The official newsletter of the National American Legion Press Association Spring 2017 Issue
What’s Coming Honoring and remembering
American Legion National Commander Charles E. Schmidt testifies before the House and Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committees during the Washington Conference. The conference presented opportunities for NALPA members to promote the Legion. Photo by Clay Lomneth
Let’s continue to communicate our great work By David F. Wallace
he American Legion has completed another inspiring Washington Conference while many departments have organized educational spring conferences. These both represent great opportunities for NALPA members to share these successes in their local communities. For example, if a post member met with a congressional representative during Washington Conference, a letter to the editor of your local newspaper would be appropriate. Of course, you can also share a photo of the meeting on your post’s, district’s and/or department’s newsletter and/or social media. During Washington Conference, NALPA Executive Director Pat Rourk and the staff from the Media and Communications Division recruited 20 new members, bringing the current total to 140 above where we were last year at this time. Our membership is growing. Let’s keep it moving forward! Rourk and staff members also handed out flyers touting the social media push for appeals modernization and shared what NALPA is doing. NALPA leadership also met with staff members to discuss plans for the rest of this membership year that included our NALPA Annual Awards Program (which by the way is free to submit your entries). I was fortunate to have National Commander Charles E. Schmidt attend the Department of
Virginia’s Spring Conference, which was held in Virginia Beach. Schmidt shared stories from his travels to over 30 departments and more than 130 posts since he became national commander. A highlight of his Virginia trip was the Walk for Veterans, during which about 25 Legion Family members, including myself, braved the 34-degree weather. These events not only symbolize the Legion’s dedication to taking strong steps to improve the lives of veterans, they represent potential positive media that NALPA members should be striving to promote. It’s up to us to build awareness of the great things the Legion does in all of our communities. Events and stories like these are exactly what NALPA and especially your Department’s Press Association is all about. We need to continue to share our events and all of the veterans outreach we are doing. We need to continue to let our key influencers know we are here to promote, market and share through our association’s website, our social network platforms and quarterly newsletters. As we move toward spring, our youth programs — the Oratorical Contest, American Legion Baseball, Boys State and Nation, and others — will take center stage. These are great programs that allow us to generate positive coverage for our organization. Let’s continue to communicate the great things the Legion Family does throughout the year!
May is an important month for The American Legion Family. Posts and units should be coordinating plans to promote remembrance activities on their social media pages now. For example, a post can create an event on its Facebook page and invite followers to attend. Auxiliary units could post photos of poppies and invite followers to share them virtually.
Flag Day, June 14
If your post coordinates a flag retirement ceremony around June 14 - or any other time it’s advisable to spread the word through social media, as well as preparing a news release for your local media.
Boys State/Nation and Girls State/Nation
Posts and units are encouraged to coordinate with their Boys and Girls State representatives on social media. Ask participants to provide photos of their experiences, which you can share via your Facebook pages.
PTSD awareness
June is PTSD awareness month, a great time to connect with younger veterans and let them know how the Legion can help.
Plans underway for Media Contest, luncheon By Patrick R. Rourk
I attended The American Legion’s annual Washington Conference in late February and as usual, what a great conference. I was able to see many familiar faces and meet quite a few new ones. The conference also gave us a chance to get together and do some planning in relation to the NALPA newsletter. Correction. Submission deadline for NALPA’s 2017 Media Contest is May 1; not May 31 as stated in the previous NALPA newsletter. Print and Media Contest: When I returned home from the Washington Conference I had 10 Media Contest entries ready for judging. If this is any indication of what is to come, it will be a very exciting contest! This NALPA newsletter will serve as a final call for entries to the 2017 contest. And as a reminder, all entries must be postmarked by May 1 and mailed to my attention at 3 Morton St., Norwood, NY, 13668-1100. The rules and entry form are on pages 4 and 5 of this newsletter; the entry form is also available for download at You must be a current, paid up member in order to submit an entry. Due to the elimination of the contest’s entry fee, we expect a significant increase in the number of entries. Therefore, our three judges need plenty of time to judge the entries and create the awards well in advance of NALPA’s awards luncheon during the National Convention in Reno. Media Contest winners. There will be a surprise for Media Contest winners so
stay tuned for more details! Awards luncheon and annual meeting: It looks like it will once again be a favorable venue this year for our annual awards luncheon, which will consists of a buffet with several entrées to choose from. It also appears that the luncheon will once again be less expensive. We are still working on the details for pricing. The luncheon reservation will be in the next issue of the NALPA newsletter along with entrée selection choices. Please note that reservations will be required as the hotel needs a meal count a full week before the luncheon. Reservation information must be in a week prior as well, and must include name, meal choice and payment . The annual meeting will again be held on Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The executive meeting, for officers only, will start at 10 a.m. and the annual meeting will begin at 11 a.m. General members, please remember that your meeting does not start until 11:00 a.m. Membership: Yes, I need to address this again and keep on addressing it. We have many new members this year, and I thank you for joining. We also need to recognize those who have come back into the fold. As previously stated, we have started several new initiatives and quite a number more are in the offing. Many more improvements and innovations are coming down the pipeline and people will need to be members in good standing to be able to access these new resources. Members who have not renewed will miss out in the future. NALPA membership information is located on page 3 of this newsletter or online at
NALPA CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS UPDATE During National Convention in Reno, Nev., NALPA leadership will be reviewing and discussing NALPA’s constitution and bylaws, located at nalpa/about. Any proposed changes will be voted on. If you have any suggestions, please forward to NALPA President David Wallace at david.f.wallace09@
The National American Legion Press Association (NALPA) is a nonprofit organization made up of members interested in furthering the aims of The American Legion. Copyright © 2017 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written permission of the Editor. You are encouraged to contact us if you wish to utilize materials contained herein for other non-profit organization publication. Opinions expressed by authors are their own and do not necessarily represent those of either the Publisher or Editor. Correspondence and letters to the editor: NALPA c/o Patrick R. Rourk 3 Morton St. Norwood, NY 13668-1100 Telephone: (315) 353-8892 (6:00 – 9:00 P.M. ET only) Email: Online: Membership information and applications: NALPA c/o Debra Murrell P.O. Box 1055 Indianapolis, IN 46206 NALPA Newsletter is published quarterly by The National American Legion Press Association. Periodicals postage paid at Indianapolis, IN-Permit # 719. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: NALPA, c/o Debra Murrell, The American Legion, PO Box 1055, Indianapolis IN 46206 PRESIDENT David F. Wallace EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Patrick R. Rourk VICE PRESIDENTS Kevin Harrington, Area 1 Jane McKnight, Area 2 Mark Sutton, Area 3 Michael Hjelmstad, Area 4 DIRECTORS Robert G. Stronach, Area 1 James Chaney, Area 2 Diana L. Sirovina, Area 3 Connie Jo Popham, Area 4 JUDGE ADVOCATE Charles G. Mills
HISTORIAN Dolly Zitur CHAPLAIN Maudi L. Price FINANCE Joseph Porempski SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Roger S. Dong COUNCIL TO THE PRESIDENT Parvin R. Gibbs, John E. Thompson, James T. Higuera, Brett Reistad, Patrick Rourk
SAL commander’s ‘Knowledge is Power Tour’ By Michel L. Lawler, SAL national vice commander, central region
Jeff Frain had a plan when he launched his year as Sons of The American Legion national commander last September in Cincinnati. Frain and his elected officers knew that if they were to have a successful year, it would have to be a fun and educational experience for everyone. Frain and his officers first established the theme “Knowledge is Power Tour.” Then they created a resource book for use at all levels (i.e., detachment, squadron, county and district) to help members become well-informed about the Sons and the Legion Family. Copies of the resource book, which was a “how to” guide of the SAL – how to process membership, how to run a meeting and how to learn more – were delivered to detachments. Squadron members were encouraged to take the online American Legion Extension Institute and complete the Five Star and Ten Ideals programs. Detachment commanders and adjutants were invited to come to National Headquar-
Join NALPA Today! As a National American Legion Press Association member you will have access to National Headquarters communication resources and members-only content. You will be connected to a time-honored and respected communications team that values and rewards those who spread the word about The American Legion in communities around the world.
ters in Indianapolis during Fall Meetings last October for an intense training session. While there they were asked to send their top members to the National Management Institute this spring. SAL vice commanders were tasked with developing a fun membership theme. What could be more fun than being a super hero? Each vice commander selected an alter ego to promote the membership plan: ■■ Captain America – William Kelly (Fla.) Southern Region ■■ Flash – Joseph Keiser (Nev.) Western Region ■■ Green Lantern – Michael Lawler (Wis.) Central Region ■■ Iron Man – Kenneth Yanke (Colo.) Mid-Western Region ■■ Mystique – Joseph Korba (N.J.) Eastern Region Knowing that a strong, growing American Legion will benefit the Sons of The American Legion and Auxiliary, the team leapt into action. They have encouraged SAL members to recruit veterans to join The American Legion
SAL vice commanders chose a super hero to promote SAL’s membership plan. Photo provided by SAL
with a slogan of “Be A Super Hero, Sign Up Three American Heroes to The American Legion Today.” The team coordinated with American Legion National Commander Charles E. Schmidt to make any SAL member eligible for his membership recruiting pin. And anyone who signs up five SAL members can request the national commander’s pin as well.
Home Address
Email Legion/Auxiliary/SAL Membership # Department/Post/Detachment I AM A MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING: The American Legion
American Legion Auxiliary
Sons of The American Legion
THIS IS FOR: New Membership: $15
Renew Membership: $15
NALPA Pin $5.00 in person $7.50 by mail
TOTAL:________________ Make Check Payable To: NALPA MAIL TO: The NALPA membership year is from September 1 through August 31
NALPA The American Legion C/O Debra Murrell, National Media & Communications PO Box 1055 Indianapolis, IN 46206 PLEASE ENTER Membership Year: 20________
National American Legion Press Association Annual Awards Program Rules for Basis of Judging: 1. Newspapers will be judged on: Content (Legion, Auxiliary, SAL) local, county, district, state and national news, as appropriate; clear, concise and balanced writing; make-up; design and appearance; use of photos and illustrations. 2. Editorials will be judged on: Headline and lead arousal of interest; clear, concise and imaginative writing; research and grasp of subject; timely and appropriate objectives suitable to public. 3. Websites will be judged on: Department or Local information, site design, links, appropriateness of information and attractiveness. 4. Social Media Sites will be judged on: Appearance and presentation; content, readability and engagement; purposes and goals. 5. Visual Media: entries will be evaluated based on originality, clarity, be in perspective, quality, purpose, veterans connection, interest and skill.
Entry Instructions: 1. Must be current member of the National American Legion Press Association. 2. Comlpete the facing page entry form. A photocopy of the page is acceptable to preserve the wholeness of your NALPA newsletter. 3. For categories I., II., III. and IV., submit three (3) papers, one each of three separate issues. 4. For category V. and VII., submit the electronic address (URL) for your website or social media site. If you submit more than one URL, you must do a separate entry for each submission. 5. For category VI., submit only one (1) editorial. Send entire paper or tear-sheet containing the editorial and date of issue. 6. For category VIII, submit up to three (3) photos that have been published on same subject or event; or CD/ DVD or link to access video; or 3 copies of printed, digital art (do not send original paintings/drawings, etc.) in their published vehicle.
Entries must be postmarked no later than May 1, of the current year, and mailed to: Send entry form/cover sheet and entry for all entries to: Patrick R. Rourk 3 Morton St. Norwood, NY 13668-1100 You must mark the lower left corner of your mailing envelope: “NALPA CONTEST” and indicate the entry category for judging. (e. g., Printed Media - III. - B, or Web Media - V. - A, or Social Media – VII - C, etc.)
Category and level
I. Department George W. Hooten Award For Department-wide publications A. 40,000+ members.
B. Under 40,000 members.
II. District, County, Regional Emerson O. Mann Award For District-wide, County-wide or Region-wide Publications. - District, county or regional publications
III. Larger Posts Al Weinburg Award For all publications produced at the post level. A. Posts over 750 members.
B. Posts with 250 - 749 members.
Entry Criteria TAL
A. Original effort of publication editor.
B. Guest editorial (bylined or author identified).
C. External Editorial nominated by NALPA Member
A. Department-level social networking sites
B. All other social network sites
VI. Editorials William E. Rominger Award A & B: Must have appeared originally in an American Legion Family publication within the Award year. C. Any medium outside The American Legion Family Media
VII. Social Media Robert L. Morrill Award (Encompasses Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, etc.)
IV. Smaller Posts, Units, Squadrons R. C. Cann Award For all publications produced at the post, unit, squadron level. - Posts up to 250 members.
Category and level
VIII. Visual Media - All levels and parts of the Legion Family Photos, Videos, Movies & Graphic Illustrations (includes paintings, drawings and designs that have been published)
A. Photographs
A. Department websites.
B. Videos/Movies
B. All other websites.
C. Graphic Designs - all types
V. Websites Mary B. Howard Award Award For all websites created to support The American Legion Family.
Your notes if any (Judges will not see this form!):
* Item for other American Legion related publications - such as NALPA Newsletter, etc.
Instructions - Under Entry Criteria above circle the family type then below circle the medium within which you wish this entry to be judged.
Please fill out the form below by typing or printing legibly 1. Number and name of post, district, unit, squadron, organization, etc.
2. Full address of this organization in item #1.
3. Frequency, circulation number and name of publication or Web address for websites. 4. Name, address, email and telephone number of publication editor; or of entrant if other than editor.
5. Place photocopy of current NALPA membership card here
Hashtags help promote your activities Oftentimes social media users search for hashtags of a particular topic of interest. Hashtags are always one word and begin with the pound or number sign. In upcoming months, there are events that social media managers may want to use when posting information about what their post is doing. Here are some that will be used and/or monitored by the National Headquarters team: #Oratorical2017 #VEDay #ArmedForcesDay #MemorialDay #PoppyDay #FlagDay #ShootingSports #BoysNation2017 #VJDay #ALWS2017 #LegacyRun2017 #ALconvention
Protecting the brand in social media By Mark A. Sutton, Area 3 NALPA vice president
If the 2016 election season showed us anything, it was the growing lack of civility among the electorate. There were strong opinions coming from all political parties, and there were strong personal attacks thrown at the candidates. And many of those attacks continue today even months after the election. You may be wondering how this relates to NALPA members. In this age of hypersensitivity, we must avoid falling into this political incivility when promoting or writing about the deeds of The American Legion. As members of the press and as Legion Family members, we must pay attention to what and how we write. We also must determine if we, within the positions we represent, should say anything at all. Social media can be tricky. As Legion Family members and those committed to promoting the brand of The American Legion in a good light, we must stay mindful of the things we say and share on social media channels designated to promoting the good of the Legion. For example, if your personal opinions and feelings don’t align with the official stances of The American Legion, be mindful of what you post and where you post it. Always remember the four pillars and ask yourself if what you’re
posting falls under one or all of them. And is the story you are sharing accurate and true? Do your due diligence and research if your information is coming from a reliable source. When in doubt don’t share it. On your American Legion social media accounts also remember we do not support specific political candidates or politicians during an election, however, we do support American Legion-backed issues. If a politician supports an issue then share it, but if the story is only about the politician, don’t share it. Does it enhance the brand? When trying to decide if you should share a post or write a post on an American Legion social media account, you should ask yourself the following questions: ■■ Will this post help a veteran? ■■ Does this post shine a good light on the Legion Family? ■■ Does this post promote The American Legion in a positive light? ■■ Is this information that Legion members should know, without a bias slant? If you can answer yes to those questions share, post or tweet away. If not, maybe the post is more suited for your personal newsfeed instead. In this world where social media is like having a million cameras pointed at you, we must stay aware of how we look in the world. Don’t tarnish the brand; post responsibly.
‘Improve and expand NALPA communication’
Kevin Harrington, a 40-year member of Sons of The American Legion Squadron 1231 in Rensselaer, N.Y, currently serves as NALPA’s Area 1 vice president. He has held a leadership position every year in his squadron, including commander, and he started Squadron 1231’s website 16 years ago. Harrington now manages a combined website for the post, squadron, Auxiliary and Legion Riders. He is eligible for SAL membership through his
father, a World War II veteran. David Wallace: Can you share the history behind Post 1231’s namesake, Melvin Roads? Kevin Harrington: The post is named after a native son of the town – Melvin Roads. He was the son of Orange and Jessie Roads and graduated from Rensselaer High School. (During World War I) he tried to enlist in the Army but was turned down several times due to a defect in the sight of one eye. Finally, he reached his goal of military service by being drafted. It was in his role of driving a motorcycle/side car that he met his untimely death. Private Roads, along with Major Alfred K. King (who occupied the side car), were killed near La Neuville, France, on November 10, 1918, only a few hours before the armistice was signed. Wallace: How long have you been a member of NALPA? Harrington: About 10 years thanks to Mike Duggan,
NALPA’s past president. Wallace: How does the Department of New York promote its press association? Harrington: We have an annual awards contest, and we staff a press association table at our Mid-Winter Conference as well as at our department convention. We publish quarterly newsletters, have an association website, and we just started a Facebook page. Something unique about the New York American Legion Press Association (NYALPA) is that it offers two annual scholarships in memory of Albert M. Becker, past NYALPA president (1984-85) and past department commander (1988-89). One is a youth scholarship and the other is a military scholarship for $1,000 each. Wallace: What has been your favorite activity that you or your squadron has been a part of? Harrington: My wife and I camp and we have presented a Memorial Day service for
about the last 10 years at the campground. We, along with our friends, read various patriotic and historical items. And our friends children, and other friends who play an instrument, play music. Veterans at the campground are introduced and given a U.S. flag. We also recognized the 15-year anniversary of the terrorist attacks by conducting a memorial with our fire department on September 11, 2016. Wallace: Where do you see NALPA focusing its attention over the next three years? Harrington: We need to continue to improve and expand communication methods through NALPA’s website and by email and written text. Also by using social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook. This provides a balance for our members of all ages and offers support for local efforts on the same areas via written and video presentations.
Reno Tahoe USA combines the beauty of the great outdoors with world-class hotels, spas and museums, nightly entertainment, a burgeoning food and brewery scene and exciting special events. Reno Tahoe is a proud sponsor of the 2017 NALPA Media Awards and host to the 2017 American Legion National Convention August 18-24. allows you to explore all of the exciting options you can enjoy during your time at the 99th American Legion Convention. Entry forms and 2017 submission information is available at
The American Legion
Disaster relief
NEF PSA online The American Legion’s National Emergency Fund is available for post and Legion Family members affected by a natural disaster. A new 30-second NEF public service announcement by National Commander Charles E. Schmidt is available for promotional use at nalpa/resources. The PSA educates on how NEF supports disaster victims and how to donate to the fund.
P.O. BOX 1055 • INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206