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The Archive



FEATUERS This issue is dedicated to photo books, presenting three books by photographers: Marc Israel Sellem: Israel in Focus Ouria Tadmor: Transit Jerusalem, Federica Valabrega: Daughters of the King Also featured: ‘Back in the USSR’, a special project by Albert Sadikov on small villages in Russia.

INTERVIEWS Interview with Daniel Tchetchik, photographer and editor of the Ha’aretz photography blog.

Daniel Tchetchik

Daniel Tchetchik Photographer and photo editor

What made you pick up a camera? I started photographing before I ever had a camera, it was a way of savouring important and mundane moments from childhood, the camera was just a tool to realising what I had already been practicing, also my father used to photograph a lot so that also

which is in a class of its own What drives you in your day to day work? Im not sure:)…….just finding a new challenge and confronting myself through it What was the most memorable moment as a photographer for you? damn, tough one….I don’t know, I guess just realising that the medium could reflect a stronger language for me than my words……prizes and publications are great fuel, but at the end its the soul of discovery that makes it really worth while

What is your favourite colour? grey What is your favourite cartoon? bugs bunny How difficult is the shift from being a photographer to a photography editor? well, its a matter of sequencing and editing, which of course I do with my own work as well, being less emotionally involved actually makes it easier, a “drier” process

it started 39 years ago:) seriously it really is a development of many things I have done and experienced How does being a very throughout my life and of active photographer help course in photography, the to run “Haaretz Blog”? series uses the narrative of just keeping the energy heat to debate several topand love for the medium ics, both very personal and alive and kicking. I gather external, it interweaves a lot of inspiration from between several series Ive other works, or at the very done, going back to using least from other approach- film was a revelation and es, it works well for me the mistakes I once was together ashamed of became the stars of the series…Kehrer Tell us about your latest Verlag picked it up after it project? won series of the year at

the Local testimony contest, you can find much more here: http://www. html/detail/en/daniel-tchetchik-978-3-86828-617-5. html Do you have confidence in photojournalism and its importance? Super important still of course, questions of integrity have really surfaced in this day and age, but to me good photojournalism is equal to any contemporary art, except music

Do you think that photography changed your personality ? Without a doubt, it is a continuation of who I am, I think saying it changed me would make it external - it is part of me, like my dreams thoughts and emotions……so its more profound than “changed me” - but I do owe it….so so much What is you daily inspiration as a photographer? music, adventure…light, weather, development.. discovery, unknowns, travel…. transformation the sun…….the night…… dreams, moments….

Claudia Marti

Rami Shlosh

Ohad Zwigenberg

Linn Memran

Aviv Itzhaky

Amir Rotgolz

Michelle Medenblik

Dan Haimovich

Gili Yaari

Gabi Ben Avraham

Dor Kedmi

Hadas Parush

In this Issue we have chosen the photograph by photograhper Nitzan Hafner: Fuenn street, Tel Aviv. 2010 Nitzan is granted 500 NIS at PhotoPrisma store in Jerusalem.

Nitzan Hafner

Bezalel Ben Chaim

Yaniv Nadav

Eli Basri

Guy Cohen

Noam Moskowitz

ISRAEL IN FOCUS Images of Israel through the photos of the Jerusalem Post

“Each person has their own way of seeing the world. So many people around the world see Israel as either religion or war. In this book I try to show real life, the real way people live. Religion and war are a part of the country but not the most important part,” says Sellem, adding that he tried to present the most important view of the country – life and the way people live. “The best thing is the surprise when people see my pictures and ask, ‘Is this in Israel? This is happening?’ When people see a picture, I want to provoke them to laugh or scream, to have some sort of reaction.” Some of the photos in the book have a back story that goes far beyond what is seen on the page, like the picture of a member of Israeli security forces

rescuing a child in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Isawiya on “Nakba Day,” 2011. “They were throwing these huge rocks; it was a miracle no one was injured,” says Sellem. “I retreated to a little side street to wait out the violence because it was a little scary. I heard a woman scream and saw a fire. I took two photos, and then I realized the gravity of the situation and yelled out. Suddenly all the Arabs and Israelis stopped their fighting and stone-throwing and ran together to help the family. This is a very unreal thing that happens in this country: People are fighting and suddenly, when the lives of children and women are in danger, everyone stops their quarrel. This was a very strange, powerful, poetic experience. It shows that there is something more important in this region when it comes to life.”



KING By Frederica Valabrega

“Daughters of the King” is my long-time photography project on the women of G-d, the ones “who bare the children of the Torah,” the pillars of the Jewish traditions. “Daughters of the King” is a journey through the voices of orthodox Jewish women from Brooklyn to Jerusalem to Paris, to Morocco and Tunisia. “Daughters of the King” is an adventure that started three years ago as a photography workshop assignment and turned into a self-discovery tale to find my voice as a Jewish woman through the nashamas of these religious women. I do not choose the women I end up photographing. They choose me. It feels like a magnetic force attracts me to them and lets them open up to me as if they had been waiting for me all along. While it is mysteriously quite the opposite. Every encounter, every chat, every photo shoot, is a chance for me to challenge myself in the face of their belief and see where my soul ends and where theirs begins. This magnetism is my way inside the Torah. These women have not only lent me their stories, they have also opened my heart to my own spirituality showing me what it means to be a real “Daughters of the King” above and beyond the limits of religion.

BACK IN Alebert Sadikov


The Archive Magazine wants to thank all the people involved in the making, especially the photographers that took part in this issue. Thanks to everyone who sent photos, gave advice, and provided moral and artistic support. Special thanks: Yoav Dudkevich (Cameroon) Hadas Parush Keren Refaeli

See you in the next issue

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