The Beautiful Project Journal: Activating Sisterhood | Summer 2017

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The Beautiful Project Journal | Summer 2017

Activating Sisterhood




EDITORS: Khayla Deans & Pamela Thompson IMAGE & TEXT CONTRIBUTORS: Jamaica Gilmer, Meron Habtemariam, Arielle Jean-Pierre, Kaci Kennedy, Alexandria Miller,Madylin NixonTaplet, Cristin Stephens, Erin Stephens

This publication is a product of The Beautiful Project. The Beautiful project is supported by the NoVo Foundation, the William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust and the Southern Documentary Fund. For more information about our organization and our work, please visit us online.

What's Inside 4| letter from the editor 6| a deeper look into the women of the beautiful project The purpose and motivation behind Beautiful's Core Team

17| in her words

Beautiful reflections by TBP 2017 Interns

25| #dearblackgirl {in action} A recap of our event centering love letters from Black women around the world

30| kitchen table talks Creating intentional spaces to gather with Black women and girls

32| activating sisterhood Resources for practice



from the editor Sisterhood is the act of Black women engaging one another in an intimate, intentional manner for the wellness and goodness of the other; to take up one’s position as kindred, in all of its intricacies, in order to hold space for, care for, defend, cover, another sister.

The very nature of The Beautiful Project’s (TBP) work is to give voice and power to Black women and girls. We create and elevate images and words of empowerment that are for us and by us. In January, our team convened for a staff retreat to assess what TBP has accomplished since our inception, and to dream of how TBP will continue to grow as a hope epicenter for Black women and girls. In the midst of fighting and resisting against oppressive systems as Black women, our work will go beyond merely surviving. We are working to create new ways that Black girls and women can know and love themselves. Building a community is what we hope to accomplish with our work in both physical and virtual spaces, including this publication. Twice a year, we’ll give you a deeper look into who we are as an organization, spotlight dope and creative works of art from members of our collective, and share tangible resources and tools for you to use in your own communities. In this inaugural issue, we will focus on what it means for us to activate a collective of Black women and girls. The collective of sisters that we have built over the course of a decade is critical to The Beautiful Project’s growth and we’re excited to imagine new possibilities of the ways our collective will flourish.

Khayla Deans EDITOR


We are teachers, storytellers, curators, and creators. We are collectors of beautiful things, glitter, and music that speak to our souls. For those of you who may not know us personally, we would like to introduce you to the TBP team.


A Deeper Look at the Women of The Beautiful Project

At the heart of The Beautiful Project are four image-activists compelled to work for the liberation and wellness of black girls and women. The women were asked to explain what TBP means to them, how they engage in sisterhood as activism and the motivation behind their commitment to this work. Read on to meet the core four of TBP. Â


Jamaica Gilmer Founder & Co-Director


WHAT DOES THE BEAUTIFUL PROJECT MEAN FOR YOU? TBP means I have the chance to live life the way I actually want to live it. It means that the experience of freedom and accountability work hand in hand. Ambition and Balance are not devoid of each other. TBP means I have a workplace that does not rob me of a chance to be present for my family. The Beautiful Project at its heart creates and supports space for Black women and girls because the construct of our global society—our history and our present—largely conceptualizes Black women and girls as a problem worth dissecting and a people worth antagonizing. It would be my life’s honor to discover that a true societal reconstruction has been made and The Beautiful Project no longer needs to exist. In the face of the truth that TBP's existence is still integral—I am so grateful to be in this space, sojourning and building with the people I work with.

HOW DO YOU PERSONALLY FOSTER SISTERHOOD AND CREATE SPACE FOR BLACK WOMEN & GIRLS TO BE IN COMMUNITY WITH EACH OTHER? This is an interesting question because the way of TBP is largely personal. Most of the spaces and tools we have created are based on personal experiences of navigating life as a Black girl or woman in our everyday private and public lives. So, whether I am with folks in our collective, folks who don't know me, or folks who know me well, I cultivate sisterhood by bringing honesty and care to my interactions.

WHY DO YOU DO THIS WORK? I do this work because the two women I care about the most did it for me as a girl and now, as a woman. My mother and sister were my first living, breathing sisterhood space. All my life they have created experiences of safety, love, alarm, wonder, hope, disappointment and care. The memory of my mother is palpable for my sister and I, long after her passing. My experience of them—the inevitable joy, pain and wonder of learning together and being in relationship with one another —continues to teach me that there is a particular power born out of Black women and girls really and truly cultivating a Sisterhood of Joy and Keeping. My work is ultimately the experience and revelation of their sisterhood couched as a guide for others to exercise this same power.

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Pamela Thompson Co-Director


WHAT DOES THE BEAUTIFUL PROJECT MEAN FOR YOU? For me, TBP means that there is a small force of women in the world who know what Black women and girls face and are committed to creatively and thoughtfully approaching the systems of oppression that perpetuate those disparities. There's a battle going on for Black women and girls to be seen and known fully, through our own lens and on our own terms-- irrespective of the gaze and expectations of others-- and this organization is going to help position us to win.

HOW DO YOU PERSONALLY FOSTER SISTERHOOD AND CREATE SPACE FOR BLACK WOMEN & GIRLS TO BE IN COMMUNITY WITH EACH OTHER? I am the sister of four complex and diverse women. I am the proud mom of four curious and spirited little girls. I walk through the world with a small squad of fierce, loyal women and I work alongside three of the most intelligent, creative and determined female image makers I've ever known. Fostering sisterhood and creating space for Black women and girls to be in community has been an organic part of my world. The consistent presence of Black women and girls in my world every minute of each day compels me to remember who we are at our core, remember what we need to thrive and have joy, and make my presence in the world one of grace and strength as a response to this knowing.

WHY DO YOU DO THIS WORK? This work has been a gift to me. The world is setup to operate in way that forces Black women and girls to oscillate between breaking down barriers and overcoming hardships while unreasonable expectations and looming invisibility levitate over our heads. Until that changes, there will always be a need for this work. I believe that I have a unique set of gifts and voice that broadens the perspective and view of Black women and girls. It's a privilege that I get to add to the chorus that so many are belting out in order for us to hear a Black girl's song sang, so that we can all get free.


Erin Stephens Director of Wellness ProgrammingÂ


WHAT DOES THE BEAUTIFUL PROJECT MEAN TO YOU? TBP means experiencing Black women and girls as beauty personified; facilitating Black women and girls encountering themselves in truth and love; with courage, intention, vulnerability and generosity, collectively positioning ourselves to be well.

HOW DO YOU PERSONALLY FOSTER SISTERHOOD AND CREATE SPACE FOR BLACK WOMEN & GIRLS TO BE IN COMMUNITY WITH EACH OTHER? Black women have always held me down. In my childhood, Black women in my family and community poured into me and prayed over me. In my adulthood, Black women labored beside me, healed me, covered me with grace and rejoiced with me. I live and give in this overflow, hoping that through my teaching, writing, friendship and mothering I pass forward what's been endowed to me to other women and girls.

WHY DO YOU DO THIS WORK? I do this work because it allows me ownership of my energy, creativity and labor. It gives me freedom to exist as my dopest self in my work. This work keeps me— our mission, our creativity and our love for one another. The image of myself reflected through the eyes of my teammates keeps me. The Sisterhood keeps me. I do this work because I believe it.


Khayla Deans Digital Media Strategist

WHAT DOES THE BEAUTIFUL PROJECT MEAN TO YOU? The Beautiful Project is a sacred and safe space where I am continuously learning the intricacies of being a Black woman image maker. TBP has taught me how to build community with other Black women with intention.

HOW DO YOU PERSONALLY FOSTER SISTERHOOD AND CREATE SPACE FOR BLACK WOMEN & GIRLS TO BE IN COMMUNITY WITH EACH OTHER? My time with TBP taught me how to create a supportive, loving, and honest space to develop deep relationships with the women and girls in my life. I did not think much about cultivating sisterhood with other women until I entered TBP’s space years ago and was given the Sisterhood Creed. While I may not think about it consciously every day, I strive to carry out the Creed with the sister-friends in my life.

WHY DO YOU DO THIS WORK? I do this work because it is necessary. I do this work because it brings me joy and purpose. I do this work because it feels like home.


This year, we launched The Beautiful Project Fellowship. The intention of the fellowship is to work

TBP Fellow

Cristin Stephens

alongside creative, skilled and passionate women who are interested in advancing the wellness of Black women and girls. Through the fellowship, we hope to expand our collective and to train Black women and girls as image-activists that can join us in our pursuit of representational justice. In the spring, we excitedly welcomed Cristin Stephens as our first TBP fellow. Cristin is an artist, photographer, world traveler who is passionate about telling powerful stories through documentary film. She is currently editing a feature-length documentary that explores the experiences of Black gay men in the south of the United States. Cristin also consults on projects related to international education. She has an M.S.Ed. in Education from the University of Pennsylvania.

HOW DO YOU DEFINE SISTERHOOD? Sisterhood is the ability for women to see their souls reflected in the souls of other women, and to be keepers of each other.

WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR YOU TO BE A PART OF THE BEAUTIFUL PROJECT COLLECTIVE? To be a part of the Beautiful Project Collective is to pursue the charge of seeing and loving Black women as the diverse, complex and beautiful women that they are.

WHAT IS THE WORK THAT YOU DO AND WHY DO YOU DO IT? I'm interested in amplifying the voices of marginalized communities as a Black woman with a commitment to uplift otherwise underrepresented people like myself.


In Her Words:Â Beautiful Reflections by TBP 2017 Interns


The Beautiful Project internship program affirms our belief that sisterhood and visual narratives can be activist tools to enable and advance the wellness of Black women and girls. We created the internship program to train Black undergraduate women in the skills and strategies needed to create spaces and images that affirm the humanity and nuance of Black women and girls. In fall 2016, the fourth class of TBP interns joined us in the work to create and capture powerful stories and images. When their internship year came to an end, Alex, Kaci, Madylin, and Meron, took a moment to reflect on their time spent at TBP.

Alexandria Miller

My internship with the The Beautiful Project has been one of the most rewarding experiences of all during my college years. Never before have I had the opportunity to meet and dissect Black womanhood and its multiplicities with such a diverse group of accomplished, courageous Black women. We have formed everlasting friendships and sisterhood, danced in kitchens to Beyonce while kneading pizza dough, and we’ve laughed and supported each other through a particularly difficult year. My favorite part of this year has been developing my voice through writing and using my passion for words to make unapologetic statements about my identities. I will carry this year with me forever and I am thankful TBP welcomed me into such a Beautiful family.


Kaci Kennedy Kaci Kennedy

I did not know exactly what to expect when I started this internship with The Beautiful Project. All I knew was I just wanted to be a part of The Beautiful Project collective. I want to be the voice to other Black women and girls that I needed growing up and that I still need today. The day of the retreat I knew that I was where I should be. What I did not realize was how much The Beautiful Project would help and influence me. Some of the most valuable lessons I learned is to not just to accept yourself but to love and embrace the woman you are and the importance of self-care. I am very grateful I had the opportunity to meet and work with such amazing, talented, and inspirational women.

image by Alexandria Miller


Madylin Nixon-Taplet

image by Kaci Kennedy

When I first interviewed for The Beautiful Project – hands sweaty, face flushed and full of makeup I didn’t think I needed, but put on anyway out of sheer nervousness and overcompensation – I didn’t exactly have any particular motive in mind except: How can I help little Black girls? How can I be as amazing as the women who I faced in this moment? And how in the world could I do it all through my mediocre art? A few nights before I’d had the pleasure of attending the debut of Beautiful’s Self Care Exhibit, and had been almost immediately struck with a kind of inspiration I hadn’t felt since I’d first applied to my undergraduate program many, many years before. This most likely was the result of 1. Being in such a powerful space and 2. Meeting some of the most astonishing women I’d come to know in one glorifying night. Amongst these women, of course, were two I was interviewing with for The Beautiful Project. So in that moment – palms sweaty and face flushed – I spoke my truth. I praised the work I wanted to, myself, become committed to. I questioned the ways in which I could get involved with the project. And a few days later, I joined a team of phenomenal young women that would be my Beautiful Cohort for the next lifetime. Prior to my connection with Beautiful, I had only dreamt of making a difference in any one life, especially when it came to Black community involvement. I wanted to help. I wanted to be the change, but I had no idea how to start. I did not feel my voice was powerful enough to protest in earnest; my temperament too closely drawn to tendencies of acquiescence. 21

Madylin Nixon-Taplet I wanted to be of aid in a way that would elicit

The Beautiful Project has not only brought me

the vitality of my Blackness, but endear my

closer to this understanding, but has cultured a

nurturing soul. The Beautiful Project not only

spirit of positive depiction for my future

gave me that opportunity, but also cultivated a

endeavors. I see the work that is being done. I

way for me to progress my own contributions to

relish in my ability to be involved with such a

the Black femme power movement for years to

formidable group of women. I am excited to see

come. Most importantly, it gave me the courage

where Beautiful goes and how I can stand to be

to do all these through a pastime that I’ve adored

part of that growth. I am overwhelmed with love

since my childhood: writing and photography.

and appreciation for the relationships fostered

There’s a kind of blessing in being able to use

through this program. And I cannot wait to

one’s passionate interests in this way.

continue this work, as hard as it may be, because in the end I want to know that the

When I photograph Black women, especially in

universal portrayal of my Black daughters,

these communal spaces, I feel as if I have

sisters, nieces, cousins, friends and self is

transcended the lines between the imagination

nothing but something BEAUTIFUL.

of sovereignty and the reality of life. Through my depictions of Black womanhood, I can show the world two sides of the same story: the authenticity of Black femme autonomy and how hard we work to get there. I am able to tell the world that Black women are strong and weak, powerful and submissive, free and bound. We experience love, loss, success, downfall. We are intelligent, willful, unapologetic, undefeated and worth it! We are no one thing or the other. We are who we are in any given moment, we live in that truth on any given day. We are one of the Creator’s most beautiful creations and we should celebrate it without consequence.


Meron Habtemariam I had the honor of being a member of the TBP Cohort during the 2016-2017 school year. It was an experience I will never forget. I was constantly challenged to be the best I could be as well as being challenged to help Black girls and women through different, creative outlets. My favorite moments involved any time the cohort physically met up to do things. Some examples include Black August in the Park, Kitchen Table Talks, or the orientation at Pam’s house. At Black August in the Park, the Durham community got together to enjoy delicious foods, music, and learn about different organizations working to fight the good fight. As a cohort we had the opportunity to take pictures of Black women and girls in this space. It was a space of joy and love. We captured that. We were able to take pictures of Black joy. It was amazing. Kitchen Table Talks is exactly what it sounds like (not necessarily in a kitchen but there is food!). We gathered together to reflect, heal, and discuss.


My favorite Kitchen Table Talk was when we

From my time at The Beautiful Project I learned

watched the short film THE DOOR - Miu Miu

that there are different ways to be involved in

Women's Tales #5. As a Black girl with

the fight for social justice and the fight for Black

depression I was able to really relate to the film

women and girls. As a creative I always

with my own perspective. For me, it was a

wondered how I could contribute and The

moment where I could relate to a character that

Beautiful Project gave me that outlet. I learned

looked like me.

the power of images and how they shape how we think as a society. Images are powerful and I

Orientation at Pam’s house was the beginning of

have the power to be the one to help shape how

my journey for inner peace. My resolution for

people view Black women and girls.

2017 is health and that is due to Pam and Jamaica’s guidance that I’m taking active steps to take care of myself. I’m still not great at it but I still try my best! Orientation also taught me how to facilitate safe spaces for Black women and girls. As a cohort we discussed how Black women view themselves and where that comes from. We laughed and cried over our different yet similar experiences. It was a life changing experience and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.


We called... a multitude answered

#dearblackgirl {in action} Letters of Love from Black Women Around the World

In 2015, The Beautiful Project launched a virtual campaign called #dearblackgirl (DBG) that invited Black women to write letters to Black girls. The hundreds of letters we received were full of hope, wisdom, cheers, affirmation and celebration of the beauty and worth of Black girls. Over the years, we’ve used samples of the DBG letters to conduct workshops with young Black girls and women. This past April, we decided to launch a #dearblackgirl {in action} event to bring the DBG experience to life. Our goal for the event was to guide Black girls and women in a powerful encounter with letters from the DBG campaign. We invited daughters and mothers, sister-friends, DBG authors and TBP collective members to join us for a lovely evening of affirmation, empowerment and sisterhood.Â


Great conversations could be heard around the room as authors of some of the letters interacted and spoke directly with girls who had read letters. The room was divided into different stations of engagement which included a space for Black girls to send letters from the campaign to girls in their life or write a letter of their own to send. It was quite encouraging and powerful to see girls spread across the floor, writing and decorating their letters with total abandon and deep focus. Situated close by was another opportunity for girls to write on a wall, declarations and affirmations for and about themselves in support of their strength, courage, capabilities, power and beauty. TBP was honored to have a past TBP program participant, Nandi, on board to help us facilitate the event. Nandi and a host of her dope friends spread out throughout the room to provide guidance and assistance to the night’s goals however and wherever they could. Big hugs and thanks to Nandi, her parents Cimmaron and Dosali, and friends Veronika, Chaun, and Assata. We are so grateful for everyone who supported and created with us! images by Kaci Kennedy & Jamaica Gilmer

Kitchen Table Talks Words by PAMELA THOMPSON Photos by JAMAICA GILMER Hearty vegetable soup served hot with soft, buttered

It was as if the food was somehow a hostess for us,

cornbread on the side. Fresh melon in the

inviting us to sit and share the experience of our

summertime. Macaroni & cheese and collard greens on

company for however long we wanted. The food

an easy Sunday afternoon or even a mid Monday

provided comfort and familiarity, making even a space

afternoon snack as simple as a sweet and salty mix of

full of strangers feel like home. And, naturally, that’s

nuts, dried fruits and popcorn; all food is comfort food.

what began to happen; we found ourselves in each

Something magical happens when people gather over

other’s kitchens and living rooms, extending ourselves in

good food. Tensions begin to ease, we find the freedom

ways that we could only feign in restaurants. And, the

to allow our thoughts to wander to good, pleasant

food was even better. We have always reveled in the

places, body postures relax and slow, unforced smiles

wonder of the effects of a prepared table and so we

spread wide across full, satisfied lips. Back in the early

created a space to offer to our sister-interns, what we

days of planning and preparing for what we hoped TBP

had enjoyed for ourselves; thinking, reflecting,

would one day become, Jamaica and I would set out in

conversing and dreaming with the aroma and repose of a

search of bookstores and good restaurants where we

thoughtfully prepared selection of foods in front of us.

could fill our minds and bellies. We could perch at a restaurant over the same meal for hours, talking, laughing, planning and strategizing.

"Something magical happens when people gather over food."


This experience has been known to our collective as the

Gabrielle is presently on a quest to preserve and honor

Kitchen Table Talks (KTT). Inspired by the thought

her family land and legacy and spending time there has

provoking Kitchen Table Series where the incomparable

been an easy facilitator for gathering the information

Carrie Mae Weems stories scenes from relationships

and skills needed to begin to carry on the traditions of

with herself and (others who could be interpreted as) her

her ancestors. Unfortunately, weather and plans made it

lover, her friends and her child around the table,

difficult for us to spend time with all of them the way we

experiencing different moments of a life. We are awe

planned, but we arrived to find Gabrielle in her element.

inspired by Carrie Mae Weems and continue to gaze

She had laid out a table in the middle of the yard,

upon the perspectives reflected in her photography. We

situated just next to the garden. On the table were wild

could see ourselves at that table in different phases of

flowers from the yard, beautifully aligned down the

our lives and wanted to invite other women to sit, sup

center of the table to create a runner made from nature.

and do life with us. Throughout the life of The Beautiful

Serving a simple two course lunch Gabrielle opened her

Project, we have seen different forms of this simple idea

heart and her table to us, spontaneously creating an

carried out. From staff tables to intern and staff tables

environment perfect for a kitchen table talk. The

and even women of note in our community hosting staff

afternoon was made all the more lovely and lively by the

and interns at their tables, we’ve stretched out in spaces

presence of my little girls who were watching their mud

all over Durham, NC.

pie and rock soup dreams come true right before their

When you spread out the table and invite women to pull up a chair, sisterhood practices begin to happen.

eyes. This was more than just a picnic. This was a real meal, prepared with love, deliciously served at a table made just for us by our friend. The fact that the meal was made from fresh produce from the garden was such a

Our hope is that as you read about our experiences with

point of interest for the girls and they jumped right into

this idea, that you’ll host such experiences for the

the conversation about how when they are outside

women in your orbit. It’s simple. The most recent

playing with nature and making their own cuisine of

encounter we had with a KTT was super informal and a

brown dirt and sand, they wish they could make a table

great surprise. During an explorative and informative

like this with real food and serve it to their friends. Even

planning trip to New York, Jamaica and I had the great

the littlest girl was jolly and happy to be part of the

privilege of meeting Gabrielle Eitienne. She is a fashion

conversation. And so we sat there, in and out of

designer, culturist, journalist, chef and altogether an

conversation and laughs, chatting between bites, talking

amazing, generous and gifted woman. We had no idea

about life and watching the girls play.

when we met her that she had roots in North Carolina

All of us feeling welcomed. All of us in bliss.

but once we discovered that she did and had planned to be there soon, she invited us over to her family homestead to shadow and document the experience of

Kitchen Table Talks are a really easy and organic way to

her spending time as an apprentice to her grandfather

cultivate and nourish sisterhood. All you need is an open

(affectionately known as “Pops”) and uncle (equally as

table, food that your folks will enjoy, a willing heart and

affectionately known as Uncle Andrew). Pops and Uncle

listening ears. The magic that will happen in front of your

Andrew are fascinating, talented men claiming between

eyes will encourage your spirit for moments beyond

them the titles of inventor, mechanic, welder, and

what happens at the table.

farmer amongst so many other things. 31

Activating Sisterhood Resources for Practice   Here are some activities and tools that we use to foster sisterhood in our community.


Write a Letter Above is an example of a letter written from the heart of one Black girl to another. Girls, you have the power to speak hope, joy, courage and love to girls all around you. Take up your pen and write a letter to share with a girl in your life. You never know how much hearing from you, in this way, could mean to her!


Practical Steps to Cultivate Sisterhood We believe that sisterhood IS activism so we have worked to exemplify how to use sisterhood AS activism. Please consider the chart below as a facilitator for exercising more intentionality as a sister standing up and holding space for another sister.


There is no rule book on how Black women are to relate to, care for, or love one another. Throughout history we have often responded to societal norms and pressures born out of systemic oppression and a capitalistic construct. In efforts to survive and be well, particularly mentally and emotionally, some of us have felt the pressure to adopt an “I’ve got me, and all I need is me” attitude in what feels like a “You against Me” world. And this is within the community of Black women, a biome set inside a larger ecosystem of uneven gendered and racialized experiences faced by Black women each day. If Black women can’t trust and rely on one another, the sister across the way from us whose reflection is in some form or another a resemblance of our own, how then do we position ourselves to be well and whole in a world that often feels so hostile to who we are and aspire to become? Through the years of doing the work of The Beautiful Project, interacting with Black women and girls from all walks of life, we’ve discovered that we are more kindred than alien. We want the same things and we want to be able to feel safe with one another. The Sisterhood Creed was created to be our attempt at making a statement about how we want to engage Black women and girls in our organization and the world. It is the governing document that informs how we handle one another when we’ve known each other for years, when we’ve only just met, when we are so pleased to be in each other’s company and when we feel offended and hurt by each other. We’ve tried out different lines from the creed in various situations and found a way to make them work for us, strengthening our relationships with each other. Here, we offer the creed to you. Be in conversation with it, interrogate it, engage its principles with the Black women in your community. It is our hope that some part of it will resonate with you and that it will encourage more grace and deeper interactions in your pursuit of enjoying authentic sisterhood relationships with the Black women you do life with right now.

The Sisterhood Creed When I look at you, I choose to see a reflection of myself. I know that I can be many things to many people On any given day and today, You look like the me I am at some point in my journey. Seeing myself in your eyes, compels me to give you grace, To choose to love you when you are not so easy to love… To challenge you to higher and deeper things Because I know what you are made of And I know that you can do better. I’m compelled to compete for you, not against you. I am determined to abandon jealousy When it comes to you because you are me And when you receive, so do I. I recognize that my smile holds you up. My kind, sincere words encourage you to jump Believing that the net will appear. My loyalty to your greater purpose Helps you fulfill that purpose. I see me in you So I accept you as you are right now, today. Cause girl I know you’re working on it. And we’ll get there. United, we can bring more sister hearts together in love -when we walk into a room, uniquely the same, giving everyone else around us the freedom to love thy neighbor as herself. Because the beauty I see reflected in your eyes gives me permission to accept the beauty already in mine. You are a sweet reminder of the possibilities available When we make acceptance our choice. Just as you are, I choose you. And I’ll keep making that choice every time I see you. © 2017 The Beautiful Project @thebeautifulprj

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