Nalpa Newsletter Summer 2019

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The Official Newsletter of the National American Legion Press Association | Summer 2019 Issue

What’s Coming National Convention If your post has someone attending this year’s 101st National Convention in Indianapolis, use this opportunity to promote The American Legion’s influence in your community and nationwide. Highlight the activities on your post’s social media pages and don’t forget to contact your local media for a story.

The American Legion National Headquarters building in Indianapolis. Photo by Clay Lomneth

A TIME OF TRANSITION By Micheal Patty, Interim NALPA president


reetings to all American Legion Family journalists and media proletarians. I wish to thank Michael Hjelmstad for his service as National American Legion Press Association (NALPA) president and wish him well in all his future endeavors with The American Legion. I appreciate the opportunity to serve as your NALPA interim president and look forward to fulfilling the obligations of the office you have entrusted to me. I am eager to take on the tasks at hand, however, I will need the support of every member and those entrusted as leaders of NALPA. These are exciting times we live in. Our organization is in transition working toward delivery of multimedia services to all our veterans and extended communities. We are moving forward, relocating our organization from New York to Indianapolis, home of The American Legion National Headquarters. This change will lead to a stronger working relationship with National. Changing our location, or updating our moniker, will bring us more visibility and focus of our energy.

Over the past few years many monumental changes in the area of communications have evolved. Communication has grown from a simple face-to-face conversation, to newsprint, to multimedia such as FaceTime on a mobile screen with family and friends anywhere around the world. NALPA is poised to be the facilitator of these new technologies through publications such as the “NALPA Tips and Tricks” guide, found online at, and multimedia programs. NALPA and our corresponding department associations are the voice of veterans in The American Legion. We communicate with our members via post bulletins, websites and social media. The membership in turn communicates to their elected officials from the local levels all the way to our nation’s capital. This is communicating, the act of sending and receiving information, which is at the heart of our association. Our annual awards contest will reward those who demonstrate a high-level of communication to their audience. Congratulations to this See A time of transition on Page 3

Follow convention coverage online at convention, on Facebook at americanlegionhq, and on Twitter at https://twitter. com/AmericanLegion. Use the hashtag #ALconv2019.

Patriotic events in September There are several patriotic days designated in September – Patriot Day, Sept. 11; POW-MIA Recognition Day, Sept. 20; and Gold Star Mother’s Day, Sept. 29. Use social media to show how your post is honoring these holidays and share a story on

September is suicide awareness month Since September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, it is a good opportunity to remind veterans and their loved ones that VA offers resources to those at risk. Call 800-273-8255, press 1. Or send a text message to 838255.



NALPA at national convention By Stephen Shuga

A lot has occurred since I assumed the position as your NALPA executive director. It has been a wild and very interesting learning curve, diligently working toward and exceeding the unexpected challenges that our association is overcoming. NALPA will have a presence at the 101st American Legion National Convention in Indianapolis. The following NALPA events will occur at convention: Open roundtable. The roundtable discussion will be held Sunday, Aug. 25, from 9:15-10:30 a.m. at the Indiana Convention Center, Level 2, Room 211, for those interested in learning more about who we are, what we do, why it’s important to belong, and how to get others to join. Annual business meeting. Immediately following the roundtable discussion in Room 211 will be the annual business meeting at 11 a.m. A check-in table will be outside the meeting room so get there early to check in and be held accountable. I encourage all current active members attending the convention to participate in the annual business meeting. You don’t want to miss this meeting and only hear about it later. Election of officers will be voted on and appointments will be made for the 2019-2020 term. The 2018 NALPA Executive Board meeting minutes and 2018 NALPA General Assembly meeting minutes are posted on the NALPA

website, Annual awards luncheon. The luncheon will be held Monday, Aug. 26, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the JW Marriott, 10 South West St., Third Floor, Grand Ballroom, Section 7. Cost is $50 per person. This is a great opportunity to show our appreciation to social media members who have been selected by their peers to receive distinguished recognition for their multi-media achievement. Let’s fill up the room and show our members and guests that we are truly The American Legion’s future communicators from around the world. The plated lunch will include a salad, grilled chicken breast, whipped potatoes and vegetables, along with chocolate cake. Advanced awards luncheon tickets are available now. Tickets will not be sold at the door. Please fill out the request form below and send it in with your payment to the address provided no later than Friday, Aug. 16.


Number of tickets


Email (preferred) Phone number (in case of questions or issues)




Mail ticket request with your check made out to NALPA to:

The National American Legion Press Association (NALPA) is a nonprofit organization made up of members interested in furthering the aims of The American Legion. Copyright © 2019 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written permission of the Editor. You are encouraged to contact us if you wish to utilize materials contained herein for other non-profit organization publication. Opinions expressed by authors are their own and do not necessarily represent those of either the Publisher or Editor. Correspondence and letters to the editor: NALPA c/o Stephen Shuga 3355 Bellingham Drive Orlando, FL 32825-7168 Email: Online: Membership information and applications: NALPA c/o Media & Communications P.O. Box 1055 Indianapolis, IN 46206 Telephone: (317) 630-1298 Email: NALPA Newsletter is published quarterly by The National American Legion Press Association. Periodicals postage paid at Indianapolis, IN-Permit # 719. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: NALPA, c/o Media & Communications, The American Legion, PO Box 1055, Indianapolis IN 46206

Check number

VICE PRESIDENTS Robert Stronach, Area 1 Jane McKnight, Area 2 Vickie Cyboron, Area 3 Micheal Patty, Area 4 DIRECTORS Kevin Harrington, Area 1 Edward Lewis, Area 2 Kenneth Pierce, Area 3 Tony DuMosch, Area 4 JUDGE ADVOCATE Charles G. Mills

HISTORIAN Dolly Zitur CHAPLAIN Open FINANCE Patrick Rourk SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Kenneth George COUNCIL TO THE PRESIDENT Parvin R. Gibbs, James T. Higuera, David Wallace, Patrick Rourk




Podcasts help departments promote The American Legion

The American Legion Departments of Ohio and Virginia started podcasts as a way to promote The American Legion and the great things it does for veterans, servicemembers and their families, youth and communities nationwide. The digital audio file is available for an audience of Legion Family, potential new members and the general public to download on an electronic device and listen to. Tim Hollo, Department of Ohio’s 3rd District finance officer, produces the department’s podcast called Patriot’s Podcast where the first 15 minutes is on a topic relevant to The American Legion and the second half tells the story of a veteran from any war era. “We hope that this is one more tool that The American Legion and our Ohio Legion Family can use to improve the organization,” Hollo said. Dave Wallace, Media & Communications chairman for the Department of Virginia, hosts the department’s podcast called The Media Cynic, averaging a new episode biweekly on “all things Legion.” “We need to be able to identify new ways to introduce our work and accomplishments to the general public,” Wallace said. Hollo and Wallace shared information with NALPA about starting a podcast and making it successful. NALPA: What makes a good podcast? Hollo: A drive and a message. Audio production, marketing and the technical things can be learned or taught, however, your podcast won’t take off unless you have the vision and motivation necessary to deal with regular deadlines, searching for content and interviewees, and the hours of audio editing to make it sound like one smooth product. For the message, ask yourself and your team if you want to

A time of transition from Page 1

year’s winners; all of your hard work does not go unrequited. There were many excellent examples of press innovation and artistic prowess. It will be a great honor to display your work at the national convention in Indianapolis.

inform, persuade or both. You should be able to answer what you want the listener to take away from the podcast before you start. This can change over time. The foundation of a successful podcast is that the creator is happy with the product and allows the room for it to evolve. Wallace: Part of me is still figuring this out. I think first and foremost is the energy and drive to create the podcast and be able to provide topics that will be interesting to the audience, and having a good speaking voice that comes off natural and not monotone. I feel that a good podcast needs to come off as authentic and not pushed, and have topics and guests that drive an audience to want to listen to you. Plus have consistency in posting new episodes. NALPA: Is it expensive to start a podcast? What equipment would you recommend? Hollo: A podcast is as expensive as you want to make it. My suggestion is not to worry about the cost at first. Some podcast websites will guide you through each step toward creating your message, including music and transitions. Of course, the more experience you have with computers, audio production and audio equipment, the better product you’ll make. Wallace: I went to Best Buy and spent $32 on a mini lapel microphone that plugs into my smart phone and signed up to a free podcast app called Anchor that promotes your podcast to multiple podcast channels. Anchor also has an easy way of editing your podcast, adding interludes, music and creating additional effects as needed. It depends how large of a production you want to make it, but I would definitely start on the low end of the expense scale just to get your feet wet. NALPA: What should others who are

Additionally, I would like to give an enormous thank you to Executive Director Steve Shuga and his review team for expeditiously processing all the entries and fielding communications. Great job. In the future, NALPA will provide Internet tool boxes and training to all levels of the

thinking about starting a podcast know going into it? Wallace: It’s not as easy as it looks. Sure, anyone can speak into a microphone and talk from a script or have a conversation with someone, but it does take time to come up with the topics, to research for potential interview questions and to be consistent in your work. If you don’t have the time to do this regularly then this isn’t the avenue you should be a part of. Speak to those who have successful podcasts. Ask them for suggestions so you can have an easier start. NALPA: What is the most important thing you have learned from this? Hollo: I learned as a podcast host you must be clear, enunciate your words, and have an even tone. I also learned how many times we use filler words like um, ah and “you know.” A significant amount of time is spent listening to the audio to cut out these words. Wallace: One big item I learned was the length of an episode. You should keep it to the 20-minute mark. You lose your audience after 20 minutes according to a variety of sources out there. If you see that it’s going over then break it into two episodes. NALPA: Anything else to know about launching a podcast? Hollo: Just have patience and persistence with your work. Have a plan. Wallace: Take the time to listen to other podcasts. They can encourage you with your topics for episodes and get the support from your department, community, post and friends. Be sure to accept constructive criticism when received and continue to make your experience and journey in the podcast world fun. Learn as you go and share your knowledge with others interested in this form of communication.

American Legion Family. Our membership is getting savvier in technology and our association needs to grow in that direction. For example, NALPA members have embraced podcasts as a means of getting out their messages. These are exciting times and we are on the precipice,

the edge of something great. If you have any suggestions please forward them to your NALPA representative or to myself at legionpost521@ Keep up the good work and encourage members of our American Legion Family to become members of NALPA.



2019 NALPA Media Contest Winners George W. Hooten Publication Awards Category 1 - A: Departments over 40,000 members 1st

The Nebraska Legionnaire


The Michigan Legionnaire


Department of Florida Legion Link

Category 1 - B: Departments under 40,000 members 1st

The Winning Hand – American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Florida


Hoosier Auxiliary News – American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Indiana


The West Virginia Legionnaire – American Legion Department of West Virginia

Emerson O. Mann Publication Awards (District, County and Regional) Category 2 - A: (Includes all Legion, SAL and Auxiliary ) 1st

Ninth District Council, American Legion Department of Illinois


The Legion Air, Erie County American Legion, Buffalo, N.Y.

Al Weinburg Publication Award (Larger Posts) Category 3 - A: (Larger post - Over 750 members) 1st

Post Scripts – American Legion Post 273, Madeira Beach, Fla.


Reveille – American Legion Post 527, Hamburg, N.Y.


The Horace Orr News – American Legion Horace Orr Post 29

Category 3 - B: (Posts with 250 - 750 members) 1st

The Maurader American Legion Post 555, Midway City, Calif.


The Post Times American Legion Post 180, Vienna, Va.


The American Legion – American Legion Post 739, Indio, Calif.

JACK R.C. Cann Award (Smaller Posts, Units and Squadrons) Category 4 - A: 1st

Cathay Dispatch – American Legion Cathay Post 384


The Greenlawn Bugle – American Legion Greenlawn Post 1244


The Bugle – American Legion Merrick Post 1282

Mary B. Howard Awards Category 5 A: Department websites 1st, Department of Florida

2nd, Department of Nebraska

3rd, Department of Georgia

Category 5 B: All other websites 1st, District 22, Linda Vista, Calif.

2nd, J. Hocking Post 91, Wharton, N.J.

3rd, Greenlawn Post 1244, Greenlawn, N.Y.



William E. Rominger Editorial Awards Category 6 - A: Editor 1st

“Relevancy in Changing Times,” Department of Minnesota


“100 Years of American Legion Volunteerism,” Cathay Dispatch Post 384, San Francisco


“For God and Country,” The American Legion – Herman Granados Post 739

Category 6 - B: Guest Editorial 1st

“Student’s Step Up” - Kentucky Monthly


“A Special Journey – A Vicious Cycle” - Cathay Dispatch Post 384, San Francisco


“Membership Matters”– Cathay Dispatch Post 384, San Francisco

Category 6 - C: External Editorial 1st

“Join the American Legion Auxiliary to celebrate Veterans Day” – Jesse Jones, Editor - The Eagle Post

Robert L. Morrill Award (Department-Level Social Networking) Category 7 - A: Facebook

Category 7 - B: Facebook - Units


American Legion Department of Indiana


American Legion Auxiliary Unit 273 Madeira Beach, Fla.


American Legion Department of Florida


American Legion Auxiliary Unit 233 Oak Grove, Ky.


American Legion Department of Michigan

Category 7 - B: Twitter

Category 7 - A: Twitter 1st 2nd


Sons of The American Legion Squadron 135 White Plains, N.Y.

American Legion Department of Indiana


American Legion District 22 Linda Vista, Calif.

American Legion Department of Virginia


American Legion Horace Orr Post 29 Marietta, Ga.

Category 7 - A: Instagram 1st

American Legion Department of Virginia

Category 7 - B: Facebook - Districts

Category 7 - B: Youtube 1st

Sons of American Legion Squadron 135 White Plains, N.Y.

Category 7 - B: Podcasts


American Legion District 22, Linda Vista, Calif.


American Legion Department of Virginia “The Media Cynic”


American Legion District 6, Nebraska


American Legion Department of Ohio “The Patriot’s Podcast”


American Legion District 13, Ohio

Category 7 - B: Instagram

Category 7 - B: Facebook - Posts


American Legion Post 180 Vienna, Va. American Legion Post 555 Midway City, Calif. American Legion District 22 Linda Vista, Calif.


American Legion Post 273, Maderia Beach, Fla.



American Legion Horace Orr Post 29, Marietta, Ga.



American Legion Post 180 Vienna, Va.

Category 8 - Visual Media Awards Category 8 - A: Photographs 1st

Honor Guard in Shadow – Herman Granados American Legion Post 739, Indio, Calif.


Unattended Ceremony – 16th District, Department of Florida


USS Indianapolis Ship Build – Prison – Indiana

Category 8 - B: Videos/Movies 1st

16th District History, Department of Florida


Pearl Harbor Remembrance, American Legion Post 273, Madeira Beach, Fla.


Wreaths Across America, American Legion Post 273, Madeira Beach, Fla.

Category 8 - C: Graphic Designs 1st

Veterans Day Patriotic Tribute


St. Patrick’s Day Dinner


Helmets for Heroes Too





Photo by Lucas Carter

Attend Digital Media Training Workshop at convention

Hashtags help promote your activities Oftentimes social media users search for hashtags of a particular topic of interest. Hashtags are always one word and begin with the pound or number sign. In upcoming months, there are events that social media managers may want to use when posting information about what their post is doing. Here are some that will be used and/or monitored by the National Headquarters team:

The annual Digital Media Training Workshop has been modified for the 2019 national convention to address the growing needs of 21st century American Legion Family communicators. Volunteers who handle public relations or communications programs at their post or district level are encouraged to attend part or all of the workshop. The workshop will be held Monday, Aug. 26, in the Indiana Convention Center, Room 125, Level 1. It will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a break for lunch. Past National American Legion Press Association President Mark Sutton will host the workshop. Topics will include:


#ALWS2019 #LegacyRun2019 #ALconv2019 #AmericanLegion100 #Team100 #PatriotDay #AmericanLegionDay #AirForceBday #POWMIADay



Home Address

#CoastGuardBday #PurpleHeartDay

• Start with why • Step one: Digital asset inventory • Writing matters • What makes good content? • Doing social media right • 13 reasons to use Google • Three choices for building web pages • Sending emails and e-newsletters • Sharing newsletters with • Questions and answer Interested participants can register for the workshop at events/2019/08/26/digital-media-workshop. For those unable to attend, videos of the workshop will be published afterward on the NALPA web page at




Email Legion/Auxiliary/SAL Membership # Department/Post/Detachment I AM A MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING: The American Legion

American Legion Auxiliary

Sons of The American Legion

THIS IS FOR: New Membership: $15

Renew Membership: $15

NALPA Pin $5 in person $7.50 by mail

TOTAL:________________ Make Check Payable To: NALPA MAIL TO: The NALPA membership year is from September 1 through August 31

NALPA The American Legion C/O National Media & Communications PO Box 1055 Indianapolis, IN 46206 PLEASE ENTER Membership Year: 20________




Make a difference NALPA members currently seeking to run for an elected position or an appointed position for 2019-2020, must submit a flyer or letter that explains who you are, what position your seeking, and what your plans are to better your areas and the association. If you are not seeking a position or have already fulfilled your term limit and cannot pursue a position this term, then pass this along to those who may be interested in running for NALPA position. Voting representation Section 1. Each member in good standing, present and registered at the annual business meeting shall be entitled to one vote. Section 2. No candidate’s name shall be accepted in nomination for any elective or appointed office until annual dues are paid and accepted for the year of the term for which such person is nominated. Section 3. Every candidate nominated will need to be

present to accept or reject the nomination. Section 4. No elected or appointed officer shall be elected or appointed to more than two consecutive terms of office. Section 5. The office of president shall be rotated among the areas in numerical sequence, commencing with the area after the current president’s area. If no qualified candidate is available from the designated area, a rotation to the next area in sequence will assume the responsibility. If there are no candidates from the areas for the position of president, a special vote by all members present at the annual business meeting will re-elect the current president to one additional term. The position descriptions will be available for review on the NALPA website, www., under the Annual Meeting tab. The following positions are open for election:

President Area 1 - Vice president Area 2 – Vice president Area 3 – Vice president Area 4 – Vice president Area 1 – Director Area 2 – Director Area 3 – Director Area 4 – Director Appointed positions under consideration are: Sergeant-at-arms Treasurer Chief of staff Your flyer or letter will be posted on the NALPA website under Annual Meeting for NALPA membership to review and learn about who you are, what your qualifications are and what you expect to accomplish during your term.

There will be a Prominent Legionnaire Form (PLF) required to be completed with necessary attachments (if available) on all candidates. If you are selected for the position you’re seeking, then the PLF will be recorded and filed at National Headquarters. Those who are not selected will have the PLF package returned after the Annual Business Meeting on Aug. 25. Please send the requested information to: Attn: Stephen Shuga, Executive Director 3355 Bellingham Drive Orlando, FL 32825. All materials must be received by Friday, Aug. 16.

INDIANAPOLIS A city known for fast cars and blockbuster events has also gained acclaim for a flourishing culinary and brewing scene, thriving cultural institutions, cool neighborhoods, and so much more. We invite you to enjoy our legendary hospitality. Indianapolis is proud to host The American Legion’s 101st National Convention August 23 – 29, 2019!

The American Legion



P.O. BOX 1055 • INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206


Four episodes now available of American Legion centennial documentary The first four episodes of The American Legion’s new centennial documentary, “To Strengthen a Nation: The American Legion Story,” are available on the Legion’s YouTube channel. View the four episodes at americanlegionHQ. Developed from National Headquarters, “To Strengthen a Nation” has professional actors, who are also Legionnaires, crisscrossing the country to discover how The American Legion was formed, grew, and serves community, state and nation today. Episodes will be posted monthly or bimonthly between now and the 101st National Convention in Indianapolis in late August.

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