The Artist's Lab 《演員運動》2015

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演員運動 The Actor’s LAB 2015 文本、畫作、空間的閲讀 與恣意創造 Evoking text, paintings, space and imagination 2015 年,進劇場再次聚集具豐富經驗及有志於劇場 探索的藝術工作者,一起在自由、粗糙而扎實的開 放空間,回歸肢體、文本分析及演技的練習和實 驗,共同討論、研究、鍛鍊、排演,引發可能。 The Actors Lab is a one-of-a-kind performance-based collaborative training and research programme for experienced and emerging theatre professionals.

主場運動員 Lab artists 陳麗珠 Bonni Chan, 蘇玉華 Louisa So, 周可凡 Hofan Chau, 朱詠家 Dorothy Chu, 楊雯思 Maggie Yeung, 趙雅羅 Ara Cho, 陳妙芝 Millie Chan, 黃衍仁 Wong Hinyan, 黎樂恆 Luke Lai, 紀文舜 Sean Curran, 潘燦良 Poon Chan Leung 「台外」成員 Wing members participating in presentations 何志紅 Bell Ho, 龔小玲 Kung Siu Ling, 黎青平 Pricilla Lai, 譚玉婷 Anne Tam, 林嘉寶 Lin Jia Bao, 梁素素 Genna Leung, 江浩然 Shaniz Kong, 謝嘉豪 Tomas Tse, 陳庭軒 Henry Chan, 李頊珩 Hans Lee, 曾棱尉 Cherry Tsang 探訪及補給 Visiting artists and creative support 陳鳳儀 Sylvia Chan, 劉銘鏗 Lau Ming Hang, 梁子峰 Benny Leung, 徐奕婕 Ivy Tsui, 施卓然 Kenneth Sze, 區永東 Winton Au, 鄭綺釵 Cheng Yee Chai, 伍綺琪 Kiki Ng

《CAT·拾肆》獲香港特別行政區政府 「藝能發展資助計劃」的資助。 CAT·14 is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 節目內容並不反映香港特別行政區政府的意見。 The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.


年末展演 Presentation IIII: 白兔洞 THROUGH THE RABBIT HOLE



員運動場,The Actors Lab。一枱、一花、一選段、

<Space & Stage> workshop presentation

一羣演員,微觀一個瞬間的內容所有,尋找(在舞 台上) 自由的存在,其實也仍是走在 The Will to Build

30 Dec (Wed), 8pm




空地及 12 號練習室與本地專業演者及創作人共同


探究空間與劇場的關係。以《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》為 起點,與愛麗絲和白兔先生一起遊園。


Collaborating with award winning Korean director


Yang Jungung and stage designer Lee Yunsoo, the

小點子去散散步將成就一條線,連接天與地, 走近

workshop will explore the relation between site,space


and the stage, based on Alice in the Wonderland. Follow the rabbit and explore!

在這秋天之始,我為演員運動場內每一毫克的勇 氣、熱情和迎上光迎上暗的坦誠而驕傲。還可以怎 樣感激我的隊友們呢?在運動場內場外的悉心打 理和美好支援,Sylvia、Sunfool、衍仁、Sean、Winnie、 Jamie、Kiki、Fan、Mui……和囡囡貓咪亦謹守崗位, 讓老鼠們暫不騷擾我們和我們的工作地。 bonni

梁正雄 Yang Jungung (韓國 Korea) 韓國導演、監製及編劇,並屢獲由韓國、波蘭、 埃及等地頒發的藝術大獎。其創立之旅行者劇 團,擅於文化融合,將當代元素融入韓國傳統藝 術文化,探索在於肢體而非文本的表現。藝團曾 應邀赴英國、埃及、波蘭、日本及台北等地演出。 主要作品包括《椅子》《仲夏夜之夢》、《哈姆雷 特》等。現為首爾藝術學院教授。 Yang is an award winning Korean stage director, producer and playwright. He founded Yohangza Theatre Company which is dedicated to creating one-of-a-kind productions that focus more on the sensible positioning and movement of actors than verbal aspects. His works often infuse contemporary elements with traditional Korean culture and have been invited to perform in the UK, Egypt, Poland, Japan, Taipei and more. His important works include The Chairs, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Hamlet. Yang is currently the Professor of the Seoul Institute of the Arts. 李淪洙 Lee Yunsoo (韓國 Korea) 韓國舞台設計師,畢業於倫敦藝術大學中央聖馬 丁藝術 及設計學院,獲表演設計與實踐碩士學 位。過去十五年一直擔任舞台設計師,曾在備受 讚譽的韓國旅行者劇團擔任視覺 總監及舞台設 計。曾多次和香港進劇場合作,參與《等待果陀》 等作品的舞台設計。現為韓國京畿大學講師。 Lee is a renowned Korean stage designer. He graduated from the Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design of the University of the Arts London, gaining a Master Degree in Performance Design and Practice Course. He has been working as stage designer for the past 15 years. Lee worked for the acclaimed Yohangza Theatre Company as visual director and stage designer, and also collaborator with Theatre du Pif as stage designer for Hanako's Pillow, Nocturnal Vista and Waiting for Godot. Lee is currently a lecturer at Kyung-Gi University.

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