The Archive
Issue #2
The Archive Magazine aims to bring you the best coverage of the latest news in the region. In each issue we will choose a theme and photographers are welcome to apply with their images.
1. Ahmad Gharabli’s unique perspective on the holiest Muslim site, the Dome of the Rock; as people change through the years, the Temple Mount stays the same.
מצגת מגזין ״הארכיון״ מציג את מיטב התמונות שקוראינו שלחו לנו על , בעינינו,ארוע האקטואליה המרכזי בעולם.בחודשיים האחרונים האינטרנט אנחנו מבינים שלא נוכל להתחרות באתרים אשר מנסים להקדים את החדשות אלא להביא את נקודת המבט השונה והנצחית של .הצלם
Interview In this Issue we have decided to interview one of the leading photographers that work in Jerusalem for AFP, Ahmad Gharabli.
2. Gabi Ben-Avraham’s “The Street is not a Studio” brings the well known French street style of photography into life. From the renown Henri Cartier-Bresson and Brassai to Elliott Erwitt and Joel Meyerowitz.
פרויקט מבטו היחודי של אחמד גרבלי על.1 הר הבית כפי שמשתקף משבע שנות .צילום במקום , צילומי הרחוב של גבי בן אברהם.2 מחזירים את,“הרחוב הוא לא סטדיו״ סגנון צילום הרחוב הצרפתי הקלאסי ברסון ועד אליוט- מהנרי קרטייה.לחיים .ארוויט וג׳ואל מאירוביץ
ראיון בגליון זה אנו מארחים את צלם סוכנות לראיון ותיק, אחמד גרבלי,איי אפ פי .עבודות שבחר להציג לנו
Noam Moskovich
Issue No. 2 “Holidays” In this month’s competition our main subject is Jewish and Muslim holidays. Another focus is the breaking news, specifically the recent escalation of tensions in Jerusalem. We are happy to present the best of Photojournalism from the past 2 months. In this Issue’s competition we a have a winner: Shiraz Grinbaum.
2 גליון מספר ״חגים״
בתחרות של הגליון השני הנושא הנבחר היה ״חגים״ וכמובן , אנו שמחים להציג את מה.תמונות חדשותיות כלליות הן התמונות הטובות ביותר של החודשיים האחרונים,שבעיניינו .ובראשן תמונתה של שירז גרינברג שזכתה בתחרות
This issue selected image by Shiraz Grinbaum/Activestills Friday dinner Givat Amal , Tel-aviv.
Shiraz is granted 500 nis at PhotoPrisma store in Jerusalem .
Atef Safadi
Atef Safadi
Ohad Zwigenberg
Ohad Zwigenberg
Noam Moskovich
Uri Lenz
Ilia Yefimovich
Uri Lenz
Atef Safadi/ EPA
Ilia Yefimovich
Hadas Parush
Ilia Yefimovich
Ohad Zwigenberg
Hadas Parush
Uri Lenz
Yaakov Naumi
Ohad Zwigenberg
Ohad Zwigenberg
Hadas Parush
Felipe Romero
Felipe Romero
All Photos in page: Yaniv Nadav
Yaniv Nadav
Dror Garti
Faiz Abu Remleh/Activestills
Faiz Abu Remleh/Activestills
Dror Garti
Dror Garti
Amir Levy
Felipe Romero
Dror Garti
Felipe Romero
Maja Hitji
Maja Hitji
Dror Garti
Noam Revkin Fenton
All photos in page: Alessio Paduano
Alessio Paduano
Alessio Paduano
All photos in page: Alessio Paduano
34 years old photojournalist, working for AFP photoagency
How did you start? When I was 17, 18 years old, I was watching a lot of news, and I understood that I love photography and decided to study it. So I went to university in Egypt to study there, and took a short workshop at “DADA” school in Jerusalem. I started working at 2006 during the Second Lebanon war, there I was freelancing for different agencies. After the war I came back to Jerusalem and AFP hired me.
world wide know your name. People send you a lot of emails.
What was your most memorable working experience? In 2011, I got a call from AFP’s Cypress Office, and they asked me if I would be able to go to Yemen. They asked me to go because I have already been there in 2010. This time there was a revolution starting. On the first day I didn’t understand the situation, people were fighting, around 10 people jumped on me and beat me, my head was full of blood. I found a guy on a scooter who took me to the hospital. On the next day I understood where to go, and I spent 4 months there without incidents.
Would you like your children to be Photojournalists? It’s a very dangerous line of work, I was injured many times, a few months ago I got injured in my head. I don’t want them to endanger themselves like that. I don’t want them to work as journalist in the field.
Which picture you took are you most proud of? I travelled to a place called Mukasabe, where the opposition leader was living, since we didn’t have any pictures from that place. I took a fixer and went there. He told me to follow his footsteps, to be very cautious because of the snipers. I saw dead bodies everywhere. Around 10 bodies. And when we have arrived to the house, the whole house was destroyed from missiles. I saw a lot of gold on the floor, then I picked up my camera and did a frame of Opposition fighter that stood on the floor above me. This image was published everywhere.
What do you do beside your work ? I enjoy the free time with my children!!
Favorite color? Black How is it to work for AFP? It’s amazing and fun. Your pictures get published everywhere in the world, people who you never met
How different it is to be a father in this line of work? Before I had children, I wasn’t thinking too much where to go and what to do. But now I’m more worried about their future, and I want them to have a father, so everything I do now, I always think of them first.
Is photojournalism important today ? Yes of course, the images in the article are very important. Sometimes people don’t want to read an article but the pictures draw them do it. If there are no pictures there is no news.
How do you feel to work and live in the same place? How is it to live with your work all the time ? First of all I’m a Palestinian, and people sometimes say that because I’m Palestinian I have a specific view on things. But I’m a journalist and a photographer, I look at things the way they happen in front of me. News is news - this is what I’ve been taught. Who is your biggest influence? AP photographer Mohammed Muhaisen. He helped me a lot through the years, I love his work, and we also worked a lot together in the Second Lebanon war and in Yemen we have been together. He is a great friend and wonderful photographer. He won a lot of awards and I’m happy I learned from him.
Courtesy of AFP
Courtesy of AFP
Courtesy of AFP
Courtesy of AFP
Courtesy of AFP
Courtesy of AFP
Courtesy of AFP
Courtesy of AFP
Temple Mount Ahmad Gharabli
he Temple Mount, known in Arabic as Haram al-Sharif, the Noble Sanctuary, is one of the most important religious sites in the Old City of Jerusalem, and one of the iconic places of the Middle East conflict. The site became a key element in the Palestinian-Jewish struggle in Jerusalem. In the past months, again, we have seen the complicated situation at this site. But instead of showing repeating images of clashes by the Dome of the Rock, the usual approach of news images that show the raw battle of emotions, we have decided to show the everyday life of the site. We chose pictures of the Dome of the Rock that Ahmad Gharabli shot through the years of his work as a photojournalist, and we came up with the following selection, that will make you live through the emotion of people that come to one of the holiest places of Jerusalem.
הר הבית אחמד גרבלי
ר הבית אשר על פי האמונה היהודית הוא המקום עליו נבנה שריף-קודסי א-חרם אל- נקרא בערבית אל,בית המקדש שם נוצר- ועל פי האמונה האיסלמית,)(الحرم القديس الرشيف הר הבית.העולם ומשם עלה מוחמד השמיימה למסעו הלילי הוא אחד המקומות הקדושים והחשובים ביותר בעיר העתיקה אחד מסמליה ואחד מהמקומות הסמליים בסכסוך,בירושלים , בתקופה האחרונה אנו עדים.פלסטיני- ישראלי/ערבי-הישראלי . למורכבות ונפיצות המצב במקום,שוב
במקום להראות את התמונות שאנו עדים להן ביום יום זריקות אבנים ופעילות, תמונות של התפרעויות,בתקשורת בחרנו להציג את חיי היומיום והשגרה בהר,משטרתית באתר הבית כפי שמשתקפים מעבודתו רבת השנים של צלם סוכנות איי . אחמד גרבלי,אף פי דרך התמונות הנבחרות אנו מקווים להעביר לכם את התחושות .של המגיעים לאחד המקומות הקדושים של העיר ירושלים
Courtesy of AFP
Courtesy of AFP
Courtesy of AFP
Courtesy of AFP
Courtesy of AFP
Courtesy of AFP
Courtesy of AFP
Courtesy of AFP
Courtesy of AFP
Courtesy of AFP
“The street is not a studio” Gabi Ben-Avraham
ometimes I stand and wait for things to converge – a cyclist, a dancer, a child – moving along. They are not aware that they are moving towards a certain object, but I am. Street Photography is my favorite way of looking at the world. Everywhere I go I take my camera with me thinking ‘maybe today will be my lucky day and I will take the photo of my life’. Via the camera lens I am constantly looking around me, searching for that ‘decisive’ moment that will never return, unless I catch it. When pushing the button, I try to make some sense, restore order to the chaotic scheme of things in the composition. The components ‘speak’ with each other in a special dialogue, either by color, shape, or light. Capturing the elusive, special moment after which things will never be the same and making it eternal – that is my goal. Forgotten, transparent people in urban surroundings are being granted their moment of grace. The shadows, fragile outlines, reflections within daily lives that are not noticed in the busy and thick urban landscape and sometimes are even crushed by it – these are precious to me.
״הרחוב אינו סטודיו״ אברהם-גבי בן
, רוכב אופניים- פעמים אני עומד ומחכה שדברים יתכנסו ביחד
הם לא מודעים בכלל שהם.רקדנית או ילד שעוברים ברחוב
צילום רחוב היא דרך המבט. . אבל אני כן,מתקרבים לאובייקט מסוים
לכל מקום שאני הולך אני לוקח איתי את.על העולם המועדפת עלי המצלמה שלי וחושב ״אולי היום יהיה יום המזל שלי ואני אצלם את .התמונה של חיי״ מחכה לאותו,דרך עדשת המצלמה אני מסתכל ללא הפסקה סביבי כשאני לוחץ על. אלא אם אתפוס אותו,רגע ״מכריע״ החד פעמי לעשות סדר בתוכנית הכאוטית,הכפתור אני מנסה להכניס הגיון מרכיבי התמונה מדברים אחד עם השני בעזרת דיאלוג.בקומפוזיציה לתפוס את הרגע המיוחד והחמקמק. צורה או צבע,מיוחד של אור . זאת המטרה שלי- שלא יחזור ולהפוך אותו לנצחי לתת את רגעי החסד לאנשים השקופים הנשכחים שבסביבה .האורבנית
The Archive Magazine wants to thank all the people involved in the making, especially the photographers that took part in this issue. Thanks to everyone who sent photos, gave advice, and provided moral and artistic support. special thank: Yoav Ari Dudkevich Hadas Parush Keren Refaeli
see you guys next issue