Nalpa Newsletter Winter 2018

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The official newsletter of the National American Legion Press Association Winter 2018 Issue

What’s Coming Highlight activities at Washington Conference

Photo by Joshua Earle

DO YOU KNOW YOUR WHY? By Mark Sutton, NALPA president


ave you heard of Simon Sinek? He is the author of a book called “Start With Why.” He has become popular over the years because of a TED Talk he did a few years ago titled “How Great Leaders Inspire Action.” That video is available on YouTube, and I would encourage all of you to watch it. His perspective on human behavior is enlightening. Watching that video and others by Sinek has led to a book study by several members of The American Legion’s Department of Michigan Media and Communications Committee. We are exploring our why and how to apply it to our mission. What does this have to do with the National American Legion Press Association? If we are to be successful as an organization, I believe we need to understand the concepts Sinek puts forth. NALPA members are writers in some form or fashion. We write articles, social media posts and press releases. We edit articles that members send to us before putting them in our newsletters or newspapers. We are writers. But why? Who do we want to join as NALPA members? Do we want those who put a newsletter together? Do we want those who take on the job to fill a position on the officer roster? Or do we want members who want to be better at what they do?

I would think that we don’t just want warm bodies who are filling the position. My hope is that we are able to connect with people like you and I, writers. What is your why? My why is about my fellow veterans, my fellow brother and sister Marines, and my family members who are veterans. The constant roadblocks they come up against in receiving the benefits they have earned frustrates me. I know I can help a fellow veteran, a fellow Marine, or family member roll through those roadblocks and start receiving the help they need. What I do is connect them to the right people in Michigan to accomplish those goals. How I do that is through the resources and programs of The American Legion. I am excited each and every day that I work for The American Legion because it is another opportunity to help those veterans. When I write, my why gives me passion to type. My why gives me energy to continue to write. When I communicate to others, I hope my enthusiasm comes through to others as encouragement to them to be passionate about why they are American Legion members. I want to encourage you to find your why, develop a story of that why, and then pursue ways to share your why with others. What is your why?

If your post has someone attending this year’s Washington Conference, it’s an ideal way to promote the Legion’s influence in your community. Use your post’s social media tools to highlight your post’s activities in Washington. After the conference, contact your local media for a story.

Legion’s 99th birthday The American Legion celebrates its 99th birthday on March 15. National Commander Denise H. Rohan is encouraging posts to mark the occasion by hosting community events. A helpful Legion Family Dinner media kit is available at www.

Children and Youth April is Children and Youth Month. Consider promoting on your social media pages how your post is helping youth in your communities not only in April but throughout the year.

Oratorical Contest As posts, districts and departments run their Oratorical Contests, these are great opportunities to showcase the young people in community media. Contact your local newspapers and broadcast stations to encourage them to cover your Oratorical events.



NALPA news in the new year By Patrick R. Rourk

I hope everyone had a great holiday and you’re enjoying the new year. We snuck back to Minnesota before Christmas to spend time with the kids, grandkids and great-grandkids, and to catch some hockey. As many of my friends leave for Florida to enjoy warmer temperatures during the winter months, they may see a traveling bear. Department of Florida Commander Steve Shuga, who has endured hurricanes and storm damages during his tenure, has a teddy bear that travels around the state (I’ve seen a lot of caretakers!) to draw attention to The American Legion, its programs and the department’s programs. He also drives one of the most patriotic pickup trucks I have ever seen. How do I know all of this? Facebook. And from Steve being a good friend. Why am I discussing this? To draw your attention to the social media media tracks that NALPA continues to foster – Facebook and Twitter. The young, and not so young, populace now communicate via the digital means. If you are not using social media to your, and The American Legion’s, advantage then you need to start now.

Membership. Please take out your membership card and look at the expiration date. If it doesn’t say 2018 or Life Member, you are not current. We had quite a few members who had to scramble to get their membership updated to enter the Media Contest last year. The same rule for the contest applies this year – you have to provide a copy of your membership card to enter the contest. You can easily renew online at nalpa or send in the membership application found on page 6. NALPA pins. At the Washington Conference in February, there will be a NALPA table on the concourse level. I will have NALPA pins with the new logo for sale. The price for a pin is $5 in person and $7.50 via mail. Postage rates have increased so unfortunately, there was a price increase for pins shipped. If you are able to, purchase your pin(s) at the Washington Conference or National Convention to save money. Media Contest. We are nearing this year’s Media Contest entry deadline (May 1) and it’s once again free thanks to sponsorship. The contest rules and entry blank are located on page 4. Please use this blank as it denotes the no cost to enter.


Host Legion Family dinners with your community Last year for Veterans Day, American Legion National Commander Denise H. Rohan called on the Legion Family nationwide to serve up the biggest and best dinner in history by inviting the whole community to join them at the dinner table. Rohan is encouraging Legion Family dinners to continue hosting these dinners in conjunction with special events. These events can include the Legion’s upcoming birthday (March 15), your post’s birthday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. A Legion Family Dinner Kit is available at to help posts, units and squadrons promote Legion Family dinners.

The kit includes: ■■ A suggested timeline for planning the event, tips on getting local sponsors involved, and a set of message points that can be presented, and localized, at the dinner or to the press. ■■ Sample letters of invitation to local groups to attend and participate in the dinner, a press release, a sample media advisory, a downloadable flyer with fields for posts to provide local information, social media posts and a radio PSA. Use the hashtag #LegionFamilyDinner when promoting your event. During the dinner, speak on the Legion’s centennial efforts, and your post’s history of service, programs and vision for the future.

The National American Legion Press Association (NALPA) is a nonprofit organization made up of members interested in furthering the aims of The American Legion. Copyright © 2018 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written permission of the Editor. You are encouraged to contact us if you wish to utilize materials contained herein for other non-profit organization publication. Opinions expressed by authors are their own and do not necessarily represent those of either the Publisher or Editor. Correspondence and letters to the editor: NALPA c/o Patrick R. Rourk 3 Morton St. Norwood, NY 13668-1100 Telephone: (315) 353-8892 (6:00 – 9:00 P.M. ET only) Email: Online: Membership information and applications: NALPA c/o Debra Murrell P.O. Box 1055 Indianapolis, IN 46206 NALPA Newsletter is published quarterly by The National American Legion Press Association. Periodicals postage paid at Indianapolis, IN-Permit # 719. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: NALPA, c/o Debra Murrell, The American Legion, PO Box 1055, Indianapolis IN 46206 PRESIDENT Mark Sutton EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Patrick R. Rourk VICE PRESIDENTS Kevin Harrington, Area 1 Jane McKnight, Area 2 Susan Knapp, Area 3 Michael Hjelmstad, Area 4 DIRECTORS Robert G. Stronach, Area 1 Staci King, Area 2 Dolly Zitur, Area 3 Larry Hill, Area 4 JUDGE ADVOCATE Charles G. Mills

HISTORIAN Dolly Zitur CHAPLAIN Maudi L. Price FINANCE Joseph Porempski SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Kenneth George COUNCIL TO THE PRESIDENT Parvin R. Gibbs, John E. Thompson, James T. Higuera, David Wallace, Patrick Rourk




Eight preparation tips for the annual D.C. conference The American Legion’s Washington Conference is fast approaching, Feb. 25-28. Are you preparing your department representatives for the trip? The following are eight tips to convey to them now: 1. Make an appointment with your state representative or senator prior to the conference. The sooner contact is made, the better your chances are of receiving an appointment. 2. Tag your department and The American Legion National Headquarters in all social media channels. If the Legionnaires do not know how to do this, provide them with a tutorial. The National Headquarters Twitter feed is @americanlegionhq. Its Facebook page is americanlegionhq. The hashtag to use on social media is #WashConf2018. 3. Tell your delegation the social media tags for your state representative or senator. 4. Get a picture with your representative or senator and post it on your social

media channels, tagging everyone present in the photo as well as The American Legion. 5. Visit for the latest list of legislative action alerts and a comprehensive list of legislation concerning veterans. When you visit the web page, you can send messages to your elected officials and sign up for legislative alerts to help take action on pending legislation. Include the information found on www.capwiz. com/legion on your department website and in your newsletters, and present it at post and district meetings. 6. Know your questions before you go into conference meetings, especially when meeting with your respective state representative or senator. Have a plan of action and be concise, but effective. 7. Determine what information about your department that you will leave behind with your representative or senator. 8. Work with your Legionnaires on an overall Washington Conference plan

Photo by Lucas Carter

of action for a successful trip. Communication is key before, during and after the Washington Conference. Make the most of it. A schedule of the Washington Conference can be viewed at washingtonconference. Additionally, follow this web page for editorial coverage of the conference.


Openings for NALPA leadership positions Executive Director The NALPA executive director must be fluent and comfortable in both oral and written presentations, knowledgeable with current digital communication tools, and have the ability to adapt to changes in technology to keep current with more efficient ways of communication and management of the association. General duties include: ■■ Serves as the liaison between NALPA and staff of The American Legion National Headquarters Media and Communication Division and Convention Division to ensure coordination and understanding remain fluid. ■■ Manages the membership database and issuance of





membership cards. Implements sound fiscal policy and management of accounts. Supervises the annual Media Contest, which includes the receiving of all entries, making arrangements for judging, and developing and arranging for award construction and delivery to national convention site. Coordinates with Legion Convention Division staff and convention catering personnel for the annual awards luncheon, as well as space for the Executive Committee and annual general meetings. Operates an office at the national convention either within American Legion National Headquarters staff

offices or the exhibit hall if a NALPA booth is provided. ■■ Attends other national meetings as requested to represent NALPA and to help recruit new members. Other duties may be assigned as needed.

Fiscal Officer General duties of the NALPA fiscal officer include: ■■ Uses bank statements and debit/credit logs to provide oversight of the budget, profit and loss statements for the annual general meeting and the Executive Committee. ■■ Completes an analysis of expenditures in comparison to the approved budget (report); evaluates the past fiscal year for the fiscal

health of the association (report); and provides a proposed budget to the Executive Committee. Experience in bookkeeping, accounting or finance is preferred. Both the Executive Director and Fiscal Officer positions are a non-competitive and non-compensated 100 percent volunteer position. Applicants must be a current member in good standing within the American Legion Family and NALPA. To apply, send a cover letter and resume by April 30 to: NALPA President Mark Sutton, 5377 Durfee Road, Eaton Rapids, MI 48827. Or email mark@michiganlegion. org or call (248) 390-5481.



National American Legion Press Association Annual Awards Program Rules for Basis of Judging: 1. Newspapers will be judged on: Content (Legion, Auxiliary, SAL) local, county, district, state and national news, as appropriate; clear, concise and balanced writing; make-up; design and appearance; use of photos and illustrations. 2. Editorials will be judged on: Headline and lead arousal of interest; clear, concise and imaginative writing; research and grasp of subject; timely and appropriate objectives suitable to public. 3. Websites will be judged on: Department or Local information, site design, links, appropriateness of information and attractiveness. 4. Social Media Sites will be judged on: Appearance and presentation; content, readability and engagement; purposes and goals. 5. Visual Media: entries will be evaluated based on originality, clarity, be in perspective, quality, purpose, veterans connection, interest and skill.

Entry Instructions: 1. Must be current member of the National American Legion Press Association. 2. Comlpete the facing page entry form. A photocopy of the page is acceptable to preserve the wholeness of your NALPA newsletter. 3. For categories I., II., III. and IV., submit three (3) papers, one each of three separate issues. 4. For category V. and VII., submit the electronic address (URL) for your website or social media site. If you submit more than one URL, you must do a separate entry for each submission. 5. For category VI., submit only one (1) editorial. Send entire paper or tear-sheet containing the editorial and date of issue. 6. For category VIII, submit up to three (3) photos that have been published on same subject or event; or CD/ DVD or link to access video; or 3 copies of printed, digital art (do not send original paintings/drawings, etc.) in their published vehicle.

Entries must be postmarked no later than May 1, of the current year, and mailed to: Send entry form/cover sheet and entry for all entries to: Patrick R. Rourk 3 Morton St. Norwood, NY 13668-1100 You must mark the lower left corner of your mailing envelope: “NALPA CONTEST” and indicate the entry category for judging. (e. g., Printed Media - III. - B, or Web Media - V. - A, or Social Media – VII - C, etc.)


Category and level





I. Department George W. Hooten Award For Department-wide publications A. 40,000+ members.





B. Under 40,000 members.





II. District, County, Regional Emerson O. Mann Award For District-wide, County-wide or Region-wide Publications. - District, county or regional publications





III. Larger Posts Al Weinburg Award For all publications produced at the post level. A. Posts over 750 members.




B. Posts with 250 - 749 members.




Entry Criteria TAL




A. Original effort of publication editor.





B. Guest editorial (bylined or author identified).





C. External Editorial nominated by NALPA Member




A. Department-level social networking sites





B. All other social network sites





VI. Editorials William E. Rominger Award A & B: Must have appeared originally in an American Legion Family publication within the Award year. C. Any medium outside The American Legion Family Media

VII. Social Media Robert L. Morrill Award (Encompasses Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, etc.)

IV. Smaller Posts, Units, Squadrons R. C. Cann Award For all publications produced at the post, unit, squadron level. - Posts up to 250 members.

Category and level

VIII. Visual Media - All levels and parts of the Legion Family Photos, Videos, Movies & Graphic Illustrations (includes paintings, drawings and designs that have been published)




A. Photographs





A. Department websites.





B. Videos/Movies





B. All other websites.





C. Graphic Designs - all types





V. Websites Mary B. Howard Award Award For all websites created to support The American Legion Family.

Your notes if any (Judges will not see this form!):

* Item for other American Legion related publications - such as NALPA Newsletter, etc.

Instructions - Under Entry Criteria above circle the family type then below circle the medium within which you wish this entry to be judged.





Please fill out the form below by typing or printing legibly 1. Number and name of post, district, unit, squadron, organization, etc.

2. Full address of this organization in item #1.

3. Frequency, circulation number and name of publication or Web address for websites. 4. Name, address, email and telephone number of publication editor; or of entrant if other than editor.

5. Place photocopy of current NALPA membership card here





Hashtags help promote your activities Oftentimes social media users search for hashtags of a particular topic of interest. Hashtags are always one word and begin with the pound or number sign. In upcoming months, there are events that social media managers may want to use when posting information about what their post is doing. Here are some that will be used and/or monitored by the National Headquarters team:


Legion Vimeo channel houses promotional videos, PSAs The American Legion has an abundance of promotional videos and public service announcements (PSAs) that help tell the Legion’s story, as well as aid in membership recruiting, fundraising efforts, support for programs and events, and more. And it’s all easily accessible on The American Legion’s Vimeo channel at americanlegion. The PSAs and videos housed on the Legion’s Vimeo channel can be shared via mobile devices or downloaded onto a computer hard drive and shared without the need for Internet connection. They too can be shared with media outlets and movie cinemas to promote what the Legion does locally and nationally. Example of videos on the Vimeo channel include:

H. Rohan. Those PSAs focus on membership recruitment, preparing for the Legion’s centennial, hosting job fairs, and Legion programs such as the National Emergency Fund and Temporary Financial Assistance. “To enhance our communication awareness and tell the great story of The American Legion family, we offer these promotional tools,” Rohan said. “It is essential that we remind veterans and their families about the programs and resources available to them through the nation’s largest veterans organization.”






Home Address

#AmericanismMonth #FourChaplainsSunday

Membership Moment series on how to welcome and engage new members, recruit members and re-engage expired members. ■■ “This is The American Legion” video that gives a general overview of the Legion and its service to veterans, their families and communities. ■■ A video overview of the four pillars. These videos can be played during meetings at the post or events to recruit new members. Several of the PSAs feature National Commander Denise ■■





#WashConf2018 #WomensHistoryMonth #BlackHistoryMonth #AmericanLegionBirthday

Legion/Auxiliary/SAL Membership # Department/Post/Detachment I AM A MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING: The American Legion

American Legion Auxiliary

Sons of The American Legion

THIS IS FOR: New Membership: $15

Renew Membership: $15

NALPA Pin $5 in person $7.50 by mail

TOTAL:________________ Make Check Payable To: NALPA MAIL TO: The NALPA membership year is from September 1 through August 31

NALPA The American Legion C/O Debra Murrell, National Media & Communications PO Box 1055 Indianapolis, IN 46206 PLEASE ENTER Membership Year: 20________




Facebook: Know your audience By LaDonna Austhof

The first step in effectively managing your Facebook account is understanding how it works. Facebook basics, knowing who you want to reach, and knowing what to say, are three keys to an effective social media campaign.

Facebook terminology: Get familiar with it Facebook users should know the difference between a Facebook profile, a page and a group. They each serve different functions. A Facebook profile is a personal account where you share your information and connect with family and friends. A Facebook page is a public profile created for businesses, brands, celebrities, causes and other organizations. A Facebook group is the place for small group communication where people can share a common interest, information and experience, and express their opinions. You need a Facebook profile in order to create a page or

group. Profiles should not be used to represent an American Legion post, district or department. You should create a Facebook page for your post. A very easy way to learn how to manage a page is to search within Facebook Help Center or business. This is a good place for the novice to learn the basics. And it serves the experienced page manager as they expand their knowledge and when Facebook changes things up. Those already familiar with how Facebook works will benefit from liking some of Facebook’s pages. Facebook tips, Facebook business, nonprofits on Facebook, and Facebook media are all designed to educate and assist the user. For an even more in-depth look check out Facebook for developers and Facebook engineering.

Understand your audience People will follow content on pages that they feel is consistent with their own goals and objectives. Facebook pages


Minneapolis, Minnesota is the perfect blend of natural beauty and urban sophistication. No other American city has a chain of lakes, the mighty Mississippi, and 18 miles of walking, biking and cross country ski trails within the city limits, all steps from the most vibrant arts and music scene outside NYC. Minneapolis is proud to host the American Legion’s 100th National Convention August 24 - 30, 2018!

are an opportunity to attract like-minded veterans to a Legion post. The question becomes, “What is your mission?” For a post it may be to promote the four pillars of The American Legion and events and accomplishments that serve veterans, their families and the community. Facebook posts should reach out to all members of your audience and engage them.

Content You need to feature useful and compelling material that will drive interaction on your Facebook page. Interaction is key to attracting page followers and American Legion members. To start, look at your page content from a visitor’s point of view. Scroll through the last several months of your page feed and determine if you conveyed the right message. Ask yourself, “Would I know if this is the place for me if I am looking to join an American Legion post?” Make your Facebook posts relevant about engaging with

the community, serving veterans and their family, and camaraderie. Things to include in Facebook posts are Legion post meeting times and location, programs and fundraisers. Lounge events can be promoted, but make sure that is not your focus. You want to give your audience a reason to comment, like and share what you post.

In conclusion ■■




Use a professional, yet friendly, voice that positively represents The American Legion. Know your audience and understand your mission. And make sure that your mission reflects The American Legion’s four pillars – Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth. Post relevant content that will attract a more engaged audience. Be strategic about your social media channels to increase Facebook followers and members within your American Legion post.

The American Legion



Commander PSAs, videos on Vimeo channel The American Legion’s Vimeo channel has several public service announcements (PSAs) featuring National Commander Denise H. Rohan. Those PSAs focus on membership recruitment, preparing for the Legion’s 100th anniversary, hosting job fairs, service officers and Legion programs. You can distribute these PSAs to local media, share at community events, or load onto your mobile device to use while recruiting potential new members. Download these tools and share via social media at:

P.O. BOX 1055 • INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206


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