2 minute read
Trivial Trivia
1. In the nursery rhyme, what does Jack jump over?
2. What do they call fairy floss in the USA?
3. What sauce is typically served with roast pork?
4. Which television family lives at 742 Evergreen Terrace?
5. What is the name of Australia’s highest ranking military award?
6. By what name did Westerners formerly know Beijing?
7. Which two terms meaning ‘lively party’ include parts of the human leg?
2. Singer whose final album was called Blackstar (5,5)
3. Develop gradually (6)
4. Expel (4)
5. Matildas captain (3,4)
6. ... and mash (7)
10. ‘A town of Galilee’ in Luke’s Gospel (8)
12. The amount of freedom to move (6)
13. Technology used to connect computers with peripheral devices (1,1,1)
14. To move and make currents of air (4)
16. A cream or liquid used to heal or soothe skin (4)
17. A short poem descriptive of rural or pastoral life (4)
8. Bruce Springsteen won an Oscar for his theme song for which 1993 film?
9. Musician Gordon Sumner is better known by what name?
10. Powerful, boobook and barn are a type of horse, chicken or owl?
Dominic Fike
Label Columbia Records
Reviewer @aldothewriter
Dominic Fike strikes me as one of those frustratingly cool people, who the jaded cynic in me wants to distrust and dislike, but I have to admit is just really
Star Signs
Visions Beardy from Hell
Scorpio Oct 24-Nov 22
Doing favours for people is a sign of weakness and only invites them to take advantage of you. Just look after number one.
Sagittarius Nov 23-Dec 21
Neglecting to do some fairly standard paperwork will end up causing you all sorts of problems. You’ve been warned.
Capricorn Dec 22-Jan 20
A heated discussion about the Voice will make you realise that some of your friends are sickeningly entitled, heartless bigots.
Aquarius Jan 21-Feb 19
You’re lucky to have such awesome friends. Someone else with your morals and values would struggle to win anyone over.
Pisces Feb 20-Mar 20
Venture out of the Eastern Suburbs every once in a while so you can appreciate that Sydney actually has some life and culture.
Aries Mar 21-Apr 20
The only way you’re going to get ahead is by scamming someone who trusts you. Choose your victim wisely and don’t get too greedy.
Taurus Apr 21-May 21
Pretending to be busy all the time is not going to fool anyone into thinking that your time is of any material value.
Gemini May 22-Jun 21
It’s okay to interrupt and talk over people, because what you’ve got to say is more important and everyone needs to hear it.
Cancer Jun 22-Jul 22
You’ll suddenly realise that your mates’ ‘family commitments’ are perfectly correlated with your availability.
Leo Jul 23-Aug 22
In the best interests of all stakeholders, always remember to pre-heat the oven prior to inserting the roast.
Trivial Trivia Solutions