed to either approve or veto its existence after it

Truth should not be considered as a solitary thing because every person

Pa-like, comment, and share po! ang mga ganitong kataga.

So why are we like this? The reason why we are like this, always wanting instant things, can be traced back to our own history. We’ve been colonized by Spain for 300 hundred years and then we went under the government of America andbeen invaded by the Japanese. So you see, for very long period of times we weren’t able to do anything but wait and wait and wait. And now that the Philippines stand on its own feet, we don’t want to wait anymore, we got tired of waiting, we ran out of patience thus we seek for instant solutions for our country to move forward. We became impatient enough to ignore the law and rights of every Filipino in this country and we say it’s for the benefit of more. We hide our impatience in the cover of doing things for the country to change and as a result we gave birth to extrajudicial killings. The grim reapers who brought people into their graves here in the Philippines, are not the policemen

who took lives of people because of drug involvement and refusal to yield to the law, not the ghost riders known as death squad, not even the president himself. It is us. All of us. Why? Because we don’t have any patience to trust the law. We got tired of hearing news about tons of drugs. We lost sight to the chance that maybe someday the law will prevail and these offenders will turn their selves in. We got impatient that’s why we voted for a president, whom like us, promotes instant solution. We killed those people, those people whom we called offendersto the society, those people whose stories we do not know, those people who had families to feed, those people who are just like us, impatient, living in this poor country where they can’t go beyond the poverty line and sought for instant money for living. We sacrificed them all for our country to achieve

instant change and greatness. “Sometimes severity is the price we pay for greatness” Is this instant greatness worth enough the bullets we’ve put through someone’s father, mother, brother, son, friend and lover? This massacre that we instigated, is indeed the most effective way to clean our country. Now I ask, can you really clean a dirty table using a dirty rug just because you don’t have time and patience to get a clean one? We sought for instant change and now that we have it, is it worth the consequences that we will face after 6 years? We must’ve forgotten that instantly grabbing a rose because of its beauty will render our hands bloody. ●

Equity in Change

phrase with a grammatical error will earn you a lot of teachers. A girl who’s personally sick of these things would just wish for even just a day on an island, away from the self-exalting thing they call “social media”.

seeing as most of the Filipinos love him, we really adore instants, even instant killings.

e must’ve forgotten that instantly grabbing a rose because of its beauty will render our hands bloody.”

Voices or Noises It is understood that on these perilous times where our country is in the midst of tempest issues, we, Filipinos have the urgency to voice out our opinions and hope to make a better change in the system. Technology paved way to make it easier. Everyone within the reach of internet connection and a social media account on some of the most popular social media like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can have a say in everything.


nga naman, wala nang magawa. Pati na lang ba ang pagpasa sa mga asignatura ay iaasa sa mga tulad nito? Nais kong ipabatid na tungkulin ng mga estudyante ang mag-aral. Para saan ba ang ang lahat ng ginagawa mo? Lahat naman tayo ay may mga pangarap. At sa pag-abot ng mga ito ay mayroon tayong kaibigan ngunit dapat alam natin kung kailan natin sila tatawagin. May mga pangarap na hindi dapat iaasa sa kaibigan dahil kailangan mong pagsumikapan at paghirapan. Higit sa lahat, sa mga panahong alam mong di mo na kaya ay laging tandaan na mayroon kang Pinakadakilang Kaibigan na sa lahat ng oras ay siguradong may tugon. Pa like, comment, and share naman po nito! ●

was submitted earlier in June 2016, Republic Act 10909 also known as No Shortchanging Act of 2016 was lapsed into a law. Under this act, all establishments will be required to have change, no if ’s, and’s or but’s. It also prohibits on giving candies in lieu of monetary change. In addition to, businesses that shortchange or fail to give exact change to any consumers will be penalized. They are also required to post a sign that reminds their customer to ask for an exact change. According to Senator Paolo Benigno “Bam” Aquino, a major proponent of the bill, that the act aims to “promote a culture of decency, integrity, and professionalism among Filipino businesses.” (CNN Philippines)

The mere existence of this act only shows that this issue of shortage of change is not a small thing that should be neglected by any establishment as well as the customer. This act will protect the interest of customer and their right to receive an exact change in monetary value. This will also clarifies on who will make proper actions or solutions regarding the shortage of change.


amount that the customer presented during transactions. But the real question is, does its implementation are properly executed at this very moment? Or do we feel its presence or authority while we are buying in a business establishment?

he awareness of the customer regarding this bill and the rights they are entitled too are limited to those who seeks equality and fairness in business transactions.”

As per the customer, they should also took their part and be responsible customer by always asking an exact change. Through this, establishment will always be reminded about their responsibility on giving exact change or having enough loose bills and coins to accommodate any

Many of us may say that the implementation of this act was not properly executed because we’re experiencing same experiences of having shortage of change from time to time when buying in a store. We don't feel its presence because there are no signages or any information about this bill. The awareness of the customers regarding this bill and the rights they are entitled too are limited to those who seek equality and fairness

in business transactions. Many establishments failed to retroact their responsibility about “No Shortchanging” and neglect its presence in their operation without thinking the possible consequences that may arise between them and the customer. Business establishments should provide exact change and never neglect any of those customers either how big is their bill presented to purchase a product. This is a common norm among business establishments that should be observed and act with utmost sincerity towards customer to attain full satisfaction. On the other hand, we should also take into consideration that this act is just only ratified later this month. We may not feel its presence right at this moment but maybe in the future. Let’s just hope that this act will not be some kind of trash and will serves its true purpose. ●

Home court or not? If it really happens, 22 years would transpire since the last Miss Universe pageant was held in the Philippines. The first time was on 1974 which was won by Amparo Munoz from Spain. She was preceded by Philippines’ Margarita Moran, Miss Universe 1973. The second tiimai bagame that the pageant was held in the country was on 1994, won by India’s Sushmita Sen. Negotiations have been initiated as to bringing the pageant’s next edition in the Philippines. Moreover, Miss Universe 2015 Pia Wurtzbach of the Philippines talked with President Rodrigo Duterte about the possibility of holding the globally-watched pageant in her home country. Fortunately, the Department of Tourism has confirmed during the early weeks of July that the 65th edition of the Miss Universe will be held for the third time in the Philippines on January 30, 2017 at the Mall of Asia Arena. By bringing the pageant in the country, this means shoving the country’s economy through tourism efforts. It can be noted that more than half a billion people watch Miss

Universe annually. Looking through the numbers, indeed, exposing the beauty of the Philippines to half a billion people would attract potential tourists and eventually create tourism boost in the country. This is probably one of the great news that a Filipino can hear.But amidst this good news, the Philippines had recently suffered a shockwave of the rumors that the conduct of Miss Universe in the Philippines is


nd we cannot expect the President to just say sorry after doing this.”

cancelled and that the Miss Universe Organization (MUO) is now looking for other host country. The rumored cancellation made the public wonder of President Duterte’s latest course of actions, statements and controversies caused for the incident. Indeed, the country has been shrouded with controversies and have lately been getting international attention and all these are

pointed to its head of state. Among the controversial issues that the President is facing is his shaming against women in authority - Mariz Umali, Chief Justice Ma. Lourdes Sereno, Senator Leila de Lima and Vice President Leni Robredo. Who would not celebrate after knowing that an internationally-acclaimed event would be held in their country? Some prominent women in the country would.

shaming and disregard for women in just a matter of months and this has caught so much global attention. They stand against the President for women humiliation.

A petition was initiated as for the organizers not to hold the Miss Universe in the Philippines. Some of the prominent women who signed the petition were: former CHR Commissioner Etta Rosales, former DSWD Secretary Dinky Soliman, former beauty queen Aurora Pijuan, singer Leah Navarro, former Ayala President Vicky Gartichorena, and Loida Nicholas Lewis among others.

The President’s sexist attitude can be enough reason for the Miss Universe pageant to be held in another country. There can be less than a hundred country to host Miss Universe. So why not hold the pageant in one of those? The President can’t just exhibit his awful attitude towards women if Miss Universe delegates visit the country. The President can’t just catcall these women, more importantly. And we cannot expect the President to just say sorry after doing this.

Their stand is clear and understandable. President Duterte had released unwarranted rape jokes, brutal

Well, despite many people airing their concerns about what the “sorry-ful” president may do next, many

people still hope that his actions would not be a cause for the actualization of the circulating rumors. Today, millions of Filipinos have their fingers crossed and all hopes for a back-to-back win for the Philippines and it’s an advantage for the Philippine delegate if the Miss Universe is going to be held here. But wether or not the MUO decides to hold the pageant in our country, it would just be a fact that Filipinos should accept and move on with. ●


Looking back |from Page 4|

freedom bulletin might be a cause for a possible image disintegration of CBEM since students can post whatever they want to express. However, he told The Appraiser that there is still the 2nd semester and would do the best he can to at least initiate the freedom board.

Born This Way

Being one of the countries with the most reigning beauty queens, the Philippines is already recognized worldwide. From the recently crowned Miss Universe 2015, Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach and Miss Universe 1st Runner Up 2012 and at the same time, the first Filipina to appear on a Victoria’s Secret PINK advertisement, Janine Tugunon, it’s already a proof that Filipina beauty continues to compete among other countries. Also, Philippines is the only country that won at least one crown each from the world’s largest and recognized beauty pageant – Miss Universe, Miss International, Miss Earth and Miss Supranational. Every year, the Philippines always rises at the top of beauty pageants and always makes it not only to the top 10, but usually brings home the crown and title. Certainly, Filipina beauty is something to look for! Other countries, be threatened!


Every woman is beautiful but insecurity always kills the idea of it. We always strive to aim for perfection but what we don’t realize is that, we are all simply beautiful in our own ways. You don’t need to starve yourselves and take those pills just to be skinny, you don’t need to whiten your skin so much – morena is beautiful, you don’t need to do this or that! Transplants, plastic surgeries, nose lifting and other stuff are unnecessary just to look pretty and be accepted by the society. Instead of saying that you are ugly, you should start to embrace yourselves and accept what you already have. If you think that someone is perfect, then definitely, you are wrong! Everyone has their own flaws; even those models, beauty queens, and Hollywood stars that you admire. Nobody’s perfect.

very woman is beautiful but insecurity always kills the idea of it.”

We all look up to these beauty queens. With all those pretty faces and sexy figures, they scream perfection. You might find yourself stalking these girls in their Instagram accounts and say, “Ang ganda naman niya like super! How to be you po? Slay girl! So cute! Gorgeous! Stunning! Beautiful! Outrageous!” and suddenly you felt insecure about yourself because they were the definition of beauty and perfection. You want to be as pretty and sexy as them. You look at the mirror and see yourself - too much layer of fats, acnes on your face, dry skin, a big and wide nose, vanishing eyebrows, eyes like you haven’t sleep for a hundred years…you look terrible, you look ugly, you are such a pity. You look like a mess with all those mismatched features and you would say to yourself, “I am not beautiful.”

You may not have that 36-24-36 vital statistics neither that face like Miranda Kerr’s, but I would just like to say that you are gorgeous! Everyone deserves to be called beautiful and all other words synonymous to it. Even if people continuously judge you just because you are fat, skinny, so white, so black, full of acne, and other insults that they want throw up at you, don’t mind them. You are fabulous! You are unique. You were born this way, baby! Standards of beauty were just invented by us, people. It is kind of sad actually that we base beauty through these standards like fair complexion, pointed noise and sexy body. People focus on physical aspects so much, that they forget someone’s inner beauty and intelligence. Everything in this world is ephemeral, even beauty will fade in a latter time. ●

Still the CSC has been shrouded with issues particularly on information dissemination. Among the most frequent complaints of the students in CBEM is the short notice to students whenever an event, whether inside or outside CBEM, is to be undertaken. “Kaya po delayed ang information dissemination kasi sinesend rin po sa akin ang information a day before kaya narerelay ko talagaang information late afternoon or gabi na talaga”, Belo defended. “Pagnagsesend siya [Belo] ng messages, through org presidents and PIOs and patina rin kami [CSC officers] nakakareceive ng texts nya. Pero yung sa org namin delayed lang talaga. Kaya for me,walang

The Appraiser launches new logo To portray the real duties of The Appraiser, as student publication, the Editorial Board and Staff pursue to launch a new logo. The logo consists of three figures: first, the magnifying glass which represents the search for the truth and an instrument of an appraiser; second, the plume which symbolizes journalism and the power of writing; and lastly, the book which particularly represents knowledge. It was opened in a balance manner, which signifies the fair and equal treatment of all information which is the aim of the publication. These were all combined to represent the responsibilities of the publication which is to give value to the truth. The new logo was then supported by its technical adviser and the college dean. This will be officially used for all the activities and transactions of the college publication.●

In Pursuit of World-Class By: Karl Shirlo A. Bonacua, FM II

In an increasingly globalized world, the picture of Bicol University steeped on top of world-class universities and reality seems to be fading. Institutes of higher learning shed an “advance and high tech college with talented teachers producing top-notch students” and embracing a new vision. The 8th Bicol University Pres. Dr. Arnulfo M. Mascariñas revised the afore cited vision of the university which states “A World-Class University Producing Leaders and Change Agents for Social Transformation and Development”. This stringed popularity among the BU Community, are we engaging in a tremendous waste of resources by concentrating our investments at top level education that this ambition exceed the ability to sustain such institution or does conformity narrow down our perspective for change and the possibility of creating high calibre superpower in terms of science and technology research contributing for economic

growth? World Class University. People have the idea of a university equipped with state of the art facilities, sharp witted and well endowed students, but according to the Quacquarelli Symonds(QS), a British company collaborated with the The Higher Education University Rankings (THE) which comprises the global overall and subjects in the world formulates the three criteria of a world class university: first, highly sought graduates; second, leading-edge research; and third, dynamic knowledge and technology transfer. The first factor is a high concentration for talent, consisting of faculty, students, researchers and internationalization. The second factor requires favorable governance features that encourage leadership, strategic vision, innovation, and flexibility and that enable institutions to make decisions and manage resources without being affected by corruption riddled government of a nation. The third factor consists of abundant resources to offer a rich learning environment and to conduct advanced research, with these resources coming from tuition fees and the government. Henceforth, the 2015-2016 QS University Rank-

problema sa CSC in terms of information dissemination and baka nasa org mismo ang problema,” Morata added. Belo was also questioned as to why there were times that the CBEM CSC hotline cannot be contacted. The reason cited by the CSC PIO was because of the phone defects the council had. Acerado was also asked as to what kind of upgrade would be made in the CSC’s financial database that was more updated list of those who still have liabilities. She mentioned that the modification from the previous administration’s process would be the posting of the names in a bulletin board of the “not cleared” students for a faster and more convenient way for student inquiries. On his legacy, Lacostales assured that progress is continuously being done. He also added that there would be events to anchor the four foundations of CBEM and that would cover more students as participants. In terms of the support to

Albay |from Page 5|

particularly in secondary and tertiary to promote drug awareness in students. NEW REHAB CENTER

A SUBSIDIARY... As Pres. Benigno Aquino III boasted of how Bicol University Accounting students as early as 3rd year employs at accounting and auditing firms, it proves that Bicol University is one of the best universities in the Philippines.



ings states that University of the Philippines, the top university in the country ranks 367th globally. As the University of the Philippines Los Baños tops 1 at the Find University Philippines (based on the 60 board exams conducted by the PRC to a weighted board exams ranking), Bicol University sits at 42 out of the 227 universities that took the board exams. It is a long way to travel especially if it’s a university spearheaded towards World Class. A world class university is like proving forever exists, people may doubt the fact that it exists and some people will cling and believe that there is still a room for a little faith, that time will come it will. Who wouldn’t want a world class university? And in our pursuit of excellence the three kinds of people defined those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move. If that move becomes one with the vision, a movement is formed and if that movement fulfill the mission then there will be a revolution. Dr. Arnulfo M. Mascariñas committing to the vision and revolutionizing Bicol University. ●

The rising toll on the people surrendering for drug involvement has also posed a challenge to the administration, as there is a lack of rehabilitation centers to accommodate the involved persons. According to Cirujares the Provincial Government of Albay is planning to build a rehab center in Tula-Tula which can accommodate

4P’s, he proudly told The Appraiser that more and more 4P’s recipients participated in the events of CBEM. He exemplified the Young Entrepreneurship Society and Microfinance Student Organization for this. CHALLENGES AND ACHIEVEMENTS When asked about their biggest achievement so far, the council had been very proud to talk about CBEM’s comeback as champion during the September’s Fest. “We worked hard for it, the feeling of sense of fulfillment. Nakakatuwa lang kasi at the end of the event mananalo yung participant so parang mawawala yung pagod at yung gastos mo,” Lacostales said. “The challenge has been mostly to achieve our goal to reach the studentry so that is one thing that concerns us, our aim na mas mabigay namin yung gusto nila (students),” he added. The council has also shared their goal to be awarded as the Best CSC for 5-peat. ● 10% of the 12, 000 drug-affected in the province. He added that this is to be accomplished within this year. Meanwhile, Malinao Treatment and Rehabilitation Center is the only rehab center in the province which has a capacity of 100 persons. According to Chester Celso Olitin, Nurse III of the rehab center, they are now ready to accept female patients after the establishment of its dormitory. Furthermore, Olitin said that this will be the first time that they will be admitting female patients. ●

2 facilities|from Page 1| that the pathway should be wider in

constructed near the Economics Building. The construction of the pathway was proposed by the main administration to standardize the look and have the same pattern with the main campus. It is also in connection with the plans of having one gate for the two campuses- College of Business, Economics and Management (CBEM) and College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP). According to Dr. Eddie S. See, Dean of CBEM, the road construction costs around 3 million pesos and was funded by the main administration. He also pointed out

diameter as it was planned but due to some obstacles and other impeding objects especially in the part of CBEM, it resulted into a narrower diameter. This construction lasted for about 6 months starting from June to November and was headed by the Physical Development and Management Office (PDMO). ESTABLISHMENT OF KIOSK An estimated cost around 336, 000 pesos, Dr. See proposed to the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) to use the savings of the college which are not used to fund research

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CBEMians’ Journal

EcoSoc introduces Green Economy by: Nanette M. Almojuela With the theme “Green Economy: A Modern Approach to Economic Sustainability,” the Economics Society (EcoSoc) held a Junior Economists’ Convention last October 8, 2016 at College of Nursing Amphitheatre.

The event aims to introduce the term Green Economy to promote the field of Resource Economics as a tool for sustainable development, create environmental awareness among the students, and develop skills needed for economic thinking. “Ang purpose nito is para maging aware yung participants about Green Economy, yung importance at maging responsive sa green economic activities,” Angelyn Garcia, EcoSoc Deputy Sec-

retary said. The topics that were discussed were “Green Economy: What is it?” by Dindo G. Nabol, STDIS, DTI; “Green Economy: How can we get there?” by Myles Gueta, DENR-EMBV; and “Green Economy: The Challenges, Costs, and Trade-offs” by Erwin Torres, Master in Environment and Natural Resources Management.

Footsteps |to Page 13|

heat from the sun. DTI itself is a model for implementing green practices. As you walk through the stairs going to the Provincial Office of DTI, there are plants hanging on the so called “Green Wall”. “Yung init sa labas inaabsorb ng plants and in Psychology baga, ang tao kapag nakakita ng green plant ay refreshing. Nakakawala ng stress,”Castro explained.

BENEFITS The seminar was participatBusinesses who are involved ed by 148 attendees, 136 were from AB Economics students of BUCBEM, 11 were from the Daraga National High School, and 1 from Taisan National High by: Ian M. Llaneta School. ● For the very first time, the Junior Financial Executives (JFINEX) spearheaded The Search for Mister and Miss Faces of Money. US prof|to Page 3| grams of CBEM has to offer and The new search served as the ble and caring so I have found it thrilled to any opportunity that highlight of the Wall Street, a easy to adapt and grown a deep deals with product development. five-day long affair promoting fiappreciation for all the kindness “I hope to inspire the students nancial and investment literacy to received from all the people in and bring new insights into the Financial Management students Albay! It is very beautiful here classroom. Also I hope to work of Bicol University. Furthermore, and I am looking forward to trav- with the community to create the pageant’s coronation night eling around the Philippines and sustainable opportunities for concluded the five-day run of the meeting lots of great people." success." Wall Street last September 24, She also mentioned that she Campassi was a graduate of is very interested in livelihood Bachelor of Science in Apparel On the first day they got to roam projects and working with the Design and Masters in Consumaround Seoul and experienced the community. She is excited to see ers Affairs at Auburn University first taste of “real Korean food” while what arises and learning the pro- in Auburn, Alabama. ● on the second day the Philippine delegates met the Philippine Ambassador to Korea and had a special lecture with Suyoung Kim, an author and a traveler. by: John Paul D. Arranzado with reports from Nanette M. Almojuela The delegates participated on the different activities such as team building activity, Asian Calendar Making which consists the national holidays of their respective country, and the , Asia Publicity Booth Festival which feature the famous landmark of each country.

UNITY IN DIVERSITY. Rafaela Maxin Bulalacao (at the center back) with other Asian nationalities aims to build a Marshmallow Tower during their team building activity at 6th Youth Camp for Asia’s Future in Seoul, South Korea. (Alvi Loreno)

The youth camp was participated by 23 countries. It was administered by The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (MOGEF) together with the National Commission of Youth Organizations in Korea (NCYOK)

which aims to enhance understanding and future-oriented mutual cooperation through interaction by inviting youth who will lead the future of Asia. Bulalacao was chosen to be the representative in the said Youth Camp because of the fact that she is a member of Bicol University- United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (BU-UNESCO) and receive an email from the National Youth Commission recommending her to participate in the event. The 13-day camp consists of lectures, cultural discussions and tours.

JMA initiates tree planting by: John Paul D. Arranzado

As part of their Legacy project, the official corporate social responsibility project of the organization, the Bicol University Junior Marketing Association (BU-JMA) conducted a tree planting activity lastJune 25, 2016 at Brgy. Pawa, Legazpi City. This tree planting activity was in lined with the Proclamation No. 643, s. 2004 or the celebration of the Arbor Day in the Philippines held every 25th of June annually. This annual celebration was made to appreciate the importance of trees and its benefits to us human that live in planet Earth. The said activity was participated by the JMA officers and members together with the speaker from the Department of Environment and National Resources- Provincial of Envi-

as to the community.

These green practices and greening strategies are all beneficial for reducing the pollution from the human acts which lessens global warming and preventing destructions from disasters. Businessmen don’t just think of how they will earn but always and foremost considering the natural resources, because after all, these resources will be always the last resort for survival. ●

JFINEX sponsors first Faces of Money Pageant

CBEMian represents Phil in Asian Youth Camp

Out of seven delegates selected from all over the Philippines, Rafaela Maxin Bulalacao, a 4th year Human Resource Development (HRD) student and the incumbent secretary of Senior’s Club, was the only representative of the Bicol University on the 6th Youth Camp for Asia’s Future 2016 last August 2-14, 2016 at various cities in Seoul, South Korea.

in the green practice enumerate benefits to their total operation. Lowering production cost which consists of raw materials, fuel, water and power is very much an advantage for enterprises. These result for lower expense and yielding even higher revenue. There were also decline effects of changing weather conditions. ProGED had also opened an alliance among businesses to promote green practices which develops green and innovative markets that is advantageous not just for the business but as well


Meanwhile, on the 4th and 5th day, the delegates tour around the city of Soul and visited famous landmarks like Suwon Hwaseong Castle, Hahoe Traditional Village in Andong, Kensington Resort, Gyeongju,and Bulguksa temple, Gyeongju Historic Areas, and Seowon Auditorium for the photo scavenger activity. They also experienced a traditional performance in Gyeongju and before going back to the hotel, they went to see the night view in Anapji Pond. On the last day they arrived at the famous Jeju Island where they enjoyed the white sand beach and visited Gwandeok Jeong Pavillion, a famous temple in Jeju Island. The participants also presented on stage their traditional performances showcasing different traditions and cultures and got to taste different pastries and desserts from other Asian countries in Asia Dessert Festival.

CBEMian |from Page 15| MFSO |from Page 3|

and equipped with necessary skills about self-defense specially that most of them are assigned in rural areas where security were much vulnerable. She also added that there were instances that the OJT trainees experienced being robbed by some notorious people. ●

2 facilities|from Page 12| GREEN STEWARDS. The Junior Marketing Association (JMA) Bicol Chapter takes part in caring for the environment as they hold tree planting activity at Pawa, Legazpi City last June 25, 2016.

ronment and Natural Resources Office (DENR-PENDO) who gave an orientation to the students regarding the proper way of planting the seedlings before the tree planting proper took place. Meanwhile, this activity aims to instill to the students concern for them to take part in such environmental activities. ●

and thesis works for the establishment of kiosks located near where the canteen resides or what you called “the pentagon”. The proposed project includes two kiosks which will be used as an added facility to serve as a student lounge, canteen and another place for the student to stay while waiting for their class. This will also be one of the solutions that the college sees to avoid students to stay on a vacant room and to avoid disturbance to those who have classes.

2016 at YMCA Pool.

Carl Emman Reyes and Jo AntonetteIntia claimed the first ever titles. HaribonTampioc and John Daryll Jacob secured the first runner-up and second runner-up spot respectively for the male category while Trizhia Allison Nieto and Allyza Navarro were named as the first runner-up and second runner-up respectively for the female category. A total of 16 candidates vied for the crown.

During the pageant proper, candidates competed in different segments such as swimwear attire and creative attire competition. Prior to the coronation, talent competition and press conference happened. Aside from the pageant, quiz bowl and team building completed the aforementioned event. The pageant aims to enhance the confidence and communication skills of the members of the said organization. ●

JPMAP spearheads PELS by: Nanette M. Almojuela

Dressed with the theme “Developing and Equipping Oneself: A Tool to Every Changing World,” the Junior People Management Association of the Philippines (JPMAP) Bicol University Chapter spearheaded the People Executive Learning Seminar (PELS) last August 23, 2016 at the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, Legazpi City. The event aims to create learning situations in which students develop proficiencies based on the experiences that will come from the resource speaker and also to maximize available resources to reach a person’s full potential through a well-rounded personality. The first speaker was Atty. Daisy P. Bragais, Assistant Regional Director of Civil Service Commission talked about the different stages and transition of a

person when dealing with change through a video presentation entitled “Who Moved My Cheese”. She also tackled the STAR, a method of answering question during the interview, as well as the right way of recruitment and selection process in Human Resource Department. Meanwhile, the topic about Financial Management was given by Paulette Gay S. Menguilla, Research Specialist of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas as the second speaker. According to the organizer, the event was a success because the participants learned, gained and enjoy. They also stressed out that they will continue conducting this kind of seminar to develop and equip necessary knowledge and skills to cope with the ever changing world. ●

OMC participates in 1st CDYAP National Congress by: Ma. Princess M. Rico

To nurture and empower the youth of this generation, two Operations Management Club (OMC) officers participated in the 1st Centrist Democratic Youth Association of the Philippines (CDYAP), a two-day congress held at the Cristina Villas Mountain Resort and Hotel in Antipolo, Rizal last July 22-24, 2016. It was participated by Clint John Morcozo, President of OMC and Jakim Timothy Golimlim, which are also elected officers of the CDYAP Daraga Chapter that

The kiosks will be located in both sides of the canteen where garden was situated, that was considered to be unused and barren spaces. It will be developed and flattened to be used for constructing facilities like this project. Meanwhile, these kiosks will include benches and wider space for putting up table in case the students want to use one and a roof for the protection to direct heat of the sun and during rainy seasons. In relation to this project, Dr. See said in an interview that he already notified and held a meeting with the

was established last March 19, 2016. The CDYAP is a sector organization of the Konrad Adenauer, a German political institute that has been active in civic education and political consultancy worldwide. Meanwhile, it was also attended by local and national officers from the different regions and municipalities of the Philippines. The congress’ agenda is about the involvement and empowerment of the youth in national development emphasizing political and social aspects. ● Associate Dean, CSAC, President of the CSC, President of Faculty Organization, Physical Plant Officer, and the Budget Officer. He also added that the construction of kiosks will start next year and will run up to 3 months as he stated. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING A long time proposed new administration building will be established at the old Economics building which will house both the administration of CBEM and CSSP. This was already proposed by the

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14ENTERTAINMENT MILLENIAL ELEGIES: A Song for the Dying (Inside) Generation

by: James Mark A. Monteon

“We are a billion stars inhabiting the vastness of the sky.” No, we’re not. We’re a bunch of tragic, disinterested, shallow, illogical teenagers living in a small world that made smaller because of the internet. We are the generation that feeds on Wi-Fi signals and thirsts for mobile data. We feast on posts and tweets and we lull ourselves to sleep with the deafening sounds of the pings and tings of the chatbox. We are neither the Batang X nor Generation Y, we are the Millenials. I probably would not want to bore you with facts about the millenials of how they grew up from the years to and fro, because honestly, I did not research about it. That is two facts about us, (1) we are lazy and do not want to research about all the little details that life gives us but instead (2) we believe what is in front of us, slap a little portion for numbers and add a graph and the whole youth would believe you. But, I do not intend to describe everybody and put everyone in the box for those traits, this is just a scheme for a little bit generalization and description of the traits and idiosyncrasies of our generation.

Facebook Generation The social media is the world we live in, forget the concrete jungle and the summer paradise, the internet is our home. The Facebook-ing is as if our default mode of chore in the everyday life, if we are not doing something important we are on Facebook, if we are bored, we are on Facebook. Even there is a rush on things and we are cramming for work and exams we still find time to unlock our phone and press the little blue F icon and delve into the vastness of it. It is as if the real is such a big bore and a large stress that the only way to find relief is to plug in yourself to the world. There might be outside adventures and wonderful moments but we still would like to immortalize it not by memory but by posting it on Facebook and sometimes adventures are not for the wandering lost souls within you it’s for Instagram’s sake.

A Story of Hugots A story of no happy ending and of tragedy is a classic for all, applicable to every generation, be it Romeo and Juliet or the simple man on the street. Heartbreak- it happens to everyone, the one who loved so deep he made you his world, the one who loved so true you are her story to tell, the one with the fast beating heart that skips when she hears your name. A wayward heart is a novel of volumes to tell. I reiterate- it happens to everyone. So what is your issue with all the never ending hugots you post on social media and tell instantaneously to your friends? Did he crush it so much that the words that left in you was about how he was bad and an asshole. It was endearing at first, pity for those who had real broken hearts but in many repeats? No, it’s not; they say repetition is boring, but that is not boring, it is maddening. Just stand up and pick up the shards that he left of you, post one or two, but not a hundred. Try writing stories and novels with it, it might turn into profit, a full pocket and no love seems fair.

A Little Taste of Mocha Everyone knows Mocha Uson, or so I will assume, she is the instantly famous go-go dancer celebrity turned Duterte supporter turned social media activist for national issues. She puts herself into facebook, twitter and other sites and expresses her opinion on current

dilemmas. The lady has brought up a raging clamour to everyone especially to those that think that they are entitled, licensed and needed to put a comment on such things. Do not get me wrong, it is a noble act to participate and the youth should often try it. As a child we were thought of the Makabayan subject, so as a young adult we should try and be one. Mocha Uson is biased; we know that, we all are at some point in time. We put metaphorical blindfolds and earplugs unto ourselves to block out the things we do not want to see or hear. Mocha is just a misplaced soul trying to fit in a dimension she thinks is the right fit, but who am I to judge? I also do not know if my soul is where it should be. The point is, we all are a little bit of Mocha Uson, bias, misplaced and trying hard to be someone we think would be good for us, so try to be a little bit of the positive side of beverage-named girl, be an activist, speak your mind and pour your hearts, love is not only for your boyfriends and girlfriends, it’s also for the country.

Comics by Edsam Llamera

Bukas na |from Page 7| ang patakaran ng barangay.

ment sa bawat barangay.

Ang MRF ay isang pasilidad na pangunahing layunin ang waste segregation. Dito pansamantalang itinatapon ang basura ng barangay. Bawat kabahayan ay maaaring direktang magtapon sa MRF o maaari din namang magpakolekta sa mga “eco aid /garbage collector” ng tatlong beses sa isang linggo. No segregation, no collection

May kaakibat ding multa ang sinumang hindi susunod sa nasabing patakaran. Bawat buwan, magbabayad ang bawat kabahayang piniling magpakolekta ng P20 na kokolektahin naman ng barangay treasurer. Wala pang isang buwan magmula nang maitayo ang pasilidad na ito nakatanggap naman ng suporta mula sa mga residente. ●

Ludangco claims MVP

by: Joan V. Lagradilla and Karl M. Camba

The College of Business, Economics and Management (CBEM) Women Basketball Team proved superior in court against the Institute of Physical Education, Sports and Recreation (IPESR) with a 6-point lead, 47-41, during the Championship Round for the BU Olympics Basketball Tournament (Women Division) last September 21, 2016. Fifteen young players have shown the team’s determination to win as it swept off three other teams during the previous rounds: College of Industrial and Technology, College of Education and Gubat Campus. This 3-0 victory during the elimination advances team for the championship title.

CBEM houses |from Page 1|

aside from Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS). These strands are distributed in the different campuses in the university.

Our generation is a mixed of everything, how our parents raised us, how the internet affected us, the people around us and how we want everyone else to perceive us. We are a cacophony of unexplainable problems and infinite metaphors. The millenials are and will continue to be a bandwagon generation that thinks that being unique is the only way to be noticed, and being noticed is utmost importance. I cannot sum up our geneWQration and I cannot tackle everything good and wrong about us, because that list is far too long to start with. There is nothing wrong with being a millennial, we cannot choose the era we live in or our specific birth and upbringings, but we can choose on how we want to be in the future, so be a pro-change activist, who speaks his mind and independent of social media and has real achievements or whatever, do your own thing, and prove something to the world.

CBEM nails first champ in women basketball

The victors namely, Jaya Jarabejo, Julliane Pearl Ludangco, Shalomarie-

Real Achievements and Play Pretends We all are trying ourselves to wake up every morning and push through the day and go to school and learn something more. We all burn the midnight candles to achieve the dreams we all wanted for ourselves. We all do, or not. Some of us just go to school and try to slide by day by day, hardly learning anything. College is just a one big party to throw a large fun experience. College is n o t t h e classrooms and tests and books, the collegiate life is the night life, the party, the events and the people to meet. Somehow and partially true. But let us just remind ourselves that that the college life is not for you to enjoy it is for you to work hard because it will be a testament of what will happen to you after your four or five years stay there. Life is not a runway to walk by in your OOTDs. It is the thing by which you need to hold on to. We blur into real achievements in life and we see something superficial as real achievements such as popularity and facebook likes. If only that was true, oh hone y, you could have been Summa Cum Laude, but it is not. So strap up and start working. And if you are on in your #Gradwaiting days, strap up some more, we do not want to postpone hanging that Alikbuy to ourselves and be nice and pretty this March.



CROWN FOR CHAMPS. The CBEM Pep Squad once again proves that they are the best among the rest, as they showcase their teamwork and extraordinary smiles during the BU Founding Anniversary last September 19, 2016 at Albay Sports Complex. (Photo by Abigail Ubalde)

PMAP |from Page 3|

paper, like presentation for 5 minutes, and important points in the study must been presented,” she said. PMAP Bicol Chapter President Melinda D. De Guzman explained

CBEM-CBOs |from Page 1|

many members of the organization who did not pay the program fee. “ Short sa fund since di nagbayad ang students. Walang fund for activities.” Meanwhile, according to Mr. Felix Penetrante, the head programmer of the said system claimed that these problems are likely unavoidable due to the fact that there will always be discrepancies with the data that is provided. But the developed software can already be considered as effective in delivering its purpose as far as programming is concerned. “As a matter of fact, we have accommodated the importing of data last semester. Some units and offices claim that they are busy and they lack manpower, so we were the ones who have initiated in collecting their data and integrating it into the system, which is a bit cumbersome in our part,” Penetrante said. On the other hand, in the statement given by the President of CBEM-CSC Homer Lacostales, “Last year hindi pa talaga maayos yung coordination kasi parang dry-run palang yun. As of now, several measures and changes were brought up to further boost the effectiveness of the university’s online clearance. Tapos last year hindi naman

that hosting this annual conference helps the university to improve the collaboration among associations. “Researches are very evidential in the university because these are part of becoming world class university,” she said. ● pinayagan ng OSS naisama ang Org Fees, so ang naging medium para isama at ma-monitor ulit ang org fees sa clearance is the CSC. Since kaming dalawa lang ng treasurer ang may access sa online clearance system, ilalagay namin sa account na ito ngaya si student A may babayaran pa sa Appraiser.” It can be observed that the implementation of the online student clearance was in lined with the university’s new vision as well as the efforts to streamline various processes and transactions regarding the students’ unsettled transactions on college offices such as the Dean, Registrar, Admin Office, Cashier, Libraries, and Laboratories.

Qualifies for Regional SCUAA by: Joan V. Lagradilla

Karl Angelo S. Sartorio, BS Entrepreneurship IV, and Pearl Angelie L. Leona, AB Economics III, both ruled in the Bantam Weight Division while Christine Paula Marcial Quiñones, BSBA HRD III, reigned in the Fin Weight Division. Taekwondo is one of the most physical sports. Each game consisted of two rounds of intense fight. Karl and Christine favored the use of kicks to head and body to secure their title. Confidence in self and especially God was the key for the team to overcome the

In an interview with Allyza Joyce B. Moran, an ABM student, she said that it feels good to be in CBEM even if the building given was unfit for them. She also identifies some of their subjects in the first semester which includes Earth and Life Science, Media and Information Tech-

“I felt too much happiness to the point that it made me cry. Grabe! Masyadong advance ang graduation gift. I didn’t expect that my dream turns to a reality and I’ll forever thank and cherish my teammates, our coach and most especially to God for this memorable experience.” Team Captain Jaya Jarabejo said. Landing fourth place last year, the women’s team had more to prove. Winning its first Championship title

nology, Oral Communication, Filipino, Business Math, Logic and P.E. The ABM class is divided into 3 blocks. Each block was composed of 40 students. They were passers of the Senior High Admission Test (SHAT) and others were former students of BU Junior High School. Meanwhile, according to Prof. Sandra A. Casitas, unit head of the senior high school department, on the second semester ABM will be moved to the College of Education (CE) because the current building is unfit for occupancy. Despite the lapses and shortcomings of the implementation of the program, Prof. Casitas still looks positively. ●

though hindi tayo sigurado dito, CBEM water |from Page 4| source pero maganda-ganda ang lugar,” she

The presence of these bacteria is strong indication of recent sewage or animal waste contamination. This can also be traced back due to septic tanks which were built in the college when it was still an elementary school.

College Nurse Teodora N. Onatoas explained that since 2007 until present the same result was provided and it will still yields the same result if the college administration won’t take necessary actions such as changing or transferring it to higher areas with potentially good sourcing typically those areas in front of the college clinic. ‘’ Ang recommendation ko i-transfer nayan…, yang harap na ito(in front of Daraga Clinic) yan ang magandang


As preventive action, monthly chlorination is being done to ensure the safety of the students, faculty and personnel using it. But due to the road construction the process was delayed and had recorded to be last chlorinated in August of this year. Onatoas advice those persons in charge of the canteen to still practice chlorinating the water before using it to wash the forks, spoons and other utensils. Further, she reminds the student to frequently use disinfectants such as alcohol and sanitizer after using the water. ●

On an interview with a CBEM student on assessing the effectiveness of the online system, he said that “Okay naman po, medyo effective naman siya. Ang problema lang sa online clearance ang sa tingin ko ay yung ibang estudyante na walang access sa internet pero mas matipid pa din naman kung mag-internet sa internet shop kaysa mamasahe. Hassle pati ang traditional clearance. Mas easy ang online clearance.” ●

CBEM taekwondo bags 3 gold Three of CBEM’s very own conquered the Taekwondo event last Sept 20, 2016 during the Bicol University Olympics.

The ABM in CBEM is situated at the Economics building while other strands are located in CAL and in the High School Department.

Dioquino, Vanessa Chariss Arena, Junaze Aurille Belga, Kristine Serrano, Airene Pagarigan, Demi Nicole Ballon, Jeselle Medina, Hazel Grace Sodsod, Anabel Blance, Bernadette Adamos, Chris Mae Pasaol, Cielo Derilo and Kim Cabeguin, gave sweat and blood to achieve their goal.

and Karl M. Camba

danger of the sport. Also, teamwork played a vital role in their success. “May epekto din po yung team. Kahit individual sport kami may teamwork na nangyayari since we help each other improve and achieve our goals,” Quiñones said. This showcase of their skills garnered them a spot in the upcoming Regional SCUAA. The team waste no time and are now in preparation as they will do their best to bring more pride to BU. “Simula po ngayon nagtetraining na kami. Ang ginagawa ko po every morning jogging for endurance then pagkahapon training sa gym,” Leona added. ●

after several years is an absolute pride for the CBEMians. Serrano added “Happy na akong makapasok sa semis tapos wow! Champion! Ang gandang pabaon lalo na at graduating ako.” Julian Pear Ludangco, 2nd year Marketing Management student, was awarded MVP during the said tournament. “I didn’t expect CBEM winning as champion this year. Teamwork is how we made it to the top,” Ludangco said. Everyone now hopes that this year is the start of new streak in basketball. It is up to the next generation of players to continue the good foundation this year’s team has built. ●

CBEMian |from Page 13|

According to Bulalacao, during the Camp, she was able to gain knowledge of other country’s culture and build linkages with other participants. The Camp triggered harmonious cooperation among all the participants. As a Senior Student of BU CBEM and a major in HRD who is about to immerse in the real working environment, the camp was indeed a medium of encouraging mutual cooperation among countries and moving one step closer to achieving world peace. ●

JPIA |from Page 3| the Best Poster Award, “Snatch” by BSA III-B claimed the Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a supporting Role for Jesse Sullegue; and “Accounting Made Easy” by BSA II-A clinched the Outstanding Performance by an Actress in a Lead Role for Pia May Z. Atacador. A total of 11 entries vied for awards including “Mga Kwento ni Nicole Abadesa” by BSA II-C; “Charge to Experience” by BSA III-A, “Journalizing Life” by BSMA III; “Accountancy Ka Ba? Bakit?” by BSA V-A and “Dahil” by BSA V-B. All of the films considered the theme “Untold Stories.” Aside from the short film competition, seminar on business dining etiquette, testimonials of the new CPAs, and induction of JPIA officers completed the event. The ASCARS aims to to orient the students on business dining etiquette as well as to provide an avenue for solidarity among members of the organization. ●

2 facilities|from Page 13|

TIGHT-FIGHT. The girls’ soccer team of MicManaFi and HumanEcoPreneur competes during the CBEM Olympics last August 7, 2016 at BU Commencement Grounds. (Photo by Kathryn Ann Camba)

Negosyo |from Page 5|

ang ipipunlang negosyo. K a y a naman napakahalagang mayroong kaalaman bago gamitin ang salapi. Ang Municipal Social and Development Welfare Office (MSWDO) na siyang kinatawan ng DSWD ditto sa munisipyo ng Daraga ay nagbibigay ng dalawang araw na paseminar upang mabigyan ng tamang impormasyon at ideya ang mga benepisiyaryo habang pinapalago ang negosyo. Matapos ang mga ito sinisigurado rin ng ahensya na mayroong constant monitoring para makita ang lagay ng kinapital ng mga membro. Isang beses ka lamang maaaring maging benepisyaryo ng programa

nito, ito’y sa kadahilanang layunin nitong matulungan ang lahat nang nangangarap na magkaroon ng negosyo subalit nahahadlangan dahil sa kawalan ng kapital at kaalaman. Sa kasalukuyan ay pinagpapatuloy ng mga myembro sa baranggay Malobago ang magandang nasimulan gamit ang perang ipinahiram sa SEA-K. Larawan din sila ng mga membro ng 4Ps na handang sumabak sa buhay negosyante na mulat sa katotohanang hindi habambuhay ang asistensya na mula sa gobyerno. Kaya sa pamamagitan ng programang ito matutulungan silang magpunla at kumita, at sino ba naman ang nakakalaam, ang isang simpleng negosyo ngayon ay maaaring lumaki na siyang aangat sa kalidad ng pamumuhay. ●

management of the main administration during the initial planning held last year. One of the purposes of constructing the Daraga Campus Admin Building is to conserve time and make the transactions easier and faster since both colleges are sharing one cashier and accounting office. According to Prof. Sonnie Ramos, Associate Dean and In-charge of Physical Development of CBEM, there is an allocated budget for this but it is not sure if it will materialize due to “unfiled” or “unsubmitted” requirements. He also suggested that instead of constructing new building, why not utilized the International House as the new administration building for the two colleges. ●

CBEM studes |from Page 3| Meanwhile, according to one of the participants of the event, the seminar-workshop has helped the students learn, understand and value their unique and innovative ideas.It also raises their awareness of the importance of securing and putting patent to the products and devices they invented. ●

Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Introduction Growthh

PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE - Individual Maturity Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Introduction Growthh

Introduction Today was your first day Even with those butterflies on your stomach, you tried to feel okay For sure, you picked out your best outfit last night You are so ready to start this day right! You can see the lady guard as you entered the school gate You tried to smile even though you are kind of late You walked along the hallways, searching for your room And here it is, your final doom.

You looked around and sat on the corner at the back Plugged your earphones on and looked at the clock. Finally, your professor came in Introduced himself and just simply blabbering Later on, he let you introduce yourselves And finally, with confidence, you spoke some things about yourself.


assignments, better transform into the Hulk

Days, weeks, and months passed You already gained friends and formed your squad Through thick and thin, you hold unto each other No one should be behind that ladder.

Sleepless nights featuring coffee as your companion Will help your brain work all night long. You tried your best to finish all these stuff Studied so hard, but still it’s not enough

Stress is inevitable when it comes to school works Tests, researches,

The next day, eye bags circle around your eyes Then, your professor announces something that isn’t nice. “When you tried your best but you don’t succeed“ “When you get what you want but not what you need,”

Everybody stared at you as you opened the door Some were astonished, s o m e were bored

Decline Today was your last day You walk towards the stage, wearing a toga, as your hair sways Suddenly, you felt butterflies in your stomach, just like your first day in College And you still can’t believe that your College journey is almost ending its last page. You’ve already reached this far Probably, your parents were so proud You felt triumphant as you receive your diploma And let out a huge smile as you looked at the camera. You’ve finally graduated You bid farewell to all those low grades and mo-

You sing Coldplay’s Fix You, as you take a peek at your grades Silence…you passed, efforts were not wasted for the past few days!

ments that y o u hated Maybe, this is the end of College life But a new beginning to another chapter of your life. Back to reality You need to find a job in world of scarcity And it’s a tough battle, but you need to fight for it So that your dreams and ambitions will come true in a little bit.

You learned a lot of things through all those years You grew from all the challenges as you shed all those tears Maybe at first, you were lost and scared But now, you are strong and already prepared!

Maturity “Try to be more professional,” your professor said You listen to them even though nothing’s going inside your head You do your best in proposals and researches even if your brain is always dead For you are getting geared up for the future career ahead.

You try to envision your future, being rich and successful But as of now, you should graduate first even though school’s stressful Your goals should be at the utmost priority So that after you graduate, you will not be a pity. School is not always about stress, you should have fun too. Grades are also not always what encompasses you But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t study well. All those learnings, they are stories to tell. Written by : Hazel Grace Sodsod Photos by : Kathryn Ann Camba : Abigail Ubalde

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